
Follow the Bouncing Ball

Date:  February 12, 2002
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Galleries, and Southern Bowl
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Soccer, not content with having invaded the United 
States and conquered most of Europe, now comes to Pern to have a go
at infesting new territory. ;)  In seriousness, Rulyn draws several
of the Weyrfolk into a quick, somewhat rough-and-tumble but entirely
fun game of herdball, in which Kassi's only too happy to participate.
Cheers go to Rulyn for the idea, which led to some great and 
unusually athletic RP. :)


The Log:

TGW-LC>> Rulyn looks askance at the mug of klah. Then he takes a deep 
breath, and looks around, saying, "Anyone want to play a game?" Here is his 
total attempt to find a totally new subject.

TGW-LC>> Riane tilts her head to the side with question, then takes a large 
sip of klah. Clearing her throat, she pulls up a chair. "A game? What kind?"

TGW-LC>> Talisha glances at Yashira, scrunches her nose up, and then 
switches attention to Rulyn. "Well fine! Hmph. I didn't really want you to 
make me anything anyway." She stands after a moment, brushes her hands off 
on her pants, and heads for the exit. "If Mirrari comes back, tell her I'll 
speak to her about the lace later. Evening."

TGW-LC>> Talisha walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Rulyn shrugs. "Any game. I've got one we used to play at home..." 
he suggests. "But we could play anything."

TGW-LC>> "Games are good. Especially if they involve possible bodily harm," 
Yashira notes.

TGW-LC>> Rulyn's eyes open wide. "I don't know any that involve bodily 
harm..." he gasps slightly.

TGW-LC>> Yashira sighs. "That's alright, I suppose."

TGW-LC>> Riane glances out into the bowl, "How's the weather? Back home we 
used t'play an outside game and people'd get hurt sometimes..?" She offers.

TGW-LC>> Rulyn discovers he's still in over his head. "I always thought of 
games as a tame, safe sort of endeavor," he admits. "What's your outside 
game?" he asks Riane.

TGW-LC>> Riane shrugs, then explains. "They called it 'herdball', when lots 
of people'd play and everybody's running around like herdbeasts and all.. 
but you just kinda just kick the ball around and try and get it into 
eachothers' goals. You can play with just a few people, too."

TGW-LC>> Yashira pauses, looking thoughtful. "I can support kicking."

TGW-LC>> Rulyn sighs. "I was thinking a word game," he admits, but adds, 
with as much excitement as he can muster, "You wanna play herdball?"

TGW-LC>> Riane peers once again out into the bowl. "Um, if you want...?" She 
pauses. "Word games are good, too, I guess? I'm no harper or anything..."

TGW-LC>> Yashira's eyebrows raise. "But... the kicking things? Outdoors?" 
Her eyes widen.

TGW-LC>> Rulyn laughs at the two. "Let's go kicking, if you want. We can try 
it out for a few, anyhow. Maybe some word games, later."

TGW-LC>> Mirrari is really walking into the caverns, having departed 
earlier, " Kicking? Kicking what?"

TGW-LC>> Rulyn gestures invitationally, despite the humiliation he 
associates with Mirrari at this exact moment. "We're gonna go kick a ball 
around. Play some herdball."

TGW-LC>> Riane tries not to show too much relief, though she does smile a 
little. "I'll go get a ball..." She hurries in and out of the inner caverns, 
returning with a ball about the size of her head and the color of dark 
weyrhide tucked under one arm. She nods to Rulyn's explination, "Wanna come? 
Then we can have teams."

TGW-LC>> Rulyn hops up, ready to come along. "Let's go," he says, now 
showing more enthusiasm for the sport.

