-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two of a Kind Date: January 18, 2005 Places: High Reaches Weyr's Western Bowl and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Elshian was responsible for this event, and he did a great job as far as I could tell. :) The decorations were lovely and the costume contest was a really nice touch. I had a great time. But I must confess that a large part of what made it so fun was M'rek's costume, and later Rodric's. ;) M'rek decides to attend in the visage of the Masterharper himself, which has double entertainment value for Kassi. Odds are he wasn't expecting Roddy to turn up dressed as him too! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You glide to a swift landing on the ground. <*> Lysseth takes unusual care in landing that's likely explained by her rider's unusual position on her neck--the greenrider sits in a fashion closer to sidesaddle than anything, her concession to the needs of a long, narrow skirt. "Remind me of this next time I commission something," the greenrider mutters, sliding down to the ground. There's a pause. "Aye, I know 'twill just say it won't be so bad and 'tis worth it, just like always. But remind me anyway. If'n naught else, 'twill give you leave to be smug." Lysseth's rumble has an amused sound. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. You stroll into the tunnel to the living cavern. Amilin: You see a slender woman, whom appears to be in her later-twenties and about 5 foot 7 inches tall. Regular hours spent outside have done little to darken a fair complexion to tan, thus leaving it to be offset by her light brown hair -- which falls in gentle waves to the small of her back. Delicate pins of silver tipped with turquoise affix a headband that blends with her hair and holds in place the pale blue taffeta scarf that drifts over her hair. If you catch her gaze you'd likely note her greenish-gray eyes, and though nothing else about her features is remarkable she might be considered pretty by some. Ruffles and layer upon layer of taffeta and sisal start drifting over her form in a figure flattering cascade of various shades of blue, from gathering points on her shoulders. The neckline is veed low but still not too revealing as fabric falls over the gap from the over laying layers. The shades are darker near the top, then gradually lighten to the white like a spray of water rebounding from the rocks. The very bottom most layer is a deep blue of still lake waters, brushing the ground with every step. The sleeves of the gown stand out only in that they are a rich, earthy brown that hugs her arms, and taper off at the wrist. A v of matching color tones start at the point of her hip on either side; forming a boundary for the blue, like the river bank contains the swirling waters, even around the water fall. Kassima: Green characterizes Kassima's costume, beginning in the dress: pale sisal, not so far from white, drapes her slender 5'10" frame in the barest kiss of that color by means of a strapless sheath. The shimmering material clings to her from bodice to floor, but not unbrokenly--slits travel halfway up the narrow skirt, allowing the occasional flash of ivory skin from one of the long legs beneath. Most glimpses are hindered by the edging of richly green velvet that starkly contrasts all that pallor. Stylized mint leaves, contrived of the fine material, begin just above each opening and continue down the sides in a gentle, overlapping cascade. As for jewelry, she wears none; adornment is instead present in a choker of real mint leaves yoked together by lustrous thread the same deep green as her canted eyes, and in the matching marriages of herb and cord that encircle her wrists before spiraling up, up, up each arm to end in an embrace below the shoulder. Yet more grace the fall of her hair: long ropes weave their way through blue-black, halting their descent at the point midway between calves and ankles where tresses likewise end. Velvet slippers of matching verdancy peep out from beneath the hem from time to time. The perfume of mint that accompanies her is too much for the leaves alone to account for; peppermint oil is the culprit, daubed onto pulse points to add to the gown's effect. Thiana chuckles as she looks over ta Rilsa and Pete chuckles from her neck and flutters gold wings again as if trying to upshow the fake gold, "Well I'm very glad I can have a dragon for tonight." She giggles as strokes the gold before scritching, the gold that is being Pete. Sria: Sria is all lean muscle and sharp form, her stride usually purposeful, her 5'6" frame and some thirty Turns carried with assurance. Haphazard waves in shadowy blonde end just below her chin, contrasting the sienna of elegant eyebrows and darker lashes that line greyed-greenish eyes - eyes that are luminous for the thoughts behind them rather than their muted hue. A pale tan outfits her modest figure; a few barely-there freckles lie in waiting. Sria's costume is entirely one wintery hue, varying only with the multiple fabrics used in its making and the entirely asymmetrical style of its cut. Folds of silvery white drape her form in thick, patchworked sections of sleek sisal and velvet. The material leaves one shoulder bare as it crosses the other, the single sleeve fitted loosely, dropping to bell at the wrist. Fabric twists into a rope at her shoulder, dipping around her lower back until it knots at the opposite side and fans to meet the draped patchwork in front. A slanted, subtle stripe of texture shifts the pattern for the long skirt, finishing in a choppy hemline with curly points of sisal layered over a short strip of crisp tulle. Slippers in a similar color don her feet, a simple fur muff adds to a chilly feel, and her hair's been twisted fiercely back, adorned with the occasional icy silver clip. Rilsa: Rilsa is a woman of medium height and slender, muscular build. She has long flowing honey-coloured hair that drifts down her back to her waist in carefree loops. Her eyes are a sparkling emerald colour, very light with flecks of silver that accentuate her smooth, tanned skin. Her ears are pierced with silver loop earrings, two earrings on the right earlobe and three on the left. A thin silver band with a small inlaid line of gold is on her middle finger on her right hand. She is also wearing another +detailed ring on her left hand. She wears a fine silver chain with a charm that moves like liquid around her neck. The charm, when seen one way, is a stylized dragon, curled around itself. The way the tail wraps around, however, gives a hint that if seen another way, is the shape of a heart. Her full lips are upturned in a smile as she listens to Corineth's thoughts. Disguised for this occasion as a gold queen dragon, her frame is clad in a one-piece of shimmering gold sisal which clings to her every curve. The fabric is a golden yellow with interwoven metallic gold threads which twinkle as the light catches them. Secured around her neck, is a cape of the same material. From the top, it widens into broad dragon wings, attached by thin golden bracelets at her wrists so that they flutter whenever she moves her arms. At about waist-level, the cape narrows and tapers into a long, spearhead-tipped tail which sweeps the floor. Triangular pieces of stiffened sisal have been sewn all the way down the back of the cape to create neck and tail ridges. Over her face, she wearing a convex triangular mask with notches for nostrils and large eyeholes covered with thin, transparent blue fabric. On her shoulder she has a blue and black knot, interwoven with a brown cord to represent her position as Weyrsecond of High Reaches Weyr. Amarie blushes when Thiana points her out. That foot stops tapping. "Er.. well maybe one dance I wouldn't mind." She states, but does not stand up yet. She grins at the pairing of Rilsa the gold and Thiana the rider. "What a pair you two make," she comments. "Thank you!" Rilsa calls back to Sria, giving her a thumbs-up which is odd coming from a dragon. "You're looking interesting yourself. What exactly are you?" Elshian smiles at everyone as even more people gather. "You all look great. I'm glad everyone was able to make it. He nods at Amarie. "One dance it is." He puts his arm out for Amarie, offering his mug handle/arm to her. Just then a new tune starts out, a lively jig. Elshian ohohs. "How am I going to dance that one?" He grins. "At least I can't get laughed at more than I already have." Josilina's attention is drawn to Sria and Amilin through Rilsa's wave. "Ami! Sri! Look at you two!" Jos is all a-flutter for everyone's costumes tonight. "Looks like Lana actually got you into something, and Ami, that's so neat. It's all... " vaguely circular, waving hand gestures take the place