-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survivor Igen Desert Date: October 26, 2007 Places: Igen Weyr's Center Bowl; Heart of the Igen Desert Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I loved this! Mistral Wingleader Ayana ran a Search- and-Rescue event for the Weyr, leading riders and residents deep into the desert to camp there overnight and learn a thing or two about survival. For example, Kassima discovers tent pegs can be tricky. And Z'nal probably finds out some of what it's like to be Jeff Probst. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You land just below in the center of the Igen Weyr Bowl. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Leonneth backwings to land neatly. IGEN-> Ayana says, "Everyone interested in the desert camping event, we're meeting in the central bowl. You can @tel #802. :)" With the late afternoon slowly fading into evening, the bowl seems to now take on activity as workers bustle about with crates. Ayana and Kyreth is in the center of the activity looking over the supplies as she hefts up her carrysack to her shoulder. She watches those passing by and is seeming to wait for the group to show. Raykini comes over from the beach. Leonneth lands in the bowl with a warble to the other dragons about her. A'tan slides down easily enough, wiping his hands on his pants and reaching out to scritch the ridges of the green lovingly. Z'nal's own supplies, bundled neatly in a carrysack, are being watched over by Uralth, who lounges nearby his rider, Zain double checking other peoples' carrysacks to make sure they are properly packed and supplied...and while trying to ignore the bemused looking expression his brown wears, head knobs canted at a jaunty angle. "I can do this without you, you know, not like I haven't survived without your company before Ralth," is finally noted to the dragon, who rumbles amusedly back, though the response isn't explained by the rider, save for an eye roll and lopsided grin, before he moves on to the next person. Lysseth swings in on freshly-oiled and gleaming wings, her landing no less precise for the bulging sack buckled onto her straps. No less dusty, either--so much for her fine polish. Kassi slaps her neck by reflex a moment before sliding down. "You remember our bargain? I bake t'death out there, you find me and pick me up and take me with you a'fore you go. Heat does nasty things to a corpse." The dragon snorts and shifts to nearly push her rider over; Kassi laughs and sets to unbuckling her luggage. Raykini is just one of the people who are geared up for the camping trip. And, judging by the handyman's expression, it's something he's been looking forward to for a long time. He shifts from side to side in a litttle bit of excitement, going through his things in order to check if he has everything he needs. A little bit of this, a little bit of that... IGEN-> Kassima says, "A pot, a pan, a broom, a hat!" Devany's not far off from both brown and rider, amusement on her features as she slips closer to the former, placing a hand on his hide as she teases Uralth's rider with a lopsided grin in place, "It's alright, you know. We can always leave him wondering what trouble we get up to without him, 'Ralth. Or we could overfly them and tease him with how much easier we have it while he tromps about in the heat, carrying all," a gesture to the supplies and an ever so vague, "...that." IGEN-> Kassima has 'Anatevka' in her head now; thanks, Raykini. ;) IGEN-> Raykini says, "what's that?" IGEN-> Kassima says, "A song from Fiddler On the Roof. 'A little bit of this, a little bit of that; a pot, a pan, a broom, a hat. What do we leave? Nothing much, only Anatevka....'" IGEN-> Raykini says, "Ah, never heard of it." Patting Kyreth once, Ayana finally moves away from the brown to pass low words to those near her coming along. She approaches Z'nal looking over the supplies again, then nods a greeting his way. "Think we're ready?" she asks of him as she catches A'tan's familiar green and sends a nodded smile his way if he's looking. "I made sure we brought enough tents, but you never know how many we'll actually get up." That brings a grins to her face, then she nods to Devany and adds, "Not going to join us? You can tease him when he fails to get a good fire going," she teases, sending a wink the Weyrleader's way at the tease. "Oh, I'm late, I'm going to be late!" Jaispe says, as she darts in and out of her weyr a couple of times as she remembers other little things to do before she leaves. Lultiath watches despairingly, with a mother's exasperated sigh as her rider finally gets out the door and down to the bowl to meet the rest of the group. "The kids!" the woman says then, and starts to turn back before relaxing. "Oh, right. We did already," she realizes, soothed as she joins the rest of the massing groups. "Nobody has *ever* accused me of not being able to get a fire going Ayana," Z'nal notes, through a half smile with just the slightest twitch of his brows to mark his amusement, perhaps another meaning to his words as he shoots his weyrmate a 'look'. "I think we're as ready as we're going to be really, though I had to repack a few carrysacks, and take extra time to convince one woman she did not need to bring everything she owned," is noted next as he raises a hand to wave towards some of the newly arriving, gaze inspecting them and their gear before finding the Wingleader again, "if you'd like to call everyone to order, I'll just do a quick check of the rest of the folks coming along...most followed the orders they got on what to bring, but some, like that woman, completely ignored the hide list sent out." "I thought about it," Devany drawls to Ayana, after letting her smile tilt even farther lopsided with her weyrmate's words, "Especially the part about it might be fun to watch and see who can set their tents up and start their fires, and who can't..." She gives a smile and then dips a shoulder in a shrug, "Me? Walking through the desert? Well." Laughing at the return quip, "Must have been the same woman," Ayana notes, nodding back over her shoulder behind her. "I caught someone carrying way more than she should coming out of the caverns." She nods to Z'nal's suggestion then, turning to Devany at her