
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Date:  December 9, 2002
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Skyspace; Fort Sweep Area Road; Healer Hall's
Herb Garden
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  A late-night whim brought I'sai to Healer Hall; a wish 
for practice in traveling (and perhaps a desire to get out of the Weyr)
brought Cheni, and an invitation from Taralyth brought Kassi... for all
that, from listening to her, one would think she came entirely to visit
her mints.  It's a nice, light scene, and Kassima and Ayanne have 
another opportunity to chat after the need for sleep drags the sane
one (Cheni) to bed and I'sai also goes to see her home.


The Log:

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor
to carry you aloft.

<*> Taralyth swings higher, wingbeats lengthening once he's well out from
the cliff's stone.

<*> Taralyth flies up and out of the bowl.

<*> Lysseth follow, follow, follow, follow, follows the bronze brick road!
Or something like that, anyway.

The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies.

<*> Taralyth dips her a wingtip before flattening his spiral into slow,
easy circles above the pair on watch.

<*> Irenyath flies up from the southern half of the bowl.

<*> Lysseth chooses a lazy circling pattern counter to and slightly above
his; poor watchdragon, to have Pern's equivalent of buzzards circling

<*> Irenyath warbles a bright greeting as she wings her way up from the
bowl near the barracks. Cheni gives an apologetic shrug as she fastens her
jacket and pulls on flight gloves.

Dragon> Irenyath bespoke Lysseth and Taralyth with << We could not find our
boot. But when I stood, there it was. >>

Dragon> Lysseth and Irenyath sense that Taralyth glitters an amiably warm
greeting to them both, mind afterward sharpening on Irenyath as he seeks
the envision from her, to confirm it before she actually _goes_.

<*> Taralyth warbles lightly back again, unhurried, and - though it may
well be missed, given their respective heights and the relative darkness -
his rider lightly taps his goggles.

Lysseth> Taralyth and Irenyath sense that Lysseth's salutation comes in
mellow green with bare tracings of gold, glowing faintly beneath the starry
thought-sky to match physical sky; there's a ripple of amusement for the
boot, and then she subsides into tranquil waiting.

Dragon> Lysseth and Irenyath sense that Irenyath quickly paints a detailed
picture of the skies above Healer Hold and the ancient buildings below, the
stone roads and courtyards, down to the slight rise in the slope. She then
croons, quizzically, hoping all is well.

<*> Lysseth affords a low-voiced rumble for the younger green, long wings
continuing to sweep the sky in easy, lazy patterns. Her rider's not likely
visible on her neck at this height and distance; if she is, it's as the
shadow of a shadow only.

<*> Irenyath continues to climb, although tiny in stature, she seems to
have caught the trick of the thermals and soon mimics Lysseth, following
the same pattern. Cheni finally gets herself sorted and the younger green
indicates with a muted rumble that they are indeed ready.

<HLR> Ayanne says, "Phews, and tucks the builder away. You guys still up
for RP? If so, anyplace at the Hall specifically?"

<HLR> Kassima says, "Oh, yes; you'll not escape us that easily. ;) As to
place... not sure; were you thinking of anywhere in particular, Is?"

<*> Taralyth receives - confirms - and signals with a bright, sharp warble
just moments before he disappears.

<*> Taralyth disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Irenyath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<HLR> I'sai's easy. Whatever works for you. If outside is feasible at all,
given that it's autumn and not winter again, that's cool, but if not,
that's cool too?

<HLR> Ayanne heads out, then :)

<*> Irenyath lets out the same surprised chirp she always gives as she
finds herself where she should be. She holds steady as Cheni peers around
in the gloom, trying to get her own bearings.

<HLR> Ayanne ahh-oohhhhs, I get to torture a weyrling? sick a rosebush
after her?

<*> Lysseth also makes a sound upon emerging from *between*'s black depths,
but hers is a trumpet: ringing, loud, with no thought for any poor sleeping
sods below. Hello, hello, hello, watchpair! She's here! Two swift wingbeats
before she settles again into a low circle, ceding the choice of landing
spot to one of the others.

<HLR> Sauscony yays!