of adjectives. "I like it." Party Description: The Living Cavern is alive with light. Wire balls with glows trapped inside have been strung like streamers out from the center of the ceiling to each wall. The tables are also lighted with glows in small blue dishes. For those who do choose to sit down instead of dancing or mingling, each table has a tablecloth in alternating blue and black for the Weyr's colors. The tables themselves have been pushed towards the walls to leave plenty of room for dancing and walking around. Harpers have stationed themselves near the entrance to the kitchens, where workers constantly come and go with trays of food and drink to walk through the crowds with. Kassima enters on the heels of two other partygoers joining the festivities. Unlike them, however, she hovers a moment to the left of the entranceway, scanning the room in search of... someone, most likely, or someones; whoever they are, she doesn't find them and abandons the search after a minute or so. "Duties to High Reaches and her queens," she greets the Cavern proper, brightly. "Shells, someone's done a job with the decorations. This looks beautiful." Amilin crosses in Sria's wake, moving to join the other two women, "I'm glad you like it Jos. And yours. -- I do love that hat on you. And everything is just your color." Amarie reaches out to take hold of Elshian's arm. "Just bounce with it," She grins at him. She pulls herself to her feet and then says, "You do dance don't you?" Or might the pirate get her toes stepped on? <Herder> Amarie says, "Wow! It's a Mint vine!" <Herder> Kassima says, "Close. Mint stick. :)" Elshian shakes his head. "Not really, though I"m not altogther inept. I haven't run into anything for weeks." Now that she's taken hold of his arm he walks out into the center to dance. On the way he hears Kassima's comment and smiles at the newcomer. "High Reaches duties. I guess you could say it was my idea, though it wasn't an original one. And lots of people helped with the candidates. I'll pass your compliments to eveyrone who helped, thank you for them. They're greatly appreciated." Now that he's done he smiles back at Amarie. "Okay. Bouncing. I'll remember that." Sria glances between Thiana and Rilsa; in reply to the latter, she says, "'Winter,' apparently. Services nicely, I think: my sister's classmate's doing, from the Weaverhall. Some sort of project she wanted 'tested'." If Sria's wary of the terminology, it's all lighthearted. "Duties to Telgar!" She calls back, reflexively, then: "Kassima! Welcome." She glances over at mug and pirate, too, as they take to the dance floor. Josilina glances towards the entrance and grin at the sight of the green greenrider. "Duties to Telgar - you look very green!" Amilin's words causes her grin to widen and she glances down, from pink gloves to purple pants and everything that's in between: blue, red, green and all else. "You really think so? I rather like it. And thanks." She reaches up to touch the hat, gently. "It's Sri's, you know." She confides. Elshian: Anybody need some klah? Elshian's body is a cylindrical frame covered in the brown fabric the perfect shade of the mugs served in High Reaches' Living Caverns. His arms are covered in the same brown fabric so if he puts his hands on his hips the mug now has handles. This mug, however, is a little worse for wear including a long crack running down one side. There are even drips of black liquid creeping from the crack. The frame keeps the mug's "lip" rounded and black cloth has been attached to it to represent the oft drunk beverage. "Very clever. Works for you." Rilsa says, smiling at her fellow Weyrsecond. She nods approvingly at Amilin's outfit. "Nice ... now I want to go swimming though." She also raises a hand and calls out greetings to Kassima. "Duties and all that fun stuff!" Josilina: Josilina is generally unremarkable in her build, of both average weight and height, standing at just short of five and a half feet. Kept long, her hair, when left loose, hits mid-back as a mass of copper curls that tend to frizz, particularly in damp weather. Her blue eyes are set beneath contrasting sienna 'brows and faded freckles sprinkle her face, falling particularly thick across the bridge of her nose and fading as they approach her rounded chin that tends to set so stubbornly. She looks to be somewhere in her late twenties or early thirties. (+detail available) Colors and styles pile and clash in tonight's outfit. Two tops layer on top of each other: a bright blue scoop necked shirt shows from under a green-green tee-shirt that sits so loose its collar tends to slip off one shoulder. On top of them both sits an unbottoned vest, dark blue with pinstripes. Thin violet pants bag around Josilina's legs, too-big fit barely noticable under the skirt worn on top: a white, red-veined mess that looks more stained than patterned. Keeping both pants and skirt secure is a shawl, knotted around her waist, a trailing edge splashed with blue and purple flower designs. A yellow sisal kerchief ties around Jos's neck and fingerless, bright pink gloves are worn on her hands. Her hair is left loose, a coppery backdrop spilling out from under a hat that could only be described as Very Big: reddish in hue, with fake fabric flowers, ribbons and other useless decorations piled between the big floppy brim and the rounded crown. Amarie waves at Kassima saying, "Kass! Welcome to the party!" But then she's on the dance floor and her feet that were tapping suddenly begin to move. Kicking outward, in those boots, she keeps time, her hair and accessories bouncing with her movements. Yep - bouncing. That's what jigs are for. Kassima laughs under her breath and inclines her head to the walking klah. "I appreciate that, thankee. I like your costume, too, by the way--especially the crack, methinks. Excellent verisimilitude. Oh, g'deve, Sria! Shells, you look like Telgar's Bowl in a way. Which I mean as a compliment. And Josilina...." She has to search for words before eventually coming up with, "That is, may I say, quite a hat. Evening t'you, too, Weyrsecond Rilsa, Amarie, everyone." "Rilsa." Rilsa says, waving off the title with a hand that causes her cape to flutter. The cape's tail flicks out and tangles around the foot of a passing drudge which happens to stumble into a chair but doesn't drop a tray. "No need for titles here ... Oops, sorry." Amilin turns to wave to Kassima as the others all greet, "Kassi! Duties and all that. I love that." Surely the costume, "How are you?" She laughs for Jos' reply. "Well then I love Sri's hat. but it looks better on you. at least tonight." She gives Sri a wink and then grins at Rilsa, "A bit nippy for a swim tonight, unless we all run off to Ista." Elshian starts doing the same, for the most part. Amarie's and everyone else's feet are safe since he starts out slow and works himself up until he gets the hang of it. He's not the best dancer on the dance floor, but he's certainly not the least since more than one couple has collided with each other or food trays. Elshian has managed to keep his costume unstained at the moment. "You're probably the best dancing pirate there ever was." He glances about as he dances. "You know the people I talked into judging aren't here. Maybe we should decide the prizes ourselves? Unless anybody is interested?" This last is directed at anyone within ear shot. Sria grins and nods her head to Rilsa, her "Thank you," quite genuine, though she does try to curtail the smile at the drudge's costume mishap. Then: "Works for 'Reaches, too," to Kassima, "and I'll take it as one. You deserve your own share, for that costume. With the hair," she waves a hand, summing up, "Just lovely." She glances at Josilina's hat, once, and smiles there before turning to Ami. "I doubt just tonight. And," droll, "Ista's not so terrible an idea." - "Think the costumes are going to make it through all the dancing, tonight?" she adds, eyeing the floor. P'ton walks into the cavern from the lower caverns. Josilina is all smiles no matter what sort of compliment she - or the hat, a separate being, really - recieves. "Thank you Kassima. It's Sria's. But I think she decided it didn't match her costume." She says, glancing at her sister's wintery attire. Certainly not. "Do you think? You know," and she leans in a touch towards Ami to admit, "I don't think I've -seen- it on her. But," straightening, "I'll take your word on it!" She has a quick glance for the dance floor as she remarks to the group, "I've got to say. I'm impressed, that Elshian can dance in that and all. I'd trip." The lively jig ends with many catched breaths and calls for drinks. The harpers change tempo and go for something slower; some couples leave the center of the room in search for food or