own answer with short laughter. "Thought about it," she echoes wryly. "You can always have Z'nal here carry you instead of walking it." Before the Weyrleader could either swap at her or retort, she turns away and moves to the center waving her hands. "Alright everyone! Get your carrysacks secure and follow me if you're heading out. Don't take more than you can carry," and she passes a hard look at someone in the milling crowd, lingering on something carried before she returns with "You'll be regretting it when we get there. Once everyone's ready, we're heading out!" Kassima flips her long braid back over her shoulder, checks the fit of the fraying, wide-brimmed hat that shades her eyes, and weighs her pack one more time. "I should've brought more socks," she tells Lysseth. Lysseth has no comment. She curves her tail 'til its tip twitches near her rider's feet, a defiantly possessive gesture: *mine*. Even if she's fool enough to leave me. "Stop that. Look at this crowd. If'n we end up resorting t'cannibalism t'survive, the odds 'twill draw the short straw can't be very high! ...See, now you won't miss me at all. You're welcome." If dragons could only roll their eyes.... Hoisting her carrysack, Kassi ambles towards the center with the others. Raykini moves to shoulder his carryingsack once he's sure he has everything. He shifts it a littl eon his back, flicking some of his hair out of his face and slows into formation with the others. "Hopefully we won't die out there." He murmurs quietly, passing the dragons with a faint frown. "So. Walking out into the desert," Jaispe says conversationally, as she traipses on around and finds herself near Raykini shortly. "You really are kinda pessimistic. It's sad. How are you, Ray? Are you going... Oh, of course you're going, aren't you?" she decides, nose wrinkling. "That's why we're all here." She laughs, sheepish. "Nobody's dying on my watch," Z'nal comments, as he passes by Raykini, apparently having overheard the younger man's murmur, his own tone carrying a little more emotion than one might think it should. He nods towards Jaispe, doing a slight double take at her own comments but saying nothing else, though he does give her a good looking over, before making his way back to Devany and Uralth. "Remember my friend, if I get into trouble out there, you're to come save me...on the sly though," is said to his brown, as he hefts his carrysack onto his broad, capable shoulders, a wink for his tease is answered by yet another amused sounding rumble. "Give the kids my love Dev, and for you..." a sweet kiss is produced, before he draws back, "take care hmmmm, we'll only be gone overnight, Faranth willing." Raykini turns over to peek at Jaispe, smiling faintly, "Well...hopefully not anyway? Eh?" He turns to look over his shoulders at the dragons before falling into step with the goldrider, "I'm not pessimistic. I've got my plushie with me, so there." He laughs quietly shrugging at Z'nal's words, "I'll hold you to that weyrleader! Ray calls out after him. Moving through the crowd and actively making sure no one's carrying more than they should, Ayana passes by Raykini when she hears his comment and cannot help but to snort. Pausing to look back at him, "That's my hope too, but don't tell anybody," she remarks in an amused low voice to him. When Jaispe joins his side, she sends a nodded greeting her way as well before moving on. Once she exchanges low words with one woman wearing a too-bulky coat, she passes Kassima with a lopsided grin and then turns when she finds Z'nal coming towards her. "Alright everyone, let's go!" she calls, putting her hands together and moving off to the direction where the desert could be slowly. A'tan finally makes his way over to the group after checking his supplies. The man is whistling to himself and seems to catch a glimpse of a small running figure who's waving his arms. Young Kyeran is calling out loudly, getting louder of course with each step he takes closer, "Daddy!! I want to come too!!" he bellows. The greenrider sighs visibly with a small shake of his head, picking up the bundle, holding him close to his chest, walking over to the group IGEN-> Raykini says, "We're gonna diiieee!" Z'nal wanders off to find someplace more interesting. Ayana wanders off to find someplace more interesting. Raykini wanders off to find someplace more interesting. Kiss returned in kind, Devany then leans back against Uralth's shoulder where he rests, "Don't worry, Zain. We'll be fine for the night, I'm sure. You go on and have fun, you know, hiking and all." While she stays comfortably leaning on the brown. You enter the TP room. Heart of the Igen Desert - Igen Sweep Area(#8953RJes$) Red-gold sand dunes curve in sinuous wind-sculpted S shapes, shimmering with heat as Rukbat's harsh glare washes the vault of the sky nearly white. Like walking into a furnace, the heat is dry and overwhelming. Few people come here, and fewer wish to stay. The scanty shade of a towering dune provides little respite. A few wiry, sun-beaten scrub plants cling to life in whatever shelter they can find, and insects scuttle here and there, their minute skitterings and occasional small chirpings the only sounds of life in this desolate, sandy waste. On the eastern horizon is a shimmering vision of either mountains or rainclouds. Regardless, both promise relief from the relentless desert. OOC: +TP/HELP for assistance. Contents: Raykini Ayana Z'nal Obvious exits: Out Jaispe wanders in, curiosity driving her to find something more interesting here. Devany wanders in, curiosity driving her to find something more interesting here. A'tan wanders in, curiosity driving him to find something more interesting here. IGEN-> Z'nal passes out sunscreen? "At least it won't be from skin cancer?" IGEN-> A'tan takes and applies IGEN-> Raykini wonders if they have such a thing on Pern :3. IGEN-> U'yn waves. "I hope not," Jaispe agrees with Raykini cheerfully. "Lulla'd be pretty mad at me if I did. And the kids, too." Noting Z'nal's look, she offers him a wave, grinning, while they set out. She ambles along, trailing with the rest of the group easily. "Have you ever slept out in the desert before? I haven't. Although we don't really have desert where I'm from, anyway. The trek was