-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time To Shimmy Date: April 7, 2008 Place: Igen Weyr's Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Of course Kyana and Kassima have to shimmy; they have to out-wiggle the future father of Kyana's offspring! Conceived when Kassi points at her and declares her pregnant. It's a weird day at Igen. Mystical impregnations aside, Kassima and A'deth strike a sort of bargain, and trade dangerously sentimental sentiments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You head into the Igen Weyr Living Cavern. Kassima doesn't walk in so much as drift, stride so much as meander. It's the scrap of hide she's holding that's to blame. It has more of her attention than simple locomotion does, and that she doesn't run into anyone she passes on the way to the juice pitchers is more to the credit of their awareness than hers. Kyana is sitting next to the hearth, brooding over her latest batch of eggs. Who needs a mama firelizard when you have a Kyana? As she hears footsteps, however, she emerges from her reverie long enough to wave and call out, "Afternoon Kassima!" to the spacey green-rider. Kassima isn't quite so out of it she doesn't catch her name; "Heyla, Kyana," she hails in return once she's looked over to see who called it. "How are they? Still a safe distance from cracking?" Kyana nods as she smiles at Kassima. "I think so; although they're getting harder by the day!" she says with a small grin. "Do you know how long it takes for eggs to hatch? I'm not sure myself..." "Depends on how far along 'twere when you found 'em. Hard t'be guessing when you don't know when 'twere laid--" Kassima abandons her quest for juice long enough to head to the hearth and peek into the drum for herself. "Where'd you find this? It looks as though it used t'be a drum." Kyana smiles softly and nods. "I borrowed it from the harpers; it's one of the drums waiting to be repaired, so I got permission to use it so long as it makes it back eventually.." she says with a grin. "And yea, hard to know for sure." Kassima shakes her head in vague wonder. "Works as well as aught, I guess. Mayhaps they'll be born musical. Won't the Impressees thank you then--imagine little 'lizards singing at the top of their lungs from the moment they're born! Grabbing up nuts and spoons and who knows what else as soon as they can, hurling 'em to the floor for lack of any other percussive instrument! I'm going t'stop talking about that now. I don't want t'give m'fair Ideas." She flashes a grin, then retreats, not far, but back to pour her postponed cup of citron. "Did you ever figure out who you want t'be spawning with?" Kyana giggles and blushes deeply. "No...." she says as she sips her juice. That was there all along. For her to hide her face in. "I mean, I've not even been approached for a walk on the river, let alone...." and she pauses, then grins. "Spawning. It's as good a word as any I suppose." A'deth walks out of the infirmary. Juice can be handy that way! Kassi doesn't hide behind hers; she doesn't need to, quite yet. "If'n, theoretically, I can point at you and make you pregnant by whomever I please--I'm thinking the stress is much on 'theoretically'--you don't need a relationship. Just name a man. D'you want t'bear A'zric's babies? I can make it happen." Amusement sparkles green in her eyes. "You don't need t'be answering in truth. I'm teasing, only." "Why is it that every time I come out here, there's talk of you impregnating others, Kassima?" A'deth inquires curiously from the entrance to the infirmary. Kyana giggles as A'deth's voice drifts over, and she shakes her head at Kassima. "Theoretically? If you're gonna be all theoretical, might as well make it A'deth!" she teases, then waves her hands. "Although that might be a /tad/ weird." and she grins over at the other greenrider. "Because your timing is impeccable," Kassima informs A'deth, raising her glass to him. "I'm thinking it draws you like a fish to the intestines of another fish. --Ah-hah! All right, then. We have our parents," she announces with a bit too much triumph for anyone's peace of mind--a bit too much amusement, too. "Kydeth. Kandeth. Kethanada. What was your name a'fore you Impressed, A'deth?" A'deth arches a brow, though a vague hint of pink colors his cheeks. "I haven't fathered a child in a few decades now. I'm apparently not very fertile. Ah..." And he blinks bemusedly at them both. "Ardeth. That sounds so odd to say nowadays, you know." Kyana gets into the naming. "Kardetha? Kanar? Kadeth?" and she grins over at A'deth. "Don't worry. It's all theoretical." she really likes that word apparently. Kassima ruminates, "Karyan, Kathyan, Kryane, Kanara. Kyndeth. Kynde, only that sounds more as if'n you've spawned with Kindre. I seem t'recall," she asides to A'deth, "your saying upon a time you'd never have any. Are you sure?" "Apparently I