
Starlight, Star Bright

Date:  March 2, 2002
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Star Stones
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight... you
may be my lucky star, but I'm the luckiest by far!  Kassima, Kisai, May, 
and C'vadan join several Candidates and a resident or two in a bit of 
stargazing; Yashira ends up talking about toes and canine nipples, and
then proposing marriage to Kassi.  I'm still waiting for the diamond
ring, Yash!


The Log:

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring
into the sky above the Northern Bowl.

You fly over towards the Star Stones.

TGW-LC>> Yashira coughs into her fist a little. "I know the hunter's
versions of the names. Uh. I think they're different on the actual charts."

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

TGW-LC>> Mirrari enters the cavern, humming, " Heyla all!" she calls
cheerfully, heading for the serving tables, yup, it's time for dinner

TGW-LC>> Rytran grins. "I've never been to the Telgar Star Stones...I think
I'd like that! Gets cold up there though...should we take some mulled
cider, perhaps? Some klah?"

TGW-LC>> Maylia looks vaguely disappointed, but shrugs. "Alright then,
hunter's names for the stars. Interested? We could bring hot drinks with
us, and I'd suggest dressing warmly."

TGW-LC>> Rulyn is dragged from his dreamy daze by the words he hears.
"Ya'll are going up to the starstones?" he asks, clearly interested.

TGW-LC>> Rytran nods, smoothing out his trousers. "Well, I'm out of the wet
clothes...I'll get a pitchers of klah and cider..."

TGW-LC>> Mirrari grabs a mug of klah, her ears perking at the conversation,
" Starstones?" she echoes Rulyn.

TGW-LC>> "Right. Starstones. You can come along!" Yashira tells Rulyn,
waving a little to Mirrari in the meantime. "You can learn all the hideous
things hunters call the stars."

TGW-LC>> Saeliena appears at this moment, poking her blonde head into the
caverns. "Someone mention a trip to the Starstones?" She asks, stepping
into the room. "I'll come!"

TGW-LC>> Rulyn totally brightens. "Hay!" he fairly cheers. "I got my
grandad's farviewer back. But haven't used it. The starsmith promised she'd
show me how, then got called away. Think we could figure it out?"

TGW-LC>> Maylia flashes Rytran a quick grin, as he suggests the same
general ideas. "Fantastic. We've got fur-lined skins that'll keep them hot,
and might be better than pitchers." Rubbing her hands together, as if
already in need of warmth or else in anticipation, the Weyrlingmaster nods
to the newly arrived. "Some fresh air'll do us all good. Fetch some warm
clothes, and come with us? I'd suggest warm jackets, it'll be windy. A hat,
and probably gloves or mits, too. Maybe blankets?"

TGW-LC>> Yashira grins broadly. Outdoors! She rises hurredly from her seat,
trotting toward the barracks. "I'll go get my things!"

TGW-LC>> Rytran nods eagerly to Maylia, heading for the kitchen. He grins,
"Where are the fur-lined skins? In the kitchen? Or the storage caverns?"

TGW-LC>> Mirrari oos and wiggles her fingers at Yashira, " I can grab some
quilts from stores..." she murmers.

TGW-LC>> Rulyn is hovering near the food. The call of his stomach is
strong, but he comes to a decision. He dashes off to get his warm things
and his starviewer.

TGW-LC>> Rytran walks off towards the kitchen.

TGW-LC>> Rytran walks in from the kitchen.

TGW-LC>> C'vadan walks here from the Inner Cavern.

TGW-LC>> "Just inside the kitchens, there's the cupboard by the wine skins
to be returned to the crafthall? Should be in there." Maylia tells Rytran.
"Someone heading past the nursery, give Tasayli a shout? She'd love to come
too, I'm sure." The youngster likely would do anything to get away from her
half brother.

TGW-LC>> Rytran returns from the kitchen with four fur-lined skins, two
filled with hot mulled cider, two filled with klah. He takes several small,
nested cups and shoves them into a sack. "I'm ready with the beverages!" he
announces exultantly.

TGW-LC>> Saeliena nods, and abruptly turns on her heels and heads back for
the barracks, reappearing with a coat on her back and a blanket in her
arms. Her blonde hair is covered by a knit hat, and her hands are protected
by leather gloves. "I'm ready!"

TGW-LC>> Yashira returns from the barracks as well, tugging on her gloves
and sporting a fur-lined hat. Still smiling like a maniac.

TGW-LC>> Mirrari waves to the brownrider she met earlier as she trots off
to grab a few blankies. " Maybe we should take a some snacks?"

TGW-LC>> Rulyn returns in his winter warmest, with a wrapped tube tucked
under his arm. Upon returning, he heads back to the food table, and packs
into a small bag an assortment of more portable foods. Filled spicey dinner
pies, meatrolls, and dinner rolls, plus a fruit or two. Satisfied, he looks
around to see if everyone else is ready.

TGW-LC>> Maylia gives Mirrari a nod, while she heads for the coat-racks.
"Quilts from stores would be great. We can bundle up, then, and stay warm -
evening, C'vadan. We're heading for the star stones, interested? Looks like
Rylyn's got that under control, Mirrari."

TGW-LC>> C'vadan hears Maylia's offer and nods. "Sure. I doubt I'd run into
Kassima there."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Cav, have you been living in off-camera horror
of Kassi all this time? ;)"

TGW-LC>> Rytran drops the skins and sack on the table long enough to rush
to the barracks, retrieving his gloves, scarf and wherhide jacket. He
retrieves his precious cargo and approaches the group with a grin. "I'm
ready too! Can't wait!"

