-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'sai the Rhymer Date: June 23, 2002 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern and Southern Bowl; High Reaches Weyr's Skyspace, Western Bowl, and Hatching Galleries Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: 'True I'sai sat on Huntley Bank, where he beheld a lady gay; a lady that was brisk and bold, come riding o'er the ferny brae.' Well, maybe not so much. But I'sai does do an awful lot of rhyming in this log, as does Kassi (and no Queen of Fair Elfland, she!) when the two come across a poem and find themselves inspired. Inspiration further leads them to the High Reaches galleries, where they gawk at eggs, share gossip, and run into Amilin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. A trail of water droplets is left behind Kassima as she ambles from the Inner Caverns, probably provided by that helpful bounty of wet--albeit combed--hair that's trailing over her shoulders. The towel that's draped over said shoulders just hasn't done much to dry it, apparently. "Oh, stuff it in both ear cavities and the nostril of your preference," she invites Pierron in an amiable drawl, earning, as usual, a mildly disgusted look. I'sai has meanwhile turned the scroll over, hunting for something, anything on the other side - beyond a glass' water-ring, anyway; at the sound of her voice, though, he glances up. "So long as your choice isn't one of -mine-, Pierron." To Kassi herself, bright-eyed, "How's Fort? Still intact?" Kassima graciously grants, "So long as 'tis one of his. Though you'd look *interesting* with something stuffed up your nostril. Mayhaps a carrot?" Mayhaps not. She changes her course to head in his direction, the better to attempt a glance at this so-fascinating scroll; she halts, though, in order to... yes, that's a very light blush. Accompanied by a raspberry towards him. "Nay you *too*." I'sai curls his lip as answer to the first, and keeps the scroll with its back to him - albeit upside down - so she can have a look; "And why not? Payback's good for the spirit, I thought you'd said." [Editor's Note: The desc of the scroll follows:] --- Lying on the top of one of the tables is an old piece of hide. You look around to see if anyone is around who might have left this scroll before beginning to read. As you read you notice the archaic script as well as the long notes that were written by the writer. Another thing you notice is that the song seems somehow unfinished. Do you dare to finish this mysterious song? Should it be shown to the masters? Many questions to be answered. Will you answer them? When mornings light, begins to shine The sister's sight, lasting a short time. We see them at Dawn, in the southern sky This is their song, to tell us why Why do they shine, in the morning sky? Will we ever know, what those stars are? We stay up all night, to stare at the sky Just for a glimpse, of the Dawn Sisters. --- "And what's the payback for, if'n I may ask? I don't recall doing aught t'you lately. I even suggested t'Kiss that she hold off on performing her latest masterpiece for you until 'tis fully polished, and you owe me for that one if'n 'tis me you're asking." Kassima leans forward to read the scroll, brows quirking a bit and one corner of her mouth going through a series of contortions. "Quite a few commas," she finally observes. "Might have a good flow without 'em. Is it supposed t'rhyme, think you?" At least I'sai finishes off the meatroll before giving her another of those vague waves, "General principles. Because I have them; they're just hidden. And I think the 'sky' part is a recurring, uh, theme. Think that's the word. Could try Kiss out on it." Telgar Weyr> Ursa runs and pops popcorn. Kassima and I'sai. This promises to be a good evening. :) Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "You're (all) welcome to come on down to the Prrrrrrrice is Rrrrright. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Yashira switches the TV to that channel, too. Kassi! In the LC! Telgar Weyr> Jarven says, "Live, on LCTV!" Kassima slants him a look that would probably be dark if there weren't a hint of amusement in it. "Aye, I know that. Hidden and incomprehensible t'most mortal men. Welladay; watch yourself, or you'll find me paying you back for the payback--*also* on general principle--and who knows? I might be in a creative mood this eve." Back to the scroll. She purses her mouth at it. "'Recurring' is the word for it, I'll grant you. Methinks even Kiss would agree. She'd probably replace at least one of 'em with 'pie.' And one with 'Kisai.' Probably she'd have Kisai eating the pie and forget all about the sky, let's be facing it." Telgar Weyr> Kassima grumps. If I'd been anticipating such an audience, I'd have worn my showgirl costume with the blue-sequinned top hat and tails. ;) Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Her name was Kassi... she was a showgirl..." Telgar Weyr> Mirrari umms.. showgirls usually wear skimpy clothing that can be easily removed.. at least according to Vegas ;) Telgar Weyr> Ursa says, "Yellow feathers in her hair, oooh, that dress cut down to there..." Telgar Weyr> Kassima did not say what she would (or would not) be wearing *under* the blue-sequinned top hat and tails. ;) Telgar Weyr> Mirrari grins, okay..since were being authentic.. here's the giant peacock feathers that go in back :) "As if you aren't ordinarily in -some- creative mood or other," I'sai notes, with a brief glance to Pierron for verification. "...You can hold it, if you want. The scroll. Was just sitting here. And there's nothing wrong with Kisai and pie regardless of sky. Believe me: I don't lie." Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Peacock feathers! Very cool, yellow or otherwise. *takes a moment to poke bad net*" Telgar Weyr> Ursa is never going to get that song out of her head, I'sai. You've committed a grossly evil deed tonight. :) Telgar Weyr> K'ran was just going to say. They give death sentences for less, in certain countries. Telgar Weyr> I'sai looks pleased, both ways. Any particular death, or just a general sort? Kassima's unrepentant chortle would probably serve as confirmation, given as she plucks the scroll from his hand to study it more closely. "You inspire me," she assures, rolling the scroll back up for the specific purpose of poking it towards his nose. "And I must say aye; there's naught that's amiss with pie in the sky, when involving Kiss. But whether you lie? That's hard t'be guessing; many doubts have I, more than I'm expressing." Telgar Weyr> Ursa is probably just being punished for talking about Barry on the knot earlier today. "Doubts, schmouts," says Is, batting at the scroll. "Give it a... try." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "There's a very explicit sentence for this, Is. You must have 'It's a Small World After All' sung to you until your brain crawls from your ear in a desperate attempt to escape." Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "Either that or you are forced to watch the "Spock's Brain" episode of Star Trek on endless repeat." Withdrawing the scroll before it can be mauled, Kassi simply asks, "Why?" Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel would borrow Rina's titanium spork, at that point. :) Telgar Weyr> Mirrari has never seen that I'sai makes a show of thinking a moment, then comes up with, "Because really, we should see eye to eye." Telgar Weyr> I'sai suddenly looks very, very solemn. Kassima obediantly eyes the eyes of I'sai. "That isn't a lie," she accedes, all overdone solemnity, "I'll grant, with a sigh. Since else I might cry. Then you'd have t'die." Telgar Weyr> K'ran whistles the play dead. Offsetting five-minute majors. To the sin-bin, the both of you. :) "Die? By and by," I'sai teases. "More seriously, who do you think would have written - who would wriiii-te that?" "Your death is quite nigh," Kassi intones, drawing herself up to full height and trying to loom imposingly. Which, given that they're equally tall, is probably not apt to work. "Why, Is, how you pry! --I haven't clue one. Or clue fiii-ve. Which is really stretching things too far, methinks. I'd say one of the Weyrchildren if'n 'tweren't for the script--whoever 'tis certes hasn't signed it." She pauses. Can she resist? No. "Mayhaps he's... shy." "Nigh? Nigh?! Tonight?!" I'sai exaggerates a shuddering recoil partway through - half-perched on the table's edge as he is, she gets more loom-age - "...Shy, though. That's just not rii-ght. Hmm. Think you could convince Pierron to sing it, say, at breakfast? That might bring him out of the stonework. Or her. Whichever." Kassima replies, dryly, "Oh, aye. I'll kill you tonight, and use your skin t'wring m'hair dry." A knife appears in the hand not holding the scroll, and she waggles it at him briefly before it vanishes again; the improved loomage seems to please her. After a final glance at the piece of hide, she sets it back down on the table. "Doubt *I* could convince Pierron of much of aught, but *you* could always try. I'd nigh pay t'be seeing that. Stress, mind you, the *nigh*." I'sai scuttles awkwardly down-table as the