a place to rest while others stay on the dance floor for the slow dance. Kassima grins at the compliment to her costume. "Thankee! I'm a mint stick. I don't know if'n 'tis the most obvious costume I've ever worn, but I like it all the same. And you're...." She looks the other greenrider's costume up and down. "'Tis a waterfall? Or a rushing brook? Beautiful, whatever 'tis; I'm envious. And I'm fine! Hope 'tisn't minded that I'm crashing your affair." She finds a place out-of-the-way to stand for all this talking, where she'll not obstruct any of the dancers. "Thankee, Sria. I'm going t'be red as Nabol's apples in a moment." Some exaggeration, but she does color, and grin sheepishly. Turning to Josilina, she has to agree, "She might be right. It goes magnificently with yours, though. Wherever did you get the gloves? I can't imagine trying t'dance in costume either, though. But I maim enough people dancing normally." Amarie shakes her head, "I'm not sure that would be fair," she says a bit breathlessly. She keeps dancing the jig, kicking out one foot, then another and then to the side, back and back then forward again. She grins at Elshian and then says above the music, "Find someone not in costume to do it!" And gets back to dancing. Elshian finally does trip, but not on the hem of his costume but on his own two feet instead. He manages to stay upright but stops dancing...or bouncing, whichever way you want to look at it. "You have...a point there." He gets his breath back and catches a server as she passes to get a drink for himself. After a sip he looks around. P'ton comes walking into the caverns and he blinks as he looks around, eyes widening, "Uhm, Igen's duties to Reaches and her queens." he says as he looks around, trying to locate someone, "Shards what did I walk into?" "Well Yes." Ami allows dryly to Sri, and then grins, "Lets hope they do. Mine has to last at least until G'non sees." Nothing like an ulterior motive? "Yes, Jos. I do agree it goes better with yours than Sria's. And I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted to be seen wearing it too soon." Like ever? "A waterfall." Ami agrees at Kassi's guess, then glances down at her attire, "You really like it? It was quite fun to make." "Not -quite- the right color," Sria agrees, for matching hats. "But it'd be a shame to let it go unworn tonight, so. We're not about to kick you out, Kassima," she then assures, fleetingly apologetic for the blushing. "Anyone need a drink - or," she amends, "-want- one?" A survey before she heads in that direction. "'Reaches duties to Igen," is for P'ton, on her way, "I do think you can answer that question on your own, though try to believe we're not always dressed quite so, ah, festively." "It's what I was going to guess." Josilina offers, for the mint-stick costume, before glancing at her gloves. "Oh. My sister." She grins, adding as explaination, "She's a weaver. She helps me out with some of my more unusual requests. Mostly dye jobs. You're not a dancer?" From the tray of a passing server she manages to nab a small plate of stuffed breadrolls and, after taking one, offers the plate around to the others. "Why d'you say that Ami? Sri likes it - don't you Sri?" She appeals to her sister. P'ton's entrance prompts a cheery, "'Reaches duties! We've having a costume... thingie. What brings you up this way, if not our creative dressing?" Rodric_Costume has arrived. Rodric_Costume: It's M'rek. M'rek with a curly brown wig on and a tunic of harper blue that features that most stylish of knots, the Master Harper's knot, complete with harp pin. Such Trouble. Rilsa calls out her own greetings to P'ton from where she stands, chatting away. She's silent for once, mostly listening to the conversations and chuckling. Amarie stops dancing since her partner stopped. "You doing okay?" she asks Elshian. She nabs a drink as well and says, "Do you want to sit down now?" P'ton laughs a bit and he hrms a bit, "Well my sister's here somewhere, she's been searched and I swing by to see her from time to time." he says as he tries to locate Amarie in the masses of people in the caverns. "I'm, sure she's in here somewhere, Amarie loves a good party." Kassima glances back over her shoulder to offer a quick grin and a, "Duties to Igen and her queens," then looks back to Amilin. "I do--you *made* that?" The gown gets another look, this one longer and both curious and respectful. "I'd been told you make clothing... 'tis very fine. Tempts me in fact t'keep your talents in mind the next time I need something for a masquerade! I'm glad of that, Sria--'tis terrible t'be thrown from a party a'fore one even samples the drinks." A brief wink follows: she's teasing. "I'd never say nay t'one if'n 'tisn't an imposition, though I can get it for m'self if'n someone will point me towards where they are. You've family in the Craft too, Josilina? And shells, nay, I'm nay. I'm one of the most horrid dancers anyone has ever seen. I tend t'cause grave injuries and leaved squashed bits of toe strewn over the floor in m'wake." Well, that's appetizing. Elshian smiles at Amarie. "I'm doing fine, I'm just taking your advice. He notices the newcomer and waves at P'ton. "High Reaches' duties. You've made it to the costume party. Feel like being a judge? Mine didn't show and Amarie here doesn't think it would be fair for us to choose since we've got costumes on too." Rodric_Costume swaggers into the room, clearly, he takes his costuming quite seriously for he's even, uh, borrowed a knot and everything. He waves and asks that most expected of questions, "Where's the ale?" Before moving in to rub elbows with the party crowd. Rilsa looks at the approaching Rodric and just starts to laugh. "How appropriate." She says, touching Amilin's arm and motioning to the newly arrived costume. Sria nods her head to P'ton, and gives directions, of a sort, "Amarie, right. Pirate, over towards the dance floor? Dancing with the mug, last I spotted." She seems to consider this statement for a moment, and shakes her head a little, silent laughter, before continuing toward the drinks table. "What would you like, Kassima? No imposition, though if you're selective you're by all means welcome to come choose for yourself." The Harperly sort of arrival gets a second look, and a laugh that's hardly hidden. P'ton ahhs a bit and he moves over to catch Elshian's comments, "Uhm, I guess I could, do you have any particular categories piched out?" "Of course Sri likes it on you, Jos." Qualifying. Ami's careful to do that. To Kassima she nods then, "It's the first time I've gotten to make one for myself. I did a spinner web for my cousin once. Got quite the nice thank you for it too. I gathered it worked well for her." She pauses then, "You'd heard I made clothes? I'm flattered that word got around, truly." The touch on her arm does indeed draw her attention, as does Sria's laugh, which is soon joined by one from Ami, "Oh too appropriate!" Elshian grins at P'ton. "That's the fun of this, that's party up to you as well. The prizes I have set up are pretty flexible for each category you come up with." He leans closer to the rider to whisper something. "Talk about phrases you're never going t'have another use for in the whole rest of your life?" Kassi quips to Sria with a grin. "Aught alcoholic's good by me, and failing that, aught that's fruity. Thankee most kindly. A spinner web... thick-layered? I saw a costume like that once, made by Katlynn, only if'n I recall that one was on the... risque side." Hey, and speaking of things risque! That voice, Sria's laugh, and Rilsa's comment to Amilin all catch her attention, and she looks towards the cause. She does the only thing she can upon seeing the 'Masterharper': she bows her head, claps one hand over her eyes, and snickers helplessly. Josilina glances at her bitten roll at the mention of squashed toes and, making a face, sets it aside. "I'm sure it's not that bad. And yes, her name's Lanara. Nine turns younger'an me." Ami's qualifying statement gets a suspicious look but then a nod. Good enough, apparently. Attention drawn to the mock-Rodric by the various laughs and points she looks over and, pressing her lips together, makes an effort to stifle a laugh. Returning to Elshian's side, Amarie had slipped off a moment to go put her glass up, but when she sees P'ton she says, "P'ton!" Surprised to see him there. Rilsa strides through the archway, into the lower caverns. P'ton ahhs a bit and he nods his head a bitbefore he starts working his way around the living cavern, hrming some as he looks over each costume. Rodric_Costume looks over other costumes as soon as he's gotten that first ale safely in one of his hands. When M'rek smiles, he uses more teeth than usual, as if he's doing his best