
Sales Under Sails

Date:  March 24, 2005
Place:  The Serenity's Key
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  After a monsoon caused much damage in Boll the Lady and
Lord decided to hold this event, a cruise during which items (and 
experiences) could be auctioned off for charity.  It was a good time
particularly notable for the lovely Baker menus!  Also for the 
wonderful things up for bid; Kassi ended up winning a wooden flute 
for Kris and a Bollian vacation for two for herself... which she
still hasn't gone on as of this 2008 writing.  Is it by chance still 
valid, Lady Dy? ;)


The Log:

You enter the Serenity's Key.

The ship is decorated in a festive manner to celebrate tonight's cruise.
Colorful red and white bunting hang along the railing of the ship, flapping
lightly in the breeze. Decorative streamers hang from the edges of the
sails, adding another touch of fun. Lighted ornate glowbaskets are set up
here and there to cast soft pools of light for the guests. To 'view' what
is outside the ship, just look.

Serenity's Key(#16388Jaet$)
	The Serenity's Key is a 52 foot double masted Dragon class Schooner.  
She has eight gaff rigged sails.  The inner-jib sail is hoisted to the yard 
arm outer-jib sail is hoisted to the yard arm flying-jib sail is hoisted to 
the yard arm for-top-jib sail is hoisted to the yard arm foresail sail is
hoisted to the yard arm aft-top-jib sail is hoisted to the yard arm
mainsail sail is hoisted to the yard arm aftsail sail is hoisted to the
yard arm  The mooring lines are gracefully faked out on the main deck.  Her
anchor is hoisted clear of the waterline with the chain stowed in the chain
locker.  From the main mast she is flying the ship's flag which shows red
chevrons on a white background.
	The quarterdeck and the surrounding railings of this ship are finished
with a dark, glossy varnish, and snowy ropes hang in neat coils from highly
polished belaying pins. The effect of the Serenity's Key is almost
ostentatiously neat, evidence that the ship's owner takes great pride in her.
Auction Tables

Dominated by a pair of enormous pale blue-gray eyes and a spray of freckles
across her nose, her countenance is positively angelic. Dendra's hair
brushes the tops of her shoulders and is feathered around her face to
flatter her high cheekbones. It's back to her natural light brown color,
thankfully. She is about 5' tall, with rounded curves thanks to both
genetics and frequent tasting in the kitchens. Her skin is tanned to the
color of klah mixed with milk, and her left nostril is pierced with a tiny
gold hoop. 
Dendra is wearing a big poofy hat, a tunic with elbow-length sleeves and
billowing trousers. Everything is a brilliant shade of sapphire blue, as
well as made of the finest and softest wool. A brilliant scarlet sisal
scarf is wrapped once around her neck, tucked into the tunic's deep
V-neckline and fastened in place with a shiny gold bread-loaf pin, to
accent her assets. Polished Crom-coal black leather boots with 1" heels
give her extra height, and large gold hoops dangle from her ears. An
elaborate Baker Craftmaster's knot sits proudly on her left shoulder. 
Dendra is 38 Turns, 3 months, and 13 days of age. 

Draila thanks Dendra with a nod as she accepts the tea in her free hand
then lightly giggles in answer to the rider at her side. "And caught in a
monsoon Juls. Lets hope nothing so surprising happens tonight shall we? Or
they may ask us to leave this time."

M'tri climbs aboard.

	As the Lady Holder of Southern Boll, Dyane carries herself with an 
air of confidence that is rare for her turns. She is of medium height and 
slender build. Her long blonde hair tumbles down her back in carefree 
loops with the exception of one vagrant curl that always falls against her 
neck and over her shoulder. Her large emerald eyes, framed with long dark 
lashes, sparkle with amusement and a touch of mischieviousness, but 
smolder with fury if you provoke her. Her lips are turned up in a cynical 
smile while she observes everything closely, etching all in her mind. The 
only jewelry that adorns her are the silver hoops that pierce her ears 
and the wedding ring on her finger.
	Dyane is wearing one of her dresses in a deep burgundy colouring. 
The boat neck of the dress, edged in fine cord, bares her shoulders, 
coming to rest just above the swell of her bosom. The long sleeves button 
along the lower arms, snugging close. The bodice seems to glow as a 
precious ruby, the silk reflecting in the light. The bodice is darted to 
accentuate her curves while the dress itself flares from the dropped 
waistline, tumbling to the ground in silky waves. A long cord of the 
deepest black, finished at each end with a tassel, follows the curve of 
her hips.

"Always the flatterer, Master Arden." Dyane responds with a light laugh.
She motions to one of the serving girls. "I want you to make sure Master
Arden has anything he needs. Now, if you will excuse me, I better greet
other guests." With that, she makes her way toward Draila and her guest.
"Welcome, weyrwoman. I hope to find you and your dragon well?"

A rather well-dressed tan man clears his throat and declares in a very
firm, carrying voice. "WELCOME TO ALL! It is with pleasure to announce that
the auction tables are ready for bids. Please '>list items' to see what you
can purchase to aid Boll."

J'lisin grins, "I agree, here's to hoping we won't cause any trouble. Or be
asked to leave." He also accepts a cup of tea, though it sits in his hands,
the young rider seemingly just warming his hands with the beverage. As
various people greet Draila, he looks to her, gaze dropping to the arm then
back up. The tea is now sipped upon, the auctioneer drawing his attention

"Oh, look at the decorations," are Kassi's first words after stepping up
onto the boat proper, craning her neck to look around like the curious
tourist unfamiliar with ships that she is. "Especially the glowbaskets. How
lovely. Y'know, I haven't been on a boat since Lady Fil had some sort of
dinner event on the Bitra river?" Maybe she's talking to M'tri. Maybe she's
just yammering to herself. Either is equally possible. "Duties t'Boll and
her Lady and Lord, and everywhere else!" is a belated greeting to those
nearest, but a cheerful one.

Arden inclines his head to Dyane and turns his attention to the suddenly
attentive serving girl that Dyane has motioned to. "Ah, you know my
daughter over there, Dendra? She's prepared all of this food. Very
talented, she is. Gets it from me, you know." The girl giggles,
half-wondering how long the Master will go on, but also happy that she's
now pulled cushy duty for the duration of the cruise.

Draila inclines her head in polite greeting when Lady Dyane approaches.
"Quite well thank you. I see Boll is recovering since last I was here
Dyane. I hope all is going as well for you?" She softly greets then
continues to ask, "Have you met J'lisin by chance? One of Forts most
notable bronzeriders and my escort for the evening." To J'lisin she adds,
"Juls, this is Lady Dyane."

	While having always been characterized by boyish charm in both 
physique and countenance, M'tri seems to be relinquishing hold of that 
allure in favor of a more distinct handsomeness, the sort that comes only 
with age and maturity, if only in appearance. Of just marginal height, 
perhaps a few fingerlengths beneath six feet, M'tri reads of fit stamina 
from his years as a rider, as few as they may be. He's obviously in his 
prime. With work and play alike, M'tri has taken on a lean, hungry look in 
every line of his form. Even with that sinewy frame, M'tri is obviously 
healthy, and it's unlikely that he'd bypass any meal offered him, ever. 
Cords of muscle, taut as the rope on a ship's sail, trace languid paths 
over his shoulders, back and arms, flexing arbitrarily with each of his 
movements, beneath skin that only resists the traditional paleness of 
Telgari's because of genetics. 
	In countenance, M'tri has managed a look that seems camped between 
wolfish and fox-sly. Chartruese eyes rest upon cheekbones that are high 
and chiseled, changing with hard-drawn lines into a solid chin. His nose 
is slender and the softest feature on his face, flicked up slightly at the
tip, no hard lines to be seen on it. His hair is short cropped, tight curls
against his head in the constricting length.
	M'tri's garb is formal, possessed of a collared shirt of dark green, 
with sleeves that are too long. The extra length is rolled up neatly around 
his wrist and buttoned neatly. The jacket over it, also green, a more pale
contrast hangs just above his knees, finely tailored and obviously brand
new. His breeches are black, loose slacks that aren't so new but well taken
care of, covering boots that shine freshly. Wrapped around his waist is a
thin belt, subtle save for the very glittering buckle. Looped over his
right shoulder is a black and white rider's knot, contrasted starkly with a
dark but pale-rippled blue strand woven through.

	Kassima is a woman gifted magnanimously by genetics: one would likely
guess her to be younger than her actual actual age thanks to high
cheekbones and a brow lines dare not touch, and metabolism and height have
both dealt a good hand in her slender 5'10" build. Her fine-boned features
make a fine setting for canted eyes the color of emeralds in shadow; a
shrewd glint lightens these even when mirth does not, and the well-shaped
brows above lend eloquence through their mobility.
	Tonight she's dressed with festive flair, in an outfit that possesses 
just a touch of spice. Vivid red velvet hugs her upper body, its color deep 
and rich against the pale skin bared by the scooped neckline and lack of
sleeves; more of the same slides down to the floor in a narrow skirt slit
brazenly as far as each thigh. Her modesty is preserved, however, by the
large ruffles of ink-dark sisal that trim each side of the slashes and
guard the long legs beneath from casual view. Simple sable slippers
similarly protect her feet.
	Kassi's chosen to leave her blue-black hair mostly unfettered. Nearly 
all of it falls freely down to her calves--the exception is a slim braid 
which winds around her head rather like a coronet. This has been studded 
with pins tipped by rubies; they sparkle against the darkness at regular
intervals. More small rubies dangle from her ears in delicate gold-set
showers and flash from the golden bangles on each wrist, but there's
nothing small about the faceted garnet hanging from the center of her black
velvet choker.

"We are doing our best to return to our former glory." Dyane responds,
flashing a quick smile before her gaze is drawn to the auctioneer then back
to Draila and J'lisin. "This should help us a great deal as well." At the
introduction, she smiles at the bronzerider. "Well met, indeed to one that
receives such high praise. Welcome to Boll."