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Pretty much, yes."

TGW-LC>> Yashira perks up. "Not run into Kassima? I bet Kassima would like
this, though. We should get her."

TGW-LC>> Mirrari nods as she goes, returning with a few thick quilts
stacked in her arms, " Sounds good! I'm ready too"

TGW-LC>> Rytran grins to Yashira, "We may need another dragon, too. There
are getting to be a lot of us..."

TGW-LC>> Rulyn eyes the growing crowd, and sees another rider invited, and
hears talk of another. He returns to the table, and adds more of everything.

TGW-LC>> Maylia doesn't notice the 'fruit or two', or she'd've likely
stipulated 'no redfruit' after the afternoon's mess. She's soon got her
coat on, and Tasa comes pelting out of the inner caverns, all
little-girl-excited. While May gets her daughter dressed warmly, she does a
quick survey, and nods to Yashira. "Sounds like C'vadan might rather we
didn't invite her?" She suggests, with a twinge of regret to her voice.
"Now, between the two of us, should be able to manage everyone. It's just a
short flight, after all."

TGW-LC>> Rulyn looks around at all. "Ready, then?" he asks, and impatiently
heads to the bowl

TGW-LC>> Rulyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan warns everyone in advance, I *think* I have Dulath
coded right... but I've not taken him out of the garage in awhile :)

TGW-LC>> Rytran follows Rulyn out.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs! No worries :)

Telgar Weyr> Flannery realized Tyrrath's code didn't work the other day...

TGW-LC>> C'vadan arches a brow and chuckles. This should be interesting.

TGW-LC>> Mirrari walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> C'vadan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Yashira makes a bit of a face, but it'll take more than that to
disappoint her. Outdoors!

TGW-LC>> Rytran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Yashira walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

TGW-LC>> Maylia waits for the bulk of the folks to head out, and then
follows, insisting that Tasa actually wear her hat.

TGW-LC>> Maylia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Rulyn has to idle a few. can i get on some one's dragon so
that I can at least be up there while I'm off?

TGW-LC>> Saeliena walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Mikael is often off, with no help at all.:)

Telgar Weyr> Flannery grins.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia sorries - tierth's locked till I climb up. :)

Telgar Weyr> Rulyn idles, now, and will be back to the RP asap

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan hmmms.... to go *between* and push them off... hmmm...

From a distance, Tierth rises quickly, making use of one of the smaller,
less steady thermal columns rising from the still warm bowl -- which means,
in a tight spiral.

From a distance, Seated between Tierth's lower neck ridges, Rytran pulls
the straps tighter around his hips, buckling each side carefully to the
corresponding leg buckle. He checks to see that his pack filled with cups
and the four hot wineskins secured. When he is satisfied, he grins to
Maylia, "Ready!"

From a distance, Dulath circles, allowing the green to land first. Ever the
draconic gentleman.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs. Hmmmmmm. dtu btw hrweyr, then realfast
afterwards, tierth drop Rytran. Wonder if that'd drop him between?

From a distance, Tierth rises somewhat above the star stones, giving a
clear view of the mountain ranges of Telgar, even to the plains of Telgar
off in the distance. A moment there, and the green angles herself towards
the stones, rumbling to the watch dragon.

Tierth carefully backwings for a landing.

Rytran swings his leg over, and slides to the ground with the aid of a

Telgar Weyr> Maylia gahs at the weather desc. Uh. What say we pretend it's
clear? O:)

From a distance, Mounted from Dulath's neckridges, C'vadan looks about as
they wait. "It is always pretty up here... except when there's Thread in
the sky."

Telgar Weyr> Saeliena nods.

Telgar Weyr> Yashira says, "No no no no! I demand realism! Or... uh.. okay."

Dulath carefully backwings for a landing.

Mounted from Dulath's neckridges, Mirrari laughs happily as she rides, "
This is wonderfull!" she calls to C'vadan.

Rytran unbuckles himself and slides off, no-hands style, holding the skins
and the sack overhead. He lands lightly on the rim - it is an almost
acrobatic move. Wasting no time, he opens the sack, withdrawing the cups,
and sets them on a small ledge.

Mounted from Dulath's neckridges, Yashira's smile gains a rueful note.
"Isn't everything like that?" She peers over at Duluth's wing.

Telgar Weyr> Saeliena just...stares at Yash...

Telgar Weyr> Yashira snickergrins.

Yashira clambers off, awkwardly. Not something she's really done too often

Kassima is tucked into the hollow of Lysseth's coiled body, the pair a
darkly solid shape near the rim of the Stones. A volumnous black cloak
covers the greenrider--but there's a blanket in her lap nevertheless,
probably for the benefit of the three-Turn-old girl also seated there.
"...when the Fourth Queen said, 'Nay, nay, Orlith, we must nay let it wait,
for the Tunnelsnake shall spread himself across the sky do we allow it; we
must marshal the other stars for combat. I shall take the Eastern Sky--'"
Kassi breaks off her quiet storytime to call an amiable, "Evening, you
lot!" Though Kiss reaches to tug at her mother's hair and insist, "Mum, the

Tierth's barely touched talon to stone of the rim, when Tasayli's
unbuckling herself and sliding down to the ground. The child recognizes
Lysseth, of course, and pelts Kassi and Kiss' way. "Evening," May calls
from Tierth's neck, helping Saeliena with the straps. A wince is directed
Cav's way, and a mouthed appology.

