
Rocky Pernese Picture Show and Tell

Date:  No Idea Whatsoever
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Records Room
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  I found this log while I was rummaging through my archives.
I'm not sure why I didn't post it; my guess is that it was for the same
reasons that I don't know the date:  it occured during one of my idle 
spates, something I did as an attempt to help drag myself out of my own
inactivity.  It didn't work, alas.  But still, the idea--which was at 
least half Kindre's--met with a good reception. :)  Thanks go to those 
who told tales and to those who attended!  I blame Alyssa for the log's
title, as it was her mention of houses of horror combined with the story
of transvestitism that inspired it. ;)


The Log:

You walk into the records cavern, leaving the bowl behind.

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli asks a really dumb question. How do you get there?

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Out to the bowl from the LC, then RR."

Telgar Weyr> Liadan says, "Wait, what? I think I'm missing something."

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "+bbread/tgw 14 Lia. :)"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Show and Tell in the Records Room, Liaden."

Telgar Weyr> Liadan thanks the up-to-date ones. These bbs are so confusing...

Liadan strides in from the bowl.

Nicoli strides in from the bowl.

Lanryi strides in from the bowl.

Kindre strides in from the bowl.

Medei strides in from the bowl.

"Just whose idea was it, again, t'be making the props necessary?" Kassima
mutters with amusement, setting her box of Strange and Demented Stuff on
the table with a heavy *clunk*. "Nay that 'twasn't thinking 'twas a bright
idea until I realized just how bloody *many* of the things I've got.
G'deve, Candidate-types, Jal, Kin."

T'saren strides in from the bowl.

Isain strides in from the bowl.

Kindre smiles as she enters, waving as means of greeting before plopping
atop one of the tables. "Forgive my tardiness," she remarks while getting
comfortable. A laugh escapes her lips as she overhears Kassima. "My dearest
friend, I thought it a shame that these Candidates had heard OF you but had
yet to take audience to some of your tales, so..." She shrugs before winking.

T'saren bobs his head in greeting to the other riders and to the
candidates, then settles into a nearby chair. Thankfully the seat is
unoccupied, since the Wingleader didn't even bother to look before sitting.

Isain sidles in to join his fellows, peeking around him.

Nicoli wanders quietly into the room, bringing something hidden behind her
back, finding someplace to hide.

"That'd better not be an eyeball, Nicoli," Kindre calls over to the young
woman and then grins.

Lanryi wanders in with her treasures and waves to everybody.

Nicoli smiles innocently to Kindre, "I only play with brains Ma'am."

Telgar Weyr> Jennifer says, "Hiya!"

Kassima shakes her head at Kin, retorting good-naturedly, "You're just
trying t'be getting me killed by Mart! An *eyeball*?" Time to do a
double-take at first Kin, then Nicoli, and look disturbed. "An eyeball.
Okay. I... think I'll just pick a corner to hide in now." But no, she
chooses a chair instead, pulling her box into her lap. "I fear the stories
you'd be telling, Tas," she murmurs to the bronzerider. "Nary a one of
'em's likely fit for young ears."

Telgar Weyr> Isain waves to Jennifer (did the net get you earlier, too?)

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Heya Jennifer :) Show and Tell in the records
room :)"

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli snuggles Jenn and brings her to the records room. :)

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "The net got everyone earlier. :)"

Liadan's expression is consummately bored as she saunters her pretty
leather-clad butt right on in. Her hands are empty - does she have nothing
to offer? Lips twist apathetically at the turn of conversation as she
slides into a chair.

Telgar Weyr> Isain thanks. :)

Jennifer strides in from the bowl.

Jennifer strolls in with the handsome Ruathan candidate.

Kindre chuckles at Nicoli's reply before turning back to Kassima. "Well,
truth be told, I'm as guilty as you for mayhaps a quarter of those
stories," she says before snapping her fingers after some thought. "I could
always get 'Lex to assign him dawn sweeps over Telgar Hold for the next
turn or so....he'll likely forget by then."

T'saren gives a quiet chuckle and shakes his head. "No stories for me
tonight, I'm afraid. I don't own anything really interesting, unless you
want to count that statue of two bovines mating." He gives a quick wink at
his fellow Wingleader, but his expression is droll enough that it's hard to
tell if he's serious or not.

Nicoli chuckles as well, finding her hiding spot and sitting down. Seeing
her various friends pop in, she waves them on over, still hiding something
or other.

Medei slips in, also empty-handed, and looking faintly nervous. The
conversation gives him pause, a sideways glance is cast toward Nicoli, and
he shrugs a bit before sitting down, trying to appear inconspicuous.

Jennifer steps away from the Ruathan when he starts to talk with one of the
pretty Crom girls and hurries over to Nicoli, taking a seat beside her.

Kindre's eyes widen slightly at T'saren's comment. Whether they do so out
of shock or curiousity would likely be hard to tell. "Two...alright..." is
whispered to no one in particular before she turns to regard the
Thunderbolt Wingleader again. "So, Kassi, since you've got that interesting
box, mayhaps you should start? For those of you who haven't heard already,
we're doing that Show And Tale game the Nannies teach the children. Bring
an object, tell a tale."

Jennifer blinks a couple times at T'saren, "yuck."

This is going to be a day for Kassi to look disturbed often, isn't it? She
certainly does now. "*Bovines* mating? I'd have pictured you more as the
human type, but if'n you're into that sort of thing..." she murmurs back,
before grinning at Kin. "What, only a quarter? He'd kill you then for sure,
if'n nay me also." A glance, then, down to the scary and ominous box with
its scary and ominous wrappings. "Well, I suppose I could," she drawls.
"Any suggestions for which I should be starting with? The Emasculator and
the painting, the ribbons, or the giant tunnelsnake head? Which does nay
include eyeballs," she adds for good measure, with another warily amused
glance at Nicoli.

Alyssa arrives down a corridor from the Farviewer Chamber.

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Dear heavens."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Show and Tell, Lys. :)"

Nicoli grins to Kassi. She disturbs people quite often. And enjoys doing
so. "That's no fun." she says lightly, glancing around for Jav. "Ma'am, can
I ask that you save the Emasculator for last?" she asks. She wants him
/here/ when that's discussed/

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "I will NOT. A'lex would shoot me."

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli cackles.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn bahahas. No, silly wabbit. THat's what's going on. :)

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "And the Candidates would point fingers and laugh."

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina offers to point fingers aand laugh at Alyssa so the
candidates don't have to. :)

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli fixes her plastic halo. "Would not!: l(

Jennifer leans forward a little so she can look and frown in thought,
"you're going to tell stories about all those things?" under her breath she
murmurs about being glad she didn't bring anything herself to talk about.
her head nods a little. "Why do you have an Emasculator? Some of the boys
say it's because you hate men."

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa coffbitemecoff.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina merrily gnaws on Alyssa.

T'saren laughs and shrugs as if bored. "Well I was a herder, don't forget,"
he reminds Kassi. "And I specialized in bovines." With that tidbit said, he
sits back to listen to the others, a sparkle of humor in his eyes.

Kindre just sits, expectantly watching the faces in the room for their
reactions and, if they dare, their suggestions. A smirk curls her lips
quite obviously higher in one corner than the other betraying her obvious
joy in Kassima's stories. "Eve Lys," she calls when her friend enters,
waving her over. "Well, I tried to tell them the story of Slitherith the
other eve and failed rather miserably," she then offers to Kassima.