M'tri eases his way onto the ship on his wingleader's heels, perhaps
trained very well, perhaps just not wanting to lose her to wandering. One
way or the other, he squints his nose up and hooks his thumbs neatly
through a belt loop, resting his palms flat against his thighs and
commenting, "I've never been on a boat. Well, once, when I was little.
Wasn't for me." So, why he's still ambling inwards is a wonder. "Telgar's
duties," he echoes to the people he vaguely recognizes, and then to those
he doesn't at all.

Dendra rolls her eyes faintly as she hears her father's praise, but doesn't
stop working. She can't afford to do that, not with a flaming dessert on
the menu tonight.

J'lisin follows Draila's introduction, nodding his head forward politely to
Lady Dyane, smiling, "Well met, Lady Dyane, it's a pleasure to meet you.
And thankyou, it's lovely to be here again." The comment of high praise
earns a smile from J'lisin, the young bronzerider commenting, "Ah, if it is
from Draila, she is much too kind." He spirits his young partner a grin,
"Anything you'd like to bid on Draila?"

Dyane smiles again, inclining her own head. "I hope you enjoy your cruise.
If you will excuse me, I will go greet others."

From outside, A dolphinfish appears at starboard and seems to chitter
before disappearing.

You move out into the waters around South Boll.

You head toward the Big Bay Area.

Kassima confides to her Wingmate, "A Master Seacrafter once told me that I
should've gone to the Craft instead of to the dragons." A pause. "A'course,
that was more for m'skill in whacking the head off a fish than aught t'do
with boats. But the *thought's* there." Her bright eyes scan the room
again, admiring this formal outfit and that before catching on the auction
tables. "Look," she says, nodding towards the nearest one, "those must be
the items up for purchase. Tell me you brought plenty of marks, Trii."

Cynara looks wistfully towards the table of items for purchase, knowing she
can't afford anything. Thus, she focuses her attention on the food. Her
mother has gone to the rail to, apparently, admire the view, leaving the
twelve-turn-old alone to mingle.

Draila's head inclines again as Lady Dyane steps away a glint twinkling in
her eye over J'lisin's question to which she quickly and teasingly asks,
"There wouldn't happen to be a pair of pants would there?" Hearing another
greeting gives this woman a moments pause as she things she places the
voice. "Fort's duties to Telgar." is softly called in return just as her
grip on J'lisin's arm tightens with the movement of the boat. "The Perfumed
Herbs or what about combining our marks and trying for the dinner with the
Lord and lady holder? It would give us another chance to get away from the
weyr for the evening."

Gerand climbs aboard.

Arden taps his foot a bit and decides to check out the auction table.
Escorted on one arm by the serving girl, he makes his way over to inspect
the items. "Interesting," he mutters.

As more guests arrive, more leis are passed around individual's necks.

M'tri beams rakishly at Kassima, making his path curve closer to the
tables. All the better to examine them with. "Aye, I brought marks. I'm not
going to leave Lani at home and come home empty handed. She'll kick me out
and I'll have to go back to the drippy weyrling weyr." His survey of the
contents is transitory -- it takes but a moment for him to say, "Look, more
baby creatures. No matter what happens, don't you *dare* let me bid on
either one of them."

Dyane weaves her way from guest to guest before stopping by Kassi. "My dear
Kassi! Welcome and thank you so much for coming. I hope you love to sail."
She says to the Wingleader with a grin.

Gerand steps in and looks around curiously, staying as close to the center
of the ship as he can after arriving from elsewhere aboard. From the
slightly pale look on his face, the young Harper may have made himself
scarce for a reason after first arriving.

J'lisin laughs, "Well should there be a pair of pants on offer, I expect
them to be secured for me." He grins as her grip tightens about his arm,
looking over, "Do boats worry you at all, Draila?" His own hand steadies
upon her wrist gently, "I used to love sailing when I was young. It's been
such a long time." He turns his gaze over towards the goods on offer,
"Perfumed herbs? Ah, the dinner sounds lovely. Hold dinners are superb."
With his free hand he shuffles through a pocket, pulling a few marks out,
"I've not many, but combined I'm sure we'd have plently between us! Perhaps
we could afford both the dinner and the herbs for you."

From outside, The ship rocks slightly in the waves, the movement almost
hypnotic. Occasionally, a fish leaps out from the water.

Valon stands at the rail looking out at the bay and the leaping fish
enjoying his first cruise ever.

Kassima doesn't answer M'tri immediately; a lei has been placed around her
neck, and the boat is moving, and both of these things are sources of
delight for the greenrider. "Look, look!" she says instead, this time
turning to look towards the ocean with a brilliant smile. "Isn't it
*beautiful*. I'm so glad I didn't talk m'self out of coming... oh, now,
Trii. Would I let you do such a thing t'yourself? Really, now?" She flicks
him a brief devil's-grin before lapsing into delight again, Dyane's
greeting the cause this time. "Lady Dy! Shells, thankee for *letting* us
all come. 'Twas just telling M'tri," nodding towards her Wingmate, "that I
haven't sailed much a'fore, but if'n 'tis often like this, I could certes
come t'love it. Is this--the boat--yours personally?"

Cynara brushes back her curls, glancing back at the table, and then firmly
walking away from it. No point her bidding the couple of eighth-marks she
has on anything there. Ooh. That's the Lady Holder...the little girl
regards her for a moment, with the air of one assessing what the latest
fashions are. Mmm.

Dyane gives a dramatic little sigh. "I -have- to -share- it with Tarin, but
I suppose I can claim it for myself." She responds, laughing lightly. "I am
glad you are enjoying yourself. Next time you want to go for a sail, let me
know and we'll do it. I'm all for getting away now and then." She turns a
smile to M'tri. "I hope you are enjoying yourself, Rider M'tri, was it?"

Dendra finally stops running around like a madwoman and stands in place,
her back to the guests while she inspects the tables. Slowly, ever so
slowly she smiles and makes a gesture with one hand. Instantly two large
scrolls are tacked up along a wall of the cabin as she turns to find Lady

Gerand looks around for a few minutes at the edge of the assembled crowd,
scanning it for evidence of just what types of people have gathered. His
previously pale gaze lessens just slightly though remains in some fashion
after realizing the stature of the people he's surrounded by. This noticed,
he finds a place to take a seat out of the way - preferably a place with
less rise and fall with the waves.

Draila's head shakes lightly in answer to J'lisin's question. "No it was
just the suddenness of it.." She murmurs in a whisper. Carefully her own
amount of marks is tallied in her head as the items of interest are given
her attention. "I'll go bid on these while you enjoy your tea." She adds,
handing the bronzerider her cup as well to hold for her.

M'tri turns his focus onto the water at Kassi's comment -- it holds a bit
of fascination, and he seems very close to straying away to peer over the
boat's railing at the passing waves until Dyane approaches. That, instead,
earns a smile from the bluerider, who offers his own, "Aye, it's M'tri.
Enjoying myself plenty, so far, Lady Dyane," he remarks, glancing around
and wiggling his newly acquired lei happily. "It's a good first -- second
-- experience."

Kassima wrinkles her nose as though in sympathy, but she's laughing, too.
"Ach, well, there are surely worse people t'share it with. Close enough.
What, truly? You might nay want t'tempt me; I'm on vacation of sorts for
awhile... again... and have every intention of spending as much of it in
leisure as I can get away with." On a more serious note, "I'm sure you've
been asked this a thousand times, but how go the repairs? Is there aught
besides making outrageously expensive bids that one could do t'help?" She
grins at M'tri as he answers, and wiggles her fingers in a wave towards the
little girl studying the Lady so closely.

Vegetarian Dinner Menu:
A large scroll of parchment is tacked up along one wall along the outside
of the main cabin. In flowing calligraphic script the first of two menus is
written--the Vegetarian Menu. The choices are: 
Appetizer--Baked 'Cheese' with Marshberries 
Soup--Cream of Roasted 'Red' Peppers 
Salad--'Spring' Salad 
Main--Spinach 'Souffle' 
Main--'Herb', Tomato and Cheese Pie 
Side--Browned 'Fingerroots' 
Side--'Leek' and Tuber Puree 
Dessert--Wells of 'Love' Cookies 
Dessert--Flaming 'Bananas'

Omnivore Dinner Menu:
A large scroll of parchment is tacked up along one wall along the outside
of the main cabin. In flowing calligraphic script the second of two menus
is written--the Omnivore Menu. The choices are: 
Appetizer--Baked 'Pastries' 
Soup--'Rivergrain' Soup 
Salad--'Diced' Vegetable Salad 
Main--'Salt' Baked Fish 
Main--Marinated 'Turkey' 
Side--Spicy 'Tuber' Triangles 
Side--Red 'Cabbage' 
Dessert--Dessert of 'Melodies' 
Dessert--'Coconut' Puffs

From outside, A dolphinfish appears at starboard and seems to chitter
before disappearing.

Arden is in mid-talk with the serving girl when he stops, shuffles to the
side of the ship and looks over the railing, looking for the dolphinfish.
"Now where did it go?"

Valon moves away from the rail to see what's for dinner.

"Well, if it is a vacation you want t'be tempted with, bid on the one there
and get someone t'share it with you!" Dyane says, picking up Kassi's accent
for a moment of lighthearted teasing. "It's a fantastic opportunity. The
repairs are going well enough. Sometimes too slow for my liking and others
too quickly for my marks pouch liking. I'm hoping to have everything done
before we celebrate Boll's 2500 Turn Anniversary Gala!" Glancing at M'tri,
she gives him another smile and says. "I'm pleased to hear it. We do try to
make things fun and lively here."

Dendra picks up a knife and glass, tapping lightly to get people's attention.

Arden turns back to the girl. "Give me some of the bread from the table
over there.. I'll feed 'em and they'll come back. Quickly, quickly, come

Several guests near the Craftmaster hush and turn expectantly toward her.
One girl jostles her escort and points out ol'Master Arden to him.

Cynara turns towards the person trying to get attention, and forgets about
wanting one of the items...most likely one of those cute puppies, in favor
of watching the Baker-In-Charge with a grin. She remembers she has juice,
and takes a few sips from it, thoughtfully.