Rytran peeres at Kassima and all her talk of Tunnelsnakes and Fourth
Queens. He pauses for a moment to listen to her, lacing his arms across his
chest for warmth.

C'vadan waits near Dulath, keeping the big brown between himself and
Kassima. He spots her child and grows a little less wary. She wouldn't do
anything with knives with her child around, would she. "Evening, Wingleader."

Mirrari grins and pads over to Ry, " Quilt?" she asks with a grin. She
looks around in wonder, "This is soo wonderfull!"

Saeliena swings her leg over, and slides to the ground with the aid of a

"Kassima!" Yashira calls out, in high spirits, before looking to C'vadan
and grinning. "Thanks," she says. She beams up at Dulath, too, and
reiterates, "And thanks."

Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender

Telgar Weyr> Saeliena actually has to go. *erks* Something to watch on TV. :P

Rulyn dismounts with a polite salute and a thanks for C'vadan, and a slight
bow to Dulath with a "Thanks," for him, too. He then gazes around, taking
in the view.

Rytran beams at Mirrari gratefully, bending over to retrieve a cup for her.
"Thank you, Mirrari.../Cup?/ " He hands her the cup. "/Klah?/ /Cider?/" He
hoists each skin skyward in turn.

Dulath settles down. What could be better than the Star Stones with two
greens. His eyes whirl happily. His lifemate shakes his head. "Traitor,"
C'vadan whispers, but without seriousness. To the Candidates, he nods. "Our

Tierth waits until everyone is sufficiently away from her that she won't be
squishing anyone, before she settles herself as well, perhaps providing a
good wind break from one direction at least. "I take it we weren't the only
ones with star-gazing ideas," May calls to Kassi. "Hope you don't mind the

Kassima probably would. Her smile to Cav certainly shows no fewer teeth
than usual. "G'deve, Cav. Hey, there, Yashira--shells and shards, a regular
invasion 'tis, 'tis nay?" Tucking her head down, she murmurs to Kiss,
"Shall we finish the story later, love?" The small girl looks rather
dismayed by this prospect; her lower lip juts out briefly in a pout, but
she eventually gives a reluctant, sullen nod. "Oh, don't look like that.
I'll make it worth the while, I promise--you lot brought drinks?" Watch
that get her attention. "Nay quite, May; Kiss and I do this sometimes.
'Twas telling her a constellation story tonight. But 'tis a free Stones,
and a good night for many eyes t'be watching."

Mirrari laughs lightly, " Yes please...and cider if you would." She's still
gawking, amazed to be on the Star Stones.

Rulyn is definately impressed with the view, turning this way and that to
see what there is to see. "I'll have to remind Ursa to bring me up here
more often," he murmers. Then fumbles with his own quilt, laying it out,
and taking a seat. First things first--out comes the food, and he unpacks
the various foodstuffs, laying out pot pies, meatrolls, dinner rolls,
sweetrolls, and fruits, and calling a general invite, "I brought lots,
everyone help yourselves."

Rytran pours Mirrari a cup of cider and hands it to her with a grin and a
rakish wink. Without missing a beat, he wheels about to the others, calling
(not too loudly, lest he disturb the eerie stillness of the Rim), "Anybody
else? Pick yer poison!"

Maylia gives Tierth's eye ridge an idle rub, and lets the others know,
"Tierth doesn't mind if we huddle up against her. Tierth, shift over a bit,
so we can still talk with Kassi?" The green obliges, after all, it
positions her so it looks less like she's snuggled up to Lysseth. "I'd love
some cider, if there's any left?" May requests.

Yashira boldy strides toward the edge, though remains a couple of yards
from the drop. Stuffing her hands into the pockets of her wherhide jacket,
she tips her face toward the sky and sucks in a deep breath.

C'vadan leans against the foreleg of brown Dulath, just enjoying the view
and listening to the conversations. "Nothing for me yet, thank you," he
says when the drinks are offered.

Mirrari chuckles and blushes slightly before heading off to find a nice
place to snuggle in the blankets, mug in hand.

Kisai wastes no time in wiggling out of her nest of blankets to scramble
for the food, the strands of dark hair that peek out from under her knit
cap trailing after her. "Some real food *first*," her mother calls firmly,
getting to her feet and following suit. "Cider for me, Rytran, if'n
'twould?" Lysseth seems generally pleased with this lack of snuggling. She
greets the other green and brown alike with a quiet, low-throated rumble.
While looking over the foodstuffs, Kassi wonders, "I don't imagine most of
you have been up here a'fore?"

Rulyn realizes he could be seen as hovering and guarding the food, so after
taking something in each hand, he shuffles back, to make it plain he's not
being proprietary.

Rytran pours himself a cup of the steaming cider, inhaling its aroma for a
moment before ambling over to the edge of the rim, peering over into the
blackness with a wondering sighs. "Never been up this high at Telgar - at
least not since Ryk and I flew in on Tyrrath. And then the descent was so
fast, we didn't have time to enjoy the view. Breathtaking." He takes a sip,
then turns on his heel, heading back toward Mirrari and the proffered
quilt. "You still got room?" he asks.