impression of The Harper. Pressing into the crowd, The Harper for the evening starts to make the rounds by approaching the group that includes Sria. The brownrider is offered a kiss on the cheek, "Beautiful. Just Beautiful. Winter?" He takes a guess. Sria grins - still laughing, perhaps - and hands Kassima a drink that's to no uncertainties alcoholic once tasted; a slightly different variation is kept for herself. "Right," for the Wingleader's first, as she adjusts the roped fabric at one shoulder. "Or at least, I can hope I'll not find the need to say it again, as lovely as the dancing mugs and pirates -are- these days." She leans in to murmur something to Amilin, breaking off to return that cheek-kiss. After all, who'd deny the Masterharper such a thing. "Got it in one," she confirms with a smile. "Kaimi should still have it. Mayhap she'll show you sometime." Ami absently tells Kassi as her gaze stays on 'The MasterHarper' in their midst, "Does this mean your going to perform for us, MasterHarper? A song or two?" P'ton continues to wander around the room, making notes to himself in a muttered tone as he circles around each costumed indiviual and after a while he reaches his sister and Elshian again, grinning a little. Elshian walks towards the kitchen doors near where the harpers are set up and grabs a small bundle he left there. He brings it to a table and sets it down, opens it and takes a peak but doesn't take any out or open the bundle any wider. He smiles as P'ton approaches. "Here are the prizes. You have some ideas?" S'rist meanders in from the tunnel to the bowl. Kassima looks up to shake her head, although she's still grinning and her shoulders still twitch with suppressed laughter. "'Tis that bad. It really is. Although I did find someone t'give me a dancing lesson, at least, so mayhaps I'd only break bones instead of severing digits these days. I've a cousin in it, a bit older than me. 'Tis convenient sometimes t'be related to a Weaver." She greets the approaching Harper-of-sorts with a drawled, "Evening, Roddy. Fancy seeing you here!" She accepts the drink with a grin of thanks and toasts both brownrider and Harper with it, before sipping and letting slip a sigh of satisfaction. "Excellent. Oh, oh, *do* sing. Perhaps an ode to yon dancing mug and sea-renegade?" Rodric_Costume grins that big grin, that's right! He /is/ the Masterharper, wow! It's his lucky night. M'rek winks at Sria and then gives Kassima a nod, "Hello there, Lass." And he offers her a kiss as well, he's going to take full advantage of everything tonight. Maybe. Or at least until he gets slapped down. S'rist strides in, then pauses a moment and shortens his stride, trying, and failing mostly, to sway his way into the living caverns. "Well hello everyone, my what a big party we have going on tonight. Is that some kind of wine punch over there, oh I simply must try some." Rodric_Costume snickers at Kassima and clears his throat, "I'd be delighted to sing, My Dear." S'rist: A man of about forty turns, S'rist stands a pair of inches over six feet. His frame is sturdy, with broad shoulders and muscled with the hard labor of many turns as a dragonrider. His bright blue eyes peer out from above his well-defined nose, alert to what is going on around him. His hair has taken on a very salt and pepper look -- in fact more salt than pepper as, like his father, he has grayed prematurely. It has been cropped to perhaps half a fingerlength on top with the sides and back tapering shorter in a practical military style. Lapiz lazuli twines with threads of sapphire and sunlit blue, weaving together in a loose shirt around S'rist's form. Rippling softly around his torso, the tones seem to burst with colour, swirls of bright blue embroidery melting around plain black buttons, barely noticeable in the waves of colour. Long sleeves end with deep cuffs, held in neatly with polished silver buttons. Sleek and black. At least, his pants appear to be at first sight. Shades of ebon creep into midnight, slowly softening into the deepest navy, then royal blue as they cling tightly to his legs, finally ending in the perfect shade of cerulean. A polished black belt ends the wash of colour at his waist. Black, his long jacket drapes past his hips, hanging to mid-thigh, finished with a trim of decorative silver. Buttoned once at his throat, the high collar is traced with sleek icey tones, melting into the black backdrop. He has a smile on his face and a spring in his step. P'ton ahhs a bit as he sees S'rist, tapping his chin a bit, "Sir, are you in costume as well?"he asks, grinning a little, "I'm the judge so I must know as to whether you fit one of the categories for people to win." "Evening MasterHarper." Josilina greets the psuedo-harper, doing a poor job of hiding her amusement. "Very convienent." She agrees with Kassima. "And I bet you'd be okay with dancing if you just practiced more. It's not -too- difficult, in the long run. And you should sing." The last is an encouragement though goes no farther as she notices S'rist's entrance - swaying entrance - and just blinks. S'rist smiles, "One moment dear, I'll tell you what I'm here as in just a moment, I just must have a glass of that punch to whet my whistle first. Can't have a dry whistle, oh no." He gives up on the sway and just tries to step towards the table with some type of gliding step, more successful than swaying at least. He gets a glass of the punch and comes back over to P'ton, "Well yes handsome, I'm here as a greenrider. The most fabulous kind of rider, of course." P'ton looks around and he clears his throat, "Amarie, you've on the prize for most diverse, I take it Elshian will make sure you've got your prize?" Kassima chortles and returns said kiss merrily. If anyone would deny the Masterharper such a thing, after all, it surely wouldn't be her. "Roddy, darling, I'm *so* glad t'hear it. Your beautiful music is the perfect thing t'make the night just that much more special." And if her grin's just a little wicked, well.... "Possibly true. I've found fairly few men who really want t'risk the maiming, though," she confesses to Josilina, before trailing off to regard the swaying Weyrleader with surprise. That is apparently not something she sees every day. "Greenrider?" she murmurs under her breath, and starts to laugh. "But where are his knives?" Amilin shouldn't do it, but her eyes spark with bright amusement and she nods to Sria. Her only answer an easy, "Done." At M'rek...err, Roddy's agreement to sing, Ami just giggles, "Oh you must. For what's a party without a Harper?" S'rist's entrance attracts her attention and earns a delighted laugh, and a return reply to Kassi, "Or his whips?" Sria might try to sneak a look at those prizes of Elshian's, but soon gives up for the chance to sidle up to the Masterharper, laughing. S'rist's entrance earns a glance, and then another, just as she's about to call a greeting - delayed, it still comes, "'Eve, ..S'rist." As if perhaps he's due to be called another name, tonight. Then, "Knives," she murmurs - not asking - and an amused smile betrays she needn't ask about Amilin's addition. Elshian blinks at S'rist. "Wow." He's distracted by P'ton's announcement. He stands on a chair and calls out to get everyone's attention. "Our judge awarding prizes for the costumes tonight. The first one goes to Amarie for...Most Diverse. This is what each winner will get." He holds up a small square that looks like a yarn picture of a dragon. The depiction is simple, with one color dragons and backgrounds, but the subject of each is obvious. "The Weaver gave me some odds and ends of yarn, but nobody needed to use them for their costumes so I thought I'd use them for these." He turns the one in his hands over so everyone can see the back of the latchhook picture. "Each piece of yarn is attached to it's own piece of the canvas." He hands the prize over to Amarie with a smile. Rodric_Costume beams that Harpery smile at Josilina, "Delightful to see you, weyrwoman Josilina, always a pleasure. I'd be delighted to sing." And the sad thing is, he would. S'rist draws the faux-harper's eyes and he waves, laughing at the sway. S'rist looks over at Kassima and smiles and just hands his glass to the nearest rider with a, "Hold this for me, now there's a doll." and then with a flick of both hands, he demonstrates one advantage of poofy sleeves, lots of room to hide two flashy knives. "You mean these dear? Of course I have my knives, what would I do without them?" Then he puts the knives back in his sleeves again. Amarie laughs. She accepts her prize from Elshian and then sticks her tongue out at P'ton saying, "Judge favoritism!" She's teasing though. She grins at Elshian and says, "Thank you." Sweep low, she bows most politely. "Arggghhh," And