-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Care For a Spot of Tea, Dearie? Date: January 7, 2005 Place: High Reaches Weyr's Hatching Galleries Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: V'lano certainly is getting his share of visitors. Both Kassima and T'bay drop in on their favorite clutchsire on one particular evening, and so naturally that clutchsire finds himself both teasing and being teased mercilessly. Although Kassi and Vel are as warm towards each other as usual, there are a couple of hints of possible trouble or at least talk to come; but that falls to the wayside in favor of three friends bonding over contraceptive tea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You stride through the tunnel, emerging in an enormous cavern. You walk up a short flight of steps into the galleries. The drizzle has driven many of the usual loiterers away from the galleries, or perhaps that function was fulfilled by earlier torrents - where the hatching grounds are open to the sky beneath the great dragon ledges, the sands have been churned and pockmarked by heavy droplets. Soaked with waterm, they'll accept no more; puddles have formed in the dips between swells, steaming with the heat beneath. The dragonpair tending their brood has troubled themselves to shelter the eggs from some of the storm, but dragon eggs are sturdy and the walls of the open-topped cavern protect them from the chill of the winds. Those walls protect the galleries, too, and though the cool from above and heat from below can make it a sickly-strange place to try to maintain an even body temperature, V'lano has taken shelter here while it's relatively quiet. A stack of hides, half-unwrapped from a bundle of oilskin to protect the ink upon them, rests next to him on the bench closest to the rail; one hide is draped over his upraised knee, boot supported between a pair of rail-supports. Paying no mind to his apparent work, he gazes dumbly out at the damp-sanded eggs, musing mumblishly to himself: "But then there'd be a gap between first and third. And the corners sort of rounded off..." A young man with hair of brownyorange trods slowly up the steps, an expression of marvel on his face. He comes to a halt near a particular one of the cool stone benches, by this time having removed his flight jacket, seeming to find his temperature comfortable enough. He stands still for a moment, admiring or perhaps blinking in terror at the scene before him. Idle droplets of water puddle around his feet, quickly to dry, and one hand traces the outline of his wingbadge with restless fingers, worn edges indicating the frequency of this motion. Finally, he gives in, and, standing behind his friend and former holdmate, gives in to the desire to shake the coat, spattering droplets toward the darkhaired clutchdaddy-person. A drizzle doesn't seem enough to keep Kassima from investigating the galleries, though she does so with shoulders slightly hunched and the faintly disgruntled look that being caught in rain can give one. "I know 'twas warmer at Ista, Lyss," she mutters under her breath. "Shush." The spectacle of the wet and steaming Sands catches her eyes first; her tongue clicks in her cheek, an automatic, unconscious sound of slight dismay for the plight, before she tears gaze away to scan the benches for... ah-hah. Down there. Her footfalls might be heard as she picks her way down, since she's not particularly trying to be stealthy, but they pause when she spots T'bay--and what greeting she might have called to him, to them, is forestalled entirely by a whoop of laughter. The splattering of droplets - which includes V'lano's neck in their array, likely sinking cold from there down his back - achieves a yelp and a sudden uprighting from the bronzerider. Apparently thinking himself alone, his first instinct is to look up - but no, the dragonledges hold no suspicious, cruelly-amused firelizard or dragon faces peering down, and the skies continue their steady drizzle - so the sire's rider whips around, yelling a reply to that telltale whoop before his eyes even catch up with his motion. "Kassi! What'd I do to you to des - " Except that's not Kassi, that likely-smug face, and it takes him only a sputtering breath to revise his tune. The actual article goes unnoticed a moment while the fixture of Reaches' sands draws back a fist and throws it forward - but aiming for his onetime holdmate's shoulder, and badly at that. It's a blow not meant to land, but to open an embrace. "You brass tack! Is that how you greet me after -so long-?" T'bay tries belatedly to turn the motion into an arm-extended yawn, his hands reaching outward and stretching fully. "Hey, woah, that one got away from me, sorry. Thought maybe you weren't wet enough. And it isn't fair that I'm drilling and you're not; had to share the pain." He reaches out, opening one arm for a greeting and to return the embrace, which comes out formal of word but is accompanied by a well-meaning proud-papa style pat on the back, "Telgar's duties to Reaches and her queens. Oh, and to you, too. How's the Egg thing going? If you don't mind an intrusion--" he looks quickly back and forth between Kassima, who also earns a wink and a grin, and Vel, searching to see if his timing has interrupted anything. "Naught, naught; naught t'*me*!" Kassi answers through laughter, the epitome of helpfulness if ever there was one. Less smug than delighted, and unrepentantly that. "What you've done t'T'bay is what I'd be asking! Stars, T'bay. I hadn't realized until now the depths of your evil. Forgive me for ever doubting you? A beautiful move 'twas." She finishes her path down to that last row of benches and grins at both men. The grin shades into a warmer smile when turned on V'lano, but T'bay still gets a quick headshake: no interruption. "Sounds as if'n he's glad t'see you t'me, and I always am." The bronzer twines his