-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sing, Sing a Song Date: May 19, 1997 Place: Benden Weyr Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Harper Mikkel writes the songs that make the whole world sing! Well, okay, perhaps not. But he did write one of Kassi's favorites, which she gets an unexpected chance to perform in this log: Journeyman Kelset offered her voice lessons to help her wile away time during her pregnancy, and now she gets a chance to take him up on it. First, though, he wants to hear how she sings. And what besides the Benden Drinking Song could she possibly choose? OOC credit goes to both Mikkel, who wrote the filk, and the writer of the original MIT Drinking Song on which it was based. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Kelset lifts his mug over towards Kassima as he notices her entrance, letting his smile grow into a grin. "Kassima! Afternoon. How fares?" Kassima meanders into the room from the direction of the Bowl, a satchel stuffed with something that clatters faintly slung over one shoulder and a light stack of hides carried on one arm. "Afternoon, Kelt, Trader," she greets both men cheerfully enough as she sets her burdens down at her seat at the Thunderbolt table. "Fares well! I painted a few more rocks for Kiat, got my swim done with early this morning, and fit in some time with my hidework and reading. All told, I'm feeling very productive, and 'tis quite the improvement. How about with you?" Kayne smiles and sips his wine. Kelset heads over to a seat at the Thunderbolt table, near Kassima, and automatically giving Kassima a glance to check if it's all right, sits down. "A pleasant feeling, certainly!" he agrees with a soft laugh. "Well, I got up early, as always, and took care of most of the hidework for the day. Aelyra headed up around the noon meal, and made quite a bit of progress in her lesson. I'm making slight progress on a song I've been working on. I have time, actually, now for a bit of a lesson if you'd like. Though," he gestures with his mug to her hides, "It's fine if you're busy." Benden Weyr> C'vadan aieees! Kassi and Kelset are in the same room. Oh the humanity of it all! Jalimax walks here from the Inner Cavern. Jalimax waves and smiles. "Heya." Kayne raises his wineglass to Jalimax. Benden Weyr> Kelset grins evilly. Benden Weyr> Kassima cackles at Cav. Might I suggest that you flee? ;) Kelset glances over to Jalimax, donning a quick smile. "Afternoon, Master Jalimax!" K'nan walks in from the bowl. Kassima nods to Kelt to indicate that it's fine with her if he sits there, leaning backwards in her chair to listen to the Harper's words. "She seems like a nice enough lass, this Aelyra. I recall her from the Festival; she Impressed a most interesting young green... ach, but I digress. You're writing another song?" Even as she asks this, her face lights up at the prospect of a lesson. "Though my days of complete idleness are fortunately a thing of the past, Kelt, I do believe that I've still time for such things in plenty. Afternoon, Jali!" She waves over to the retired Master genially, then turns that wave towards whoever's coming in from the Bowl when she hears a footfall. Said wave turns more enthusiastic when she turns to see just who it is. "K'nan! G'day t'you, m'friend." Kayne waves to K'nan. K'nan chuckles faintly at the greeting, tossing his jacket over his shoulder as he walks in. "G'day, Kassi..how goes?" Kelset gives Kassima a quick smile as he settles in his seat, nodding slowly. "I'm glad you're impressed with her. She certainly seems to be a lot more outgoing than /I/ was as an apprentice," he says, chuckling quietly. "Well, working /gradually/ on it. I'm hoping it'll be for my Handfasting. So it's proceeding slowly." He gives a slight shrug, pausing for a moment to sip at his cider. Mulling over the taste for a few seconds, he finally continues, "You asked for either gitar or voice. I, personally, would much prefer Voice, since I've never been exceptionally good at teaching instrumental things. I can play it well enough, but..." He shrugs once more. "And if you'd like, I was thinking of seeing /how/ you sing today, and working on techniques for warming up and such, taking correct breaths..." He pats his stomach as if to demonstrate as he speaks. He glances over to K'nan as he enters, smiling. "Good day. So /you're/ K'nan. I was hearing a bit about you the other morning." K'nan swings himself into a chair near Kassima and settles down..kicking booted feet comfortably up onto the table. He stretches his arms back behind him before folding them behind his head, "Aye..s'me. Nothin' good, I'm sure." He winks, then turns to Kassima. "What've ye been tellin' this young harper?" Benden Weyr> Jalimax says, "my god, someone who poses just as long as Kassi" Benden Weyr> Kayne tries to keep his short so as not to spam. ;) C'vadan walks in from the bowl. C'vadan waves. Momentarily distracted by the arrival of a young stick of a lad on serving duty, Kassi accepts her glass of some noxious-looking green stuff with a smile of thanks before turning her attention to K'nan's question. "I fare well, fare very well indeed. 'Tis truly marvelous to have useful work again, I must tell you--and staying off m'feet to do it is also a wonder. How about with yourself?" Without taking her attention wholly from her mentor of old, she notes to Kelt, "I think 'twould be wise as well, since I can't see m'self being able to play gitar very comfortably within a few more months if'n y'get my meaning... as to wanting t'hear how I sing, you're welcome to it. Any requests?" Back to K'nan, Kassi quips, "Nay a thing, K'nan, nay a thing; he must've heard about the herdbeast blood incident from someone else." Benden Weyr> C'vadan collapses under the weight of the poses. Ooof. Benden Weyr> C'vadan figures it is because there are so many K's in one place :) Benden Weyr> Kassima whacks Cav upside the head with some Special K and K-Rations. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Big poses. Very big poses." Kelset chuckles, shrugging lightly over to K'nan. "It wasn't Kassima, I'm afraid. It was a young woman named Rowen, actually. Looking for you?" He turns back to Kassima, echoing quickly, "Requests? Hm. Well, a brief teaching song would be best, as I'm more interested in how you're singing, less in what you're singing. Actually, when you're ready, I have a few excercises I'd like you to try." Benden Weyr> Kayne says, "Great, 'uuuuge poses!" Benden Weyr> C'vadan staggers. From Kassi's poses. ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Size matters not. Judge me by the size of my poses, do you? ;)" Benden Weyr> Kelset throws in a relatively scrawny one. ;) C'vadan blinks. C'vadan sits. Kassima smiles. Benden Weyr> Kassima does that just to freak Cav out. ;) Kelset greets C'vadan with a smile. "G'day." Benden Weyr> C'vadan watches Pern get thrown from orbit because Kassi poses small. Benden Weyr> Kelset finds it physically impossible to do less than that. ;) C'vadan waves. "Hiya. Wassup?" Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Fortunately for you all, I am limited to 256 characters :)" K'nan ahs, and nods. "S'been awhile - I've been busy. Hey Cav!" Benden Weyr> T'ren judges Kassi by the size of her Waffles. Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Great. So now I'm left at a loss as to what to reply. ;) Sharding short poses. ;)" Benden Weyr> K'nan is an evil man, Benden Weyr> T'ren paraphrases the knockers scene from Young Frankenstein, to Kassi, "What Waffles!" C'vadan grins at K'nan. "How have you been?" he asks and he gets back up and pours himself some juice. Kayne watches the LC whip itself into a frenzy from a quiet corner for a moment, then downs the rest of his wine and stands, glancing around before heading toward the bowl. Kassima then clears her throat and asks, "Rowen? I've nay seen her in half a canine's age--how's she been?" Reclinging back in her chair, she lifts one hand to wave to the Dawnslight Wingsecond. "Heya and g'deve, Cav. You're in luck: Kelt's just asked me t'sing something, so you'll have the misfor--ahem, *good* fortune... aye, that's what I meant... of hearing." With a wink to the brownrider, she nods to Kelt. "Short, then... um, hmmm. Don't know *too* many short ones. Would the Benden Drinking Song do? Nay, that's a long one, really." She mulls this over for awhile, the gears in her head almost visibly turning. Benden Weyr> Kassima drats as, asked to sing for one of the very rare times in Kassi's history, she can't think of a *short* song to save her soul. ;) Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Do you want me to just ask her to sing an excercise of something?" Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Sing Y'kko's Place AOn Pern Song :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima hrms. Actually, I know some shortish ones that would be okay, but they're all love songs. :P :) Eeek, Cav, that's not *short*! ;) Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "BDS!BDS!" Kayne walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Kayne says, "Night, folks!" Benden Weyr> Kassima can do the BDS, but it *is* kind of long. Would anyone care? Zhai, Kayne. :) Kelset leans back, nodding as he nearly finishes the cider in his mug. "Well, aside from her case of the Benden flu, she seems to be doing well," he replies with a slight shrug. He watches Kassima, chuckling slightly with amusement. "If you're at a loss for songs, I could just have you begin. But any will do, to be honest. Just as long as you feel comfortable with it." Benden Weyr> Kelset wouldn't. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan Can join in. ;) Benden Weyr> C'vadan will just watch :) Benden Weyr> Kassima amends: I could do the BDS, if my lag would let up for just one sharding moment. :P C'vadan retakes his seat and sips at his juice. Maarie enters from the Bowl. Salless drains the Klah in the Klah pot to make some fresh. C'vadan waves to Maarie. Benden Weyr> Kassima bangs on her 'Net, and will give it a shot. Please be patient, though, since I can't guarentee what my 'Net will do. :) Kelset glances over to Maarie, a quick smile glancing across his lips as he lifts his mug in greeting. "Good afternoon!" Benden Weyr> Kelset will do. :) Jalimax nods to Maarie, "Heya dear." Kassima nods, at first thoughtfully and then more decisively. "Right, then. I personally rather like the drinking song, and Faranth knows that I haven't gotten t'sing it in awhile." She waves absently to Maarie, then takes a deep breath to prepare herself. Kelset lifts his smile slightly, setting his mug on the table and leaning back, hands folded in front of him. K'nan chuckles softly, leaning back a bit more..and waving over to Maarie enthusiastically, Maarie wanders into the cavern from the lower caverns entrance way. She pauses when she sees the crowd and slips into a quiet seat, conveniently near K'nan and hopefully far enough away from Kassi. Kassima begins to sing, choosing her alto register as being more appropriate to this melody than the soprano. While it becomes evident within the first few notes that she's not precisely a formally trained singer, she's plainly enthusiastic and practiced if nothing else. "We are, we are, we are, we are, we are from Benden Weyr; We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers. Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum all day, and come along with us, For we don't give a shard for any old man who don't give a shard for us!" Benden Weyr> J'lyn waves. Benden Weyr> C'vadan snugs J'lyn :) Kelset chuckles slightly, a grin curving his lips upwards as he moves his head slightly to the music, assuming a rather easygoing expression. Benden Weyr> Kelset says, "Heyla, J'lyn!" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "How goes, folks?" C'vadan finishes his juice and stands, slipping quietly out to the bowl. C'vadan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima grins faintly as she starts getting into the song, the familiar and somewhat boisterous ballad causing her to almost involuntarily tap her toes to keep the beat. "Lessa was a lady who through Ruatha did ride, To show to all the Holderfolk her fine and pure white hide. The most observant man of all, from Benden Weyr, I'm told, Was the only man who noticed that Lessa rode a gold. A sailor and a Weyrman once had found a gallon can. Said the sailor, "Match me drink for drink, we'll see if you're a man!" They took three drinks, the sailor fell; his face was turning green-- But the Weyrman drank some more and said, "It's just agenothree!" J'lyn walks in from the bowl. J'lyn flops down in a chair with a weary wave. Kassima sings, "Fighting Thread by day and forty beers by night, A Benden man may never sleep and still stay just as bright. And should you ever ask him how he keeps up this routine, He'll raise his trusty mug of klah, and smile, and say, "Caffeine!" A man sat in a tavern with a lovely-visaged lass, And stared when for the nineteenth time she raised and drained her glass. He said, "You've outdrunk four strong men and half the bar, my dear." But the maiden smiled demurely and said, "I'm from Benden Weyr." Benden Weyr> J'lyn ROTFL, Kassi! Benden Weyr> Kassima can't take credit for this one, unfortunately. :) Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "It's still good, tho... Who's the culprit?" Kelset lets out a chuckle, still grinning as he finishes the last of his cider. Salless nods at J'lyn as he orders something. Salless unlocks the wine cabinet to pour J'lyn a single goblet of Benden Red. Kassima seems to find it difficult not to laugh as she winds up the song. She manages to keep *most* of her amusement from her voice with admirable restraint (especially from Kassi), but her eyes still dance with mirth as she sings the final lyrics. "Benden Weyr was Benden Weyr when Ista was a pup, And Benden Weyr'll be Benden Weyr when Ista's time is up. And any Istan son-of-a-wher who thinks he's in our class Can pucker up his rosy lips and kiss my dragon's... Oh, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are from Benden Weyr; We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers. Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum all day, and come along with us, For we don't give a shard for any old man who don't give a shard for us!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Jr. Journeyrank Harper Mikkel, according to the BDW Songpage. :)" J'lyn raises his glass to Kassi. "Yep, that's Benden riders for you. Buncha lushes..." He drinks about half a glass of the bright red wine. Benden Weyr> J'lyn heads to said Songpage as we speak. =) Benden Weyr> T'ren says, "What song is this, Kassi?" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "The Benden Weyr Drinking Song, T'ren. :)" Benden Weyr> T'ren says, "Oh yeah, Mikkel's filk." Benden Weyr> T'ren says, "Shards, Mikkel must have idle-dested nearly 6 months ago IRL." Kassima laughs and raises her own glass of citron in return, eyeing the liquid within ruefully. "I remember when I was a lush," she sighs reminiscently with a grin. "Now I'm a perfectly respectable individual, Faranth help me." She favors all of the riders at her table who suddenly crack up as she says that with her best dirty looks. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Y'know, looking at this songbook, you'd swear that Benden riders have nothing else better to do thatconnect CoveH_Bldr jeremy" Jalimax grins at Kassi, "Respectable ? Means you've got a weyrmate now ?" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Ack!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Than do *what*, J'lyn? ;)" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "What I was trying to say was we just sit around and steal songs and rewrite them..." Kelset brings his hands together in applause, laughing pleasantly, straightening up in his chair. "Sung with wonderful energy, Kassima. And it's nice to hear something by Mikkel - it'd been a while." He pauses, then asks, switching modes, "Could you sing something for me? Sing 'Neee' for me, on a descending scale, like this." He sings, his tone coming forth quite resonant, and fairly buzzing from his cheekbones, 'Nee' going down the scale. Benden Weyr> J'lyn gets to make up a new PW for his cove builder now... Benden Weyr> Jalimax snugs Uras :) Benden Weyr> T'ren hrms to Jlyn? Benden Weyr> Jalimax snugs Ursa even Benden Weyr> Kelset waves to Ursa. :) Benden Weyr> Ursa got ditched in the LC today. Sorry I can't stick around and play. :P/wd Kassima wrinkles her nose at Jali. "Faranth forefend!" Returning her attention to the Harper, she grins and comments, "I think I can sing Nee easily enough, aye." After a moment's thought, she picks the highest note in her soprano register to start with and descends from there with the 'Nee.' Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles as Kelt makes her think of the Knights Who Say Nee. *SnugsaBear.* Benden Weyr> C'vadan snugs Ursa :) Benden Weyr> T'ren says, "Ni!" Benden Weyr> J'lyn just cackles. "Hiya, Ursa!" Kelset smiles, then stands up, finding the position far more comfortable. "All right. Try, this time, concentrating on placing the sound right /here/," he says, pointing with his two fingers to his cheeks, near his nostrils. "Try to make it ugly. We want a resonant tone. It helps with projection." Benden Weyr> Jalimax ponders, Kassima, Apprentice Harper. Benden Weyr> Jalimax says, "sounds good, Kelset :))" Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "She asked. I don't force this sort of thing on people without being requested. ;)" He smiles. "Thanks, Jalimax. I'm still learning to give lessons, honestly. I just try to follow Cao's example." Kassima makes a face. "*Try* t'make it ugly?" she repeats, sounding dubious. Still, she does her best. And whether the result is what the Harper wants from her or not, one thing's for sure: it's not pretty to listen to. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at Kelt, and nodnods. Kassi likes singing, Faranth help her. :) Benden Weyr> T'ren says, "Oh nos. Not Kassi as a Harper! (;" Kelset lets out a laugh, nodding, a grin upon his lips. "That's the sort of thing I'm aiming for!" he says. "This time, though, try to make it /buzz/. Imagine all your sound coming right through your eyes." He sings a quick 'nee' to demonstrate, taking a breath from the stomach and singing a very nasal, buzzing note down the scale, very exaggerated. J'lyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "Buzz," Kassi replies thoughtfully. "Buzz. Like a vtol? Well, I can give that a try, but I can't claim that I've ever buzzed before." Her first attempt pretty much shows this, since she doesn't seem to catch on to the whole buzz aspect, but the second attempt is somewhat more insect-like. It sounds oddly like the way a certain bluerider at her table talks, in fact, so much so that he scowls at her for what he sees as trying to make fun of him. After flicking him a quick, sheepish smile, she inquires, "Like that?" Kelset chuckles quietly, nodding to Kassima. "Good. Now you've mastered the exaggeration on that point - now we need to use it to make the sound better. When I sing this..." he pauses, then sings, his tone set far back in his throat, almost breathy, and relatively quiet, "Neeeeeeee", "...I can't get any louder than that. And it doesn't sound pleasing to the ear at all. /But/, if I sing like this..." He pauses, takes in a low breath, then sings, "Neeee," only this time, the sound projects, coming out clear and pure, "..Then it sounds much nicer. The difference is, I'm singing up /here/." He lifts a hand as if to demonstrate the upper cavities of his mouth. "Now try the excercise again, singing normally this time, but try to have that same buzzing feeling in your cheeks." Kassima hmmms, considering that for a moment. "All right, I'll give it a shot." Taking another deep breath and doing her best to project from the diaphragm as she was probably taught Turns ago, she pitches her voice up higher to sing. She still sounds more nasal than her normal tones, though, and wrinkles her nose. "I don't think I've quite gotten the hang of this yet." Kelset dips his head slightly, a rather pleased smile on his face. "Good. That may sound... /odd/ to you, right now. But really, it lets you project a fuller sound. You should be able to settle into it if you practice. But you'll find that you use less breath, and have a clearer tone if you sing using your nose as well as your mouth. You /shouldn't/ be able to sing with a stuffed up nose." He glances around, realizing with a slightly guilty look that most of the living cavern has fallen silent. "Do you want to continue, or save the rest for another day, Kassima?" Emlyn comes in from the inner caverns. She's carrying an armload of clean laundry. "I know I have a much harder time pronouncing words and singing notes clearly when I've a cold, which might explain all the wincing from the masses...." Kassi grins, then waves over to the arriving greenrider cheerfully before responding to the Journeyman, "We may as well save it, I suspect, else you'll have the Cavern wanting your hide for subjecting them to too much of m'singing at once." Kelset nods, a smile tracing his lips, as he replies, "Yes, exactly. And as you learn to sing more through your nose, you'll notice that if you plug your nose like this," he demonstrates for a moment, "Sound will just /stop/. But that'll come with time." He laughs a bit, sitting down with a smile. "All right. Well, I hope I gave you a bit to practice on. You really did sing quite well." He reaches down and, finding his mug empty, begins heading over to the serving tables for more cider. "Good day, Emlyn," he greets cheerfully. Kassima chuckles and shakes her head, smiling. "I'll take your word for that for the nonce, since I'll confess that I can't imagine it... and aye, I'd say you have. Singing's one thing I can practice while doing just about aught else, Faranth be thanked... and thankee for the praise, Journeyman; 'tis good t'hear such from an actual Harper." She grins, then, glancing around the room, catches sight of Emlyn's laundry. "Lots of clothing you've got there," she quips. Kelset chuckles, glancing back over at Kassima as he fills his mug with cider from a large pitcher. "Well, it's nice to hear someone who's not afraid of their voice. So many people are absolutely petrified to sing in front of anyone." He takes the mug and moves back to his seat across from Kassima. "Just cleaned?" he asks of Emlyn. Emlyn grins in response to the greetings. She looks at the armload of tunics and underthings and gives Kassima an arched-eyebrow look. "It's not all mine, and none of it's new." Emlyn nods at Kelset as she takes a seat. "All cleaned. I've never gotten used to not doing my own laundry. I guess I'll need to adjust to not having the time to do it myself, though." Benden Weyr> Emlyn greets, in case those of you Rping with me didn't notice i'd arrived. ;-) Kassima snorts at Kelt, with amusement. "If'n you'd wanted to see me when 'twas petrified t'do such things, you should've spoken to the fourteen Turn-old wanderer or the fifteen Turn-old Candidate; the twenty-two Turn old rider is hopefully a bit less timid. I love t'sing, but I confess that I usually just sing to m'self." To Emlyn, she quips, "I'truth, 'tis a blessing; some of the launderers know tricks for getting stains from clothing that I never could've figured out in a full Interval's worth of Turns." Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs. :) Heya a bit belatedly, Emlyn. ;) Benden Weyr> Kelset grins, looking suitably shocked. "Emlyn!" Kelset lifts his mug briefly as he brings it to his lips, smiling. "I imagine that'd build confidence," he agrees. "I wonder where I'll be at twenty-two. It's only... over five turns away." He chuckles a bit, as if the thought of being that old amuses him. "I've /never/ had to do my own laundry," he comments to Emlyn, smiling. "Though I've had to do other peoples a few times when I was assigned extra chores at the Hall." Emlyn grins at Kassima, saying, "My Da's fond of saying, 'Every farmer knows his own acres best.' Not surprising the laundresses would be better at their tasks than the rest of us." She looks over at Kelset. "How did you avoid it, Harper?" Kelset gives a slight shrug, a grin rising to his lips. "Despite what our Apprentices may tell you, we have a very light workload at the Hall. Most of our time is spent in classes, and laundry is usually the work of the Hall's staff. They still liked to hand it out, though, as a mild punishment, just so we knew /how/ to do it." Kassima makes a face at Kelt and asks, her tone almost forlorn, "Must you remind me of how terribly old I'm getting?" A grin quirks her mouth upwards, though. "You'd