Isain shifts edgily in his seat, arms folded over a bundle; he whispers
briefly to Medei, then offers a little more loudly, "The ribbons don't ...
sound so harmful as all that."

J'lyn chuckles. "GO with Slitherreth, Kassi."

Alyssa raises her hand to wave, keeping her salutes to herself, and finds a
seat near Kindre. The records room is big, but there's a good-sized crowd,
and Alyssa never seems comfortable in those sorts of surroundings.

Medei's forehead wrinkles as he listens to Kassima's list of things, and
nods pale-faced agreement with Isain. "Ribbons, definitely," he mumbles,
after a quiet cough. Then, he murmurs quietly in return to Isain.

Kassima gives a convulsive shudder. "So long as you never, ever, ever,
ever, ever call me ma'am again, and that goes for everyone else too, you
can ask aught that you want. And nay, lass, I don't hate men." She snorts
with laughter at the very idea. "I don't love 'em as much as *some* do, so
t'be speaking, but the Emasculator's just a tool t'use for making them
squeak. And cross their legs, I might add." Tas is cast another worried
glance. "Slithereth and then the ribbons, then?"

Eyeballs. Lovely. Liadan relaxes back in her chair, legs stretched out. Her
eyes light up slightly at Kassima's words. "That Emasculator sounds
oh-so-interesting," she drawls. "Tell about that next."

Nicoli smiles slightly, "Yes'm." she murmurs. She has a death wish or
something today.

Jennifer murmurs softly, "and they won't be doing much in the furs
afterwards either. Seems like a real waste." Her frown tips down the
corners of her mouth.

Isain bobs his leather-capped head at Medei, all mournful agreement, then
twists in his chair to look for his searchrider.

Lanryi gets comfortable in her seat a bundle setting in her lap ready to
hear the riders storys.

Kassima chants with a grimace, "Kassima. Ka-*see*-muh. K-A-S-S-I-M-A. Nay
M-A-apostrophe-A-M. Or if'n you *must* be formal, Wingleader will do, but
really...." Another shudder, and a grin flicked towards Liadan, before she
rummages in the box for her first prop. This proves to be, once it's
unwrapped, an enormous tunnelsnake's head. And we do mean *enormous*. At
least the size of a good roast wherry. "Have any of you heard the myths of
the dread tunnelsnake who used t'munch random Candidates when they went to
the latrines?" she inquires casually.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn never pronounces it that way, Kassi. :)

An eloquent snort is Liadan's response to that query. She's heard them
/all/, and created quite a few of them.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins. :) Not many do, though KQVI confirms it's the
proper pronunciation.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn nods. Yeah, that it does. :)

Kindre's eyes widen as she glances at several of the Candidates. "See," she
remarks while a finger crooks towards the famous tunnelsnake's head, "I
told you it was big." Her arms cross on her chest almost in a 'so -there-'
type motion before her head turns back towards the Wingleader.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Well, except for the spelling. ;)"

Nicoli just hides her prop, nodding slightly. "Of course." she murmurs,
then listens. Brown eyes study the tunnel-snake head, disbelief still

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa didn't either.

Alyssa does not look at the head. Does not look NEAR the head. Paling, she
merely crosses her legs in a show of casual disinterest and turns away,

K'ryo strides in from the bowl.

Isain, spotting him, shifts back so he's facing forward again, both feet on
the floor, all legs of the -chair- on the floor. "How is that preserved?"
he wonders hazily.

Jennifer draws back with a frown, watching the hug ugly headded thing,
"That's not real." She decides, shuffling down a bit where she's sitting.

"Who says it's dead?" cackles an older greenrider from near the back.

Medei grimaces faintly as he looks at the tunnelsnake head, and levels a
glance at Isain. "Who *cares*?" he mumbles.

Lanryi nods in responce to the question gazing at the giant tunnel-snake head.

K'ryo steps in quietly, and begins looking around. Upon seeing T'saren, he
nods a respectful greeting. Alright, I'm here.

Kassima nods in satisfaction. "All right, then. The first we really heard
of him was when 'twas a Candidate m'self, back eons ago at Benden. He'd
just taken a chunk out of Dwane's arm--same Dwane that was Masterhealer of
Pern later. 'Twas he who dubbed the beast Slithereth, and many a Turn did
the Candidates live in fear, never knowing when they'd go to the latrines
only t'be having their bums bitten off. Ate full grown wherries for
breakfast, 'twas said of him." She regards the head almost fondly. "Isn't
it a beaut? Cousin of mine did it, a Tanner. Replaced the bones with a wood
frame and stuffed the sucker. And 'tis real, I assure you." She pauses
before continuing, perhaps waiting to see if there'll be more questions.

Jennifer doesn't notice anyone coming in, she is eyeing that nasty head,
trying to figure out just what it's made of.

T'saren spots K'ryo's entrance and addresses him in a light, though
serious, tone, "About time you got here. I was afraid I'd have to drag you
down here."

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Kassima, remind me to bring in the world's
largest tuber in retribution."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima ewwwws, Lys, *that's* just sick. ;)

Telgar Weyr> K'ryo says, "You should see her at goblin parties."

Nicoli tilts her head, morbid fascination on her face. She nods slightly at
Kassi's explanation of how it's preserved.

Isain mutters back to Medei, "I do. Don't want it to rot. ...Did you hear
that? Wood frame. Hmm, hmm, hmm," and his freckled features draw

Kindre shivers slightly, mayhaps recalling her Candidate days as well. In a
quiet voice meant for Alyssa, she says, "I know that thing scared the Fax
out of me when we were in their shoes."

Liadan's eyebrows elevate and she examines the head with a bit of
wistfulness. "It's not alive?" she murmurs regretfully. Normally tunnel
snakes are hardly a challenge, but this...

Medei edges away from Isain a bit, and drops his gaze to the floor.

K'ryo winces slightly at his wingleader's comment, but just nods. His gaze
goes out over the attendees, taking inventory of who's there, and... his
eyes stop a second in the middle, but then are quickly diverted to the hosts.

Jennifer makes a face, "I don't think I'd want to be the one who put in
wood for the bones or whatever and maybe she had to take out the brain
inside. Yuck!" She looks away and spots K'ryo, waving to him with a
flopping hand.

"When we left Benden for Telgar, 'twas thought by most that the terror was
over. At last, we could use the necessary without fear. But those who
sighed with relief did so too hastily. None paid heed t'the
slither-scraping of scales and claws on stone, the hissing, the missing
food from Stores... until 'twas too late." Kassi intones this in a
forboding voice, though really, amusement and forboding don't go together
well. "For what Slithereth had done was follow us... and he hadn't come
alone. An entire, massive swarm of tunnelsnakes had followed after, and he
and his brethren were enough to cover the storeroom floors in masses of
writhing flesh." A random bronzerider towards the back looks up with
interest at this phrase, then pouts when he realizes that *tunnelsnake*
flesh is meant.

"Yeah," Kindre begins to quip when she overhears Jennife,. "Brains are more
of Nicoli's craft from what I've heard," and then grins.

Jennifer looks from Kindre to Nicoli with a blink, "it is?"

K'ryo tosses a quick little wave to Jennifer, and glances around.