TGW-LC>> Riane nods, and leads the way out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Riane walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Rulyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Rulyn is starting to kick a ball around in the bowl with Riane, 
anyone wanna come along? :)

Telgar Weyr> J'an decides to unlurk, and come along.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai waves right after him, and looks regretful, Rulyn.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio would only end up being the spectator the ball bounces 
off of. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima waffles to Is, and considers. After watching the 
Olympics, I do have a vague urge to RP a sport.... ;)

Telgar Weyr> Rulyn says, "That's okay, Kich. :) to kassi: ~~~come play 
~~~~come play"

Telgar Weyr> Kindre snugsan I'sai!

Kassima, after a long period spent writing--whether reports, figures, or 
random limericks concerning Pierron and tubers is hard to say--gets to her 
feet with a stretch of arms towards the sky, and meanders Bowl-wards.

You walk off towards the Central Bowl.

You walk south.

Rulyn isn't clear on the rules, but he has an enthusiasm for playing. "We've 
got a ball, see," he says, and we're gonna kick it around. Riane said we 
needed goals?"

Riane points to one of the evergreens planted around the living caverns, and 
cocks her head. "How 'bout there?" To the bronzerider, she offers a smile.

Mirrari comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

This is something Eneryth heasn't seen before, crouching down like a feline 
about to pounce, he extends his long neck, the better to survey the game. 
"Sounds fine to me," J'an notes, with an amiable shrug.

Kassima wears a hide-stuffed satchel slung over her left shoulder; it 
bounces lightly against her hip as she meanders in from the north. But her 
trail towards the Records Room is broken by a pause. "Ball," she repeats. 
"Kick it around. Goals. Why do I have the strangest sense of impending doom? 
G'deve and such too, a'course, everyone."

Riane waves to Mirrari, and walks over to said evergreen with the ball once 
again under her arm. Setting it down, she calls, "You want t'play, Kassi?" 
to the greenrider. Then she explains to the rest, "We need to split up 

J'an offers Kassi a positively beatific smile. "Because I'm involved, and 
that always means doom? Come play, Kassima."

Rulyn has a feeling of impending doom just looking at the greenrider, but he 
musters a bright smile. "Should be fun." He even manages not to ma'am. He 
points at the evergreens. "I'm kicking that way," he says, trying to hurry 
the selection of teams.

Riane nods, "And I'll go 'gainst it..."

Kassima considers this invitation gravely--for all of perhaps three seconds. 
"I've always been fond of competitions," she observes, brightly. "And of 
kicking things. Certes, 'twill play if'n the numbers will stand it... and 
J'an, you're too cheerful t'be a proper harbringer of doom! Try t'scowl and 
look ominous a bit more."

Rulyn suggests helpfully. "Boys against girls?"

Mirrari bouncies in, " Is it too late to play?"

Cierra walks here from the north.

Riane shakes her head to Mirrari, "'Fcourse not, we're just getting devided 
up..." She grins, "Then I get Kassi, *and* Mirrari?" She waves to the 
incoming rider, "'Dyou want t'play?" That'll even it out, anyways.

J'an attempts to look appropriately dour, and only ends up appearing vaguely 
constipated, before he abandons the effort entirely.

Rulyn waves J'an over to his team, and spotting Cierra, though he doesn't 
even know her, he waves her over. "Come join our team. We're about to 
start!" He points to the ball as an explanation of what's about to occur.

"Oh, that's a good notion," Kassi agrees at her brightest. "Then we women 
can kick the ball so it hits you men--" She'll just break off and let that 
thought complete itself, shall she?

Cierra smiles, a tad shyly as she doesn't know those accumulated to play.. 
whatever it is. "Play wha--.." the question answered she nods, grinning at 
Kassi's comment. "Oh, sure.. thanks!" she says.

Mirrari beams, " This sounds like fun.. how do you play?" she asks looking 

J'an nods, agreeing. "Any rules we need to know?"

Riane walks out to the middle of the crude 'field'. "Um.. just try and kick 
it into the other team's goal, basically... I'll kick it off and then try 
and keep it from going in your goal or try to get it into the other teams'. 
There's really not too many actual rules."