was wrong. I have two sons that I know of." That, too, seems to bemuse A'deth. "But neither of them were named after dragons, fortunately." Kyana looks curiously over at A'deth. "People get named after dragons?" she asks and shrugs. "there are weirder things to be named after, but..." and she giggles at Kassima. "What about Kyada? Or is that too clumsy?" "Congratulations," Kassi says, sincerely despite the almost certain belatedness. "One could do worse than dragons; Jaelith's got a lovely name t'use, except for the lack of K. I can't think offhand of a dragon-named child." She mulls over it, sipping citron. "Nay, nay a one. But it seems I've heard the idea a'fore, for the flightborn. Kyada's a fine name. What will you do if'n 'tis a lad, though?" "What do you think my mother did to me? Named me after some cousin of hers' dragon, she did." And A'deth heads for the meal table, and the klah. "Or so I'm told." Kyana thinks hard, grinning at A'deth's answer. "Perhaps Kyeth?" she says with a grin and a shrug. "Or maybe Kath?" Kassima supposes, "Could name him Keth, but then there'd be horrible jokes about G'rel and riding and 'tis really best nay t'go there. Kyeth isn't bad. Kath sounds female t'me--might give the lad a complex." "Perfect for a green." A'deth gives a pronounced feminine sway to his hips as he strides, and perhaps does it a little too well. "Take after his father." Kyana giggles and shakes her head. "You greenriders are too much.." she says, eyes crinkling a bit. "Are all greenriders this fun to hang out with, or is it just you two?" she asks after a bit, taking another sip of juice. Seems like she's out of names. Kassima nearly chokes on her juice, trying not to laugh. "You do that so much better than I do," she marvels, and encourages, "Do it some more! Most greenriders I've known are interesting, certes, that's a fair word for 'em. But we," she assures Kyana, "have decent fashion sense." A'deth shrugs, and pauses to shimmy his hips in a floor-bound table-dance, shameless enough to make some scattered few riders clap and make catcalls. Kyana giggles again and shakes her head. "With a shimmy like that, you could surely father another one..." she teases, clapping slightly, the raising an eyebrow at Kassima. "Oh?" It's a good afternoon to get caught up in absurdity. Kassima sets her juice on a conveniently nearby surface and imitates him--with dubious success, but she's entertained enough not to dwell on that. "C'mon, Kyana, mayhaps you can out-shimmy the father of your children! --A'course we do. Granted I can't speak for A'deth, but you'll never see me in pants with important bits missing. Fashion sense, I'm telling you." "Because I don't have any, I can't take mine for granted," A'deth remarks. "You've got to curl your spine a little, like--" And A'deth demonstrates a fluid roll. "...And look, all of my children are strange. Stranger than I! You don't want one of mine. /I/ can't even stand them. You won't, either." Kyana grins at A'deth and nods, standing a little reluctantly. "I'm really not a great dancer.." she protests but does a test shimmy, rolling her hips, looking around her to make sure she doesn't bump into anything. "Strange is fun, sometimes, but yea.." she says to A'deth. Kassima wants to know, "Where'd you learn this, anyway?" as she attempts to copy, not so fluid but perhaps entertaining the catcallers too albeit in a different manner. "That just begs explanation. Strange *how*?" She beams at Kyana when the younger woman joins in, and claps her hands above her head, for no real reason but that it seems the thing to do. "If you meet them, you'll know." A'deth has to stop soon enough, damaged muscles pulling taut and tight tendons twinging hard, and he having no motivation to keep going overlong-- and no inclination to slow down to accomodate his own limits. "Learned it from some Fortian greenrider. A lover of mine said, once, that the only thing he regretted about not liking women was that most men can't dance like one. So." [Editor's Note: Kyana got disconnected here.] Kassima keeps at it a bit longer, from sheer perversity and a wish to get the hang of that roll; but she can only run with being ridiculous so long before dropping into a chair with laughing eyes and a red blush. She fans herself with her sunhat. "The only other dancers of that type I've seen were women," she admits. "Tarlo tried t'teach me once. I'm thinking an inner mantra of 'I look like an idiot' is nay helpful in picking it up." A'deth jerks a thumb at some of the eavesdropping riders, who also seem to be red-faced... but for, perhaps, slightly different reasons. "Fortunately, they're not paying attention to that." "They're paying attention t'you," Kassima half-agrees, half-teases, entirely amused and very likely at least in part accurate. Not that she doesn't redden more, anyway. "Sensible of them. You're quite worth the