-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Healer's Price Date: October 20, 2002 Places: Healer Hall's Skyspace, Courtyard, and Main Hall; Craftsecond Sauscony's Quarters Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Summoning all her courage, Kassima rides forth to beard the dreaded Healer Craftsecond in her den of mauvish peril. Amazing the things she'll do for her kids, isn't it? And in exchange for assistance for her pregnant daughter, Kassi agrees to a devilish bargain--one that, if it will not quite earn her a place in the ballads next to Faustus, fiddling Johnny, and Daniel Webster, should at least make her life interesting for awhile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Lysseth allows the notes of her greeting to ring out and echo across the valley before sweeping down with a purpose; and never mind who might actually be sleeping around here. You check to make sure the courtyard is clear then descend to Healer Hall. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Sauscony has arrived from the Healer Hall. Sauscony is just pulling on a clean infirmary coat as she slips out of the door. As she recognizes the rider aboard the green, she offers a wave. "Healer Hall's Duties!" She calls, just to get it out of the way. Kassima was slower in dismounting Lysseth than she might normally be, and even now she hovers near the green warily. Quite as if Lyss might protect her from the depradations of this Hall's denizens. Hearing a voice makes her start and whip towards its source: "Duties t'Healer Hall and her Masters--oh, Craftsecond! What fine luck," and she relaxes minutely, some of the tension leaving her shoulders. "Here I came looking for you, and you're right in the first place I reach." Sauscony points up to a series of windows in the hall. "My office overlooks the courtyard. It provides a good vantage point to watch people arriving and apprentices attempting to sneak out." As she speaks, she considers the greenrider with a bit of concern, she knows of her aversion to those of her craft. Kassima's eyes follow the pointing finger up, which means she misses that scrutiny--at least for a moment; "Convenient," she quips, "at least for me and for you. Nay quite so certain 'tis so for the *Apprentices*. I didn't come at a bad time or aught, did I? I could go--" She seems rather quick to suggest this, though when she glances back down to the Craftsecond her expression's less eager-to-escape than simply uncertain. "There is no such thing as a bad time." Soz assures her, her smile warming as she continues. "Besides. I have a fresh pot of tea, I would be delighted if you were to join me for a cup. Its a new blend that I am just trying out." Kassima nibbles at her lower lip, but either the warmth in that smile or the offer of tea would seem to reassure her enough that she finally gives a quick nod. "If'n you're sure, and if'n 'tisn't more of that last tea you fed me...." She cracks a grin. "Nay t'say I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I rather doubt I'd be in need of more of the same now. Lead the way? I'm, ah, nay too terribly familiar with your Hall." Sauscony laughs as she heads into the hall. "No, not that tea at all. Smething more for a relaxing evening by the fire." Sauscony opens the great bronze doors and enters the Healer Hall. Kassima darts a look back over her shoulder towards her dragon before following Sauscony in, as if seeking support. Lysseth's no help. She just snorts and settles in to drowse while her rider walks through the shadow of the valley of Healers. You enter the Healer Hall through the large bronze doors. "Relaxing sounds good," Kassi offers as she follows a few beats in the Craftsecond's wake. Her steps are likely slower; not quite like a child trudging off to some unwelcome chore, but not the gleeful skip of one headed for a treat either. "And i'truth, 'tisn't a stressful matter that brings me here--well, strike that. It stresses *me*. But in general, 'tisn't stressful." Right. That made sense. Sauscony climbs up the stairs and out of sight. You climb the stairs to the second level. Sauscony enters Craftsecond Sauscony's Office and closes the door behind her. You open the door to Craftsecond Sauscony's Office. [Editor's Note: I simply could not leave out the desc of this most interesting office, so it follows below.] Craftsecond Sauscony's Quarters(#17666RJ) Were the elements that have been brought together to create this room separated, each element would be quite pretty in it's own