<*> Taralyth remains poised on sharp, sideswept wings until young Irenyath
makes it through; only then does he warble fleet greeting to those on
watch, and mirror Lysseth's circle before descending towards the road.

<*> Taralyth flies down to land on the wide road running through the valley.

<HLR> Ayanne ohyeahs, and has a gift for Kassi.

<HLR> Kassima says, "Oh dear. I should be afraid, shouldn't I. ;)"

<HLR> I'sai fears the rosebushes. Hey, Sauce!

You fly gently down to the wide road leading through the valley.

<HLR> Ayanne heyas Soz, too :) And yes, Kassi, you should :)

<HLR> Sauscony waves and looks from the crowbar. Hrm

<*> Irenyath flies down from the vast blue sky above the Hold.

<*> Mounted on Irenyath, Cheni lands, light as a feather, and tucks her
wings in politely, scrunching over to the side, in case there might be
pedestrian or wagon travel.

Kassima is already unfastening the buckle that keeps her helmet in place
before Lysseth's fully settled in, and by the time the green is furling her
wings and lowering her neck a trifle, she's at work on the gloves. "What
errand is it that you're running here?" she wants to know, splitting a
curious glance between Assistant Weyrlingmaster and Weyrling. "You're nay
coming t'get a new Healer t'plague us all, I hope?"

<*> Astride Taralyth's neck, I'sai unfastens all the buckles and clasps and
this and that, afterward rubbing the rings out from about his eyes. "Gotten
used to it, Cheni? Anywhere near? And Kassi - glad you joined us, and -
shards, no, we haven't had _that_ many accidents, not even with another
clutch. No, we're just enjoying the good weather. Or getting in some
travelling practice. Or we've set you up. Or it's just a surprise. Or...
you pick."

<*> Mounted on Irenyath, Cheni shakes her head at Kassima as she too undoes
her straps, then pulls off gloves and lifts her helmet off her head. She
doesn't do it quickly and a fumble or two with a cuss under her breath
ensues. "Used to *between?*" She laughs. "Shells no. I'm always amazed we
get here, even though Irenyath and I are sure of the visualizations." She
laughs at I'sai's comment. "Never been here myself, course, I can say that
about a lot of places."

<*> I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck.

<*> Cheni dismounts Irenyath.

Kassima waves a hand in amiable dismissal: "Don't mention it; my
pleasure--or the Sky-Lady's at least, to take Taralyth up on these
invitations." No, Lyss doesn't look pleased at *all*. And I have
ocean-front property in Telgar to sell you. "I needed t'visit again
anyway... I'm pleased t'hear *that*. Best reason for travelling as far as
I'm concerned, and far better than assisting Healers in evil Healer
schemes." As she swings down, she comments to Cheni, "I don't know if'n
'tis possible t'get *used* to it--'tis always something of a shock to the
system, 'tis nay?"

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

"Fewer and fewer," I'sai says cheerfully, once he's made it to the ground.
"And the good thing about not being used to it, you still respect it -
might even remember it, when you can drink again, and do. ...'Needed' to
visit, though? Healers keeping secrets for you, hm, or is it a secret stock
of this or that?"

Puzzled, Cheni's gaze is torn between the two older riders. "Evil Healers
and needing to visit? Healers are't that bad, except when they ask you all
sorts of embarassing questions."

"Forgetting *between* isn't the problem." Kassi's observation is dry as
dust. "Forgetting the way home and having t'sleep on the floor, that's more
the thing, and I'm afraid I speak with some experience on the subject...
naught quite like that," she breezily assures, with another of those
hand-waves. "I just... have an agreement. T'be visiting here sometimes. And
I've nay come in a bit, so 'twas nigh due; besides, I haven't seen how
m'mints are faring. Ach, Cheni, you might nay think they're evil *now*. But
if'n you should ever find yourself expecting a spawnling, you'll discover
the evil first--ah--hand. Never mind if'n any of 'em should start nattering
at you about regular check-ups or drinking plenty of milk."

