-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slip Slidin' Away Date: February 16(?), 1997 Places: Benden Weyr's Kitchen, Living Cavern, North Bowl, and Hot Springs Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Here's a scene I've always remembered fondly. It's only the incompleteness of the log that's kept me from putting it up before now. :) Sadly, the action does not begin at the beginning--it begins roughly when Kassi first wanders into the kitchen, and at this late date it's hard for me to remember just what was going on before that. My guess is that she was in the LC when the massive sudsy havoc began, and decided to investigate it for herself--with rather messy results. To see those results in all their bubbly glory, read on! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: From the living cavern, Caitria considers getting to her feet, then shakes her head. "Kassi, tell me what's happening," she calls after the greenrider's retreating back. From the living cavern, Lavinia guffaws and emarks "And I thought I used to be a blunder in a kitchern Asrai lays admists a mountain of sudds, variousd parts of Emlyn's limbs mixed in, "Turn...off...the...water!!!" From the living cavern, Lavinia smiles "Well, an accident,with some water, a feline and oh well Suzotchka already /turned/ off the water. Emlyn says from teh floor, "Careful, Sir, Ma'am. Floor's slicker than a fresh patty on a stone.. er.." From the living cavern, From Lavinia's shoulder, Verazula chirps happily Benden Weyr> Caitria peers at the kitchen, mumbles something about the three stooges, and waves to the new arrivals. K'tyn blinks, then blinks again. Water and suds swirl toward his boots. "Ah, Su? Asrai? Please, explain?" From the living cavern, Lavinia looks angrily at Vera, "Stop it, Verazula! People are good, not bad, forst youdon't think they shhould eat, now you think they should get hutrt./" Kassima yells over her shoulder, "Will do, Tria! As soon as I find out my--" She doesn't get a chance to finish that question as, being distracted, she doesn't notice the layer of suds and water on the floor. A strangled yelp can be heard as the greenrider slips and goes skidding across the kitchen on her backside. Lavinia enters the kitchen from the living cavern. Suzotchka's shirt is already soaked and sudsed, as if she were doing laundry rather than dishes. "Aaoow," she howls again as the extent of the mess becomes clear. She tries to dash across the kitchen for a mop, towels, something...but she slips, skidding in the soap bubbles all the way across the kitchen, to hit the far wall. Benden Weyr> N'ren watches Kassima come up with a new Benden sport. Lavinia stands just outside of the kitchen. "Now, are you all okay, reaches doewn to help From the living cavern, R'val walks in from the bowl. From the living cavern, R'val ambles into the living cavern, waving cheerfully, "Evening all!" Lavinia walks into the Living Cavern. K'tyn takes a step forward, then begins to slide himself. "Su--Woah!" *thump* *skid* Emlyn has managed to get on hands and knees and has made her slipping way to a work table. She raises a hand to try to get to her feet. Who could have known the table wasn't secured to the floor? *Crash!* From the living cavern, Lavinia smiles nervously "Well, g'd evemimg but ew have dsort of an emrgancy here From the living cavern, Caitria is peering rather quizzically into the kitchen. "R'val, could you help me up? The noises coming out of there are such that I'd really rather see for myself." Benden Weyr> K'tyn laughs.:) We should make this a new sport.:) Heh! tis fun.:) Asrai tries to catch Kassi as she goes by...or Su for that matter, yet misses them both. Struggling to her feet she tries to explain, "We..are...doing...dishes...woooaawhhooawhhoooaaa" Her arms windmill as she takes a step and ends up right back on the floor. From the living cavern, Vitek walks here from the Inner Cavern. Suzotchka turns around just in time to see Emlyn tump over the table with the...morning's...eggs...Ewww. Kassima, fortunately, hits a rather large pile of soapsuds. While this does soften the impact of hitting a wall a bit, it also sends suds and bubbles flying *everywhere* with the force of it. A few probably get as far as the exit to the living cavern. From the living cavern, R'val blinks as he glances into the kitchen and turns to Kindre, amazed, "What the heck's going on in there, do you think?" From the living cavern, Kindre picks up the audible thuds and thumps that filter out from the kitchen. Expression still quirked with guarded curiousity, she says quietly, "I don't believe I want to know what may be happening within there...Oh, evening R'val," she waves over, "And to you, Vitek," she adds. From the living cavern, R'val quirks a dark eyebrow at Kindre and risks a grin, "Think we should go investigate?" From the living cavern, Kerlyn walks in from the bowl. Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Ooo, did /I/ start this? O:)" K'tyn slips and falls, only to slide with an amazing lack of coordination into the table that Emlyn has knocked to the floor. The table slows /his/ slide, but surely gets moving on its own from the solid impact of his body agianst it. From the living cavern, Running a hand over his unshaven face and looking all the world like he hasn't slept in, well, days, Vitek wanders sleepily into the cavern. Somehow managing to avoid colliding with tables, chairs, and people, he slumps into a seat, smiling tiredly at Kindre. "And a good eve to you," he gets out before yawning. From the living cavern, Lavinia smiles "wee have kind of an emeragancy here From the living cavern, Caitria gives R'val an irritated look, and asks Lavinia, "What kind of emergency?" From the living cavern, Kerlyn wanders absently into the living cavern, finding a seat at an out of the way bench in the back, nose immersed in what looks like a schedule. From the living cavern, R'val doesn't notice Tria's look and blinks at Lavinia, "We do? Sounds like chaos in the kitchen. Do you mean that?" From the living cavern, Lavinia shakes her head "yes well, people could slip and break ther heads open From the living cavern, Kindre smiles just a bit and nods to the wineskin wisely placed just in front of her. "Not I...have a bit of a day to forget. Go ahead, though," she smiles, "it sounds interesting..." "Oooof..." can be heard from the moving pile of suds that is now Kassima. "I feel as though I've been kicked across a river. Will someone explain just *what* is going on?" The pile of bubbles coughs, and wipes suds out of its face before trying to get to a standing position. The key word here is trying, because she's prompt enough to fall once again, and this time on her stomach. "Oh, nay, nay agai--" is the wail right before she coasts into a cabinet. *THUD.* Kitchen equipment scatters everywhere from the overturned table. Emlyn ends up with a pot on her head. She shakes her head, her voice sort of ringing inside the pot as she says, "Please, please, please, dont let the weyrlingmaster show up." Asrai rolls back over onto her stomach, a sodden mess...welll she /was/ a clean sodden mess...till she rolled over onto the eggs that Emlyn overturned with the table, "Ugh!" From the living cavern, R'val shakes his head and takes a seat beside Kindre ,"I hear Kassi, as well as a few others in there. Sounds like their usual brand of chaos. I'm not going in there, that's for sure." From the living cavern, Lavinia looks around at the kitchenm Benden Weyr> Kassima begins to think she's trapped in some sort of twisted Three Stooges episode. ;) From the living cavern, Caitria catches sight of the bubbles that Kassi sent into the living cavern, and hrms. "Guess the Candidates are being a bit enthusiastic in their cleaning. Good eve, Kerlyn." From the living cavern, Vitek peers toward the kitchens, shakes his head, and sighs. With effort, he rises again and pours himself a mug of klah. "It sounds," he comments dryly, "like apprentices on punishment duty." K'tyn manages to get to his knees. Several times....*slip* thud *slip* skid "Shardit! Where's some sand when y'need it?" From the living cavern, Athena looks concerned thinking maybe someone should call a healer after this Benden Weyr> Caitria says, "Five, Kassi. There are five of you. ;)" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Yes, Asrai, and it's grand. :)" From the living cavern, Kindre turns from refilling her glass, again, and manages another smile despite the mood. "Evening, Kerlyn," she gets out before more thuds and bumps pull her attention back to the kitchen door. "Are those...bubbles...?" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Kassi, knowing you, you brought it upon yourself, sweetie..." Suzotchka stands against the wall. Slumps and falls against the wall. She /just/ /can't/ /get/ /up/. From the living cavern, R'val chortles, glancing over at Vitek, "It sounds...like trouble." He grins to himself, "I wouldn't doubt the Candidates are involved." From the living cavern, Kerlyn looks up at the sound of her name, "Evening Ma'am. Are what bubbles?" From the living cavern, Caitria gestures towards the entrance to the kitchen...and the bubbles. Kassima mumbles, "That's a very good question, Kiat," without trying to get up. Sprawled haphazardly face-down on the floor, beside the cabinet which stopped her slide, and with eggs and suds and Faranth only knows what else all over her clothes, the greenrider would make quite a picture... if you could *see* her past the mounds of suds. Which you cannot. Emlyn gets her head out of the pot. The clang it makes when she tosses it aside is lost in the cacophony of voices and the thumps of falling bodies. Emlyn manages to get to her feet using the overturned table as a hand hold. From the living cavern, Athena Popsout of *between*and warbles From the living cavern, Kindre winces a bit, "Ma'am," then sighs before pointing, "Those, by the kitchen entrance..." she copies Caitria's motion. From the living cavern, R'val squints, "Ayup. They're bubbles." From the living cavern, After a good couple of drinks of klah, Vitek's somnolent expression clears. He chuckles at R'val. "Trouble, eh? Is that what Candidates mean? Looks to me like they have a lot of chores." He eyes said bubbles, "And an overly strong sense of cleanliness." Benden Weyr> Kindre ooo's, cacophony...nice $10 