Rulyn pipes up. "Rule number one. Don't kick to hurt the men!" He gestures 
to Cierra. "I'm Rulyn, this is.... a bronzerider. We're two against their 
three, so join us. We're, uhm, kicking the ball at goals. We're aiming for 
those evergreen trees. They're aiming for that spot between the rocks by the 

Kassima next wants to know, "Which--goal, you called it?--is ours?" She's 
divesting herself of her belt as she speaks, maybe so that its heavy 
accoutrements won't slow her down. But that's all the stripping she does. 
Setting the belt down someplace out of the way, with due care, she decides, 
"I can probably do that. Or try. But what's the fun if'n we can't kick 
t'hurt the men?" Though she affects a hurt-puppy look, she probably isn't 
terribly serious about that.

Cierra awws at Rulyn, sticking out her lower lip a little, "Not extra credit 
for getting the men?" she adds lightly, before glancing at her rather 
un-practical shoes for such a sport.

J'an introduces himself. "J'an." All the while doing that very unsubtle 
leg-crossing gesture, at the mention of that sort of kicking.

Riane grins, "Are we ready?"

Mirrari is glad she left her sewing basket in the Living Caverns. She ties 
her boots on firmly, " Aye! Ready!"

Rulyn tends to cross his legs at the very sight of Kassi, but he's 
enthusiastic enough to play that he's neglecting that protective gesture 
right now. Young, energetic, he's ready to go. "Hi, J'an" he tosses in the 
direction of the bronzerider, before cheering, "Ready!"

Riane kicks the ball out over towards the other team, towards Rulyn, then 
runs back towards her goal a little ways.

"Ready," Kassi agrees, after a quick glance towards the goal Rulyn 
indicated; when the ball is kicked, she jogs backwards that-a-way, the 
better to play hovering guardian of death.

Cierra pauses a brief moment, glancing about the unfamiliar people. She 
moves towards the ball with unexpected ease, dispite her footwear, calling 
out, "Um.. so /who/ is on my team?"

Riane calls out to Cierra, "Rulyn and J'an," and points to both. "You're on 
that goal." Then she resumes chasing down the ball with her full attention.

Rulyn still doesn't know Cierra's name, but as he starts running for the 
ball, he calls to her, "Me! And.. J'an." his foot connects with the ball, 
and for all his enthusiasm, the kick only sends the ball in the other 
direction with just the merest speed.

J'an takes up a protective posture, in front of his team's goal.

Kassima yells from the direction of her team's goal, "Get 'em, Riane! Get 
'em, Mirrari! Go for the kill! Kill, kill, kill!" She's a goalie *and* a 
cheerleader at the moment--talented woman.

Telgar Weyr> Riane has to go suddenly. Consider me goalee, or NPCish, or 
something. G'night!

Telgar Weyr> J'an giggles. THe lazy old people decide to be goalies. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Hey! Watch who you're calling lazy and old, 
paleface. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima awws and zhaiwaffles to Riane, too. :)

Mirrari runs off after the ball, sending a kick at it that sends it up 

Cierra looks between the two goals and nods, offering a quick "Thanks," .. 
she has forgotten about any introductions, competitive instinct setting in 
as she picks up speed towards the ball, letting out a cheer of her own when 
Rulyn's foot connects with the ball.. which is stifled as Mirrari now responds.

Mirrari grins and fllows the ball, kicking it upfield towards J'an, her hard 
kicks sending the ball speeding from her, leaving lots of room for 

J'an moves to meet it, catching it in the arch of one boot, then flicking it 
back towards the enemy goal. He's grinning broadly.

Cierra, amazingly enough, finds herself directly beside the speeding ball.. 
since she started near J'an and the goal. One foot moves out to attempt to 
kick it along. With nobody /too/ close, she takes her time.. but being 
inexperienced she moves back her leg to slam the ball down towards the other 
goal.. not lovely aim.. but she tries.

Kassima can't be said to lack enthusiasm: she defends her precious goal with 
vigor, throwing herself in the path of the ball when it comes close enough. 
The ball hits her leg, and skids back off into the field--anything but a 
controlled deflection, but Kassi looks proud anyway when she's jumped back 
up from the quick tumble that ended her leap.

J'an is suitably impressed by Kassi's fervor, as he hustles eagerly after 
the ball. Eneryth, bemused, snorts at the scampering humans.

Mirrari acks and races after the ball, oh shells oh shells, " Yay! Good save 