a long one, filled with a few rest breaks to make sure no one was going to drop to their death. With Ayana leading, she slows her steps toward a small clearing that seems to have been cleared before their arrival. It certainly looks likes someone has been here previously, though it's only showing in the fact that it's cleared. She moves to the center of this clearing, first looking around then looking to the slowly darkening sky. "It's going to get cool here soon," she notes aloud to anyone close, then settles her carrysack to the ground. A'tan had taken a little bit of time trying to calm his son about the night away, promises made and a few hugs. He waves to him, the boy's shoulder's shaking, but he stays silent, waving his small hand to his father. The greenrider trots to catch up, pacing himself and comes up near Z'nal and Ayana, walking near them a while, taking a bit of time though for himself during the small rest periods. Once arriving he drops his bag down, nodding his head as he looks up at the darkening sky, "I'll try to find something we can use to start a fire or at least to keep one going." Of course, in the clearing, yet off to the side where not instantly apparent a small fire is already burning beside a tent already pitched, a few pillows set out before it upon which a certain honey blonde casually sits. Devany, a cup in hand, likely filled from what ever is in the pot resting beside the fire's coals. Raykini lets his eyes flicker out to the sea of sand as they travel across the desert. If there's one thing Ray dislikes more than anything, it's the fact that there's not much water in sight. "I hope there's at least a oasis where we're going." Ray's not very happy when he's not near water. "I'm not a desert person, really. I rather be out at sea, ma'am." "Remember everyone, water, food, shelter, in that order, unless conditions warrant a change," Z'nal can be heard saying as he makes his way towards Ayana, his eyes seemingly flickering over every face in the group to ascertain their state of being after the long hike. "Luckily, we were able to bring supplies with us, but there may be a circumstance where you are not able to be so prepared. Since we have water and food, brought it with us, we should tackle shelter first." He nods towards Mistral's Wingleader as he drops his pack by her feet, and it looks like he's going to say more when he notices...his weyrmate? Already here? With a...a...tent...and a cup of something in hand? "Devany! What the shard...?" is asked, and abruptly stopped in favor of robust laughter, and when he finishes, he shakes his head, and clears his throat, "as I was saying...shelter. I believe we have some tent supplies, and we'll need to set them up." A'tan notices the Weyrleaders mate with the cup in her hand and a very small fire he missed and sighs softly to himself with a chuckle. He picks up his pack and moves to an area by himself, mumbling softly as he looks around the camp. He grins at Raykini, "Sometimes I wonder if the sea is better than the desert, but each have its own dangers." he says. The rider goes over and checks out the tent supplies, grabbing a few items he needs and starts on the first tent. With a nod to A'tan's offer, "Good idea to do that first-" Ayana begins until something off to the side of the clearing catches her attention. Blinking, she moves swiftly away from the group to catch the distinct color of one of the tents and the small fire. Spotting the sole occupant there, she bites back her own laughter and steals a glance towards the Weyrleader. She steps close enough to Devany for her to catch the wink and then turns back to the rest of the group. "Right, shelter! We have the tents here, so let's have those that are good at putting up tents work with those that aren't." By the end of the hike Kassima's gait is no longer even, the Thread-born limp come back to haunt her as it sometimes does. She's kept up, anyway, whistling or singing softly to herself for most of the journey. A few of her fire-lizards play games in the air overhead. "'Twill be rather cold, won't it?" she asks no one in particular. "But beautiful. Just look at that thing--" 'That thing' being the dune; she stops in her tracks to appreciate it a moment or two. "Right, right. Tents." She eyes the tent supplies rather dubiously, especially the pegs, before taking some up. Watching the scenery, Jaispe hardly seems to notice which way the group goes as she walks. "You should really go back to the sea, boat, thingy," she tells Raykini earnestly, "if you miss it that much. I mean, you can go back. I'd go." She shrugs. Then; "Oh, is this where we're camping? How do you put up tents? Pegs? I'm not so sure about this now." Raykini shakes his head, "I'm not going back." He murmurs quietly as he follows the others, frowning when they finally come upon the spot. "So...this is it?" He asks, slowly turning in a circle. "Where /are/ we getting our water from? I could help you put up yours, ma'am, if you'd like. I'm good at that sort of stuff." He smiles faintly, turning to A'tan with a curious gaze. "Aye, I've much love for the sea. But it was because of the sea I ended up here in the first place." Devany lifts a hand, giving a cheerful wave before taking a long draw from her mug, settled in, content to enjoy her drink, the scenery, the joke and of course the entertainment she presumes ahead. From a plate beside her, she picks up a muffin food, drink shelter, all on hand. "If you don't mind?" Jaispe tells Raykini, scratching her head idly. "I'm kind of not any good at these sorts of things. I'll probably roll over in the middle of the night and knock the whole thing down on top of me." She makes a face, though, as she settles in to do what she can to help, though like she prophesied, she's not very good at it after all. Ayana was going to move towards one young girl trying to erect up a tent upside down, but one of the riders beat her to it. She moves over to A'tan, trying to catch his attention with a brief tap on his arm as she says, "Think I'm going to take a few of you gather brushes with me for the fire. Want to come with? See who else will come with us as the rest put up the tents?" Maybe it's her way of getting out of having to put up a tent herself, but there's