knife disappears - one thing about wherhide, it prevents splinters - just enough to ease to his feet. "Key word being 'stress,'" he says. "As opposed to dress - any stray gifts from Katlynn lately? - And nah, I won't try. Am sticking to it: that's my reply." Kassima makes a face at his scuttling, folding her arms. "You just never change," she accuses, not without some of the old fondness. "Forever deranged. Only gift from Katlynn I know of in the recent past was her little pink treat for *you*--though, I did hear some strange rumor about her hanging pink underthings up in the Hall as a display... sometimes I wonder about her. What? You won't try? Alas! bemoan I. And I chide you: fie!" I'sai says, wide-eyed, "Fie?" and plays at quailing a little more. "Have stayed so far away from pink underthings, hers or - never mind. The things you _imply_." "Fie! Fie!" Kassi repeats, wiggling her fingers at him in a manner that might be intended to look threatening. "--Hers or never mind? How very *interesting*. Tell me about the 'never mind.' As for imply? I never imply. Assert, proclaim, aye, and sometimes deny." I'sai admits, completely ignoring the first part, "Proclamations aren't in short supply." - "Have your nails always looked that pointy, or is it just now?" "Nay, but answers are, by Faranth's thigh." Kassi wiggles her fingers at him again, experimentally. "You'd rather answer than face the pointy nails of death, wouldn't you? I've nay sharpened 'em all that recently; mayhaps they're just happening t'grow that way." She turns one hand about so as to study the claws in question. "Nay so bad. Mayhaps your reasonable terror," and don't ask how she manages to say *that* with a straight face, "is making you imagine things." I'sai winces at the very invocation of Faranth's body parts, and bemoans with some seriousness, "This conversation's gone all awry. No more puns. Even little 'uns." He does lean forward to inspect the nails, then. "...Heard some people stick little jewels on. With resin and such. Doesn't seem quite safe." Kassima supposes, with a slow grin, "We could drop it. A'fore someone runs." Easier said, evidently, than done-s. "I'm *still* waiting for that answer. D'you really want me t'be hauling you off to the Lounge by an ear and pouring drink down your throat 'til you spill?" She stills her nails for his perusal, and takes a peer at them herself. "Can't say I'd be inclined t'that. I'd probably manage t'be losing 'em within two minutes. Though the glitteriness of it all does hold some appeal." I'sai squints - after a quick smile for that grin - "Maybe ground-up gem-types, in a bit of varnish or the like? So it's just little flecky bits. Maybe you could ask the smiths? It'd make a change from working on the latest and greatest improvements to flamethrowers. Just so's you don't have to drink their klah. And speaking of drinking, if I..." he gestures liquid spouting out his throat, "I'd likely target you, and then it'd smell, and maybe stain, and what fun would that be." "You're stalling," Kassi mutters, but that doesn't entirely keep her from playing along. "What gems, then, d'you think would suit? Since you're the one who's heard of this--m'Miner cousin *might* oblige me, though i'truth methinks she'd think me mad t'want t'*grind up* gemstones. And i'truth methinks I might agree with her." At the pantomimed spewing, she crinkles up her nose. "At least then Yash and I would have interesting stories t'tell. If'n you ever threw up on me, bronzer, the worst thing I've *ever* done t'you would seem as pleasant as a chain of wildflowers. I'd put a sandwich of *live spiderclaws* down your pants this time." "I don't suppose you'd declaw them first?" I'sai says rather wistfully, by way of stalling some more, or maybe it's just that his attention span really -does- resemble a vtol's. "Emeralds'd be traditional, your eyes and all, but, well. A waste, 'tis true. Maybe one could use the leftovers from shaping the facets in the first place? And any new stories about Yashira herself, come to that?" Kassima flutters the lashes of those eyes at him, in truly Zuhluly-style fashion. "Too sweet. I should use you on m'oatmeal, mornings. Now *that* might be an idea--and, y'know, if'n I went with onyx, I could use it when I'm proddy. I'm sure stone-reinforced nails of evil would appeal t'me then." With a leisurely headshake, she denies, "I'd never be so cruel as t'declaw the poor innocent creatures! Nay, nay. You'll just have t'settle with having portions of your person pinched off by grabby sea life. Your just desert for acts of vomitous horror