right. However, combined, the room is frightening. A lovely shade of mauve covers the walls of this room - at least, it would be lovely if it weren't for the fact that there's so much of it. Mauve also covers the bed, the wide canopy above it, and most of the other furniture. Let's not forget the drapes that are currently held back to let the light from one of the rare windows of the Hall into the room. The furniture in question is made of dark Lemos wood - too dark for the pastels that dominate the room. What's more, the furniture, though clearly well made and expensive, is insufferably ugly. Flowers bloom out from the four posters of the canopy bed, scrolling dominates the chairs and table, and the wardrobe actually has a caduceus for handles - the two snakes meeting when the doors are closed. The desk is a monstrosity that dominates part of the room, a bulky piece of dark wood that has been carved so extensively with flowery scenes that there is no area for actual working on it, or so it seems. Of course all chairs are bulky and heavy and don't look too comfortable. All the fabrics, and some of the furniture, are edged in a soft moss green - which is within a shade of actually matching the mauve. Contents: Sauscony Obvious exits: Second Floor Hallway Sauscony holds open the door as she tries to piece this together, chewing on her lip. "Stressful but not stressful?" She replies, automatically placing a cushion in one of the chairs. "The tea should be ready in a few minutes." she adds. Kassima manages to attempt to clarify, "'Tis *good* news, and naught like that burned man--is he all right, by the by?--but stressful news." It takes her several beats, however, because first she must stop staring at her surroundings and summon the power of speech that they momentarily stole from her. "'Tis, ah. An interesting place you have here, Craftsecond. Very mauve." She's trying to be nice, she really is, even now in the face of having had her fear of Healers confirmed for whole new reasons. Sliding into the chair, she adds, a bit weakly, "Thankee." It takes Soz a moment to figure what she meant, her wince almost audible as she looks around "Craftmaster Thalia hasd this ready for me when I came back to the hall. And the journeyman? He will be fine, -if- he follows my instructions and behaves." Some irritation enters her tone, people that seem to know better than their healers. Kassima repeats, "Ah, Craftmaster Thalia," as if that explains everything. "I've run into her a couple of times, methinks--the last being Craftmaster Ofira's bachelor party, when she had been drinking and ended up in a closet with Craftsecond Keara, I do believe... only I can't be *sure*, since I spent most of the rest of that party hiding from the strippers." She can't entirely contain a wince; possibly it's out of sympathy for Sauscony, but more likely for the poor beleaguered journeyman. Rubbing a knuckle absently over the redness on her left cheek, she wonders, "Was anyone else seriously hurt that night? The Smiths seemed t'be thinking nay, but in all the chaos 'twas hard t'make out just what was happening." "I missed that part of the party." Soz admits without too much regret, it seems "It was an interesting evening." She shakes her head to that. "Thank Faranth, that was the worst. It was pure luck that more weren't injured, mostly smoke inhalation, minor burns. Nothing that won't heal." She notes with a quick smile. "Interesting," Kassima agrees, "is likely the best word for it. You must've gotten out while the getting was good. Wasn't quite as fortunate m'self--now *that's* good t'hear." The greenrider does sound rather pleased. "I'm sure the people with coughs and pained skin right now aren't terribly thrilled, but when the place blew up, I thought there'd be bodies for sure. Particularly since Indrath had said 'twere people caught inside. They must've gotten out a'fore it exploded." Sauscony frowns thoughtfully, "It is hard to know, especially at first." She admits. "But I had not heard of any deaths. It was rather horrific all around." She notes with a shudder, her gaze resting on the greenriders injuries for a moment, as if assessing their severity. Almost by reflex, Kassi tries to hide them by stowing reddened hands in her pockets--though that makes it hard to cover the cheekbones. She clears her throat. "Horrific's certes a word for it. In a way 'tis nay so bad as when our Records Room burned--the loss of some Records seems worse t'me than the loss of chemicals, and we had our injured too--but on