Nicoli grins to Kindre. "I'm quite good when it comes to brains." she
replies, then nods at Kassima, having heard such things before. Not that
she's one to put much stock in such things. She's a Cynic..

Medei grimaces --again, this time at Kassima's description of

Isain grumpily folds his arms and, well, takes up the space Medei leaves;
he first contributes, "That'd explain why you have extra, 'coli - yes, it's
a compliment," and then, tenor pitched little-high, "'And then what

Liadan's low chuckle is short, reserved, and utterly without warmth as she
listens - and notes the reaction of the bronzerider. Well, what do ya expect.

Nicoli eyes Isain in slight surprise. That's twice he's complimented her.
He must want something.

Kassima sets the 'snake's head down on the table, the better for it to
snarl in its cheerfully dead fashion at the Candidates. She begins rolling
up the sleeve on one arm. "The battle was fast and furious. Ofira with her
frying pan did give them mighty blows, and Jorenan and his canine
compatriot made the ichor run green and slimy beneath our feet. Rennick
screamed like a little girl. But we depatched them, we did, by the
dozens--with knives and pans and their own corpses for weapons, but they
came on and on. Until, from the middle of the morass rose a deathly figure,
giant of proportion and blazing red of eye... and I knew that 'twas
m'archnemesis." Pause. Consider. Amend, "Well, *other* archnemesis, since
if'n it'd been Mart, I'd be rather disturbed. Nay, 'twas Slithereth
himself, nigh as long as a man is tall and with a thirst for blood."

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "You know, I never went to the House of Horrors
in a Wax Museum. This sort of makes up for it."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre laughs! Hee :)

Jennifer looks over at the sound of a gasp-whimper-sob from the tiny young
girl beside her and slips an arm around the slight shivering shoulders.
"It's alright, it's just a story." she whispers.

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli giggles.

Medei's brows lift again at some of the unfamiliar names. "Rennick?" he
mouths, glancing over at Isain. Again, a quick glance flickers toward the
stuffed head, but doesn't linger long.

Nicoli sits there thoughtfully, considering it all. She listens a
attentively, but does not comment this go round.

Isain just sits there guilelessly, even under Nicoli's scrutiny - though he
does bright at the mention of those fabled bakers. "Think he used to live
here," the lad whisper-guesses back to Medei.

Kindre is enrapted once again in the tale of the famous battle. Leaning
almost off of her perch on the table-top she's claimed for a seat, her full
attention is on Kassima. A nod of her head here, a shake of it there.
Despite being a familiar story, it is obviously one she enjoys hearing

A crotchety voice calls from one side, "He still does live here," before
she sniffs, "Aunt Nellie's knickers," and quiets herself.

Lanryi shudders slightly at the tale and turns away from the head on the
table to look at something a little less disturbing.

Isain squints over his shoulder, trying to identify the knickers-woman,
then subsides with a freckles-obscuring blush.

"Previous Steward," Kassi clarifies for Medei. "Real hard-arse. Anyway, I
waded into the tunnelsnake sea t'be meeting my foe head-on. 'Twas destiny
for us t'do battle." No, they didn't duel with lightsabers. "He lunged for
me, and as his teeth sank into m'arm...." Here she holds up the
sleeve-rolled arm to display a pair of large, jagged scars, "I threw a
blade into his eye, and his bloodcurdling scream rang through the Cavern as
he twitched in the throes of death. Without his leadership, his cohorts
could nay prevail against our forces. The battle was won." Pulling her
sleeve back down, she finishes, "But 'twas nay the end. For 'tis said that
the Sons of Slithereth still roam the Caverns, seeking to avenge their
father's death by stealing away the unwary. So if'n you hear a sudden
hissing when next you wander near the latrines... be afraid. Be very afraid."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn feels like he's listening to a rendition of Beowulf,
Kassi. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snickers. Hey, at least Slithereth's easier to
pronounce than Hrofgar or whatever that guy's name is. ;)

Medei gives a quick smile of thanks to Kassima as his un-voiced question is
answered, and surveys the scars on her arm with the appropriate wideness to
his eyes. A snicker escapes before he can help it, and he adds in an
undertone to Isain, "It'd serve Dinaria right if she found one of them."

Nicoli blinks a few times, considering the entire deal. Her face softens
slightly, though she still seems to be disbelieving. Hearing Medei she
shakes her head slightly, "I think we've scared her enough." she murmurs.
No, Nic did /not/ have anything to do with that..

Malent strides in from the bowl.

Kindre almost bounces off the table as she calls, "Now the ribbons! Now the
ribbons," to Kassima in a jovial tone. Turning to glance at the young men
within the cavern, she cautions while wagging a finger, "This is a tale to
teach you not to sleep whilst in the presence of very lucky women," and
then winks.

Yet another snort erupts from Liadan's corner. "I see," she murmurs.

Still in the back of the room, K'ryo scratches an itch absently under the
bandages beneath his clothes. He folds his arms uneasily, watching Kindre'
new activity.

Kassima is a good lip-reader, see. She nods a similarly soundless 'You're
welcome,' then picks the giant head up to start re-wrapping it. "If'n
someone else wants t'be taking a turn a'fore I go on to the happier tales
of how I turned Mart and 'Lex into women and the legend of the Sacred Quest
to Castrate the Brownie, 'twould be fine by me," she offers, though
Kindre's suggestion elicits a snicker. "Think it might be giving 'em Ideas?"

Malent comes in quietly and slips into a chair, "Someone told me all the
candidates where here."

Isain murmurs something about, "...Painted?" to his compatriots, soon
followed by, a wary, "I thought ribbons were supposed to be safe. Innocent,
even. Nice. Benign."

"Stop trying to show off your vocabulary," is Liadan's dry remark to Isain.

Nicoli giggles at Isain. "Since when is /anything/ innocent, safe, and
benign?" wonders the brunette with sparkling eyes.

Medei grins wryly at Isain and remarks, "I am beginning to realise that,
around here, nothing is safe. Or innocent. Or benign."

Jennifer listens quietly, eyes widening a bit. After a bit she shakes her
head. No story could ever meet up with could even stand up to that. She
slips back into her chair.

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "what is going on exactly in the record's room?"

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Kassima's scaring us."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Show And Tell :)"

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Er, recounting tales to the Candidates. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "Show and Tell. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "dang thats right :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima looks innocent! Really! She swears! ;)

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Innocent greenrider."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre steps away from Kassi...that bolt should be coming any
second now...

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "You don't know HOW to do that, Kassi!"

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "That's like, uh, military intelligence."

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "Isn't that like innocent Candidate? (Like Nic

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn pokes Lys.

Isain'd blush had barely begun to fade, and here it is again; he turns a
thin shoulder to Liadan, pale eyes dropping, and can only murmur, "Well,
...flour, maybe. Well, unless you breathe it. Well..."

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "ooooh."

Telgar Weyr> Liadan says, "Innocent greenrider? Isn't that an oxymoron?
Don't those words cause a paradox when spoken together?"

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "I am totally innocent. See my Halo? ()>:^)"

Medei leans over to Isain and mumbles quietly to him, He mutters to Isain,
"Don't... her." 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "They're a bit like Microsoft Works that way,
true. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Isain says, "Crashes? ;)"

Malent looks at the table trying to see whats been brought in.

