-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super-Evil Gossip-Loving Wager-Making Kassi Date: March 11, 2003 Place: Telgar Weyr's Records Room Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Super-evil gossip-loving wager-making Kassi! When she meets poor Cav's weyrmate, she's something short of classy! It's no wonder Cav would want to kick her in the a--okay, let's just stop that right there, shall we? ;) C'vadan decides to introduce Aine to Kassima, and naturally becomes quickly embarrassed when Kassi decides to share a few fond memories with the brownrider's new weyrmate. Really, you'd think he'd have anticipated this. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: C'vadan strides in from the bowl. Aine strides in from the bowl. C'vadan enters, one hand clasped in Aine's, the other clutching several hides. He gives pause when he spots Kassima. "Wingleader," he says politely. "Have you met Kassima, Aine?" he asks his weyrmate. Aine shakes her head. "Fort's duties to Telgar," she says, giving the other woman a smile. It's just as well that the room's great table is primarily unoccupied; with only Kassima sitting at it, in the traditional Thunderbolt leader's seat, there are plenty of empty chairs for her swarm of fire-lizards to perch on. Not that Kassi's paying them--or much else around her--all that much heed. She's too busy studying a map, and tapping a stylus against the table while singing to herself. "How can we dance when our world is turning? How can we sleep when the beds are burning? The time has come t'say fair's fair--" Whatever line might be next is interrupted as the greeting draws her attention. "Heyla, Cav, Wingleader--duties right back t'Fort and her queens, a'course." C'vadan decides it is safe enough for him to let go of Aine's hand and to move away from her so he can put the hides back where they belong. Unlike many a rider and resident who uses the records, Cav is meticulous in returning the records to their proper place, even if he found them elsewhere. As he files, he says, "I was just telling Aine about your amazing record when it comes to wagering on hatchings and such." Yes, he has warned the Fort brownrider about Kassima's wagering schemes. Aine leans a hip against the closest table, being careful not to jostle it. "Rather impressive," she agrees, grinning. "Lucky guesses or some kind of insight that others would love to have?" she asks. "Shardit, Cav, y'mean you *warned* her?" Kassi demands, trying to sound plaintive rather than amused, and somehow succeeding instead in sounding both. "How the shards am I supposed t'make ends meet if'n you tell everyone nay t'bet with me? You'd have me and m'children starving, out begging in the Bowl for scraps of bread if'n you could." She sets her stylus down and shifts about in her chair to face the weyrmates, flashing Aine a rueful grin. "Some of both, I *like* t'be thinking. When I make a killing on the Trader's Wheel at Bitra? Pure luck. When I nail the color spread for a Hatching, or peg which male will catch which queen or green? That's *research*." Pause. "Mostly. Luck's an element there too, admittedly." Aine laughs! "Well, I do know better than to bet on things I don't know anything about." She nods. "I'm sure you have your surprises now and again, no matter how carefully researched. Life is funny like that sometimes." C'vadan ignores Kassima's ranting out of hand. He's heard such porcinewash for turns; more turns than he cares to count. " Rumor has it you are not above a little payoff where necessary to influence the odds," he says. Of course, despite the fact that Cav records nearly everything he sees, he is far from a rumormonger. Usually, he tries to debunk them when necessary. This must be his bookish way of annoying Kassima. He continues to file away hides. "That is true, Aine love." Kassima's chin dips in a wry sort of nod. "More's the pity... well, nay, I shouldn't say that; where's the excitement in life if'n you're never surprised? Only I'd rather nay be surprised when it involves losing any large sum of marks, truth be told. But you've the right of it. Take the more recent goldflights. Hanreth catching Niyath? I called that one, nay problems there. Xannarth catching Vianneth? Didn't really see that coming. But you didn't come here t'hear me discourse in detail about gambling--" She breaks off, though, to cast C'vadan a *look* with a hint of a frown accompanying it. "What exactly am I supposed t'have paid off, Cav?" C'vadan's look is nearly angelic, were such images known to Pern. "Why, Kassi, you know I don't pay much heed to what people say in hushed tones over ale. I'm am sure it is