arm with his friend's, finding a spot to thump heavily with a fist just behind one of the brownrider's shoulderblades. Friendly-like. "Isn't fair. Bah, I have an idea as to how hard you're worked, my friend." Grinning, he'd go on, but then past T'bay's shoulder V'lano follows that back and forth gaze to catch sight of - whoops! Suddenly sheepish, he covers with, "Of course, I figure if anyone can give a wing a good working-over - " It's a lame effort, and he knows it, turning a brilliant smile as his defense upon Kassima as he unlocks his one-armed half-embrace half-wrestle from T'bay. "Well, I'm sure I've done -something- to him somewhere along the line. But I don't dare mess with him now. I mean, word around is they can fly pretty fast, and he's bigger than I am now anyway." Not that T'bay was not the larger of the Lemos-hailed pair before, but now it's bigger in a more -intimidating- sense. But it's a jibe, not a compliment, and to emphasize the point he adds, "Or was that purely on benefit of acrobatics, T'bay?" T'bay whoops a cheerful one himself as he bats Vel, gently of course, on his shoulder in return, then takes a step back to survey V'lano, mostly missing that lame effort but catching that sent-past brilliant smile. "My my," he croaks in an old auntie voice, "Haven't you just grown all up." To his Wingleader, he offers a pleased salute to Her Evilness. "Thank you, thank you. As I tell you, I've learned from naught but the best." It's only a touch of red upon his cheeks, one hand reaching up to scratch at one as if to banish the flush, that indicates he's heard Vel's comment at all. "How about that rain, hm?" He grins, a pathetic effort at distraction not really intended to have any success. Kassima chortles with merciless glee at all this thumping going on. "He's working, he's working," she protests to the bronzerider, "I promise you he's working. We do still have drills; I find time for them *somehow*." The humor in that is of a borderline wicked sort, but the smile she beams on him in response to that grin? Pure innocence. Right. "Oh, now. Don't tease unless you want t'be teased back. I'm sure T'bay can think of nay *end* of things t'tease about," she says, looking towards the brownrider hopefully: tell her a story, too! For once she laughs rather than groans at the salute, and returns it, then gives him a deep bow. "Thankee, thankee. I do try. Unless by 'the best' you meant Vel here, in which case I don't know whether t'be heartbroken and run off t'cry, or look smug and agree with you." "Oh, sure I've grown up." V'lano rolls his eyes and turns incrementally sideways, but his dismissive snort over T'bay's familiar old-auntie routine turns into smug gleaming at the topic of rain. "Maybe he means Dianneth," the bronzerider suggests, scooping up and placing atop the oilskinned pile the hide he'd been not-really working on. After giving the damp pile a friendly pat he hand-vaults over the bench and skips a level upward toward the greenrider, turning once he's near her side to draw her by the gravity of his own form closer, as if by clumping the three could better fend off the cold above, the heat below, or the gathering hilarity in the middle. Prodding further for reaction from T'bay, he jabs, "After all, I learned plenty from -my- Searchdragon. I bet Sarevith's still learning from yours, right, T'bay?" So much for being told not to tease. Wicked glee gleams in dark eyes, flicked toward Kassima for a check-in just in case she might warm up to smack him one in defense of her wingmember. T'bay nods sagely at Kassima's words, though he is sending that scarlet tinge on his cheeks upward to his forehead, a telltale unhappy accident which might comment on some of his uses of his private time of late. "Er, ah, well. Of course, my Evilness, I meant you! Vel's just mashed tubers in comparision. Chewed firestone. Yesterday's flight news. You know." His jacket's given another shake, this time the droplets aimed at the open air and a passel of unlucky benches before said outerwear is draped over his arm. "To tease about. How about..." turning toward Vel's own daily bench-hopping excercise regiment, he smothers a flat-out gawk. "I...she..." Cue cracking voice here, followed by throat clearing. "Yeah. You could say she taught him a few things. Like if you want a woman, tell her to run from you. It's bound to be a hit." Big smile, followed by a taunting smirk, "So, what's the rumor? That your searchdragon's bedded this one before you? Or is that just a fable?" Right back at you, pal. "Couldn't possibly," Kassima defends, tossing her nose in the air in a bare moment's pose of hauteur. "Lysseth's better. Nay that, y'know, *bias* or aught." Of course not. It doesn't take so much gravity to draw her in; she might as well be an iron filling to his magnet, hooking an arm around his waist should he allow it and grinning her thanks. "Wait, wait, Vel," she has to ask, "you learned *that* from *Taralyth*?" Oh, wide eyes. Wide, laughing eyes. A smackdown is probably not in the cards; a taunting, though.... "So long as you realize my greatness, as a Wingrider should," she tells T'bay loftily. He might see her shoulders quiver with telltale humor, though; certainly V'lano can't miss it. After an amused, lifted brow for the gawk, and another suppressed snicker-quiver, she says, "Tell her t'run. That sounds like a story *too*. Details, man! Explanation! And hey, wait a second, which 'one' are you referring to?" "Mashed tubers!" Pause. "What would Pierron say?" But T'bay's on to juicier topics, so as the bronzerider leans into Kassima and matches her looped-around arm with one made around her waist with his own, brows quirk upward. Focus sharpened on the brownrider, V'lano jaws in edgewise a rejoinder - "So is that -his- technique or yours?" - but quickly enough the subject's overturned, and a tanned hand comes up to the backmost of