
The Many Adventures of Shardman

Date:  December 23, 2000
Places:  South Boll's Gather Beach and Lava Lounge
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Merielan invited me on this drinking trip, telling me
via page that Aisling and Meri were hopelessly drunk and it'd be handy
if someone came in either to find them or to join them in their happy
surreality.  Given that it's Kassi we're talking about here, want to 
guess which of those options ended up being taken?  However, I have to
give Meri and Ais full credit:  you totally out-surrealed me, guys.  I
have never either jumped a table or spawned with an imaginary man.  
Now I feel all deprived and stuff.


The Log:

You wing down onto the gather beach.

<*> Lysseth backwings to a sand-spraying landing, though mercifully far 
enough from the other dragons to avoid getting them covered in kibbles 'n 
grits 'n grits 'n grits. "Ahoy," Kassi murmurs, squinting to make out the 
identity of the other visitors. "Looks like you'll have company, lump. Duck 
down and let me get the shards out of this jacket a'fore I swelter, hey?"

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Kassima wastes no time in skinning off jacket, helmet, etceteras, though she 
does leave her clothes on. This is Kassi. She's not here to go 
skinny-dipping, thank goodness. "'Twill be just m'luck if'n they're at the 
Lounge and beating me t'drunkenness," Kassi murmurs in amusement, and waves 
jauntily to Alerith and Sielth before striding off for the jungles and the 
Den O' Iniquity therein.

You wander up the jungle path.

You push aside some creepers and enter a hidden cave.

You climb up the crude ladder and disappear from view.

"Shardman..is..um..Shardman.." Is Meri's oh-so-intelligent answer "I don't 
think he..or..she..-has- a dragon." How awfully sad..Meri calls for another 
drink to cheer herself up after this sad tale. "Maybe we should get Shardman 
a dragon.."

Marcus pours a drink for Merielan into a fluted glass.

Marcus hands Merielan a glass of Golden Dragon.

"Poor Shardman." Aisling intones. "Poor poor Shardman. He started with four 
dragons. Lost them in a bet. Now Shardman has none." She pauses for a 
moment. "Maybe." She pauses to peer at Merielan. "Maybe Shardman doesn't 
-want- one?"

Kassima's head pokes up from the floor shortly before the rest of her 
arrives, muttering something about cluttered caves and jungles in the dark 
and other such niceties. Straightening, she can hardly miss catching sight 
of the other two riders--and can hardly suppress a grin. "Ach, *shards*, I 
knew it when I saw Alerith and Sielth--you two are getting sloshed, aren't 
you? Wait. Don't answer that. If'n you're talking men with four dragons, 
that's answer enough. G'day, Ais, Merielan--how far under the table are you?"

Merielan sips at his drink..this paragon of lovliness. Marcus--who's still 
quivering behind the bar is given another leer- more toothy this time. 
Aisling is regarded over the rim of her glass "But he had six!" She protests 
"Don't you think he wants seven Aisslig?" Apparently, Kassi..the answer is 

Merielan actually looks under the table and then back mournfully at Kassi 
"Was I supposed to be under it? I'm sorry Kashi..I didn't know."

"Under the table?" Aisling asks before she loweres herself to the side to 
examine just -how- much of her is beneath the table. "Jus me legs, Kassi!" 
She crows triumphantly before asking. "What did you do with Shardman's 

Merielan turns to glare accusingly at Kassi..now christened Kashi "Did -you- 
take Shardman's dragons?"

Kassima gives Marcus a look that could almost, almost be pitying. "Now 
there's a change," she mutters. "Seeing you being leered at rather than 
doing the leering--a figure of speech, Meri; never mind." With a flick of 
the fingers, she steps in to find herself a chair, plunk into it, and signal 
for a drink. A strong one. She'll need a strong drink to cope with this. 
"Who's Shardman, and what the shells is he doing with multiple dragons? 
Don't they get jealous? What happens when they fly each other?"

Marcus blinks, "Are you sure you want that drink?"

Marcus shrugs, puts on a heavy leather apron and gloves that reach his 
elbows. He puts on a pair of goggles, picking up a pair of tongs. Reaching 
up with the tongs, he takes a bottle down and /very/ carefully pours it into 
a small glass, spilling only a drop which sizzles and smokes. Marcus puts 
away his equipment, stands back and says hesitantly, "Enjoy?"

The glass is front of you has a brown liquid that seems to be alive. As you 
peer closer, you see the liquid writhing angrily as if it really was the 
menace this drink is named after.

Merielan looks really confused at this "Sowwy Kashi..don't know who he 
is..he just had six dragons..and you took them." Grey eyes blink rapidly at 
the drink Marcus just poured, a shudder goes through Meri's body. "Had one 
of -those- last time..-never- again."