gives a pirate's greeting. Kassima agrees, "Or his whips. D'you know, I always thought whips were the *goldrider* weapon until I heard of yours? I meant t'ask you in lessons on how t'crack a whip sometime." She would. "A'course, knives," she answers Sria, "what's a greenrider without--hah! Oh, those are beautiful. Magnificent. I stand corrected, greenrider." Her skirt is too narrow for curtseying, so she gives a shallow bow to him. "--There are prizes?" She turns about to look towards Elshian. "Wasn't expecting that. What a clever idea. Felicitations, Amarie." Josilina is putting considerable into keeping composure or, at least, not dissolving completely into laughter. "Knives? I think our greenriders tend towards rocks more, really." Then, out come the knives. "And. Knives." She amends faintly, shaking her head a little. "Congratulations Amarie!" She calls out, grinning for the winning pirate though she also adds, "Goldriders don't /have/ weapons." P'ton chuckles a bit and he looks around, "The fine kassima of Telgar gets one for most aromatic, a fine costume indeed." he says as he winks at Kassima and continues to move around looking at people. S'rist takes up his glass of wine punch again and holds it in one finger and a thumb as he sips at it. He looks about the caverns now for a moment, looking over all the costumes, having made his entrance and big splash, he's content to fade into the scenery for a bit. "Well S'din gave whips to both Sri and I. Though G'non tends to flee when I practice." As any good bronzerider would? Ami smiles, "I'd be delighted. Mayhap you can teach me the knife in return?" Poor G'non. "Ahh! He does have his knives!" Ami proclaims as she sees S'rist produce his. "Now that's more like it." Jos is given a wink then, "Yes, well. Hard to pass up the proper use of a good rock." Elshian grins at Amarie. "Don't be silly, you deserved the prize. Favoritism or not." He smiles at Josilina. "Yeah, I've heard about rocks getting thrown. Why can't greenriders choose pillows? I was trying to arrange that with Caritha, but she didn't think pillows were punishment enough." He catches P'ton's next announcement and reaches into his bundle and pulls out another latchhook piece, this time one of a bundle of simple flowers. He holds the prize out to Kassima. "Congratulations." Amarie holds her prize and grins at Elshian for the compliment. She watches some of the prizes given out but someone comes up and taps her on the shoulder. After speaking briefly into her ear, she nods her head and heads off towards the kitchen with them. Sria looks over to Elshian, now, listening and watching - and there's a grin for Amarie's acceptance. S'rist earns easy laughter, one hand over her mouth. "'There's a doll,'" she's murmurring, though does manage, "Jos, you're apparently missing out. Maybe S'din'd like to give one to Jos, too, Ami," she says. "And mine's a different sort, remember. Less a whip than a - oh, that's well-deserved," for Kassima's award. Amarie strolls outside to the bowl. Rodric_Costume claps for Amarie, "Well done!" And then teases Jos, "Goldriders are the weapon, and charming weapons they are." <Herder> Amarie says, "Good night peoples~!" <Herder> Cailin snugs :) "Sounds like a good exchange t'me, Amilin; I can at least teach the basics.... Most aromatic?" Kassi is even more entertained by this. "Well! I'm most flattered, thankee kindly. One of the nicest things I've ever won." She crosses the Cavern to accept with a wide smile of thanks for Elshian, doubtless leaving the scent of peppermint in her wake. <Herder> Kassima zhaiwaffles to Amarie. :) <Herder> Amarie says, "*SNUGS* to the aromatherapy woman!" <Herder> Amarie heehees.. that's a fun award! Sria glances sidelong at Rek-turned-Ric, upon that, and says, "For charming, I don't know if it's bronzeriders or harpers that are worse." Josilina grimaces good naturedly enough. "The question is, which is worse? Knives or rocks? ...Or whips." Elshian's words prompt a grin, "I've just managed to get her to promise not to break anything. ...Well, anyone, anyway." A good promise to have. "Sria! Don't even - oh you hush." The scold, initially for her sister, is easily extended to the mock-Rodric with a glance and a wrinkled nose. "Aromatic! Fitting! Congratulations Kassima!" "We'll have to work out a time then, Kassima." Ami agrees with a smile. "Oh! Congratulations." Then to Sri she murmurs, "Perhaps it's both?" At the last, she adopts her most innocent smile, "They have a point, Jos." P'ton chuckles a bit and he moves over and holds a hand out to Sria, "And you my fine lady have on the Most Wintery for your costume, Elshian should have a prize for you as well." Rodric_Costume winks at Sria and says, "I'm not sure either, for it would seem that one can charm the other upon occasion and vice versa. Only the Harper's getting /paid/ to be charming, so perhaps he's got the better end of the deal?" He laughs and looks around, "There are some great costumes. Congrats Kassi!" Kassima's cheeks have taken on a flush of rose again at the various called congratulations, but the grin she flashes to those who gave them is unquestionably delighted. "Too kind! Oh, thankee much. I'm doubly glad I chose this costume now. Rocks do have that blunt, bludgeoning, make-the-pain-last factor, but I still prefer the efficiency of a knife... the inherent eye-widening factor of a whip could be fun too, though...." This certainly bodes well. She smiles to Elshian once more and heads back to her place and abandoned drink, admiring the prize she holds along the way. "I suspect they're tied," she quips to Sria once there. Drolly: "Faranth knows I've had trouble choosing." Elshian smiles at Kassima's thanks. "You're welcome. Very deserved, I'd say." He grins at Josilina. "That's great, didn't think of convincing her not to break anyone, though she did say she would try not to hurt anybody really bad. Though I don't know how it turned out, when I saw her she said to avoid her the next day, so I did." He nods at P'ton and reaches in and pulls out a picture of what could very well be the Seven Spindles of High Reaches. White pieces of yarn sprinkled in the background bring a colder weather feel to it, and he holds it out to Sria with a smile. Sria smiles at Jos, and then at M'rek and Amilin both - but decidedly pleased to P'ton: "Why, thank you. I'm quite honored." - "Tied," she confirms to Kassima, on her way to receive her award, "Perhaps, though I think I'm biased in one direction over another. At the moment, at least," with a grin back toward the harper-slash-bronzerider. "Elshian, lovely job putting this together, for what you did do. And thank you for the honor," she says, accepting the picture with a returned grin. "You hush too." Josilina retorts, ever so creatively, to Amilin. "Well I didn't hear about any massive injuries, so I think it's okay." She replies to Elshian before, "Sri!" She cheers, bouncing a little, though that terminates quickly for the sake of her hat's balance. "Winter winning most wintery. Who'd've thought?" She remarks with a grin to those around her. Rodric_Costume has a personal problem with klah, but he gives Elshian a wave from the across the room and a thumbs up for the creative costume. "Nice crowd. And the ale is great. Hey, congrats Sria!" He claps some more and then strikes a sort of I'm-the-king-of-all-harper's pose to be all cheesy. P'ton chuckles a bit and eh looks around and spies Amilin, "You my lady are most Effervescent with your waterfall costume, quite an interesting effect, and Elshian, give the delightful lady her prize he says before moving towards the harper costumed person. Elshian smiles at the Masterharper-esque person and returns the wave. He's distracted again by P'ton's next announcement and he pulls out another prize. "Your costume is more flowing than this, but this is the closest one I have." He holds out a picture of a frozen over lake, or at least hopefully it's frozen over since there are black yarn blobs that probably represent people walking on said lake. He holds the prize out to Amilin. "Congratulations to you too." "Ah, but which direction?" Kassima teases Sria as the brownrider goes. "Both of those awards are *most* appropriate. Felicitations, Sria, Amilin! Aren't the pictures lovely? I haven't aught like mine at home. 