Tasayli's right in there at the food, too, and petulantly "Awwwwwwwws?" as
May quietly, but firmly, insists that she eat something healthy, much as
Kassi's doing. "Not exactly an easy place for folks to visit," Maylia says
in agreement with Kassima. "But you really get a fantastic view of the sky,
and the mountains."

Mirrari smiles and shakes her head, " Nay, I've not... it's a grand sight."
she murmers, finding just the right spot and wrapping the quilt around her,
holding warm cider in her hands. She pats stone with a grin, " Sure enough,
have a sit."

C'vadan nudges Dulath with his elbow. The brown warbles, if that's what the
throaty rumble could be called, and spreads his forelegs further apart.
"Duly would be happy to shelter anyone between his legs. It is very warm
and comfortable." He quirks a smile. "Just don't fall asleep."

Rulyn's head swivels this way and that. "Look how far the sunset extends,"
he murmers, impressed.

"It's gorgeous," Yashira says, nodding once, firmly.

Kassima at length chooses a meatroll for herself. Kisai however dithers,
shooting Tasayli a sympathetic and rather woebegone look before settling
reluctantly on a dinner roll and clasping it carefully in both small hands.
"Beyond the borders of what's real, it seems," the greenrider comments of
the sunset, leading her child to where the cider pitcher waits. "The only
better view is from a dragon's back, and even that's nay so tranquil or
stable as this."

Rytran sits down next to Mirrari, squeezing under the blanket. He tries his
best not to spill dribbles of his hot cider on the quilt. Gazing out over
the bowl, he grins, "It's a fresh perspective, that's for sure..."

Mirrari smiles and nods, looking out over the scenery, " Truly.." she
murmers, sipping her cider.

Rulyn looks over his shoulder at Mirrari. "Wouldn't that be something to
capture those colours in a dye?" he quips.

Maylia selects a few choice edibles, and gathers Tasayli close to her.
Soon, the pair are wrapped in a quilt between the protective forelimbs of
Tierth - though there's still lots of room left for others. Beyond them,
the odd dragon can be seen riding the winds, only to disappear *between*,
headed off somewhere.

C'vadan reaches into a well-weathered pouch on Dulath

Mirrari mms and nods to Rulyn, " Aye.. I'm not sure I'd be able to capture
some of those hues in fabric.." she smiles, "I'd like to try though.."

Yashira stretches her arms up over her head, lifting up onto her tip-toes.
Still grinning. "I've got to wheedle my way up here more often," she remarks.

C'vadan reaches into a well-weathered pouch on Dulath's straps and pulls
forth a well-used book of bound hides, a quill, and a small vial of ink. He
scribbles something inside the book as he listens.

Rytran has brought one of the skins over with him, and is hugging it like a
child hugging a toy firelizard. "Yash, would you care for some cider?" he
calls. "There are cups...bring one over and I'll fill it."

Telgar Weyr> Rulyn watches C'vadan. Ohmigod! It's Herriot the Spy!

Kassima returns to her blankets and her dragon once she's collected her
drink, settling Kiss firmly back into her lap. The little girl snuggles
back under the blanket with some resignation. "Soon the stars will be out
in full and we'll be able t'see the constellations--I sometimes like that
better'n sunsets, even if'n they're nay so vivid. Eat your dinner, Kiss."
Sigh. A toddler's life is so rarely a happy one. Kiss nibbles without
enthusiasm, and her mother wonders, "You still keep that journal, Cav? And
'tisn't very hard t'be getting rides up here, Yash. The watchpair will
bring you if'n nay anyone else will; they're usually used to a bit of
elevator duty. Terribly free up here, isn't it?"

"Maybe if it had more room to really run," Yashira says, turning to look to
Kassima, arms bending at the elbows to settle her hands just between her
shoulderblades, elbows poking up.

C'vadan hastily puts the journal away when Kassima makes mention of it.
"Old habits," he says softly.

Rytran looks over at C'vadan and his journal, then watches as he stuffs it
back into his pack. "Nothing wrong with immortalizing the moment...C'vadan?
I'm Rytran, by the way..." He pulls a sketch pad and pencils from his pack,
as well as a little box containing a few glows. "Not a bad idea..."

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan has more dirt on people than the wash doers ;)

"Must have quite a few interesting things," May speculates from her nest of
blankets, "In that journal, then." Tasa, half-burried while she eats,
spreads crumbs in her eagerness to point out a few new stars appearing as
the sunset's light fades from the eastern sky first. "Looklooklook,
there're three. What're they called?"

"Nay much space for that," Kassi has to allow, wryly. "Unless you're of a
mind t'go shooting off the rim." That's said with a meaningful glance down
at Kisai. Who's busy looking like she's not listening. "Faranth's toenails,
Cav, 'twasn't a criticism. I keep a memoir m'self these days. You can keep
writing for all of me... d'you know any of the stars' names, Tasayli?"

Telgar Weyr> Flannery wooohoos at CAv and feels a tinyplot coming on...;)

Mirrari peers over at Rytran in interest, "May I watch?" she asks impishly.

Telgar Weyr> Mirrari winks, " I'd hate to see either of those get out.. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Cierra peers.. what am i missing??

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "It's a shame Kassi's not really the sort to
steal someone's journal. She'd probably love to get a look at that thing. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan lost my journal once. It was awful. :)

C'vadan murmurs, "I was done with my thought." He's trying not to sound
defensive around Kassima, but old habits die hard.