be seventeen, then. A prime age, and I'm nay just saying that because 'tis the age when 'twas first a full rider... aye, Emlyn," she laughs. "M'own Da has a similar saying: 'Only wherry-keepers know their charges well enough t'see the signs of internal parasites.'" Kelset chuckles over his mug at Kassima's comment, smiling. "Twenty-two is anything but old," he says. "Master Caoilfionn is fourtythree." The age is declared almost as if it were one hundred or more. "It is a good age. Even though I feel terribly green sometimes, being this young and at my first posting, too." Emlyn sees Maarie sitting quietly at the croner of her vision. The newly-promoted greenrider directs a friendly salute at the greenriding wingsecond. Emlyn says to Kelset, "You're doing a fine job, Journeyman. There've been no stabbings since you arrived, and the border conflicts haven't flared up lately." She grins. Maarie comes out of her trance and returns Emlyn's salute with a small smile. Kassima shakes her head again, standing up from her chair to head over towards the nearest source of food. "Young you may be, Kelt, but you're doing a fine job from what I've seen--and the Hall surely knows what it's doing; you'd nay be here if'n 'tweren't ready. Is there aught I can get for any of you in the food department?" she adds, glancing back towards the table. Emlyn considers Kassima's request and says, "If there's some fresh rolls, I'd take a warm one." Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles to yon Bakerbabe. :) Benden Weyr> Ofira snugs the waffler and the rest of you :) Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kelset flashes Emlyn a grateful smile. "Well," he says, letting out a laugh, "I must be doing a good job, then." He adds a roll of his eyes and a slight shudder. "Stabbings. What next?" he jokes. "And thank you, Kassima. I'm learning, as with anything. Food? Hm... are there any sweetrolls?" Benden Weyr> Kelset waves to Ofira! :) Ofira waves, "'Evening all." Kelset looks over to Ofira, smiling as he recognises her. "Good evening, Master Ofira," he greets pleasantly. Emlyn turns to give Ofira a smiling salute. "Evening, Ma'am." "I believe there are," Kassi remarks as she lifts the cover over several baskets, peering at the contents within. "Bread does sound good, though the youngling is making it known that there's a definite preference for things slathered with aught that's sweet--so I think I'll make good use of the citron-berry jam today. Aye, Kelt, I'm fairly sure that they are." A fresh, still steaming roll and a less hot sweetroll go onto a plate, as does a large chunk of Telgar five-grain bread thick with jam and an assortment of fresh blueberries. "Though how this stuff will go with that noxious asparagus brew, Faranth only knows... g'deve, Ofira!" Ofira finds a drudge with a tray of klah mugs and then a seat, returning Emlyn's salute, with a grin. "How is everyone this evening?" Kassima dispenses the treats to their proper persons, easing back into her chair with her own. "I'm well enough, Ofira; yourself? By the by, I meant to mention that yesterday's batch of cinnamon rolls was absolutely superb." Kelset rubs his hands together as he sets his mug down, smiling. "Bread is wonderful. Slathered with sugar or frosting and the like, how can it be anything but an improvement?" he asks with a grin. "I'm doing wonderfully," he replies to Ofira as he takes the sweetroll from Kassima's plate and takes a large bite. "Mmmm," he says, chewing on the piece before swallowing it. "Done with most of my duties for the day, really. And you?" Emlyn accepts her bit of the treats and grins at Ofira. She adds her compliments to those dispensed by the others, adding, "It must be wonderful to have a profession that you can actually watch people appreciate so regularly." Ofira smiles, "I'm glad to see everyone eating so heartily. I'm afraid I'm not quite done for the day yet myself Kelset. I need to make sure the apprentices have done the preparations for the morning meal, and do a final check of tomorrow's roster." Kelset takes another bite from his sweetroll, grinning in agreement with Emlyn. He washes it down with a draught of cider before answering, "I see, I see. I hope you're able to get them done easily, then, so you can enjoy your evening." Ofira smiles to Kelset, sipping her klah, "Oh, I quite enjoy working with my apprentices, and I've had a nice long nap, so I expect it will be quite a nice evening. Anyone have any interesting plans?" Emlyn listens to Ofira and nods. "I've got an evening with absolutely no responsibilities. I was thinking of going someplace totally foreign. Like, oh, Ista. Island Ista." Ofira smiles, "Mmm...nice beach there," she says appreciatively. Kassima glances at Emlyn and suggests, "Been to Shipfish Island yet, or Boll? I've always preferred them to Ista, but it may well be a personal thing. I can't say that I've any plans to speak of, aside from mayhaps working to finish off Kiat's egg-rocks if'n there's time enough." Kelset returns Ofira's smile, nodding. "That's wonderful!" he says. "Though I've never /quite/ gotten used to the black sand, to be honest," he comments to Emlyn and Ofira. "But it is a nice area. I've been lucky enough to go there once or twice." Ofira nods, "I've been thinking of a trip to Boll actually, to see a Weaver there. I just bought a bolt of fabric from Kayne, and I need to have it made up." Kassima peers at Ofira with interest. "Bolt of fabric? Planning a new dress t'be getting dunked in, then?" Emlyn tells Kassima, "I went to Boll during candidacy once. It was my only time there. Shipfish I've betweened over, but never landed at. Ista, though, is where my sister Carissea is sometimes found. And the first goldrider I ever met is there." She finishes off her roll. "So, I think that's where I'm heading. Pleiath and I are willing to convey passengers. Master baker, we can take you to Boll, if you think you could find a conveyance back." She looks to Kelset, "And you're welcome to come to either place, Journeyman." Ofira laughs, "Well, Kassima, I thought I might need something to wear the rest of the time - and most of my dresses are tight in the bust since I had Girad. I'm replacing the bodice on an older gown, and I'm planning to have it retrimmed. Maarie helped me pick it out." Kelset gives a slight shrug, smiling. "Normally I'd be happy to come, to be honest," he says, chuckling. "But Alais, an apprentice at the Hall, sent me a note saying she'd be travelling up here either tonight or early tomorrow. I'd hate to miss her." Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Great. Hit me with an interesting trip shortly before I leave." ;) Emlyn nods with an understanding smile at the harper's news. She looks at Ofira to see if the masterbaker needs her services. Benden Weyr> Emlyn grins. The story keeps going even though the characters come and go. Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "Die Unendliche Geschicthe." Benden Weyr> Kelset smiles. "That's true. But I've spent too much time at Ista already. ;)" Ofira considers, "No...thanks Emlyn. I think I'll wait until Padraig can go too and help me pick out the exact style of it. And I still have some work here tonight." Kassima ahs, surprised. "Carissea is your sister? I've met her; she's a fine sort, even if'n she does lend too much credence to rumors spread by a certain High Reaches Harper." Smiling at Ofira, she nods. "I'll have t'have Simian alter my three Gather gowns, I suspect. Mayhaps I can finagle him into doing so for free...." Sighing, she sits back in her chair with a bread-slice in hand, and waves to Emlyn with it. "Have fun at Ista, Emlyn, and if'n y'see a bronzerider named C'ron, please give him m'regards?" Emlyn grins, not displeased to be on her own. Her offers were sincere, but going off solo has its attractions, too. She tells Kassima as she gets up, "Well, foster-sister, to be technical, and If I meet C'ron, I'll greet him for you. Should I give him a wet kiss on the lips, or a firm handshake?" Kelset lifts his mug to his lips, finishing off his cider, letting out a chuckle at Emlyn's query as he sets replaces his mug on the table. Ofira laughs, waiting to hear Kassima's answer. Kassima laughs at the question, shaking her head with