-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake Your Booty Date: April 1, 1999 Places: Telgar Weyr's Hot Springs; South Boll's Gather Beach and Lava Lounge Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Induction into Thunderbolt can be a scary thing--or rather, the festivities that follow it can! When Kassi's finished tagging not one, but two new riders in one day for her Wing, she's ready to do some celebrating, and take the former Weyrlings with her in the name of corruption. Will they drink too much? Will they learn to do the vine dance properly? Will they get smacked for mooning people in the bar? Will they even survive? Stay tuned! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Aurian pulls off her clothes as she heads towards the dragon pool, Kvasith not far behind. Kassima slides down from Lysseth's neck, practically unbuckling straps as she goes. "There now, there now, lady-love. Soak t'your heart's content." The green in question is only too glad to comply, sinking into the water of the dragon pool with another cloud of ash. Kassi, of course, pulls her green towel from Lysseth's strap-pouch and ducks behind a rock to change. Trila swings off her dragon with a sigh, a wry smile creasing her lips as Ansuth rumbles cheerfully. "Yes, Ansuth," she murmurs softly, a firm pat given to the blue's hide. She unbuckles straps quickly, setting them aside and grabbing up a Convenient Towel. Clothes're discarded, set aside with the utmost of care 'fore she, and Ansuth, slide discretely into the dragon pool. Kassima returns with towel wrapped decorously around her person, then slips into the pool with a sigh and a wince at the water's heat. "Oooh. Evil hot water, evil, evil, evil." Aurian leans back in the water as Kvasith swims about, "I'll scrub you in a bit.. soak.. soak.. it makes it easier." "Is not," Trila replies with a happy sigh, immersing herself up to her chin in the heated pool. "Yes, Ansuth," she adds, a smile given to the blue who starts to paddle about. "In a minute." Kvasith submerges himself till just his nostrils are above the water. Dragon> Lysseth and Kvasith sense that Ansuth is tired -- blissfully tired, silver and ices at such a low ebb that his presence is just like wispy clouds, gentle breezes: << Is Threadfall always so tiring? >> "When I've boiled enough that I don't feel like a stewed vegetable anymore, I'll agree with you," Kassi mutters, fingers finding the thong that ties her long braid in place and working at it. She looks prematurely aged, there's so much grey soot in her blue-black hair. "So, Trila, d'you plan on celebrating, or just getting a good nights' sleep? As dutiful Wingleader, I *should* recommend the latter, and do. But as self- proclaimed party animal, I'd argue that the former should be done some time." "I think," Trila says, narrative pausing only as she, too, pulls the tie out of her hair and tosses it aside, "that I'll party until Ansuth tells me I should go to sleep." The girl grins softly, casting an affectionate glance to'ards her blue that's now dunking under the surface to rid himself of ash. "He's always right." Lysseth> Kvasith and Ansuth sense that Lysseth is also tired, very tired-- flying full Fall is ever difficult for a green, Wingleading green or no. The vibrancies of her mental colors have been leeched away, leaving a dull silvery-grey that holds only faint glimmers of sapphire and emerald, amethyst and bloodfire ruby. << Mmm, >> is her first, noncommittal reply. << It usually is, yes, unless there is frost or rain to shorten it. Some are worse, when the winds are fierce or the heat is high. >> Dragon> Lysseth and Ansuth sense that Kvasith responds in drowsy amber tones, << Most always tired after a fall. But it is a good tired.. >> Dragon> Lysseth and Kvasith sense that Ansuth assimilates information, curious cobalt sweeping. << Why does heat make Thread worse? >> Quest for knowledge permeates, a light query pressed forth into older minds. Kassima chuckles lightly at that, still working on her braid. It's a long braid, after all. "Sounds sensible. A shame Lyss is too much the overprotective sort for me t'take aught she says about what I should do regarding partying but with a grain of salt--though there are times I use too liberal a grain. He flew well today. As did Kvasith, and Dawnslight," she adds to Aurian. "I hope Tas will agree for once." Lysseth> Kvasith and Ansuth sense that Lysseth explains with a hint of yawn, << The heat does not make *Thread* worse, but it is bad for the riders; they tire more quickly and react less