Her brows lifting in interest, Kassi glances towards the auction tables
again. "Is there one? Then I might have t'do that--" With a grin flashed to
the Lady Holder for her tease. "I can think of a person or two I might coax
into vacationing with me. Or four or five or six, so long as 'tis Boll...
ach, well, isn't *that* always the way. I promise t'try and contribute at
least a few marks t'your cause. I saw some of the damage when I came t'get
Kisai." She grimaces a moment, all the comment she needs to make on said
damage. "There's going t'be a Gala--?" That's when Dendra's tap gets her
attention, and she turns her head to look towards the Craftmaster.

Gerand listens in on the various conversations, from his position well out
of the way. At the fleeting sight of sea life, he wrings his hands briefly
in thought before standing up and making his way over to the edge of the
rail, leaning over just slightly to look for more.

Dendra raises her voice and says, "Welcome to the Luxury Dinner Cruise. The
Bakers and Lady Dyane appreciate your support tonight, and we hope you
enjoy your evening. Tonight we're doing dinner a little differently. You
will be ordering one of two complete menus. All the dishes have been chosen
to compliment each other, and hopefully please the palate. The first one is
a vegetarian menu, and the other is an omnivore menu. If you're not sure
you'd like a course, just sit with someone order from the other menu and
trade with him or her." She casts a quick look over her shoulder, and yes
her Bakers are all lined up and ready to go. "Honored guests, dinner is
served. Please find a seat and we'll begin."

Gustive climbs aboard.

Rounding a corner a bit late, having almost missed the boat, Gustive gets
his shoulder pounded by blue rider D'nel from Telgar. "Now, don't do
anything foolish lad!" D'nel taps his head next to his eyes. "I'm watching
ya!" With another crippling clout on Gustive's shoulder D'nel makes his way
into the crowds with hearty laughter following in his wake.

From outside, A nearby splash gives evidence to a school of fish. The
waters around the ship are relatively calm and clear.

Arden is still leaning over the side with a piece of bread when the serving
girl turns his attention back towards the boat and the dinner proper. "Oh,
well yes, I guess we should eat." He starts to sthuffle over to the spot
reserved for him.

Dendra steps forward and says, "Come on, Dad. I saved you a spot near the
rail so you can watch the dolphinfish whle you eat dinner."

Dyane mmms, saying to Kassi and M'tri. "Now that is one invitation that
cannot be refused. If you will excuse me ..." With that, she goes to greet
Gerand and Gustive whom she hasn't been able to chat before. "Welcome to
the cruise. Do enjoy an excellent meal."

Gerand turns around as he's spoken to by Lady Dyane, giving a pleasant,
albeit slightly awkward smile, "Uh, thank you for the hospitality.
Greetings from the Harper Hall." he says with a very slight bow, before
catching a glimpse of his friend.

Kassima nods agreeably to the Lady, then looks back towards the food tables
and nibbles at her lower lip. "I usually don't qualify as a *vegetarian*
per se...." She slants a thoughtful look towards M'tri. "Make you a deal?
'Twill get one, and you the other, and we'll share or trade aught that
looks good?" She starts for a seat without waiting for an answer, the
ruffles on her skirt giving a faint rustle.

"And Boll's duties to the Harpers. How is everything at the Hall?" Dyane
asks the Harper apprentice, giving him a smile in return.

	The young man you see before you is of slightly less than average 
height, of a relatively slender to average build, and with an almost 
entirely average face. Brown hair, brownish green eyes and a slightly 
lopsided smile give him the look and attitude characteristic of people 
that seem to know so little as to worry about nothing, though perhaps a 
spark of something more might be visible if one looked closer. His age 
might be guessed a few turns in either direction of twenty.
	For today's wanderings, Gerand is clad in a far more formal set of
clothing than he may be usually associated with. A loose white shirt with
snugly-fitting vest covering, tucks into a pair of freshly laundered blue
pants in a shade of practically perfect Harper Blue which matches the color
of his vest exactly. On his shoulder he bears the knot, freshly tied for
his new clothing, of a Harper Apprentice. Shining, newly tanned boots and a
belt made of thick wherhide finish his ensemble.

Arden lowers himself into his seat and keeps glancing over the side, but
turns his attention to his daughter. "I hope you're not expecting -me- to
eat that.. vegetarian menu, you know. A young man like me needs his meat."

Gerand straightens up a little as he speaks with Dyane, "Oh, all's well,
from what I see. Being an Apprentice with the luck to be allowed to come
today, that's as much as I figure I'm able to know. Please pardon my
appearance, I'm... well, from someplace with a lot less .. floaty." he
says, finding the best word with a weak grin on his face.

Valon takes a seat and pops a minced beef pastry into his mouth. "Hmm, very
good." Pops in another.

M'tri nods a bit after Dyane's departure. When the Lady is gone, he glances
at the food tables with wide eyes, the ravenous sort that says he'll order
everything twice if he gets the chance. But he doesn't. Instead, after his
tongue snakes out to wet his lips at the sight of it all, he agrees, "All
right. I'll get that one," and it's the omnivore platters that he points
at. "I *know* I'm not a vegetarian." Whether or not Kassi hears him is
another story, because when he turns back, the greenrider is headed off,
leaving him standing like a goof in the middle of the room. He hastily
falls into walk after her.

Dendra cocks one eyebrow slightly. "That's not what you said when the
Apprentice Master caught you tasting the vegetarian dishes while I was
working things out last week. She said you liked them well enough." She
takes pity on the retired Craftmaster and summons an apprentice to bring
him food from the meat menu. "Here dad, try one of the little pies. They're
a new appetizer I made up for tonight."

From outside, The ship moves through the waters, cutting through the waves.
Occasionally, a cloud moves overhead, casting shadows over the water.

Dyane releases a silvery laugh at the last sentence from Gerand.
"Understandable. I hope you can handle the floatiness for a while. Try
something to eat. That may help." She offers some reassurance before she
glances at the aforementioned idea. "Speaking of...I hear that vegetarian
meal calling my name. If I can find Tarin in this mess, I will get him to
get the other menu."

Gustive gives a deep bow and happy grin, still not believing his fortune to
join the cruise. "Lady Holder, my pleasure to meet you. I'm Gustive from
Bitra currently Candidate at Telgar Weyr. Gerand! Glad to see you got out
of the hall." While giving his friend a hearty pat on the shoulder, he
spots the buffet. "Oh, please excuse me a moment to grab a bite of food,
afraid I was lost for awhile in some deep dark caverns Telgar Weyr has
around. With another bow at Dyane he near launches himself at the food.

Cynara is not eating vegetarian. No. She also seems to be lacking a dinner
partner, as her mother is now flirting lightly and cheerfully with somebody
in the knot of a woodcrafter journeyman. Sigh. So she just plops herself
down at a random table, looking around for somebody else in the same boat.

Dendra pats Arden on the shoulder and moves away to find another guest.
"Weyrwoman Draila, welcome! We're glad you could make it tonight. May I
find you a seat?"

Gerand oofs a bit as he's clapped on the shoulder by his friend, grinning
at Gustive before nodding politely to Dyane, "I think I'll do just that,
thank you again for the welcome." he says, before making himself a beeline
for the food as well - definitely encouraged by the sight of a familiar
face, even if his shoulder is a bit sore now.

Tarin steps quietly out of the shadows.

Tarin climbs aboard.

Arden does as his daughter asks, and then pats the Craft Master on the
side. "Don't worry about me, go have fun. I'll be here." He starts eating
the pie, but he saves the crumbs from falling on the deck and instead
tosses them overboard, hoping to lure back one of the dolphinfish.

Tarin steps out of the cabin after giving some partygoers a tour of the
ship. He looks around to find a crowd of people at the buffet area. "Ah, a
fine evening for a cruise and an even better one for a fine meal." The Lord
Holder continues to make his round before finding himself next to his wife.
"I hope you are heading toward the food because I am starving."

Servers in spotless whites circulate through the crowd, bringing the
various appetizers requested by the guests.

Draila glances up quickly when her name is heard and smiles just as she
offers a slip of hide to the auctioneer. "A seat? Oh thank you." She
replies to Dendra warmly as she makes to follow the Craftmaster.

Dyane slips an arm through her husband's and chuckles up at him. "Of course
I am heading that way. Craftmaster Dendra and her staff have completely
OUTDONE themselves. Order the omnivore menu and I'll order the vegetarian
so we can try a bit of everything."

J'lisin moves forward, following Draila as she moves, "Ah, good, I'm
absolutely starved. What will you be having?"

Kassima makes amends for leaving M'tri stranded, maybe, slightly, by
pulling a chair out for him beside the one she intends to take. "I *know*
I'm nay either. 'Tis only that some meatless dishes are fairly good. I hate
t'miss out on aught 'tall. Although if'n there's any chance they have that
curried caprine, that *might* almost be worth it...." Nevertheless, she
falls in with M'tri's plan, softly requesting the vegetarian menu and its
appetizers for herself. "--Did you hear someone mention Telgar just now?
Mayhaps someone else made it out."

Dendra finds chairs for J'lisin and Draila. "These seats are good, where
you catch a bit of a breeze." She scans the crowd again and comments, "I
didn't see Apprentice Padraig with you tonight. Is he working out well at
Fort Weyr?"

Tarin gives a hearty laugh at that request before looking down at Dyane.
"Are we going for the greedy touch this time around?" He steers his wife to
a table with two available chairs. "I'll place the order and you save us
some seats."

Valon quickly finishes his meat pastries and wipes the crumbs from his

Dyane wrinkles her nose and sniffs. "I am not being greedy. I am supporting
our Crafts fully." Yes, that is exactly it. The Lady Holder is being
supportive. She settles down into a chair, saving an extra one for Tarin.
Noticing Valon, she smiles at him and says. "How is the meal so far?"

From outside, A nearby splash gives evidence to a school of fish. The
waters around the ship are relatively calm and clear.

Draila's brow lifts quickly over the mention of the newest baker to Fort's
kitchen. "I can honestly say many would miss him dearly where he to
transfer anywhere else." She softly replies as that twinkle in her eye
returns when a look is shared with J'lisin over her carefully worded
answer. Taking the offered seat she adds quickly. "Wouldn't you agree Juls?"