Nicoli glances around, waiting to see who's fingered next to tell a tale of
horror. Or mischief. Or whatever else is on the agenda.

Malent nudges Isain and mummers something.

Malent mutters to Isain, "... infamous Kassima?"

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "I couldnt had faked a better mutter!"

Telgar Weyr> T'saren zips his lip before he can say something !knot
appropriate. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel just /looks/ at T'saren. I know what you're
thinking... :)

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa thinks we all do. ;)

Telgar Weyr> T'saren snickers. Only women, eh, Nim? ;)

Isain's mouth twists self-consciously; "Wish it were that easy," he murmurs
to Medei, then twists back to whisper to Malent, "In the flesh. Wooden
supports or otherwise."

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "ok then tell me what he was thinking"

Telgar Weyr> Kindre hushes y'all :)

Kindre gives Alyssa a little nudge, her lips curling into a grin. "She put
it away, you can look now," she teases her friend before trying to pick up
the whisperings about the cavern.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Tas, you're a pig. ;)"

Kassima casts a decidedly amused glance towards Malent and Isain. "Oh, so
I'm infamous now?" she murmurs to herself, with a laugh and headshake. "Why
don't you tell the ribbon tale, Kin? And I can be providing the props, and
tell of the other Femaleriders of Pern whose names might be recognized."

Malent gives the greenrider a good long apprecative look, leans back
over,whispering, "IF she has that kind a reputaion , she must be a good
rider, at least its that way at Igen."

Alyssa blushes a bit, clearing her throat. "I detest those things," she
mentions to Kindre, giving her head a shake...but smiling.

Telgar Weyr> T'saren giggles. Only ICly. Otherwise I just have a sick mind.
;) *hushes*

Nicoli arches an eyebrow. "Aye Ma'am, tell us." she adds to Kindre. See?
She did /not/ call Kassi that this time.

Isain slinks lower in his chair at the attention, legs stretching out to
wedge on the chair in front of him; hushed, "Reputation? ...Malent, you
know about the knives, right?"

Malent nearly melts in the floor attempting to hide of embarrassment, he
says to himself, "And ears too."

Malent shakes his head slowly, swallowing hard, "Knives?"

Kindre bobs her head towards Kassima, her grin growing a bit larger before
she says, "I can do that." A knowing nod is offered to Alyssa first, then
she looks out across the room. "Well, it really all started back at Ruatha
turns and turns ago when I was just a new rider, but I won't detail that
story just now," she begins and then takes a breath. "M'rgan, when he was a
Reaches rider, happened to Benden when Hera rose for the first time. As
such, he was stuck with us there for a time. One eve we all were in the
Springs just talking and the like when he fell asleep." Her eyes grow very
wide and she flutters her lashes a few times while saying, "And far be it
for a couple of innocent rider like Kassi and myself to let such an
opportunity slip past us."

T'saren slips out of the records cavern.

Nicoli hears the lads and leans over to Malent, commenting, "Ask about the
Snowmen and the Knives sometime from Ceria. Or ye can ask Kassima herself."
she tells them, giggling and straigtening back up. Hearing Kindre she rolls
her eyes, "And I'm a sweet innocent Candidate too." she replies dryly.

J'lyn herds all the male Candidates off to one side, and tells them,
"Whatever you do, stay away from her knives. She's," he looks over his
shoulder at the Thunderbolt Wingleader, "Evil with them. Stay away."

Medei winces a bit as J'lyn speaks, and casts another wary glance toward
Kassima. "I was afraid of that," he mutters wryly under his breath, before
his attention turns back to Kindre and her tale.

Kassima tosses a cheerful wink towards the whispering Candidates, idly
fingering the hilt of the wherry-skewer at her belt before reaching into
the Box of Doom and Despair to draw forth a handful of blue ribbons to hold
up as props. They don't *look* scary.... "We were both absolute epitomes of
innocence. Purer than snow. Butter wouldn't melt in our mouths." A few of
her Wingmates seated around the room start coughing loudly to disguise
their snickers.

Alyssa gives Kassima a smile as discussion turns to the knives - a private
joke, perhaps mentioning the bluerider's one use of those famous blades -
before she folds her fingers together and turns to regard Kindre, listening

Jennifer's legs swing back and forth as she leans forward in her chair to
listen to the unfolding story. The talk and whispers about knives drift
right over her head as she tries to focus on the other story, it sounds so
much more interesting. "Oh no."

"We decided to dress M'rgan up as Martina," Kindre continues with the tale,
her grin not losing it's mischievious curl. "We only had so many items on
hand. Thank Faranth for 'lizards because, believe it or nay, they do come
in handy. Poor Aphrael was in the living cavern when Lysseth starting
asking her for ribbons." Pausing to chuckle a bit, her shoulders bobbing
with the act, she then goes one. "I can't just imagine her face, nevermind
her thoughts. Anyhow, by the time we were through, M'rgan was looking to be
one fine looking lady. With a lovely blue Gather gown Kassi had, Aphrael's
ribbons, my gold Gather choker...shards." She glances towards Kassima and
says, "Didn't we have Channa do a tapestry?"

Malent blinks as J'lyn tells them this bit of news, unconsciously crossing
his legs.

Liadan's eyes focus on J'lyn. "What about knives, now?" This is far more
interesting than a drag queen.

Isain mutters dubiously to J'lyn, amid all that coughing, those tales of
dressing and the like, "...And you're saying, even if a fellow tries to
stay away from them, he'll be safe here? I mean, if -M'rgan-..."

Telgar Weyr> Keara waves and hugs!

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Keara!"

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "Keara!! *Snuggles and drags to show and tell*"

Telgar Weyr> Liadan turns Keara into baklava and eats her.

Telgar Weyr> Keara eeks and comes.

Nicoli arches an eyebrow, "Tapestry?" she wonders, curiousity painted on
her face with a good hand.

Telgar Weyr> Keara ums. How does one get there from here, again?

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "Bowl, RR."

Keara strides in from the bowl.

Kindre shakes her head a few times. "I wish we had been able to see his
face when he awoke," she laments and laughs. "Though, to be true, the most
fun was informing his class of Weyrlings at the Reaches of the event.
Several times. Mayhaps even several classes," she recants and chuckles a
bit more. "For quite some turns neither of us dared to go there if we knew
Mart was about."

Keara darts in, hoping to evade eyes of leader types as she smells horrendous.

Kassima corrects Kindre cheerfully, "Ryialla, and she'd had the ribbons
tied to her cot for some reason I *still* don't want t'be thinking about.
We gave him a blue wig and rag falsies, too. He really looked quite...
uh... winsome." Right. She flicks a smile back towards Lys, before shaking
her head. "Nay, Kin, the painting's of the castration incident. Brought
that, too. But Mart was only the first Femaleman of Pern... though he'll
deny the fact to his dying breath. There've been others. S'dar of High
Reaches. A'lex." A snicker escapes her as she adds, "Nay t'mention Keagan.
Oh, aye--told 'em about that, and how 'Lex lusted after Mart, and how Mart
wears underpants with hearts on 'em and all. Amazing he didn't kill us."

Kindre laughs and rolls her eyes. "Jays, Ryialla...I must be getting too
old," she remarks and chuckles. Nodding about the painting, she sighs. "We
should have gotten one of him in the dress, but..." she sighs, her
shoulders lifting in a shrug.