the other hand, the building was still intact and the damage more easily contained. Methinks everyone was throwing water on those flames for hours." More throat-clearing. "But I shouldn't be taking up your time; 'tisn't what I came t'ask you about--though I am very glad t'be hearing that the Smith will be all right." Sauscony can't help but smile at the action, moving over to pour our two cups of the steaming liquid. "Its a chamomile infused with a variety of berries. I wanted to take away some of the berries sweetness while adding the calming effect of chamomile." She sets the cup on the table by the greenrider, offering her a puzzled smile before she settles down. "Not a pleasure visit?" She teases. Kassima must needs slide at least one hand out of hiding to take the tea, and so she cautiously does so. "I'm nay a connisseur of teas," she confesses, curving her fingers around the cup with care for its heat. "I've naught against them, and if'n I need t'stay awake I certes prefer them t'klah, but I can't promise a very informed opinion of the mix." She doesn't sip just yet, either, preferring to blow lightly across the surface first. "Now you have t'be teasing me, Craftsecond! Nay, I don't think I'd be apt t'make a pleasure visit to this particular Hall, with nay offense meant. 'Tis for m'daughter I've come. She's going t'be needing a Healer's services." "It is a hobby of mine." Soz admits, "I like to try different blends and see what I can come up with. Some I like, others I simple throw away. All I wish to know is of you like it or not." She finishes, setting aside her cup as she hears the last. "Kisai?" She asks, as if unsure of the name. Kassima automatically smiles at her daughter's name; her assurance is quick, though: "Nay, nay Kisai. She's fine. A beautiful, healthy lass--just Turned six." She's not quite as quick to supply the *right* name, instead sipping gingerly at the slightly cooled tea and considering its taste. "Nay too sweet," she eventually decides. "I don't know whether I'd like it sweeter or nay. Seems preferrable t'straight chamomile, though; the fruitiness is nice." Sauscony nods. "Straight chamomile is nice when one has an upset stomach." She pauses for a moment, dismissing thoughts of tea from her mind. "I forgot you had other children." She admits with a smile. "I seem to have a rather focused memory. Children I have delivered, I generally remember. Otherwise, not a chance." "Aye, that's when I've had it. Sometimes someone would get it for me," Kassi explains, "while 'twas having the pregnancy-sickness, though methinks Ev usually brought mint instead... oh, aye. I've six total." Perhaps she can be forgiven a hint of pride as she says this, a brief flash of a smile. "*All* beautiful and healthy. 'Tis the eldest who'll be needing the assistance, so t'speak, and 'tisn't that she's nay *healthy*, only. Well." She takes another swallow of tea as if this might help her with whatever she's not saying. "She's, ah. She's due t'have a child in seven months herself. Or so I'm told." "Is she at Telgar?" Soz asks, dropping into Healer mode as she considers, chewing her lip as she begins to reach for a hide on her desk. Kassima shakes her head in rapid denial. "Nay this one. She's--Kaylira's her name--she's at Ista. She rides brown Pheirth there, and just made Wingleader." There's that pride again, though it's a touch wan. "Her first child 'tis. I wanted t'be sure she'll have a Healer there when 'tis born who won't try t'stuff her with flower-petals, or faint, or cut her if'n 'tis nay necessary." There's a moment's pause. "Mayhaps check up on her a'fore the birth, too, but the birthing's most important." Sauscony is silent for a moment, spots of pleasure dotting her cheek. "And you would like me to check up on her, see how she is doing and then be there for the birth?" She asks. She seems to understand just what a complement that this is. Kassima bobs her head rapidly, a flash of relief crossing her face--and a smile, fleeting but genuine, for the Healer's pleasure. "Aye, you've hit it directly. Methinks she'll be just fine; most of the women in our family bear without difficulty, and she's young and strong. She had some concern about nay having conceived sooner, though. So if'n there's any way you could be putting her mind at ease about being healthy and normal--assuming she *is*--well, 'tis m'gratitude you'd be having. I'd be paying whatever fee is needful. But if'n you can't, I'd still be pleased if'n you can make the birthing. I want m'daughter in the