M'tri drops into the proffered seat with more dignity than he would any
other time. No sprawling now, not in nice clothes. After pulling the chair
in and murmuring his order, he says, "You're just strange," of Kassima, in
the nicest way. And then his pastries have arrived, and he's happy. "See?
This is good," he says of the meal he ordered.

Tarin places their order before looking over the side of the ship. "Was
that a dolphinfish? Now that is a rare sight."

Cynara munches on the pastries as they're brought to her, relaxing somewhat
and now...now, she people-watches. Nobody here she knows, at least not yet.
But. "Wow..this is /good/." she exclaims to anyone close enough to hear.
Hopefully including whoever cooked them.

Servers circulate again, removing empty dishes, refilling drink glasses and
bringing out the soup course for those who are ready.

J'lisin settles down, setting his empty cup of tea upon the table before
him, looking towards the various staff making their way about the table. He
turns his head, Draila recapturing his attention, "Oh yes, Draila.
Definitely." He sends a nod that way, leaning back in his chair. Ready for
another beverage, he signals to a server, asking, "A glass of juice, if you
would." Ducking a glance back to Draila, he queries, "Fancy one as well? Or
something else?"

Arden hmpfs as the pie crumbs are definitely not working. He finds some
more bread, the same he was trying earlier.. and decides to try again.
"Come on.. come on.."

Tarin seats himself next to his wife and says to her when he has a chance.
"There was a dolphinfish alongside the ship a moment ago. A definite
positive sign for tonight's cruise." With that, he is silenced as the food
arrives. As requested by his beloved wife, he splits his appetizer with her
and she does with him. "Oh, yeah. Very nice."

Valon looks over smiling. "Oh, it's delicious. A wonderful dinner, lady
Dyane. Thank you."

Kassima gives M'tri a rather droll look. "What, you're just figuring this
out *now*?" Potential argument called on account of cheese and pastry:
she's as happy with her appetizer as he with his; perhaps moreso. "Cheese!
That's dairy! Which means I can drink juice instead of milk. Right?
A'course right." She does attempt to exchange one slice of the cheesed
bread for one of his pastries, but otherwise seems content with her lot,
and bounces outright in her chair when presented with the pepper soup.
"You'll have t'bring Lani something *fabulous* t'make up for missing this."

Dendra 's lips twitch slightly, but she manages to refrain from laughing.
"That's what we like to hear, that our Bakers are valued. I'll be sure to
visit Fort to see for myself soon." She leaves the Weyrwoman and rider to
make her way to Kassima and her partner.

Gerand picks a bit at his own meal, seeming to get a slow start as he's
dealing with the lingering effects of early seasickness. After a few bites
of the dinner, he starts to feel quite a bit better, just as he was told.
The food settles him, and he looks over toward Gustive, "Glad to see you
made it down here, good to see a familiar face... All the Harpers I know
must be hiding someplace."

"Thank you for coming. Are you finding anything of interest in our
auctions?" Dyane asks of Valon before her attention is briefly diverted by
the delicious food. "Oh, my! Fantastic. We really must get our local bakers
to make some of these regularly." She eats her appetizer and soup even
while her attention returns to Valon.

Valon smiles. "I'd love to have one of those puppies but I live in a dorm
so it'd not be a good idea to buy one, I'm afraid."

Drailas' gaze quickly turn to J'lisin again as Dendra turns away. "Think I
should warn Padraig of her intention of checking up on him?" She asks in a
whisper then quickly continues, "Or Piper?" A nod is given as answer to his
question then she takes a moment to check out the menu more closely.

From outside, The ship moves through the waters, cutting through the waves.
Occasionally, a cloud moves overhead, casting shadows over the water.

M'tri glances at Kassi, poking interestedly at his rivergrain soup for his
part, then whispering, for her benefit, "You don't think it would be easy
to hoard each bit of this home, do you?" Probably not. Actually, he seems
to answer himself as he spoons some of the soup cheerfully. When she's off
guard -- maybe with a spoon in her mouth -- the bluerider will dare to
reach over and switch bowls with her...or try.

Cynara has...soup now, apparently. "I'm going," she informs thos near her,
"To have to be carried back to Igen." With this amount of food...and not
very much girl, that's perhaps not a ridiculous proposition after all.

Valon turns his attention to tasting his soup. Nods and smiles. "Also very

Taking his plate of browned fingerroots his leek and tuber puree he grins
at his friend's pale face. "Hoi, Gerand, you aren't looking to well. Want
to find us a seat?" Cruor peaks his head around his perch's white hair and
eyes everything with an air pf dissinterest before tucking his head back
into Gustive's shirt. "I could use a sit down, near the railing I think,
get all that fresh air. Nice out here, eh?" With plate in hand he stetches
and takes a deep breath to get a smell of the salty air. "That does a heart

Dendra walks up to the Telgari greenrider. "Welcome, Kassima, welcome! Glad
to see you could make the cruise. Are you enjoying your dinner?"

J'lisin murmurs, "Perhaps both. We'll make sure to do it when we get back."
He then returns to the server, "Two juices, thankyou." The soup is bought
out, J'lisin looking rather delighted at the notion of such a fine meal,
"Ah, does Paddy know how to make this? If he does, I'm requesting it for
sure." He lowers his spoon to the steaming liquid, raising it to his lips,
"Delicious." His eyes drift down toward the menu, "I won't be fit for the
flight home after this, I'll be much too heavy."

Kassima shares more random confidances with M'tri between bites of the
soup. "The Bakers at Harper can make a fabulous cream of squash, chilled
like this. Methinks I prefer the peppers, though. This is *good*--" Indeed,
she closes her eyes to savor a mouthful and so is alerted to the attempted
theft by the scrape of bowl against table. "Hey!" she protests and pokes at
his fingers with her spoon. "You can have a bite of mine if'n I can have
one of yours. But I'm keeping the bowl." Even as she speaks, she's
attempting to liberate a bite from *his* bowl, which makes her just the
picture of dignity when Dendra approaches. Spotting the Baker, she beams up
at her: "Dendra, have I told you lately that you're brilliant? And I *love*
the scarf. The dinner's magnificent--I'm having t'fight M'tri off from
m'soup, here."

Gerand looks over at Gustive with a weak chuckle, "It's nice as long as the
world isn't... moving so much." he says with a slightly more normal look on
his face, skin less easily matching the color of his shirt. "I think I saw
some dolphinfish off the side, though.." he follows Gustive toward some
seats out of the way, with a good view over the edge.

Dendra pretens to warn M'tri. "I'd not steal food from her plate. She's
dangerous with her knives, and has a long memory. I can get you a bowl of
your own if you're that hungry."

Valon scoops the last spoonful of from his bowl and moves on to the salad.

Draila orders a spring salad after biting back a giggling cough then
nodding in reply to J'lisin. "Well if Jaath can't carry you back I suppose
I could get Wynith to carry you in her talons." She softly teases her
companion. "Though I'm not sure how comfortable you'd be riding home that
way." The teasing stops as the salad appears and is places before her.
"Looks tasty."

From outside, A nearby splash gives evidence to a school of fish. The
waters around the ship are relatively calm and clear.

M'tri nods to Dendra, agreeing, "Vengeful, I know. But I will bring her
mint sticks galore if just...aha!" Yep, that's a spoonful win for the
bluerider, there he goes. He even allows Kassi to take some of his without
quarrel. After a bite of the soup, and great deliberation, he decides,
"Nooooo, I don't think so. Daikoth'll be complaining about carrying me home
*anyways*, calling me fat and things the whole flight." Grumble grumble

J'lisin looks up, the juices arriving rather promptly, "Ah thankyou." He
sets one in front of Draila, then one before his own plate, taking a long
sip. Grinning at the next comment, J'lisin adds, "I doubt I'll be taking
you up on that offer, but thankyou all the same. Jaath will just complain,
simply because that's how he is. And he'll be irritated I wouldn't let him
sample any of Boll's .. Offerings in the beast department." Shaking his
head, J'lisin watches Draila's salad arrive, "That does look good."

Kassima winks to the Craftmaster. "So kind," she says, "so very kind. He
might be in luck; I only have one knife on me--and mint sticks galore *is*
terribly tempting...." She gives M'tri a very hopeful look, even as she
nods approval of his soup. She still seems inclined to stick to her own,
though. "Everything's wonderful so far. Sounds as if'n plenty of people are
worried about the fat thing. Me, I've just resigned m'self to it. I just
have t'get as far as m'ledge: Lyss can roll me into the weyr."

Gerand looks down at the water, saying as suppresses a bit of a shiver at
the sight of the waves rising and falling, the ship moving along with them.
"Mmmph, I'll have to try and remember that. No sloshing inside me when I'm
being sloshed around." he grins faintly, "I was pretty fortunate, one of
the Masters told me I could come here so long as I scrounged my way back to
the Hall in time for tomorrow's class in composition." He grins over at
Gustive, "Beaches are a bit easier for me to handle than... out here."

Dendra laughs and says, "A rider who works out on drills as hard as you do
will never be fat Kassima. I'd say you don't have any worries." She winks
at both Telgari riders and moves back into the crowd toward Gerand and

From outside, A school of silvery fish is seen just below the surface of
the water at the ship's port.

M'tri makes a quiet sound in the back of his throat, saying, "Y'never
know," behind his spoon before stealing the contents off if and swallowing
contently. "A load of mint-sticks," is his promise to Kassi as an after
thought. For you and Lani and anyone else who might need them." That's
sincere. Polishing off what's left in his bowl, M'tri sets the spoon down
and glances at the table, saying, "I certainly need to bid on something
over there, before it's all won by everyone else."

Draila pierces a few of the greens and offers J'lisin a bite. "I'm sure
he'll be placated once Wynith meets up with him again." She watches the man
for a moment then asks teasingly. "You have remembered where you left him
haven't you?" She seems to be enjoying her baiting of her companion this

Kassima flashes Dendra a grin with a little wryness in it, but far more
amusement. "Give me three more months," she suggests. "Trust me. I haven't
managed t'avoid the fat look in any pregnancy yet. But as soon as I get
back to the drills, I *certes* plan t'be a stick again." She waves her soup
after the Baker as she leaves them, then is distracted by the arrival of
her salad. "Yum!" She absolutely attacks it. Except the asparagus. That
gets nudged carefully to the side. "I'm glad I'm an adult. When 'twas a wee
thing I'd have probably made horrible faces at so much greenery. Awwww...
Trii, you're a doll. Don't tell anyone in the Wing I said that, but 'tis
true." After a glance that way, she agrees, "I want t'get a look at that
vacation the Lady mentioned."