Cheni waves a hand breezily. "Well, I'm never going to have to worry about
that, having spaw..err, children and I don't like milk but eighteen turns
of disliking it is not going to allow anyone to change my opinion." She
does look at the gates to the hall with a bit of worry however. "Do you
often forget where you live?"

I'sai mutters something about wherrywiches; then, "Mints? I thought you
just got 'em, they didn't just sit there, and... c'mon, let's go
-somewhere-, not just stand here, while you talk." An eenie-meenie-miney-mo
points him towards the gardens' gate.

I'sai makes his way through an opening in the hedge surrounding the gardens.

Cheni takes a deep breath and follows right behind, looking over at
Irenyath. "Don't go anywhere, now." She jokes.

Cheni makes her way through an opening in the hedge surrounding the gardens.

You follow the road southeast through the cultivated Fort lands for most of
a day, almost to the Harper Hall, but then turn west and enter the Healer
Hall courtyard.

You head South into the Herb Garden.

Telgar Weyr> Cheni says, "Oh where or where are Kassima and I'sai Snerk"

Cheni walks into the herb garden, coming from the nearby gardens of the Hold.

Telgar Weyr> Ceria says, "Getting into trouble, I'm sure. ;)"

I'sai wanders through the gardens - it's too random a route to be called
'leads', though the other two are behind him - collar turned up and hands
thrust deeply into pockets, kicking at stray leaves that have the
misfortune to be both dead and in his path.

Kassima murmurs while walking, in near-dulcet tones, "Odd how 'tis always
the ones who say that who seem t'end up pregnant a sevenday after they
graduate, isn't it--" She shifts back to a normal voice as she temporizes,
"'Tisn't so much a case of that, exactly, as of having a foggy
visualization or nay being able t'visualize properly at all; and Faranth
help you if'n you attempt t'go *between* in such a state. If'n you *don't*
die, by some absolute miracle, your Wingleader and mayhaps your Weyrleader
will flay you stem to sternum if'n they ever hear of the stunt. Best t'get
your visualization from someone else who's sober if'n you can, or failing
that, t'stay the night. Mint *plants*, Is! The ones that grow!" She falls
mostly silent when she actually enters the bounds of the garden. Force of
habit, perhaps; also habit that bids her to scan the premises rather warily.

Cheni follows right behind Kassima, close enough to almost crash into her
as she stops. She adjusts her flight jacket and even with pinkened cheeks,
manages to look as if she meant to do that. She protests. "I'm not about to
..." Better judgment rules and she sighs. "Never even kissed a guy no
matter done anything." When Kassima becomes quiet, so does she and she
peers around the garden, then takes a deep breath. "This smells great,
maybe we can transplant it into the barracks."

Sauscony laughs softly, pausing to eye the newcomers. "It was the only way
Thalia could get me to come in." She notes before raising a hand to offer a
wave to the newcomers.

Ayanne and Sauscony are out in the herb garden despite the lateness of the
hour. Some of the garden beds around them look to have been cleared in
recent days, their freshly turned soil bare of even twigs. Others still
rustle leaves in the wind - some green, others yellow and dying off. The
voices of others, however, draw Ayanne's attention. "Evening, and Healer's
duties," she greets, turning their way. The formally mild tones are
replaced with more enthusiasm. "Ah, Kassi! I'sai!" The weyrling with them
is given a nod, for lack of an identifyer yet. "What brings you here?"

I'sai turns a stare on the wingleader, "You have your own -plants-? They
grow plants -here- for -you-? Well, shells and - " his attention drifts
enough to catch on Sauscony, "Hey, Sauce. This is Cheni, one of our
weyrlings with her Irenyath, and by her own word very chaste, and..." only
belatedly to her companion, at which he offers a more sedate, "Telgar's
duties, Craftmaster," and even straightens up a tad.

Cheni bobs her head. "Telgar Weyr's duties to Healer Hall, ma'am." She nods
to Sauscony then Ayanne. "And ma'am." She returns to gazing about the
gardens with wide-eyed wonder. "Haven't seen this much stuff growing since
I left Braddle." She hides a scowl as I'sai's comment dawns on her brain.