"He started with four, bought two and wanted a seventh for luck." Aisling 
explained patiently. "They don't fly each other because they." She pauses as 
she looks to the table for an explanation. "They don't like each other." 
Apparently the table replied.

"If'n I took 'em, it must've been so Lyss could have her very own collection 
of males t'play with," Kassima decides, deadpan. She wraps her hand around 
the death-inna-glass and tosses down a gulp of the stuff like the 
professional lush she is. "Builds your constitution," she promises Merielan 
in a voice that only rasps faintly. Really. "But I don't have 'em anymore, 
so mayhaps she ate 'em. Unless Alerith and Sielth ate 'em?"

Merielan taps the table, as if it might reply. Apparently she's testing 
Aisling's theory of talking tables. "No, no.." She protests, taking another 
sip of her drink "He -had- two..they flew each -other- had babies...and 
-now- they all live..under the table!" Smiling like an idoit, Meri appears 
very pleased with this answer.

Aisling doesn't reply but she does very carefully slip her legs from beneath 
the table and tuck them neatly beneath her. "Just in case they are hungry." 
She explains before she sips her drink primly. "And Sielth doesn't eat 
dragons, just herdbeasts."

Kassima does the only thing a woman can do in this situation. She smacks a 
hand over her eyes... and takes another drink. A very long drink. "Why is 
it," she coughs, "that *every sharding one* of m'mentees seems t'get drunk 
in here and do something insane? Sure, they don't sleep with J'lyn; I'm 
still the worst of the lot, but *honestly*...." Another gulp. That Thread is 
being demolished at a rate that could make a dragon jealous. Kassi begs, 
"Promise me you two aren't going t'be getting up on that bar and dancing 
naked? Promise? Pretty please with Emasculators on top? And that's good 
t'know, Ais. You should take her one of Marcus's whimry sandwiches. They're 
famous, y'know."

Merielan eyes the bar appraisingly..much as she'd eyed Marcus awhile ago 
when Aisling informed her of his undying love. "Dancing.." Meri rolls the 
word around on her tongue. "Interesting proposition..would keep the table 
from eating my boots." She glares balefully at the table "You can't have 
them. They're mine!" A few more moments of conversation? and then Meri nods, 
apparently mollified as she calls for yet another drink "I'll talk to the 
tanners for you then. Since you asked so nicely."

Marcus grins and pours Merielan the drink.

Marcus places a glass of Sea Spike in front of Merielan.

"Not dancing nude in the bar." Aisling notes solemnly. "That shouldn't be a 
problems since I didn't wear those shoes."

Oh, no. Kassi's done it again, and her expression is almost comic in its 
horror. "Just keep your clothes on... there aren't any men for you t'wiggle 
your rump for anyway, so you might as well, and T'kar might be jealous 
anyway. What're you talking to the Tanners about?" Kassi sets down her empty 
glass and crooks a finger to Marcus again; it's going to take more liquor to 
make sense of this situation. "Don't dance nude, don't drag some guy up here 
and dress him in lacy things after he passes out, don't open your eyes if'n 
people wearing weird leather things arrive... these are lessons I pass onto 
you, the new generation."

Chuckling, Marcus shakes his head and pours Kassima a glass of Monsoon.

The drink you are served is made of two colours of potent liquor, 
silvery-grey and black. The fizz causes the colours to 'boil' and mix 
together as if storm clouds and slashing rains are blown in by a heavy wind. 
The more movement the glass recieves the more violent the mixture. The first 
stage in your mouth is one of a lightening bolt before an overwhelming taste 
of liquor hits you that makes it seem like it is driving you to yours knees. 
Ride the storm!

Aisling says "Don't dance nude, don't drag some guy up here and dress him in 
lacy things after he passes out, don't open your eyes if people wearing 
weird leather things arrive" Aisling repeats very slowly before she asks. 
"How can we know ifn people are wearing wierd leather things unless we look?""

Merielan takes a sip of her new drink and after the first blissful seconds, 
promply falls out of her chair, sputtering and coughing. She's up again in a 
moment, dancing around--or hopping to save Kassi's heart from beating--and 
check to make sure each boot is still firmly -on- her foot. Having 
ascertained this fact she points an imperious finger at the table "You-" She 
intones in a threatning manner.

"You'll be able t'sense it. Trust me. There's this aura of fear in the 
air...." No, Kassi isn't drunk yet, though she's doing her best to get 
there. But she's not averse to playing with the minds of those who are. As 
Meri falls out of her chair, she peers over and starts to ask, "Are you--" 
The question is forestalled as Meri starts to dance. "Answers the question. 
*Mentally*, at least, you aren't. We should probably hide now." That's to 
Aisling, but she doesn't actually make any cowering motions. She watches 
instead, interested. This should make good blackmail material later.