a flash of an innocent smile on her face before she looks over towards Devany. The casual ease in which the honey blonde sits has her laughing and shaking her head. Z'nal follows Ayana's lead, and makes his way around the group, offering suggestions, how to's, as well as just general information on the tents and the best method of setting them up. "No, we've found the best material to use is actually made of densely woven beast hair and vegetable fibers, they tend to expand when wet in extreme temperatures, making them sturdy, yet not stifling in the heat," is noted to someone who's fingering the material the tents are made from, then to another having difficulties with the pole placements, "use the guide ropes friend, then attach them to the pegs once taunt...the sides can be rolled up or down, allowing any breeze to blow through, or be blocked off...good work." That last is noted to the person having problems, when those problems are solved, and he moves onto..."Kassima, how are you? Need any help at all?" It's a matter of pure casualness, the way Devany picks apart the muffin into delicate bite sized bits. She grins mischievously to Ayana, and then her expression is back to pure innocence as well. She gestures to the pot by the fire, offering as she gives a wink and then resumes her watching of the proceedings. A'tan is working on stretching out the material, pushing the pegs into the ground, concentration on his work when he feels the tap on his arm. He looks over his shoulder with a smile, "Oh hey there. Sure, getting stuff for the fire is a good idea." He catches the flash of the smile and chuckles, "Always one to get out of the hard stuff huh?" he teases gently. He looks over at the honey blonde, "Smart one. I'm sure it will be amusing to watch all of us. Shay wouldn't be caught dead out here." His gaze moves to where Kassima is, smiling at one of his former teachers when he was in Telgar, "Different here isn't it Kassi. It took me a while to get used to" Kassima may have no real idea what she's doing, but once she has her tent equipment she throws herself into the task. And that's why she's a lump under a swath of the hair-and-fiber material when Z'nal approaches her. "Quite possibly. Methinks this thing goes here," and she shoves the pole into something approaching its proper position, but not closely enough; it weebles and wobbles and threatens to fall down. "Blast. The pegs aren't right." The greenrider pokes her head out from under the material and blows her bangs away from her eyes. "What d'you think, Weyrleader, have I got the right one wrong or the left? Or both?" Turning her head, she grins wryly at her onetime Wingrider. "That's understating things. Nay snow on the ledge? In winter? 'Tis bloody unnatural, but Lyss loves it." So Raykini has been charged with putting up tents. that's something he can do rather easily. After all, he had to fix his boats, tents should be easy after that? Right? One would think so anyway. He sowly starts hammering the pegs into the ground, frowning ever so slightly at the sand, "Not sure the ground will hold the pegs very well." "Hey, I thought I'd give these folks a chance at putting up the tents," Ayana puts up the excuse with hands up at A'tan's response. "Getting the materials for a fire before it gets too cold is honorable reason enough for me." His added remark about Devany has her looking over her shoulder towards her, catching the wordless offer with open interest. "I can tell Shayera didn't show," she muses wryly. "She could have gotten a ride with Devany." Turning to him with a nod, "Look for anything dry that could catch fire," she adds his way before moving off, slowly making her way over to Raykini as she examines the tents that were erected. Pausing by him, "Good so far?" she asks him, looking over the tent he works on with interest. Devany calls quietly back to A'tan, having heard his words, "Yes, well. As I told Z'nal and Aya. Hiking? Not really my thing." She casts a wink his way, smiles ever so sweetly and settles in more comfortably. She might as well be on the beach by the lake shore, or her old stomping grounds of Boll. Desert? What desert. "Hmmmmm," Z'nal begins, gently mimicking Lysseth's riders cadence and verbage, "methinks, quite possibly, you're quite lost, rightways, leftways, and yeah, bothways." He grins lopsidedly at her, grabbing for the poles before they can actually crack the ground, deft fingers curling around the wood to set them correctly. "I'll position the poles, you tie off the guide lines around the pegs Kassima, you can tie a proper knot yes?" His brows raise to add emphasis to his inquiry, eyes studying her a moment before lifting over to A'tan, a wink getting tossed his way, then his gaze moves to his weyrmate, the muffin noted, and sighed longingly at, though maybe that wasn't for the muffin, then its back to checking the group's progress and noting Raykini's frown, calls over, "it may very well not hold the pegs as much as we would like, but experience says they will suffice unless the conditions become very extreme...try not to worry." "I can. I promise I'm nay as incompetant as this might make me look," Kassima says in good humor, wriggling back the other way to get out from under the tent. "I'm even trained in rescue and salvage, believe it or nay--I'd have a hard time believing it about now if'n 'twere you. Even so." She draws the first line taut and fixes it efficiently enough to give her claim some credence. "Thankee for the aid. These wouldn't hold up through a sandstorm, would they?" A'tan bows slightly to Devany with a smile, "Well dear lady, at least you get to have the amusment of watching. Shayera isn't much for hiking or camping out so I know what you mean." He winks back and then turns his attention elsewhere, walking out towards the edge of the clearing of the camp to hunt stuffs for the fire. He chuckles softly though when he passes by Kassima and the array of poles and tents supplies, overhearing the question posed by the Weyrleader, "Oh she can tie a knot and is very competant." he says in jest to Kassi, "It gets easier, really." The tall man walks away, whistling softly to himself, looking up into the almost dark sky, picking up whatever he can for the fires, still in