word! :) From the living cavern, Caitria iews softly. "But what's that mixed in with them?" She tries to get a better view. "Eggs?" Asrai slipslideshuffles over to the sink, reaching up she grabs the edge..pulling...pulling...she finally gets to her feet, her knuckles white as she holds on for dear life....if Kassi is a pile of sudds, Asrai is a mountain as they cling to both her and the egg goo that is...also her. A low groan emits from her throat as she wipes her eyes clear enough to see what was once prolly called a kitchen. From the living cavern, Kerlyn's head cranks around, so she's looking in the direction of the suds. Her eyes narrow. "And bubble-heads." she appends to R'val's astute observation. ".. with way to much time on their hands it appears." From the living cavern, Kethran walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, R'val smiles crookedly at Kerlyn's assessment, "And what's the remedy to this..erm..dilemma, Kerlyn?" K'tyn moves determinedly toward the counter and cupboards, slipping and sliding on the soap and water that have turned the kitchen into some sort of dangerous obstacle course. He growls in frustration as he moves and moves... but seems to be going nowhere. Benden Weyr> Caitria hums, "Slipslidin Away", to provide a soundtrack for the kitchen. ;) Benden Weyr> Suzotchka laughs. From the living cavern, Kindre's eyes squint to pick out the other...interesting...hue mixed with the fluggy bubbles, "Crackdust, 'Tria, I think they just may be at that..." Benden Weyr> J'lyn wonders what the heck is going on in the kitchen? Suzotchka pulls herself up by holding onto the wall, trying to get to the row of mops near the sink. From the living cavern, Kethran wanders in from the inner caverns -- totally innocently, unaware of the cacophony as he carries the small bundle of blankets that contains his son. He pauses, though, at the edge of the Cavern, and spends a moment just gaping at the mess and the chaos -- including the rather amusing form of K'tyn in the kitchen. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka grins. I'll tell you...I got to use my favorite swearing phrase in the whole Pern. ;) Faranth's Teats. From the living cavern, Kerlyn doesn't take her eyes off the door. "Well, if there were candidates in that mess, I'd say the remedy involved less free time. If they're riders, you'd have to ask their winleaders." Kassima manages to twist herself up so that she's staring at the ceiling, then into a more proper seated position. Bending her knees and pushing with her arms, she manages to inch across the room on her behind, apparently trying to get to a table so she can haul herself up. "Now, calmly," she begins as she goes, after spitting out a few mouthfuls of suds, "can someone explain this sharding mess?" The towering cap of bubbles on her head sways with her movement and the words, looking rather like a stalk of grass waving in the wind. Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Ack its Kerlyn...HIDE!!!!!" From the living cavern, R'val hrms, "Perhaps it's an accident, Kerlyn? There's really only one way to find out." From the living cavern, Vitek's lips twitch. "Well," he says, "if they've all that much free time, there *is* an awfully large shipment of firestone that's just arrived." He smiles wickedly. Benden Weyr> R'val says, "What we need now is Godrilla ;)" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka buries Asrai in suds? Emlyn has one hand on the counter. She indicates the kitchen with her free hand. "Er, a mess, Ma'am." It's *covered* in soapsand-suds and fallen bodies. From the living cavern, Kethran takes a few careful steps toward the kitchen. "Dare I ask," he says, very quietly, "exactly what happened?" His gaze moves toward Suzotchka, and he nods. "Can you toss a couple more of those out from there?" he suggests gently. His own arms are too full to receive one, but there are others with free hands. Asrai manages...somehow...to flip herself around to face Kassi, "Umm, too much soap?" She asks innocently, before going down into a heap of limps and suds. From the living cavern, Kerlyn's head tilts to one side thoughtfully. "I'd be interested to hear the explanation, naturally. " From the living cavern, "I'm not sure who's involved," Kindre notes before occupying her attentions with her wine for a few moments. "Crackdust, Vitek, I suppose I'm glad you weren't about when I was a Candidate," she half-teases. Suzotchka pulls herself over to the sink, but - oh no, a little too far - she falls against Asrai. Benden Weyr> Caitria shakes her head as the kitchen gives her a flashback to a Brady Bunch episode. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka actually /lived/ this once. This will be Living Hell<tm> to clean up. Benden Weyr> Kindre laughs and was thinking the samee thing, 'Tria...scary ;) After the enth or so time slipping from his knees to his tummy, Kiat decides to stay there. "I'm just not going to move. It's not worth it," he rumbles, massaging a sore elbow and clonked chin. "Aye," Kassi replies dryly as she takes hold of a table leg and tries to pull herself up. Without much success, as her sudsy, egg-soaked hands only slip on the sudsy, egg-soaked table leg. "I'd rather noticed a mess. And the soap. The question is, why? And how the bloody blazes can I get up this table if I can't get a grip on it?" This is said as she *almost* manages to hold on, but winds up falling on her rear again instead. The forwards motion Su had when she hit Asrai was just enough to send them into a spining mass of arms, legs and sudds...straight...for ...Emlyn. From the living cavern, "Now why is that, weyrwoman?" Vitek asks with a raffish grin. "Do you fear the sorting of firestone?" He winks. "At the Hall, that was light punishment duty. The worst was clearing snake traps in the mines." He shudders. Suzotchka's arms flail as she and Asrai sail towards the girl. From the living cavern, Kethran shoots K'tyn a sympathetic look as he eyes the chaos from the edges, where it's hopefully somewhat safe. "Might I ask who's responsible for this?" he asks, a bit more loudly, as he hands Kerythan to a young resident who also seems to be intelligent enough to stay out of the mess. He leans into the kitchen and offers a hand to whoever needs it. Emlyn is on her feet. She attempts to explain, saying, "The water and soap, well, ther was too much of each, and the suds rolled over the counter onto the floor.." At that point her stupid firelizard appears from between and drops onto her head with a thump. She flails, trying to retain her balance. Lump pops between and she ends up on her rear, bubbles floating gently up from the wreck. From the living cavern, Kindre winces a bit, "Clearing snake traps? Nearly as bad as latrines, I'd wager." She pauses to regard the kitchen with yet another curious glance before looking back. "I was awarded double duties as a Candidate is all...I worry what they may get as is, without the suggestions of others. Does that make any sense? Most likely not," she says this latter mostly to herself and finishes her second glass in haste. The mass of dangerously moving arm, legs, and suds...luckily?...never makes it to emlyn....instead it crashes into K'tyn who has the eggs first luck to be stuck in the middle of the floor. From the living cavern, Kethran nods quietly. "In that case," he says quietly. "Perhaps we could get the innocent bystanders out of the way, so that we can get this cleaned up?" He's still holding his hand out toward anyone still in the area of effect, to pull them to safety. From the living cavern, R'val bobs his head to Kindre, "I hated any duty involving tunnelsnakes as a candidate, myself." He grimaces, glancing towards the kitchen. From the living cavern, Kerlyn sits back down on a bench, crossing her legs on the bench in front of her, watching the melee with apparent fascination. Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "If Kerlyn's out /there/...I think I'll stay in /here/." Kassima's fire-lizards are staging a sort of mini suds-fight even as Kassi scrambles to get up, since their charge is otherwise occupied. That is, until one of them gets hit by a large clump and falls, cheeping frantically, into Kassi's lap with a splat. Kassi picks up the dazed Zhailene and closes her eyes. "Lysseth," she says in an overly calm voice once she's counted to ten. "Get them *out* of here." The room becomes a whole lot safer--which isn't really saying much, as it's still perilous from suds and eggs--as approximately thirty-one fire-lizards vacate the premises. From the living cavern, Vitek's eyes twinkle as he inclines his head to Kindre in a bow. "I was among the most incorrigible of apprentices," he murmurs quietly. "Even though I was promoted rather more quickly than others." Chuckling, he takes another drink of klah, glancing toward the kitchen. "I hesitate to ask," he says, "but is one of the knife-wielding greenriders in there?" Emlyn slides out toward the entrance to the cavern. She takes Kethran's hand to help herself to her feet. Emlyn walks into the Living Cavern. In the act of trying to gain at least a sitting-up position, Kiat concentrates on maintaining his rather shaky balance. When Asrai and Suzotchka slam into him, he squeaks, *thunking* backwards again. Limbs become entangled as he, Asrai and Suzot move toward the cabinets. From the living cavern, Emlyn looks like you'd expect somebody to look if they'd been flailing around in a soap bubble. From the living cavern, Kindre chuckles a bit, "Of that I've no doubts, Vitek," she says before nodding, "Kassima? Yes, she's in there..." From the living cavern, R'val nods his head to Vitek, "One of the worst knife-wielders in the Weyr is in there, "He comments, casually, watching the mass of destruction move inexorably forward in the Kitchen. From the living cavern, Kethran helps Emlyn to safety, then, after carefully instructing another resident, ventures out onto the floor, clasing the resident's hand. He extends it toward K'tyn and Kassima, who are about equidistant from him. "Unless you're just having /too/ much fun," he grins -- then slips. Whump. At least he manages to hold onto the resident, though, and he extends his hand again. Benden Weyr> K'tyn cools! I'm part of a 'mass of destruction'!! From the living cavern, Caitria regards Emlyn over the rim of her mug, expression one of frank curiosity. "What in the world happened in there?" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka is too! *puffs up like a rooster* Benden Weyr> R'val was tempted to call you all an inexorable juggernaut of soap suds ;) From the living cavern, The emotions flitting across Vitek's face range from shock, to nervousness, to a subtly hidden curiosity. "Master Lily mentioned her to me," he says to Kindre and R'val. "Is she cutting up animals again?" From the living cavern, Kerlyn's eyes move to Emlyn, and you can almost see her ears perk up. The answer to Catria's question shourl prove to be fascinating. Kassima's eyes get very, very wide as this *thing* with twelve limbs and a *lot* of suds is suddenly careening towards her. "Oh, nay..." is all she has time to groan before impact. The strange amalgam of bronzerider, Candie, and resident now seems to have assimilated a messy greenrider into its midst. From the living cavern, R'val flicks a half-smile at Vitek, "Nope. Looks like she's sliding around on the floor. Gone daft, I imagine. She does taht at least twice a day." Asrai takes a deep breath, and spends the next five minutes coughing out soap bubbles, slowly she untangles herself from K'tyn ans Su. with a lot of slipping and and thudung she manages to move towards the entrance...or you assume she does cuz you can't really see. Benden Weyr> Caitria aigh! Kassi was assimilated! Benden Weyr> K'tyn LOL! Sixteen limbs flail...and finally fall. Suzotchka crashes into Kassima. Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Hey, Asrai? Who was that healer boy you were so hot and bothered over?" From the living cavern, Kethran finally shrugs, and then grins. "Must be having too much fun," he decides with a chuckle, and pulls himself back to safety. "This looks like a Candidate thing," he comments, and inclines his head to Kerlyn quietly, before he takes Kerythan and brushes himself off, then departs toward the inner caverns, still chuckling softly. Benden Weyr> Kethran hasta run. Later! From the living cavern, Kethran walks towards the inner cavern. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka smiles slowly with icy sensuality. "I am the Borg," she says in perfect imitation of Alice Kriege's voice. From the living cavern, Emlyn wipes the back of her forearm across her face, which smears egg goo and soap suds worse than they were before. She says, "Er, nothing. Nothing to worry about." Her clothes are completely soaked, of course, and the sounds of people still falling can be heard. Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles as she can see us all getting caught in here forever as we keep *trying* to get out, and failing miserably. Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles and was thinking of that as she typed the pose, Tria. ;) Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Ummmmmm, Bazel, Bree's cousin....and was *not*" From the living cavern, Having finished his klah, Vitek pours himself a refill. "Greenriders go mad twice a day then?" he asks R'val. Benden Weyr> Kassima asks the other people caught in this Kitchen of Horrors to forgive her abrupt burst of action lag. :P :) From the living cavern, Kindre laughs a bit, the clouds that hung proverbially above her head lost in the sights of the emerging kitchen "warriors." Smirking a bit, she notes, "I thought we settled this, Vitek? With Kassi I mean..." From the living cavern, Caitria snorts softly. "If that's nothing, then I'm the Lady Holder of Tillek." Asrai walks into the Living Cavern. From the living cavern, R'val shakes his head, "Nope. S'just Kassi's way. She seems to have sucked some others up into her daily lunacy however." he peers into theKitchen, "Perhaps we should go save 'em?" From the living cavern, Vitek turns back to Kindre, a slight smile curving up his lips. "I know what she said, and I've no reason to doubt her. But," he adds, "I did just reread the instructions Master Lily sent. I truly don't mean any offense." Benden Weyr> Kindre sorries if she's slow...I'm just --spammed-- From the living cavern, A ball of sudds and egg goo...whoa it has legs and arms, tumbles from the kitchen and onto the floor of the living cavern. From the living cavern, Emlyn looks at herself, then at Asrai. The other candidate is in worse shape than she is. Emlyn turns back to Caitria and, with a sheepish grin, says, "Well, the kitchen's duty to Tillek, Ma'am." Suzotchka gets up off of Kassima and, wonder of wonders, manages to stay upright this time. "Ai beg yuer parrdon, Rider," she sputters, hair a mess. K'tyn just lies, prone, on the floor. "Am I still moving?" He wonders aloud. "Or is that just my head?" From the living cavern, Kerlyn brushes her hair behind her ears, leaning back against the wall next to teh door leading towards the Candidate barracks. From the living cavern, Caitria tsks. "I'm not ma'am," she informs Emlyn. "And I'm sure that Lady Eliene will be delighted to hear that she's out of a job." She shakes her head, deciding it best to not inquire. From the living cavern, Kindre smiles a bit, "I didn't believe you did, Vitek," she says before shaking her head at R'val, "Not a chance of me going anywhere near that chaos. No way..." This thought is only compacted as the covered participants continue to filter back out into the cavern. Kassima doesn't even notice when four of the limbs and two of the arms vanish when Asrai manages to extricate herself from the melee. She's too busy dreading the impact with the wall that's zooming ever closer. "Aigh!" she has time to yell--and the rest is silence. Well, no, not silence. It's actually the sound of a suds and egg-soaked greenrider hitting a very solid surface. Sort of a 'Splorp' noise, really. Followed by a groan of, "How do I get *into* these things?" From the living cavern, The large soap bubble blinks, then coughs...smaller sopa sudds shooting out in spurts. From the living cavern, Caitria blinks at the splorp-noise, a vaguely haunted expression crossing her face. She mumbles something about a whistle, then shakes her head. "It couldn't be...that." Benden Weyr> R'val whee. Benden Weyr> Breana pounces R'val :) From the living cavern, Vitek watches the gooblob emerging from the kitchen and prudently takes a step in the opposite direction, putting a table between it and himself. He flashes a grin at Kindre. "Actually, I find Kassima, whatever she does with her knives, to be quite a pleasant young woman. Then again, Benden is fortunate indeed in that regard." Benden Weyr> R'val hugs Bree! Benden Weyr> Suzotchka waves at Bree. :) Benden Weyr> <Asrai> A Giant Soap Sudd waves at Bree From the living cavern, R'val glances down at the floor and the giant soap sud and squints, "Asrai?" Benden Weyr> Breana giggles and waves back with her bucket and shovel. K'tyn grunts as Kassi lands on top of him. "Shaaaardit, Kass," he wheezes. "You're solid!" Benden Weyr> <Kassima> A mountain of suds, eggs, and Faranth only knows what else is on a kitchen floor would wave at Bree, but it has decided that it's easier not to move any more. :) Benden Weyr> Suzotchka would hug Bree if I knew her better, covering her with the Faranth-knows-what of it all. ;) From the living cavern, Kindre continues to smile, "I'm glad you think so," she comments quickly, her eyes widening as she takes in the...people? From the living cavern, A portion of the giant soap bubble breaks apart from the original, wiping across what seem to be violet eyes, and then lower across where those smaller sudds came shooting out, "Aye...too much soap." Benden Weyr> Jerissa snusga a Bree From the living cavern, R'val offers the soapy candidate a hand up, "C'mon, stand up, Asrai. You can't lie on the floor like that." he says, quite obviously, and clasps her hand. From the living cavern, Caitria shakes her head, very slowly, and watches. Her gaze moves between the Candidates and Kerlyn. . o O ( This should be fun. ) Suzotchka brushes a glob of suds out of her face and hair and shakes it into the sink. "Ai'd bitter began t'claen this all up," she says sighing, still unsteady on her slippery feet. From the living cavern, "I most certainly do, goldrider," Vitek comments. "Benden is a most welcoming posting." He looks at the talking soapbubble. "There /is/ a person in there. Perhaps you'd like a soak in the lake?" From the living cavern, Asrai stands with R'val's aid...then sees Kerlyn....and tenses to dive back into the kitchen, were it not for the secure hand on her arm, "Ummm, hi Ma'am." Kassima lifts her head groggily and realizes that she has miraculously been saved from hitting the wall. Of course, this means that she's hit Kiat instead. "You're hardly one to talk," she replies dazedly, wiping soap out of her eyes. "Between you, that cabinet, and the wall, I somehow suspect I'm going to be one giant bruise in the morning." Benden Weyr> Breana hugs Su anyway..just cos and gives Jerissa and Kassi squishes :) From the living cavern, R'val grins over his shoulder at vitek, "An excellent suggestion, and one I myself was about to offer. Asrai, I think you need that. Or a large bucket dumped on you." "Glad I am that I am not...wearing my best! Though, these trousers did need to be washed," Kiat groans, sliding a hand across his soapy face. "Kassi, if you've got purchase, care to help me gain a somewhat vertical stance?" Benden Weyr> Jerissa oohs! A squish! :) From the living cavern, Emlyn steps away from Asrai. A bucket dumped on her fellow companion could spray on her. She's covered in suds, too, but more water'd make more bubbles. From the living cavern, Breana walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, "Asrai," Kindre calls over her glass, "I care for you like a sister, but fogive my tendencies here for self-preservation." Eyes flick a moment between Sudsgirl and Kerlyn, causing even her to wince. From the living cavern, Deri walks here from the Inner Cavern. Suzotchka offers a hand-up to K'tyn. From the living cavern, Kerlyn's fingers brush her hair out of her eyes. "Bit of a mess, you two are. Seems to me there's some sort of regulation about at least attempting to be tidy?" From the living cavern, Breana grins as she walks in, carrying gloves a bucket and a weed digging fork. "Heya all!" From the living cavern, Deri comes in quietly, a slight smile on her lips, "Heyla everyone." From the living cavern, R'val spots