Aisling is not quite drunk, but most definetely not sober, as evidences for 
her comments to the table. "She is really quite nice once you get to know 
her." SHe pauses to nod solemnly to Kassi. "Hiding may be good, in case the 
table calls for its friends."

Merielan slowly advances on the table, looking really quite menacing. She 
-was- in the state Ais is in, but that was a few drinks ago. "You want my 
boots?" Meri asks the inoffensive looking table. She pauses a few feet away 
from it, gesturing and then putting up her 'dukes' "Come and -get- my boots 
then!" A few moments of dancing around and punching at air..and then Meri 
stops in her tracks an expression of shock breaking across her features 
"Don't -say- that about Shardman!"

Kassima watches this for a few moments before observing, very 
matter-of-fact, "She's fighting with a table." Pause. "She's fighting... 
with a table." Longer pause. "She's *fighting*... with a *table*. Meri, 
don't you know that tables *bite*?" She chases the Thread down with the 
Monsoon; soon, soon everything will finally make sense. Just a few drinks 
more.... "What did he say? What did he say?"

Aisling's eyes widen as she listens. "Shardman with send all -10- of his 
dragons after you and your family is you don't take that back, -right- now." 
She warns the table.

"Stop it.." Meri growls at the table, wariness in every line of her body. As 
if, indeed, she does expect the table to bite. "Stop -saying- that about 
Shardman! That's not true..you lying bunch of woodchips! A bitran wouldn't 
bet a mark on you!" She turns away, looking back over her shoulder at the 
table as if to make sure it's not coming after her. A pause in her step and 
she whirls about once more "You take that back!" She shouts and then jumps 
for the table, landing atop it like an enraged cat.

Kassima draws her feet back *away* from the table. "A thirty-second on the 
table," she asides to Aisling in an undertone.

"I'll see that bet."Aisling replies, not moving her gaze from the table nor 
her counterpart perched on it.

Well maybe a Bitran wouldn't bet on it--but Kassi would, and Aisling too. 
Meri is totally oblivious to this, locked in a struggle with the table. She 
goes flying--or leaps off, it's hard to tell and circles around the table, 
hands extended in front of her wary and almost spitting in fury. "You dirty 
thing! You mess of glue.." Slowly, very slowly--Meri's backing..and then 
suddenly- With a battle cry of triumph Meri runs towards the table, excuting 
a perfect drop kick----------Except she's a few inches too short of it and 
ends up flat on her bottom and looking rather surprised.

Kassima is managing, somehow--and don't even ask her how--not to laugh 
outright at this, but her expression is truly priceless. Someone being 
strangled would probably look something like this. As Merielan lands on her 
rump, the greenrider holds out her hand to Aisling and speaks two simple 
words: "Pay up."

A pained expression comes to Aisling's face. "I should learn not to bet 
against you." She notes as she hands over a coin. "You alright, Merielan?"

"-You- did that.." Meri hisses at the table as she stands and just stays, 
rubbing her rump for a few moments. Then her body tenses "Oh--you think so 
do you?" A bitter little laugh "Your wrong..yes..very wrong." She's backing 
up again, and running and kicking..and this time-----with a *crack* and a 
*splinter* The table lies in several pieces of the floor. Pausing in 
triumph, Meri spits on the remmants and grins triumph. "Told you not to say 
that about Shardman."

Kassima eyes the damaged table with very wide eyes. "Shardit!" she yells at 
the remains. "You cost me a mark piece!" The thirty-second gets passed back 
to Aisling, reluctantly, and she kicks at one of the pieces in pique. 
"Shells, Meri, you're going t'be having t'pay a lot for that... wood tables 
aren't *cheap*."

Aisling doesn't put the coin away, instead she holds it out to Merielan. "I 
think you may need this." She states while not looking at Marcus.

Marcus, whilst looking put-off seems rather relieved that Meri took out her 
anger on the table instead of on him. "Well.." He grumps "Just..pay your 
bill..and we'll see about that table. It wasn't..first rate or anything."

Merielan smiles with dulcet sweetness at Marcus as she takes a seat at the 
bar and orders another drink. At this rate her bill will be enough to pay 
for the table. "Keep the mark!" She grins at Aisling "Keep it for the 
-Plan-..buy some wine...for shardman to buy him another dragon."

Marcus grins and pours Merielan a drink.

Marcus slides a mug of Bronze Dragon to Merielan.

"And besides, Aphrael would appreciate your generousity t'one of her fellow 
Telgar riders," Kassi cajoles the bartender, shamelessly invoking the name 
of his sweet blueberry love-muffin. "What's... the Plan?" An ominous chord 
should really be resounding about now. She starts to tip back her glass of 
Monsoon, but pauses mid-motion. "Oh, shards--you two haven't drunk any 
*Brown* Dragons, have you?"