amusement. "I think the handshake would do, m'friend, unless you truly feel like kissing him just for kicks." Emlyn puts on a thoughtful expression and muses, "Well, if I tell the bronzerider it's from Kassima, maybe I'll be doing my part to bring a handsome fellow into her life." She winks at the greenrider in question, then salutes those whose shoulders are burdened with more cords than she wears. Her walk as she heads out to bowl is jaunty. Emlyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ofira smiles, "have fun Emlyn," she calls. Ofira looks at Kelset and Kassima, "Think I'm getting old? I'm just too tired to keep up with Emlyn tonight I think." Kelset adds a light wave to Emlyn, smiling. Turning back to Ofira, he lets out a laugh, shaking his head. "I don't think you're getting old. At least, not any faster than /any/ of us are." R'val walks in from the bowl. R'val strides into the bowl, tossing his gloves and helmet on a table, and announcing, "What alovely evening! Good day ladies! And you, Keslet." Ofira smiles, "Maarie reminded me I have a turnday coming up pretty soon...I'd all but forgotten. Oh, hello R'val," she smiles warmly. Kassima groans audibly as Emlyn leaves. "Handsome fellow? I've new duties, a dragon, too sharding many fire-lizards for m'own good, and a spawn on the way--who has *time* for a handsome fellow?" Chuckling, she wrinkles her nose at Ofira. "Oh, certes nay. Why, you can't be much older than I am! That makes you the flower of youth, by very definition." She winks, leaving it to the Master to decide whether or not she's being sincere as she turns to wave to R'val. "Evening, bluerider, and g'day yourself." R'val sits down near Ofira and regards her curiously, "A turnday, you say? What good news!" He beams, "How oldwill you be?" He nods with a grin at Kassi, "Hey there, Kassi." Ofira shakes her head at R'val, "Oh, I think I'll keep that to myself!" she laughs. Kelset chuckles, waving over to R'val. "And a good day to you, R'val. It is a pleasant evening." He glances back at Kassima, grinning impishly. "You had time for a vocal lesson with a handsome fellow!" he teases. Schooling his expression into one of utter solemninity, and one of slight offense, he says, "But you can trust /us/ Ofira, can't you?" Ofira just laughs at /that/. "Who had a vocal lesson? YOu , Kassi?" she asks. Maarie quietly excuses herself. Maarie walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima asks with mock-astonishment, "I did? When was this? Why didn't anyone tell me?" An impish grin turns her expression to one of pure gamin for an instant, before she wrinkles her nose playfully and returns her attention to Ofira. "A Turnday, then? Welladay--I'll have t'be thinking on what to procure for you on the occasion. 'Twill take some pondering... and aye, 'twas I, or so I'm told." R'val chuckles, "Look out, Ofira. Kassi here is famous for her Turnday gifts." He winks at the baker and murmurs, "And I"ll have to get you one, of course!" Ofira sinks down in her seat, "I knew I never should have mentioned it. Well, don't get too excited. Its' not for a few sevendays yet." Kelset manages to look appropriately hurt at Kassima's feigned ignorance, then bursts out into laughter anyway. He shakes his head a bit, then grins quietly at Ofira, saying nothing, for once. Kassima flashes Kelt another grin, then nods to Ofira. "I'll have t'be asking about to find out just when; I'll send a note to one of m'cousins to commission an appropriate gift for you, have nay fear." Thinking for a moment, she muses aloud, "Or perchance that should be the other way around...." Ofira determinedly changes the subject, "So, what are you learning to sing Kassi?" Kelset rises to his feet, walking towards a serving table to set down his empty mug. He leans against the table for a moment, looking back to Kassima and Ofira, letting the rider answer. "Anything, everything," Lysseth's rider replies with an airy wave of her hand and a quirked grin. "Just t'sing properly 'tall for now; what else is at Kelt's discretion, he being the teacher and I the mere pupil in this case." R'val hrms, "You, singing properly. Hard to imagine, Kassi.' He winks. Ofira smiles, "Well, perhaps you can make me a gift of a song then, for my turnday Kassi." Kelset laughs lightly, shaking his head over at R'val. "It's a wonder she sings at all, with such discouragement," he chides, grinning. "But, yes, I was teaching her /how/ to sing, really. If she practices that, she'll do better at anything she cares to perform." His emerald eyes shift to Kassima for a moment. "Though you're the one that is willing to spend time letting an inexperienced Harper try to teach. If there's any music you'd like to learn, please tell me." R'val shrugs his wide shoulders at Kelset with a flippant grin, slightly apologetic, "Yes, well, if I didn't tease Kassi, she'd be lost. Without that anchor in her daily life, so consistent, I'm sure she'd go nuts. Besides, she does it to me!" Kassima peers at Ofira with interest, apparently taking that suggestion seriously. "'Tis a thought," she admits, twirling one strand of black hair that's escaped her runner's-tail around one finger absently. "I've only written one thing about food a'fore--well, two, if'n y'count the one about the bovines. It might make an interesting subject." Green eyes flickering to Kelt, she chuckles and shrugs. "I mutilate just about any song I can get m'hands on as-is; just learning to do them more justice will be enough for me for now." Kassima adds to R'val, in a dryly amused tone, "And aren't I already nuts, walking stewmeat?" R'val hmms, "True, you are, Kassi. But I'm sure you could get worse." He looks contemplative, "If that's possible." Kelset shakes his head, still chuckling, at R'val. "With friends like that, who needs enemies?" he says, obviously joking. "No, you two seem to get along rather well." Nodding to Kassima, he says, "That's wonderful, then. I'll certainly do my best to work with you on things like that. However, I think I'll head back to my chamber. Maybe practice my pipes a bit." Ofira laughs, "Can you put that to music Kelset, their arguing?" R'val grimaces, "Arguing, to music? It'd be very discordant, would it not?" Kelset laughs, grinning to Ofira. "That /would/ be interesting! And a challenge, no less! I'll actually have to think about that." "Ach... here I'd thought 'twas well nigh as crazy as m'own kinsfolk, and you're saying that I could be worse. Oh, woe is me! My primary trait is belittled; my insanity degraded... alas, alas, wurra wurra and alas...." Kassi says this in her most melodromatic moan, then snaps out of it with a grin. "Now, how could I possibly get worse than that? Thanks for the lesson again, Kelt--and g'luck with the pipes. I'll see you again on the morrow mayhaps, eh?" Ofira smiles, "Goodnight Kelset." Kelset grins to Kassima as he starts heading towards the lower caverns. "Hopefully!" he agrees. "Take care, Master Ofira." Kelset walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima watches Kelt go with a smile. "There goes one of the more patient individuals I've met, t'put up with m'singing long enough to teach it. So, R'val, how've you been today? Done aught of interest?" R'val leans back in his seat, putting up his booted feet on the nearest seat with a sigh of relaxation, eyes half-shut, "MM?" He says, sitting up a bit, "Oh. Nothing much, Kassi. Vidarth and I had our normal morning sweeps. Naught of interest there> You?" Benden Weyr> Ofira idles to do some +mail. Kassima picks the last blueberry up from her plate and pops it into her mouth, finishing off her snack before replying. "Well, I got some hidework and reading done while Lyss was taking a long soak and the Swarm was dumping sand all over her, then finished her scrubbing and worked in m'own daily swim; after that, I oiled Lyss, practiced 'throwing for a half-hour or so, had a belated lunch, and painted a few rocks for Kiat a'fore doing some more reading. Nay a bad day, all told." R'val chuckles, "A very relaxing day, it sounds like, for all of us." He lets out a cavernous yawn, sagging back in his seat, "Mmph." He declares, intelligently. Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Emlyn, have you had your weyr set up yet?" Kassima amends, "And I watched Lyss go through her manuevers while rock-painting, a'course. I expect more of the same tomorrow, minus the rocks as it looks as though I'll finish those tonight. 'Twas fairly relaxing, i'truth. You, though, certes *sound* tired." Benden Weyr> Emlyn is weyrmating with Ursa, N'ren, so I have to answer a resounding 'yes' to that question. Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Ah. OK. Do you happen to know which weyrlings have not had weyrs set up yet?" Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Er, ex-weyrlings, that is." Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "To be honest, I have no idea, N'ren." Benden Weyr> R'val says, "I think none of them have their weyrs set up, N'ren." Benden Weyr> Kassima nods agreement. I don't believe that Sisi or Asrai have. Benden Weyr> N'ren ah well. I set my BDW_STATUS, so, if they need, have 'em page me. Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "Will do, N'ren. Thanks for the offer." Benden Weyr> Jerissa gahs and whacks herself. Doh! Kassima eventually gives up on waiting for an answer, and simply yawns instead. "Though I can't say I blame you," she confesses, rubbing her eyes. "I'm tired enough m'self these days that I shouldn't marvel t'see others in similar straits." Ofira looks up from feeding Girad, "I'm sorry Kassi, were you saying something?" Kassima jerks her head in R'val's direction. "'Twas merely commenting to the bluerider here that he seems tired, naught else." Changing the subject, she inquires, "How's the lad doing today?" R'val rubs his forehead slightly with the back of one hand and quietly mmphs, "Yes, I am rather tired. I had a late night last night and didn't get as much sleep as I ought to have." Ofira looks down at Girad who sucks loudly and contentedly, "Always hungry, and growing everyday," she beams. "How are you feeling by the way?" "Late night? Whyfor, R'val?" Picking up her glass of bizarre and noxious-smelling green stuff, Kassi replies to Ofira before taking a sip, "I'm fair, I think 'twould be safe t'say. Tired... tired quite often, i'truth, and m'back's giving me trouble. I also suspect I'm going t'have t'switch to skirts or something similar full-time a'fore too long." Her grimace indicates just what she thinks of *that* prospect. Ofira nods sympathetically, "It won't be so bad...did you ask Garant about your back?" R'val puts his chin in his hand as he leans forward on the table, "That's a good question, "He replies, "I wish I knew>" Kassima shakes her head, folding her arms over her somewhat extended waist. "Nay yet; I'll ask him when I've an appointment with him, but I'll be sharded if'n I'll go t'see him a'fore. Y'know how he is, Ofira." Ofira nods, "He'll likely tell you you've put on too much weight, if it's your back," she says pessimistically. Meli walks in from the bowl. R'val looks up and smiles, waving as he spots Ofira. Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Heya." Meli slips in quietly, skirting the edge of the cavern, holding something in front of her as she moves slowly through. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "@whee! Old home week!" Benden Weyr> K'nan peers? Ofira waves to Meli, from where she sits nursing Girad. "'Evening Meli." Benden Weyr> Meli has missed everyone, and hasn't seen you in a long while K'nan. Benden Weyr> Emlyn gives Meli a hug, then. :-) Benden Weyr> K'nan is on break from NC more-or-less. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Ooh, Emlyn, welcome to Dlight!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Meli!!!!! :) And K'nan!" Meli finally reaches the table, nodding to everyone quietly as she takes a seat. Meli dropped Stuffed Dragon. Kassima snorts at Ofira wryly. "'Twould nay surprise me, even after I've spent all that time trying to keep m'weight down and in shape with swimming...." Catching a glimpse of someone out of the corner of her eye, she turns her head and espies Meli. Grinning broadly, she greets, "Evening, Meli! Oh! What's this, then?" She leans forward--as best she can, anyway--to get a glimpse of what Meli holds. Stuffed Dragon: Before you is a rather cleverly designed stuffed dragon. When viewed from the right side, it looks like a green. But when viewed form the left side, it appears to be a bronze. The bronze material is shot through with metallic threads, nearly mimicing the way that real dragonhide looks. The green side is made from a low nap plush. Soft enough to want to hold close, but not plush enough to clas with the bronze material. The entire toy is posed head and forelegs up, as if the dragon is bugling and unfurling his/her wings. Made by Sheyrena. Ofira smiles, "What have you got there Meli?" Ofira gently adjusts Girad's position, moving him from her shoulder to the crook of her arms. R'val squints, "A stuffed dragon, enh?" Ofira looks at the toy and smiles, "Oh...I had a doll when I was a girl..." she sighs wistfully, "I wonder whatever happened to it." R'val touches Ofira's shoulder with a smile, 'You don't know?" Meli nods, running a hand through her hair, then along the back of her neck. "Yeh, Kassi wanted t'try to make one, I think?" R'val hmms, 'That'd be a challenge. What would one need?" Ofira smiles at R'val a little sadly, "I left it back home at Bitra, and I don't know if my parents still have it...if I ever have a daughter...well, it would be nice to find it again." R'val comforts Ofira, patting her shoulder, "Perhaps you should ask them?" He suggests, smiling. Kassima smiles as she looks over the toy, nodding enthusiastically to her friend. "Aye, I did! Now I'll just need material, thread, a needle, stuffing, and some idea of *how* t'do it, and I'll be all set. Once I've gotten these rocks finished for K'tyn, I should have a bit more time... and there's four months yet--ach, Meli, thankee!" Meli grins at her friend, then leans back, her face falling a bit as she looks around the cavern. "S'a lot quieter t'night, neh?" Ofira smiles at R'val, "I suppose so, next time I'm home. I didn't really think of it again until after Girad was born. Girad slurps loudly and smacks at Ofira with his small hand. "Attention please!" he seems to say. Kassima nods, looking up from her admiration of the stuffed toy to scan the room. "Aye... which means less people to hide behind if Garant happens into the room. We'll have to be prepared to try and duck under the table, just in case." Winking at her friend, she then smiles and asks, "How've you been, Meli?" Meli sighs softly, then quirks a grin. "Enh. Fine, I guess, Kassi. Kinda tired, an' windin' down from th'weyrlings still. Not used t'my new schedule yet, I guess." Lysseth> Pleiath greets the assembled dragons with an excited warble. Lysseth> Juliath rumbles a pleasant greeting to the younger green. Lysseth> Vidarth croons softly towards Pleiath. Dragon> Pleiath bespoke Benden dragons with << I have been to **image of Ista Weyr complete with the green's perception of heat and humidity**. There are many very nice dragons there, and they like Benden dragons very much. They even offered me use of their feeding grounds! >> Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles affably enough to Pleiath from where she reclines near the other dragons. Ofira detaches Girad, covering herself, and putting him over her shoulder, patting his back, listening to the talk. Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Juliath's mind voice rumbles pleasantly warm << Do they have *image of very fat wherry* there? >> Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Vidarth sends an image of a beautiful green who some might recognize as Oerth. << Yes, the dragons there are VERY nice. >> Kassima chuckles sympathetically, nodding. "Believe you me when I say that I quite know the feeling. 'Tis marvelous to have useful work t'do, but on the other hand, I'd been a wingrider for nigh five Turns; being aught else is new t'me. And if'n y'want to talk tired--ach, Meli, tired isn't the word!" She grins, then becomes more serious as she asks, "Have you been having any problems with your back, perchance?" Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Veyath snorts at Vidarth. << Silly blue. >> Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth snorts at Vidarth, but warbles a genial enough agreement. << I have not often been to *Ista*, but I know some fine dragons from there. >> Dragon> Pleiath bespoke Benden dragons with << I did not eat, Judith, but I could hear some very lazy-sounding bovines. To be that lazy, they must be very fat indeed. >> Meli shakes her head, rubbing at her neck again. "Back? Neh. Jus' feelin' run down, up an' t'the necessary a lot, sore feet." Dragon> Prometh bespoke Benden dragons with << Some are nicer than others. *Image of Erbith* though *Image of Daelyth* at the desert Weyr is superior to all the rest. >> Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Judith! Judith?" Benden Weyr> Emlyn urks. I'm sorry Meli. :P JULIATH. Benden Weyr> K'tyn hrms. Judith is a nice name.:) Benden Weyr> Meli tickles Emlyn. Kassima hrms, nodding slowly. "Aye... the feet are bothering me a bit too, but only when I really think about it. Staying off of 'em seems t'help. Well, think of it this way; we're over halfway through, eh? 'Twill nay be long a'fore we're back to work, and 'twill be less time a'fore we're too busy waddling about to worry about such trivial things." Her grin is just a touch rueful, and much more amused. Girad emits a resounding burp, dribbling milk onto Ofira's dress for the second time today. Ofira smiles. "Halfway through Kassi? I don't think this is /ever/ through." R'val hands Ofira a napkin with a smile of sympathy, "Valieri used to do that to me all the time." Meli can't quite muster up a smile at this one, fingering the toy dragon's wing a little. "Th'worst is yet t'come" she mutters, her forehead tight as she stares intently at the table. Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Yo, J'lyn!" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Heya, kids. How's it going?" J'lyn walks in from the bowl. Ofira takes the napkin and wipes off the milk, looking sternly into Girad's little face and big innocent eyes, before returning him to her breast. "Yes, but you didn't have the feeding part of it to," she points out. Lysseth> Pleiath warbles one more time, then prepares to take her rider aloft. Benden Weyr> K'tyn goes VROOM!:) Benden Weyr> J'lyn doesn't go anywhere near that one... R'val spots J'lyn and waves towards him, grinning at OFira, "That's true." Benden Weyr> Meli says, "It's Howdy Doody time!" "True," Kassi admits, unable to deny the simple fact. "But at least we've got friends to advise us, eh? It could be worse; we *could* be going through this with nay idea what we're doing. Even that sadist Garant has some useful advice sometime." With that, Kassi turns to wave to J'lyn. J'lyn waves, and flops himself into a chair." Ofira waves, "Evening J'lyn." Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Meli, you're starting to scare me..." Benden Weyr> R'val . o O ( H'dy, rider of Doodeth? ) Meli waves the wing of her stuffed dragon at J'lyn as he arrives, then picks it up and sets it in her lap, not quite hugging it to her. Benden Weyr> Emlyn heads to bed. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Only now, J'lyn?" Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs the Embabe. :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves to Em. Rest well! Benden Weyr> Meli snugtickles the Embabe! Benden Weyr> Emlyn laughs and shakes her head. 'The Embabe.' Hee. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "You could be an Auntie.... Em... Auntie Em. =)" Kassima eyes Meli's stuffed dragon for a moment more, and sighs. "I can't imagine how I'll be able to make one of those. Mayhaps I'll have to drag Simian up here sometime to show me the basics." Ofira nods to Kassima, "I've put off working on Girad's apron, but I really would like to make him one by his first turnday. We still have a few months though." Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Bleh. I'm hot." Benden Weyr> K'tyn could have told you that Meli. *duck* Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "No comment, Meli. ;)" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Matter of opinion, Melibabe..." Benden Weyr> Meli laughs. "You guys are so predictable." Benden Weyr> K'nan squeezes Meli into a box and emails her to Abu Dabi. Benden Weyr> Kassima snickers at Meli, and offers her a seat in front of the fan she keeps running constantly. :P :) Kassima hrms, inclining her head. "An apron? Well," she smiles, "that'd let everyone know who's son he is, 'tis for certain. I think I'll let that sling Ryi gave me do the same for mine." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "K'nan! Meli is *not* Nermal! ;)" Benden Weyr> J'lyn grins. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Or normal for that matter..." Girad falls asleep while nursing. Benden Weyr> Kassima further nitpicks, "And it's Abu Dhabi. And you just put that song in my head, too... I hope you're satisfied." :P ;) Ofira smiles, "Oh, he'll love an apron...I do want to get him some other toys besides Baker ones though, I suppose." Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Nermal's cute. I could be Nermal. :) Does that make K'nan Garfield?" Benden Weyr> R'val is more like Garfield than K"nan, I'd bet. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan is asleep, and cannot answer that. Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Nah. R'val is Odie." Benden Weyr> R'val says, "I'm not that physically active. ;)" Benden Weyr> Kindre arrives victorious from psycho bowling! ;) IE-Hiya :) Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Psycho bowling? I don't wanna know. :) *hugs Kindre* :)" Ofira smiles, wiping the milk from the chin of the sleeping baby, "He ought to have a stuffed dragon like all the other little boys here too." She wraps him snugly in his blanket settling him in the crook of her arm. Benden Weyr> K'nan grabs Kindre, dips her, smooches, then sets her upright and wanders off. Benden Weyr> Kindre ews, and a wiz-mail warning :b Yeah...I bowl for work...supposed to be a good "political" thing to do :b :) Benden Weyr> Kindre woo's K'nan! Hey, don't go! ;) Meli pipes up suddenly, "Hey, who's goin' t'fetch an' carry f'me now, if we've no more weyrlings? How long til we have candies again?" she asks, glancing around the quiet cavern anxiously. Benden Weyr> Kassima is whom, John? ;) Kindre!!!!!!!! :) Hee; that's better than Cosmic Bowling, I suppose. ;) Benden Weyr> J'lyn wonders if R'val puddles on the floor...? Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Hey, nitpicker! It's Jon." Ofira laughs, "Oh, don't go wishing Candidates on us yet, Meli! Things have just finally quieted down." Benden Weyr> Kassima knows, she knows. I realized that right after I hit enter. Sorry... the runny nose, headache, and possible fever are distracting me. :P :) Salless nods at J'lyn as he orders something. R'val grins, "Agreed, Ofira, I could use a little rest before the next group>" Salless unlocks the wine cabinet to pour J'lyn a single goblet of Benden Red. "Until the next queen rises, I suppose. You'll just have t'be making do with that bronzerider of yours." She grins at Meli, then at Ofira. "What color would you get him? Blueberry blue, mayhaps?" Meli eyes J'lyn's wine goblet and sighs. "Ah, what I wouldn't give f'a brandy right 'bout now" she mutters, turning her attention back to the group. Ofira studies Girad, "Oh, I don't know...klah brown?" she laughs. J'lyn maliciously drinks and savors his wine slowly, letting out a big "Ahhhhhhh..." after each drink. Meli mock scowls at J'lyn, rising and moving towards him to pout in his face a moment, before she continues on her way towards the pitchers. She swirls a few til she finds a nearly full one, collects it and some glasses, and starts back. Kassima sighs ruefully, following Meli's gaze. "Ach, Meli, I've a whole wine cabinet staring at me forlornly when I get home... 