"Hearts." Since the subject of knives seems to be dropped, Liadan turns her
attention back to the story, one eyebrow sharply arching. "Underwear with
hearts. A man. /M'rgan./"

Nicoli laughs at Kassima, brown eyes sparkling. She likes these people.

Jennifer frowns a little, a look of sympathy crossing over her features as
she regards the candidate's in her class. It's really an unkind place for
the men to be. "That certainly is harsh isn't it?"

Keara stifles a giggle at the topic of conversation, settling down in the
back, carefully not to close to anyone.

Jennifer waves to Keara.

Isain eyes Nicoli mistrustfully, now, instead of just the speakers and
Liadan over there, and rubs his nose: some smell...

Kassima nods eagerly. She is of course lying through her teeth, but that's
Mart's problem to deal with. "Hearts, little smiley faces... I swear, you
learn things from flights that you just never wanted t'be knowing. I know,
I know, 'twould have been grand... but if'n he'd woken up and we were still
*there*...." She shudders meaningfully. "Harsh? Oh, nay with Mart. He's a
deep force of evil in this world, dedicated to the torment of innocent
femaleriders such as ourselves." Uh-huh. And while you're buying that,
she's also got a bridge to sell you, just $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

Malent listens to the tales, his eyes getting a little smaller than plates
he nudges Isain again, "If they arent teasing I think I might run back home
as fast as I can."

Kindre smiles over to Jennifer. "You need to realize that Kassi, Mart and I
have a rather...odd friendship," she attempts to explain. "Skill verses
luck is about the jist of it. He has more luck than a Bitran with aces up
both his sleeves. It's our job, our quest, to make him feel unlucky
whenever we can."

Nicoli looks to Keara, grinning and waving before returning her attention
to others. Seeing Isain's look she arches an eyebrow in question. Hearing
Kassi she giggles. "Right.. evil." she repeats.

Isain murmurs even more quietly, shaking his head at Nicoli as Kindre
continues, "Bet you'll just draw their attention if you run, Malent. If
they trapped -M'rgan-, of all people."

Jennifer still looks a bit concerned, though she nods to Kindre, "well, if
you say so. Just seems so harsh." She frowns a bit, "I certainly don't need
to know what a rider's under garments look like."

Malent turns a bit pale under his tan, and sits back in his chair, keeping
his legs crossed.

Keara waves around to her friends, those near her scooching quietly away.
Trying to act as if nothing is the matter she pipes up, "You'll find out
when you clean the guest weyrs, Jen."

Medei adds, in a droll tone, "Or when you get stuck folding laundry that no
one dares come down there to claim."

Alyssa folds and unfolds her hands, listening inobtrusively, her expression
a bit distracted.

Kindre's smile is still wide, her checks round and rosy from the bits of
laughing and recollection. Sighing again, she says, "So, who would like to
tell a story next?" Overhearing the Candidates, she grins. "Like the pink
frilly ones," is quipped towards Medei.

Medei coughs, colouring dark red to his hairline, and bobs a nod to Kindre.
"Seen them," he mumbles. "Too close."

Another random bronzerider perks to attention. "You found my pink frilly
ones, Weyrwoman? Couldja have 'em sent up to my weyr sometime, pretty please?

Nicoli just shakes her head, giggling at the general comments. She's never
been known for sanity..

Kindre tries not to smirk to blatantly while she nods towards the voice.
"I'll have one of the Candidates bring them to you in the morning," she

Keara eyes the bronzerider, muttering, "So that's who stole my panties."
She sighs.

Jennifer smiles to Keara, "Well, finding them seems a bit different."
Perhaps she's wrong, she hasn't come across any questionable

Malent catches a breath in his throat, almost making him choke, he looks
the direction of the voice.

The bronzerider beams. "Thanks, Weyrwoman. You're a peach." Keara is sent a
dirty look. They're *his* underpants now.

Telgar Weyr> Keara giggles.

Medei shrinks back in his chair with one of those abject looks of 'please
Faranth, not me' on his face.

Nicoli smirks to Keara, "That's why you wash your own underthings. That way
you get to -keep- them." And not have them show up someplace questionable.

Keara blushes slightly and just nods to Nic. "What other horror stories
have they been telling you?"

Isain holds his nose at the new fragrance, as politely and palm-concealed
as he can - which is to say, not very much at all - and hisses nasally at
Medei, "Sit up. Or they'll come for you, and get me too."

Nicoli giggles. "Ask Kassima about Slithereth, that's about it. I think
they're looking for another victim of show and tell." she says quietly.

Kassima drawls, ears picking out the hissing, "That sounds like a good idea
t'me, Kin. How about those two next?" See, she *is* evil.

Keara gulps. "Think I'll skip it," she says. "Sound uncomfortably like a

Kindre nods her head in one quick motion. "A bit smaller than we're used
to," she remarks while her left index finger and thumb rub her chin, her
eyes flicking over the two, "but I think they'll do alright."

Medei sits up automatically, giving Isain a bemused look.

Nicoli looks to the Evil K's, ever-curious. Hearing Keara she says, "Aw..
it ain't that bad. They even have something to help with the story." she
teases lightly.

Isain tries to sit up too - only his is more of a squirm - and most
unfairly accuses his friend in what tries to be an even quieter whisper,
"See? Look what you did. They're watching us."

Lanryi watches the male candidates and snickers at their discomfort.

Keara looks at Nic plaintively. "Oh." Despair. She wriggles and coughs at
the resultsing could of odor.

Malent scoots his chair away from Isain's wishing a landshake would hit and
open the ground just where he is.

Medei utters four immortal words in an aside to Isain, "It's not my fault!"

Kassima may not be able to hear that, but she can sense discomfort at a far
radius, and sends the two a sunny smile. "Surely you have interesting
stories t'be telling?" she cajoles, attempting to look plaintive. This does
not work well. "Even if'n you don't have props?"

Nicoli grins to Keara, then turns her eyes on Malent and Isain, adding
sweetly, "Come on guys, you've always been good at bragging 'bout things to
the rest of us." she tells'em. Sorry Malent, you were with Isain.. and
everyone knows Nic's out to get Isain..

Kindre is soon bobbing her head agreeably to Kassima's words. "Candidates
always have good stories," she prods, eyes on the two young men. Ticking
off on her fingers as she speaks, she adds, "Thinkgs we've gotten away
with, things we've hid from the coordinators...Am I right?"

Keara gulps and ducks behind someone nearly as smelly as her, trying to
avoid Kindre's evil eye.

Malent gives Nic a hard look, she wasnt looking at him, but at Medei, he
keeps wishing, flood , fire disaster, something, even that greenrider that
wanted him as a pet, anything would be a rescue.

Telgar Weyr> Keara thinks we could arrange a greenrider, ey?

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "it was gad his name starts with an A, like A'sar
or something like that"

Isain whines back at Medei, "Is so," and the Kassima-caused and
Nicoli-encouraged freeze breaks down only as Kindre continues. He bobs his
head, too, only it's in the other direction, the no-no-no directly. "Not
that you'd be wrong, Weyrwoman, but, uh, well, with that smell and all," a
bob swinging awry to point out Keara, here, "I just can't think of a thing,
not a -thing-. Nicoli, now, I'm sure she's used to it, and quick-witted
even now."

Jennifer murmurs quietly to the candidates beside her, "easy for them to
talk about pranks when THEY are already riders. We're the one's who'll be
shipped home."