Merielan smiles at Kassi in a way that suggests 'Meri' checked out long ago. 
"Mm..two I think?" Grey-eyes grow wide as she looks around in a slightly 
paranoid manner "How'd you hear about the -Plan- Kassi?"

"Can't tell you." Aisling notes solemnly. "What's a brown dragon?" She asks 
without taking a breath. "It canna be better than a green cannit?"

Kassima shakes her head in regret, and casts Marcus a pleading look. "Bring 
me the liquor set, will you? The *special* one? I've got t'be brewing 
something--something t'kill what's in the Brown Dragon," she adds for Meri's 
sake. "M'fault for nay warning you, but you don't know what's *in* those 
things. You need t'be drinking something strong t'get over it, and I can be 
fixing just the something--oh, Ais, 'tis this horrid drink that's made of 
vile things. *Green* dragons are superior in every way!" Merielan gets a 
look. "You just *told* me. So what is it?"

Merielan looks horrified. One hand curls over her stomach as anguished grey 
eyes look at Kassi "Will I be alright?" She shudders "I don't want to end up 
like Shardman." Her head shakes slowly in memory of poor Shardman "Green 
dragons?" Her face brightens "I had one of those too." Then the light dims 
again, a finger to her lip "Shhh!" She hisses at Kassi "Don't talk about the 
-Plan-. How'd you find out about it?"

Aisling just looks clueless, which isn't too hard of a look for her at any 
point. "Shardman liked green gragrons best." She says carefully. "Poor 

"You will be if'n you drink what I make for you," Kassi promises as she 
collects a set of small bottles and a large glass container from Marcus. She 
plunks down on the floor and sets to work with swift expertise: some blue 
stuff here, a toss of gold there, a splash of White Lightning... and a bit 
to go down her throat, too, as long as it's out. "Owwwww," she rasps, and 
drinks a bit more. "Shake, shake, shake, and here you go--" The resultant 
drink is profferred to Merielan. It seems to steam and bubble faintly. "The 
table told me," she tries instead, droll. "But I won't ask if'n you won't 
tell. Come drink some of this too, Ais. Y'can't be too careful."

Merielan carefully takes the drink. She sniffs it, dips a finger in it and 
gently tastes it with her tongue. Finally, a small sip is taken. "Good.." 
Meri croaks out, eventually after an interesting series of expressions have 
crossed her face. Kassi is looked at askance "Kassi--" She murmurs gently as 
one would to a child "Tables don't talk..."

Aisling eyes the drink carefully before she scoots closer...scoot...scoot. 
"How much should I drink?" She asks as she eyes the drink. "Besides, the 
table didn't know the Plan. Only Merielan and -I- know the plan." She pauses 
to think for a moment, "And mebbee T'dan and K'dar. But -not- M'rgan. I 
tinked I tole I'sai. But he forgets stuffs."

Kassima agrees without blinking, "Well, nay, 'twill nay talk *now*. 'Tis 
dead. You killed it, you murderer." Very reassuring, Kassi. "At least one 
gulp, Ais, t'make sure all the germy-wermies are out of you, and then 'twill 
bottle the rest and save it for next time someone needs their throat burned 
out. Are you and Meri going t'spawn with I'sai? You'd better get him drunk 
first. Get him drunk and then pounce him. Pounce him here--that'll work!"

Merielan blinks rapidly at this accusation of murder "He deserved it.." She 
mutters petulantly and glances at the table out of the corner of her eye. 
Another sip of Kassi's lovely drink "Woo.." She blinks at the drink now and 
then quirks her head to the side, scratching at her head "I don't want I'sai 
to get pregnant. I don't think he could rub his own feet."

"No be-bies." Aisling states calmly before she obediently takes one gulp. 
And just stares straight again. No reaction, just her eyes widening 

"Besides, Saskia and Leya already *got* him pregnant once. 'Twould be 
unoriginal t'do it again." Kassi frowns in petulance. "Nay fair, 
either--if'n they hadn't done it, 'twill bet *I* could've gotten him 
pregnant, and then I'd have six spawn and I'd have gotten t'see him faint in 
horror. But *nay*. Sharding golders and 'seconds, always spoiling it! This 
calls for another drink!" But rather than ask Marcus for one, she produces a 
vial of something brownish from her jacket and tips it down her throat. As 
Aisling tastes the one and only Bottle, she asks, hopefully, "Good, hey?"

Merielan smiles happily, at peace, courtesy of Kassi's drink. "Mm..you can 
have my be-bie Aiswing..The man won't mind. I have to tell him about the 
Plan. Just him.." She reassurs hastily, almost falling off her chair again. 
"That's alright, isn't it Aisliwsh?"