hands of a Healer who actually knows what they're doing." A soft laugh escapes the healer's lips. "Trust me. There is no happy medium. If a woman wishes to conceive, she will fret about it not happening sooner, if she doesn't wish to have a child,it will happen all to soon." She pauses for a moment to consider. "But I can assure her that all is well, after I have examined her. How old is she, by the way?" "True enough as far as 'twas concerned," Kassi mutters, almost to herself. "I told Kay nay t'be concerned; being two Turns or so with a man and nay conceiving is hardly *uncommon*, but... as you say. She won't take it from *me* that all's well; mayhaps from you. And 'twouldn't hurt t'be certain any road. She's twenty and three--should still be that age when the bairn's born." "Especially for a rider." Soz points out. "I have known some that have been weyrmated for turns and they have never conceived." Kassima nods in full agreement. "Precisely so. And they've only just now *weyrmated* officially, with her being a Wingsecond or Acting Wingleader most of the time she's known him; I certes wasn't surprised she wasn't with child already. But she looks at me as if'n I'm the norm for women, though I told her I'm nay. I'd be in your debt if'n you could put her mind t'rest on the point." Wryly, "And you know how less-than-wild I'd normally be about being in a Healer's debt." Sauscony laughs softly, her delight quite evident in her expression. "I shall have to make note of this and frame it for posterity." She notes before nodding. "It is a strange thing about children, when women want then, they often think that there is something basically wrong when it doesn't happen." Despite the pained look that crosses her face at this, Kassi makes no comment. "I'd noticed that," she agrees instead, with a crooked hint of smile. "I'truth, 'tis nay so, but I don't know that there's much t'be proving it until they have one. Now Kay will have one," which seems slightly difficult for her to say, "and hopefully she'll be happy, whoever sired it. First I'd known of her *wanting* children, but it must have been so." "And this will be your first grandchild?" Soz asks, perhaps a bit cruelly of the woman, her gaze resting on her for a moment. Cruelly indeed. For a moment, Kassi has That Expression: like she's just bitten into something repulsive and is trying not to either spit it out or let her revulsion show on her face. Discomfort, distress, unhappiness, guilt, all commingled into something that can't be called pleasant. A beat later, it's replaced by a rather bland look. "Mmm. I suppose that would be the term for it, aye." Sauscony reaches for her tea, sipping it slowly before she comments. "This could be why I have never had children, it is only when I look at children that I helped birth many turns ago do I realize how the time has passed." Kassima focuses her eyes on her tea as though it has suddenly become very interesting. "Oddly," she remarks, voice still blandly neutral, "Kay's age hasn't much bothered me; she was still and *is* still m'daughter. I don't mind being a mother." Slight emphasis on the last word? Perhaps. Flicking a glance up, she shifts subjects slightly: "So you'd be willing t'go t'her?" Sauscony allows the subject to drop, a slight nod to herself before she follows it up with another, bigger one. "I would be honored to do so." She allows with a quick smile. "I do look forward to meeting her." Kassima's smile holds, perhaps, a touch of gratitude. "'Tis well I'm appreciating that. She's a Dragonhealer herself, so may take the tendings of a Healer a bit more calmly than 'twould m'self--though I couldn't be swearing to it. Now. What will the fee be? For the attending, and for the checking up--I want t'be paying it, but nay for Kay t'be knowing I paid it, if'n you catch m'meaning." Sauscony waves her hand. "It is part of our duties to the Weyrs." She replies quickly before explaining. "I could never ask anything of a dragonrider. The weyr provides our healers room and board in exchange for our services." Kassima's brows take a leap in surprise. "I know that there's nay cost for the Healers of a Weyr t'be attending their Weyrfolk," she says, canting her head slightly to the right. "But you are a Craftsecond, nay Ista's Weyrhealer, and 'tis a trip out of your way. I'd nay expect you t'be doing it for naught. You're certain there's naught I could be providing in exchange?" "Just one thing." Sauscony begins, a hint of a smile beginning along her lips. "That you spend some time