merely jealous tongues a-wagglin', doncha know." Aine looks back and forth between the two, an amused look on her face. "Quite probably," is Kassi's dry retort. "Since how I could be *paying* dragons t'get themselves caught is something I'd surely like t'know. I'll admit that I've occasionally paid someone a cut of m'winnings, but only for inside information, or... well, all right, so I'sai's cut *was* for being sharding cooperative in helping me win the pool on him, but since he didn't cooperate intentionally I don't think it counts as a *bribe*. Aine, I don't suppose you could poke him in the ribs for me, could you? Since methinks you're standing closer?" Aine holds her hands up in the air. "I don't know..." she starts, looking between the two of them again. "I try not to get involved in matters like these. Though I do have to ask, what was the bet on I'sai for?" Kassima exhales an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, fine, I'll poke him m'self later." But there's a grin to go along with the words. "That bet? That he'd have eight or more children a'fore his death. Made a pretty profit off of it I did, too, but m'new pool that he'll have at least a dozen isn't going quite as well. Don't suppose you want in?" Aine shakes her head, grinning. "Not likely. I don't even know how old he is or what he looks. I expect those would play into it." "Thirty Turns, about m'height, freckled; blonde hair, blue-green-grey sort of eyes. He has nine spawnlets already," Kassi rattles off before affecting a disappointed look. "You're sure? Shells and shards... I blame *you* for this, C'vadan. Know 'twill be getting revenge for it later." Aine glances at Cav and nods in her weyrmate's direction. "Any bets going on him?" she asks, a twinkle of mischief in her eye. C'vadan is almost buried in hides as he tries to refile. Extracating himself, he has only heard the last thing said, so his response may be out of context. "Yeah. Yeah. I've lived in two Weyrs awaiting your stack of revenge on me, Kassi," he says dryly, though his eyes twinkle in the glowlight. At Aine's comment, he shoots her a warning look. Kassima murmurs, "I could always be making you drop another log on your foot, and doing the hoppy dance, this time where your weyrmate can see. Or I could tell her all about the things I made you do while 'twere m'servant for a sevenday." Her own eyes are very wide, guileless, and innocent, at least if you ignore the gleam in them. A quick gesture hooks her satchel up from the floor, and she makes a show of rummaging through it until she retrieves one particular hide. "Bets on C'vadan. Let's see. Got a few out... m'current favorite bet is on seven spawn total for him, y'know. But I've also taken a few bets that he won't manage any more after this, and *Pierron* for some reason thinks you'll sire eleven, Cav. Whatever have you done t'make our head chef trust so much in your virility?" Aine laughs softly as she glances back at Cav. She shrugs lightly as his look. C'vadan frowns at the short list of events he'd rather not remember. "You have marks on *seven* children for me?" he asks,incredulous. "Shards, woman, is there nothing you won't wager on?" "Haven't found aught yet," Kassi cheerfully denies. "And sure, seven, why nay? You're on five now, if'n all goes well, so 'tis only two more, and Dulath *does* catch the occasional green. Did I mention I also have a bet on how you'll die if'n anyone ever finds that journal of yours and spreads around what's inside it? *I* say you'll be lynched, but V'dan insists you'll die by stoning, and Miryenne thinks drowning, while Maidil favors throttling. G'rignr, for some odd reason, thinks you'll turn up in Pierron's meat pies one evening." C'vadan can only shake his head in disbelief as Kassima speaks of children. When she moves on to his journal, his expression turns momentarily to alarm, a hand reaching down to the pouch on his hip to reassure himself all is secure. "You people think far too much of yourselved if you think I have anything worth someone committing murder indeed." He makes a dismissive noise. Kassima snorts at that dismissive noise, and turns her head to aside to Aine in a somewhat deadpan manner, "M'personal theory is that he has love poetry written to K'tyn in that journal somewhere. I mean, there had t'be a *reason* he wandered into the Cavern in only his underpants after that flight, right? And why he made such a point of dressing 'appropriately' for Kiat after that? But Celie likely wouldn't fancy that at *all*. So, lynching." Aine laughs. "Evidently there's much I don't know about," she says, winking at Cav. "Perhaps I should stay here while I'm grounded and catch up on all the tales," she teases. C'vadan is usually very slow to anger. Except when it comes to Kassima, who seems to always know how to push his buttons. "Kassima, I would advise you to keep such slanderous musings to yourself if you know what is best for you," he says, jaw tight, veins at his temples bulging. As Aine speaks, he tries to relax, managing to unclench his fists. "There is playful kidding and then there is character assassination. I do no go for the later at all," he states hoarsely. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Kassima, you are soooo dead :)" Telgar Weyr> Faramen says, "How dead is she?" Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "She is sooooo dead..." Kassima doesn't seem unduly afraid; in fact, she rolls her eyes and appears a touch drolly amused, but to her dubious credit she at least doesn't go further into the Saga of the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name. "You'd almost think," she quips to Aine, "that he's never said a *thing* to assassinate m'character in all his days. When he and I and probably you all know better. But all right, all right, for what 'tis worth, I don't think you really wandered around in your underwear for Kiat's benefit, Cav. Still nay sure who's benefit *'twas* for, but I know 'twasn't Kiat's. Satisfied?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima isn't dead! She's getting better! Telgar Weyr> Faramen says, "Just don't go for a walk, Kassi..." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Aww, but I feel happy! I feel happy!" Aine chuckles. She crosses the room to give Cav a hug. "I don't think anyone's trying to assassinate your character, love." Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Someone get me a club!" Telgar Weyr> A'lex laughs. Is she pining for the fjords? Telgar Weyr> Faramen says, "No, dying of the plague.;-)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima is not an ex-parrot! C'vadan takes a deep breath as he is hugged, willing his ire away like so much flakes off itchy hide. "I know. I know." He shoots a look towards Kassima. "My apologies, Wingleader," he says dully. Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn says, "Does that mean you're currently a parrot?" Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn always thought of Kassima as something more fearsome. Kassima shakes her head, a stray strand of hair tumbling into her eyes. "Naught to apologize for, Cav, shards. We're just playing the game. Y'know, you taunt me, I taunt you. You accuse me of cheating on wagers, I accuse you of lusting after bronzeriders. It all works out in the end. Wouldn't you agree?" she asks Aine hopefully. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yes. A rabid, poisonous, fanged vampire Satanist parrot." Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn says, "Well that clears things up." In C'vadan's world, cheating is several steps below lusting after bronzeriders, especially K'tyn. However, he doesn't have the energy to try to correct her. "I guess I sometimes forget the steps in the dance, Kassima." Telgar Weyr> Yashira says, "Kassi wanna cracker?" Telgar Weyr> C'vadan hees :) "It could be worse, y'know," Kassi feels obliged to point out in an attempt to be helpful. "I *could* be commissioning artists t'draw sketches of you lounging around half-clothed with a lot of loincloth-wearing, oiled-up bronzers. Or I could tell the world you're having a torrid affair with M'rgan. I've done both of those things to other people, so see, I'm actually being *kind* and *merciful* t'you. Shells, I haven't even *told* Aine about your secret identity as Cavadanna, Femaleman of Pern." Pause. "Oh. Oops. I guess I have, at that." At the mention of the other brownrider who has had more than his fair share of Kassima's humor, Cav realizes his lot isn't too bad. And the mention of Cavadanna reminds him just how much of a lunatic the greenrider is. "It is okay, Kassima, we all know you cannot help yourself," he says sympathetically. "Fortunately, your children take after their fathers." Aine pulls back a bit from Cav and asks, "Cavadanna?" curiously. She grins. C'vadan gives a short shake of his head and twirls the forefinger of his right hand around his right ear, the side hidden from Kassima. Kassima tenders a sweet smile to the male brownrider. "Only some of 'em, I assure. If'n something should ever happen t'me, Faranth forfend, you can rest safe in the knowledge that Kaylira and Kisai at the very least would be quite glad t'take up my crusade of torment. I'm sure of it. And Khari might even help 'em, turning her artistic talents to