Medei blinks as Jennifer's words are the ones to sink into his head.
'Shipped home.' His fist clenches in the pocket of his trousers, then he
looks to Isain and offers his own support. "He's right. Maybe...er...Nicoli
has a story?"

Keara glances at Isain, and wiggles and looks moderately miserable. "Well,"
she finally says, seeing that nobody else is going to volunteer, "did you
all hear about the fire in the living cavern?" Another glandce at Isain,
"though some of you were there."

Nicoli just looks at Isain, "Oh no you don't.. Don't /even/ think 'bout
it.." she says, trying to defend herself against the oncoming onslaught.

"Sounds like an attempt t'be getting out of it t'me," Kassi stagewhispers
to Kin. "Still, mayhaps they're right. I'd like t'know about this eyeball
and brain thing m'self, because frankly, I remain thoroughly disturbed by
the concept."

Telgar Weyr> Tania waviesnugs all! "Hey! What am I missing?!"

Telgar Weyr> Keara drags Tania to see Kassi and Kindre talk about underpants.

Telgar Weyr> Isain sees something suspicious. Of the people in the records
room, Alyssa was the only A, the rest being I J K L M N. -Hmm-. Someone
stole the rest of the alphabet. (Hi, Tania! show&tell in records room)

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "Tan!! *snugtacklepounces!!*"

Liadan is quietly, gently, silently falling asleep, her face settling into
a peaceful expression that directly contrasts to the cynical lines that
describe her demeanor during waking hours. She's just /asking/ for someone
to jump her.

Isain mutters at Medei and Jennifer, "Can't contradict the Weyrwoman, after
all," and forces his freckled features into a semblance of a delighted beam
for dear, dear Nicoli, however belied by the lingering panic in his eyes.

Telgar Weyr> Tania oh! "How do I get there?" :) (oofs and tickles Nic!) :)

Telgar Weyr> Isain says, "Southern bowl, records room."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn really has to bolt. Pretend I'm actually there. :)

J'lyn slips out of the records cavern.

Nicoli just /looks/ at Isain. She'll get him back later. And he should
/know/ she'll get him back later. Hearing Kassima she chuckles.. "Well.. I
/do/ have something to do with the 'eyes and brains' thing here with me.."
she admits, turning around to get something.

Telgar Weyr> K'ryo says, "It's just not the same, Jaly. =)"

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli says, "Hurry up! I'm getting ready to tell'em 'bout the
eyes and brains Tan. :)"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn knows, but try to survive without me. ;)

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Laters, y'all. :)"

Jennifer looks at Keara, "when the the cavern get caught on fire?" This
catches her attention through everything else.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs a Jal. :)

Telgar Weyr> Liadan says, "We should have a directions seminar - only about
two candies knew how to get there! :)"

Medei relaxes imperceptably as the attention shifts elsewhere, and he
quietly gets up from his chair and makes for the doorway.

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli snuggles Jaly.

Later is later, and now is now - and for now, Isain goes quiet.

Telgar Weyr> Medei apologises, but has to go pick up his sister. :)

Medei slips out of the records cavern.

Isain slips out of the records cavern.

Alyssa grimaces a bit at Jennifer: caverns and fires do not have the best
memories for the bluerider. Still, she pays attention, listening to what
goes on about her.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre has to go, too :( The kidlet isn't feeling well and
Daddy isn't cutting it for her.

Telgar Weyr> Tania just waviesnugs all leaving :)

Keara nods at Jennifer, "But it was really boring. maybe somebody else has
a better story," she says hopefully.

Tania strides in from the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima awwws, poor kidlet. *Snugs a Kin.*

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "poor lil tyke"

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli aws and snuggles those going.

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa hugs Kindrelove.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre snugs and le poofs :)

Tania walks into the records room, looking around. "What's going on? I was
just told 'go to the records room, now candidate!'"

Keara nods to Jennifer, "Soon's you tell me bout Tier and then Jav." She
grins and waves to Tania.

Kassima agrees, shifting in her chair to peer towards Nicoli, "Eyes and
brains sound promising. Do tell, if'n props that would make one lose one's
lunch aren't involved?" Oh, yeah, Kassi. Say that after bringing in a giant
severed head.

Malent gives Nic a look, "Yes and that prank, hasnt been forgotten either."
He smiles sweetly. Mal pull a prank on someone? no not he?.......Yeah , right.

Jennifer nods to Keara, "after this. I swear. Just, not around all the
people. Okay?"

Tania eyes Nic, grinning. "Eyes and brains? Do tell!" she giggles, walking
over to the group.

Kindre's attention is well-thwarted, her eyes now on Nicoli. Sitting
quietly, for a change, the Weyrwoman seems intent on listening to the young
woman's tale.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Assume Kin is listening and all that :) Night all!"

Keara's attention is pulled abruptly away from Jennifer to rest on Nicoli.
"Eyes and brains?" She makes a face.

Telgar Weyr> Liadan pokes. Someone try to wake up Liadan.

Nicoli turns back around holding two bowls, one holding something that
looks like the Pernese equiveliant of peeled grapes and something that
could pass as brains. "Well now, I guess I'll have to tell ya'll about the
Haunted Hold Of Horrors. And, strangely enough, fits right in with Kassi's
tell of Slithereth." she begins, eyes gleaming to Tania, she murmurs
something to her real quick while she catches her breath.

Telgar Weyr> Keara volunteers.

Tania looks over and sees the seeming sleeping Liadan. She gives her a
little nudge with her foot and walks over to Nic.

Jennifer utters a soft yuck as she looks at the bowl Nicoli is holding and
draws back as if it were really eyes and brains, "what--how did you drag
that in here? Why would you?"

Keara scoots closer to hear Nicoli, ending up very close to Liadan. A quick
glance at her reveals thast she's asleep, so Keara settles down, exuding a
huge cloud of disgusting odor in Liadan's direction.

Kassima peers at the peeled grapes, as Pern does have them, with due horror
for a moment before realizing that they *aren't* actually eyes. Hopefully.
The brains, however, are given a very traumatized look and she scoots her
chair back a trifle. "Yum," she mutters, then glances back up with interest
to listen to this telling.

Telgar Weyr> Tania LAUGHS at Keara!

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa peers.

Telgar Weyr> Keara looks innocent. Will that wake Lia up?

Tania starts to sit between Keara and Nic, then makes a face and sits on
Nic's other side.

Nicoli smiles ever so sweetly to Jennifer, "I'm surprised one of the lads
haven't told you 'bout some of my hobbies." she winks, eyes dancing. "Well,
it all begins one day not so long ago, when a bunch of us went the Tillek
Gather. Among those of us present, there was.. Let's see, Tan, me, Malent,
Javinar, Kindre.. Did you make it in there Jenn? Anyways, a bunch of us
decided to go explore the 'Hold of Horrors' that was there.." she begins.

Jennifer lifts her hand a bit, she was there but, "I got distracted halfway
through so, I think I must have missed this part." SHe narrows her eyes a
little. Always missing the good stuff.

Tania grins at Nic. "Can I interupt?" she nods. "Well... me an' Nic went
there a bit... earlier... too... to the Hold of Horrors, that is..."

Malent frowns and didnt think the joke was all that funny.