the butcher's son's glossy curls. He scratches at his neck, surely to displace still-clinging water droplets there, and attempts to mutter something to the effect of, "Don't mention that name here - " Except Kassima's already getting in on the subject, and it's all he can to do turn his head toward her shoulder, knees bending to bring him to a point where he can pretend to bury his face against her knot. "Shhh," he hisses through laughter into the woman's shoulder, grin visible in profile to T'bay. "Lhiannonth will -hear- you!" And remember, no doubt. Better to turn his head and uncurve his back to carry on with Kassima's effort: "So about running? Come on, I hear Dianneth's a real force to be reckoned with." Pause. He can't resist, and tosses his head, hand dropping from the back of his neck to a pocket for a jauntier pose. "Probably reflects her rider." T'bay's laugh is outright, a good-humored appreciation of a rider's defense of her dragon's worthiness. "I'll have to leave the ascertaining to you on that one, I suppose." His eyes roam over the pair as though it were belatedly dawning on him that there might be a leeeetle more to it than a mentorship, and his head shakes in appreciation of that fact. "You always did draw in the ladies, didn't you? Got one down there, or your dragon at least earned you a temporary companion, got this one up here, one back at Telgar...Though it sounds like someone's name is taboo at least. Best hope it isn't yours by this time next turn." A casual whistle indicates he's going to hold his own in this teasefest even if it strikes, well, below the belt. "The story, then. Ah, well. Sarevith...told Dianneth to not get caught. To just outrun them all. I'm not sure if it was a ploy, a technique, or a tactic, so he could catch up, because, well, he's slower. Or if it was sincerely his opinion that none of the chasers were worthy. He's addled that way." For some reason, he even adds, "And in the dark? Even I'm pretty." Pointed shrug. Someone's going to defend Dianneth's rider, at least a liiitle bit. Kassima answers this most sweetly: "He'd nay say aught. He'd be too busy," she informs, nudging his shoulder with her own in tease, "swooning in a lustful frenzy to even remember what words *are*." Clearly, however, the greenrider's gone slightly soft with this particular target, since she tips her head to set cheek to shoulder almost immediately in a moment's apology. "Oh, oh, that's the way of it, is it?" she answers back with a smothered laugh, bringing her free hand up to pat at the back of his head that moment he's leaning into her shoulder: poor, frightened baby. "At least for now," she agrees, dropping her hand and turning her grin on T'bay. Her cheeks may be warmer than the rest of her for a moment, to judge by the flush there; but she doesn't step away from Vel for that look. Hugs a bit closer, if anything. "It's the eyelashes," she informs the brownrider serenely. "I for one was helpless t'resist. Hmph; did he tell Lyss that? Shame. Shame. If'n sincere 'twas, anyway," which is good-humored enough. "Who knows with dragons. It worked for him, whatever 'twas... ach, I suspect reflecting her rider in *temperament* might've been meant. Yselle has her formidable moments. 'Tis nay so?" "Draw in the ladies," snorts V'lano as if the very idea is both ridiculous and new to him, but a flush rivalling T'bay's appears in his cheeks. "Don't figure Josilina's among them, is all. She's a very busy woman." He can't help a half-stifled giggle on that, however; he's said it enough times that it's starting to come out in a snigger before he even gets to the word 'busy.' But his head tilts a bit over the threat toward his own name, sending him silent while his notoriously one-note brain works over what T'bay's said - the better to listen, too, for the tale of Sarevith's success. But toward the last he protests, "Hey, no one said she's not worth looking at. Particularly from the neck down. Besides, the difficult women are the best - " Except he's got his arm around the waist of one, and with his usual clever timing he's aware of that just as his mouth stops speaking and starts grinning. Grinning's safer. So is echoing: he lifts his free hand from his pocket to his forehead, knuckling its back against his brow. "Er, excuse whatever I was just saying," he murmurs in wobbly tones. "I'm swooning in a lustful frenzy here." T'bay nods agreement as his mouth settles into a comfortable smile. "You two are adorable, if I may say so. Turning my Wingleader into a cuddle toy. I don't know whether to laugh, or to...laugh harder." The brownrider's flight jacket is scooted just a trifle more upwards on his arm to stablize it, one hand pushes back any forward-straying strands of hair and plasters them down with help from the rain. "It is for certain you are. Tell me if I should politely look away?" Nudge nudge. "Oh, and speaking of polite, or rather, of not polite, can you believe what this one guy said about Yselle during the flight, right when he was standing near her?" Warming up with this one, he rubs his hands together. "He said he'd always thought she looked like a wherry! Can you believe he'd say that at that moment? I mean, I'd not thought of her like that precisely before, but ..." His brow furrows, perhaps recalling flight-controlled recitations of his own. "Hunh. Is it rude to talk about someone's flight? Afterward? I guess I mean that as a question for my Wingleader, instructor in all things that use that ettiquette thing. Unless she's in a lustful frenzy too? I can come back." Cheerful smirky grin. Kassima turns her head to fix a *look* on this man she's beside, making a show of trying to scowl--not getting there, but her frown at least might seem terrible if one doesn't pay much attention to the sparkle in dark green eyes. "You had just better nay be swooning in lustful frenzy over the thought of Yselle-below-the-waist while you're holding on t'me, bucko, or they're going t'be digging all over those Hatching Sands t'find where I've buried the body." So there! Her frown's become a grin already by the time she turns her face back towards T'bay; and if it hadn't already been clear she was teasing about her murderous intent, the fact that she's still being a cuddle toy probably settles the matter. "Why, thankee, T'bay--methinks. For 'adorable,' that is. For laughter I'm nay sure 'thankee' is the right response so much as--" A raspberry, apparently, since she blows him one. "Huh. What, was this guy asking for death? There are occasional maleriders like that. Who seem t'*want* a greenrider's hands around their throat and squeezing. 