dark ends to honor m'memory and all." She's quite willing to provide Aine with an explanation: "Oh, aye! He's one of the Femalemen! Though we never *actually* got t'dress him up as a woman. Quite sad, 'twas. He'd have made a better-looking one than Rivalla or Martina or Keaganna, I'm sure; Alexia, though, she was quite striking in her dress. I'm nay sure Cavadanna could've matched her." Aine smiles. "Oh! Was this during candidacy?" she asks. Kassima gives a slow, solemn shake of her head. "Nay, 'twas long after he graduated. Caitria's idea, methinks 'twas, that he'd have made a good addition to the Femalemen. I took her at her word." Aine chuckles softly. "Ah, interesting, I suppose." C'vadan rolls his eyes. "I know *nothing* about this," he states simply. Kassima tilts her head to one side, considering. "That may be true," she admits. "I'm nay sure 'twere present when we discussed it, come t'that. It may have been during one of the times 'twere trying t'decide how t'cajole you into a kilt. Which you should really try someday, Aine--they're good luck, y'know. And good for circulation. And improve a man's virility. 'Tis all true!" Aine glances at Cav and chuckles. "Somehow, I don't think that's much of an issue." C'vadan puffs up at Aine's comment. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan glances at his last vial of Benden Water. Hmmmm... Kassima's brows both arch upwards, and she gives Cav a considering look with only a *touch* of doubt in it. "Really? Huh. Will wonders never be ceasing.... So you think I should wager on eight rather than seven, mayhaps?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Cav, don't even think it, or being dead will be the *least* of your problems. ;)" C'vadan has only had one child as a result of a flight and it wasn't with a greenrider. "I'd say that is more Aine's decision than mine." Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Everyone needs an ace in the hole, Kassi ;)" Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "that's not an ace! er" Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel needs more sleep, and is not saying anything else. Telgar Weyr> Kassima is glad she's not alone in having to bite her tongue. ;) Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Who else is biting your tongue, Kassi?" Telgar Weyr> C'vadan rolls his eyes repeatedly. You people! :) Telgar Weyr> Yashira snickers. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "The land shark, 'Lex. I fell for his 'candygram' line." Telgar Weyr> A'lex laughs. Telgar Weyr> C'vadan waves out and heads to lunch. Aine smiles. "Perhaps." She grins. "I suppose I'd better get going - I've got duties at Fort this afternoon. It was nice to meet you." "A'course; duty ever calls. Likewise a pleasure," Kassi assures, flashing the other Wingleader a smile. "And hey, g'luck with the spawning, if'n I don't happen t'see you again a'fore the kidlet's born." Aine nods. "Thanks. Though I'm sure you'll see it soon after. Sounds like Cav's got a list of rounds to make after birth." She chuckles. Kassima quirks a brow at that, and grins. "What, t'show off his latest? Can't say I blame him--I might do the same if'n 'twere in his place, having another after so long." Wistful? Her? A little. "By the by, I don't suppose you're considering giving the kidlet a name that starts with K? Well, but I can needle Cav about that later mayhaps." Aine starts a little. "I don't think we've talked about names at all. Something we'd better do soon, I think." Kassima nods agreement, her expression for once earnest. "Aye, better t'have it settled a'fore the bairn comes if'n you can. People are always in such a rush t'know the name... I do suggest a K, a'course, for good luck, but since neither of you have a K in your names I suspect 'tisn't likely. Mayhaps something with A?" Aine nods. "Possibly." She smiles. "Between the two of us, we do have a lot of a's in our names." Kassima has to grin, and acknowledge, "True enough. You're even worse than I'sai and I were that way; at least we'd only three, though we also had an overabundance of S's and I's. Could go with a C, a'course, but both of his eldest are C's. 'Tis your firstborn, 'tis nay? Or am I wrong?" Aine nods, grinning. "Yes." She glances out toward the bowl. "Oh dear, Milnoth says the weyrsecond's looking for me now. I suppose I should scoot." Kassima bobs her head. "A'course, a'course, sorry t'have kept you. M'regards to that Weyrsecond if'n it happens t'be L'nan, hey? And clear skies t'you and your brown either road." Aine smiles. "Clear skies to you as well." She ducks out the door into the bowl. Aine slips out of the records cavern.