quickly, and have trouble seeing, as do we. It creates a haze. My rider reminds me that the last Fall we flew in extreme heat, some of the riders were in danger of fainting from it, which could have been deadly. >> Smile is light, self-indulgent, and Trila's look of goofy mushiness is probably too much to bear -- pregnant women, people with heart and lungs problems should /not/ proceed. "He did, didn't he?" she gushes, letting a slight sigh escape her lips. Dragon> Lysseth and Kvasith sense that Ansuth subsides with a quiet: << Oh. >> After a pause, he queries, heat of pool intensifying warmth of tone: << But it is fall now? So it wil not be hot for a while? >> Hopeful, wary, cautious. Lysseth> Kvasith and Ansuth sense that Lysseth agrees drowsily, << Shouldn't be... we live in a cold clime. Soon, there will be no Fall for awhile. >> Kassima gives Trila a drolly amused, but indulgent look. "Natural, 'tis, t'be proud of our dragons after a Fall... just don't let it make you cocky." Dragon> Lysseth and Kvasith sense that Ansuth lets an unspoken query slip through minds, blue deep'ning to richest navy in utter curiousity. Gasp. "Me, cocky?" Trila asks, laying a sodden palm on her collarbone in melodramatic surprise. Lysseth> Kvasith and Ansuth sense that Lysseth's silver-grey is slowly deepening to sleep's black, but she mumbles, << Snow and cold kill Thread. None will fall while the temperature is low enough. >> Kassima shakes a finger at Trila, finally freeing hands from her now- unbraided hair. "I'm serious, m'girl, just this once. Be proud as you like, but remember that you're fallible. I should take you on a trip t'Red Butte; 'tis a good tradition for new riders." Aurian tilts her head, "I've never been to Red Butte// Kassima's eyes widen a trace. "You haven't? Auri! What were your Weyrlingmasters teaching you? This will clearly have t'be rectified. At Red Butte is the wall where all riders are supposed t'go and carve their names, and leave mementos, so that later riders can go there t'see the names and remember the fallen." Aurian pushes a hand through her hair, "Things just got busy and then I found myself wingsecond so quickly.." Kassima nods thoughtfully, almost pensively. "Indeed... well, you'll truly have t'be going sometime. Even if'n nay t'be leaving your own mark, t'see the marks left by others. I've always wondered whether you could find the names of Lessa and F'lar there if'n you looked long enough--though time's probably worn them away." Fehuth flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs. Aurian nods, and wonders, "Who knows maybe you could find Moreta... or even Torene.." Bronwynn slides to the ground, giving Fehuth a loving pat. Kassima lifts a hand from the water to wiggle its fingers at Bronwynn-- and, upon belatedly seeing him, Th'lon. "Evening, you two," she greets. The Wingleader is still something of a mess, though the ash is slowly being soaked out of her unbraided hair and off of her face. "I doubt 'twould go back that far. Sandstone wears away too quickly for that-- though 'twould be a wonder if'n you could. All the Benden riders of history...." Th'lon lifts his head out of the water to wave at Bronwynn and give Kassima a salute before rolling onto his back to contiue floating around the pool, letting the hot water and steam ease his overworked muscles. Bronwynn slips down to the ground, Fehuth lumbering off to soak in one of the larger pools. Brynn gives everyone a smile, her hand raising a bit to salute before she realizes she doesn't need to anymore. She shucks off her clothes, leaving them ina pile next to her boots and slips into the water, letting out a relaxed sigh. Kassima makes a disgusted face at Th'lon. "Dear Faranth, bronzer, nay need for that nonsense anymore. Nay more saluting! D'you think I'm old or respectable or some such thing?" Th'lon chuckles quietly as he paddles himself slowly about the large pool, "'Course not Wingleader. I've kinda always thought you were a bit disrespectful. More so every time I wager something against you." he replies, lifting his head out of the water to wink at the greenrider. Aurian yawns and sinks deeper in the water. She chuckles softly. Kassima crinkles her nose at Th'lon. "Disrespectable, huh?" she asks, waggling her eyebrows. "You sound almost like one of m'Wingriders. Have you been listening over-much to them, or have I just proven my unrespectability t'you on m'own?" Dropping his feet, Th'lon stands upright in the pool, smiling deviously at Kassima, "Well, partly both I guess." he replies, laying it on thick since