'Tisn't rude by me, T'bay, though I'd probably avoid too much... ah... detail in public conversation, if'n you get me. But in general, they're gossip-fodder enough anyway." Despite an exaggerated and good-natured eye roll, she deadpans, "Oh, aye. Terrible lustful frenzy. But who says you have t'leave? We can bring you in on it too. Three lustful frenzies for the price of two, right here in the Galleries, and we'll scandalize Lhiannonth and Volath beyond repair." Pause. "I am, for the record, teasing." "Adorable?" Another concept V'lano has yet to absorb. He loosens somewhat from Kassima, unfurling his arm from her waist, but does not actually move to put any space between she and himself, cheery enough to laugh over T'bay's revealing of certain things said at Dianneth's flight and even to snork indelicately at the idea of the current trio being, well, a trio, particularly in the rainy galleries. "And Josilina'll have every good reason to think of me whatever she does," he tacks on for the others' benefit. Kassima's warning-but-sparkling tone is worthy of deeper thought, however, and a soft murmur of "Bucko?" is tossed her way, audible to all but meant just for her. Uncertainty troubles his dark eyes for a moment, and a look that's precariously balanced between affection and cogniscance is turned on the wingleader at his side. After a moment he collects himself, puts a presentable smile on his mouth, and plays the part again: accessory and accessorized, and offering to both, "You should be hungry, unless you stuffed yourself before coming between. Should we go for food, you think?" T'bay's attention drawn by Kassima's words, he looks out at the eggs being rained on out there on the sands, and at the woeful clutch parents doing their best to keep them someone tended. One brow raises sympathetically, and he reaches out his tongue and slups some water off of his upper lip before speaking. "That is a good enough answer, t'is true. Oh, that sack of dung?" His expression darkens, a true scowl harshly altering his tubby baby features. "That guy wasn't the only one. Another manhandled her hard enough for bruising--if I ever catch him in a dark tunnel, well...I wouldn't feel bad if I failed to get all the tunnelsnakes clear before pushing him in." Ohh, what a terrible threat. Once it is voiced, he cheers up, however; "That's probably a good thing. Because I don't think they'd be the only ones scandalized, and I'm just aiming to see explaining to K'ran why we three were disrobed in the Galleries of another weyr when there were no flights at hand." A contemplative expression at the mention of food. "How's it compare to Pierron? I've been spoiled all my life, you know." Kassima looks back towards Vel then, and lets her own half-embrace... not fall, but slacken, enough to be easily stepped away from should that be his desire. "Teasing," she murmurs. "Would you have preferred another word?" Matching uncertainty there; matching both his, and that in her own eyes, as if she's not sure what to make of this reaction. She offers a crooked smile after a beat, and takes up the other subject. "'Twill defer t'the gentlemen on this matter--I had a drink at the Sandbar, but nay food; it can wait a bit longer, though. Manhandled. Oh, please tell me she kicked him where it counted, and hard, and that he ended up doubled over in agony all through the flight. Ah, well; personally, I think what we'd have t'explain t'K'ran is why we didn't let him join in." Her brows waggle. Outrageously. "He'd be so heartbroken, I'm sure." "Manhandled her? Before the flight was even - ?" V'lano, too, shows signs of horror at the idea; whatever the pair from Lemos have absorbed about flight etiquette, pawing the femalerider before your dragon's won you the right doesn't seem to be included in the classwork. "Any idea who it was? I'd help." Both hands free allows him to ball one and tuck it into the palm of the other, a slow-motion and gentle mimic of the slammed fist that might be suggested by the shapes. "It's - different. The weather's not so far off, so I'd figure similar food - but a little more variety in fruit and a little less in meat, seems." He dodges a look at Kassima, blending worried eyes with a smile that's meant to be reassuring, and tacks on a quick shake of his head in the negative just for clarification. Poor woman. "So wait," he addresses her directly, as concern's put aside for an ominous later in favor of a current merriment. "You expect me to do what with T'bay and K'ran?" A brow-waggle of his own, for that. "The -Weyrleader?