Alyssa's smile warms as she leans nearer to Kindre to whisper something,
then again gives her attention to the discussion and to Nicoli, leading it.

Nicoli ahs and nods to Jennifer. "Too bad, would have been fun." she says,
grinning. She starts to continue as Tania interupts, and shrugs. She can
tell it for all Nic cares. She just brought the props.

"Shardit, knew I should've gone to that Gather," Kassi mutters to herself,
leaning back in her chair. "Sounds nigh as bad as the Scary Tent."

Tania grins sheepishly. "Sorry, Nic... keep going..."

Nicoli chuckles. "Well, who ever set it up did a good job of it. It was
-so- dark in there, we could barely see our hands in front of our faces.
Seeing as how it was Tania and I were 'in the lead', so to speak, we gave
them the 'guided tour'. For indeed, we'd been there mere minutes earlier,
and knew what was there. Now, Kassima, from what Kindre was saying (and the
suggestions Nic and Tan kept making) it apparently reminded her a /lot/ of
what the caverns were Slithereth once ruled.." she pauses a moment to catch
her breath.

Jennifer swishes her legs back and forth, looking from NIc to Tan unable to
decide who is telling the story until Nicoli starts it up again. "I wonder
if someone from Benden Weyr did that then."

Kassima lifts an eyebrow in interest at *that*. "You mean the place was
full of latrines?"

Tania just nods along with what Nicoli is saying, a slight smile on her
face the entire time.

Alyssa murmurs to Kindre, "Excuse me...Mykaa is fussing, apparently," and
slips out as inobtrusively as she can.

Keara ewws at the story, and edges closer to Liadan, away from those
brains. Oop! She bumped her. "Sorry," she mutters, and coughs again in the
resulting stench.

Surprisingly enough, Liadan doesn't awaken. In fact, she doesn't move at
all, just remains ramrod stiff and fast asleep.

Alyssa slips out of the records cavern.

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa prepares for bed.

Telgar Weyr> Tania snugliewavies Alyssa night! :)

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa isn't quite gone yet. :)

Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "But thanks. :) :)"

Lanryi leans back to listen to the story and glances at the sleeping
candidate. "Maybe she's dead," she mutters to no one in particular.

Jennifer's nose crinkles up at Keara's smell, she's trying to decide just
/what/ that is. Or rather perhaps she's trying to block it out. She tilts
her face against her shoulder, useing the soft fabric to shield her sense
of smell.

Malent takes a whiff, and stares at keara.

Nicoli smiles lightly to Jennifer, then smirks to Kassima. "After a
fashion, at least where we took them." she replies, eyes dancing in
rememberance. "For you see, there was this one spot, towards the back of
the hold, that was.. well, interesting, as Malent there could tell you.
There was this area of.. well, murky pools, in a /very/ dark room, that had
/something/ in them. Something that tried to grab people. Something that
nearly grabbed -us-. Malent and some of the others went and looked, and
came back at a dead run..." another breath..

Jehrina arrives down a corridor from the Farviewer Chamber.

Keara stares back at Malent, smiling deliberately. In fact, she takes a
piece of her shirt and flaps it in his direction. She elbows Liadan again,
still accidentally, fairy hard though.

Kassima crinkles her nose in definite distaste. "Ack, a tent of latrines?
Latrines with things living in 'em? Those Tillek people get weirder every
Turn." But yes, she's still listening.

Tania mutters. "But we fought him back..." interupting Nic again, but she
grins at her to continue.

Jennifer eewws softly but is unable to pull her attention away from the
story, how could she have missed something so fun? She nods a little in
between the telling, "Did it pull anyone down in?"

Jehrina simply slips in the back, pretty much unobtrusively, making no
indication that she's expecting anything.

Telgar Weyr> Liadan is falling asleep, 'fraid. So one last pose and I'm gone.

K'ryo glances at the ex-WeyrWoman as she enters, his posture straightening

Nicoli grins back to Tan. "Nay, it was a deadly fight, but we managed it,
though we all had to run for our lives." She tells Jenn, then holds the two
bowls aloft a moment. "Now, there was another place in the hold, a place
that Tan and I did not take them, that had a very.. gruesome kitchen,
filled with 'eyes' and 'hearts' and 'brains' and things of that nature. And
we well.. latched onto a few." she says. Okay, so they out and out
stole'em. "Now, all of these Candidates, and our Favorite Weyrwoman,"
giving Kindre one of those 'Ain't I innocent?' smiles, "..come /running/
out from this.. room filled with things after them. People are shrieking,
minds are running wild, while these.. bodies.. come after them. And
suddenly, from above, they feel these.. -Eyes- fall on top of them, and
brains hit thier back.. 'The Remains of Slitherith!' cried someone who to
this day I've yet to figure out.." she pauses again, time for another breath.

"I never *did* figure out what Eryssiara did with his innards," Kassima
quips thoughtfully--and helpfully--from her seat. "I do hope being chased
by corpses isn't going t'become a *regular* thing at Gathers. I mean,
imagine the stains on the finery."

Tania just shakes her head and giggles, waiting to hear Nic finish this
story... she's much better at telling stories than she could be...

Jennifer wows softly, shifting back and forth in her chair, "Ahyak!"

Lanryi chuckles at Kassima's comments and the pictures of gather gowns
splattered with tunnel-snake remains.

Malent shivers, just thinking about it.

Liadan's eyes snap open as the elbow jabs into her side, and in what seems
to be one fluid movement, steel fingers snap about Keara's arm and twist as
she spins about in her chair, one leg neatly sweeping the baker's chair out
from beneath her as she rises to her feet with knife in hand. In just a
moment, all this occurs and Liadan stares oddly down at Keara. "Don't scare
me like that" is her only comment as she sheathes her knife and moves on
out. A bed owuld be safer to sleep in.

Liadan slips out of the records cavern.

"Can't you -imagine- everyone's reactions to /that/?? If you thought
everyone was screaming before, they were yelling loud enough now to wake up
the dead, no pun intended." Nic says with a light smile, "Suddenly, Malent
and Jav started shouting as they said /something/ had fallen down their
backs. Of course, those 'somethings', were these." she says, giving
everyone a full view of the bowls' contents. "Want to talk dangerous. This
would have been /perfect/, except for one minor detail Tania and I
forgot.." she sighs.

Jennifer leaps out of her own chair at Liadan's wild movements, eyes rather
wild, "ohmyshards, you alright Keara?"

Malent blinks at Liadan, almost jumping to rescue Keara, then stops in mid
jump when he sees Liadan backs off.

Jehrina shakes her head absently.

Keara looks from her tumbled chair to Liadan's exit to the rest of the
onlookers. "Um, oops," she says embarrassedly, and she stretches out on the
floor. "I'm fine. What fell down your back? I got occupied."

Tania nods sadly. "The bowl... err..." she blinks at Liadan, frowning, then
looks over at Keara. "Are you OK?"

Nicoli blinks at Liadan's reaction, then peers at Keara. "You alright?" she
asks. Hearing Kera's affirmative and question, she nods down towards her
bowls. "These. Eyes and Brains. But sadly, as I was telling the others,
there was a.. minute flaw in Tan and my's planning." she tells Keara.

Lanryi starts when Liadan wakes. With eyes wide she mumbles, "I guess she
wasn't dead."

Keara smiles sweetly at Lanryi, laying on her back, "Seems almost a shame,
don't it."