Gustive laughs and turns away from the water so Gerand doesn't have to
continue looking at it. "I'm amazed I got out myself. I was lost in some
odd tunnel for hours when I happened upon the Weyrleader looking for his
son. I think I almost swallowed my tongue trying to ask him permission to
hitch a ride. Can you imagine? In some dark tunnel happening upon the
Masterharper and then asking him to go riding on a boat?" He gives a great
snort and idly munches on a browned fingerroot.

It takes a little while but the servers finally return, this time to serve
the main and side courses. Diners get to choose which one of two options
they have, but a bit of discreet bribery could have /both/ choices brought

Arden is sulking a bit at his seat, unable to coax a return engagement from
the dolphinfish. He looks at the main course that has been set in front of
him, shrugs, then starts trying to entice the fish with bits of .. turkey.

Dendra finds the Apprentice Harper and his friend eating together. "Hello,
and welcome to the cruise. I'm Crafmaster Dendra, and we're pleased you
could make it tonight."

"Of course, of course." J'lisin takes the profferred green, chewing it,
"It's good, the dressing makes it much better. Though, I'd rather a juicy
steak right about now." He grins, "I know you don't fancy them, but it'd do
you some good." The jibe offered about Jaath earns a chuckle, "Yes, how
could I forget. Plus, he's stopped nagging me for the moment, I'm guessing
he's found Wynith or such." Grin. "Which leaves us with no interruptions."
Cough, "I mean, for dinner, you see." He takes another spoonful of soup,
pushing it aside, ready for the main course.

Gerand grins over to Gustive, letting out a bit of a chuckle, "With
Masterharper Rodric, I can imagine much stranger things happening... He's..
a very interesting individual." he says, before looking up at the
approaching Baker Craftmaster, he spots her knot and gives a very polite
smile and greeting, "Thank you, Craftmaster." he says with a little, weak
grin, "Your Hall has provided some great food tonight, thank you. I'm
Gerand, Apprentice Harper from the Hall. Pleased to meet you."

Cynara snags the fish. And the tuber triangles. Biting into one, she blinks
and reaches for her juice. "Eeep!" Okay. Maybe she should have taken that
'spicy' a bit more seriously. is there steam coming out of the Igen girl's

Near the auction table, Jaria's finger trails along the table edge near
each item, pausing at one in particular and laughing softly. She leans
forward to place her own bid, before turning to consider the rest of the
crowd, taking in each couple or pair here and there with a soft smile. The
back of her hand is used to smooth down the lengths of her skirt, the aging
healer skirting groups here and there keeping abreast with the various
threads of conversation.

Gustive gives a deep bow and laughs while holding up his plate. "You have
the most fine vegetarian menu I've seen. Wonderful food and my sister
speakers highly of you, though she just got her Apprenticeship." Poking at
his friend in the ribs with his elbow he whispers. "More strange than L'han?"

"Tell them?" M'tri asks in utter bewilderment. "They already call me such
things, and now the most common one is just....gah, you should *hear*
L'cher. I know you do, but one day I'm going to leap on him and nothing but
Daikoth'll be able to pull me off." That threat is fully forgotten when
more food arrives in front of him. "Fish -or- turkey?" he says in dismay,
knitting his brows together. "Tubers -or- cabbage?" That's a pout. "What
say I get fish, turkey, and tubers?" he wheedles, eyes large as a babe's
and just as imploring. It works, too, so eventually M'tri is trying to
figure out where to start.

From outside, A dolphinfish appears at starboard and seems to chitter
before disappearing.

Draila's nose wrinkles at the mention of steak and she quickly turns her
gaze away when the main course is placed before them. "No interruptions
hmm?" Then she gasps as this time she saw the playful fish appear
starboard. "Did you see that?" She asks with an excited drawn in breath
while standing and moving to the railing to get better look, her meal
forgot for the moment.

"What does L'cher say t'you specifically?" Kassima wonders, intrigued. Of
course. As far as food goes, she has no trouble choosing the cheese,
tomato, and herb pie with delight, but the side options have her wavering.
There's some quiet murmuring. Quiet wheedling. Maybe even quiet exchanging
of marks. And somehow she manages to get herself some spiced tuber wedges
instead. "Touch those and die," she warns M'tri. "I want t'go make a couple
of bids real quick." She excuses herself on that note, hurring over the
auction tables to survey the items and, once certain which ones interest
her, script her bids on the sheet. Passing by Gustive and Gerand allows her
to overhear the latter's comments on Rodric, which for whatever reason make
her grin.

Gerand leans over toward Gustive, brow furrowed as he contemplates the
answer, "A completely different kind. But.. Maybe not -quite- so bad." he

Dendra smiles as she hears the compliments on her food and the reference to
Ymive. "Yes, I knotted Ymive a little while ago. She talks quite a bit but
has real talent. With a little polishing and training, she should make
Journeyman in good time. Umm, what was that about L'han?"

Gustive coughs for a moment and grins. "Why, he's... a little eccentric.
And you don't have to tell me how much my sister talks, trust me, I know."

J'lisin grins, sitting down for a moment, watching Draila get up. As she
nears the rail, he pushes back in his chair, main meal also left to cool
whilst he follows over. Standing next to her at the rail he catches another
glimpse of the frolicking dolphinfish, "Ah, wow. They're so playful aren't
they, you'll have to come to Ista with me sometime. I'll take you out on
one of my father's boats, there's a good chance we might see some."

"I don't have to touch your tubers," M'tri responds, deftly avoiding
L'cher's comments. Maybe they're *that* bad. Or maybe they're not, and he
just doesn't want to sound like a baby. Either way, he's got his own plates
to demolish with all due haste, and he starts in as best he can on the
fish, deciding after the first bite, "Divine." That only lasts until Draila
rises and hurries towards the starboard side. "What'd I miss?" he inquires
lightly, taking another bite. Obviously he's not *too* curious.

Gerand looks a bit amused by that, then realizes he's a bit on the spot as
well, "Er.. What he said." he motions to Gustive. Fortunately, the
conversation seems to have distracted him pretty clearly from the earlier
bout of seasickness. "He's definitely ... eccentric."

"Don't know," Kassima answers as she settles back in her seat with care for
her skirt. Helpful creature, she. "I must've missed it too." She's behind
in eating, but makes up well for the lost time. Plenty of quiet happy
sounds come from her side of the table, between or amidst forkfuls of food.
And then there are a few little muffled yelps. Those would be caused by the
tuber wedges, yes. "I normally don't *like* tubers, but these are
great--*painful*, but great. Ow. Ow ow ow." So what does she do but pop
another into her mouth? Masochistic woman. "So what're you going t'be
bidding on? Besides 'nay a puppy?'"

Dendra hmmmms and says, "I need to visit Telgar soon and see this for
myself. I never thought of him that way, but then we've only met a couple
of times." She shakes her head once and brings her attention back to the
boat. "You're sure you both are getting enough to eat and drink? I wouldn't
want Harper Hall or Telgar to accuse me of starving their people."

Draila isn't too much of a lady to lean over the railing in hopes of
getting a better glimpse of the dolphinfish and he laughs lightly. "You've
ben promising me an outing to Ista for over a turn now Juls. I'm still
waiting." Then in answer to M'tri she says, "A playful beast is swimming
along side the boat. Its so graceful and I've never seen one before."

Arden squeals an aged utterance of delight as a dolphinfish chitters at him
from off the starboard side of the boat. He takes his plate and tosses the
rest of the turkey overboard to the creature. The serving girl looks at him
with a mix of shock and horror. Arden deadpans, "Well it's the least I
could do, he was just hungry, 's all."

Gustive glowers at his friend for a brief moment and then smiles brightly
at the Craftmaster. "I'm wonderful, thank you. Perfect food, I don't know
that I've had better."

Cynara recovers. And samples the tubers again...this time taking it slowly
and mixing them with the fish. Which helps...now they're just fiery, not
making her feel like she just chewed firestone.

Gerand lets out a bit of a laugh, but smiles and nods to the Baker
Craftmaster, "I think I'll manage... I'm, well.." he looks a bit awkward
once more, "It was just after supper before I came down, and... well, there
aren't a lot of Apprentices here. I'm mostly just trying to stay out of the
way... but I'm not starved!" he finishes, looking to Dendra with an
-almost- steady smile.

Dendra doesn't see Arden feeding her turkey to the dolphinfish, thankfully.
She'd toss /him/ overboard after it, father or no. "Don't worry about the
other apprentices. If you feel like playing we'd enjoy the music, but if
you'd rather eat and chat nobody will mind." She glances at the people
lined up near the rails and says dryly, "The dolphinfish seem to be the
show now."

From outside, A gentle wind breezes across the deck, lightly spraying a wet
mist around. A large fish jumps out of the water, it's silvery scales
gleaming, before making a clean dive back into the ocean.

"I know. But we've never enough time to go to Ista. But I will one day,
you've my promise of that." He, not being a lady, is quite fine with
sticking his head out and leaning over the railings to watch the
dolphinfish cavort and play, "Makes me feel like swimming." He turns a gaze
back to where the meals sit, unattended and cooling, "Fancy coming to sit
back down now, Draila? Your food will be cold by the time you sit down."
Though he does note the next fish jump from the water, suitably distracted

The servers return, not showing the effects of being on their feet for
several hours. They've either been bribed or threatened well. Like shadows,
they move through the crowd to clear out used dishes and bring in the final
course--the dessert course.

Draila pushes away from the railing allowing herself to land lightly on her
feet again then nods. "I suppose so. Just like a man to be more interested
in his food than the beauty around him." she lightly teases as she steps
back to the table where their meal awaits.

Gerand thinks about that for a moment, before he smiles over toward Dendra,
"Well, I can't turn down a request from a Craftmaster, but I -am- a lousy
singer.." he contemplates this for a moment more, "If I can find someone
that'll sing, I can drum some tunes pretty easily." he looks awkward at the
admission. "I'm getting better at singing though."