hearing distance though. "Oh, well. I just was too amused by this whole Idea to stay at home, A'tan." Devany gives a faint wave of her hand, a small gesture before continuing with the thought, "Watching the kids all night, though Uralth made a very tempting offer that I could pass the evening scratching his eye ridges of course. This did seem apt to hold a higher entertainment value." But as the greenrider looks away she turns a glance back to Z'nal, watches for a time, gives a smile and picks off another bit of muffin to pop in her mouth. Stoppin near the edge of the clearing to examine and gather up the proper dry brushes, Ayana settles a bunch together under one arm as one of the men putting up tents nearly lose his hold on the edge. She moves quickly to secure it until he can, then gestures for she and a couple of others to pile the brushes in the center of the clearing. She goes to gather more, passing by the group gathered by Kassima with a smirk to something said and finally picks her way through the crowd towards Devany. She makes a show of looking over the setup she has, then slowly shakes her head. "Amazing," she drawls wryly to the honey blonde. "How you managed to get this all set up quickly amuses me." With brushes in her hands, "I take it you made the journey well then?" she asks, her amusement peeking now at the muffins she has. Z'nal looks dubiously at the tent now, critical gaze following along the guide lines to the pegs that were made to hold them, "not a bad one no, which is one of the reasons we have these excursions, to teach people how to survive out here if caught, or by choice, though why they would make that choice..." He leaves that to wind to answer presumably, while his hands work with the other poles and he lifts his voice to address the group as a whole again, "I think someone asked about what to do if one doesn't have water? There are several ways to get water if you find yourself in the need, and without one of the 'skins' that we brought...first, look to the desert around you. Sounds odd, but seek, and you'll probably find. For example? Turn over half buried stones before the sun rises, their coolness usually causes dew to collect on their surfaces. Also, some desert grasses, other flora will contain moisture, and if not on the inside, on the outside, again...dew can be collected in a shirt, or fabric and wrung out in a container. Water seepage occures in canyons, small pockets of water in sandstone rock formations can be found by digging at the base of rocks if you're closer to that kind of enviroment...even contaminated water can be used, soak your clothing in it to stay cool, if not for proper drinking. Lastly, follow the creatures of the desert, they'll know where to find water, as they need it too, and can also be used for a food source." "Oh, it was a positively lovely trip... We glided the last little way you know. And T'maiv, why he's very good at the whole, you know, tent, fire thing." A wave of Devany's fingers towards both tent and fire accompany the words and then the honey blonde is again smiling, ever so sweetly and offering to Aya again, though more directly this time, "Care for a muffin? I brought a few extras. There is some klah as well." Kassima says a bit absently with her focus on the knots and lines, "People do strange things for strange reasons. Without Thread there'd be a kind of freedom in it. With--" Well. She rocks back on the heels of her boots, a heavy, sturdy pair, to listen and to learn. "Is it true you can filter fouled water through sand somehow?" she wants to know. A'tan then gets a fleeting grin of thanks for his endorsement. "Good t'hear you think so. I believe you. In some respects, some, 'tis an easier change t'make than that from Benden t'Telgar the first time. Differences in the climates and all." "T'maiv is handy, I agree," Ayana responds wryly, lips curving into a lopsided smile. Moving forward to snag a muffin quickly with furtive glances about her, "Think I'll definitely relieve you of one of these," she drawls as she hefts one into her hand once she shifts the dry brush she hold under one arm. "You brought kalh too? You certainly didn't skimp on this trip." She overhears Z'nal's words about survival out on the desert, a look of approval passing through her festures as she adds aloud, "You can be surprised what moisture you can find out here. The desert can really be a sufficient place, provided one of you happen to get lost out this way. Whenever you come out, make sure to have the materials for a tent and know how to start a fire for yourself, especially at night. Which speaking of..." and turns to lift the muffin at Devany in thanks as she adds, "I'll be right back," then meanders into the crowd to add to all, "Who wants to help start the fire? That way we can start making the meal for tonite!" and dumps the rest of the brushes into the pile at the center of the clearing. "He owed me a favor, sweet fellow, really." Devany supplies and then grins, "Only the best, of course," she tells the wingleader and nodding her head to the woman as she moves back to her duties and after a moment, topping off her cup with more of the kalh. "I've seen it done, though the results might not be appetizing to drink, but you do what you have to out here," Z'nal says with a nod of approval for Kassima's work with the knots and lines, "we're lucky, we have our lifemates to depend on, but all of this is good to know in any regard, not the least of which is to provide examples to those, teach those who don't have dragons to look to..." He gives his head a shake, he's normal demeanor giving way to more serious concerns, thoughts, though what those thoughts remain hidden till its the return of his lopsided grin that marks the openness about him, "all done there Kassima? I see my weyrmate has brought some of muffins, and it looks like they're rapidly disappearing..." His neck cranes slightly, an internal war of Weyrleader with lessons to teach versus hungry man playing out teasingly on his features while he adds, "I'm sure she'll give you a few and jays, klah too..." "That's something I can help with," Kassima offers, tying off the last of her lines. "I'm a lot better with fire than tent pegs. Aye, Weyrleader, done and done; and knowledge