she seems to revel in it. "Ya hear stories from this guy who said you made him give you the shirt off his back after a poker match cause he bet it jokingly. Some other rider who swears you know whenever he has a mark in his pouch. Then there was the time you tricked me out of a my marks during the hatching." Bronwynn glances over at Kassi, awaiting her response to all these allegations... "*Tricked* you!" Kassi repeats, doing her level best to sound affronted-- and failing in sounding anything but amused. "I took those marks fair and square!" Note that she doesn't even try to deny the other allegations-- though she does say, "Honestly, I don't know where people *get* these strange ideas. D'you believe them?" Bronwynn snickers quietly, the laughter hidden by the sound of her moving through the water. She dunks her head under, her long hair now plastered around her shoulders and back. Aurian snorts, "Ask Kassima how much she lost to me in the last poker game we had.." "Nay enough t'be worth mentioning," the greenrider in question retorts, primly. Aurian smirks, "Liar.." Th'lon hmms quietly and paddles out to deeper water, possibly because he wants to tread or just staying out of Kassi's diving range is uncertain, "You do have a knack for raking it in. Has to be more than just luck I'd say." Kassima sticks out her tongue at Auri. "'Twasn't!" she insists, stubborn. Which, if the rumors of her wealthiness are halfway true, might even be honesty--though on the other hand, given what a tightwad she is.... As ever it's impossible to tell with Kassi. "But you do believe in luck?" she questions Th'lon. "Don't answer.. your gonna get it from her.. and then you'll regret it... she's a nut she is.."Aurian slips under the water swimming to her submerged dragon. Th'lon grins slightly, "I do think it plays a certain part in any type of gambling, and your's seems to be neverending." Turning to give Aurian a nod and a wink he continues, "Yep, when a person seems to have neverending luck like that, the first thing you assume is possible trickery." "If'n m'dragon were awake," Kassi grumbles, sending a halfhearted splash towards Auri, "I'd have her drown you for that." Sliding a sidelong look towards Th'lon, she drawls, "I'm nay quite sure how t'take this analysis of me as a trickster, but I suppose *'tis* good for one's newest Wingrider t'have belief in one's ability, wouldn't you agree?" Bronwynn calls over from her washing, "I'd be proud Kassima, manipulation and trickery are /very/ useful traits..." She dunks her head again, rubbing her fingers through the long dark tresses. Kvasith emerges from the water like the behemoth he can be, his rider reapearing near him with a sack of sweet sand. She glance to Bronwynn, "What was that??" Th'lon quirks a brow, cocking his ear towards Kassima as if he didn't hear her right the first time, "You umm..said wingrider?" he asks, quickly shaking the excess water out of his ears. Bronwynn shrugs, "Just that it canbe useful to be a master of trickery." She doesn't seem to think it needs any explanation. At Th'lon's question she glances over, is Th'lon getting chosen for Kassi's wing...? Kassima, arms folded behind her head, arches an eyebrow at Th'lon in turn. "Did I?" she asks, with mock surprise. Bringing one hand around, she open her fingers, revealing the diamond-shaped Thunderbolt patch they were holding. How *does* she do that? "I suppose I did, at that. If'n, 'tis, you'd be interested in flying with me and mine?" Th'lon's eyes go wide and he quickly dives under the water, popping to the surface near Kassima. He stares at the patch as if it were a true precious stone Kassima is holding before raising his eyes to meet hers, "Would I?! More than anything!" he replies quickly, his cheeks reddning as he stammers for words, "I don't know what to say..thank you!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima congratulates Th'lon, Thunderbolt's newest toady-- err, bronzerider. Right. ;) Telgar Weyr> Th'lon dances! Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "H'tor is the toady" Telgar Weyr> M'rgan says, "Congrats, Th'lon." :) Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn congrats and snugs Th'lon. Telgar Weyr> Neliea chuckles and grins. Grats, Th'lon. :) Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Yea Th'lon!" Kassima can't help it; this is supposed to be a formal moment, but she grins anyway, and hands over the patch with a firm nod. "Now, *that's* the sort of thing I like t'be hearing--though when you've gone on dawn sweeps with L'cher, I still think you might change your mind. Welcome to the finest Wing in the Weyr, bronzerider. 