
The Rewards of Impulse

Date:  August 31, 2003
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Southern Bowl
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  I really like this log. :)  For three reasons:  one,
for the quality and enjoyability of the RP; two, for its importance 
to a future plot and possibly also to character dynamics (you'll see
what I mean), and three, because Yashira finally actually got to 
knee somebody! ;)  I left that part in the log, even though Kassi's
not on the scene.  I couldn't resist.  The scene starts somewhat 
abruptly since I signed on in the middle of the pre-flight RP; 
Dianneth's just about to rise, to the indubitable delight of the
maleriders onhand.  Afterwards, Kassi seeks out a flight-lost 
I'sai in the Bowl to offer him Benden wine, condolences... and 
something a bit beyond.


The Log:

Lysseth> "Goodies," B'var says, propping himself up by the elbow. Blurry
eyes try to focus on S'vyn and T'van, but they fail. So, he decides to get
to his feet. Miraculously, he makes it, brushing off his jacket and
straightening it out. Yashira, Gay, and Yselle get a grin. "Evening,
ladies," He says, turning to S'vyn, T'van and I'sai then. "And, ladies." He
starts laughing again.

Lysseth> "Lots and lots of cranky people," I'sai agrees. "Could always
hoist 'im over your shoulder and dump him in the infirmary or something?
Unless you think he'd sick up," at which point he eyes the drink-sodden
pair that much more thoughtfully, straightening away only for T'van. "Did
you hear that? He called us -ladies-. And... very tender, very cranky ears.
Why would you want to do the same thing, though? Why not try for something

Lysseth> Javinia's pushing her ash brown waves out of her eyes; they're
mussed, windblown, the night wind still picking, nagging at them. She's not
as neatly dressed as usual. Her brown's hulking down beside her, great
velvet nose nudging the air, the glimmer of his eyes torn between his own
at Dianneth. At the sound of her name, Javinia turns to Gay, managing a
less than bright, "Heyla."

Lysseth> R'var stares grinningly up at S'vyn and T'van, his head lolling on
his neck like it wasn't attached very well. His hair is damp, and choppy
locks stick to his forehead, his cheek; clearly, he's lost his helmet
sometime and -somewhere- this night. "Saa.. Sa, hey, -hey-," he starts,
smiles with stunned idiocy. "Washn't.. us, fight? Not right now, yeah?
Yeah, not.. " He grunts. "Yeah. Brev? Where'd Brev go? I mean my hat. My
hat, Brev.. are you still, you are holding it, right, for me?"

Lysseth> Yashira nods to I'sai. "So what if they spew? Not like that hasn't
happened to me before. Or you, you have a horde of spawn." She claps her
hands together. "Lovely, then. You can take the irritating bluerider, and
I'll take the Fort rider. Sound good?"

Lysseth> Yselle breaks free of S'vyn, since he's so busy glaring at R'var,
and crouches down to the turnday boy. "Happy turnday," she says brightly.
"How old are you? You don't look a day over sixteen." Since she's so
cheerful and all, she administers a very enthusiastic turnday kiss. Her
beaming lasts for all of the full two minutes it takes Dianneth to wake.
Her eyes whirl angrily, red, chaotic. She /hisses/ at the males as though
she could drive them back with the force of her voice. Her rider too is
affected; changing so quickly from happy-vague to furious in the time it
takes for the green to wake. "Get away!" she snaps. She pushes herself away
from R'var, administering an open hand slap as though all of this were
/his/ fault. "Get away. We're hungry!" She stands, shaky, eyeing them, all
those maleriders she so recently wanted to kiss in an angry, paranoid way.
"Go away."

Lysseth> "Evening," Gay responds to B'var, politely and automatically,
though her nose is still a bit crinkled when she glances at the brothers.
Javi's of more interest right now - though the weyrling's quick gaze
flashes back to Yselle now and again. "Hey." She pauses, at a loss for
words before she manages, rather brightly, "Nice night."