'Twill have t'think of where t'display it." When Rod-rek strikes his pose, she has to stifle laughter again. "You. Are. Terrible. *Terrible*, I say. And 'tis with great approval that I say it." Josilina is grinning as Amilin is called out for an award, "Yay, Ami! That's so neat." She lapses into quiet a moment after that, looking distracted before she brushes needlessly at her skirt, straightening. "I need to run off, someone's looking for me Lhia says. It was good to see you all - great costumes and everything. I'll see you all around!" And with a wave and a steadying hand for her hat she heads out. Josilina strides outside to the bowl. "Most Effervescent?" Ami echoes and then smiles, "Well then, thank you." She glances to her friends then, both pleased and amused as she detaches from the group and makes her way over to except her prize. "And thank you too, Elshian. Truly. This was unexpected." "If I'd only known the categories.." Sria says, dryly, then to Kassima, "Hard to say, at the moment - oh, lovely, Ami." She chuckles, then, at the exchange between Kassima and would-be-Rodric, and waves after Josilina. S'rist finishes off his little glass of wine punch, then starts to make the rounds of the caverns, commenting to everyone just how "Fabulous" they look tonight. Rodric_Costume claps for Ami and cheers before he chuckles between Kassi and Sria, "Aye. For tis, tis a glorious thing, to be the harper king." And then he teases Kassima, "Hey, I'll come visit your ledge and, uh, help you hang it up, My Dear." P'ton chuckles a bit and he nods to the harper costumed man, "You fine sir get Most comical, for your use of cheesy poses and witty comments." he says as he motions towards Elshian, and moves on to one of the last few categories, heading for S'rist, "You sir win most inventive and creative for use of not just colors, but also personality and poise." Elshian grins at P'ton. "I don't think I have any cheese ones in here." He pulls out the last few pictures and sifts through them. He ahs and holds one out to S'rist that probably is meant to be a green flight; a large green blob is in the foreground and brown and blue blobs are in the background. "This seems fitting sir." He looks through the rest for that cheese..."Here's one." He hands the Masterharper clone a picture of a bubbly. It's got more detail to it than many of the others, but considering the love the maker had for the treat that may not be surprising. "I figure this fits because my friend had this bubbly once and he tripped and landed his face in it. That was pretty comical." Kassima can only grin at being called fabulous, and makes a momentary show of preening at the compliment. "Particularly when the women swoon at your feet, done in by the power of your voice and skill with, ahem, instruments?" she suggests to not-quite-Rodric with a straight face. Somehow. "'Twould be *delighted* t'have your help, sweet man. Only nay until you've sung for everyone. Lest you nay make it back to High Reaches before 'tis long over." And she manages a pretty outrageous eyelash-flutter despite the pretty strong blush, before casting an amused look to the others to underline how much she's teasing. "Hey, congratulations t'you, Masterharper and greenrider! Certainly can't say either of those awards are wrongly bestowed." Amilin rejoins the group. A new glass of wine in one hand and her prize in the other, "I've never won anything before. Well, other than flights of course. Imagine." But as the others go for their prizes she offers with a teasing grin, "Congratulations to you both. Well earned prizes indeed." "-Aye-," Sria drawls to the Masterharper, and she glances outside before applauding the two newly awarded, "Congratulations, harper. And greenrider, too." - "Instruments," she murmurs, far too serious in apparent consideration. S'rist smiles and makes his way over, "Why thank you, thank you, this looks just quite spectacular. I know just the place for it next to my collection of..." He can't think of what he's supposed to have a collection of so he just waves a hand around, "Yes, right next to that, it'll be perfect!" Rodric_Costume claps his hands at P'ton and then looks the picture of innocence, "Cheesy poses? But..but. I always stand like that." As if he does. He strikes another cheesy pose and then takes a bow, "Thank you for the honor. Let me first say, that it's a long, hard road to becoming the Master Harper of all Harperdom. There's labor. And study. And ale. And women." He seems as though he'll go on until someone shoves him playfully and he accepts the picture, "Stellar. I'll treasure it always." P'ton chuckles a bit and he moves over to Elshian, "And if you have one that's a favorite, keep it for yourself since you deserve the ost tasty food or drink costume, Elshian." he says with a wink to the mug dressed lad. "Very well-deserved," Kassi tells Amilin, lifting her glass of liquor in tribute. "The judge has a keen eye tonight." In an undertone to Sria, "I can't decide whether the real Roddy would have thwapped me with something by now, or just laughed. True pity he's nay here t'see the... tribute." As helpful collection-suggestion for S'rist, she calls out, "Emasculators!" Rodric strides in from the tunnel to the bowl. Rodric: Tall and well-built without being overly muscular, Rodric smiles at the world from a tan face topped with a shiningly bald pate, oddly pale against the darker hue of the rest of his skin. Appearing to be somewhere between his late thirties and early forties, clear blue eyes spark with humor framed by a few telltale laugh lines above an unremarkable nose and generous mouth. He wears all black - shirt of fine black cotton lacing up underneath a rather dashing leather vest and tucked into long black leather pants that in turn dive into thigh high black leather boots. The knot of the Harper Craftmaster sits upon his shoulder, whilst a pin at his collar denotes a specialty in Instruments. Upon his breast is also pinned the sapphire-jeweled brooch that signifies Mastery in the HarperCraft. Elshian grins at P'ton. "I didn't think *I* was going to get one. Thanks!" He takes one and turns to all who gathered. "Well, that's all the prizes I think. I hope you enjoy them, as well as the food and music which there will be plenty of for for the rest of the evening. I'm glad you all came and I hope you had fun." Amilin says "Emasculators?" Ami repeats after Kassi, giving her fellow greenrider a sidelong look and then laughing. "Oh my. Now that would certainly leave an impression."" P'ton chuckles a bit and he bows to Elshian and winks, "Well you did say it was one of the categories, and you did wear a costume." Sria laughs, again, to Rek-Ric. "Don't forget to grace the party with your lovely voice, Masterharper." To Kassima, "Pity," she agrees. Or tempts fate, one of those. "Thanks to you, Elshian!" She calls over. Rodric slips in amongst the hubbub, not exactly looking himself this evening. The keen-eyed might catch the fact that he might even seem a bit the worse for wear, but then, you'd have to recognize him first. Without hair and all. There's a quiet word dropped in a passing Harper's ear, one dressed up as a banana as fate would have it. There's a nod exchanged and then the MasterHarper is slipping through the crowd, seemingly aimlessly. Elshian nods at P'ton. "That I did. Thanks so much for your help. I know you came to visit Amarie, but you made the evening what it is." He glances towards the kitchen. "On that note, I think one of my glow strands is falling. I should fix that before the whole thing comes down." He heads in that direction and then takes care of any logistical issues in the background. Rodric_Costume laughs and then says, "All right, All right, I'll sing." And he will. He drops to one knee in front of Kassima and Sria and throws his arms open wide before he starts to bellow out a very loud tune, "Drink to me only with your eyes, and I will pledge with mine, Or leave a kiss but in the cup, and I'll not look for wine." He winks up at Kassima and then continues to sing, forcing his voice lower, "The thirst that from the soul does rise, does ask a drink divine, but might I of Kassi's nectar sup, I would die of sweet sublime." P'ton hmms as he gets a call from his mount and he nods to everyone, "Have a good evening, seems I'm being recalled to Igen to fly sweeps for an injured rider, I hope everyone enjoys thier prizes." P'ton walks outside to the bowl. Kassima gives Amilin a look that just brims and overflows with innocence. "But of course. Don't you have an Emasculator on your wall? Don't we all? 