'Twill be our pleasure t'be flying with you." And then, of all things, she *salutes* him. Telgar Weyr> Th'lon cheers, My favorite wing name too! Telgar Weyr> Aurian sniffs Th'lon grins at the salute, but returns it crisply, trying to look dignified as possible standing knee deep in water, "Thank you ma'am. I'll always do my best for you." Turning the diamond shaped badge over in his hand, he smiles happily before holding the badge out to the ever curious Algizth, "Look Alg! We're Thunderbolt!" Bronwynn watches quietly, eventually expressing her congratulations, "That's great Th'lon!" she grins across the water to the bronzer. "Th'lon of Thunderbolt." Kassima groans and claps a hand over her eyes. "Faranth! Th'lon, first rule of the Wing: nay ma'aming your Wingleader, nay in Fall, nay in Fog, nay in Fire!" But the chide isn't as heartfelt as it might've been; it's hard to be stern in the face of such enthusiasm. Th'lon smiles at Bronwynn and gives her a thumbs up, "Much to the betterment of my reputation." he says with a wink. At Kassima's chide, he winces, "Oh, sorry. Guess I'm gonna have to tattoo that to the back of my hand now so I won't forget." Aurian scrubs at Kvasith, "She'll gut you for sure if you keep ma'aming her. Right Ma'am..." She grins at Kassima charmingly. Kassima pantomimes throwing something at Aurian. "Just you watch it, madame redfruit-lover. Just keep in mind what you said earlier about me being disrespectable, Th'lon," wink, "and you should do just fine. Drills will be at the crack of dawn tomorrow, by the by; be there, or be on latrine duty for a month." Bronwynn lets out a sigh, at least she won't be doing latrine duty. Maybe she'll stay a weyrling forever... A litte smile comes over her lips and she leans back inthe water, her hair forming a huge dark halo around her. Th'lon wrinkles his nose and nods quickly, "Yes Wingleader. Even if I've gotta sleep in the bowl I'll not miss it." He clears his throat, "Oh, and I didn't really mean all that about being disrespectable. You're just... skilled." he says quickly. Backpeddler? You bet. "Kassima," Kassi corrects, "and I *am* disrespectable, and most of it's luck, nay skill. 'Tis Mart you'd be sucking up to with that skill business; I'm the luck advocate." She gives a slightly wicked grin, then asks, "What, nay going t'go anywhere and get bombed t'celebrate? What's *happened* t'new riders today? Methinks we should all go out somewhere and get bombed. The Lava Lounge is good for bombing this time of Turn." Aurian mmmmms, "I haven't been there since... oh since we dressed V'hryn up.." "And everyone knows 'tis a tradition for new riders t'be writing a limerick up on the Lava Lounge wall," Kassi intones. Then, in a less pontificating tone, she admits, "Nay really. But Sisirye did it for Skyfire--yet there're nay Thunderbolt limericks up there! We're being gypped, I tell you!" Th'lon listens to the two riders a bit, quirking his brow curiously, "Sounds like my kind of place. Specially if they have a card table." he adds, absently rubbing his hands together. "Don't think they do," Kassi confesses. "But they've got a table, and we've got cards, and that's good enough. What say you lot? Bronwynn, care t'come? We can swing the vine and drink Green Dragons until we puke." My, how appetizing she makes it sound. Bronwynn pulls her head up fromthe water, "Me?" she asks with surprise, "But I'm still a weyrling. I'm not sure I'd be allowed..." Her slender brows, now messy from the water, tug together with her uncertainty. "Beside the only good thing to drink is brown dragons.." Aurian grins. "Feh!" That terms Kassi's dismissal of that idea quite succinctly. "You're nay a Weyrling, you just don't ride with a fighting Wing yet. There's a distinct difference. You're allowed t'go anywhere and drink aught so long as you're capable of duties the next day. Aurian, if'n you had *any idea* what's in a Brown Dragon, you wouldn't say that. Believe me." Aurian tilts her head, "Kassima who told you there was anything bad in them? They are nice and warm and cinnamony." Th'lon sploshes out of the water, scooping up the towel draped across Algizth's foreleg and drying himself off, "Sounds great!" At Aurian's comment, he suspiciously eyes the two riders, "Never heard of a brown dragon drink. Sounds kinda wild. Bout like that flaming firelizard Lord Tenefel tricked me into drinking at Bitra. Couldn't even get out of bed the next day I had so many of em. A frown bounces on Brynn's lips, "Are