watching." A'deth snorts. "You just keep telling yourself that. Oi!" And he turns to a particularly... attentive... brownrider and makes a shooing motion. "Put your tongue back into your head, you mannerless lout! No woman'll want a man who's trying to wash the floor with his tonsils!" Kassima crinkles her nose at him. "Hah. You can't have polished the dance without knowing well how you look doing it." Stifling laughter at the poor brownrider's chastisement, not too well, she reclaims her juice and gulps it to cool her blush away. Or try. "He wasn't drooling that badly... was he?" Said brownrider nearly sinks beneath the table as his companions gang up on him for a free-for-all of mockery. A'deth fetches himself some klah and joins Kassima. "Yeah. It's like he was a dragon and your hips were Thread." "So you're saying he wanted t'be setting them on fire." Can one blame Kassima for eyeing that brownrider in a new, disturbed way? A'deth, though, gets a grin for joining. "I don't intend t'be dancing in Caverns often. In any style, much less that one. But in the interests of doing it right, if'n nay for pyromaniac brownriders--d'you give lessons?" A'deth nods quite agreeably. "You can pay me with discussions of politics." The brownrider raises his hands in chagrined surrender to them all! Kassima shakes her head at him, but not in refusal. "That's a bargain for me but a poor deal for you. Bland form of payment, isn't it? But I'd be betraying the natural order of things t'pass up a bargain." Pause. "By the by, that lady bluerider over there? Still looking at your rump. Just so y'know." A'deth glances over his shoulder. "The only lady here I care to have look is you," he mutters. But he waves cheerfully at the woman anyway. Kassima laughs, and grins at him, and says nothing about whether she looked too--nothing at all. "Flatterer," she says. "As ever and always. Shouldn't dance if'n you don't want admirers, pure and simple." At least the bluerider isn't drooling, and at least she has the dignity, or sense, to wave back and not make a spectacle. Of course, the direction of her gaze doesn't change much for it. A'deth shrugs lightly, and turns back to Kassima. "She'll have her chance when Jaelith rises again," he states carelessly. "Until then, she can stare. And-- it's a bargain. Most of what I say and do may be about baser exploits than those of most of Pern's luminaries, but that's just words and actions... Nothing to do with the restlessness of a man's mind." Kassima chuckles under her breath. "I appreciate the more that you don't mind m'looking, come t'think on it, since that's a door sadly closed. How well d'you know Pern's luminaries?" Wry, that; amused, too, but at the luminaries' expense if anyone's, not his. "Your mind and thoughts interest me, so 'tis easy t'be agreeing for more reasons than one. When and where shall I pay?" A'deth tilts his head to the side. "Closed? You can open it with some things easily enough... and wherever, whenever you like." "*Flights*," Kassi clarifies in a very droll tone. "I'd be ruddy out of luck if'n I had t'hope for flights." Great, she's back to red again. It's somewhat of a wonder she ever manages a normal complexion in his company. But how much can she mind? She says, "Whenever--I seem t'recall mention of tomorrow, yesterday; and see? I'm all jeweled and sparkly." She tilts the brim of her sunhat to make the brooch pinned to it flash. "Wherever, I picked the venue of our discourse last time. Your turn. Somewhere fair suited t'dancing?" A'deth just smiles blandly, and drains his klah. "The infirmary's too medicinal. The beach... too cold? Though I've that lovely little southern one... weyrs'll do well enough. The balcony? Too many onlookers..." Mention of a beach is usually good for getting Kassi's attention. "Winter," she agrees a little wistfully. "Though in Southern... definitely nay the balcony. Do nay even think about the balcony. One doesn't discuss politics on the balcony!" A'deth shrugs, and rises. "Warm down south." Kassima drains her glass and follows suit... not without a quick and wary upward glance at yon balcony, just in case there might be political discussion going on there even now. "Then that suits fine." She bows to him. It would be a pretty gesture, but there's that hat. "Where you lead, I follow." A'deth offers an arm to her. "That could be a dangerously sentimental... sentiment." "Depending on how 'tis taken." Kassima rests her hand lightly on his arm, and leans to press her shoulder briefly against his. "Would you say the same?" A'deth bends his head to kiss her cheek very lightly. "I would." Kassima finds his hand with hers, twines her fingers through his; "Perhaps nay too dangerous, then." A warm smile, a bright one. "'Twill let it stand." A'deth nods quietly, thoughtfully, and leads the way out to the bowl. A'deth walks out to the Bowl. You walk out into the Bowl.