'Mass trauma' might be more the word than 'impression,' but...." With her back to the entrance, she doesn't catch the arrival of Ric-Rek immediately even if she otherwise would. She calls to Elshian, "Thankee again! The party's beautiful, and the prizes to be treasured." All hope of formality, however, and indeed of dignity must be abandoned once 'Rodric' starts to sing. It's really just as well she didn't just drink anything. Snorting wine from one's nose is not something one should do at a party. "Faranth. Sweet *Faranth*." And she chokes, and blushes bright red, and finally laughs... and laughs, and laughs, and manages to pantomime swooning with delight, albeit not so effectively. Amilin hops up to sit on the table as she listens to M'rek/Rodric sing to the ladies fair and tries not to giggle loud enough to disrupt as she watches the display. Ahh yes. Nothing like a good bit of entertainment? For Kassi she does laugh, "Oh shells no. G'non doesn't even like me to hang the whip on the wall. I think it makes him nervous. But not quite as nervous as when I wear it." Sria does all she possibly can not to look surprised, or scandalized, and so it's lucky that the first reaction is utterly silent hilarity. One hand over her mouth, one to her collarbone, and she laughs right along with the swooning Telgari. "What you won't do for a few more eyes on you," she murmurs, once she's caught a spare breath. No blushing, but then, it'd clash with her outfit. Rodric's aimless path takes him to a point not far behind his doppelganger, still amidst the crowd. He folds his arms across his chest, a rather dangerous looking smile on his face as he listens to "himself" sing. Rodric_Costume is well into trouble now, and he's not even aware of Rodric behind him as he hams it up some more and, still on his knees, belts out a timeless classic for the Brownrider as well, "You rob my days of business and delights, Of sleep you sweetly rob my nights, Ah, thieving Sria, what would I do?, If someone else were to come steal you?" S'rist gets an ale, so he can wash the taste of that wine punch out of his mouth and actually eat some of the food set out for tonight. He gives up the posturing and posing, the strain of it finally more than he wants to put up with as the party goes deeper into the night. Kassima manages to regain some trace of her composure at least when the focus of not-Rodric's attention shifts, fanning herself in exaggerated fashion to try and cool the blush. This allows her to spot Rodric behind him, with a shaved head no less. Given said shaved head it takes her a moment to figure it out, but when she does she's choking on laughter again, to the point where she has to clap a hand over her mouth to keep from disrupting Rek-Ric's delightful serenade. "Keep singing!" she encourages somewhat wheezingly. Such a helpful woman. Sria doesn't notice the real Masterharper for a moment, she -is- being serenaded. Or something. And she's laughing, laughing far too hard for proper response, and enough so - upon Kassima's encouragement, which earns an askance look and a shift of attention - that perhaps she has indeed noticed yet another reason for laughter standing not so very far away. "You're terrible," she tells him. One of them, though perhaps it could go for both of them. Amilin waves S'rist over to sit with her if he cares to. Considering she has an firelizard's eye view of the Harper and M'rek. Or is it the other way around this night? At Sria's comment she pipes up, "Yes he is. -- But don't stop." Nothing like encouraging them? S'rist makes his way over at the gesture and takes a seat next to Amilin, "I hate to say it, but these tight pants ride up something fierce. I don't know how they do it." He then flashes a grin towards the real greenrider, "So have you been enjoying the party?" Rodric clears his throat lightly. "Oh yes, please do go on," intones the Harper ... or is that Rider? "I'm most interested to see what comes out next ... might want to try a slightly lower key though," he suggests ... chummily. Rodric_Costume drinks in the encouragement like a sunflower takes in sun, still on his knees as he sings at the top of his voice, "The thirsty ground soaks up the rain, and drinks and gapes for drink again. The plants suck in the ground and are, with constant drinking fresh and fair. The sea itself, which one would think, should have but little need of drink, drinks ten thousand rivers up, so why shouldn't a bronzerider be in a cup?" He turns as he sings and so he's on his knees still when he sees the Ric-Rek. His face is priceless. A classic 'O' of utter surprise. And shock. And then he winks. "Shards, but you're one good looking bronzerider!" "I knew," Kassi manages to get out, somehow, after this latest verse, "that there'd never be a hope for me with you, nor any woman, once you'd sampled that bronzerider's charms. I'm *crushed*, Roddy. Crushed! I shall die of agony right here and now." Or laughter, maybe. That seems considerably more likely. She presses her mouth into a thin line in an attempt to keep the mirth bottled up, but her eyes dance with it, sparkle wildly with it. "Terrible is such a good word. Are you going t'sing t'M'rek now, Masterharper? That might be... entertaining." Said while she gives Rodric's shaven head another rather surprised look. Sria glances between bronzerider-harper and harper-bronzerider, and she puts a hand over her eyes upon M'rek's words. Still laughing, if entirely silent, now, all in her eyes and the shape of her lips. "A very good word. I think this is the very definition of hopeless," she murmurs to both of those so-encouraging greenriders, for all that she seems to find Kassima's question to be a good one. Amilin giggles, "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure either. But I'll not complain at the view they provide. S'din looks smashing in his after all. And I don't say that just because he pays me to." Which he may or may not. "It's been a lovely party, don't you agree? Lots of creative costumes as well." And the good seats pay off as Ami's left giggling all over again, "Ahh now -that-. That made my night." Rodric scrubs a hand ruefully over his shiny, pale, and quite bald skull. "I never thought I'd live to see the day, where I'd wind up being called a good-looking bronzerider," he mutters under his breath then winks over at Rek-Ric. "So you're telling me you had -nothing- to do with my ah ... new haircut?" Brows knit together for a moment, then he shrugs. "Made for a good, impromptu get-up at any rate," and he reaches out a hand to help the Rider-Harper up from the floor. "I think in a cup is just about where we both belong?" There's another grin Kassima's way and his free hand waggled back and forth. "Might be convinced to play and sing, even dance. What's a Harper for, after all? Though it seems the "Master" here's got it covered, wouldn't you think?" S'rist looks to see what has Amilin laughing again, and for the first time this evening spots the bronzeriding harper and the harpering bronzerider, or some such combination. He just chuckles a bit, then takes a long swig of his ale. "I haven't had enough drink yet to see that particular sight." Amilin giggles all over again. Yes, it's the thing of the moment for this greenrider, "Ahh, well. Then you should certainly have more to drink." Then a beat later, "I can't believe he shaved his head. M'rek? That I can believe, but..." Rodric_Costume sniggers, just sniggers and tells Kassima, "I know. Once you go Bronze, you never move on. Or something like that." He's laughing as well and grinning from person to person before he's looking at the Real Rodric's head again, "Looks good. It wasn't me. But. I did hear about it and it did give me the idea to swipe one of your knots." He smiles, all teeth and cheesy pose. "Hey, this harpering thing is working pretty good. The ladies all love a Harper." Spoken with tongue in cheek. Kassima admits to Rodric, with a dazzling grin, "I meant more for him t'serenade you--since you've switched roles for the night 'twould seem--but you serenading him would be every bit as glorious. After all, the last time a certain bronzerider serenaded the Masterharper, 'twas certes a grand and memorable event. 