here, at the hall. "Healers are not such fearsome creatures, once you get us out of our infirmaries." Kassima's eyes widen in surprise and momentary dismay. Then they narrow, watching that smile--but not in anger, to judge by her face. More a suspicion that she's been tricked. A reluctant smile threatens one corner of her mouth. "A small enough price," she grants, taking her final gulp of the tea and setting the empty cup to the side. "I can be doing that. Nay sure what I'd do here, precisely, but I can be doing that. If'n you'll assure me that nay anyone will try t'drag me off and poke and prod me with cold things, or fingers, or ask me t'say 'ah' as if'n they'd check m'teeth like a runner's who's up for purchase?" Sauscony almost beams, her expression definitely brightening before she raises a hand. "Nothing healer related, just pleasant visits. Chats about stuff. It would be good for our apprentices to get to know riders, many of them have never been far from their cotholds before arriving here." Soz is sure people chat. Someplace. Kassima doesn't seem much more at ease, but she gives one, slow nod. "I'll do that as I can," she agrees, "at least for a time. If'n there'll be nay asking after when 'twas last examined or whether I follow a special diet or what-all, then methinks I can chat well enough with Healers as time permits. Will it be all right if'n I'm nay visiting straight away? I may be able, but there are things that may need doing, between commissions for m'daughter and the business with Smithcraft. Faranth only knows what help they might be needing there." Flexing her ruddy fingers, she adds wryly, "Nay that the Weyr's done *naught*, but 'tis as I said then: our duty to them 'twas, only that." Sauscony nods quickly. "I know that you are very busy. So, when you have a free moment or you are bored to please just drop by. I would appreciate it very much." "You've m'word on it." Kassima's smile is wry, but genuine. "I'll visit as I'm able. Mayhaps in the herb gardens, when the season warms--I've a minor interest in such things, and I'd imagine they'd be lovely in summer. And popular." With a near-silent laugh, "Mayhaps you can be teaching me the rudiments of tea-making, on one of these visits." "That would be wonderfully." Soz enthuses, almost a bit surprised that her ruse worked. There's a continuing wryness to Kassi's eyes to suggest she may not entirely agree, but she nods nevertheless. "We'll see about it, then. For now, I'm thinking 'tis much of your time I've taken, and I'd do best t'let you get back t'whatever occupied you a'fore, or sleep, given the hour. I do thankee both for being willing t'hear me out and for aiding Kay." "I will do what I can." Soz says simply, her expression warm. "I do look forward to meeting your daughter, it will be interesting. You say she rides brown?" Kassima's nod to this is considerably more enthusiastic. "Brown Pheirth, for Timor. A fine young dragon for all that he's nay green." After getting to her feet, she impulsively offers a hand as though to shake on the agreement. "Will you let me know if'n she and the babe are hale? I can't visit as much as I might like, and she's *terrible* about writing t'me with news." Sauscony accepts her hand, her shake firm and quick. "I will send you a message as soon as I know anything at all." She promises. "And I will try to keep yu updated as time goes on." Kassima's mouth twitches slightly at the firm grip on sensitive skin, but her own is no less firm for it. "I'll be looking forward t'hearing, then," she says, tucking her hand back into her pocket and taking a step back. "And I'd certes appreciate the second. Only mayhaps don't let *her* know you're sending word t'me? I may be a mother wherry, but," she quips with a sudden, bright grin, "that doesn't mean I want her t'*know* it." She bobs her head once more to the Craftsecond in parting, then ducks out the doorway--only belatedly remembering to call, "And duties t'the Hall and her Masters and all that!" You are glad to leave this room behind you! You go down the stairs to the main level. You pass through the large bronze doors out into the courtyard. Kassima lopes, once past the exit, towards her dragon, who's already risen from her half-nap in preparation for leavetaking. "Would you believe, I actually survived?" the greenrider murmurs to her lifemate, receiving a deep rumble of laughter in exchange as she mounts up. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You launch yourself into the sky above Harper and Healer Halls.