"That'll certes change in time--from flights if'n naught else," but Kassi's
expression is sympathetic, and the words have gentleness beneath their
casual delivery. "You'll have the lecture soon. If'n you like, while we're
here, you might inquire about... preventatives, if'n you're certain you
don't want children." Yes, she does say that quietly. She's not a sadist.
Not right *now* anyway. More audibly: "Doesn't it? 'Tis m'favorite part of
the Hall--oh! Ayanne! Craftsecond Sauscony! G'deve; duties t'your Hall and
her Masters, all that sort of thing. An invitation and a green wishing to
travel bring me, as well as the bargain; they're here on something more
like duty, methinks." She draws her attention briefly away from the pair to
give Is a wide-eyed, innocent blink. "Why, a'course. Don't they grow any
for *you*?"

Sauscony is trying not to snicker, making her greetings sound a bit garbled.

Cheni pales considerably at Kassima's low toned conversation and
involuntarily crosses one foot in front of the other as she stands a bit
behind I'sai.

Ayanne gives the weyrling Is and Kassi have in tow a second glance, nodding
casually. "Braddle, hmm?" She asks, with an air of familiarity. "A bit more
variety to the greenery there, as it's a warmer climate. And indeed, Kassi
has mint plants we tend for her. She even helped transplant them."

I'sai at least has the decency - or maybe it's just the craftmaster's
presence - not to audibly comment on preventatives, this while continuing
to play Cheni-shield; "No mint for me, alas... Sauscony," careful to give
her all her syllables this time, "Are you quite all right? I couldn't quite
catch that."

Cheni moves out a bit to the side so she can answer. "Yes, Braddle, little
hold of not as much importance to the rest of Pern as the supposed Lord
Braddle would like, but it's a nice enough place. An hour runner's ride or
so north of the Boll Hold."

Kassima openly beams at the mention of her mints; it's not quite the same
beam she might have if the Craftmaster had mentioned one of her children,
but the resemblance is there. "How are they?" she wants to know. "Are they
growing well? Did the piping help them at all? 'Twas meaning t'come and
read them a few sweep reports, only duties... y'know. Poor I'sai. Though I
don't know why you're so shocked--are you implying there's a reason the
Healers *shouldn't* grow me plants?" She's trying to affect a wounded look.
It just might work, if her eyes weren't gleaming quite so much. Somewhere
during this she steps aside a bit to leave more room for Cheni as well.

"Healer hall's duties." Soz finally makes out, glancing around to see if
there are any apprentices within earshot before she wrinkles her nose at
I'sai. She slants a loot towards Cheni, making note of her.

Ayanne's sharp eyes of course notice the crossed legs, but she
misinterprets the reason. "There're facilities just inside that door, down
the hall, and three doors to the left, if you need them." It's hard to be
discreet, when around others, so she just plain-out says it. Besides,
healers can be rather open about such needs. But the girl is given another,
closer, look. "Ah, yes, though. My backside remembers every jarring
runner's step of that ride. Hmmm?" Kassi's question distracts her. "Kassi's
delight of mint sticks is well known, so we might as well grow some for her
specifically. Oh, yes, the piping helped them lots, and don't worry,
apprentices chatter around them enough they think they're being talked to."

I'sai mutters something or other under his breath - certainly not putting
implications into words, nor challenging the craftsecond on the topic - but
his own eyes are dancing. He does speak up with, "You really do keep track
of whose mint goes into which, ah, sticks? They don't get all mixed up?"

Cheni blushes and blinks at Ayanne. "What is it with adults?" SHe pauses,
rememebering she -is- an adult now, herself. "No ma'am, I'm quite fine."
She stands at a more at-ease posture. She manages to pull together the
remnants of her dignity. "The road is a tad smoother, depending on the
runner that you ride. And you were at Braddle? I am not sure if I ever had
the pleasure of needing your services." She laughs outright. "I suppose
pleasure wouldn't be the right word, in such a case, would it now." She
eyes Kassima at the mention of the mint. "Why would you pipe to the plant?"