'twill be good to drink now and again after the babe's born, 'tis truth. Mayhaps we should start up one of those pub crawls when we're ready for travel and there's free time?" Meli starts to nod, then says "Free time? W'a new baby an' such? When'll we have free time anytime in th'next few Turns?" Ofira nods to Meli and Kassima, "I've found that some ale at night really helps Girad sleep well.. I mean, I drink the ale, of course," she blushes. J'lyn grins. "That's what LCGs are for, Meli. To babysit." Meli laughs, looking a bit more like herself for the first time all evening. Ofira adds, "And you can take a sleeping baby with you most anywhere. Girad quite enjoyed his visit to the 'Hulk. He got to wet there and everything, just like a real sailor," she says proudly. Kassima chuckles at Meli. "Don't know about you, but 'twas planning on seeing if'n I can't persuade a cousin--Simaeva, I think; she wants adventure, Faranth help her, and has been looking for an excuse to come up to the Weyr for some time--t'live in m'weyr and help me out until the youngling's a bit older. I daresay you can't have a child with you when you're flying drills or fighting Thread, after all." "Ah, th'Hulk," Meli repeats dreamily, then nods at Kassi. "Yeh, s'true. Guess I jus' can't seem t'incorporate th'idea of having a kid around into m'routine yet." Kassima blinks at Ofira, and laughs. "A thing t'be proud of, I'm sure! Though I didn't know that sailors... um... did that at the Hulk. I'll have to have a care which stool I sit in when next I visit, 'tis for certain... did you take him into that closet?" Dropping her voice to a lower tone, she confides, "That closet *frightens* me. The door *always* sticks, and you'd swear that there are... things... in there that shouldn't be. Y'know, Meli, I bet we can take the babes with us when they're older--show 'em the beaches of Boll, and the wonders of flying a-dragonback. Imagine learning and seeing such things from youth instead of when older, as we did!" Ofira smiles, snuggling Girad comfortably, "Other than when you're out flying thread and drills and such, you'll be able to keep the baby with you most of the time I imagine." Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "JAYS, Kassi! Stop that!" Benden Weyr> Meli laughs. Meli hrms, tapping her finger along her chin. "Need t'rig up some sort o'straps an'satchel thing, could carry th'kid around easier tha' way." Benden Weyr> R'val says, "12 lines in the LC. Isn't that a stoning offence?" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Eight lines, R'val. Just eight. :)" Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Nine on my screen. :)" Benden Weyr> R'val says, "I don't know what sort of computer you have, but it's 12, here ;)" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Tria-dia-meia-frie-moocow!" Benden Weyr> Ofira laughs! Oh, you people! Benden Weyr> Caitria smooches K'nan. Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "MooMeister!! :)" Kassima suggests to Meli, "Ask Ryialla how 'tis done? She gave me a set of straps on m'Turnday; you're welcome to look at 'em if'n you'd like t'be copying?" To Ofira, she grins ruefully. "Nay sure of that, though--there's when I'm washing Lyss, and climbing all over a slick-hided dragon wouldn't be a very safe way t'be carrying a lad or lass about. Otherwise, though, y'may be right." Benden Weyr> Meli throws cowpad-shaped chocolate moonpies at the Moobabe. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "A little over 8 on my screen, Kassmalator..." Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs the Moobabe! :) Benden Weyr> Caitria feels loved. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan beams. Benden Weyr> J'lyn joins in the love-fest and dips Tria low, kissing her soundly. Benden Weyr> Caitria WOO! Benden Weyr> J'lyn grins. "So there. Meli hugs the dragon, and rises to her feet, pausing to swish down some cold citron before stepping away from the bench. "Well, no use stayin' up here an' mopin' when I should be sleeping." Benden Weyr> R'val says, "yo, Rogue Herder Babe :)" Kassima peers up at Meli with some concern. "Be well, all right? Get your rest; I believe 'tis nay long until we're next due t'be meeting with Garant, and Faranth knows you'll need t'be well-rested if'n y'hope to outrun him." Ofira laughs, "Good night Meli. Be sure to let me know if you crave anything special from the kitchen." Meli shudders, then nods. "I think I'll take this back up w'me t'night," she says, waving the toy. "Kinda quiet up there. Thanks, Ofira!" she calls over, "I'll be sure t'do that! Might want some o'your divine cookies, f'Garant" and there's another shudder "will let m'eat 'em." Benden Weyr> J'lyn craves Chocolate Pudding Pops, Ofira. Work your magic. =) Benden Weyr> <Caitria> A dark-complexioned, sweater-wearing serverpseron appears before J'lyn. ;) Benden Weyr> Meli runs screaming towards her weyr, escaping the Jello Puddin' Snacks Man. Meli walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> J'lyn looks at the server. "You know, I've never found you all that funny, except for your Picture Pages things on Captain Kangaroo..." Kassima wrinkles her nose at Meli. "I eat cookies, cinnamon rolls, muffins, and sweets galore," she says, a trace defiantly--though this is directed more towards the absent Garant than Meli, "and so long as I eat plenty of vegetables, dairy stuff, and fruits, I don't see what the problem is. Clear skies, m'frie--shell blast it! Missed *again*!" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Hey Hey Hey!" Benden Weyr> <Kassima> Mr. Jell-O Pudding Snacks looks affronted. "Hey, hey, hey!" Benden Weyr> Meli snugs Kassi. "Sorry, luv, coulnd't wait. Hot, tired, thirsty, congested chest. :b" Benden Weyr> Kindre giggles 'tween mail-foo...aie. Ofira laughs, getting up. "Time I got Girad into his cot, and to my hidework before it gets too late." Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs Meli, and whacks K'nan out of her head. 'Sokay, I understand only too well. :P :) Kassima nods to Ofira, smiling. "G'night t'you too, then, and to the wee lad as well." Ofira smiles, "See you tomorrow Kassima, R'val." R'val smiles, "Take care, Ofira." Ofira walks towards the inner cavern. Benden Weyr> Meli wishes everyone a most delightful evening/night/morning depending on where in the world you are, and hugs you all fiercely. Benden Weyr> K'nan falls to the ground. "Oof! Hey! I liked it in there!" J'lyn waves at Ofira. "Good night, Ofira." Benden Weyr> Ofira snugs Meli. goodnight :) Benden Weyr> Caitria smooches Meli. Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves again. Durn boingy server. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Night, Meli!" Benden Weyr> K'tyn bounces on in time to see Meli bounce off. "G'night!" R'val rises to his feet, "I'm going to bed as well. Tinya should be back from her sweeps now." R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs K'nan and sorries. "I guess you can join the tenants of the Condo-Head if you really want." :) Benden Weyr> Kassima pouncesnugs Miss Lys! :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn says, "Condo-head?" Benden Weyr> Alyssa waves hewwo and goodbye. :) Benden Weyr> R'val snugs Lys. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Sure, Kiat. My head now has so many people living in it that it's become a cranium condominium. :)" Benden Weyr> Caitria smooches the Lysbabe. J'lyn tacklepouncaticklesmooches the lysperson! Kassima eyes J'lyn oddly, then shakes her head. "I don't want t'know," she chants under her breath. "I really don't want t'know." Benden Weyr> J'lyn just sits here with a dumb look on his face... Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "tacklepouncaticklesmooches the lysperson!" Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs J'lyn. We all do that sometimes, don't worry. :) Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "and AGAIN I screw it up!" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "And she's not even here..." J'lyn heads up to his weyr to bed. "G'night, Kassi." J'lyn waves. J'lyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima would probably have nodded to J'lyn, but she's asleep, having dozed off sometime during the quiet. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Nighters, kids..." Benden Weyr> Caitria snugs J'lyn. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Night, J'lyn. :)" Kassima yawns and, stretching, blearily cracks open her eyes, to find herself face-to-face with a chirpling blue 'lizard. "Oh... Kinte," she says, after managing to focus on the little creature. "Thankee for waking me. I know I shouldn't sleep in here." Gathering up the little blue and her hides, she heads out to the Bowl without further ado. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.