- Talk about performance anxiety." T'bay shakes his head. "He was trying to get her to the guest weyr, you know? She struggled, and probably left him with a few marks of his own, but ..." The Lemos-born boy struggles with this idea of K'ran joining in, his mind wandering far too much down Hold-forbidden paths, but at last he shakes the visual out of his mind. "I didn't know the guy. Real peach, I tell you." He banishes the curl of his lip, thus delaying any aging rock-star in later years references, "Hey, you seemed to be just fine with a Wingleader and a weyrwoman. It can't be so different." "There are some femaleriders happy enough t'be manhandled even then," Kassi observes, momentarily thrown back into dispenser-of-informative-tidbits mode. "But, well... you'd have known if'n she didn't mind, I'd say. If'n whoever-'tis should turn up with a black eye, 'twill nay say aught about who might be responsible--for what that's worth." Such an amalgam of signals doesn't leave Kassi's worries entirely soothed, but she latches onto those latter two and finds a real and warm if slightly rue-touched smile for him, her hand lifting again to perhaps touch his cheek a moment before falling: later. "T'bay and K'ran and me," she confirms brightly, swinging back to the sunny side with the ease that is her trademark. "Don't even think of leaving me out! I'm sure you could manage. In fact, you can trust me on that point. Indrath once caught Lysseth. If'n I can do it, you can, too." Waggle, waggle, waggle, wink; and then she slants T'bay an amused look, clearly deciding how to respond. "He was just fine," she finally decides on, "but how did *you* know? You haven't been sneaking about and spying on him, have you? Wait until Her Busy-ness hears about that." Satiet walks up into the stands from the entrance to the bowl. "Ah. Well, he should have been good about it, but if she wasn't going on her own... I mean, what else are you supposed to do? Just have the whole thing out in the sauna or where-ever the female's rider happens to be?" Although he can't help sneaking a grin at Kassima on that note, and it softens into a smile at the vanishing touch on his cheek. "That was different," he then informs T'bay with mock archness. "The weyrwoman was in flight circumstances. And Kassima and I had a lovely icebreaker." Both hands find pockets while he talks, setting his elbows out a bit - though less between himself and the greenrider, not to nudge her in the ribs. Just to be -ready- to nudge her in the ribs. And the possiblity that someone would have spied on Josilina at that particular time gives him cause, but he resists valiantly and chortles out reply instead: "No, no. T'bay spying? Never!" T'bay takes this tidbit of greenriderly advice with a befuddled nod, and images of reflected sharp pokey knives can almost be seen dancing in the light of his eyes, as though the lad recalled some other instance of a green flight, and were pondering that rider's preferences. "Her Busyness?" he's playing this one over in his mind, trying out various identities for fit. "I haven't been spying, no. I don't need to--I have a big brown spy who can't keep a secret even if he tried. But--ah, he wasn't spying then either." As Vel comments, T'bay flushes up at the twined-armed pair. His jacket is still cast over his arm, and he stands, rain-dampened, hair slicked down, off to one side, profile to both of the other Telgar riders, as well as to the sands below. Kassima comments with guilelessness marred by something suspiciously close to a stifled snicker, "Could be interesting for those who wander into the sauna or wherever. On second thought, if'n 'tis a Telgar flight we're speaking of, I could be one of the wanderers. I can live without seeing that!" She grins back at V'lano all the same, before, "Lovely icebreaker? Which d'you mean, Vel--mentordom? The grabbing of a certain ankle?" She does have the grace to pitch that warm-with-amusement query low enough that only the trio might catch it... always assuming no one's come up close without her notice. "She's a very busy woman," she clarifies for T'bay with one of her more impish grins. "Well. Good. I don't have t'be spontaneously exploding from the force of the blush I'd blush, then. And none of you need get greenrider bits splattered all over your persons; aren't you glad of it?" She stands at Vel's side, an arm loosely around his waist still, which makes her ribs only too accessible for potential nudging. The late hour combined with the spate of weather would keep most sane people away, but candidates sanity may be questionable at best, especially the one of the dark-haired girl making her way up the shallow steps to the galleries. A sweater-clad arm extends, the sleeve trailing across the railing and picking up droplets as Satiet comes up, and pauses at the top, as she's prone to do, to glance at those gathered - sparse. So it's no wonder her attention drifts immediately towards the three riders congregated near the railing, and soon her short-spaced strides bring her close by, alongside the Telgari brownrider. Her greeting is pitched lowly, her half-smile barely indenting the dimple in her right cheek. "Evening, sirs, ma'am." Recognition lightens her eyes quickly at Kassima and V'lano, but the baby blues linger on T'bay with a questioning lift to one brow. "I think I'd've noticed if your big brown spy was there," V'lano grins toward his friend. "And you, for that matter, since I doubt he'd have ignored Lhiannonth. Unless he's less the flirt than I remember." Lower, for Kassima's benefit, he tries a murmur of an answer: "All of those. Maybe we needed several icebreakers. Maybe I needed practice." But his gaze becomes furtive after that thought escapes his lips, skating away toward the eggs below as one hand comes up to rub away redness from the peak of an ear. Oh, look: a candidate. For once, perhaps the first time, the Telgari bronzer looks relieved to have Satiet sashay into his line of sight. "Good evening, candidate," he replies with perfect propriety, and the rhythm of the dance of respect drains from his cheeks and ears all trace of sunburn. Fitting that hand, no longer needed at his ear, in the small of Kassima's back, he smiles, "T'bay, this is Candidate Satiet of Tillek-or-thereabouts," which is blended as if it's the name of a subcothold of Tillek, "who'll stand for Volath's clutch. Lhiannonth's clutch." Only a teensy slip of pride there. T'bay shakes his head, sending droplets outward from curling