Lysseth> Javinia tries to take in the scene -- R'var and his ... brother?
-- I'sai among them? Her wingsecond seems to have things in hand. Gay.
Thank Faranth for Gay. She leaves her brown with an obvious reluctance,
meeting up with the goldrider, a quick look up. As if trying to be polite,
she says, "It was earlier, when Tray and I were up at the Stones, but ... "
Blinking, her hazel gaze goes straight to Yselle.

Lysseth> Indrath straightens a touch at the shift in Dianneth's composure;
favors her rider with a quick glance before his own gaze spins crimson, and
he spreads his wings a touch to taste the evening wind.

Lysseth> B'var answers R'var first. "I have no sharding idea where your
helmet is, Riv. For all I know, Fir ate it." His eyes remain on Yashira,
though, clouded and unfocused as they are. Her comment brings an overly
charming smile, however, and he says, "Where are we going?"

Lysseth> I'sai's slanty brows dart in, "What does spawn have to do with
spewing? Other than the first three - no, two letters and a 'w', and make
that a - " that slap breaks him off, and he whistles sharp and low, "Never
mind. Much harder and he'd have to go to the infirmary for real." A long
look at Yselle's followed by his indeed taking a step away: towards the
records room, to stash those precious hides.

Lysseth> Chanth seems overly pleased with himself today, and happier than
the churlish brown usually is, too. Sitting lazy and still, watching the
fun, he suddenly comes more awake--like Indrath. With a hiss, he lurches to
his feet.

Lysseth> "They spew. It's a thing spawn do," Yashira explains to I'sai. She
glances over at the slap as well, then eyes the dragons in general. "Jays."
To B'var, she says, "We're going to flying dragon land. Keep your pants
*on* and you may survive."

Lysseth> Naelanth hunkers down, shoulders rounding up, head going low,
almost boulder-like in posture, except for that long length of tail. His
gaze follows his rider, but it's Dianneth he's watchful of now, though he
holds still, gaze shifting, moving between his and the glow of the green.

Telgar Weyr> K'ran snickers at Yashira. I love you. Run away with me.

Telgar Weyr> Yashira says, "Keep your pants ON and maybe I will."

Telgar Weyr> Yselle giggles.

Lysseth> Decarath's head bobs once; now that the rider's clued in, he
spreads his wings and watches attentively.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Like Big Jim and the Twins would let themselves
be made vulnerable around *you*, Yash? Shouldn't they know better? ;)"

Lysseth> R'var touches his slapped face, and then drunkenly eyes his hand.
"Oh, no," he moans, starting to chuckle helplessly. "She's going up-- Brev,
she's.. u'n, up. An' I'm so.. drink. Uh uh. Brev. Brev, you're going to
ha.. hahave to get her, all right? I can't.. uuhn. Can't e'en find my hat
with both hands. Not my hat, I mean-- " And he just grins, eyes wobbly
beneath low lids and long lashes, lolled out on the ground like a dropped

Lysseth> Gay's eyes are fixed on Yselle, even as Javinia's are - wide and a
little surprised and just a little bit fascinated. She doesn't say
anything, merely lifting a hand to pat her friend's shoulder lightly. When
she finnaly speaks, it's only a low, "Good luck." Whether it's for Javinia
or her brown? Hard to say.

Lysseth> Yselle staggers back, looking around rather desperately as if now
she has no idea where to go. She whips her eyes to each of the suddenly
threatening maleriders, and with some desperation fixes on Gay. "Gay.." she
says "We're..." /Then/ Dianneth leaps up. Hissing once again, she flies
over to the feeding pens. She does not look back. Her flying is tense,
angry. Stay away.

Lysseth> Above, Taralyth leaps out from Taralyth's ledge, high along the

Lysseth> Dianneth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry her aloft.