Jennifer saw a knife, didn't she see a knife? She sits back down slowly,
looking worried as she tries to turn her attention back to the story at hand.

Kassima watches the knifeplay with idlish interest, evidently not at all
disturbed by the presence of flashy sharp things. Is this at all
surprising? "High-strung, isn't she?" she murmurs, before peering towards
Nicoli. "What was the flaw?" she just has to ask.

Telgar Weyr> Keara says, "goes away *sigh* I know you'll miss me, try to
survive till I get back ;)"

Nicoli smiles ruefully to Kassima, "Actually, there were two things. One,
was we had no way to get rid of the bowls. The second was, well, we let
them get between us and the exit.." she admits with a sad sigh.

Telgar Weyr> Lanryi waves to everybody that's leaving

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli snuggles Keara too!

Keara stands up, rearranging smelly clothing with some small shred of
dignity. "I'm going to go bathe," she says. "Talk to you later." Sighing,
she mopes out of the room.

Keara slips out of the records cavern.

"The bowls... we forgot to get rid of the bowl..." Tania mutters.

Kassima winces at the second flaw. "That probably wasn't wise, aye," she
delicately agrees. "So what'd they do t'you?"

Telgar Weyr> Tania args! "Didn't see your pose Nic... sorry :)

Jennifer aws softly as she watches Keara walk off and allows her shoulders
to droop a touch. "I'll never get a chance to talk with her about that stuff."

Malent smiles innocently, "Oh we are bigger than that to step so low as to
do anything as vile as revenge."

Telgar Weyr> Malent says, "translate in Maleneese, "be afraid, be very
afraid." :)"

Nicoli smirks, "Oh, we managed to get by them. There's something to be said
about being in the dark. So Tan and I take off at a dead run, a pack of
people from Telgar on our heels. We darted through opening, dodging cobwebs
and trying not to get caught in any of the horrors there. Passing the
Kitchen we left the bowls, never pausing for a second in fear of being
caught. On we ran, dodging these.. /maniacs/ who were after us. Finally,
eventually, we managed to make it to the door, ahead of the pack. On we ran
through the snow still at Tillek, trying to escape them, when we ran into a
certain Green Dragon named Acevedath." another breath.

Tania grins. "And then the real fun began..." she says, chuckling, eyes
sparkling gold as Nic's story takes her back.

Jennifer catches her breath alittle as just hearing the telling of the
story distracts her from worring about Keara and draws her into the
excitement. "oh! No! What did she do to you?"

Malent sits back, and laughs, "If you know Aceveth, you know if she has her
tail dug down in somthing, dont be a target."

Kassima covers her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle snickers. "Janet's
green of Igen?" she guesses after a moment. "This sounds ominous."

Nicoli smiles evilly at Jennifer, "She. Is. A. Very. Playful. Dragon." she
warns to Jennifer. "Ace saw we lasses running into the area, launching snow
back at these mad, raving lunatics following us, and thought that 'Hey,
that looks like fun', or something along those lines. The next thing /I/
know, is Jav is buried in snow, trying his best to get away and throwing
these tiny, insignifigant snow balls back at this /dragon/. Tan and I
cheer! We're safe! Lasses stick together, right? Wrong." another pause.

Tania nods sadly. "Very wrong..."

Jennifer laughs as her hands clap together at the twist of the story,
"jays! I want a lifemate like that. Not one of those boring
stick-in-the-mud kind." She tilts her head to one side, privately cheering
for Jav getting covered in snow and nods her head a couple times.

Malent smiles, "Ace is a good dragon. She has a good lifemate as well."

Tania nods. "Ace was fun..." she frowns a moment, then grins again. "And
Janine seemed really nice..."

Malent sits back and thinks, "If I was to choose a dragon, I think I would
have one like Ace, or like K'gen's Darloth. Dar loves to be scritched and
seemed always to be as gentle as K'gen is."

Nicoli nods sadly along with Tania. "We cheer too soon, for their's one
thing we didn't realize. Ace didn't care who she hit, she was just going to
launch snow." she sighs, remembering. "Suddenly, I hear this /sound/.
Clump! Thump! Ayiee!! Silence... And then /white/ everywhere. About this
time, Isain and company show up, digging us out of the snow, as does
Janine. However, the good thing is, at least we got a ride back." she

Jennifer giggles softly at the end of the story and shakes her head, "next
time," she assures the other candidates, "I am not going to go home early.
I don't care how much my stomach might bother me. That sounds like so much

Tania giggles and claps. "You tell the story so well, Nic! It's like I was
re-lving it!"

Malent says "I have a show and tell tale. One night K'gen and I went to go
listen to the ocean, at Boll. I laid down and he showed me how to listen
for things I never realized was around me."

Jennifer turns to Malent to listen, eyebrows going up slightly.

Tania turns to Malent too, listening.

Telgar Weyr> Nicoli hasta go. School tomorrow. Thanks for the RP everyone!

Nicoli grins to Tania, and then gets up, giving a small wave and slipping
out, muttering about something she needs to finish.

Nicoli slips out of the records cavern.

Kassima snickers quietly, dipping her chin in agreement. "A very good
story," she agrees, scooting back in her chair... but pausing at the start
of the second tale. "Mayhaps one more tale a'fore I get back to the

Malent smiles at the memory, "Its more than just saying "Thats a wave,
thats an avian. Its hearing each wave, all different, its like music, if
you really sit back and pay attention. "He makes arm movements with his
hands, "It hearing how a spider claw makes little clicking sounds as it
rests, its hearing the sand as someone walks across it."

Malent smiles at the memory, "Its more than just saying "Thats a wave,
thats an avian. Its hearing each wave, all different, its like music, if
you really sit back and pay attention. "He makes arm movements with his
hands, "It hearing how a spider claw makes little clicking sounds as it
rests, its hearing the sand as someone walks across it."

Jennifer nods a little, "I've never listened to the ocean like that before."

Lanryi streatches and says, "I'm so tired I don't think I can stay awake
for another story. I'm heading to bed." and walks of to the bowl.

Lanryi slips out of the records cavern.

Malent waves to the candidate leaving as he says a bit more. "It was a
lesson that there is so much more out there, than I realized, its just
learning to listen."

Tania waves to everyone leaving, listening to Malent still, thoughtfully.

Kassima smiles slightly at that, nodding. "Learning t'listen or see can be
key," she uncautiously rhymes, slipping out of her chair. "The kidlets are
calling now, alas. Clear skies, all of you... it's been a pleasure."

Jennifer shifts in her chair, nodding to Malent with a thoughtful look.
Kassima gets an uncertain wave, she doesn't know what to make of the
greenrider just yet so stays on the aloof, yet respectful side. "Clear
skies greenrider."

Malent says "It was nice to meet you, Kassima, I am glad not all the tales
were true about you."

Tania nods over to Kassima. "Clear skies..."

Kassima tosses an amiable wave back, then grins at Malent. "You'd be
surprised," she answers cryptically, hefting her Box of Scary Things. "Tell
me which tales have been told sometime, and 'twill tell whether or nay
they're true. If'n anyone says I strangle wherries with m'bare hands,
though, *that's* a lie. I used a knife, shardit." With that, she sweeps
outside to where her dragon waits.

K'ryo nods to the greenrider on her way out.

You slip out of the records cavern.