Rider Kassima!" she cries and then spies J'an! Enemy at one o'clock captain! 
She runs on an intercept course, trying to get to ball before the bronzerider.

Cierra lets the pair fight, not getting in the throng for the moment.. 
instead she slinks back towards the home goal to guard it. A smile is worn 
across her face, "C'mon ...J'an, sir!" she calls, trying to remember his 
name and the formal adress.

Kassima runs off into the field herself when she's got her bearings back, 
allowing Riane to take her place as goalie. It just figures that she'd be 
more comfortable playing attack than defense. "Get it, Mirrari!" she 
yell-encourages, since the younger woman is well ahead of her.

J'an pants, as he moves to keep his pursuer away from the ball, "Just J'an. 
I'm not old enough to be a sir, right?" HE shoots a pleading look at Kassima.

Rulyn has been shuffling backwards and forwards, in the vague direction of 
the ball, but never actually catching up to it. Now he comes running after 
J'an, staying back of him, but looking a part of the action, still.

Being younger..if only slightly, Mirrari, puts on a burst of energy and 
snatches the ball and kicks to towards Kassima, " Kassima! Take it upfield!" 
she says with a laugh.

Cierra giggles lightly, "Who'm I to say." she doesn't know him well enough 
to tease /that/ badly. A yipe escapes her lips when Mirrari manages to snag 
the ball, and suddenly /she/ is in charge of the goal.. eek!

Rulyn screeches to a halt, seeing the ball head off the other way, then 
dashes back towards his goal. He's getting a lot of exercise, if not ball time.

J'an attempts to zigzag, and evade his pursuers...putting on a brust of 
speed to try and intercept the ball before Kassi does.

"Nay by half," Kassima affirms for J'an--as she attempts to dart for an 
attack on the ball while J'an is distracted with Mirrari. Her teammate's 
assistance helps her out: she snaps out a leg, and kicks indeed... but, 
well, *up*field might be the operative word; the kick is much higher than it 
is long, and while it might manage to bounce its way into the goal 
regardless if not caught, there's still room to catch it. Of course, then 
the greenrider has to try and avoid a collision with J'an, with an audible, 

J'an simply ends up tripping over Kass's leg, and ends up going arse over 
teakettle. The ground is soft enough that there's no harm done.

Cierra runs forward to get the ball before it reaches the ground.. actually 
holding out her arms -- forgetting herself.. her eyes on the sky and the 
ball high in it, and not watching where she's going.

Mirrari watches the ball for a moment and then races after it, " I've got 
it.. I've got it.." she cries, waiting for the ball to land.

J'an picks himself up, and betakes himself to the edge of the field, there 
to receive an anxious sniffing-over from his bronze, who turns disapproving 
eyes on the ball.

Kassima doesn't quite fall herself as her leg takes a hit, but she does end 
up hopping on the other leg for at least a couple of steps, her arms 
windmilling with a ludicrous lack of grace. "Get it, get it!" she 

Now there are /two/ heading for the ball, and Cierra sure isn't watching 
where she's going.. all eyes on the flying ball. ..and she's running, her 
enthusiasm about to get the best of her as she finds herself colliding right 
into Mirrari, and all remnants of balance and precision on those 
ever-so-fashionable heeled boots leaves her.

Rulyn skids on the ground, barely avoiding the collision. As the ball 
bounces on the ground, he still chases after it. Finally he catches up with 
the ball, and nearly stops completely, wondering what to do. He puts his 
foot on the ball, and, looking round, finally just boots it for all he's 
worth towards those evergreens, sending it spinning roughly in that direction.

J'an settles down to watch, using Eneryth's slender foreleg as a bench.

Mirrari actually manages to stay upright, although she gives a cry of pain 
upon impact. She spies Rulyn out of the corner of her eye and turns to run 
after him, " Kassi Kassi! Catch Rulyn!"

Cierra remains ungracefully on her bottom, winded.. but the other girl is 
just right back into the game. Instead she looks over to spy J'an sitting 
down, and she waves, "Done already?"

Kassima scrambles to try and take control of the ball while Cierra is 
distracted; she's not one to let such an opportunity pass her by--but Rulyn 
gets there first, and the greenrider hastily backpedals, running after the 