of any kind is rarely wasted. Thankee again. Go on t'your muffins." Some of her amusement shows despite herself. "I'd nay mind one either although I'm nay much of a klah woman." With the tent done she rummages in her pack for her tinderbox. A'tan drops his load of brush and kneels down to start a fire, the former AWLM not really stopping to take a break now that the sky is dark. "I suppose we can't cheat and take some of Devany's fire huh?" he calls out to Ayana and Z'nal. The rider nods to one of the others in the group, showing her what needs to be used to start the fire, talking quietly as he explains. He glances over at the muffins but refrains from getting one, instead keeping to his task. With the group digesting the information about the desert, Ayana bends to make sure the pile of brushes was sufficient and then turns around to look through the crowds. "The natural way to light a fire is to rub very dry and sturdy sticks together," she calls aloud with a sweeping motion towards the pile. "Or, we can steal any nearby fires, yes," she adds to A'tan's own as she steps back to let the couple with A'tan approach the pile. Since she doesn't initiate the fire herself, she moves instead over to her own abandoned carrysack to pull out simple foodstuffs for the meal. She pulls a pan free as well, munching on the muffin she got from Devany as she starts back into the group passing out instructions. Z'nal doesn't push anyone out of the way, nor does he knock any tents down, that have been recently put up...he even manages to inspect a few of them in his haste to get to those muffins and klah. Its only Ayana that stops him as he notes her continuing to give out instructions and tend to her duties, but hey, she's got a muffin too so... "Anything left for me Devany?" is asked of his weyrmate as he reaches where she holds court, his gaze goes to her, then to A'tan whom he passed earlier and he asks further, "and anything for my industrious greenriding friend, who's weyrmate surely might have come if she had known such delights were to found out here in the desert...okay, she probably still wouldn't have come, something about sand getting in her drawers and so forth..." Kassima considers her tinderbox. "In a random survival situation you might nay have flint, true." It looks as though A'tan has the fire issue in hand, so she sticks the box back in her bag and digs out her food supplies instead. Dried meat, dried fruit, bread--and Benden Red to make the taste of the rest irrelevant. "'Twill cook that for you if'n you share," she tells a rider near her who packed more appetizing fare; it's an exchange to which he seems amenable. "I thought you were, you know, roughing it." Devany asks, though she nudges the muffins out for the claiming by whomever at this point, "You know, able to survive on your own, all that." And then a roll of her eyes, "Zain. You so so very much like to cause trouble. It'll be your luck someone tells Shay you said that." She gives a teasing wink and grins A'tan's way as well before asking, So are you just here to make sure everyone else gets their things in order then? And planning to mooch off of me - Just so I know, of course?" A'tan hears his weyrmate's name and looks over with a smile to Devany, hearing the last bit of her teasing to the brownrider. He finishes up with his instructions, leaning over to blow on the small sparks now coming from the sticks a young man is rubbing together, "Good. Keep going....almost there" He puts on a few smaller pieces of brush, adding to it until there is a crackling fire in front of him. "Nice work." He gets up and finally walks over to his friends checking out the set up. "This is pretty good too Dev. I might have to sneak in here and sleep if there are a never ending supply of muffins." With the group now starting to settle down at the various tents that are up, Ayana can make her rounds much easier and does so. She chuckles to the banter Devany tosses, and makes a show of finishing her muffin as she passes by the Weyrleader. Once the fire is lit, she explains the various methods used to cook out in the desert, including possibilities for food out here in case one should get lost out there. She moves forward to help those at the fire with setting up the pans for the evening meal, then catches Kassima's call and adds out "Hey, you want to help cook? You seem to have more experience at this part than me." She brandishes one of the pots, laughing at something heard and stepping away to view the busy clearing at large. "Well...now that you and your 'delights' are here Dev, I might as well make good use of them?" Z'nal asks, the picture of mock innocence, and unabashed about it. "I was perfectly prepared to rough it by the way, wouldn't be the first time I've had to do so, and it won't be the last, but how do I know you'll be about with your muffin and things next excursion, nope, one of the first rule of survival is to use what's, uh, in front of you." A wink for that, and as his hand grabs a few muffins and tosses them A'tan's way while calling out, "head's up!" Now, a grin marks his next comment, "oh please, if Shay hears, what will she possibly do? Yell at me some more?" The grin broadens, and after grabbing a muffin for himself, he strides away from his weyrmate and out into the group again, his tone becoming serious once more as he says, "speaking of rules to follow folks, listen up! Some precautions to take...if you are of mind to set out into the desert on foot or by non flying beast, tell someone you are going, and when you will return. Also, watch for signs of heat injury...complaints of tiredness, listlessness, skin irritation might be the beginnings of something serious. Drink water once an hour, stay as hydrated as you can. If shade is available, use it to rest in, but don't lay on the ground. Do not, take your clothing off, as tempting as it may be in the heat, your clothing protects you. Something else? Forgive me ladies present, but you can use your urine to ascertain if you're getting enough water...light urine means you're okay, dark means you need more." "It is quite nice, isn't it?" Devany asks, lopsided grin returning as she offers about the time Z'nal plucks a few to toss his way, "Care for a muffin, A'tan?" Her