Whatever the mutter, it earns I'sai a greenrider elbow aimed, if lightly,
for his ribcage, for all that Kassi's clearly *trying* not to grin. "She
said aright, too: I visited on the day for planting them, so I put them in
the earth m'self, and when I'm here I visit. Are they nearly ready t'make
mint sticks, then?" She sounds a cross between delighted and concerned.
"But 'twill nay have t'kill the plant t'make 'em, will you?" While craning
her neck to attempt to catch a glimpse of the mints in question, she
explains for Cheni, "Plants supposedly like t'be talked to, and music, or
so I heard rumored, and it seemed worth trying... it *did* help! That's

Sauscony's wary look to the bronzerider turns to one of confusion at all
the piping, peering in confusion at the plants in question. "What if they
prefer a gitar?"

Cheni bursts out into giggles at the suggestion of a gitar. "For that
matter, what about tea, or juice?" She grins. "Or a warm blanket to sooth
them at night?" She answers Kassima's question however. "If I remember, you
just pinch off the leaves you need and new growth comes. they like being
pinched, it's good for them."

Ayanne leans on her cane -which would be something new, since she last rode
circuit through Braddle - and eyes I'sai measuringly, and with some
amusement. Finally, she answers, "No, they get mixed together. 'Tis harvest
time, indeed. We've been taking leaves from plants here and there, but
you're right. We'll have to kill them to get enough leaves for the large
amounts of mint we need here, but they'd die anyways. Could dig one up for
you to take back for your ledge?" She offers. "But it might not do so well
in the winter." Cheni's given a slow nod. "Can't say as I remember you,
personally. But then, was always kept hopping by those that needed my
attention, and it was turns ago. Daresay you've changed some, hmm?

I'sai exaggerates his wince, as he often does, and in retribution chants a
low-voiced and long-vowelled, "Kill, kill, kill!" before catching himself,
coughing, and straightening up. Some. Particularly under that assessing
stare of Ayanne's.

"Plus you need to add a few other herbs, just to get the taste right." Soz
points out. Just then an apprentice comes sprinting out from the pharmacy
entrance. "Craftsecond! Mystrin is awake!" The healer nods and offers the
other an apologetic smile. "My patient" she explains, "If you will excuse?"

Kassima scuffs the toe of one foot against the ground. "They're out of luck
if'n they prefer the gitar. I only play the one instrument, and I don't
think Simaeva would be keen on coming out here t'serenade plants; Khari,
*mayhaps*, but... nay." No comment is offered on tea, juice, and blankets.
Instead she worries at her lower lip. "I don't particularly want m'mints
t'die," she admits in a murmur, sounding faintly embarrassed. "If'n they
couldn't grow indoors in m'weyr, think you that Greystones would be
temperate enough for 'em? I could bring them there." She doesn't look
towards Is, keeps her eyes on the plants, but her jaw tightens a visible
fraction. No killing her precious mints! "Oh, a'course, Craftsecond. Good
t'see you again."

Cheni notes the cane as she nods agreeably. "I've grown some. When did you
say you were out that way?" She shrugs. "It was my older brothers who were
the ones who saw the healers more. I tended to land upright, like a feline.
Although my mother had a difficult birth with her last child, my sister.
She had an early labour and the babe nearly died."

Sauscony opens the door and steps into the Pharmacy.

Ayanne requests of Sauscony, "Send out a junior, would you, with the ..."
Ayanne glances at Kassi, then back to Sauscony, "The project I was working
on? Just have them bundle it up in a bandage, or something." As Sauscony
leaves, the Craftmaster chuckles softly. "Well, we could always find a
corner of the greenhouse for you, or perhaps Greystones would be a better
climate for one."

I'sai looks back once Sauscony's out of sight; "I hear mint likes to take
over? Could be springtime, and you'd have nothing else, imagine."

Cheni stifles a yawn behind her hand and tries to cover it as a polite
cough. But Irenyath's soft answering croon can be heard from just outside
the garden and the weyrling sheepishly admits. "As the Wingleader
mentioned, I'd be a fool to say I wasn't getting tired, the early sweeps is
catching up with me."