Lysseth> Above, Dianneth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> "My *pants*?" B'var says, scowling at Yashira. He also takes the
opportunity to look down and make sure the garment in question is still
where it's supposed to be. "I got my.." he trails off, eyes shifting to
Yselle. "Hey," he tells R'var, as if it's news, "I think Yselle's proddy."

Lysseth> Decarath was waiting for that. He springs aloft, like a feline
darting after its prey.

Lysseth> Decarath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Lysseth> Above, Decarath flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> Above, Taralyth vaults up from his ledge, bright wings glinting
wide - _wide_, there in the moonlight, Timor's shadow bold and black,
Belior's subtler, barely there; he's all but silent, gliding there in the
cold, crisp night. And then she, too, leaps - leads - and he sharpens his
arc toward the killing fields.

Lysseth> Above, Taralyth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> Javinia blinks, casting a glance across the line of her shoulder
to Gay. Her mouth tightens, straight brows drawing together, but then it's
a deep breath, a nod. With an index finger, she makes a little cross over
her heart, giving the goldrider a meaningful look. There's concern in her
expression, for Yselle, but she makes no move toward her. Of course, "Not
sure Naelanth's going to ... " The brown's still hunkered, wings flexing,

Lysseth> Firianth stumbles an uneasy step, and another, shaking the ground.
His wings stretch, and with a stumbling sort of charge, he lifts, ungainly,
hulking up into the sky.

Lysseth> Firianth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Lysseth> Indrath takes to wing a moment after Dianneth, dusk-kissed frame
slung long and low over the bowl to where blood beckons.

Lysseth> Indrath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Lysseth> Chanth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Lysseth> Above, Indrath flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> Above, Chanth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> Yashira eyes Decarath as he leaves, then narrows her eyes at
B'var. "Your. Pants," she hisses irritably.

Lysseth> Above, Firianth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> B'var narrows his eyes in return, glaring at Yashira. "I *got* my
pants," he tells her, pointedly. "Maybe you should watch your own pants."
To emphasize his point, he slaps Yashira on the backside, all friendly like.

Lysseth> Naelanth watches the other dragons take wing, though his eyes
search for green. One last look toward his rider, almost apologetic the
snort he puffs out, the sound making her turn. They look at each other for
a long moment, and then he's rousing himself, nose leading him up into the

Lysseth> Yselle swallows. Surrounded. She closes her eyes as though if she
doesn't /see/ them, they're not there. "Hungry," she breathes. "So hungry."
She takes a wild swipe in front of her, heedless of T'van stepping towards
her and only ducking away in time, to give S'vyn the full force of the slap.

Lysseth> Naelanth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Lysseth> Above, Naelanth flies towards the north end of the bowl.

Lysseth> "Ys - It's fine. It'll be fine. You know what to do." Gay's tone
is much calmer than one might expect. A nervous step towards the
greenrider, then she turns to Javi in time to catch the gesture - she
offers the brownrider a slight smile and a nod.

Lysseth> Yashira's eyes narrow. Blink and you miss it - her arm darts back
behind herself, hand clamping down on B'var's wrist. One painful jerk and
his hand's far away from her rear. She turns, gracefully, quickly, knee
coming up to slam between B'var legs. It's like she doesn't even have to
think. OW. OW. OW.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yashira, I love you."

Telgar Weyr> R'var says, "Well, I guess I'm never getting any nephews and
nieces :)"

Lysseth> K'ran comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Telgar Weyr> Yashira says, "B'var's a dear for letting me. :)"

Lysseth> Javinia's grimance is evident, and Naelanth gone, she looks rather
lost herself of a sudden. Hazel eyes look from face to face, pause at
I'sai, before moving on to ... Yashira and the Fort rider? That seems to
sink in -- slightly. "What in the -- "

Lysseth> B'var would be saying that--Ow--except he can't breath. His knees
buckle, and he finds himself on the ground again, grunting. Well, sort of
grunting. He still can't remember how to breathe.