and all. Tell you what: you answer my question, and I'll tell you the latest about Yash?" I'sai may wrinkle his nose at the mention of oatmeal, but then - "...'Stone-reinforced nails of evil,'" he can only repeat. "Does L'nan know? And, er, what was your question again?" "You," Kassima informs him, "are an evil, evil man. What have you heard that makes you think L'nan would care whether I have stone-reinforced nails of evil, hmm? And m'*question* was, who d'you mean by 'never mind,' when you say you've nay been near the pink underthings of Katlynn or--never mind? Remember now?" "Oh, -that-," says Is. "L'nan's another question entirely... You know, I've a sudden hankering to visit High Reaches' eggs, and see whether they jump up and down and sing the Question Song. Why don't you come with? I'll tell you when we get there." Kassima agrees primly, "He is--" Pause. "Or I'd hope he is. And I want the answers t'*both*." Greedy woman. "Why am I suspicious of such sudden hankerings? But all right; I'd nay mind seeing 'em m'self--only you promise t'tell? I'll tell you about Yash, then, when you do. Methinks you'll be amused." "Because you're habitually suspicious," I'sai points out with a grin. "And I, er, ..." he makes a few faces: is it truly so hard? "...promise. I guess." I'sai adds after a moment, "And Tear's here. Nothing like the prospect of flying." "Oh, now, cut it out with the flattery," Kassi 'protests' modestly, before grinning and aiming a poke at his arm. "Good. I'll hold you to it. Lysseth's in the baths--but with her straps on, thankfully, just napping. Let me roust her sorry rump." Lysseth> You wing up from the steamy waters heading north over the rim of the Weyr. Lysseth> You fly downwards towards the bowl. I'sai ducks, if only barely in time: "And let me run off, so she doesn't - too late, Tear says. Meet you there!" and he straightens the rest of the way up and angles for the bowl, fastening up his jacket and donning his gloves along the way. I'sai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lysseth> Lysseth drops to a sharp, but well-aimed landing, some of the condensation that glistens on her hide forming water-droplets which hit the ground a moment before she does. She furls her wings with a disgruntled sound. 'Sorry rump.' *Honestly.* Oh, a race, is it? Kassi takes just long enough to make sure the scroll's secure on the table before loping off in pursuit. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. -Taralyth- whirls blue-eyed greeting; his rider calls up, "Just think, it's nice and cold where we're going!" before heading over to his side. I'sai swings up to Taralyth's neck. Kassima calls up, "Oh, m'wet hair will be thankful for *that*!" But she's nothing if not practical, stuffing the damp towel away in a hurry and stuffing the wet locks underneath the neck of her shirt, shoving on her riding helmet and climbing up, up, up. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> I'sai can't help but laugh, even as he straps in, "But the ledges'll be warm - " and with that, Taralyth bounds aloft. <*> Taralyth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> From the South, Taralyth spirals up, measuring minimal airspace before disappearing. <*> From the South, Taralyth disappears into Between. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Contents: Taralyth Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> On the Star Stones, Selianth warbles a greeting to Green Lysseth of Telgar Weyr. <*> Taralyth's replying greeting fairly sparkles; he detours playfully between spires, then eventually lets himself be persuaded to descend. <*> Lysseth, despite losing some time in climbing to the heights before making the *transfer*, appears only a beat behind the bronze and glints him a blue-eyed glance before trumpeting, brassily, to the watchdragon and attempts to be the first down, down, down-- You dive in the bowl, towards the west wall. <*> Above you, Taralyth wings down in the bowl, towards the western wall. <*> Taralyth ceremonially slows, quite as if he were -letting- her precede him, with just a flip of wingtips to prove that it's play. <*> Lysseth flicks her tail Taralyth-wards while still dropping with the maximum speed that caution allows. Still back there? Ah, such a gentleman he is; and she flares her wings to slow to a more ladylike pace, though her amused snort denies that she *needed* such courtesy. You wing down to a quick landing on the ground. <*> In the sky directly above, Taralyth paw-feints after that tail, then - after a last over-the-wing look at the skies - lets himself be persuaded to spiral the rest of the way down. <*> In the sky directly above, Taralyth wings down and lands lightly on the ground. <*> Taralyth swings his head around, sniffing, his eyes glowing like great lamps in the darkness; his rider says, "...Jaereth. Interesting." And dismounts. <*> I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck. <*> Lysseth flashes out her wings briefly as he lands, as though to 'tag' him in exchange--likely without contact, but nevertheless her eyes denote laughter. "Hmm? Ah," is Kassi's only comment, as she climbs down with one quick shiver. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Taralyth touches back as lightly, which is to say, only wing-stirred air; his rider gives Jaereth another thoughtful look, and then winds his way through the native dragons towards the galleries themselves. I'sai walks north into the tunnel to the hatching grounds. Kassima adds brightly, once she's hit the ground, "We won, methinks! Lysseth landed first, at least... even if'n I didn't. But you can scarcely blame me, with such a handicap." She tugs her helmet free and drags the now-disarrayed hair out of her shirt, letting it fall against her back with a light 'thwack.' "Does this count as being here when it comes t'telling me, or do we need t'be a'fore the eggs first?" His movement answers her question; she makes a face that combines thwartedness with humor, and trails after. You wander through the tunnel, emerging in an enormous cavern. You walk up a short flight of steps into the galleries. Lysseth> Taralyth spins bright eyes after Lysseth's rider, and curls his tail neatly about him as he settles. "Really, haven't seen anyone's," Is confesses; he's already leaning against the lowest tier's rail, jacket and gloves shrugged off, flexing his hands in the relative warmth. "That I remember. Pink, anyway. So what's that about Yashira? ...And there are those boots again." Lysseth> In the sky directly above, Dasmareth backwings to a neat landing on the ground. Lysseth> Lysseth folds her dark wings in close to herself once again, stretching out leisurely in the Bowl before assuming her own coil: tail lightly wrapped 'round, forelimbs stretched just so, and chin resting lightly atop them both. "So you didn't mean *anyone* in particular?" Kassi demands, disappointed and mildly suspicious. "Or are you trying t'throw me off-track, I wonder? Ah, now, the pink qualifier is most intriguing... those boots. I wonder that they've nay rotted away by now." She helps herself to a leaning position nearby without further ado, eyes lighting on this egg and that with a bright gleam. "Yashira. Well. Shall I give you three guesses?" "Afraid not," I'sai further confesses. "Throwing you off to begin with - oh, come _on_. I didn't make _you_ guess. Shards." He clears his throat, with an eye for eggs and dam, and makes that, "Shells." Lysseth> Dasmareth glides down to land lightly on the marble path, crooning a soft greeting as she settles. Ami slides down then, with a soft sigh, "I know dear, not for long, I hope." Lysseth> Amilin jumps down Dasmareth's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely. Lysseth> Taralyth glances up at her landing, though doesn't move beyond the pleased vibration in chest and throat that is his rumbled greeting. Amilin strolls up into the stands from the entrance to the bowl. Kassima aims a light elbow towards his middle, more for the throwing off than the curse. "Fine, fine, you terrible spoilsport. Only for that you have t'answer me about L'nan after." Without waiting for his agreement, she reports with relish, "Yashira's *spawning*. With M'silne!" Lysseth> Lysseth turns her head just enough to slant a look in the other green's direction, her own greeting less born of pleasure than formal cordiality. "_Already_? Is she keeping it?" I'sai asks after a wince exaggerated the more for the High Reaches rider's arrival; and, "I do not, and... Amilin, look, she's beating up on me. And it's not my fault." Amilin enters with a soft yawn, hands tucked in pockets and looking a bit sleep disheveled, "You probably earned it I's." Comes the chuckled response as she heads over, "Duties and all that. Didn't expect company for my sleeplessness." Kassima retorts, "'Tis *always* your fault," with another elbowing for good measure. Light, though. "Already. That's what I thought, too. I know what I've said about Thunderbolt--have been saying for Turns--but really, this business with the newly-tapped is getting ridiculous... nay your fault this time at least." That's a tease, and quiet enough to perhaps not carry--out of respect for potential embarrassment, perhaps. "But she's keeping it indeed. Wants one just in case. Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens," she greets Amilin amiably. "We're nay intruding, I hope? Just here t'be getting a look at the eggs." Lysseth> Dasmareth warbles a bright, though slightly hushed, reply then folds her wings back, coiling up in a rather felinesk pose. "Ow, ow, mean Amilin, mean Kassima, ow," I'sai protests, though more pro forma than anything else, and it's not as if he bothers to dodge the elbow. A little relief escapes him as Kassi continues, though he's not above pointing out, "See? You said it's always my fault and it's not, not, not... any particular reason, the sleeplessness? And 'just in case' - " Amilin chuckles and shakes her head, "No intrusion, I'm glad for the company in fact." She reaches up to brush back a few stands of loose hair from her face, "Oh Annili was restless. So of course she woke me and then fell back to sleep, leaving me awake in her stead." She sighs, good naturedly, all the same. Kassima only smiles at him. Sunnily. "Some would be saying that 'mean Kassima' is redundant, y'know. And you're right, you're right, but more's the pity--I've a bet now on *twelve* for you... aye, 'just in case.' Something happens t'one. Or the other. Methinks they both feel that way." Though her eyes drift back towards the eggs, her next words respond to Amilin's: "Annili? A child of yours? M'sympathies you have if'n 'tis so, in full and plenty; Faranth knows children excel at waking one." "Who - what she asked," Is says to Amilin. "Hadn't realized you didn't have her stay in the caverns - and as for you, Kassi, nothing wrong with a little redundancy in the right place. ...I think. This 'twelve' business worries me. Something happening to one of 'em, though - " his slipped smile's proof that that he can see. Amilin snorts softly, "And this time my weyrmate slept right through. Ahh well, he can tend her next time." She nods, "She's our daughter yes, six month old in a few more days, hard to believe it though." Another chuckle, "She spends time enough there, we like to keep her with us when we can though. Twelve business though? Children? Have you another coming along soon then, I's?" "None that I know of," says I'sai amiably. "Lucky sod, G'non. Sleeping. I hope he realizes it." Kassima dips her chin in acknowledgment to him. Then, "Worries you, why? I thought you liked children. Should worry *me*, since Kiss is four Turns old and you're still only on nine." She murmurs, more quietly, "I did tell her I scarcely intend t'be allowing aught t'happen to either. I don't often lose Wingriders. Hopefully they've nay much reason t'be worrying. Six months? Shells, nay wonder then; felicitations t'you on her birth, belated though they surely be." I'sai likewise drops his voice; a touch awkwardly, "Taking care as to where we visit, it's finally paying off. But no; I'd imagine they'd be safe in Thunderbolt as anywhere, with the way you train, only don't tell Mart I said so." He stifles a yawn, then, murmuring something apologetic about the heat. Amilin grins, a bit wickedly, "Don't worry, I'll be sure he makes up for it." Then smiles brightly, putting aside any traces of tiredness, "Well thank you. We've been enjoying her, Thought Das perhaps a bit too much." Kassima gives a soft laugh and nudges him again, this time with a shoulder. "All right, I'll leave off teasing... and won't ask you, here, about the other either, only I do want the answer someday. And I'll nay tell Mart if'n you don't. Nor Zai if'n you prefer." She grins over at the other greenrider then. "I've a feeling I can be trusting you in that. Oh? She's fond of her? Lyss is affectionate with mine in her way, but she's never much fussed over 'em." "I don't think she'll mind," says I'sai of his wingleader, simply; he echoes the smile towards Amilin, then, lifted brows encouraging -stories-... and settles down on the nearest bench. Amilin winks, "I'll not share it, then. True enough." But rolls her eyes before continuing, "Well, I's at least, you know how Das gets about Rock?" she pauses and adds for both, "It's worse about Annili. She never passes up a single chance to hover in her presence. She's been rather fixated on my having a hatchling for *her* for turns now." Kassima smiles faintly at that, the teasing mood finally dimming a notch of two in favor of mulling over the eggs. She leans more heavily against the rail with a silent sigh. "Oh... dear. I hope that your daughter doesn't mind the attention--though I can't really