Ayanne replies to Cheni, thoughtfully. "Oh, it was about ten, fifteen turns
back, I rode my last circuit. Charming had a smooth pace on her, but a
misplaced step, and - well, I wound up instructing apprentices from the
bed, you could say. I am sorry to hear of your mother's troubles, though."
In a moment, a junior apprentice comes dashing out, hands something to
Ayanne, and scoots back. "Mint can, but then so can a number of our plants.
Careful tending keeps that from being too much of a problem. Now, Kassi,
this is for you." And a little bandage-wrapped item is held out for her -
small enough to fit in the palm of a hand.

"The greenhouse would be most generous," says Kassima, relaxing and
offering a relieved smile. "If'n 'twouldn't be a problem? At Greystones,
there'd be the risk of rampant cousins trampling them; I assume rampant
cousins don't trample through your herb gardens, particularly since the
only cousin I have here was never the rampant type--why," she breaks off to
wonder, rhetorically and with some humor restored, "does that nay surprise
me, about mint?" After a fond glance for the plants, she flicks the smile
to Cheni. "G'deve, then, Weyrling, and may your trip back be safe. Oh!"
This is said as the item is held out. Though she blinks in surprise, she
reaches a hand to gingerly take it. "What's this, then?"


 Deeply black, the barely uneven small beads of this necklace appear
crafted of ebony, then polished until they gleam. No two are the same size
or shape exactly, and have been arranged in the necklace so the largest of
them rest together just under the hollow of the throat, gradually tapering
to the smallest at the clasps. The necklace does not appear to be anything
more than just this, a simple work of beads, nothing that requires a
Master's touch.


Cheni smiles sympathetically, without pity but more common sensed, at the
mention of the runner incident. "My mother and younger sister fare well,
she has ten turns behind her and she has lungs that would wake a sleeping
shipfish in the middle of the sea, so she hales well." She nods to Kassima,
then the Healer, then looks expectantly to I'sai, waiting orders.

I'sai's distracted from the odd object - bribe? gratuity? results of
espionage or blackmail or a few odd little tests? - in favor of, "Then we'd
best get back, and thank you for bringing it to my attention; we'll stay
longer next time, perhaps," that last slightly tinged with apology for
Kassima and Ayanne, but only slightly: duty calls, and all that. "Good
night, Telgar's duties, and may the mint not take you over."

Embarassed by her own fatigue, Cheni makes a quick exit after making short
work of her traditional farewells to the Healer and a salute to Kassima.
"Ma'am" She's not so tired that she does give Kassima an apologetic shrug
with the salute.

Cheni wanders under a hedgerow archway towards Fort's Gardens.

Ayanne waves her hand slightly, not making a big fuss over the gift.
"Nothing much, just thought of you when we had some petals to spare."
There's something odd about these beads, one might think, as Ayanne looks
rather amused. "Wear them in good health," she says, then offers I'sai and
Cheni a smile, and a nod. "Good evening, then. And well met, Cheni."

I'sai discreetly follows her out.

For Kassi's part, the glance she now darts towards Is has equally mild
regret; what Wingleader wouldn't understand duty? "A'course,
a'course--'twill see you at the Weyr then, too, Is, and g'deve t'you."

I'sai adds a quick, "Of course!" over his shoulder on the way.

I'sai wanders under a hedgerow archway towards Fort's Gardens.

<HLR> I'sai says, "Thanks for hosting, Ayanne!"

<HLR> Ayanne says, "Come any time :)"

Kassima then turns her attention to unwrapping the parcel indeed, and
exclaiming over the contents: "A necklace 'tis! And black--" She drapes the
bandage over an arm to leave her hands free to turn the beads over and
around her fingers, feeling the smoothness, the slight inconsistencies of
shape. "'Tis lovely, Ayanne, though I have to admit I don't recognize the
stone... wait, wait; petals?" That gets her to look upwards quizzically.

"Hold them in your hand, a little bit," Ayanne advises, looking pleased.
"And yes, petals. Takes quite a few, but despite what some say," there's an
odd emphasis on 'some', "There's not much use for that sort of petal. So,
when you boil petals in a bit of water and an iron pot, they turn this
interesting shade of black. Grind them, add more water, simmer again, and
repeat daily for a few days, and you get something like clay." A nod
indicates the beads.