Rytran grins at Mirrari sweetly, a little amazed that she's actually taking
interest in his work. "Why...sure, Mirrari!" In sweeping lines, he draws
the outline of the caldera from this angle, a vast expanse of black with a
bluish lit tinge shifting gradually to a dark amber glow, the reflection of
the moons' light.

Yashira nods to the trio of stars in the sky. "Those are Criom's toes," she

Rytran blinks over at Yash. "Criom's /toes/?!"

Yashira nods once. "Mmm-hmm. I told you, hunters have different names for
them. You see, Criom had bad luck with dropping knives..."

C'vadan also does a double-take. "Who's whats?"

Kisai narrows her turquoise eyes in Cav's direction a moment before tipping
her chin back to ask her mother, in that too-loud whisper children her age
have, "He doesn't *like* you, does he, Mum?" Kassi finds this a diplomatic
time to instruct, "Keep eating, dear... Criom's toes? That's a name I've
nay heard for 'em a'fore--it sounds as if'n there's a story to it."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "Just let May get proddy. She might try to steal
a journal, then?"

C'vadan looks genuinely hurt by the youngling's observation. "I... uh..."
he stammers. "I like your mother, little one. But more importantly, I
/respect/ her as a Wingleader." Sure, a three-turn-old is going to make the
distinction. Taking a deep breath, he turns his attention back to Yashira
and her toes.

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan grins. Duly would let a glowing Tierth's rider do
anything, even sneak into the sacred ouch. :)

Telgar Weyr> Mirrari peers.. ouch?

Tasayli nods her head vigorously, reciting, "The harper's gitar, the
Journeyman's Lantern, the -" She's just listing them, but she doesn't seem
to know where they are. "The what?" The child asks Yashira. "Whose toes?"

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Yeah, I can type. _p_ouch :)"

Rytran nods slowly to Yashira about the 'toes' issue. "Hmmm...you hunters
have a lot of interesting things afoot. Any other interesting tales?" He is
just looking up from his drawing, pausing a moment to observe the scene.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia ooooooooohhhhhhs. Now, that might just be fun to RP

Mirrari smiles as she watches the young artist, sipping her cider as she
watches the caldera take form. "Very nice.." she murmers, shifting the
quilt a little as a cold spot becomes evident.

Telgar Weyr> Mirrari ohhs, I thought you meant couch..

"Criom's toes," Yashira says again. "He was just very clumsy, you see.
Quite old. Refused to take his boots off, but everyone said he didn't have
a big toe, nor a little toe. He only has three."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia did too, but I'd think a pouch on a dragon's riding
gear would be safesafesafe.

Unsurprisingly, perhaps, Kiss still looks rather mistrustful. Kassima
attempts to explain: "We're old acquaintances, loveling, he's just... ah...
a cautious sort. That's all." She sounds rather resigned to it herself,
which may be why Kiss abandons the subject with a faint, puzzled frown.
"The Four Queens, the Tunnelsnake, the Gossamer Spinner, F'nor's Battle,"
Kassi rattles off in addendum to Tasayli's list. "D'you think you'll be a
Starsmith someday, and study all those stars? Do the hunters ever speculate
on how those toes got up into the sky, Yashira?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima makes a deal with May. You steal, I read, we split the
blackmail proceeds? ;)

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Think of the fun you could have making up
incidents that Cav recorded O:)"

Rytran looks up at the stars, attempting to place Kassi's constellation
names with actual formations in the sky. "Which are which, Kassima? I
especially would like to see F'nor's Battle..." He peers upward, squinting.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia snorts. May can read. Gimme a reason to include Kassi?
;) Beyond just that proddy-May has *no* judgement capabilities and would
give away a priceless opportunity like that.

"What? No, they're stars. Not toes," Yashira says. "I mean, he lost two
toes, but they didn't go into the sky. Jassen said Criom kept them in a
little pouch and tucked 'em under his pillow when he slept. Dirak said that
the toes got put into the stew."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Because Kassi's better at blackmail and would
squeeze more money out of people than May? Not that this is a virtue,
exactly.... ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Maylia really does LIKE this idea... :)

C'vadan points to a squarish pattern of six stars. "At Benden Hold, we
called those Basil's Buns."

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Woe is me..."

Tasayli's fascinated by the toes. "Those three are his toes?" She asks,
then eeewwwwwwws. "Toes that'd been in a pouch forever, into a *stew*? Who
ate'em?" May wrinkles her nose at her daughter's enjoyment of the macabre,
and pointedly pays attention to C'vadan. "Basil's buns? Why?"

"He must've had interesting bugs crawling around under that pillow," Kassi
mutters under her breath, earning a muffled giggle and spray of crumbs from
Kiss. "Let's see... ah, there they are, and very clear tonight. Y'see that
red star there, Rytran? The bright one?" She points in the appropriate
direction. The star in question is indeed quite red, though not quite a
match in brightness, location, or size for the Red Star itself. "Right next
to it, to the left there, those stars... see, there's Canth's muzzle. And
there's his tail, and his wings, and F'nor's that small star there. They're
headed for the red one, 'tis why the constellation's called F'nor's Battle."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima steals shamelessly from the Starsmiths' Star Chart
books for this stuff. ;)

Rytran sips at his cup of cider, pondering the Universe and the odd
constellations that Yashira and Kassima have described to him. He flips a
page and begins sketching again, this time drawing a fellow's toes, with
twinkly points at the apogee of each tootsie.