ball at her fastest. She manages to catch it--barely--and her wild, 
half-aimed kick sends it flying more towards the collided pair than either 
goal. "I'm trying!" she pants back to Mirrari, as she adjusts course again 
to follow the bouncing sphere.

Oh, YES! The ball moves towards the land-bound candidate and Cierra catches 
it firmly in both hands, dropping it quickly with an 'Oops!' Okay, now she's 
scrambling back to her feet.. as quickly as those bothersome shoes with allow.

J'an looks more than a touch sheepish. "En is fussing," he explains.

Maireth backwings for a landing.

Rulyn shoots a pouty look over at J'an, but heads back towards the 
evergreens, waving at Cierra to send the ball his way.

Maireth bugles a warm greeting while L'han waves. "Evening!"

L'han hops down Maireth's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds.

Mirrari gives Kassi a thumbs up and then races after the ball again, running 
back towards Cierra. She spares a wave to L'han as she passes, " Evening!"

Cierra rises in time to kick at the ball, but it is rushed and poorly aimed, 
so heads more in the direction of the arriving brownrider, L'han. It doesn't 
have enough speed to do much, if it even makes it that far before being 
intercepted. She doesn't realize that L'han is familiar, yet.

Kassima would wave, she really would, but she's pelting after the ball so 
quickly that it's doubtful she even sees him. Her braid trails in her wake, 
thwapping against the back of her jacket with her stride. An "Aigh!" escapes 
her as Cierra catches the ball; she races to intercept--but the ball's 
headed somewhere entirely different, and this time Kassi's attempt to 
backpedal is *too* abrupt. She becomes the next player to end up on her rump 
on the ground.

Rulyn is startled by the brown's bugle, but he doesn't look in that 
direction much, for now. Until Cierra sends the ball towards the brownrider 
instead of him. Still running after the ball, he heads that way, running 
right up to the redheaded madman... "Oh!" he yells, suddenly, screeching to 
a stop and he, too, plops backwards on his rear.

L'han grins at the waver, his attention immediately caught by the game at 
hand, as well..and the ball heading his way..and the young man falling 
before him.."Shells, Rulyn. Don't have to grovel for me." He offers Rulyn a 
hand in standing, those eyes sparkling with amusement.

Eneryth raises his head from his inspection of J'an to offer a tonguelolling 
grin to the brown.

"Ahah!" Mirrari cries and angles towards L'han and snatches the ball, 
kicking it towards the unprotected goal, racing for all she's worth.

Well, now that almost the entire group in on their rear, Cierra just begins 
to giggle.. especially at L'han's comment.

Maireth gives another warm baritone warble to the bronze, lowering his head 
and extending his neck to wuffle the shimmering hide in a friendly curiousity.

Rulyn accepts the hand up dubiously, muttering, "Right, of course not, sir." 
Suddenly, his cheeks are blazing pink again, and he stumbles up onto his 
feet. "Uhm," he points. "Did you want to talk to me, sir? Cause I need to 
chase that ball." Without waiting for an answer, he turns tail and runs. And 
what a muddy tail it is.

Mikael comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Mikael salutes those he should, and says a polite "Good evening" to all.

Kassima lunges forward, catching herself with her hands and pushing up from 
there into an initially lurching run. "Good show, Mirrari!" she yells a bit 
breathlessly. And since Mirrari's got the ball under control, she angles to 
try and keep Rulyn away from it if she can. Without, it might be noted, any 
attempt to knock him down even should she get the chance; there've been 
enough butts on the ground tonight already.

L'han glances up from the Rulyn cowering before him to offer Mikael a grin. 
"Hey there, stranger. I see the rumours are true, after all, hm?"

Eneryth returns the warble, and sniffs affably in return, though he remains 
lolling on the turf, rider resting on one leg.

Rulyn is running from quite a distance, and he points at Mirrari moving 
towards the goal. It looks hopeless, but he calls, "STop her!" He still 
doesn't know the name of his young teammate to call her by name.

Mirrari is running and running, kicking the ball towards the unprotected 
goal line... should she add insult to Rulyn's humiliation and sends the ball 
sailing towards the goal.

Mikael looks around a bit, wondering what the heck is going on, but looks 
back at L'han as his comment. Grinning, he replies..."Well, that depends on 