Aisling just nods a couple of times to Kassi before she shakes her head 
quite vigourously to Merielan. Apparently she has lost the ability and the 
willingness to speak.

Kassima's beam is radiant, courtesy of Thread, Monsoon, Black Gold, and 
genuine delight. "I've got t'be bottling this batch! And then--then, I'll 
make you both some of the *Thunderbolt* drink, how's that, and you can be 
seeing why you should wish 'twere *Thunderbolt* riders, apart from us being 
prolific and spawning a lot and the best in the Weyr and everything." Oh, 
yes, apart from all that. There's a pause... and then she beams again, 
happier than ever. "You two are having a baby? Marvelous! Do T'kar and T'dan 
know? Are they going t'have babies too?"

Jasmyn climbs up from the caves below.

Leelson climbs up from the caves below.

Jasmyn peeks her head through the ladder opening and looks around. "Hey, 
other people are here too." She straightens her tunic and smiles shyly, 
recognizing Meri and Kassima. "Igen's duties."

Merielan scratches the top of her head once more, looking rather confused. 
"I -have- a bebie.." She protests to Kassi, another sip of her drink. "I 
suppose I could have another. I don't know what Shardman wants though.."

Again, Aisling head begins to shake in denial. "No be-bies" She croaks. "I 
do not like them, Ais I am." She eyes the newcomers before she declares. 
"Give them to those two."

Leelson comes up behind Jasmyn and nods as he sees them. "Quite. Hey Meri, 
Aisling. And Kassima too." Lee leans to Jasmyn to say "I rode with her 
during a rope drill once."

Kassima is seated on the floor, in front of an assortment of small liquor 
bubbles and a larger glass in which the dregs of some pale blue-green liquid 
bubble ominously. This really cannot possibly be a good sign. "You and Ais 
can *both* have Shardman's babies," she consoles the two riders. "And then 
T'kar and T'dan can raise 'em, 'cause that's what men are for, anyway, 
changing diapers... oh, heyla!" The two newcomers get a broad, sunny smile 
and a sing-songed, "Duties, duties, duties! Jasmyn and Leelson, shells, it's 
been an age--come in! Get drunk! Write silly things on the walls and mourn 
the dead table!"

Jasmyn ohs, her eyes widening. "Yes, I know Kassima from long back." She 
frowns just a little as she hears the end of Kassima's drunken greeting but 
smiles once again. "That is what we were planning on doing."

Marcus pours Jasmyn a goblet of spiced wine and hands it to her.

Leelson coughs a bit at Jasmyn's answer and goes over to Marcus to ask 
quietly for just some juice.

Merielan points with a purple boot-toe at the woodchips with a proud smile. 
"It insulted Shardman. The father of my baby..Ais's too. -And- it wanted my 
boots!" She slings back another sip of Kassi's drink -not- a good sign and 
grins even wider "Now the table can't insult Shardman anymore."

Jasmyn settles into a chair with her drink, looking at Leelson with a 
certain, I am watching you, sort of look. She swirls the drink delicately 
before taking her first sip. "Just as nice as the last time I was here."

Kassima manages to sober up enough to reassure in a lower voice, "We *are* a 
bit sloshed, I'm afraid, though I'm nay quite as far gone as these two. I 
promise. They're the ones having babies with each other; I just wanted 
I'sai's... d'you want t'be trying some of this?" She reaches for the glass 
of liquor, but Merielan has it, and so her hand closes around empty air. She 
frowns. "Well, I can be making more...."

Jasmyn blinks. "Merielan? You are a mother now? Well, congratulations."

Aisling eyes the table. "My be-bee?" She asks as she gently toes what is 
left of the table. "The image of his father." She notes as she picks up a 
splinter of the wood. "Douglas." She announces before showing him off.

"Am I?" Meri questions Jasmyn, looking more befuddled then the question 
calls for. "Who told you?" Her eyes narrow at the table "Was he talking 
again?" Then claps her hands together and reaches to hug her friend "Oh 
Aislwig..he's bu-tiful! Our bebla! Doog."

Leelson takes his juice quietly and heads to take a seat a little distance 
away from the three women. He watches suspiciously though. He has a hand 
over his juice as well.

Kassima gives Aisling a look that's best described as bewildered. "I need 
another drink," she decides. "That doesn't make sense yet. Another drink is 
what I need. Excuse me, sorry, pardon me," she says to various furniture 
articles as she sashays back to the bar to pick up a glass, the better for 
mixing in, my dear. "Merielan had a baby with K'nan," she explains to 
Jasmyn. "Only now she's having a baby with this Shardman, who has seven 
dragons, or ten. I'm nay really clear on that part, but 'tis much more 
logical after a few drinks. Leeeeeeeelson, you're nay just drinking *juice*, 
are you?"