Yashira shakes her head again. "No, no, no. Those are stars. He only lost
two toes. They called the stars that because there's three stars and Criom
on has three toes." Some arm movement; she's started gesturing now.

C'vadan answers, "My father was a baker, my mother a kitchen cook. To them,
everything was food." He pauses, knitting his brows together. "You know, I
don't know why it was called that, or what the Starsmiths really call them."

Telgar Weyr> Flannery huggles y'all night.

Telgar Weyr> Cierra snugs Flannery. :)

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan snugs a Flan if she's accepting :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs Flanamama. :)

Telgar Weyr> Rytran accepts the snugs for Flanamama.;) And has to go soon too.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia snugsa Flan too :)

Kassima admits with some regret, "I couldn't say either, Cav. I only know
the constellations I've seen in the star books, at Gathers or when I'd
occasion t'visit--'twould be an interesting thing t'know. Mayhaps Yashira,"
and she glances towards the young woman in question, "knows another name
for 'em? If'n they're called Basil's Buns because someone named Basil had
his buns cut off, I'm going t'be dismayed."

Mirrari snickers softly at Ry's drawing as she enjoys the scenery

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs Rytran too. :)

Rytran laughs at Kassima's description of Basil's Buns...he does an
appropriate drawing. He shows it to Mirrari amid his chortles.

Yashira shakes her head. "No. Those ones are the canine's nipples," she

"D'you know who Basil is," Maylia asks, "Or was?" Kassi's given a wrinkled
nose for that one.

"Ah..." C'vadan starts. "Not likely. Basil was a baker. I'm fairly certain
of it. More than likely, his buns exploded and ended up in the sky or some
such tale."

Maylia gapes at Yashira. "Canine's nipples?" She asks, stunned. "And are
there puppies to go with them?" Tasa perks up at this.

Mirrari chuckles at the picture and rolls her eyes at Rytran, " Silly.."
she murmers.

Rytran snickers to himself, bottoming out his cider. He pours more.

"Nipples actually figure more prominently in some of the hunter
constellations than you'd think," Yashira says, slowly, though she's
distracted by the child's question. Thankfully. "Puppies? Uh... yeah. Sure.
Those eight stars scattered next to them, those're the puppies."

"Mum, what are nip--nip--those things?" Kisai asks, guileless and oblivious
to the bright blush she's causing on her mother's face. "Um," sayeth the
Kassi. "They're... ask your father, kidlet." "But--" "Ask your father."
Kassi's firm on this one. "The hunters are a bit obsessed with body parts,
are they?"

C'vadan mutters under his breath, "You should talk, Kassima."

Mirrari holds out her mug for more cider as well, "Please?" she asks quietly.

Rytran wants to hear about the nipples, and strains to hear whatever it is
that Yash is saying. When he hears that she's changed, the subject, he
looks almost dejected. He takes a big gulp of cider, as if it were
something stronger.

Yashira's head bobs, and a weary expression crosses her face as she agrees
with Kassima. "Yes. Yes, they were. Are."

Telgar Weyr> Rytran has to go off and take a shower and stuff before bed.
*hugs all around*

Telgar Weyr> Rytran icly went back with Cav whenever he goes.

Maylia smoothes down Tasayli's curls, and jumps on the puppy-topic. "See,
there they are. Eight little baby canines, right there." Tasa looks
disappointed. "They look like stars." The child states. May just grins, and
asks, "I suppose that hunters being obsessed with body parts isn't that
odd. But I'd think edibles, like wherry wings, or such. Why nipples?"

Telgar Weyr> Yashira says, "But Yashira's got to talk more about nipples!"

Telgar Weyr> Cierra snugs Rytran.

Kassima would, could she hear Cav's words, likely make a pithy comeback;
as-is, she supposes of Yashira, "Much like that scruffy young man, hmm? He
seemed rather interested in... well. Various things. A shame you missed the
archery contest, May; he'd likely have leered at you, too."

<OOC> Rytran is icly still here.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs Rytran. :)

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan follows Rytran out. Not to the shower though... Later

Telgar Weyr> Cierra eyeballs the group.. what? :P

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs Cav, too. :)

Mirrari gives Ry a exasperated look and steals the cider skin and pours
herself somemore, listening to the conversation.

Telgar Weyr> Rytran hugs Cav too, though he showers alone tonight.:P

Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "Later, C'vadan! THanks for the RP :)"

"He leers at everything," Yashira snorts. She tromps over to the drinks and
pours herself some cider. "Anyone want a refill?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima pssts. Just wait until he's DC'd, May--then we can
make for the journal! ;)

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "It was fun Maylia. You and Kassi keep me
informed what you two hatch. *poof*"

Telgar Weyr> Maylia thinks I'll have May proddy next week. Yeahhhhhhh.

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio eeeeeeeps and Fears. :)

"Please," Maylia requests, holding out her cup. "I'm rather glad I missed
it. Besides, I'm far better at throwing knives than shooting arrows, thanks
to Kassi and Tas."

Yashira heads over to refill Maylia's cup, muttering, "I'm glad he didn't
win, anyway. Even if I'm surprised Rytran did."

"He leered at me," Kassi agrees, still sounding a bit disturbed by that.
"Several times. Been awhile since anyone's done that--oh, please? *Someone*
drank the last of our cider." Funny how less than guilty Kisai looks.
"'Tisn't purely due to us, May; you'd a natural talent... it surprises you
that Rytran knows his way around a weapon?" she wonders of Yashira.