strands of wetted hair. "I think he meant icebreaker, as in, practice. Before later sessions. If I may venture a guess." His gaze strays back to the pile of oil-slicked hides, a slight frown on his face. "Perhaps...I'll skip greenrider bits all over the place. Considering I know some very nice greenriders. And yeah, no kidding. He'd flirt with a rock if he thought it would enjoy the attention." Cue affectionate eyeroll. His direction of focus brings the newly arrived girl into his sight, so he takes a moment to study her. Slowly it dawns on him that the sir might be directed at him, but as Vel responds, his eyes widen, no longer able to pretend the egg-babies are not for real. "Wow. That's cool," he murmurs. Louder, he adds, "I mean, Telgar's duties to Reaches and her queens. Well met, Candidate...Satiet. T'bay, Sarevith's." Kassima muses with far too much mischief, "Well, but mayhaps if'n they only came over at the very end, once it shot through the dragon grapevine that Volath had caught--came specifically *to* see your legendary prowess at work--" She evidently likes living dangerously, or maybe her ribs at least do. She leans in a little to catch that murmur; she might try to tuck her grin away, but it's a presence still in the twitchings at the corners of her mouth that she's not able to express. "A mentor's job 'tis, t'be practicing along with her mentee. And practicing. And practicing." Murmured just as low, but even if words aren't caught her own cheeks flame a brief rose ensign to suggest the nature of the conversation. Ah, and here's Satiet! At least that's distraction. "Candidate Satiet," she greets in her turn, polite, cordial, amiable if not warm. "Evening." She won't smile too openly at the bronzerider's touch; it wouldn't do, but he at the very least would be able to see the softening in her expression for it. "Oh, well, in that case," she agrees with T'bay, "a lovely icebreaker 'twas. Would he? Y'know, May and I once painted a set of rocks gold, and positioned 'em in the vague shape of a tail, t'see if'n Solarith would try t'twine his with it. I don't think he ever did, more's the pity. Should we try again for Sarevith?" asked a moment before a smile flashes across her face. Egg-babies are, indeed, cool. "High Reaches duties to Telgar." She's slow on the traditional greeting, but there's a distinct lack of hesitation in the sudden demureness that melts over her alto directed at T'bay. "Satiet, as Volath's rider was kind to introduce me as. Tillek's duties as well then, if it comes to that." Trace amusement surfaces, the eggs on the sands glanced at, "I suppose it is cool," her reply coming closely on the heels of Kassima's own answer. "That someday, hopefully sooner than later, those fat things out there will spew out dragons that will become as lovely as your own." Satiet's gaze rests on Kassima at that, her smile blandly reassuring. "Evening, ma'am. I thought I saw you earlier in the living caverns. I would've come over to keep you company, but there were errands to be run, chores to be done, people to be seen. Unless, of course, it was a figment of my mind that you were there." V'lano and the spare space next to him receives a passing glance, but the candidate apparently elects to stay near the brownrider. "Cool?" V'lano flicks a curious look at T'bay. He's had a couple of weeks to acclimatize to the reality of those eggs out there, see, and the fact that these kids in white knots keep showing up at his dragon's doorstep. Or his own, but that's another matter. A blank look levels toward Satiet, but is followed by a smile - whatever words she had with him earlier, he's mostly fooled and willing to keep fooling, it would seem. "I don't know about sooner. Volath's certain the rain's slowed down the hardening." While speaking, he slips his hand off of the greenrider's back and toward his hip again so he can gently offer her side a bruise - since she's earned it. "Watching. Prowess." The great bronzer, rider of clutchsire, admired by many and loved by all or something sort of like that, giggles quietly, lifting his other hand to filter the little laughs through his fingers. And more, for gold-painted rock-tails. All of the comments about his Wingleader's practices just roll off T'bay as one more droplet of rainwater, the less he dwells on the pair of them twining tails or anything else. "I don't think he's all that crazy about just the mating part, you know? He's just...he loves other dragons. Greens, blues, browns, you name it. He wants to be their friend. So he'd probably try to get the rocks to go flying with him, and be sad if they wouldn't budge." A soft sigh, then he's looking again out at the eggs as if he'd not seen them before, and perhaps he truly hadn't. A step carries him toward the railing. "Yeah, cool. Like, amazing? Indescribable, maybe even. Hmmm. Spew out dragons. Who would've guessed that late-blooming Volath would sire? Not I. I would've lost marks on it, if I'd bet, Kassi." Thoughtful in silence for a moment, he leans forward toward the railing. "Chores. Yes. The joys of candidacy. I hope you've some good people to share the work with, that it be all the more interesting." Kassima returns Satiet's smile with a lazy one of her own, not seeming--outwardly, at least, and if it's only a pose then it's an excellent one--to require reassurance. "You likely did," she confirms, "since 'twas there on and off through the day, by invitation. I really wouldn't worry about the company if'n 'twere you. For all that the thought is most kind." She takes the bruising she's due with good spirit, laughing low and bringing her own hand around to poke at his ribs while they're exposed--or is that tickle? Perhaps intending the one and getting the other. Or intending both full well. "You never know," is her teasing insistence. "A pity you didn't, then, T'bay--at least with me! That could've put me at