Leelson bites his lip and nods. "I am, thank you."

Aisling beams as she returns the hug. "Careful not to squish him." She 
warns. "Dat is wot happened to our last be-bee." Last? "Would you like to 
hold him?" She asks Leelson and Jasmyn, brandishing her stick.

Jasmyn blinks at Meri."I thought that someone was talking about babies when 
I walked in, I guess I misunderstood." She blushes. "I get rather confused 
with all these relationships."

"Shouldn'a told her that.." Meri shakes her head mournfully at Leelson. A 
solemn head-nod to Aisling "No squishy-squishy, not this time. Shardman was 
-so- upset last time at the squishy."

Jasmyn whispers to Leelson. "Who is Shardman." She shakes her head at 
Aisling, holding her wine glass up as a shield. "Oh no thanks, I wouldn't 
trust myself.

"That's just nay way t'live," Kassi informs Leelson. Her tone and eyes are 
both pitying. "Drinking juice at the Lava Lounge... why, 'tis shameful, just 
shameful, and I know just what you need. You need some of what I'm going 
t'be making. The *Thunderbolt* drink." Beam. Oh, dear. "'Tis purple and it 
makes really, really good fireballs, and you've just got t'be trying some so 
you can say you've lived. Even if'n you haven't kissed K'ti, which is the 
actual secret of life. Will you have some, too, Jasmyn? Everything will be 
*much* less confusing after you're schnockered. I promise. Cross m'heart and 
hope t'fry, stick a dagger in Fax's eye."

Jasmyn shakes her head and holds up her wine. "No thank you, Kassima, it's 
nice of you to offer. I am quite happy with this. And Leelson has promised 
someone that he will just stick to juice and you won't have him break a 

Leelson shrugs with a look of utter confusion at Jasmyn's question. Before 
watching the other three a moment more. "Ah,...um. N-no thanks Kassi. I, ah, 
yes, what Jasmyn said. I get a bit silly when I drink." Although as he says 
it, looking at these women he frowns.

Aisling nods her head solemnly to Meri, "But he haded anoder be-bee, 
Douglas. And now Shardman is happy. Well, as happy as he can'd be wif all 
his gragons missing." SHe waves 'DOuglas' towards the Igen pair. "You hafta 
hold him or he is will splinter."

"I *suppose* nay...." Awwww. Look at Kassi pout. Big, sad green eyes and a 
trembling lower lip are turned on the poor Igenites. "If'n you're *certain* 
you'll nay help me... I guess nay anybody likes m'brewings." Sniffle. She 
starts to trudge back to her bottles, the picture of dejection, but has to 
pause to ask over her shoulder in a moment of lucidity, "More silly than 
*us*?" Aisling is gestured towards. "The woman spawned with *wood*. You 
don't *get* sillier than that."

"Fireballs.." Meri repeats slowly, rolling this around on her tongue. 
"Lovely..love fireballs..do so.." Uh oh-she's eyeing another table. "I don't 
-care- what Shardman told you..I -do-, I do." She overhears Jasmyn's 
question and her eyes go all starry-eyed "Shardman is..my weyrmat. He sits 
outside the weyr with 'Welcome' written on him." She frames the word in the 
air with her hands. Her eyebrows furrow in worry "Shardman's dragons are 
missing? All ten of them?"

Jasmyn looks dismayed at the pout. "Oh, but am happy with my little glass of 
wine here. After all, I have to be responsible and all." She shakes her head 
as Meri explains. "This is the Meri I remember, my, you sure...err, grew up 

Leelson looks to Jasmyn, giving her both a look that says 'see why I frowned 
at this idea before' and 'I think perhaps I should just wait outside' at the 
same time. He tentatively reaches out to take the stick from Aisling, 
probably more so that she doesn't whack someone with it accidentaly.

"Did I?" Meri queries Jasmyn, shrugging her shoulders "Sorry--didn't mean to 
do that. Weyrlings fault. Then and Shardman..and Doog and Douglas.."

Kassima flops back to a seat on the floor, putting the empty glass in front 
of her and reaching for the Bottles of Doom. "Why?" she asks in a voice of 
pure reason as she uncorks the White Lightning again, nearly emptying the 
small vial into the glass. "I mean, shards, I'm a Wingleader, and you don't 
see *me* being responsible." Well, no. Tonight, at least, you really don't. 
"A'course, we don't have Fall tomorrow; I checked, and Leya's due t'lead 
drills, so *anyway*... Meri! Don't you dare break that table! Every time you 
break a table, Aisling has a baby!" And every time a bell rings, a little 
Weyrling gets her wings.