Yashira's head bobs, and she moves over toward Kassima once she's finished
with Maylia's cup. "It does. Never struck me as competent until the
Threadfall we were ground crew for," she notes, refilling the offered cup.
"Huh. All that time in the living cavern serving people pays off."

Kassima murmurs her thanks, a sentiment which her daughter echoes with a
more piping, "Thankee!" Raising the mug to her lips, the greenrider asks
prior to drinking, "He did well then, then? Doesn't really surprise me. The
Weyrbred tend t'make good groundcrewmen. Methinks mayhaps that flirtatious
exterior hides depths t'him--I'd expect nay less of Flannery and P'tran's
son." She keeps her voice low, so her words won't reach the ears of the one
being discussed.

Maylia listens in, curious, while little Tasa makes up stories about
various arrangments of stars.

Yashira scratches the tip of her nose, looking a little dubious. She plunks
down, curling her hands around her cup of cider and having a pull. "Eh.

"Most people do have a hidden depth *somewhere*. Even L'cher has something
hiding beneath the womanizing exterior." Kassi pauses. "Far beneath. Far,
far, *far* beneath. Far, far, far, far... well, you get the idea."

"Oh? Even my illustrious fellow hunter you met at the archery contest?"
Yashira prods.

Kassima opens her mouth... then closes it. Opens it. Closes it. Opens.
Closes. Finally, "I did say *most*. Tell us about him, Yash? I don't think
anyone here except Rytran and Mirrari and I were there t'see him in
action--" She glances about for confirmation. "And I'm curious about him.
Mayhaps I should set up a pool on his spawning. How many kids he'll have,
that sort of thing." Kisai offers a bit distractedly--most of her attention
is more on eavesdropping on Tasayli's stories--"Five-hundred fifty
thousands!" No, she's not good with numbers yet, why?

Yashira shrugs a shoulder. "Not much to tell. He joined up from some
cothold out west a few months after Jashun left. Never really let up on me
- always demanding why I wasn't wearing a skirt, things like that. He's the
one I had the, ah, incident with that landing me in the kitchens for that
time before you Searched me."

Telgar Weyr> Maylia does appologise 'bout the idle... I will come back and
RP, just gotta get some stuff under control RL...

Telgar Weyr> Kassima nods and snugs a May, too.

"I hope you'll forgive me for hoping he got the worse end of things,"
Kassima dryly drawls. "I'm sure he's a good hunter and all that, but I did
perceive a certain--shall we be calling it lack of charm? Nay that some
lasses don't go for the forthright and lecherous type."

Yashira snorts. "I hurt him. No maiming, but it stung," she says. "He can
hunt decently well. And, oddly enough, some women do seem to find him
attractive. Something about him being a 'rogue'." Another snort. "Never did
like any of them."

Kassima rolls one shoulder upwards. "I can see appeal in a roguish
type--*if'n* they aren't lechers like your scruffy friend, or any number of
obnoxious things. I'm surprised he wasn't giving you more of an eye that
evening--or is that a side-effect of having roughed him up?" She quips,
aside, to the other Candidates, "Nay that I'm actually advocating punching
people as a way t'get 'em t'stop leering at you. Really. Honest."

"He might have, if he had more time, and hadn't discovered the joys of
riling you up," Yashira notes. "And that young thing was making eyes at
him, too."

Mirrari can't really say anything, but she chuckles periodically at the

Kassima snorts. Audibly. Though the sound is modulated; Kisai's drowsing
off, now that she's happily gotten dinner-roll crumbs all over her mother's
cloak. "Riling me--he didn't rile me; he should ask M'rgan what happens
when you rile me. Or on second hand, nay. Mart might take that rather the
wrong way. What young... oh, the one who was with Riane?"

Yashira's head bobs; she has another gulp of cider. "Right, the young one.
Too distracted by mister swaggery to shoot properly."

"Can't say I minded that." Kassi relaxes a notch further against Lysseth's
warm side. "I'm nay all that picky about *how* I outdo opponents--though it
ended up for naught when Rytran won, if'n I'd won because she was making
eyes at him, I'd have been thrilled. He kind of did a service in that
sense, I suppose. Nay that I'm about t'tell *him* that."

Mirrari is a tad unwilling to admit that she couldn't even hit a target..
not that she was making eyes over Rytran, she just has ho archery ability.

Yashira chuckles, glancing down at her mug of cider. "Now I want to know if
I can out-shoot Rytran."

Mirrari chuckles and murmers, "I'd like to see that match.. will you be
using the other for targets?" she teases.

"He seemed pretty sharding good," Kassi confesses, tipping her cider mug
back. "As far as I can tell, which isn't saying much. Methinks I have
better marksmanship with m'knives than he has with arrows, mayhaps--but I
couldn't shoot like that. Oh, now, Mirrari, you'd best be hoping 'tisn't
until after the Hatching until so--since who but Candidates would be
assigned t'clean up the blood?"

Mirrari chuckles lightly, " That's true enough.."

Yashira smiles faintly at Mirrari. "It's not that bad now," she says. "I
haven't fought with him for days."

Kassima has to ask: "Has he finally given up his amorous pursuit?"

Mirrari grins cheekily at Yashira and winks at the girl, " You're making
progress then.."

Yashira eyes Mirrari. "Progress?" One eyebrow raises, slowly.

Kassima also looks curious as to this point, but simply turns her
inquisitive eyes onto Mirrari rather than echoing the question.