two for two on the win-marks-off-goldflights game. But I'd nay want t'see Sarevith sad." A smile crosses her face, fondness for the brown clear in it. "We'll skip the rocks. He has a good heart, does your dragon, or must t'be so broadly affectionate. I like him. Did I ever mention it?" A shrill pitched whistle echoes from the bowl, and the thoughtful tilt of Satiet's head in regards to T'bay's final remark rights itself. "There are good people to share the work with, definitely. I fear that's my cue to exit. I only wanted to sneak a look at them before bed, and my friends," she emphasizes the last word with a smirk, "Say another cotcheck might be due. Good evening." Satiet walks down a short flight of steps and heads out through the entrance to the bowl. V'lano puts his hand into the small of Kassima's back another time and rubs a brief, gentle circle there. Afterward, he disentangles from her to follow his friend to the rail, laying a hand atop it once there - but he turns his body somewhat away from it, leaving a space at his other side for Kassima should she move into it. "Spew," he grins, "Is not the word I'd choose." Satiet's abrupt departure earns a wave, though the girl can move fast when she's inclined, and he's left wearing a crooked smile as his hand returns to the rail. "Oh, as if you'd have bet on Volath for Lhiannonth," the bronze's rider snorks greenrider-ward, the smile becoming more crooked yet as an eyebrow lifts, setting creases into his forehead in its effort. "It was chance he was even here, never mind that he'd actually persist that long - I half thought, when I woke up, I'd find him with his wings worn clean off." He raises hands from the rail another time, crossing them over his chest to rub at opposite shoulders in memory. T'bay continues to study that batch of baby dragons-to-be out there on the sand, slowing in hardening by the dropletfall. "It has to be like parenting, only not quite. I've got a hankering for some good strong tea, you know? The kind that prevents--" As Satiet departs, he looks curiously after her, breaking off to hear her telling about the whistle-call-signal. "Ingenious, that. A code. Wish we'd thought of something like that. Oh--I'd not like to see him sad, either." He continues even after she's gone, knowing the other two will understand the references anyway, "Dragon sad face. Hardest thing to resist /ever./ Other than dragon mating face. Can't resist that one very well either." Can't miss a chance for a jibe, he adds, "Apparently, Vel, you can't either. So what are they like? The candidates, the Reachians, the Eggs? Tell us everything." Kassima shifts towards the bronzerider automatically, her lips seeking his shoulder to press a brief, warm kiss there, whether he can feel through clothing or no. There's little to surprise in the fact that she follows his suit, standing in that place he made for her and folding her arms so that elbows rest on the railing. "What word, then?" she wonders on a grin. "'Issue forth'? Although that's more of a phrase." For Satiet, there's only a polite nod, and... funny. She doesn't seem too distressed at having missed. "I might have! Had I been here t'know he was chasing, as 'twas at Ista; and had I nay decided on Svaroth, which I have t'confess I might have done. Given how his rider and hers are. Volath's a good flier," which compliment is offered not as tease, but as simple if grinning fact. "He'd have t'be. Wait a moment, wait a moment, T'bay--" She turns towards the brownrider in a mix of surprise and mirth. "Seeing eggs makes you think of contraception? That has t'be a genuine first. 'Twill be kind and nay even mock-glower at the very thought of a Thunderbolt rider preventing; I hope you appreciate it. Err, but if'n *you* can't resist a dragon mating face, mayhaps contraception's the best thing. The giant chicken is going t'be hard enough t'be explaining. I am however all for clutchfather stories." V'lano, for some reason, begins choking a little bit there, leaning over the rail to cough into his balled fist while the other hand clenches around the wooden inlay. "Like. Parenting." A little more coughing, between which he manages to suggest, "Hatch. Hatch is a good word." It shall be his battle cry. He turns around, putting his back to the rail and the eggs below, sheltered beneath increasing rain by outstretched dragonwings of gold and bronze, while the owners of said wings make mixed efforts to nap and nuzzle with varying levels of success. "Might have saved me an awkward moment or two if it -had- been Svaroth, Kassima." Finally done choking enough to actually grin with suppressed pride for T'bay's apparent interest in 'everything' being told, he begins in fits and starts at it. "And there won't be a chicken. Or if there is, there won't be for long." A low hiss might be the wind tossing rain against the sands, or else it could be Volath's thoughts on the matter. "Anyway - you have to feel bad for Josilina. I think mayhap there's a reason she's so busy: I might not have much impressed her, that morning." While color rises in his cheeks he notes, "I won't say so sure about the evening. But morning was when she found out I'm from Telgar, which is a dash against - and by the way, you're right about..." He stealth-spies left, right. No Josilina, no Reachians. Even so, he whispers. "I'sai." Louder, continuing, "And then that I was still in the weyrling wing. So if I ever do this again and I want to hole up with the woman a while, I promise I won't be telling her where I'm from or what wing I ride." T'bay continues to stare out at the sea of sand and eggs lost in the misting rain as it thickens in its fall. "Seeing these future babies makes me think of...being careful." Seems he can't quite even say the words related to the act, so he sticks with vague connotations. "Er, right. But I--yeah. Well. I think the rest of Thunderbolt makes up for