Lysseth> Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Tadara's steely blue Agrarth
rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Alirath and his rider,
L'nan of Fort Weyr. 

Lysseth> Alirath backwings for a landing.

Lysseth> Reeling back from the blow, S'vyn clutches his reddening cheeks
and yells. "She can't eat, Ys! Only the blood!" He glares at T'van and
yells "YOU are supposed to be her friend dimwit. Do something." But Yselle
is still eyeing them all in horror. "Gay..." she's the only safe one.

Lysseth> Yashira tilts her head to the left, eyebrows raising a little as
she peers down at the little curled up Fortian brownrider. "That's why you
don't do that," she informs him calmly, lips quirking a bit at the corners.
"They never learn."

Lysseth> I'sai'd jerked a backwards nod Yashira's way, just so's she might
have known he'd heard; now, exiting the records room with his arms freed
but his collar clasped that much more closely about his throat, it's his
turn to stare: "What'd - what, Javi? What happened to him? Tell me she
doesn't have a knife in that dress - Gay. Get her to the guest weyr, and

Lysseth> Atop Alirath, L'nan is grumbling at his lifemate audibly.
"...don't know why you were in such a hurry, since after all I didn't need
to do this 'til later, an'..." Still muttering he dismounts, backpack of
hides on his back. "...shardin' blue lump...such a hurry..." And he starts
to head towards the caverns. Then he sees the crowd, and his eyes narrow.

Lysseth> L'nan unstraps himself from Alirath's neck and slides down to the

Lysseth> Alirath doesn't wait for his rider to catch on. He just goes.

Lysseth> Alirath lumbers north.

Lysseth> R'var by now is entirely conquered by the ale and good times of
too many Holds-- he lays out senselessly on the ground, smiling vaguely,
lips parted, passed out.

Lysseth> "She knee'd him!" Javinia says with some incredulity, and not a
little awe. Her hazel gaze sweeps back to I'sai. "She knee'd him." It's
enough to keep her occupied, until the guest weyr is mentioned, until
things start to escalate.

Lysseth> K'ran emerges from the living cavern at a run, barefoot and
hair-damp despite the cold, and with haphazardly-tugged-on shirt and
breeches that smell of sweetsand. He pulls up short before he reaches the
gathering, rakes a hand back through his hair to govern it -- and upon
finding R'var with his eyes, allows a wry smile to curve his lips. "Charming."

Lysseth> B'var eventually gets his breathe back, squirming a little and as
yet unable to get to his feet. It might have something to do with the fact
that he won't bring his hands away from where Yashria kneed him.
"SweetMotherMuckBucket. What hit me?" comes out in one breath. It takes a
moment to get another. "Oh, I'm gonna need to visit Ice Lake, I just know it."

Lysseth> Gay rushes over to Yselle's side at the greenrider's echo of her
name, at I'sai's direction. Javi's shot a quick, concerned glance before;
"Okay, Ys. Just the blood, right? We gotta go, okay?" She takes the other
woman's arm gently, steering her away from the maleriders and the feeding
grounds, towards the weyrs. "It'll be fine."

Lysseth> Yashira nods proudly to Javinia. "I did. He touched me. It was a
bad idea."

Lysseth> Yselle clings to Gay. "Tell them to go away," she pleads. She
looks back to glare at them all. "Just the blood," she whispers. "I can't
do this. Tell them to go. They can't catch us."

Lysseth> A dragon lands, shooing off a bunch of layabouts who are in his way.

Lysseth> "That's Yashira for you," and I'sai's tone carries in it something
like pride; he moves to join them, steps light, wary. "Guess no Bitra after
all, hey? though it's still a gamble. A gamble, make your bets now - "

Lysseth> L'nan's narrowed eyes take in R'var and B'var and he frowns. "Is
there a fight going on? Is that why-" Then he glances towards the feeding
grounds and snorts. "Huh." Returning vague attention to B'var he asks,
"Y'all right? What happened t'you?" A quick grin to K'ran and the others he
knows in the area.