the rumor. If you mean the one where I got Searched, yep!"

"*Don't* stop her!" Kassi yells in return. This is not likely to have any 
effect, but hey, it's worth a try, right? To the ball, she cheers, 

Cierra doesn't pay any more attention to the brownrider and new entry, since 
it seems Mirrari needs a 'check'. Oh how lucky it is that she hasn't moved 
very far from her own goal -- those shardin' boots! -- and she dives towards 
the ball, too caught up to realize that she will get mud all over her 
outfit! ...and unfortunatly enough, it sails right /over/ her, and she does 
a dive to the ground.. no more rumps, this was more of a face-plant.

Mikael cheers....."He doesn't know who is who in this game yet, but both the 
goal and the performance of the goalie deserve recognition.

L'han laughs and nods, eyes returning to follow the action, expression of 
one still not entirely clear who is winning..or even who would be in the 
position to do so. He mutters to Mikael, "It's a dirty sort of game, 

Mikael grins at the players covered with dirt, "Apparently. What *is* the 
game, and who is on which side?" He just has to ask.

Cierra sputters rather unhappily, both about the 'goal' of Mirrari's and the 
fact that she now realizes the mud streaks across both skirt and shirt. It 
is lucky she has not yet flashed anyone, for this outfit it definatly /not/ 
suited for such an activity. Who knows what she was thinking when she 
started, but now her unhappiness is short-lived, and mostly just a sort of 

Kassima throws both fists up into the air as the ball sails into the goal. 
"Yeeeeee-haaaah! Woo! Woo!" Her victory dance, a misbegotten hybrid of a jig 
and running in place, is mercifully brief, and she spares the moment to wave 
quickly towards the new spectators.

J'an is still working on getting dust and dirtstains out of his own 
clothing. "Just a big canine-pile," he notes, with a grin.

Mirrari cheers bouncing up and down happily, then she jogs over to Cierra 
and holds out a hand, " You okay?"

L'han shakes his head slowly, then flashes a smile at J'an's answer, "I'll 
take his word for it, as I've not a better one to supply."

Mikael grins...."Sounds like a good name for it."

Cierra eyes the other girl momentarily, "Now don't gloat.." she warns, 
grinning quickly to let it be known that she is teasing. "Yes.. yes, I'm 
fine. I'm not so sure my clothes are, though." she accepts the hand, tugging 
herself to her feet.

Kassima blows out a breath, rocking back on her heels a bit. "Are we done?" 
she wonders. "One goal's a win? Do we get any prizes?" Yes, she's kidding, 
if those gleaming eyes and broad grin are anything to judge by. "I should be 
telling m'children about this game; the twins at least would probably adore 
it. The laundry-folk might be able t'save those clothes, y'know. They're 
used t'having t'get out the stains that riders put on their clothes... and 
trust me, those can be considerable."

Mirrari chuckles lightly and wink, " Don't worry, I won't let it get to my 
head.." she says and nods.

Rulyn screeches to a halt. He's been chasing after that ball like a young 
yapping canine puppy, and he's truly winded. "Sounds good to me," he agrees 
to the one-goal-win comment.

L'han is distracted a moment by Maireth's great interest Eneryth's mate, 
until finally he strides over, right hand extended to the Rider while the 
left makes to push the great brown snout out of the man's face. "Don't 
believe we've met yet. I'm L'han, from the Reaches. This is Maireth."

Kassima sinks down to a crouch on her haunches, then, the better to recover 
her wind. "Then 'tis working for me, too." Slanting a glance towards the 
sidelines, she wonders with some amusement, "Think they've been watching us 
run around like headless whers for long?"

J'an hastily wipes his grubby hands off on his already-tatty trousers, and 
extends oen to take L'han's hand. "J'an, caretaker and devoted slave to 
bronze Eneryth," he drawls, humorously.

Were she a canine, those ears would perk, and Cierra's attention momentarily 
flicks to L'han as she reconizes him.. but she mearly giggles to Mirrari and 
glances about everyone. "I was thinking something to eat or drink'd go 
rather well, now." before she chuckles to Kassima, "Well they don't know 
what they're missing, hm?"

Mikael watches all the tired players, smiling, and sipping on the mug of hot 
klah he is carrying.....

L'han's grasp is firm as his smile is broad, and he nods to Eneryth as well, 
berry-blonde locks slipping into his eyes. "Please don't mind Maireth. He's 