Bree and waves to her, "Evenin', Bree!" From the living cavern, Vitek returns R'val's grin, and takes a drink of klah, eyes flicking to Kerlyn. He leans toward Kindre. "I take it that rider is in charge of Candidate behaviour?" K'tyn stretches a hand toward Su. "You've got a hold of something that won't let y'slip, Su?" From the living cavern, Asrai stands next to Emlyn, two living soap sudds, "Umm, yes Ma'am.......it...too much...dishes...we'll get right to cleaning that up." She ends rather lamely. Kassima chuckles--well, more like wheezes, really--wryly. "I'd say they've gotten that, at least," is her reply as she tries to push herself off of the bronzerider and up to a more dignified position. Preferrably, standing. Moving very, very carefully, she manages with many winces and oofs to get to her feet; once there, she offers Kiat a sudsy hand. "Think you can make it up without slipping? Or making me slip, for that matter?" Suzotchka grabs the kitchen sink. "Aye." From the living cavern, Emlyn hasn't heard this regulation, but since there seems to be one for every situation where she gets into trouble, there's a regulation. "Tidy? Er, we're cleaning our clothes more efficiently." From the living cavern, Felinar walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, Salless orders the drudges to clean a tiny spot off a table as the steward arrives. From the living cavern, Felinar whistles as he walks in, perusing a solitary hide. From the living cavern, Kindre offers a wave to those entering the cavern, "Evening Bree, Deri," she says amiably enough. Turning back to Vitek, she nods, "Sort of a nanny for the group, yes, if not as...shall we say 'motherly'?" Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Oh no...I'm never gonna be let back inside...ever!" K'tyn offers his other hand to Kassi. "I believe so, though, if you don't slide out from under your own feet, Kass." From the living cavern, Caitria just watches, shaking her head from time to time. From the living cavern, Deri blinks as she hears the conversation echoing from the kitchen, "WHat in the first shell?" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka winces. I probably won't either. From the living cavern, The living soap bubble groans as she sees the Head Steward enter. From the living cavern, There are suds on the floor emanating from the kichen area. From the living cavern, Kerlyn's arms cross over her chest. "You're cleaning your clothes mroe efficiently?" she echoes Emlyn. There's a small wince as Felinar walks into the sud-tracked cavern, right past her two dripping candidates. "You're also cleaning the floor and kitchen more efficiently?" From the living cavern, Breana giggle as she watches the soapy struggles. From the living cavern, Kindre adds a greeting to the Steward, "Evening Felinar," then regrets calling his attention from the scroll. Kassima slides one foot around her standing space, nudging aside a few glops of egg. "It's pretty dry here," she reports as she takes Kiat's hand in a bubbly but otherwise firm grip. "Maybe by the time I slip, you'll have gotten mostly to your feet and can help me up." K'tyn takes Suzot's hand, and then Kassima's. Wedging his feet against the wall, he tries to pull himself erect...and succeeds, at last. Benden Weyr> Kassima is just hoping not to be recognized under all the bubbles. ;) From the living cavern, Felinar looks at Asrai, looking to see if she is actually eating something. From the living cavern, Vitek's lips twitch. "I see," he comments to Kindre. "Something akin to an Apprentice Master in a Craft?" He eyes the soap bubble, Kerlyn, and then chuckles. "Feel sorry for the bubble," he comments to the goldrider quietly. Suzotchka props Kiat till he gets his legs back. Benden Weyr> R'val grins and gets out a /huge/ hose, aiming it at the LC. SPLOOSH. Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins at R'val. :) Kassima's boots do slip around a bit, but she keeps her feet with some hasty windmilling with her free hand. "There!" she exclaims in triumph, then pauses to spit out some more suds. "Ugh. Well, cleaning this up ought to be an adventure." From the living cavern, Kindre bobs her head, "An apt comparison, Vitek," is stated even while her eyes continue to gawk at the display which surely must have started innocently enough. From the living cavern, Felinar smiles to Kindre, and sits down, still looking at Asrai. From the living cavern, Asrai coughs, sending out some...soap sudds...well she's trying not to eat them, really. "Umm, hello Steward Sir." At that moment one of the egg yolks that was happily sitting one her head decides that the floor would be a better place *SPLAT* From the living cavern, Emlyn looks at the floor, then up at Kerlyn. Suzotchka clears her throat, looking around. "Well, it's...it's me oon fault," she admits. "Ai pumped too much water, and theere was too much soap." From the living cavern, Vitek nods to Kindre, assimilating the information. He looks back at Asrai just in time to see the egg yolk fall onto the floor. He winces. From the living cavern, At the mention of cleaning up..Breana suddenly remembers the bucket and spade in her hands, and laughs "Have fun all!" And wanders out to the bowl. From the living cavern, Breana walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. From the living cavern, Felinar taps his chin and looks at Asrai. K'tyn blinks, his clothing plastered with water and suds to his body. "Aye. This plaid needed a wash," he sighs, shaking his head. Suds fly, and suds slide down the sunburned portion of his face. "Best I go find a way to rinse..." From the living cavern, Kerlyn manages to look near-defeated and at a loss for words. "Well, you' dbest 'effieciently' make sure both the mess and yourselves are cleaned up. We'll .. ah, 'chat', about how this got started in the morning. From the living cavern, Felinar looks at Kerlyn, "What exactly did happen?" From the living cavern, "This should prove to be interesting," Kindre muses aloud before draining the glass before her of every last, honey-tinted drop. From the living cavern, Emlyn nods in response to Kerlyn. She goes toward the inner cavern to get a mop. From the living cavern, Emlyn walks towards the inner cavern. From the living cavern, R'val glances towards Kindre with a wry smile, "You think? "he murmurs, his eyes full of impish curiousity. From the living cavern, Asrai tries not to sigh too loudly in relief, she also does her best to avoid Felinar's eyes, "Well um Emlyn...what say we go ...back into the kitchen.../now/." From the living cavern, Felinar adds, "In my cavern?" From the living cavern, Kerlyn's shoulder lifts and falls, and she murmers to Felinar, "If I knew, I wouldn't put it off until the morning. I'd like to know it was their fault before I tripled their duties." From the living cavern, "At the very least," Vitek murmurs, exchanging his klah mug for a wine glass. He chuckles to R'val. "Reminds me of the time we apprentices tried to make cookies at the Hall." Suzotchka mutters to K'tyn, "... befare... use... in yuer..." From the living cavern, Tresselin walks in from the bowl. From the living cavern, Asrai sees that the steward is not talking to her and dashes off, trying not to break her neck in the process. Kassima looks down at her own clothes, which, being light summer-wear sorts of things appropriate for a day spent at the beach, are now thoroughly soaked and matted with bubbles. Bubbles also are oozing over the tops of her boots, and on top of her head, and down her braid. "Something tells me I could use the same," she chuckles. Asrai enters the kitchen from the living cavern. From the living cavern, R'val hrms? curiously at Vitek and turns to regard him, losing interest in the kitchen momentarily, "Oh yes?" From the living cavern, Felinar nods, "Very well, please inform me as soon as you decide? I will not have Candidates ruining my cavern." From the living cavern, Tresselin enters the LC rather slowly, looking around at everyone. "Evening, everyone." K'tyn grins at Kassi. "Care to have a dip in the lake, hm? Su? I am sure you could use at least a splashing." Asrai comes in looking like a very scared...bubble Suzotchka says "Aye, I'd luve te have a swim...but first I've got te claen up this mess. It's me fault." From the living cavern, Kerlyn nods crisply. "I assure you, I will. I'm not in the habit of allowing them to run amok, as you may recall from previous clutches." From the living cavern, "Triple duties," Kindre is able to pick up out of some nearby conversation. Whistling softly, she shakes her head. From the living cavern, R'val murmurs quietly to Kindre, wincing in sympathy, "That's going to /hurt/." From the living cavern, Felinar says "that, and if any Candidate was directly responsible, I want names, okay, Kerlyn?" From the living cavern, Felinar nods to Kerlyn, "our thoughts on discipline run very parelell." From the living cavern, Vitek chuckles softly at R'val. "Yes, we decided to make our own cookies one night. And very nearly blew up the kitchen. The cook and the headwoman were...less than pleased. We were on tunnelsnake detail for three months." From the living cavern, Kindre nods her head slowly to R'val in agreement, "Double nearly killed Thera and I..." Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "We definitely need more Candi's to help...distrat Kerlyn ;)" Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "lag, spam, lag, spam...I may just scream." From the living cavern, Kerlyn looks slightly suprised, and her head tilts to one side, "I'dbe willing to discuss that." Kassima nods vigorously, causing her cap of soapsuds to droop forward a bit. "I believe I would, certes. But... I really should help clean up, too; I might nay have caused the mess, but at least I won't get any messier working with it, eh? Which is more than most could say." Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "Yes, but you will never distract me :)" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka hugs Kindre slowly. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "So that it doesn't lagspam her." Announcement: Carrigana announces "The PernMUSH Leader meeting will be in #8043 in 5 minutes. This is a meeting for the leaders of each area to meet with the wizard representative to shoot ideas around. This announcement is being @wall'd so that anyone who was asked to come by their leader(s) will know where it is 'cause I don't have a list of substitutions. See all the 'official' reps there!" Benden Weyr> Asrai thinks Felinar might have it out for her ;) The one person that will have to eat outside come fall fog or fire for the rest of her days ;) Benden Weyr> K'tyn woahs!There's our call, Kindre. Benden Weyr> R'val grins at Asrai. Oh dear :} Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "Well, you shouldn't throw food at the Head Steward, now should you? :)" From the living cavern, Tresselin finds a seat where she can see everything that's going on, and settles herself in it. From the living cavern, Kindre quirks a brow, her eyes returning to Vitek, "That sounds rather frightening...remind me to stay clear if you decide to take to cooking in the near future," she teases. Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "It was an act of fate, how could little insignificant me do anything about it? ;)" K'tyn nods at everyone. "Well, I can't stand all this soap. Tis...itchy." K'tyn walks into the Living Cavern. Benden Weyr> K'tyn nods. So is Kindre.:) *drag, drag* :) Benden Weyr> Kindre noddles, K'tyn...whee! ;) Benden Weyr> Asrai needs to reboot, BRB Benden Weyr> Caitria hms. I should prolly go to that. Benden Weyr> Jerissa hrms and thinks her alt ought to. Bah From the living cavern, K'tyn squishes, wetly, as he walks outside. "Please, pardon me." From the living cavern, K'tyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Kindre thusly +quiets for bit. Kassima grimaces. "I don't like it, either," she mutters, "but mayhaps helping clean will help certain kitchen workers forget about a certain wherry incident." The look a few of those now-besudsed kitchen-workers gives her clearly is clearly dubious on *that* score. From the living cavern, Felinar smiles at Kerlyn, "I didn't mean to offend. From the living cavern, Vitek chuckles. "I never claimed to be a cook, Goldrider. I can craft jade, cut gemstones, and other minerish things. However, cooking is not one of my talents." Suzotchka finally works her way back over to the mop and takes it off its wall-hook to start swabbing the floor. Benden Weyr> Emlyn finally gets back from a reconnect. Sorry :p From the living cavern, Caitria gets carefully to her feet. "'scuse me, everyone...oof." From the living cavern, Emlyn walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, Kindre's expression blanks for a few moments, followed by a roll of her eyes and hushed chuckling. Pushing up from her seat, she smiles, "Mine either, Vitek, to be true. If you all will excuse me, Herath is becoming fussy..." From the living cavern, Kerlyn hesitates a moment, then nods. She adds, "And I've no idea how that lot got involved, either, though they seem to be as sud-covered as my two." For someone as non-maternal as Kerlyn, she does seem to have soem definately territorial ideas about the candidate population of the weyr. From the living cavern, Kindre walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. From the living cavern, Caitria walks towards the inner cavern. From the living cavern, Emlyn comes back with an armload of mops and towels. From the living cavern, Vitek rises to his feet as well. "Actually, I've got to finish up my report. Having had my snack, it's time to get back to work. Good night, all." From the living cavern, Vitek walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima brushes a load or two of suds off of her person, before grabbing another mop and setting to work on the pile of eggs. As is usual when she works in a kitchen, Kassi starts to sing; fortunately, this time the songs aren't raunchy as they've been known sometimes to be. From the living cavern, Tresselin waves absently to Kindre and Caitria as they leave, and Emlyn as she enters. She blinks as more leave, but doesn't voice her question. From the living cavern, Emlyn gets to cleaning the suds that have drifted out from the kitchen floor. Asrai also takes up a rag, wiping off counters, not worryin about putting stuff on the floor, they can worry about that later. Asrai scrubbs her little heart out...and though there are sudds everywhere...bit by bit the 'kitchen' becomes restored....with Kassi's help. The swishing of a busy mop can be heard accompanying a pleasant enough alto voice, singing a song that might be familiar to some if it weren't constantly punctuated by the sound of suds being spat out. "Oh, what can y'do with a drunken rider, what can *spit* you do with a drunken *hack* rider--what can you do with *cough* a drunken rider, ear-ly in the morning? Dump 'im *hack, cough* in the Lake until he's sober...." Under all of this, the occasional squish and splorp sounds of the oozing suds is still audible. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka loves that song! From the living cavern, Getting out of her seat, Tresselin walks over to Emlyn and kneels on a dry spot on the floor, just out of the edge of the suds. "Want some help?" she offers to the Candidate. Benden Weyr> Kassima does, too, even though she can only remember the chorus and one verse. :) Benden Weyr> Tresselin grins at Suzotchka. I do, too. Benden Weyr> Kerlyn collapses laughing for reasons known pretty much only by herself. Benden Weyr> R'val peers. what song? @set me=clueless From the living cavern, Emlyn grins to herself as she hears Kassima singing. She turns that grin on Tresselin and says, "Well, the worst is pretty much over, but thank you for the offer." Asrai decides to do the dishes while she's at it...that was her original duty...as the mop swings her way, Asrai lifts first one foot then the other up and out of the way so as not to impede its progress, "You really don't have to help Kassi.." Here her voice lowers, "It wasn't even your fault." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "What can you do with a drunken rider, what can you do with a drunken rider... Throw'im in the lake until he's sober, ear-ly in the mor-nin'." Benden Weyr> Caitria always preferred the, "Shave his belly with a rusty razor" verse, herself. Suzotchka changes the mopwater as it becomes saturated with suds and egg goo. Benden Weyr> Kassima oohs and forgot that one! Thanks, Tria! Benden Weyr> Caitria grins, de nadas, and doesn't ask what she's missing. From the living cavern, Felinar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "We made up verses with the group I hung with." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka likes, Lift up his kilt to see what's under. From the living cavern, Tresselin nods at Emlyn, smiling. "If you're sure," she says, standing upright. Without waiting for the answer, she makes her way back over to her seat and sits in it once more, watching the Candidate clean. Lysseth> Breana is quietly digging weeds over to one side of the bowl... Benden Weyr> Kerlyn grins at Emlyn. I thought you just skipped the verses (ie, drank guiness through 'em) then jumped in with the chorus? "Shave his belly with a rusty knife-blade, shave his belly with a rusty knife-blade--shave his belly with a rusty knife-blade, ear-ly in the mornin'!" Kassi does a quick spin on the floor at the end of this verse, then goes back to singing and swabbing. "Hrm, Asrai?" she interrupts the next verse to ask. "Oh... well, mayhaps 'tis nay, but I'm trying to replace the wherry incident memories with better ones. D'you ken?" Returning to singing, the words, "Lift up his kilt and see what's under, ear-ly in the mornin'" float through the kitchen and Living Cavern. Asrai stacks the clean dishes neatly to one side...surprisingly enough, the kitchen gradually becomes transformed from a sodden suddsy mess to an imaculate thing even Felinar couldn't disagree with. Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "Well, I couldn't make up thoe kind of verses at the pub, could I, Keryn? ;-)" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka feels famous all of a sudden. :) Benden Weyr> Kerlyn says, "Oh no, of course not . ." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Kiiiiaaat, she sang the verse about the kiiiiilts." From the living cavern, R'val glances into the kitchen and blinks, "Shards, 'He mutters. Kassima wrings out her mop into a pail; the verse of, "Cut him up and make stew out of 'im," is barely audible over the squishing wringing sounds. "Make him drink buckets of M'kla's klah, ear-ly in the morning!" The cleaning goes more swiftly as she's able to move around the shining, unsudsed and unegged floor with relative ease. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Kiat's quiet, Su. :)" Suzotchka rinses the mop and gives the floor another once-over. From the living cavern, Emlyn gets finished with the floor in entry way to the kitchen. She gets up and goes to see if they need any help in the kitchen. Emlyn enters the kitchen from the living cavern. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka will tell him personally then. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. Thanks, BTW, for those who've helped me come up with verses. ;) Asrai puts the last finishing touches on the cabinants and table tops. Taking some extra time she even wipes down all the bowls and containers. Emlyn simply joins in without asking what needs doing. It's obvious what needs doing, after all. Asrai takes up a towel and helps with the final thing, drying the dishes. From the living cavern, Deri sighs and shakes her head as she peeks around the room From the living cavern, Kerlyn's head shakes once more, and she steps out into the bowl. From the living cavern, Kerlyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima hangs up the sodden mop, and looks around the kitchen--which now looks much, much cleaner than she does. "Nay bad," she opines with a grin. Emlyn grins over at Kassima, having just finished putting a bunch of equipment back on the racks. Asrai sighs and replaces the last now dry dish, a sense of dred comes over her, "Yeah, now to go speak with Felinar and Kerlyn. Asrai stands and walks out...the death march can almost be heard in the background..... Emlyn nods. "Yes. After you?" Asrai walks into the Living Cavern. Emlyn walks into the Living Cavern. From the living cavern, Asrai makes her way through with leaden feet. From the living cavern, Asrai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima shakes her head, causing wet and still somewhat sudsy bangs to plaster themselves to her face. "Believe me, I *don't* envy you." Having expressed this, she troops into the LC after wringing out her hair in the sink. You walk into the Living Cavern. Emlyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. From the kitchen, Suzotchka finishes the floor. "Och," she says to herself. "If Ai nivver sae anither mop again.." Suzotchka walks in from the kitchen. R'val looks up as Kassi and Emlyn emerge. He questions, "How's the disaster area? All cleaned up?" Kassima waves, soddenly, as she does her best to get through the Cavern without dripping suds and eggs all over the place. "It'll be too soon?" she calls over her shoulder to Suzotchka. "Same here... aye, R'val, 'tis, and I'm going to see about doing the same for m'self. Please excuse me." You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Asrai steps out of the caverns, looking like a beat canine, it is doubled as she approaches and sees Felinar's 'look', "Umm ma'am, sir...I have a ...well something to explain...bout the kitchen." Kerlyn's eyebrows pull together a little, "Ely? You mean, Wingleader Elyandra?" Felinar looks at Asrai, "Get on with it." Benden LC> Suzotchka drops suds all the way outside, though she tries her best not to. Suzotchka comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Breana grins at Kassi as she pulls yet another weed out. She then catches Kerlyn's tone and nods "Yup..that's her.." Suzotchka is still covered with suds, partly dried. Kassima squishes and squelches out of the Cavern, her wet boots making odd sounds as she walks towards Lysseth. The green snorts at her rider, sounding mildly amused. "I know, I know, lump. First I pestered you about a bath, then I wind up needing one m'self. I can appreciate the irony without your nudging, thankee." She smiles nevertheless, though, and slides a look to see how the Candidates are faring. Breana grins at Su and waves, shaking her head "Silly people!" Kerlyn nods to Breana, assuming her point has been made. "Welcoem to Benden. I'm Kerlyn, Blue Sorath's rider, and one of the candidate Den parents." She turns to listen to Asrai's explanation. Benden LC> Deri blinks, "What exactly happened?" Suzotchka waves at Breana. "It was an honest mistake," she says, controlling her Herder accent. Benden LC> Tresselin blinks at the sodden appearances of Kassi and the others, then turns to R'val with a puzzled look. "What happened?" she asks. "Where'd all the suds come from and everything? And /egg/?" She gestures in the direction of the kitchen. Asrai reaches up to push a sodden lock behind one ear, her swallow an audible *gulp*, "Well, it was my turn to do the dishes, and by accident I used too much soap, and by accident, too much water was put in...we didn't notice the sudds till it was too late. " She finally meets his eyes, "We cleaned it all up though." She says in a soft hopeful voice. R'val comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Suzotchka says "I put too much water in." Breana giggles at Kerlyn "Thankyou for the welcome...but i'm not new here..i've lived here for a long time" She smiles..until suddenly something sinks in and she quickly adds "Um...Ma'am, that is...you're one i have to call ma'am now aren't you?" Felinar nods, "Just like by accident you threw cheese at me? Your accidents are getting tiresome, Candidate." Emlyn is listening to Asrai and Suzotchka. For once, she wasn't an instigator of a problem. In fact, when she realizes this she stands a bit straighter. Suzotchka looks up at Felinar, clearing her throat to weakly remind him, "Ai'm nae Candidate, siir." Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "Tis very unwise to upset the Moff :)" Asrai nods emphatically, saying in a heartfelt voice, "I know sir, I was thinking the same thing just the other day." Benden Weyr> Jerissa quirks an eyebrow. Yeah? :) R'val wanders out of the living cavern, quirking an eyebrow as he listens in. Kerlyn's expression develops into something akin to a frown, but she seems reluctant to interrupt Felinar. Felinar nods to Suzotchka, "Yes and you weren't addressing me, were you?" He nods to Asrai, "Well, I tell you what, then Asrai, since you like soap and water so much, you are to clean the living cavern floor everynight until the Hatching. I suggest you start immediately after the evenign meal, as it takes quite a while to do." Ursa emerges from the infirmary. Felinar doesn't notice Ursa as he's addressing a resident and a Candidate, a very less than pleased expression on his face. Breana grins at Ursa and R'val, waving to both as she sits beside her bucket of weeds...the actual act of weed pulling forgotten since the other entertainment started... Asrai chews on her lower lip, perhaps to keep it from quivering...who knows, "Yes sir." She says meekly, adding /ever/ so softly, "I didn't do it a purpose." R'val spots Ursa and smiles over at her quietly. He winks at Bree, waving back. Suzotchka turns away from Felinar. Candidates might have to deal with this, but if he's not talking to her, then he's /not/ talking to her. She heads towards the lake. Kerlyn's eyebrow lifts, and she points out mildly, "It didn't appear to me, actually, as though Asrai was the only participant in the mess-making. The candidates weren't the sole sud covered mess makers I witnessed." Ursa comes hobbling out, supporting herself on a crutch with her good arm, and moving very slowly. Perhaps even more unusual than Ursa being out of the infirmary, is the fact she's wearing a long, heavy skirt. Felinar nods, "Well, perhaps then you will learn the value of paying attention to your actions." He ohs to Kerlyn, and bellows out, "SUZOTCHKA!" When Kerlyn speaks, Emlyn's eyes drift over toward Kassima, too. Suzotchka stops. "Aye?" she says, turning around. Felinar says "What was your role in this?" Felinar looks at Asrai, "Dismissed." Suzotchka says "Ai toold ye. Ai put in tuu much water and didn't nootice." Her Herder accent is thickening by the second, though it had started to disappear after J'cob insulted her over it. "And Ai claened up the mess." Felinar says "And for that matter, who was all involved? It may seem that Asrai will have assistance." Breana puts aside her digging tools and settles herself more comfortably to watch, petting the canine lying beside her. Kerlyn continues, her hands clasped behind her back. "I seem to recall seeing a couple of rider's knots as well. And not all of those seemed present at the cleanup." she gestures for Asrai to remain where she is. Asrai nods meekly with a small sigh, then slowly lifts her eyes to Kerlyn...waiting...kinda like the mouse waiting for the trap to snap shut. Ursa frowns, standing there, leaning on her crutch, listening to the discussions. She looks bemused. This is far more interesting than hobbling around "getting air." Felinar nods to Kerlyn, "I can't assign duties to non-weyrling riders, however, please inform their wingleaders, and ask them if they may assist with the LC cleanup nightly duty? Thank you, AWLM, for that information." Kassima wipes wet hair back out of her face, and turns to Kerlyn. "Ma'am, if you're referring to K'tyn and m'self, we had the misfortune of curiousity; we'd heard a scream, y'see, and wished to know what was about. When we walked in, I know I slipped on the suds; I think Kiat did the same, since I seem to remember hearing him yelp." She inclines her head. "We tried to get up, mind, but every time we did--I know this holds true for me; I remember seeing Kiat in similar straits, but you'll have to ask him for his side of it--someone'd run into us, or we'd slip and fall. 'Twas certes nay intentional." Suzotchka frowns. "Nae, I was the one responsible. They kam in just te see what the matter was." Asrai opens her mouth to speak, then thinks better and closes it...then throwing that out the window opens it again, "Ma'am, Kassi and K'tyn came in to see what was the matter...they had no part in the making at all...and neither had any responsibility to help clean up." Her backbone is straight during this, getting some steele in it when it comes to defending her friends from wrongfull implication. Suzotchka adds, "Neither did Kassima, but she halped anyway." Kerlyn's lips press together. "Actually, Steward, I was under the impression that the candidates were my responsibilty as one of their den parents. I was leaving this matter until the morning so that I could hav the opportunity to see what had occured before assigning responsibility for it." Felinar nods to Kerlyn, "Aye, but it also my responsibility to ensure that this weyr stays in one piece, and .all. residents fall under myself and Halyn's jurisdiction. Especially in public places such as the LC." Ursa smirks slightly, hearing the varying accounts. She beckons to Emlyn, who doesn't seem to have any one to answer to at the moment. Kassima darts a quick glance at Suzotchka and Asrai, both surprise and gratitude flickering across her expression as they back her up. Emlyn moves over to Ursa's side. "Yes, Brownrider?" Ursa first asks the candidate, "Emlyn, right?" though she doesn't exactly wait for an answer. "What happened? Water on the kitchen floors?" Kerlyn inclines her head briefly. "I wasn't contradicting that. I'm simply trying to ensure that the candidates don't end up taking the blame for things they haven't instigated, as has happened before. If they are instigators, then yes, then discipline is in order." Felinar nods, "Aye, fair enough." Felinar looks at Asrai, "But one of them is known to have a knack for "accidents"." Emlyn nods and explains quietly to Ursa, "Yes'm. Too much water and too much soapsand, and the sink ran over. Once the water was off, everybody tried to get to mops and, with the suds, well, it got pretty messy." Asrai winces under that look, biting her lower lip and kicking the dirt with the big toe of her boot. Felinar also says to Kerlyn, "I shall suspend the discipline for Asrai until you are satisfied with what you need to know, but Suzotchka, you say you were the main instigator?" Kerlyn glances at Asrai as well. "That may well be the case, and, in fact, I'd be suprised it it turned out to just be one. But the truth of the matter is that some accidents are accidents. Not all are negligence, stupidity or carelessness." Suzotchka clears her throat, speaking louder so it can't possibly be missed. "Ai've said it afore and Ai'll say it again. /Ai/ was the one at fault. The mess is claened up noow, and Ai'll taeke any punishment ye see fit te give me, but ye laeve hirr alone, du ye maind? She had nothin' te du wi'this. T'was an honest mistaeke and Ai'll pay fer it any way ye ask." Kerlyn inclines her head to teh stewerd once more. "Your fairness is appreciated. Thank you." Ursa nods absently while listening, "Sounds messy," she agrees. "It's all cleaned up, now?" Asrai looks up at Felinar with a quick, "No twas not!" Then over at Kerlyn with a wealth of gratitude. Emlyn nods to Ursa, saying, "Even the eggs, yes." Felinar Nods to Suzotchka, "I appreciate your candor in this matter, you will assist with the drudges during the evening clean up for the next five sevendays." Suzotchka nods. "Ai'll have te ask someone te take me second shift, then. Since Kyris's other nanny was Searched, there's oonly me te caere fer the baby." Ursa winces. "Eggs?" she echoes. Breana looks up at Su "I guess i could do it Su" Emlyn nods to the brownrider beside her. "They make an awful mess mixed with soap." Ursa winces, then sits down to rest while observing. Suzotchka shakes her head. "Ye're a Candidate noow," she explains to Breana. Asrai pouts, setting her jaw in a set position, her teeth grinding though she doesn't speak. Kerlyn's eyebrow climbs, but Suzotchka is most definately out of her jurisdiction. "Breana, she's right-- if you're not busy enough, I'm sure I can fix that." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka suddenly fears for her life. Breana pouts and protests "I was just offering to help! In my off hours time..I've been doing my chores properly! See!" She holds up the bucket of weeds Kerlyn's eyes close, and she appears to be counting slowly, under her breath. Felinar Nods to Suzotchka, "Since you are a nanny, that will have to make me reconsider my discipline." He looks thoughtful, "Consider yourself warned, if any similar incident happens again, it will be dealt with immediately." Breana adds "Ma'am" to Kerlyn and smiles, hopeful that she hasn't put her foot into her mouth. Asrai blinks, her jaw relaxing considerably. Suzotchka looks annoyed and hasn't learned governance of her tongue. "If Ai maeke mistaekes, Ai fix them, er find a way t'make amends," she says with all the dignity a common kitchen wench could ever muster. Felinar nods to Suzotchka, "Aye." Suzotchka continues. "Noow, if Ai'd tried te blaeme this an sumeone else, Ai'd expect te be treated as a criminal." Asrai winces as Su continues... Suzotchka seems finished. Kassima sighs faintly as she scrapes some dried egg off of her face, and glances around. "Sir, ma'am; I don't mean to interrupt aught, but if you've nay business left with me, might I be dismissed t'tend to this mess?" She gestures down at her clothes and overall self, which are sodden and caked with soap, eggs, and general kitchen-floor dirt. Kerlyn rocks back on her heels, hands clasped behind her back again. As Kassima speaks, she looks startled, "You certainly don't need my permission to stay or go.. particularily since you were just caught in the cross-flaming, so to speak." Felinar looks at Suzotchka, "I just said you are not getting disciplined, but if you don't cease talking, I'll be forced to reconsider." Asrai remains where she is, basically because she was told to by Kerlyn. Hesitantly she looks up at the rider as she speaks...waiting... Suzotchka closes like a mollusk and doesn't utter a single other word. Emlyn has been quietly standing on the side. For a change. Maybe bumping heads with Sionelle has taught her that there are creatures out there more stubborn than a bovine. Not that bovines have anything to do with anything. She shakes her head and refocuses on the scene going down in front of her. Felinar smiles to Suz, "Now get on with your evening." Suzotchka curtseys primly and heads back up to the weyr to take her /third/ shift of the day. Kerlyn looks between Asrai and Suzotchka. "Would it be a fair guess that the two of you managed this between you?" The question is directed to Asrai. Suzotchka shakes her head. "Na, Ai did it meself." Kassima nods. "Aye, ma'am, as you say; 'twas just unsure," she smiles briefly, "whether or nay I'd explained satisfactorily. Thankee kindly." Giving Lyss a parting scritch, and the Candidates and Suzotchka a final glance, she snaps a quick salute and takes her leave. You walk south. Lysseth> Asrai nods, "Yes Ma'am, that'd be fair." she looks hard at Su, "Su is just trying to save me...but it was as much my fault as hers." You pick your way across the rocks to the steamy hot springs of Benden. Lysseth> Suzotchka shakes her head, maintaining Asrai's innocence. Lysseth> Kerlyn nods again. "In that case, it seems to me you ought to end up with the same sort of result. Which is to say, if I find you behind this sort of disruption again, you'll be doing so many pushups you'll be able to benchpress a dragon by the time the hatching rolls around." Lysseth> Breana giggles at Kerlyn's words to the others. Lysseth> Felinar manages to keep a straight face. Lysseth> Ursa is sitting on a convenient ledge on the bowl wall, enjoying the evening breezes now more than she's paying attention to the disciplinary action. She beckons again to Emlyn, who doesn't seem to be needed by Kerlyn. She doesn, however, hear Kerlyn's words, and speaks up for the candidates to hear, "I can vouch for her on that one, Candidates. She means it." Lysseth> Suzotchka stands silently, waiting for the axe to fall. Lysseth> Asrai's eyes widen as theuy inevitably go to the nearest dragon...again her swallow is an audible *gulp*. Lysseth> Emlyn is a candidate, too. Benchpressing dragons sounds frightening to her. She's not event tempted to laugh, especially after Ursa speaks up. Lysseth> Kerlyn adds, as she picks up on the amusement around her, "And if you don't believe me, I'm sure Wingsecond Ursa would be glad to atte-- " she flashes the brownrider a quick grin as she speaks up. Lysseth> R'val glances at Ursa and merely nods, gravely, in agreement. Lysseth> *Gulp* Lysseth> Ursa smirks as a few eyes turn to her, and she flexes her left arm, her dragonrider muscles, toned but not large, visible in her sleeveless tunic. "I owe it all to Kerlyn," she vows. Kassima waves over to Thera, with a hand that is liberally splattered with dried soapsuds, egg, and kitchen-floor gunk. "Sorry to intrude, coz, but I quite honestly *need* a good soaking--as you can see," she adds with a wry grin. Peeling off her clothes, Kassi seems to belatedly realize she didn't bring a towel; with a shrug and a comment of, "I don't *see* Aph anywhere, and she can *have* these clothes if she wants to steal them," the greenrider slides into a spring anyway. Lysseth> Breana ohs as she looks at Ursa's arm "From benchpressing dragons?" Lysseth> Suzotchka doesn't even see Ursa's display of strength, as she's watching Kerlyn to fathom her actual punishment. You slide into a hot spring. Lysseth> Kerlyn can't seem to figure out why Suzotchka is watching her, and queries with a puzzled, "Yes?" Thera chuckles, and relaxes. "Today's a day off for me...i didn't wake up till late tho, figured a bath would be the best way to recooperate from last night." Lysseth> Suzotchka says "Ai'm waitin' te see whot Ai'm te duu." Lysseth> R'val whistles softly,t easingly, at Ursa as she flexes, "I knew those pushups'd pay off, Ursa!" Lysseth> Ursa nods dryly to Breana. "Aye," she agrees, droll, "though I've had to give it up till my arm heals up here," and she nods at her bandaged right forearm. R'val earns himself another smirk. Lysseth> Kerlyn glances towards Felinar, then back to Suzotchka. "Whatever it is you usually do, I'd imagine. Steward Felinar just gave you a warning, no more." Kassima chuckles. "Wish I'd checked your schedule and seen 'twas your off-day, too. I usually prefer a long, long sleep and a meal that'd feed a dragon to recuperate--as 'twere--but different ways work for different folks, and all that." Lysseth> Suzotchka nods. "Then bye yer laeve, Weeyrlin'master?" Lysseth> Felinar nods to Suz, "YOu are free to press on with your normal duties." Lysseth> Suzotchka nods, not saying a word to Felinar but giving him a respectful nod. Lysseth> Breana giggles and Ursa and nods, then looks over at the others, waving to Su. Lysseth> Kerlyn nods a little bemusedly, "If you choose. I've no authority over non-candidates, lass. It's the one the dragons decide to victimize that have to tow the line as far as I'm concerned." Thera grins. "Well, it didn't begin as an off day, i kinda traded aboutwith N'helm." Lysseth> Asrai finally begins to relax a bit, seeing that Su is getting off with only a warning, Emlyn being overlooked completely, as is only right., She still however gives a few sideways glances to the nearest dragon, muttering to herself, "That's a lot of pushups, person could get squished." Lysseth> Suzotchka nods, curtseys once more to anyone who looks like they want one, and once more makes for the weyrs. Lysseth> Kerlyn has absolutely no desire for one, so it's a good thing she was looking the other way. She walks over next to Ursa, and hunkers down next to the brownrider, "How's Spineth?" Lysseth> Emlyn stands up a little straighter when Kerlyn comes over, but relaxes when she relizes Kerlyn is just there to speak with Ursa. Lysseth> Ursa fiddles with her crutch as she sits there, attempting to spin it with her left hand, but not having much luck. When it clatters to the ground a second time, she scoops it up and lays it beside her, just as Kerlyn gets closer. "Oh, he's still not got the stitches out," she complains mildly, "But he's really healing nicely. I got -my- stitches out," she adds, sounding actually proud. Lysseth> Kerlyn draws absently in the dirt of the bowl floor with one finger. "Good to hear- you'll be back in the air in no time, the two of you." Lysseth> Asrai stands there caked in drying eggyolk and soap sudds, "If you'll excuse me ma'am...I should go wash myself now..." Lysseth> Emlyn listens to the talk about injury and stitches with a shiftig of weight. Kassima laughs. "I usually pre-arrange something, so that I switch off with another greenrider whenever one of our lasses goes up; if I ever forgot, though, I'd like to see 'em try and wake me *up* for duties. With Lyss forbidding me sleep for three or four nights a'forehand, I could likely sleep through just about anything." Lysseth> Kerlyn looks up, then nods. "Oh, of course. I thought you knew you were dismissed for the evening.. and Asrai? Try to stay out of trouble, won't you?" Lysseth> Ursa sighs heavily, "It's been much longer than "no time" already," and her tone is complaining again, tinged with restlessness. "Shells, they wouldn't 'low me this crutch 'till two days ago." Lysseth> Felinar nods to Kerlyn, "Clear skies, Weyrlingmaster." He smirks, "We'll work fine together, I can tell." Lysseth> R'val smiles at Ursa gently, 'The healers know best, Ursa." Lysseth> Asrai nods her head emphatically, saying in an earnest voice, "I'll try ma'am, really I will." Lysseth> Asrai with that said rushes off. Lysseth> Asrai walks south. Lysseth> Ursa throws her scowl at R'val. "Yeah, you keep telling me that, R'val," she drawls impatiently. Lysseth> Kerlyn nods sympathetically, "Saer used to have the same complaint-- oh, certainly, Stewerd. And SIonelle's the weyrlingmastr-- I'm merely an assistant." The rancor there is so slight that it probably wouldn't be detected by anyone who wasn't already aware of the strong love between Kerlyn & Sionelle. Asrai picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in steam. Benden Weyr> Emlyn guffaws at Kerlyn's pose. Asrai comes upon you looking rather dejected and...egg caked. Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "Dang, what'd I miss?" Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "Kerlyn made reference to the great love that exists between her and Sionelle." Benden Weyr> Felinar says, "A funny :)" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Whoa, whuh?" Lysseth> Ursa scowls. "Shoulda been you," she murmers loyally to Kerlyn. After all, Kerlyn was part of the team when Ursa was a weyrling, and Sionelle never was. Kassima waves over to Asrai, looking a trifle less egg and suds-caked, and a trifle more clean. "Heya, Asrai. Was the punishment *that* bad?" Benden Weyr> J'lor grins. Lysseth> Felinar smartly departs this conversation, to him there's no distinction between assistant and the actual, in his experience it's been the assistant that does the work and the master gets the credit. But he wisely remains quiet and presses on about his business, after all, what does the head steward know? Besides everything . . . Asrai slips into a nearby spring, not wanting to 'dirty' the other women's clean water, "Actually, "She starts off, rather confused sounding, "We got off with a warning." Benden Weyr> R'val snickers. :) Lysseth> Kerlyn's shoulders straighten, and she gives Ursa a sincere smile. It doesn't last very long though.. see, she's probably afraid of spraining something, the amount she uses her smiling muscles. "Didn't want it." she murmers back, in a lie intended to help her convince herself. "Besides, she's got mroe experience." Lysseth> R'val cocks his head at Kerlyn as he listens, and he chuckles softly, "I don't know about that Kerlyn. You've a fair bit of experience yourself." Lysseth> Emlyn murmurs very very quietly, "And more attitude." Lysseth> Felinar walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Lysseth> Kerlyn's shoulder lifts and falls. Kassima's water is actually rather sudsy as it picks up the soap from her hair. A good thing she's not in her clothing, or it would practically be a bubblebath. "A warning? Well, that's good news." Lysseth> Kerlyn says "Maybe soemday. For now, someone's got to be there to do the real work." looks like she and Felinar agree about the role od trhe 'assistant' too, perhaps." Lysseth> Ursa rolls her eyes at this, it's obvious where her sympathies lie. She glances up when Emlyn speaks and something clicks in her mind. "Emlyn, could I have you run and grab me a sweetroll and a redfruit from the caverns, please?" Ah, candidates. Lysseth> Breana listens to the conversation, idly pulling the occasional weed as she listens. Benden Weyr> Kerlyn aiies. I can spell really.. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka nods, yes, you can. Asrai nods as she washes herself off, clothes and all, "Yeah....." She still sounds rather confused. then she looks over to Kassi and Thera, her voice softer, "i don't think Felinar likes me." Benden Weyr> J'lor grins. Lysseth> R'val sidles closer to Ursa and leans towards her, smiling, "So how're you feeling today anyway?" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "I've seen you...You're very good at it." Lysseth> Emlyn's clothes are begrimed with soap and egg, and she ought to be in hot soak somewhere. Instead, she nods at once to Ursa and rushes off to the cavern. Lysseth> Ursa shrugs ambiguously at R'val, "My leg itches like a new hatchling, and I can still barely walk, they're not letting Spineth outta stitches yet, and I don't know how long till they'll let us back on duty." It's apparent Ursa's feeling better. Lysseth> Kerlyn gives Ursa a gentle touch on the shoulder as she rises. "Get some sleep, and you'll feel better." Is there anyone who -doesn't- give this advice to other people when they're sick? "I've got sweeps soon, so I need to head out. G'deve to you both." She nods to R'val as well, before walking off Sorathward. Kassima sighs, and admits, "Well... trying to demonstrate the cheese-flinging thing wasn't the best idea; I'd say he likely took it as intentional, which wouldn't make him predisposed towards you. Just try nay to get in any more trouble, though. If he doesn't forget, I suppose he might eventually forgive." Lysseth> Ursa waves lazily to Kerlyn. "Night!" she calls. Lysseth> Emlyn returns in practically no time with a sourdough roll and redfruit juice. Lysseth> R'val smiles at Ursa, perceiving the apparent. Wryly, he comments, "Don't tell me you're actually getting better, Ursa?" Lysseth> Breana finishes off weeding the one section she is working on and with a yawn she waves 'Well i think that's enough for me for today..Night" and wanders off.. Asrai looks very sadened at this, "But Kassi, you know I would never do anything like that on purpose." Lysseth> Emlyn hands over the food she's brought (which bears very little resemblance to a sweetroll and redfruit). "Here you are, Ma'am. I'm supposed to get cleaned up, now." Benden Weyr> Asrai's next goal...to win Felinar over. Lysseth> Ursa scowls at R'val, taking the roll and juice without thought from Emlyn, nodding absently and drawling "thanks." It's not until the candidate has moved away that she gives up on coming up with a suitable retort for R'val and notices what she's been brought. She calls to Emlyn, "Sweet rolls are a little dry tonight, are they?" Lysseth> Breana walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Lysseth> Beni goes through the entrance to the living cavern. Kassima shakes her head. "Nay, but he doesn't know you well enough to know that... perception's a limited thing, y'know. But try to be of good cheer. So long as you don't muck up the Living Cavern or kitchens, I'd say you'll nay be in too much trouble with him--and he might eventually get to like you. Who's to say?" Lysseth> Ursa sighs as the candidate vanishes. She downs the juice but just looks, disappointed, at the sourdough roll in her hand. "Shells, they're just not as smart as they used to be, are they, R'val?" Asrai nods, still scrubbing at her clothes, hair and hair, "Perhaps if I just don't go into the kitchens or lower cavern...but what about the next time I have to do dishes?" She asks desperately, a perfect plan, foiled. Kassima unties the leather thong holding her braid, and starts working at unweaving it. "Well," she suggests wryly, but with a smile, "I'd start with being *very* careful how much soap you put in, eh?" Lysseth> Ursa lifts her left arm to wave lazily as Tinya arrives. Asrai turns with exasperation, "But Kassssiiii, it was an acci...." She breaks off, realising you are teasing and dissolves into a fit of giggles, splashing you with some suddsi water. Lysseth> Tinya wanders over with her dragon, and waves, going to R'val's side and slipping an arm around him in a companionable hug. "Hi, love," she says, and, "Hi, Ursa. Starting to feel better?" Lysseth> R'val glances up at Ursa, "Hrm? Some of 'em aren't. Others are, I'm sure. Therre's more to come you know, Ursa.' He smiles up at her, then grins as he spots Tinya, and hugs her to him, squeezing her about the waist, "Hullo love. How're you?" Lysseth> Ursa harumphs to Tinya. "I can't -go- anywhere," she complains. Yeah, she's feeling better. Lysseth> Tinya tilts her head over against R'val's shoulder and smiles. "Fine, love." To Ursa she nods sympathetically. "It's horribly frustrating, I know." Thera shakes herself, before sliding further into the pool. She blinks a few times, and pulls herself together. "Oh, hello there," she says to the newcomer. "Sorry for dozing off coz." Kassima laughs and slaps the water with her hand, dashing Asrai liberally. "See, now isn't laughter better'n being too dismayed over things you can't do much about?" Lysseth> R'val kisses Tinya warmly on the cheek, being disgustingly public about his affection. Lysseth> Ursa nods, complaining bitterly, "All the candidates went out for a soak, and I can't even walk to the weyrling barracks, let alone the hot springs." Asrai giggles, taking the splash, "Yeah, I supose so." Asrai finishes cleaning herself off with a sigh, "Well, i have an early morning...supose I should get on to bed." she gives Thera a little smile of greeting...finally looking like a normal human being and not a large bubble. Lysseth> Tinya wrinkles her nose. "That's no fun," she agrees. "Could we help? Maybe we could lift you up on one of the dragons and have them walk you over there? If it'd be all right with the healers," she adds hastily. Kassima grins at Asrai. "Sleep would do you good," she agrees with a smile. "Now that you're clean, anyway--I shudder to think of trying to sleep covered with eggs and soap!" Lysseth> Ursa brightens thoughtfully at the idea, then wrinkles her nose. "What do they know?" she asks, lazily. Perhaps just to bug R'val. Lysseth> R'val nods, "I'd be willing if the healers would let us." Asrai giggles, pulling her rather bruised and sore body from all that *slamming* from the waters and off to the shore. Asrai says "Goodnight you two." Asrai picks her way across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.