Aisling bobs her head to Merielan, "All'd of dem." She notes as her head 
keeps bobbing away. Bob. Bob.Bob. "Why's you bouncing like dat?" She asks 
before staring at her hand. "Where'd Douglas go'd. Did you squish him 
again?" She asks Meri before eyng her midsection. "No be-bee der!."

Jasmyn smiles at Meri. "This is long before you were searched." She chuckles 
at Leelson, with a -lets deal with what is here- look and takes another 
minute sip of wine. "Well, if you aren't being responsible, then someone 
needs to be, right?" She can't quite figure out the baby concept. "Babies 
come from tables?"

Leelson coughs gently and holds up the stick a bit. "I've got it...er, him, 
Aisling. Don't worry."

"Did I?" She asks Aisling, looking rather calm at the prospect. That is 
before she blinks at Jasmyn. "Before I was searched?" One hand goes to her 
head "Then how did I get here? Whose Alerith? Did -I- take Shardman's 
dragons!?" She kneels by the table and begins to rummage among the pieces 
"I'm sorry Shardman..I didn't -mean- to steal your dragon!"

Kassima points a finger towards the dubious Douglas. "*That* baby did. If'n 
'tis a baby. I still need more alcohol a'fore I can be saying for sure... 
and oooooh, shells. I haven't written a *thing* on the wall yet, and that's 
just nay right. Did *you* two write?" The look she slants the two Telgar 
women is accusatory. Sort of like a mother asking her children if they 
washed behind their ears. Then, in a stage whisper to the Igenites, 
"Methinks they may be a *weeeeeee* bit loopy." Brilliant deduction, Sh'rlock.

Jasmyn giggles at Meri. "No, no, you ran through our cavern at Igen..." She 
waves a hand. "Don't worry about it, honestly, It doesn't matter at all." 
Nodding in agreement with Kassima, the greenrider shrugs. "Well, as long as 
your dragons have clear directions on how to get home or you plan to sleep 
on the beach, everything is fine." She tactfully ignores talk of babies. 
"How are things at Telgar?"

"Her." Aisling informs Leelson loftily. "Douglass is a her, you can tell by 
looking up her skirts." She sees them really. "No." She tells Merielan. 
"Shardman and her gragons were already here when got here. Well. Shardman 
was but not his dragon because they were goned already."

Leelson ohs quietly to Aisling and sets the stick down on a table and stands 
up. "I'll, ah, be...well, I'm going for a walk, Myn. I'll wait with Umirieth 
when I'm done."

Merielan breathes a sigh of relief. "OO..good." Eyebrows furrow at Jasmyn as 
Meri begins to inch towards Leelson, perhaps intending to plop in his lap. 
"When was I at Igen? I ran through the cavern?" She's standing beside 
Leelson now, slowly inching downwards "Don't go Lee..I've -got- to talk to 
you..and the table."

Leelson cringes a bit and reaches for Merielan so she doesn't fall. He drags 
a chair over with his foot and attempts to settle her down in it gently.

Jasmyn blinks at Leelson. "Are you sure?" She gets to her feet to follow 
him. "Don't leave me in here with... I mean, if you'd rather walk, I could 
go for a walk too. And when you were 12 or younger, Merielan."

"They do, they do, they do! I get drunk here all the time," Kassi reassures 
breezily, throwing the last dash of some strange red liquor into her glass. 
"So I know *all* about how t'get home. Now, where's that shaker thingy? Oh, 
here--" She caps the glass and gets to her feet with a minimum of wobbling, 
and begins to shake the glass vigorously. While dancing and bouncing about 
in place and singing, "Shake, shake, shake... shake, shake, shake...." This 
is a sad, sad sight. "Everything's fine," she then promises in a Dopplering 
voice, not ceasing her jig of sorts. "Everything's peachy! Someone put 
ribbons and feathers and lacy underthings all over m'table and M'rgan's, and 
Mart wants t'get me pregnant, only I said nay, and we've got Weyrlings and 
they're going *between*, and... uh... other stuff has happened. But I can't 
remember what. Oh, don't leave! You haven't written yet, I know you haven't!"

Jasmyn tries to piece it all together. Her lame response sounds flat to her 
own ears as she winces. "Clothing is a nice gift, I find."

Jasmyn studies the wall with interest, reading.

Merielan allows herself to be guided into the chair, but she does keep a 
hold on Lee. Hand gently placed on his wrist. "Lee..you -can't- go..you've 
-got- to find Shardman and -then- you've -got- to help Aisling get a 
bebie..and find out what I did at Igen..and oh.." She turns to stare at 
Kassi "M'rgan wanted to get you pregnant? On the lace?"

Jasmyn studies the second call.

Jasmyn read the first wall.