gaze leveling on Z'nal, pale hued eyes returning his gaze and then she gives a faint roll of them, grins and stretched out on her pile of pillows, "You'd best get your work done, Zain, before you venture too far down that trail... You know, be a good example and all..." The tease delivered even as he retreats back to impart more information to those who ventured on the trip in good faith...rather than with pillows and muffins. "Certes. Don't expect a seven-layer cake," Kassi warns, grinning, "but I can manage something. Hold that thought," she adds to the rider with whom she was going to trade. The greenrider stands, stretches out the leg that limped earlier, and joins those who are cooking, rather more confident with the pots than the tent. "What kinds of animals would you find out here?" she asks while poking at sausages sizzling and popping in a pan. Ayana passes the pan she was brandishing to one of the appointed cooks, wiping her hands on her pants as she straightens. "Small ones, usually," she answers Kassima as she looks over the pans with interest. "Quite a few of them live underground to stay out of the sun, but you will find those like snakes and rats out here," and she shows just the hint of disdain to that. "Alot of them only come out at night, too, so we should all be mindful of where we sleep tonite, in case something decides to want to share in your sleeping space." A few nearby cringe at this particular tidbit, immediately looking about themselves as if an animal would show up right then and there. "Alot of insects, too," she feels compelled to add somehow, before she looks back to Kassima. "You can imagine the animals here live pretty roughly compared to other places, so it's valuable to sometimes watch where they go to get moisture to drink or eat. I'm traderstock, so when I was young we used to do just that whenever we had to come out this way." She straightens then and moves off, slipping Z'nal with a wry, "Managed to take from Devany's bounty over there?" A'tan smiles warmly at Devany, nodding his head, "Thanks. I would love one." He catches the one tossed to him from his friend. "This is a nice surprise considering we're supposed to be 'surviving'" comes with a grin and tease for the Weyrleader as he retreats to give more lessons to those who haven't experienced spending time out in the Igen sands. He breaks the muffin and takes a bite into his mouth with a small grumble of satisfaction, "These are good. Thanks again." He stays where he is but listens to what's going on around him. "Just a little Aya," Z'nal notes huskily, his gaze flickering over the Wingleader, then to his weyrmate while he asks, "think she'll let me take more later?" A wink for that, then a rumbly chuckle sounds out before he raises his voice to lesson further, picking up where Ayana left off... "now would be a good time to also mention, some precautions to take while dealing with the other denizens of the desert? Insects of almost every type abound in the desert. Man, as a source of water and food, attract all kinds, and they are extremely unpleasant and may carry diseases. Anything that you consider shelter, they will too and can be habitats for them, as these areas provide protection from the elements and also attract other wild-life. Therefore, take extra care when staying in these areas. Try to wear gloves, or be extra mindful of your hands...do not place your hands anywhere without first looking to see what is there. Visually inspect an area before sitting or lying down. When you get up, shake out and inspect your boots and clothing." Kassima nods to this while turning over the contents of her pan. "Makes sense. Tunnelsnakes aren't the worst eating, the non-poisonous varieties--so if'n anyone catches one tonight and wants t'save it for breakfast...." Someone's brought cheese and she slices a few thin strips to lay over about half of the links. "You traded down through here? That sounds like fodder for stories," she says, then takes the sausages from the fire and starts to pass them around: on plates for people who have such, or wrapped in chunks of bread. "Thank the stars for fire-lizards. 'Twill have caution, but if'n I know the greedyguts they'll take care of aught that creeps into the tent in the night." "Probably have to convince her," Ayana quips to Z'nal in a tease that brings her to send a little wave Devany's way. Returning to the fire, "Yeah, my family's from here," she answers Kassima with an easy nod. "There's nothing like having to go through desert, and that was long before Thread showed up again." She takes one of the plates being passed around, listening to Z'nal add to her own lecture on the animals they might find in ther desert. She grins his way and sets about eating as she moves to sit by the fire. "You know me, A'tan... All about the surprises?" She smiles the greenrider's way and selects another muffin for herself. Watching as she dissects this one much like the first, torturously slow, small bites, a pause to wave back to Ayana and from her expression it's hard to say if she heard her weyrmate's comment to his fellow brownrider or not - she's playing it aloof once more, at least mostly. No doubt she's taking in as much as she can of what goes on around her. "I might be able to manage that Ayana," Z'nal replies, eyes following the wave before following the person who made the gesture. He watches the Wingleader settle herself near the fire, then lets his gaze return to his weyrmate, the soft smile playing about his lips tender, and thru it he starts out on his next topic... "Now when trying to navigate your way in the desert, you might use the ancient method of 'detouring', which is a form of old desert proverb, "by three sides is the quickest way across a square", and it makes sense if you have a large obstacle in your way. A 90 departure from your planned route, followed by measured distances and two subsequent 90 turns will bring you back on course safely around any difficult ground. During the day, if possible and available, use footprints and observed paths to guide you, as well as measured sun shadows, and of course, at night, the stars can help you..." He makes his way around the camp, adding stories to his lecture, a joke or two, and at the end, a rather 