Arden looks over and mutters, "A Harper that doesn't want to sing? My dear,
I do believe I've now seen everything." He pats the serving girl that's
been assigned to him. "Would you be a dear and find me a bottle of wine?"

Gustive grins and hands his friend a piece of bread from his plate -still
warm. "Still feeling the effects are you?' He's nice enough not to mention
from what, as the thought of those ever moving waters might incite more of
that sick feeling. Trying not to give too much of a hearty clap the back,
he gives an extremely gently, almost laughingly polite, pat on the young
Harpers back. "Ymive thinks yo can sing, think she's got a thing for you."
he winks and waves a hand broadly, "How about a nice sea shanty?"

Dendra smiles happily and says, "I could sing, but I need to keep an eye on
things here. I'll see if any of the Apprentices are free to sing our
glorious Baker songs." She offers Gustive and Gerand a wave and moves off
into the crowd.

Kassima brightens at the arrival of the dessert, while wiping the last
spice-inflicted dampness from her eyes with a napkin; she has a quiet
conference with the person offering bananas, though. Something about the
liquor content. "It sounds safe," she eventually decides. "Don't tell the
Healers on me though, Trii? And hey, if'n you don't want those coconut
puffs...." Talk of music gets her attention too. "Is there going t'be
singing? Oh, good! This time it probably won't be about the trousseau."

J'lisin grins, "But of course. Makes me tall and strong. Wouldn't you
prefer that." He grins, following her back to their seats, sitting down and
beginning to cut a piece of the meat, chewing it, commenting, "Even better
than soup." Of course, it's red meat, "And I admire beauty. Maybe you just
haven't noticed." He looks at her pointedly, grinning that typical cheesy
grin, "How's yours?"

From outside, A school of silvery fish is seen just below the surface of
the water at the ship's port.

Dendra snitches a cookie and a coconut puff on her way across the deck,
just to check for quality of course. She snags a few apprentices but is
unable to find one willig to sing in public.

Gerand looks a bit caught offguard by the whole process, saying as he
reaches back up and rubs the back of his neck firmly, "Mmph, I think I just
realized why I got told I could come here... that sneaky..." he slumps a
bit, but does look a bit surprised at Gustive's words, "She does, huh?
Well, I'm flattered.. er. Well, I guess I could try and sing something, so
long as nobody gets upset with the Masterharper, thinking he sent me to
sing officially."

M'tri glances over his shoulder quietly, watching each dessert and saying,
"This is just terribly unfair," as his his placed before him. The dessert
of melodies is eyed carefully. "I don't want to ruin it," he says. "They're
so pretty." That comment made, he stuffs some in his face, ruining the
aesthetic pleasure in favor of actually tasting it. After a moment, the
Telgari bluerider leans back to catch the same server he bribed two main
courses out of, and eventually he's got coconut puffs for Kassi to share.
Those are good enough to keep him quiet.

Draila can't help herself as her gaze touches on the red meat dish J'lisin
is enjoying and suddenly her cheeks pale. "Pardon me please but I think a
visit below for the necessaries is in order. Save my seat please?" She
whispers then quickly stands again and rushes off below deck.

Gustive chuckles. "Well, I've got an untrained tennor if you want to use
it, but really, I don't know many songs." Cruor lifts his head and gives a
soft snort before winging off. "Hah, I don't think he likes me voice, picky
one, he is."

Dendra finds the young girl with the bead necklace sitting by herself.
"Hello there, and welcome to our cruise! Are you enjoing yourself?"

"They're beautiful," Kassima agrees between mouthfuls of once-beautiful,
now-demolished flamed bananas. She'll offer him a share of those, too, in
exchange for the coconut puffs that are good enough to send her eyes
rolling back in her head. "So good. *So* good. If'n I die on this boat, and
they have t'throw me overboard for the shipfish t'eat, 'twill still be
pretty happy. For a dead person. And if'n coconut puffs can improve the
taste of greenrider meat, I'd guess the shipfish will be pretty happy too."

Gerand rubs his hands together nervously, before standing up and steeling
himself. He looks back over toward Gustive, murmuring just under his
breath, "They knew I'd be afraid to sing here, and they -knew- I'd be
asked, I'm sure of it." he closes his eyes and searches his mind for
something to sing. He grins over toward Gustive, "Since I don't know what
I'll be singing until I'm halfway through the first verse, you probably
don't want to get involved with this tunnel collapse I'm getting myself into."

Cynara is full. BUt not too full for coconut puffs. She looks up as the
hostess approaches her and grins. "Hey...this food's /wonderful/..." Yes.
Somebody might well have to be carried back to Igen...although at least
there's not much of her. "It's absolutely great. I'm Cynara." Babble.

From outside, The ship moves through the waters, cutting through the waves.
Occasionally, a cloud moves overhead, casting shadows over the water.

M'tri pauses in his eating to say, "I'm going to go...over there." A point
towards the items for sale is given as he pushes his chair out, and scoots
his way over there, taking glances of all the desserts he sees in passing,
just to make sure he's not cheated out of anything. It's a wonder where
he's putting it all, skinny thing that he is. The bluerider is showing no
signs of random explosion, however, so all is safe, for now. Except for the
fact that he's examining the puppies rather close for someone whose not
going to bet on them.

Dendra smiles and says, "I'm Craftmaster Dendra. I used to live at Igen
before I moved to Tillek Hold." She leans forward and whispers, "I still
miss the heat. I'm cold almost all the time at Tillek."

Gerand finds an empty spot of table and stands himself in front of it,
giving it a few very light slaps with the lengths of his fingers to check
the tone of it for impromptu drumming. His comtemplative stalling finally
finding an end, he begins to slap out a drum melody - quite accurately,
given his lack of time with the Harpers - which is soon accompanied by a
voice, the quality of which is definitely a vast improvement over most
singers of the tune he begins to sing. As requested, the song is a sea
shanty, telling the humorous story of a pod of drunken shipfish, and an
encounter with a stranded human.

Cynara nods a bit. "Well...I moved from Ista to Igen. Tillek? I don't think
I could live at Tillek." She actually shivers in sympathy, although she
doesn't seem to let it get her down for more than a second.

Kassima nods agreeably to M'tri, caught up enough in her own
dessert-destruction not to mind being forsaken too much. She has enough of
an eye on him still to snicker when he lingers by the puppy, though. "I
hope he wins the bidding. That'd be priceless--" And so long as he's gone,
she'll just steal a little bit of his dessert of melodies, shall she? One
tiny bite. The better to nibble on it while listening to the singing going on.

Dendra takes a seat next to Cynara to listen to the music. "He's not as bad
a singer as he claims. Even though it's not a Baker song, it's still pretty

Cynara nods a bit. "I kinda wish I could bid...I was going to offer to
auction up chores help, but my mother wouldn't let me...she was worried
about me ending up alone with a stranger, and I guess she has a point."

Rose had made her way to get some refreshments, and in returning looks up
curiously as she half overhears her home mentioned as she passes by, but
with the shudder that accompanied it, she doesn't deviate from the path
back to her seat. Rather, she watches about the proceedings curiously.

From outside, A cry of a bird, pierces the silence over the waters. The
ship moves at a regular pace through the sea.

Gerand seems to have gotten into the idea of singing pretty well once he
started, though his voice may not be the clearest of the Harpers that may
be elsewhere aboard ship, he's definitely not as bad as he seems to think
he is. As the song winds to a close, observers might notice that the
Apprentice has had his eyes almost completely shut for the duration, which
might explain the fact he's practically staring at one of the masts. The
song ends, with a flourish of drumbeats, and a sodded fisherman from the
story the song tells asleep on the shores of his home Seahold.

Gustive taps his foot in time with the beat of his friend's song and hums
along since he doesn't know the words of this odd tune. He gives a small
chuckle and leans over the boat to eye the shipfish swimming nearby. "Can't
see your lot getting drunk." Strange squuees that seem almost familiar
answer his comment and the young man cocks his eyebrow before turning away.

Dendra nods. "Your mom is right. Maybe next time you can make something for
the auction, or donate hair ribbons or a toy. There's a Rider at Igen who
made a carving for us to auction off." She applauds as the song ends,
enjoying the humor of the fisherman's story.

Cynara nods. "Yeah, but I don't really have a good making things kind of
hobby...maybe I should find one." She furrows her brow. "I gave my toys
away...I'm too old for toys," she insists firmly.

Dendra chuckles and says, "Ah, some people never outgrow toys, like me. I
still have a stuffed firelizard and my toy Rock. Rock was a great friend,
and kept all my secrets. He lives on my dresser now as a paperweight."

Rose joins in the applause, anything seaholdish meeting with her approval
as she gives the harper an encouraging smile. "You can still play with toys
if you help little ones with them." she notes absently. The Craftmaster's
'Rock' comment gives cause to her brows raising curiously.

From outside, The ship moves through the waters, cutting through the waves.
Occasionally, a cloud moves overhead, casting shadows over the water.

Gerand gives a polite, awkward half-bow to everyone as he finishes the
song, finally opening his eyes and taking in the view of all the people he
just performed in front of. Seeing and hearing applause, he seems to
brighten up visibly before moving back to sit near his friend. "Well...
that was... definitly an eye-opener." He doesn't seem to notice the
-actual- meaning of his own remarks.

Kassima eventually finishes not only eating, but digesting enough that
she's comfortable with the prospect of moving at all. With a contented sigh
and last fond look for the emptied plates, she abandons her chair to drift
towards the rail--better late on the shipfish-watching than never--and grin
a little at the song's ending. "I'm guessing neither you nor your
Craftmaster nor anyone else would thank me if'n I requested one of the
bawdier sea-shanties next," she teases, over her own quiet applause.
"Tempting, though. Just so I could tell the people at the Weyr the story of
how I got m'self thrown off a fancy, formal boat."

Gerand catches Kassima's words, responding to the thought with a light
groan and faint smirk as he recalls his Apprenticeship interview, "I think
that'd be.. a bit off the safe trail for me. Even if that kind of tune is
what got me into the Hall in the first place."