Lysseth> Yselle moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out
of sight as she enters the workroom.

Lysseth> "Can too," says Gay, almost cheerfully. "You can too do it. You're
ready, and you have to." She squeezes her friend's arm, steering her
towards the guest weyr.

Lysseth> Gay moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of
sight as she enters the guest weyr.

Lysseth> Yashira strides after Yselle, still pleased with herself.

Lysseth> Yashira moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out
of sight as she enters the guest weyr.

Lysseth> Javinia looks, wonderingly at Yashira, back to R'var's brother,
the other bluerider. Then she doesn't seem to know where to look. Small,
work-callused hands tug at her clothes, pat over them, as if for something
to do, and she watches I'sai, the other riders, marvelling at their calm.

Lysseth> K'ran stoops briefly to attempt a swift poke to R'var's shoulder,
as if to satisfy himself that the bluerider's merely passed out drunk and
not dead. If he answers L'nan's smile wanly it's only through circumstance,
and he, too, is picking up his feet to follow the group to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> K'ran moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of
sight as he enters the guest weyr.

Lysseth> B'var grasps at L'nan for a hand to help him up. "Faranth knows,"
is the only answer he has. Once on his feet, he stumbles a bit,
straightens, and takes a step, trying to be cool. IT doesn't work. He'll be
walking like a wherry for a while.

Lysseth> Gay emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> I'sai ducks past the drunkards with a hissed curse.

Lysseth> I'sai moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of
sight as he enters the guest weyr.

Lysseth> L'nan gives B'var a hand up, eyeing the other rider. "Uh, all
right, then..." He clearly thinks the brownrider's a bit daft for the
moment, but after all, there's a flight on. "C'mon..." With a quick grin,
he adds, "You gonna be able to perform if Chanth catches?" Then, before
B'var can hit him or something, he ducks into the guest weyr.

Lysseth> L'nan moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of
sight as he enters the guest weyr.

Lysseth> Javinia breaks into a trot, following after the others, a grimace
for Gay as she comes out of the guest weyr and the brownrider heads in.

Lysseth> Javinia moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out
of sight as she enters the guest weyr.

Lysseth> Gay darts out of the weyr and back towards the other end of the bowl.

Lysseth> Gay walks north.

Lysseth> B'var moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of
sight as he enters the guest weyr.

[Editor's Note:  Time passes; the scene picks up just after
flight's ending, with Indrath having proven the victor.]

Lysseth> Yashira emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> L'nan emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> Javinia emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> B'var emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> I'sai emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr.

Lysseth> L'nan walks north.

Lysseth> Javinia walks north.

Lysseth> Taralyth backwings for a landing.

Lysseth> Chanth lumbers here from the north.

Lysseth> Yashira glowers, swinging her head toward the living cavern and
stalking in that direction.

Lysseth> Yashira walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living

Lysseth> B'var only breathes again when Yashira's past him. "Phew." A
grimace, and he turns to Chanth, rubbing the brown's nuzzle quietly.

Lysseth> Lysseth has stirred from her drowsing, some time during all this
melee; and she watches the return of the males with... well, it's not
*quite* open amusement at their plight. She has manners.

Lysseth> B'var grabs his brown's straps and quickly mounts the dragon,
settling between the narrow neckridges.

Lysseth> Chanth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

You slip out of the records cavern.

I'sai hastens toward his dragon, reaching up towards that dark muzzle,
muttering imprecations low in his throat - those and, nigh as softly, "Her
mistake, boyo. You're everything I - "

Kassima doesn't leave the shelter of the Records Room entrance until most
of the maddening throng has passed--no fool, she, nor quite as wicked as
her dragon since her gaze holds more sympathy than laughter as it flicks
across this chaser, that chaser. "Her taste in males is interesting," she
comments to I'sai, nearly as softly, when she's near enough--and raises one
hand, the wineskin dangling from it giving a muted, half-full sort of
slosh. "You're both all right?"