Kassima obediantly closes her hand over a section of the necklace, still
puzzled, but also intrigued. "So 'tis beads made of a plant, then, and
you've been working on 'em for *days*? Faranth, I'm honored by that--" She
rubs her other thumb lightly over some of the beads that aren't enclosed,
brow furrowing a fraction. "What sort of plant is it, whose petals don't
have other uses?"

Ayanne confesses, "It only took a few minutes of actual work a day, and to
be honest, an apprentice tended the pot more often than I did." Though the
warmth of a handgrip isn't quite as effective as wearing the necklace,
there soon is a new scent added to the air: delicate, sweet, and one
that'll reveal why Ayanne looked rather amused. Rose. "Healer Ushu is quite
convinced that they're the cure for everything," she goes on to say. "But
they really aren't. Rose petals do have their uses, but not in the
quantities we accumulate in order to get the more valuable rosehips."

As the scent reaches Kassi's nostrils, they immediately flare a tiny
fraction and her eyes widen perceptibly. "*Roses*. Ah. Goodness. Black, you
don't say, and they make *beads* and these are some of the beads and--" Oh,
yes, she's babbling. She collects herself after a moment, regarding the
necklace with only slight trepidation. "'Tis still lovely," she says
firmly. "And I'll wear it with pleasure. But nay, if'n you don't mind, when
Ushu's anywhere near t'smell them! Faranth only knows what he'd do. Should
I ask about roses having hips?"

Ayanne pauses, waiting for the reaction, and a slow smile spreads across
her features. "Now, like I said, it didn't really take that much time. If
the scent would give you nightmares, hand them to one of your daughters,
tell her it reminds you of her birth?" A nod is given, Ushu is, well, Ushu.
Rose scented beads might just get him too excited. "And if you've spare
time, and can raid Ushu's supplies, just remember - it's an iron skillet
that's crucial, or else the clay won't be black, and won't keep. These, I'm
sure you'll be glad to know, will hold thier fragrance for turns. Mmm-hmm,
they've hips. That's what their fruit is called. It's very tart; you'd not
want to eat it. But it makes an interesting jelly, and a sharply pleasant
drink that helps stave off winter illnesses."

"Nay, nay, I'd nay give a gift away," Kassi hastily assures, for all that
she's still a bit wary around the necklace. "Though Khari might like 'em.
Are directions for this concoction written down anywhere? It seems worth a
try, since Khari likes roses and Kiss likely would too, and 'twould be
something we could fiddle with this winter... roses have *fruit*." News to
her, evidently. Disturbing news. "That's *certes* news t'me. But staving
off the winter illnesses, that's interesting. Think you 'twould keep riders
from getting colds, then? And is the jelly edible?"

Ayanne offers, with a broad grin, "My firelizard knows Telgar, and can
recognize your Lysseth. I could send you the directions, if you'd like. The
recipe calls for rose petals, but I don't see any reason you couldn't also
add others to the mix." The woman shakes her head, stating, "No, no. That
alone won't keep riders from getting colds and coughs. Add in some
echinacaea tea, among other things, and frequent hand-washing, and one
might lessen the chances, though. And yes, the jelly is quite edible, even
tasty. "

Kassima mutters with good-natured and exaggerated worry, "I don't think I
want t'be knowing why your fire-lizard would recognize her... but 'twould
be most appreciated, thankee. I don't suppose the same thing would work
with mint?" She did have to ask. As she does so, she unfastens the necklace
clasp, so as to be able to fix it around her neck over the choker she
already wears. "Mmph. I don't know whether they'd be willing t'go t'that
much trouble--and that might explain why I don't know of any of 'em
drinking roses and eating rose-fruit already. This jelly... 'tisn't aught
like, ah, crabapple catsup, is it?"

Ayanne waves a reassuring hand, insisting, "Digna, when she's around,
learns the dragons who come visiting. Even if it's just a drowsy scan
whilst sunning herself on my windowledge. You could possibly try with
mint," she allows, then frowns curiously. "Crabapple catsup? Not at all.
That's what's leftover of making crabapple jelly, what gets strained out,
some of the women around Fort make it. Has many of the same properties as
rosehips, though. I suppose you could make rosehip catsup out of what's
left after straining the mixture." Her nose wrinkles slightly - she wasn't
raised here, crabapple catsup is NOT something she appears to have an
affinity for. "Though why you'd want to, who knows."