Gustive laughs and gives his friend a quick nudge. "Aww come on, Ger.
Everyone needs some laughter, and what better time?" He gives an impudent
grin at those eyeing him and stuffs a bit of roasted tuber into his mouth.

Rose sighs, disappointed it seems that there won't be further seacrafting
tunes. With Gustive's encouragement she nods her own agreement. "Laughter
is healthy, at least my Mam says that it is."

"You got into Harper Hall based on a bawdy song." Kassima seems delighted
by this. "I have t'be hearing *that* story. What'd you sing? Who'd you sing
it to? Did anybody blush? Details, details! Or you could just sing it for
us, if'n nay anyone would mind." Sure. Gustive gets a double-take. It took
her awhile, but finally she recognizes him; she observes, cautiously,
"Wasn't really expecting t'see one of our Candidates here."

From outside, The ship rocks slightly in the waves, the movement almost
hypnotic. Occasionally, a fish leaps out from the water.

Dendra stands up and says, "I need to go help clean up. I'm glad you
enjoyed your food Cynara. Good night!"

Cynara smiles to Dendra. "Thanks." And then, snagging one last coconut
puff, the girl heads for the rail of the ship to watch the fish and the
waves, quiet again.

Gustive gives a great cough and pushes at his friend. "Go sing, get some if
the attention of me." Turning quickly he gives a giant smile at Kassi "Why,

Gerand glances around the deck of the ship, noticing that more than a few
eyes are on him after his earlier performance of song, "Well.." he flushes
a bit, "I'd just got off the caravan I was helping guard, wound up catching
the Masterharper and Master Edris.. though she only a Journeyman then, made
Master the same night I arrived. So.. well. I sung the only thing I knew
well enough, for both of them." he looks back to Gustive after the nudge
and smirks a bit, "I don't know how -you- avoided trouble getting here
tonight, but you're sure deflecting it onto -me- pretty well!"

The now-weary servers make a final round of the deck, clearing empty plates
and glasses, collecting flatware and dirty napkins. Dendra takes pity on
them and pitches in to help out.

Rose watches the cleaning up for a while, and then leans back to see
whether Kassima is able to convince the Harper to sing again. "Who's in

Kassima turns about to lean her back against the rail while she listens.
"I'd heard of Edris's promotion," she agrees, tone on the neutral side.
"Hah. Well, wouldn't be the worst Rodric's ever heard, I warrant
you--'worst' meaning 'raunchiest'; nay meaning t'say aught about the
quality. This is me nay asking why the only song you knew well was one of
*that* sort." Her eyes are sparkling far too much for her not to be amused
by the entire premise. "Will you sing it? Or something else, if'n you'd
rather?" Then, "Gustive--just tell me you're here with someone, pretty
please, and I'm nay going t'be obliged t'haul you home the moment the boat
docks. 'Tis too fine a night t'be spoiling it with thoughts of escorting a
Candidate t'his verbal execution."

Gustive points absently at the perouzing D'nel. "It's his fault. But
actually, Kassima, I got permission from the Weyrleader. I asked him
myself, I promise." With this remark he crosses his hand over his heart and
gives her a broad innocent smile.

From outside, The crew wanders around in a well choreographed dance,
keeping an eye on passengers and the ship itself.

Gerand thinks on the matter for a moment, taking slight note of the tone
Kassima has when Edris' name is mentioned. "I have a feeling Masterharper
Rodric knows them all... As to me, well... I'd spent two turns, almost,
guarding caravans. So... you can just imagine the sort." he grins weakly.
"I could sing it, so long as nobody -told-..." he looks over as Gustive
explains just how he managed to get here.

Rose, for a moment, appears to be about to go and help the crew with the
ship, restlessly watching as they make their way about on their duties. "I
won't be telling." she promises, after the explanations are given.

"Fair enough. I believe you, since you don't seem suicidal enough t'claim
that falsely." Kassima relaxes against the rail the more for it.
"Probably," she agrees with Gerand on the subject of Rodric. "I wonder
whether he's *written* any of 'em. I can imagine? Really?" Wide, innocent
eyes. "I'm sure I can't imagine. I'm sure you'll have t'sing it a'fore I
get the picture. I can promise nay t'be telling, and anyway, if'n worse
comes to worst, you can blame me. Say I egged you on, or something. There's
truth enough in it."

"Yes, Ger. Give us another song. I don't think I saw anyone not enjoying
your last one." Gustive gives his friend an couraging tap and leans agaist
the rail eying the beer still on the tables with a longing sigh.

Gerand thinks about this for just a few more moments, before he grins at
Rose and Kassima's statements of not intending to tell on him, "Well,
alright. I guess I've worked up just enough courage to go for broke, as
they say in Bitra." he places both hands on the ship's rail, steadying
himself as he starts to sing. This tune intended to be sung by those
without any musical talents whatsoever, he seems to give it a fairly good
performance. Instead of the much tamer tale of the drunken shipfish, this
one recounts the ribald little story involving a romantic triangle which
rapidly becomes more of an octagon by the time the two greenriders, caravan
master, and three Holder's daughters are brought into the mix.

From outside, The crew wanders around in a well choreographed dance,
keeping an eye on passengers and the ship itself.

Kassima is grinning when Gerand starts singing. Chuckling, as the song
continues. And by the time the seventh or so person is added, fighting hard
to keep from laughing outright. "Why is it always *greenriders*? You'd
think blueriders never got into love-dodecahedrons, I swear--" It's not an
irritated question, though. This greenrider at least is thoroughly

It's probably just as well that Rose has been as exposed to Seacraft life
as she has been, so the song isn't -too- much of a shock to her. "Probably
because so many of them seem to be so eager to..." but she doesn't
elaborate on that, rather smiling as the greenrider enjoys the music so well.

Gerand finishes the song and recomposes himself once more, "Now... imagine
singing that in front of the Masterharper of Pern without a single day of
training, most terrifying day of my life." he mumbles, looking almost as if
he's surprised at himself for both remembering the words and daring to
perform it. "I guess I'm not a complete loss." he grins.

Gustive starts hiccupping from his laughter and in turn can hardly speak.

"Nay more than riders of any other color," Kassi says, with a good-natured
roll of the eyes and wry grin. "A'course, I've had a bias on *that* subject
since the first time someone informed me that since I'm a greenrider the
only thing I'm competant t'do involves a bed. Nay with the so much, that."
She claps as much for this song as the other--maybe a little more. And
enthusiastically. "Seems a brave thing t'me. Did he laugh?"

From outside, A gentle wind breezes across the deck, lightly spraying a wet
mist around. A large fish jumps out of the water, it's silvery scales
gleaming, before making a clean dive back into the ocean.

Gerand reaches over and claps Gustive on the back, firmly, maybe a little
-too- firmly in memory of the earlier friendly clout. "There y'go, maybe
that'll help." he says after the surprise swat. "I barely know enough about
dragonriders to know why half the songs I've sung in class said what they
do." he grins a little, "But you do seem to be amused, so I think I'm
safe." he rubs the side of his head, "At least, until Gus decides I clouted
a bit too hard."

Gustive coughs and chokes a bit at his friend's -help- and gives him a
cock-eyed glance.

Rose applauds politely, seemingly unable to resist the temptation to help
out on the ship. "You'll make a fine Harper." and a glance takes in the
rest of those nearby in at the same time. "Would you excuse me?" and she
hurries off after the ship's captain.

Kassima grins at the Harper; agrees, "Safe enough from me. Probably from
anyone. That song was delightfully indiscriminate in who got tapped for
addition to the octagon. I approve!" She's probably teasing him somewhat at
this point. After Rose goes, she says, "There you go. A Lady Holder's
daughter telling you you're going t'be good. There's likely a memory worth
keeping from the occasion."

From outside, The ship rocks slightly in the waves, the movement almost
hypnotic. Occasionally, a fish leaps out from the water.

Gerand arches an eyebrow at Kassima's remark, saying as he looks over in
Rose's direction now that she's passed out of sight, "That was... a Lady
Holder's daughter?" he looks somewhat surprised by that, saying with a weak
smile, "Thank you, I'm so new to the Hall, I guess I'm running up against
my confidence. Or lack of it. Sometimes I still wonder how I got into the
Hall at all, but." he looks over toward Gustive and grins, "At least I
think I can see why -you- wound up where you are. My father always said
dragons liked troublemakers, even if Weyrleaders didn't."

Gustive finally relived of his hiccups he decides to reyurn his friend
favor by reaching with arm and tucking him in close. With his other hand he
clouts the man on the chest. "Thanks for the help old friend, could've
never survived without you you!" He grins at Kassi and winks, "you've got
taste in Harpers." Clout. "He's," clout, "A good one!" Toublemakers! The
the mere thought!

"Indeed. Rose, daughter of Lady Selchin and Lord Regex of Tillek. As I
understand it. We've only met once a'fore, methinks, but I remember her."
Kassima nods towards the direction the young woman went as she speaks.
"Better mayhaps t'nay be full of yourself than t'be sure you're going
t'make Master next sevenday and surpass everyone else in the Hall. And--I'm
nay going t'comment on the dragons liking troublemakers thing. Safer that
way," said with a wink. Gustive's comment sets her to choking on laughter.
"Oh, aye. I do. You have nay idea."

Gerand lets out a solid oof with each smack of Gustive's palm against his
chest, just grinning like a bit of an idiot during the whole thing - he
knows he deserved the mild abuse, this time. "I'm... oof... definitely not
one to think I'm going to make Master, well... ever. But, I'm catching up."
he fakes one more oof, before saying, "I'm glad I came out here, even if it
was most certainly a trap."

Gustive snorts. "A trap! If you ask me he just wanted to show off one of
his more agreeable students." Loosing his friend he grives him an
encouraging smile. "I really don't think anyone disliked your songs. I know
I didn't."

Kassima supposes, "You might well someday--a far someday, probably. I've
kin in the Craft who certes confirm m'suspicion that there's *much* t'be
learning. But if'n you love it and stick with it, and study... why nay?
Anyway, I'm with him." Her chin dips, a nod of agreement with Gustive. "The
Craftmaster asked you t'sing first, didn't she? She didn't seem
disappointed. I enjoyed it too, and I know I heard several people clapping."