It's the slosh - familiar as it is, with its weight and promise - that
attracts I'sai's attention, slowly, slowly, even before the even more
familiar voice. He turns, hands trailing along that soft hide as if he
can't get enough of his dragon even now, nor Taralyth, dark-eyed Taralyth,
of him. Once the words have sunk in, "And no accounting for it," he says,
mastering his words to levelness, "Though I do believe I'll have won a
palmful of marks off it. Or two, the way - No, there's no point, let's
leave them; we'll be all right. Yeah." Gray eyes consider green; "And, and
if you're going to dangle that in front of me - tell me you'll share."

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio waves. :) And fears Kassi's status. ;)

[Editor's Note:  It was 'Puffy Purple Pimp Pants!' ;) ]

Lysseth's a moment before drifting in her rider's wake; if her eyes still
spin blue, there's no mirth in the soft warble, half-croon, she offers
Taralyth of the eyes-so-dark. For others, the amusement. For *him*:
something closer to consolation. "I can't say I understand it either,"
Kassima murmurs, it being her turn to sound a trace amused. "Given the
alternatives. You found people t'take that bet? You lucky sot--but you're
right; you can collect later." It's with a wry smile that she raises the
wineskin to eye-level, gives it a slight shake to make that slosh ring
again; then unstops it, and offers it to him. "Would I be so cruel as nay
to? Consider it yours. And good Benden, too, so you can also consider me

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "What can I say, Kich? It's Hammer time! ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Caliah hides behind R'var.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio passes Kassi the magical shoes and stands back. ;)

Telgar Weyr> R'var snores. :)

Telgar Weyr> Yselle says, "Hammer time?"

Telgar Weyr> Lanisa says, "Hammer time! :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yes. Yashira can demonstrate the dance."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai admires Yashira.

Telgar Weyr> R'var cracks up.

Taralyth arches his neck into that nigh-croon, he'll do that much, and
fastidiously lift his wingtips against from the earth - but only a
hairsbreadth, only just enough. "I did," agrees his rider, "And can only
guess they didn't... but you'll start me on it; later is good," and he
takes a step forward for that shake, that slosh, and another as slowly to
reach. "_Good_ Benden. Did you know I was coming? Yash went past - just
don't ask me to pronounce mag, magnam, whatever."

Telgar Weyr> Yashira demonstrates.

Yashira comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Yashira stomps out of the living cavern, holding a wineskin and looking

Telgar Weyr> Yselle says, "Yashira is so cool."

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio comes down to watch!

Saulith backwings for a landing.

Kichevio slides down easily from Saulith's neck.

A soft sigh issues from a green throat; Lysseth sidesteps, shifts--there,
close enough to offer a light brush of muzzle against the gleaming arch, a
soft rumble for the lowered, valiant wings. "I'll start you on it later,"
Kassi agrees. "Since I'd like t'hear *this* story, but making you wait for
the wine would only be cruel. Watching, 'twas, from the Records Room for a
time; I saw Taralyth land. I saw Yash knee that brownrider." My, but she
sounds pleased. "'Twas ever so proud." Her hand and its burden meets his
halfway, the scent of good red wine perhaps carrying; she adds, "And would
I be so cruel as t'do that? Really, now." There's a tailflick from Lyss to
greet Grumperiffic Yash with the Kung-Fu Action Grip, as well as Kich and

Kichevio slips down Saulith's side into the snow, giving her dragon a
sidelong glance as the green immediately starts sweeping snow about with a
wing and a forefoot, crooning cheery greetings to the other dragons with no
regard to whether or not cheer is merited. Kichevio starts padding through
the snow to the small group of riders, pausing just long enough to shape a
snowball and lob it at Saulith. "You bring me out in this, accept the
consequences...Yash kneed a brownrider? I'm sorry I missed it." In order to
avoid any recurrences of the Kung-Fu Action Grip, she proffers another skin
of wine. "It's not as fine as Kassi's, but I have a feeling it's needed. Is
there more to the story?"