see why she *would*. Most children I've known like dragons well enough." I'sai blinks drowsily at the pair of them, "Worse than -Rock-? Shards. I'm surprised she flies Fall - " and there's another yawn to go with it. "Mmm. Dragons." Amilin chuckles, "I'm not too sure she's noticed it from Das too much as yet. The 'lizards on the other had have take to teasing her, a bit. My Lexxie in particular likes to dangle her tail, just out of reach." A wry grin at that, "Oh, but then she's protecting her hatchling. Very serious stuff indeed." "I give it five minutes a'fore he's dead asleep," Kassi confides to Amilin in a stage-whisper, watching I'sai with laughing eyes. "Mayhaps less." More conversationally, "Just wait until she has a 'lizard of her own. Kay had one from an early age--they caused all sorts of mischief between 'em." "Very serious..." I'sai murmurs softly, only somewhere along in there his eyes have closed - five minutes? it's for them to gauge - and he doesn't wind up saying another word till it's time to go. Amilin giggles softly, "Seems so. If that." She yawns as well, "I'm sure she'll manage one from a clutch of Lexxie's before too long. I just hope it's not too soon, we already have four in our weyr." Kassima crinkles her nose at the bronzerider before turning a grin back to Amilin. "Only four? You've fortune indeed. But aye, it sounds like there's a fair chance of that... and in a way, 'tis a good thing--if'n it helps keep track of her, y'know? You're looking a bit tired yourself, if'n I may say." Amilin chuckles softly, "I'll have to tease him next time that I'm not good enough company, I think." She tips her head, "I image it will be a good thing as she gets really mobile, though I dread that to. Not going to be easy to have her up top when she is toddling. So I'll enjoy her in with us while I can." Ami nods though, admitting, "Hmm, yes, I might finally get back to sleep myself soon I think." "We both should, though I suspect 'tis the heat more'n aught. Pity me: I'll have t'be waking him up t'get him home." Kassi does her best to sound put-upon, but she's still too amused to really carry it off. "Oh, Faranth, aye. I had t'give all m'children t'fosterers... two t'dear friends of mine and the other four to a cousin; I try t'spend time with 'em, but I just couldn't keep them in the weyr anymore once they were very old. I'd definitely advise enjoying the time you can, for all that watching the first steps is marvelous." A bit wistful? Her? Nahhh. "I doubt I'll stay long either. The hour's late, i'truth... but 'twas good t'run into you." Amilin hmms softly and nods, "Well there is a friend I have in mind to foster her when the time comes. Or mayhap my cousin at Ista. Not that I want her that far away, or that G'non will either, but she is family." She shrugs, seeming not quite readdy to go down that train of thought tooo far, just yet, "Think he'll be hard to wake? I could give you hand if you like? Though I should head up before G'non wakes and wonders after me." Kassima hazards, "Are there any family members you could convince t'be coming to the Weyr? There's much t'be said for keeping things in the family, but... well." She abandons the thought to shake her head, grinning. "Nay, nay, 'twill be well--I may do a bit of face-painting a'fore I wake him, actually. I'm trying t'teach him nay t'fall asleep in public." Amilin giggles softly, "Would serve him right if ya did. Or I think there's an open guest weyr if he's too tired to fly." Then nods, "I'll see about it. I might have a sister willing to come, but who's to say." She yawns again, "Well, if your all set, I think I'd best go before I'm to far gone to climb Das. It was very good to see you though, as well." A chuckle followed by a wink., "And though I'd have to say, as good as it is to see I's as well, he could at least manage the curtesy to stay awake." Kassima bobs her head amiably. "If'n I can't shake him into alertness, that option may be welcome; thankee--and g'luck, a'course, with the family. G'deve t'you and m'regards t'your dragon as well." Dropping a wink, she adds, "I'll be sure t'pass on that sentiment t'him, if'n you like? Nay that I doubt you'll find occasion t'tell himself, but mayhaps if'n 'tis repeated oft enough he'll take it t'heart." Amilin chuckles, "You can tell him, I won't mind, but aye, I'll find a way of letting him know my thoughts on the matter too." She offers a small wave and fairly bright smile, for the hour, on her way out, "G'eve and clear skies to you and yours as well." [Editor's Note: Amilin had to leave, so the log ends. :) ]