Aisling watches Kassi in rapt fascination, head bobbing in time to her jig. 
"Nay Nay Nay." She sings in response to Leelson's leave. "Who will feed and 
take care of Douglas. She needs you. Really she does." She pauses to look at 
Merielan in confusion. "I think somebody better tell M'rgan that lace canna 
have be-bees."

Now, this gets Kassi to stop her dancing. Stop and stare at Merielan in 
horror. "'Twould just like t'be making it clear that nay anyone, nay 
*anyone*, is going t'be getting babies where I have t'*watch* 'em, all 
right? You go off to the cave or somewhere and do that. But nay in *mixed 
company*. Jays, people! And nay, nay on the *lace*, that's just sick; he 
wanted t'get me pregnant so I'sai would play dragonpoker for the glory of 
Thunderbolt, but I'm going t'foil *that* plot." The really disturbing thing 
is, this is a true story rather than a drunk one. The liquor just helps to 
muddle it a bit. "Clothing... oh, aye, if'n 'tisn't pink. Don't give anyone 
pink lace. They might kill you."

Leelson smiles warily and eases his wrist out of Merielan's grip. "I ah, I'm 
sure Jasmyn can help you with all those things." Lee sets his juice back 
down on the bar and heads for the ladder. "Myn, you'd probably better just 
stay with these three and make sure they don't hurt themselves or something. 
I'm sorry, I'm just not comfortable." Lee bites his lip and climbs down.

Leelson dropped Latebit.

Leelson climbs down the crude ladder.

Jasmyn shakes her head and gets to her feet. "If that's the case then I had 
better go after him. Shilarra will have my head if I upset her Leelson." She 
sighs. "Duties, duties, duties, it gets just too much at times." She smiles 
back at Kassima. "I really like I'sai. He's a good man." She heads towards 
the ladder.

Merielan watches Lee go without -too- much of a pout. Consdering that she's 
now rather involved in a new drunken fantasy "But--you could get handfasted 
in pink lace. You and M'rgan..and Shardman! Then you could have a 
beb-ie..like Doglass..and then..the tables could be united..and have more 
bebies..and then..there would only be -one- wing. The SkyThunderLace wing!"

Kassima offers Jasmyn something that actually resembles a sane, sheepish 
smile. "Duties back t'Igen and her queens and your green and everyone else, 
and 'twill be telling him you said so, if'n you like. Clear skies! And 
remember, about the lace!"

"Douglass!" Aisling yelps in panic, not moving before well, she would 
probably fall down. "He tooked our Douglas." Or course she doesn't see where 
he carefully set it down. "Our be-bee is gone!." She cries before nudging at 
the pile that remains of the table.

Jasmyn chuckles. "I will be over to visit you all soon. I would've liked to 
stay longer. If you will excuse me. And I have as much chance of ever 
showing anyone lace again as my aged auntie Nagger." With that, she disappears.

Jasmyn climbs down the crude ladder.

Kassima then directs Yet Another Disturbed Look towards Merielan. "I am 
*nay* handfasting t'the *brownie*! Can you imagine what Kena would say? And 
anyway, I'm nay going t'have Mart's baby, 'cause m'spawn have t'be kicking 
the rumps of his spawn, and how can a kidlet kick its own rump? It just 
isn't *logical*." She uncaps her purple drink of death and takes a healthy 
swig before prancing on over to the Wall to scrabble for a piece of chalk.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan waves and drags her IC drunken self offline *snugz*

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "G'night, O mother of Shardman's babies. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Merielan laughs evilly

Telgar Weyr> Aisling snickers.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan loves her new status

  Name           Sex   Position         Status                       Idle  Q
* Aisling        (F)   AssistantWLM     Not all that it seems          6s    
* Alessandra     (F)   Weyrling         Fearcanneverruletheheart.     20m    
* Erdrick        (M)   Stablehand       Ex *Erd/Trans*                57m    
* Kassima        (F)   Wingleader       It's the Circle of....         0s    
* Kichevio       (F)   Weyrling         Greenrider-to-be. Fear.        2m    
* Merielan       (F)   AssistantWLM     Kassi+PinkLace=Marriage?       5s    
* Tarlo          (F)   Weyrling         Going For The Gold!           18m   
-------------------------------- ( 7 players ) -------------------------------

Aisling read the first wall.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan thinks you'll like it Kassi *eg*

Telgar Weyr> Kassima aighs!!! Meri!

Telgar Weyr> Merielan giggles evilly

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo LOLs!

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo needs a new one herself.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan is going to bed..*SNUGZ* 'night

Telgar Weyr> Aisling rolls. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio giggles and snugs all you crazy people. :)

Aisling watches after Meri before she reaches for her glass and reaches and 
reaches and reaches before she leans against the wall, soundly sleeping.