my lacking?" Resting his chin on his hands, then his elbows on the bar, he sighs. "Wonder how many of each you'll get, when they 'issue forth from their great eggs and spew out onto the ground.'" Mixing descriptors brings a smile to his face, one which turns worried at the mention of a giant chicken. "This can't be good. Ohhh, no, Vel, none of that sounds any good. I'sai? And a weyrling. And a bias against our own Telgar? Say it isn't so. But still--sigh. I'll promise to keep your secrets safe, my friend. Cause--chickens? Alas, it saddens me that you've been here only a dozen sets of sevendays, and they're thinking of feathering you already." "Or three, or four," Kassi concurs, with a wry glance off in the direction Satiet took. Coincidence? "Volath's going t'eat his son, the chicken," she clarifies for T'bay in perfect sobriety. "Nay matter how many times I tell Vel that 'tis just wrong, wrong, wrong." She shifts position so that she's leaning on one elbow, the better to face V'lano and listen. "Her loss," is all she murmurs about that; also no tease, although there's a smile with it. "Mayhaps on both counts. I'd heard rumors that she doesn't care for...." She pauses. An expression of delight, shading rapidly to mischief, breaks over her face, and she suggests, "Call him 'Merry.' That she doesn't care for Merry. Don't know why, though. But I didn't visit much then." There's a crooked eyebrow at him for hole-up-with-the-woman, but even in that there's amusement; perhaps a slightly more sardonic sort, but amusement nevertheless. "I suppose it makes sense. 'Tis a vast thing, parenting, even for dragons in a fashion... but nay such a horror as that. I'm taking wagers on colors and spread if'n you'd like t'place any." She had to mention that, and brightly too. She'd not be Kassima otherwise. "Feathering Vel? They'd best nay. Else Volath might munch on *him*, thinking 'tis the chicken, and *then* where would we be." "T'bay. Come on." V'lano, grinning, puts an elbow toward the brownrider's side this time, then settles both elbows on the rail, back to the eggs and side to Kassima's, turned opposite ways but shoulder to shoulder. "They were thinking of feathering me as soon as Volath caught her. Trust me. I saw it in their eyes." As if he was looking at malerider eyes at the time. "And he holds that any chicken out there is not his son. He'd say it's Lhiannonth's fault, but he doesn't dare." Sidelong glance focuses oddly on the greenrider. "Merry," the bronzer remarks. "Merry." Wrapping his mind around that one. It's a snug fit, and in the end he returns the idea to the store, gigglingly unable to make it work in his wardrobe. If Kassima's given him a look that equals his earlier unbalanced discuss-it-later expression, he lets it slide, or misses it. "Didn't someone say he wanted tea? And didn't we discuss food?" Pelting droplets occasionally sweep in under the hang of the ledges now, making the galleries as wet as the exposed part of the sands. "Because while this is the traditional spot for egg-betting, I think if T'bay's hungry he'll be at a terrible disadvantage to the bookie." There's a wink for each of them on that. T'bay's face contorts in a disturbing reflection of the thoughts playing through is mind. "That's...really oooky," he settles, pondering this and casting it aside quickly in order to think about anything, even betting. "Weeeelll, I'm not very good at guessing things like the colors of dragons, or which ones will go with which eggs. I haven't had turns and turns of practice at it, you see, and I'd be at a gross disadvantage regardless, and on an empty stomach? Helpless." Slipping on his damp coat as protection against the rain, he gestures out across the bowl. "Sarevith's starting in on a good nap, so I'm all for that snack you mentioned earlier. We can head inward, away from this increasing torrent, and maybe warm up, too. I'm not as insulated as I used to be, see." Overexaggerating his state, he starts toward the steps downward, then waits for Vel or someone who knows the lay of the land better to lead, "Onward we go. Though you or Kassi'll have to lead me to the food. My sniffing-device isn't as attenuated as it once was, either. Then you can tell more about this ...chicken. Or the bets. Or something." Kassima chortles her appreciation for feathering, nudging her shoulder to his; and for Merry.... "The alias he used at Ofira's bachelorette party." Pause. "While he was dressed as a woman." Because there has just not been enough brain-breaking yet tonight. She holds up her spare hand as though to silently swear to what she's just said, eyes dancing. Not such a look as that; enough reaction only that one might note she noticed the comment, but if there was more to it, she too has let this pass. "Aye, let's all bond over a steaming pot of contraceptive tea," she agrees, with something that sounds rather like a giggle of her own. "Hey, hey, hey. Nay outing m'clever plan t'do him out of all his marks, Vel--" So wounded she is! "Sigh. Foiled again. Or mayhaps nay! I can tell you about it, T'bay. 'Tis easy. Really. Over food, aye; dinner has a good sound to it as far as I'm concerned, even if'n it does lessen nefarious advantages." V'lano is quick enough to leap after T'bay, putting out an arm to hook Kassima's if she'll let him. Mustn't leave the bookie behind, especially while one's broken brain is busy stifling giggles, sputtering the word 'Merry' repetitively, and directing the feet on how to handle stairs leading toward the bowl. "Now -that- sounds lovely. Put sweetener in my cup. And honestly, Kassima, you don't want T'bay's marks - not all of them, anyway. Would you want him -broke- on your account? And think before you answer, because I've known T'bay when he was broke." This, he suspects, will earn protest from his longtime friend, but by then, they've made for the bowl with supper, hopefully, ahead.