been missing my cousin's dragon ever since we arrived. Now he's determined 
to inspect every Bronze that crosses his line of sight.."

Mirrari grins and nods, " Aye, food could be nice.."

J'an laughs softly, as Eneryth turns his nose on the brownrider in his turn. 
"Oh? En's favorite friend is a brown clutchmate of his..."

"Mayhaps if'n this game becomes popular, everyone will get drawn into 
playing." Kassi crinkles her nose. "Though I'm doubting it. Half the Weyr 
would probably claim 'tis too undignified or some such thing--or would only 
play if'n swooning and sighing Lower Caverns lasses were on the sides!"

Maireth presses his warm snout right into the young Bronze's ribs before 
giving a deep, rumbling WUFF!

Cierra nods to Mirrari, "That it would.. but I'll have to meet you inside, 
perhaps. I just /have/ to get out of these.." she flicks at the 
mud-spattered fabric, with a chuckle. Then a giggle escapes to Kassima, "So 
true. It could turn into a mud-fight, rather."

From Mikael's shoulder, Senay croons and begs for some klah.

Eneryth certainly didn't expect that, and emits a squawk of startlement - 
the draconic equivalent of "What the - ?" He turns to give Maireth a look of 
wide-eyed surprise.

Mikael holds his mug up a bit higher so his green firelizard can reach 
it....and winces as she takes a deep drink while guzzling noisily...

Rulyn is still panting a bit, and brushing just doesn't get the muck off his 
clothes, not even a little. "Mirrari?" he calls, trotting over to her 

From Mikael's shoulder, Senay guzzles, swallows, and looks up while licking 
creme off her nose.

L'han laughs a moment, fingernails raking over the red of his beard, "Well 
mostly he complains that Rafeith is too large and lumpy to wrap around while 
napping.." The expression on the Bronze's face makes him laugh harder. "He 
doesn't mean anything by it. Just..playful."

Kassima can't easily miss that noisy guzzle, and flashes a surprised look 
towards the source. "Klah isn't good for 'em," she points out. "You probably 
shouldn't let her have that." Getting to her feet, she flashes Cierra an 
impish grin. "Mud fights could be fun too! G'luck with the clothes, in any 

Mikael raises an eyebrow...."Really? She does seem to like it, and I haven't 
knotice any ill effects....if you discount the occassional..."

From Mikael's shoulder, Senay BELCHES in a most unladylike, full roar bronze 

Maireth lowers his head further, skulking barely over the bowl floor, his 
croon of apology billowing out with the steamy white mists of his breath.

Mikael winces again...."Belch", he finishes.

J'an chuckles, as he reaches up to pat Eneryth reassuringly. "Just consider 
that you're so handsome no dragon male or female can resist you," he teases, 
before giving L'han an understanding nod. Eneryth offers a whirr of 
reconciliation, before whipping his head around to peer at Senay, expression 
utterly bemused.

C'vadan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

"Really," Kassi dryly confirms. "Trust me, if'n anyone should know...." 
Though her own ungodly fair isn't currently in obvious evidence; a few 
fire-lizards are perched in the vicinity of the playing-ground, but they 
could be anyone's if their markings weren't studied too closely. Overhearing 
J'an, she ducks her head to hide her amused grin.

From Mikael's shoulder, Senay flutters her wings frantically and almost 
falls off her daddy's shoulder backwards, in startlement that *that* sound 
came out of *her*!

Dragon> Maireth and Telgar dragons sense that Eneryth images the tiny 
firelizard as a veritable gasbubble, hide stretched like a balloon

Mikael reaches up and automatically catches and resettles his green.

There's an arrythmic grating rumble from ENeryth - clearly, he's laughing at 
his tiny relative.

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Saulith can't help but offer a little puff 
of air--ooooo, see it drifting away, someone tie a string around its leg.

Maireth shifts around to settle his haunches right near Eneryth's side, 
gazing with befuddlement at the object of the Bronze's attentions.

Mikael looks at Kassi..."Perhaps you are right", he admits. He looks back 
around at everyone...."My apologies for the.....interuption." Looking at the 
one person he doesn't know yet, the laughing dragon's rider, he add's "I'm 
Mikael, and this..."he points at the now somewhat abashed green..."is Senay."

Rulyn fails to catch MIrrari's attention, so he takes a deep breath, and 