Mirrari laughs lightly and shakes her head, "Nothing.." she says innocently.

"You're not implying that I'm attempting to court Rytran, are you?" Yashira
says, slowly.

Please excuse Kassi while she chokes on laughter at the very idea, and must
needs turn her head so that she can clear the cider from her sinuses
without interrupting any conversations.

Mirrari shakes her head emphatically, " Nay, nay.. it's only that it seems
that if you've managed not to fight with him, that you've trained him to
keep his predatory instincts down a bit.."

Yashira's eyebrow hovers at its lofty, skeptical position. "Trained him?"

Mirrari smiles and nods earnestly, "Aye, did I offend you? I think it's
great though how you've managed to deflate his monsterous ego."

"Without meaning t'slight Yashira's, ah, deflating prowess... mayhaps
Rytran realized on his own when a pursuit is futile?" Kassi suggests, not
entirely successful at keeping drollness from her voice.

Yashira scrubs at her face with her hand. "Nggggggh," she snarls.

Kassima squints Yashira-wards. "Did I say something wrong now?"

Yashira shakes her head, abruptly setting her mug aside and flopping onto
her back. "Hardly," she grumps. "I'm just tired of thinking about all these
- silly - complex interactions with people. Rytran and training and the
hunters and... if I could slip away into the woods again, I would."

Kassima shrugs against Lysseth, setting her own mug down and bringing her
arms up around the sleeping child in her lap. "So don't think about it,
if'n you'd rather nay--avoid or ignore 'em all as much as you're able and
concentrate on chores. Nay a very social way t'live, but it does get things

Mirrari smiles between Kassi and Yashira, "That's true..but Yashira,
wouldn't you get tired of living alone?"

"No," Yashira says, stubbornly. "I'd love it. I'd love every second of it."
Mmph. Someone's sulking.

"Try it, then," Kassi encourages blandly. "Why don't you? It sounds as if'n
you might be happier thus, so why nay go for it?"

Yashira reaches out, one hand rooting for a roll that someone's brought
along. It's a little squashed, there's a nibble taken out of it, but she
pitches it vaguely at Kassima. "Ssh."

Kassima can't manage one of her usual neat catches in the dark, but she
does manage to bring her arm up to block the thing; it ricochets, and goes
sailing off into the merry night. Look out below! "Was it something I
said?" she inquires, all innocence.

"You're right, Kassi. I can't bear to be alone anymore. Would you marry
me?" Yashira asks, fluttering her eyelashes at the rider in the dark.

Splutter. Oh, Kassi does splutter--but only for a moment; she quickly
rallies enough to simper, "Oh, Yashira, I thought you'd *never* ask!"

"I'll toss aside my Candidacy, if only I can be by your side!" Yashira croons.

Kassima sighs the sigh of the lovelorn. "Yashira, I never *knew*; I never
*realized*... oh, K'ran will have m'hide for sure, and the Weyrlingmaster
too, *and* the Weyrleaders, but how could we ever deny such a torrid,
raging passion, such a romantic love that surely could light all the stars?"

"Yeah," Yashira says, losing steam. She thinks wildly, frowning. "Um.
I'm... throbbing with it. Yes."

Can Kassi really be blamed for finding it impossible to keep a straight
face through that? She declares through her snickers, waving one hand, "You
win, you win--I'm sorry, but I don't think I could top 'throbbing.'"

Yashira grins. "Ha! I won!"

"Only because you used a word that should never be heard outside of a
terribly tawdry Harper ballad!" Kassi protests, prim. Then, more
thoughtfully, "A'course, I suppose 'torrid, raging passion' would fall
under the same considerations...."

Yashira sits up, swiping a hand under her nose. "I know. I'm very proud.

Kassima pleads, "Just don't throb in m'general direction, all right? I'm
allergic t'throbbing. Really."

Yashira snickers wildly. "I think I am, too. I'll probably have a rash

Kassima holds up both hands. "And you'll nay, by all that's good and lovely
in this world, tell me *where*. Promise me that."

"I swear," Yashira says, clasping one hand over her heart.

Kassima sighs, her relief audible in the sound. "Then life is still good,
and all's well that throbs well, or however the saying goes."

"You said it. You said throb. You'll get a rash, too," Yashira remarks.

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay, nay, I'm... immune. That's right. Because
you said it first, so m'delicate sensibilities had time t'adjust to the
evil of the word."

"What is that?" Yashira snorts. "That makes no sense."

"Does aught have t'make sense where throbbing is concerned?" Kassi counters.

"I'm sorry I ever said the word," Yashira declares.

Kassima makes a face. "Well, you *should* be. There are children present!"
Sleeping children, at least in Kisai's case, but still.

Yashira clambers to her feet, stretching. "Well, if they're old enough to
learn about the Dog's Nipple stars..."

"I should've suggested she ask Aunt Yashira what nipples were," Kassi
mutters, casting her eyes skywards. "Thankee for keeping it only t'canine
parts, though; aught other creatures the hunters name stars after might've
been even harder t'be explaining."

"Nobody asked about those," Yashira says, attempting to look innocent.

Kassima assures quickly, "And nay anybody *is* asking, either!"

Yashira snickers, loping a little ways away.

Kassima quietly echoes the snicker, shaking her head once before she tips
her head back to gaze at the stars in earnest.

Mirrari is watching the stars as well, having long since let her cider cool
as she snuggles deeper into her blanket.