Saulith gets a long, silent look, but then Taralyth turns away, past her
rider, back to his; I'sai breathes out, breathes in that wine. "Of course
you would," he says, though he still can't dredge up a smile. "And look,
past you; there's Yash. Speaking of kneeings - and you look due for
another," that last called to the brownrider, as he sidesteps to try and
put Kassi between them, in case.

Yashira grumbles, pointing out, "He touched my bum. No one's getting kneed - 
I'm going to my weyr. And then I'm gonna drink."

Decarath lumbers here from the north.

Kassima notices Kich and Yash a beat after her dragon does; she turns her
head long enough to nod greetings to both, her glance towards Yash
sympathetic. "Best thing I've seen in a full Turn, that," she offers to the
brownrider, sounding as if she means this as a compliment. "I'm proud."
Back to I'sai. "You may just overestimate m'cruelty in this particular
situation--look, I'll even protect you from kneeing, aren't I kind?" She
spreads her arms as though in defensive position, lest the Death Yash or
anyone else seek to pounce; but past the moment, her expression drops
thoughtful, and she lowers her voice to murmur something to him.

I'sai senses Kassima turns her head enough to meet grey eyes with green, or
at least the corner of green. "Speaking of kind, and hopefully of that lack
of cruelty... is there aught else, I'sai, I can be doing t'help you?" It's
softly asked, that question; hesitant, almost shy. "Or will the wine suffice?"

Kichevio can at least pretend to wait patiently--eventually, she'll hear
the story. "A bum-groper generally does deserve a kneeing," she agrees
softly. Always agree with the grumpy. "Too much action for us to come down
and add chaos to, but we watched from the ledge. It's good to know Ys and
Dianneth are carrying on the tradition of rambunctious maiden flights."

Yashira clambers onto Decarath, mmmphing. "Stupid tradition," she mutters.
She waves half-assedly, and then Decarath springs aloft, spiraling up to
their weyr.

Yashira climbs up onto Decarath's back.

Decarath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

"You saw it?" I'sai says, eyes wider now, if just as grayed; he's about to
say something to Yashira - past his protector - when she goes, and all he
can do is sag back against Taralyth, his share of the wineskin still in
hand. "And I'm with her. -Stupid- tradition, and..." as further words sink
in, surprise reflects, unguarded, on those sharp features. To Kassi, "You
wouldn't - mind?"

You sense I'sai's abruptly wistful, appreciative, _hopeful_ through it all - 
though he'd never have thought she'd - that it'd be enough -

"They had a fine turnout, by the looks of it," Kassi offers to Kich, "which
does help in the rambunctiousness. Mayhaps Yash will remember the kneeing
with more fondness later--" Apparently, we have found Kassi's definition of
a Kodak moment. She lets her arms fall and turns to face I'sai fully, a
smile touching the curve of her mouth at such surprise; "Nay," she denies,
quiet. "Nay with you. If'n you'd want--"

Kichevio chuckles. Sight of Yashira kneeing an overly amourous and equally
flight-lost fellow brownrider--priceless. "Yash always looks back on such
things with a certain fondness." Having eyes to see where Kassi and I'sai
are probably going with their conversation, she lobs the wineskin she's
holding loosely towards the bronzerider. If he catches it, great, and if
not, there's a convenient snowdrift handy. "I have no use for this at the
moment. I imagine you do."

I'sai senses Kassima's eyes, when she's turned, can be seen to hold some of
that same wistfulness, wistfulness and warmth for him and pleasure
beside--the reaction pleases her; no doubting. "I'd always help you," she
murmurs, just above a whisper and for his ears alone. "However you wanted;
only I didn't think you'd want, didn't want t'offend you in offering.
Something about tonight seems t'have made me impulsive, though."