trots over in L'han's direction. "Uhm, sir?" he asks uncertainly.

C'vadan comes out of the living cavern with a wingrider. His glance comes 
upon Kassima and he alters his course to give the greenrider a wide berth. 
J'rub nearly stumbles as the brownrider changes course, looks around and 
chuckles dryly.

ENeryth offers Maireth a friendly tap of a tailtip, but he's clearly waiting 
for the tiny green to do something more entertaining, like explode or combust.

Kassima meanders in the direction of Rulyn and Mirrari, combing her forelock 
back from her face. "You're both all right?" she wonders, with a hint of 
genuine concern. "I thought I saw you both fall...." An amiably raised 
shoulder is her response to Mikael. "Compared t'dragons in Fall, that was 
naught. G'deve, Cav." Her eyes flicker briefly; she doubtless registers that 
wide berth, but, probably being used to it, says nothing.

Mirrari blinks and must have had a blank moment, " Huh?" she asks coming out 
of her daze.. although how one can be in a daze in the middle of the busy 
bowl is beyond comprehension.

L'han is looking between the bronze and his brown with a resigned 
expression, fingers slicking back the loose falls of hair in an effort to 
tuck it behind his ear. Rulyn's returned presence is a bit of a startlement, 
"Yes? Yes! What might I do for you, hm?"

From Mikael's shoulder, Senay looks up to see both a bronze and a brown 
dragon looking at her, and proceeds to preen, pose, and flutter her 
eyelashes at them. Helooooo there, big boys!

Rulyn takes another deep breath, giving himself courage. "Uhm. Did you come 
for your pants, sir?"

"Are you all right?" Kassima repeats. "After falling and whatnay? You don't 
*look* broken--" Stopping, she casts a speculative glance towards Rulyn and 
L'han. "Now, I wonder what Rulyn would be doing with his *pants*."

L'han coughs into his fist, quickly glancing down to confirm he's still 
clothed. Then the expression really goes blank. "My pants? What pants? I 
don't own any pants.."

Mikael grins, and looks at L'han, one eyebrow raised in query.

C'vadan's brows quirk together at the mention of pants. He looks up at his 
brown to get some clue as to what is going on. Dulath rumbles softly. 
"You're no help," Cav says to the brown.

J'an just eyes L'han. Noooo comment. ENeryth is occupied with flirting with 
Senay, though it's rather like watching a steamroller court a squirrel.

Rulyn takes another deep breath. The kilted brownrider's confusion leaves 
Rulyn with mixed feelings. He's not sure whether to be chagrined--he worked 
hard on those pants for this redheaded madman, or just be relieved--see if 
he could sell them to some one else. After a long moment of confusion, Rulyn 
takes the coward's way out. "Right, I see. Sorry, must have gotten you 
confused with some other kilted bearded redheaded brownrider from Reaches." 
He spins and immediately walks the other way.

Telgar Weyr> J'an Will have to kill this brownrider. He's wearing my dress. ;)

From Mikael's shoulder, Senay preens, flutters her wings, and looks back at 
Eneryth over one wing, seductively.....

L'han really looks affronted, now, "Some other! Why I'll have you know, I am 
the ONLY kilted, bearded, readheaded brownrider from Reaches!" He pauses a 
moment, fingers ticking off in a flurry of activity, lips moving beneath his 
moustache with equal speed. Finally he nods, "The ONLY one!"

Mirrari grins and trots over to Rulyn, " Hey Rulyn.. are you sure that's not 
him?" she asks quietly.

Telgar Weyr> L'han says, "I'm older! :)"

Telgar Weyr> Mirrari eegads! There's more than one??!!

Telgar Weyr> J'an says, "And fuzzier."

C'vadan decides to tease his fellow brownrider a bit. "We all thank Faranth 
for that, L'han."

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah /peers/. Oh yeah. Classic things to connest to.

Mikael nods and grins...."I did notice. It appears to be contagious. And cold."

Rulyn picks up speed, though he's hobbling from the few falls, and not that 
fast altogether. To Mirrari, he shakes his head frantically, eyes wide. 
"Musta made a mistake, yep," he says, breathless.

Kassima just shakes her head at the hubbub, trotting over to reclaim her 
belt and satchel from where she left them. Once she's got them both back in 
place--with considerable rattling from the former; must be all the knives 
that cause that--she quips, "I'm going t'finish m'work now that I've gotten 
m'skidding in the dirt over with for the day. G'deve, g'deve--" She ducks 
into the Work Room then.

You push aside the curtain and enter the workroom.