'colorful' tune about getting stuck with a loved one in the desert, after which he laughs and bows to applause, before moving on to speak quietly with various groups, apparently his teaching over for the time being... IGEN-> Z'nal heads out, "good night everyone and take care." :) IGEN-> Kylin says, "Night Z :)" Besides sausages and cheese are other options: stew, beans, and some sort of masochist contributed a jar of pickled peppers. Kassi seems to enjoy overseeing her share of the pots. "I'm just as happy nay being able t'imagine that. Makes me appreciate Greystones the more." All the same, she takes interest in the desert facts--listens so closely, in fact, that she almost burns food, but manages a narrow escape. Eventually she cadges a plate for herself to take back to her tent. "I like this better than the times we practiced rescue in the northern wastes, just for the record; there was never food and you froze your behind solid." IGEN-> Luni says, "Goodnight :)" Ayana, finishing her meal as she listens to the various stories being told around the fire, gets up from her seat to add helpful tips here and there to Z'nal's words on navigating the desert. Once done, she slips over by Devany as if checking up on her sends her way, "The muffin was very good! Perhaps every desert traveller should have your skills handy, just in case." She makes her rounds then returns to the fires, nodding towards Kassima as she answers with "I hear search rescue in those climates can be just as bad. We could certainly use your expertise in the team we have here, Kassima, especially since we're looking to add more people." Looking around, "I hope to never have us using such a team, but it's better prepared than sorry out here." Devany laughs softly, remarking back at Kassima's comment, "I would think, yes. Better in the desert than in the cold. But then, I was never fond of the cold." Her gaze tracks her weyrmate on and off, but she watches others as well, just returns to him most often until Aya stops by and earns a smile, "I'll be sure to give you the name of the baker that provided them." Her current snack finished, that bit of klah gone as well and she packs away a few things in the basket just seen within her tent before lounging by her fine, waiting for Z'nal's return, most likely. "They can be difficult. With blizzards I'd see people holed up in caves, under downed trees--I remember the time at Bitra--" Kassima breaks off. "Of all the things t'get reminiscent about. Truth, a lot of what I learned was specific to the climate and might nay be of much use. But I'd be glad t'sign on." She's far enough from the fire that it's hard to see her face clearly, but she sounds pleased. "Did you live up north?" she asks Devany. "I somehow developed a fondness for cold on occasion, only shards know why." Ayana looks pleased at Kassima's agreement, straightening with a sharp nod. "Good. I'll keep your name in mind, then." With one of the weyrfolk drawing her aside from the fire, she moves close back to Devany to call out, "I'll hold you to that, Devany!" and continues pass her with the young man. Then the most that could be seen of the Wingleader is her making her slow rounds around the fire, giving small tips about the desert and surviving it here and there. Much like the Weyrleader, she makes sure everyone is doing well in the camp and doesn't return to relaxing until then. A shake of her head and Devany replies, "Not really, just for the time it took for a queen to clutch and hatch. Uralth's doing, and my former employer was kind enough to let me out of some of my duties for those months that it took." A fond smile and then she gives a little shiver that might well have been part pretend. "From living in Boll to an extended visit in a Telgar winter is not something I recommend." A slow wink, a wave of acknowledgement to Ayana and she calls, "You do that." Kassima blinks for her own forgetfulness. "That's right. Shells, a'course, Uralth sired that Telgar clutch. 'Twas after m'time there." Shaking off that thought and the flatness that her voice had taken on, she says with better humor, "I envy you mayhaps the living at Boll, but less the other. Did you move t'Igen after Telgar?" "The living at Boll was something worth envy. I do at times envy those still there, but my missing it tends to be a fleeting thing, and Zain's good enough to take us all back to visit as often as he may." Devany shifts to more comfortable as she speaks and smiles, "The other. Well it wasn't as if it a thing one could refuse Uralth, and it did work out to have a few advantages that had less to do with location and more to do with time spent. I did move to Igan after, fairly soon after, actually." A faint, and rare flush touches her cheeks, though hard to see in such light a a fire gives, "I had gotten rather use to having Zain around by then, more than just for visits anyway. I'm not sure I'd heard though, where you might have been in between, if you'd left Telgar before our time there?" "Probably less often than a'fore he made Weyrleader," Kassi supposes in sympathetic fashion. "'Tis a jewel of Pern, Boll. Lyss and I also go when we can. Aye, clutchsiring can be an--an idyll of sorts, I recall. It sounds as though it worked out well for you both." She smiles a bit, barely visible and more to herself. "I went home t'Benden. Was sent, technically, but if'n it hadn't been Benden I would've told Telgar where t'stick it and gone there anyway. I love it there. I miss it, but I find m'self liking Igen too." "Mmm, too true," Devany says, a hint of resignation, only just brushing her tone as she glances to where the man in question laughs with a few of the others, her expression softening for what she sees, "Still, it can't be too long before a gold rises again, hmm? Though our luck may be Uralth and not a bronze to win it, just to keep things...interesting." A roll of her eyes and she turns back "It did work out well for us, for all that I would have chosen a different local, especially for the weather." A smile and a murmured as she gets to her feet and stretches, "Home is always home, no matter how distant, is it not?" Then, "Will you excuse me? I'll just be a moment or two, but..." She gives an apologetic smile and then steps briefly away.