Kassima nods, mollified. She brightens outright at the news on mint. "Would
it be possible," she asks tentatively, "t'get a few leaves from those of
m'mints that can't go into the greenhouse--or can they all go into the
greenhouse?--t'be trying with? *I* don't know why anyone would want to
either." This is said fervently. Very fervently indeed. "I can't even
stomach the thought, truth be known--of crabapple, 'tis t'be saying; likely
nay of rosehip either if'n 'twould be aught like."

Ayanne considers for a moment, then shrugs. "Crabapple jelly, I do like. I
just don't like the sight of that slurry that's leftover." She gestures to
the mint plants, now about waist-height and bushy. "Take all you'd like.
I'm thinking we'll really just have room for one in the greenhouse, though
if you'd like to take others to Greystones, that's fine too. We can bundle
up their roots well, and they should survive the trip."

Brightening a great deal more, Kassi beams with something very near delight
at the Master Healer. "I'd love t'be taking the mints if'n you're sure
'twill be nay bother or drain of resources? I've grown rather attached to
'em, and I don't like to think of their dying--so if'n I could take 'em
safely *between*, then I'd like to." Again the plants are eyed with great
fondness. Faranth. This woman needs to find a safer outlet for her
nurturing impulses. "Catsup," she says firmly, "should be reserved to
tomatoes, at least in the world of m'stomach."

Ayanne gestures with her cane at the other mints, shaking her head. "We've
enough to do us. These aren't our only plants, anyways. Most Holds and
Halls grow their own, as mint'll grow nearly anywhere, at least for one
summer. So it's not one we need fields of. Tell you what - if you take
yours, and we turn out to be in dire need, may we hassle you for some?" She
appears to be in agreement on the catsup, but even goes so far as to say,
"I'd rather it just not be near me. Tomato or crabapple."

With a broad smile Kassima agrees, "You have a deal, Master. Lysseth's
willing enough t'carry 'em, too." Though one can be sure *that* took some
convincing from Kassi, whatever she says about 'willing.' "Ach, I'm fine
enough with the tomato variety, but the other... and there are better
sauces than either, certes. So you'll nay hear me arguing against avoidance."

Ayanne thinks for a moment, then nods, as if deciding something. "Alright,
then. I'll have some of the apprentices dig up your mints, then, and bundle
them up - they'll have sufficient soil and water to do alright for a few
days if need be. Just come on by when you and Lysseth have the time, and
I'll give you full directions on getting them situated. Now," Ayanne looks
regretful, but duty calls. "I really should check on the apprentices in the
pharmacy, and then call it a night. Many thanks for dropping by - I do hope
you'll still come now and then, even without the mints to visit?"

Kassima bobs her head at each point, expression still quite pleased.
"'Twill make the time somehow, for the mints. I can't tell you how glad I
am they don't have t'die after all. Anyway, I should be getting back to the
Weyr m'self--the hour's nay precisely early, I fear. And aye, I figure I've
nay quite paid out m'debt to Sauscony yet. So you'll likely see me about a
bit." With a grin, she adds, "Especially with the mint in the greenhouse--I
can't neglect it just because 'tisn't with its brethren, can I?"

"Of course not!" Ayanne appears mock-shocked at the idea of neglecting the
left-behind mint. "Now, perhaps once the weather gets cold, we'll actually
get you into the Hall itself. If I promise no sharp instruments or nasty
things. But for now, clear skies, and enjoy what's left of your evening?"

Kassima tries an exaggerated shudder, but it doesn't match the grin very
well. "Mayhaps, mayhaps, but I make you nay promises to the effect! I hope
you do the same, and don't find those Apprentices doing aught illicit;
duties, as always, t'yourself and your Hall. And g'night!" She turns to the
mints to also wish them a more outright affectionate, "G'night, wee mints!"
before she finally goes.

You head north out of the herb garden.