You sense I'sai replies quietly, quickly, and not quite questioningly - not
quite, but nearly - "No offense; I'm _glad_ of it, glad not to be like
B'var and - impulsive, it suits you; your weyr?"

I'sai senses Kassima gives a soundless laugh: "You're naught like B'var, in
any way that I know of; and I'm glad, that you are. Mine would be fine, or
yours, or wherever you'd be most comfortable; only, y'know," and she's
suddenly teasing, eyes gleaming a wicked green, "nay *here*. Kich would
tell stories."

"And well she should," I'sai says, "And she was being, what was it, ram -
rambo - _ornery_, and not Dianneth. Yash was. Dianneth just sat there," and
when he breaks off to reply... well, the wineskin catches him dully in the
shoulder, much like where the green's beast had smacked Taralyth earlier.
He looks up, faltering to catch it and keep the hold on the other, and
eventually has it clamped between elbow and ribs. Just as awkwardly,
"Thanks. I, we," and he nods to Kichevio, with a touch of a smile, and
moves to follow Kassima and go.

Telgar Weyr> Yselle suddenly collapses. o.O

Telgar Weyr> Yselle says, "Take care all, and thank you all again. :D"

Telgar Weyr> Caliah hugs

Telgar Weyr> R'var hugs

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugsaYselle. :)

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "See ya, Ys! Have a good one."

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio tucks Ys in. :)

Telgar Weyr> Yashira waves.

Kassima has a sheepish smile for Kich, when she turns briefly from
him--"I'd say I taught her well," she quips, "but she was born with that
particular knowledge, methinks." No comment on the gift of the wineskin
besides a slight widening of that smile; she nods to I'sai then, and
reaches for her lifemate's straps.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> Kichevio steps back, away from any miniature blizzards that might be
stirred up, and sweeps a gracefully florid bow in response to both. Wine
has been given, dragons to their weyr(s), moons in the heavens, all's right
with the world.

<*> "Good 'nough," I'sai says with some relief, and fumbles the wineskin -
both wineskins - where he can hold their mouths with the one hand; he ducks
Kich a quiet nod for her bow, waves the wineskins at her and almost drops
them, and barely makes it up to Taralyth's neck. At least now, when the
dragon snorts, it's that much closer to amusement; and Lysseth's let to
lead the way.

<*> I'sai swings up to Taralyth's neck.

<*> Lysseth offers a rumble of her own touched by soft laughter--and with a
lash of that long, char-brushed tail, she's up, and gone, to blaze the

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor
to carry you aloft.

You fold your wings and land on Lysseth's ledge, then make your way into
the weyr proper.

<*> Taralyth backwings for a landing.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck.

Kassima must have noticed that difficulty in climbing onto Taralyth, on his
part, since once she's slid down from Lysseth's neck she slips over to the
bronze and bronzerider, to offer a hand: "I can be taking the wine off your
hands," she suggests, quietly amused, "if'n 'twould aid."

"So long as you give it back," I'sai says with a small smile, but rather
than giving the wine to her, slides down and into her arms. "...Better?"
Taralyth overlooks this with a slow release of breath, dark head sinking to
paws, long wings sinking tremulously back.

Kassima exhales a moment's caught breath in a manner not that dissimilar,
and curves her arms around him so that her hands rest lightly on his back;
she leans into the hold before murmuring, "Much--" And, with that said,
trying to catch his lips with hers. As for Lysseth, she furls her sails in
close and settles at Taralyth's side: offering a companionship more chaste
by necessity, in lieu of the kind that, as dragons, she cannot now give him.

And Taralyth moves to curve a wing over her, for all that it's not Lysseth
who needs protection; and with her not scenting of proddiness, not yet,
it's all the companionship he'd now seek. I'sai, now, he'd catch her
rider's lips as much as she catches his, and then unstopper the wineskin -
make that, _her_ wineskin, not the other - to share if she chooses; and
beyond that he readily, eagerly follows her lead.