Gerand nods toward both the guests from Telgar, saying with a small shrug,
"I'm probably one of the few Harpers that didn't know what he wanted when
he showed up on the Hall's steps. But... I'm feeling it much more strongly
now, I've just got to break from this horrible... well, fear of messing up
in public. Someday, I will. And it'll be a disaster." he stifles his own
laugh, "Perhaps I just need to sing enough that it happens and get it over
with, hmm?" he nods to Kassima, "That she did, and I was proud to. Not
every day a Craftmaster asks me to sing."

Gustive says "I'm one with her. Or do you need more ego petting?" To soften
this remark he gives a broad smile and another pat, though this time not
nearly as rough. "I saw the Masterbaker clapping and complimenting you. You
shouldn't be so hard on yourself.""

"I don't know. There might be more people ambivalent about their future
than you think. We see plenty of 'em in the Weyr, at least." Kassima's
shoulders roll in a shrug, but her expression is thoughtful. "You may well
mess up someday. But d'you figure you're alone in that? That every other
Apprentice is perfect? Bet you ten marks they aren't. And I've another bet
t'make. *Four* marks say you got a bit of a rush from the performing; do I
guess true?"

From outside, A dolphinfish appears at starboard and seems to chitter
before disappearing.

Gerand nods a bit to Gus as well, saying as he looks out over the water, "I
have a feeling that's what this was all about for me, getting me over
that." he looks back to the two, "I think it worked better than they hoped,
I don't feel like I'm going to get sick anymore, either. For any reason. No
bet!" he laughs, "I've only got two marks on me, and I don't like a losing
thing. I'll say this though, there're Apprentices now that -think- they're
perfect, but they've only been there a day. No classes yet!" he grins.

Kassima grins at Gerand. She accuses, "Spoilsport! Well, I can still feel
that I *would* have won. I won in spirit. Poor things--they're in for an
awakening, I suspect." She turns at the splash so that she's facing the
water, at the splash--a glimpse of the shipfish brings a new, wondering
smile to her face. "Nay anyone's perfect at everything," she turns her head
to say. "Or at *aught*, so say rather the best at everything. You *can* be
the best at something. But being a Harper, as I understand it... granted,
I'm nay one, so m'understanding is an outsider's... is about being good at
*many* things. That's probably true of any Crafter. You're never going
t'start up being wonderful at *everything* you need t'know. Sort of like
you rarely find a Candidate who's skilled at *every* chore we have for 'em."

Gustive shakes his head as he pulls his gaze away from the shipfish. "What,
I'm soory, caught myself daydreaming."

From outside, A gentle wind breezes across the deck, lightly spraying a wet
mist around. A large fish jumps out of the water, it's silvery scales
gleaming, before making a clean dive back into the ocean.

Gerand smirks a little bit and says as he looks over to Gus, "You seem like
you're starting to fade out tonight, bit of a long cruise, isn't it?" he
smiles, looking back to Kassima as he finally looks completely relaxed -
probably a state that took him days if not weeks at the Hall - "The Hall is
an interesting place with interesting people. And I'm surprised by how much
I'm learning, definitely."

"Probably want t'be sure people feel like they're getting their marks
worth. And feel inclined towards *spending* the marks." Kassima gestures
towards the auction tables. "Boll could probably use every mark it can
get." She nods wholehearted agreement to Gerand. "I've visited the Hall a
time or two. Some of the people are fascinating. Which is true anywhere,
really, if'n you dig a bit; everyone's got their stories."

From outside, The sails snap as the wind catches them, billowing them in a
delightful arc. The ship's movement is slow and deliberate, allowing for
guests to enjoy the scenery.

Gerand grins at Kassima, saying as he rubs the back of his neck, probably a
nervous habit of the Harper's. "Stories are what give Pern a future,
everything's a story for the next generation. Oof, I should probably try
and get some sleep soon before we hit land, and I'm going to need to do
that wrangling of a ride home then."

"Aye. Or even the present generation. The other Apprentices probably have a
slew of stories they could tell you--and you them--and 'tis all fascinating
t'me. So many things t'hear, t'laugh at or cry over." Kassima casts a long
look out over the water. "I don't think we're headed back at just this
moment, so if'n you're beat, a nap might be the thing."

Gerand grins a bit to Kassima, "So far, most of the Apprentices haven't had
enough life to 'em to have stories yet. Not many are as old as I am, lots
are more than five turns younger than I am. And female." he starts looking
vaguely uncomfortable again, "I'm not particularly good at getting to know

From outside, The ship rocks slightly in the waves, the movement almost
hypnotic. Occasionally, a fish leaps out from the water.

Kassima shakes her head quickly. "You might be right in some or even
most--shells, *mayhaps* all--cases with these Apprentices, but I'd advise
t'never assume people can't have stories even if'n they're just children.
Fascinating things happen t'children sometimes." She slants the Apprentice
a shrewd look. "Because of the age? Or because they're female? Both?"

Gerand says with a vaguely confused look on his face, "Mmm, more than a bit
of both, I think." he admits, "Definitely both in most cases. There're only
a few handfuls of male apprentices at the Hall these days, so little
options around to make many friends." he nudges Gustive, "That's why I
don't object when I get pushed into heading up toward Telgar for errands, I
get to visit this lucky lug."

From outside, The ship moves through the waters, cutting through the waves.
Occasionally, a cloud moves overhead, casting shadows over the water.

Tired of standing at the rail, Kassima finds an abandoned chair near the
other two to settle in. "I still feel absolutely stuffed," she remarks to
no one in particular. "Females *can* be friends, for what 'tis worth. We're
people too." Her tone is droll, and she follows this with a wink. "I don't
know what these lasses are like, though. Are there any you could just see
as *people*? Nay girls or children? Age isn't always relevant t'maturity or
interesting-ness. I take it you two have been friends for awhile?"

Once again coming to from a strange reverie that inevitably comes over him
near water, Gustive rubs his head and looks at two near him. "What's this
about female friends?" He seems at a loss for a moment, so drawn to the
water as he is.

Gerand looks a little surprised at how Kassima puts it, "Well, it's not
like I don't think they could be friends, it's just.." he pauses a little,
realizing there's maybe a little more truth than he'd like to think in the
rider's words, "Some, though a lot do act... well, like girls. Lots of
giggling, pointing, and teasing the old man with a newer knot than theirs."
he looks over at the daydreaming friend, "Believe it or not, I met him just
before he got Searched. I dunno why, he just seemed like a good enough
person to call friend." the Harper admits with a grin.

From outside, A school of silvery fish is seen just below the surface of
the water at the ship's port.

"I'm suggesting that they're possible," Kassi sort-of clarifies, with a
grin for the daydreamer. "Mmm. Giggling, pointing lasses might be hard
t'get t'know, aye; are they *all* like that, though? Surely there's a lass
or two who doesn't giggle. I *hope* so, or that's saying bad things for
lasses everywhere," she deadpans. "Huh. Nay so very long, then, but there
are people like that. Where you'd think they'd been best friends for life
after a sevenday or two."

Gustive gives a great snort at that and half thinks about throwing his last
piece of bread at his friend before changing his mind and eating it. "A
good enough person?" He manages to get out from between the pieces of
bakery stuffed in his mouth. "And what's this about girls giggling and
laughing? Almost sounds like you've been around my sisters." Cruor lifts
his head at his perches mention of 'sisters' and lets out a withering
snort. "Hah, Cru knows what I'm talking about." Giving the two a scrunched
up expression and looking around for some food to feed his firelizard with.
"What do you mean, Kassima? Of course they're possible." Sighting a
leftover meatroll he holds it out waitin for Cru to gently take it from his

Gerand says with an amused look toward his friend, "I suppose that's
probably how it looks, isn't it?" he smiles back over toward Kassima, "No,
they're not. I just need to learn how to deal with so many people at once.
My home cothold had... well, not a quarter of the people in the Hall on a
slow day." he turns back to Gus. "I've only met the one, I can't imagine
you had more like her. She's nice and all, but... the -talking-."

After a quick smile for the fire-lizard, Kassima gestures towards Gerand.
"Aye, and that's what 'twas telling him. Admittedly, befriending giggling
girls is nay the easiest task. Nor necessarily the most worthwhile.
Depending on the lass. Now, that is a problem I entirely understand." She
nods to Gerand as she says this. "'Twill just take some time. You'll get
used to it. Doesn't sound as if'n you've been a Harper very long, aye? Give
yourself time."

From outside, A cry of a bird, pierces the silence over the waters. The
ship moves at a regular pace through the sea.

Gerand stands and starts to step toward the rear of the ship where some
people seem to have found places to pass out until the ship comes to dock,
"I appreciate the advice, thank you. I'm... working on it." he says with a
chuckle, "And I've only been a Harper for four months now, so it's all new
to me. Afraid I need to take my leave and get some sleep, hopefully I'll
find a ride home in the morning, either that, or... well. I may not be sent
to Telgar anytime soon. Take care, and it was nice to meet you, rider...?"
he wonders, not certain he caught Kassima's name in the discussions.

"Kassima," Kassi supplies, lifting her hand to wave, "green Lysseth's
rider. Pleasure t'be making your acquaintance, Apprentice." There's a
slight pause before the last word, and a slightly sheepish tenor to it,
that might suggest she's also blanking on a name. "'Twill wish you the best
of luck--with finding a ride, a'course, and also in finding people t'talk
to at the Hall. Clear skies on your way back, heya?"

Gustive looks away from feeding his hungry little friend long enough to see
D'nel waving him over. "Oi, guess that's my cue. It was nice seeing you two
out of the Weyr. Gerand, You better stop by or I'll sic Cru on you."
Leaving that threat in the air he waves at the two before running over to
the blue rider. D'nel gives the lad a friendly smile before gesturing him
over to the waiting dingey. "Hurry up, boy. Zalth says he's ready to go
home." Giving a backward wave Gus climbs down over to the waiting boat and
disappears into the darkness.

Gustive goes ashore.

Gerand starts heading out, "Gerand!" he calls back to Kassima, "Take care!"

Gerand goes ashore.