'Incorrigible' works too, methinks," she adds in agreement with Sria. "Shells. Shells and shards and stars all aligned. The hair...." She can only shake her head, dumbfounded, then remark, "But we're truly blessed tonight. For surely never has anywhere else, or anyone else, ever had the pleasure of *two* M'reks and *two* Rodrics, both in the same room, nay less." S'rist chuckles a bit, "I'm not sure just how that happened, but I don't think that the shaving was entirely voluntary." He takes a long sip from his ale and then shakes his head a little bit, "Does make for an amusing pair, the two of them." Sria raises a brow for mention of that haircut, and makes no comment on that first claim of M'rek-turned-Rodric's, just a smirk that's fit to be discrediting. At word of knots, Sria glances toward Amilin with a smile, then agrees with Kassima, "Incorrigible, yes, and I'd wager they've both heard -that- a few times on top of several." - "Two and two," she says, teasing. "-Too- much." Rodric snorts and shakes his head. "You'll have to tell me who the culprit is then, my friend. So we can go hunting," he drawls out. Kassima's remarks earn a winning smile. "Oh yes, you're all very very lucky to be seeing doubly double this evening. I think I need another drink, myself." "Not voluntary?" Ami asks S'rist, casting him a grin, "A losing end of a bet, or was there something more too it? Oh do tell if you know." She glances back at the harper/bronze duo and nods, "A lovely couple. If I do say so myself." S'rist sighs and shakes his head, "I don't know for certain, just vague rumors, that's all I've heard. If I had to wager, I would suspect that Rodric found a few too many drinks before him one night, and some equally inebriated friend made off with his hair." Rodric_Costume brushes off his knees and then reaches out to find that mug of ale he lost somewhere before he started bellowing out butchered songs. "Hey, Rod, er, M'rek. You can borrow the wig after I'm done with it. They'll never know the difference." He winks and goes on, "Looks just like your hair. I bought it early this morning from the lad who told me all about you getting your hair shaved." Then he stops and looks tres surprised, "Say. You don't think?" And he points to the wig and looks a question. "Oh, I don't know. They say there's never too much of a good thing. I suppose this is the 'Reaches' opportunity t'be finding out." Kassima is just far too amused by this. "They have some good drink, Ro--M'rek; Sria found me one that's delightfully toxic. And please tell me you didn't shave his head, M're--Rod--whichever one you are." Amilin glances sidelong at S'rist and laughs, "Oh dear. I think you might have the right of it." Rodric's brows do a slow march up his forehead at his look-alike's words. "Uhhhh ... huhhhh ... I wonder indeed," he eyes the wig, shakes his head again, then beams Kassima-wards. "Got more of that for me?" Sria shakes her head, "They do say that, and they -are- rather too much even when there aren't too many of them," she adds, grinning at Rek-turned-Ric. "Ami," she turns, "That's two, speaking of twos, isn't it?" Rodric_Costume takes a swallow of his ale and then laughs at the real Rodric, "Hey, watch it with my girl, flyboy." Brightly before he laughs between Ami and Sria, "Two huh? Anything worth doing is worth doing twice, right Sria?" Terrible indeed. S'rist finishes off his mug of ale, and gets up to get another one. "Get you anything Amilin, while I'm up at the table with refreshments? And that's just a rumor, who knows what's really the cause of it."" Amilin wrinkles her nose, "Shards. I'm not betting with you again, Sri. You always win. Or rather. I'm going back to not betting. Much safer." But she's smiling just the same. "More wine would be lovely, S'rist. Something red?" She chuckles again, "Ahh, well. The speculation is part of the fun." Kassima considers what remains of her glass. There isn't much, so she polishes it off, sets it down, and promises Rodric-turned-M'rek, "I'll get us seconds," with a grin. She glides off to do just that, leaving the faint scent of peppermint behind. She returns with three glasses, balanced carefully; she sets one on the surface nearest Rod-Rek, one near Rek-Ric, and keeps one for herself. "I am *so* afraid t'ask what's being done twice," she tosses in for good measure. It's a shame Sria's wearing such a pale color, because in a rosier hue, that faintest of flushes across her cheeks could be passed off as anything else - even now, it could be a result of too-extended laughter, it's so fleeting. The words come easily enough, despite: "Yes, yes, you're all too right, dear bronzerider," correcting: "Harper." A smile for Amilin, "Only with you is my record so good." She ignores Kassima's last. Self-preservation. Rodric presses a hand to his heart, blinking at Rek-Ric innocently. "Far be it from me to -poach- my friend ... though at this juncture ... whose girl is whose? And ... in our current state, do -any- of them actually want to be referred to as such?" There's a gallant look then for the ladies and then that glass is taken from Kassima with another beaming smile. "Ahhh, lifesaver you are m'dear." Rodric_Costume winks at Kassima, accepts the second drink and tips it back before he's grinning at Sria, sure to catch that color and to bask in it. He slants a grin at his own unwilling doppleganger and laughs, "I'm not really sure, give me another few drinks and I'm sure the matter'll sort itself all out. When they clunk us on the head and leave us on the floor." S'rist looks over towards Amilin, "So is it safe to ask what you were betting on this time? Or is that two bets in a row that I'll have not even a hint as to why they were made?" "I could mayhaps be convinced into nay fighting the claim," says Kassima with dry humor, "but that may be since if'n being bizarre or singing in public is grounds for abandonment, I'm completely, utterly, and irrevocably doomed. For my part I'm content t'leave the issue of just whose is whose up t'you two t'decide, however." She lifts her glass to both men and offers a sweet-but-wicked smile. "If'n only because the argument sounds potentially highly entertaining." Amilin chuckles softly, "Just wait until I tell Jos about this, Sri. You. _Blushing_ in the living cavern for all to see." She chuckles, "This one was on if Rodric knew that Rodric Two had his knot. The other one was if R'sel would faint again at the prospect of becoming a daddy again." Bad Ami. "You've partaken in both, then?" Sria says to Kassima, though she only glances between those discussing and the other under discussion. "Entertaining. Are they never, otherwise?" - "Safe enough," Sria assures her Weyrleader, smiling, before lifting a brow at Amilin, perfectly unable to comprehend what she might be referring to. She glances outside before moving to collect her earlier-won prize, trading her empty glass. Rodric eyes his mimic for a moment, winks at Kassi, then casts a rather winning look at Sria. "Fancy clunking anyone on the head tonight then, Weyrsecond?" he inquires, and manages to tease and yet be polite all in one breath. It must be good to be the MasterHarper. Or maybe not. "Or stealing one of us away, before we get hopelessly drunk and really -can't- tell which one of us is supposed to be which? I can just see it now. "I'm the MasterHarper of Pern. No -I- am." He tosses back his glass then and beams delightedly. "Ahhh ladies, now that -is- the stuff, p'raps we should ah ... take a skin or a bottle or whatever of that and take it for that discussion out under the stars?" So saying he slides an arm over in a hook-it-into M'rek's sort of gesture. "There's also the matter of that lad and my hair to figure out, isn't there, my dear ... err ... Harper." Rodric_Costume laughs and slants a grin over at Sria at her question for Kassima, and then he says, "What? You think I'd not kiss and then tell about it?" S'rist ahs at Amilin, "I see, R'sel and a father. I guess I was a little slow in hearing rumor about that. " Kassima confirms with half a grin, "Only too often. And will again, in all likelihood; if'n I haven't done at least one yet tonight, 'tis by sheer fortune. But they've never been other than entertaining in some way or another--always positive--in the time I've known them." She just makes an amused sound when Rodric-M'rek teases Sria. "Hmm-mmm. A 'skin of wine, doubled rapscallions, and us? Or are you trying t'get the Masterharper alone, bronzerider?" she teases Rodric in her turn. "I somehow suspect that's been your plan all along!" "Oh, my dear Masterharper. Turned bronzerider," says Sria, deadpan, "You surely know how very difficult you are to refuse." She glances toward M'rek The Original, now, and through a grin for Rodric's proposed identity argument, returns, "Would -I-?" - "I wouldn't at all be surprised," she tells Kassima, "If that -were- the plan all along. For both of them." "Not too slow." Ami confides in S'rist now with a grin. "More like the mother tends to be tight lipped about such matters to the point Sri and I could have easily been betting on if she'd tell him before she was showing." Rodric_Costume snickers now, from Kassima to Sria, and back again. "Well. In that case, my dears." He offers the Rodric-M'rek an arm and strolls out with him asking, "Have I ever shown you my etchings?" Rodric grins blithely at M'rek-Rodric. "No you haven't ... but I'd be delighted ..." there's a backwards wave as he gets steered out. And so goes the ... well, whichever one they are. Rodric strolls outside to the bowl. Sria laughs, long, for that last from M'rek, and heads out as well, calling, "'Night!" behind her. Kassima shakes her head as they leave, laughing silently, and drains her second glass before picking up her prize. "Thank you all for the very entertaining and vastly warped evening," she bids, with a grin, then waves and follows the exodus suit. You stride outside to the bowl.