you sure you want me to come along?" she asks, "I don't know how to play any card games and I haven't many marks for you to trick me out of Wingleader..." A sly grin comes over her features at the 'trick' comment. Kassima winks at Th'lon, reaching back to grab hold of the edge of the pool and haul herself out. "If'n you want wild, try the Green Dragon-- wildest drink of the bunch. Or get me t'brew you a shot of What's In the Bottle someday, the drink that gets some greenriders drunk in one sip and turns other greenriders black. Bronwynn, seriously, come with us! The more the merrier, and as to the cards, I could always teach you." It's funny how much 'teach' sounds like 'fleece' when she says it. Aurian grins at Bronwynn, "Ohhhh go ahead Bronwynn, best to work on your ability to drink.." Kassima coaxes, "And you, too, Auri! You have t'show 'em how real bar- dancing's done. But keep your pants on this time, all right?" Bronwynn giggles, "And I can't get kicked off the Weyrling wing... I'm barely on it anyway. It sounds great!" Aurian tosses a sack of sweet sand at Kassima, "Aye Madame Honorable rump.." Th'lon hmms quietly as he shrugs back into his gear. At Kassima's comment he snickers and looks at Aurian, "Sounds like we're gonna have fun." Kassima catches the sack neatly, and throws it right back at Aurian. "*I* wasn't the one who said m'rump was honorable, let me remind you." She nabs a cropped shirt and shorts from Lysseth's strap pouch, her Boll clothes, and ducks back behind that convenient rock to change from towels to riding gear. Fifteen Turns a greenrider, or close enough, and she's still modest. What a world. "Boll's *always* fun. 'Tis a good thing that's where we're going, though. Lyss wants t'keep sleeping, but she can never refuse Boll." Aurian chuckles as she catches the sack and goes back to scrubbing Kvasith. Th'lon talks quietly to himself as he buckles now clean flying straps back on Algizth, "Honorable rump? Shards, hope we make it back before dawn." Stepping around the bronze, he grins, "Always have wanted to see Boll. They say that they wear those ummm...well, I've heard it was a great place to visit." Bronwynn pauses, "We're leaving now?" she asks, her eyes a little wide. "We will," Kassi assures, peeking up from behind the rock. "Drills at dawn, remember. Nowish, soonish, aye--good t'get an early start on drinking yourself sick, y'know, especially if'n tht means there's a better chance of seeing a Bollian sunset. They're fabulous!" Th'lon's eyes sparkle and he gets a goofy grins on his face already without having downed the first mug, "Sounds great. I'm ready to see this!" Kassima, re-decked in clothing, climbs up to perch on her hiding rock and begins raking a silver comb through her hair. Long as it is, this may take awhile. "Wait'll you lot see the Wall. I don't know whether there's been aught added since 'twere there, Auri, though I believe there's some reference to pink lace...." Aurian coughs, "Wha??? Bronwynn climbs out of the pool and reaches for her towel. She dries her self vigorously and wrap the towel around her hair in a turbin while she pulls her clothes back on. "Fehuth, c'mon out and dry off," she calls to the lounging brown. "Something about 'Fear the pink lace,'" Kassi repeats dutifully. "Nay certain who wrote it. Might've been R'ehn--I never can remember which bit he wrote." Aurian grins a touch, "Could ha' been poor V'hryn." "Since I believe it also says, 'Fear greenriders' and 'Fear everything,'" Kassi quips, amused, "'twould nay surprise me." Kassima finally, finally finishes braiding her hair, and picks up Lysseth's straps, crooking a finger at the green. "C'mon... out of there, lump. You can get a warmer snooze at Boll, and you know it." Th'lon grins at Lysseth, "Can't believe Alg is ready to go anywhere after today. But, it's someplace he hasn't seen before so I think curiosity outweighs his tiredness." Lysseth heaves an exaggerated sigh and slowly trudges her way out of the Springs, to have her straps put on by her rider. "Lyss loves Boll," said rider explains. "Has ever since Prefeth first told her about it--'tis the one place I can stir her t'go, nay matter *how* tired she is. She's usually the one bugging me t'be taking her rather than vice-versa. I'd bring the spawn, but they just don't belong at a sloshed-fest." Fehuth wuffles, airing his wings as Brynn finishes her drying and dressing. She lets out an excited giggle and tosses Feh's straps over his neck, fastening them tight. Th'lon grins wryly, "Interesting way to put it." Shrugging into his riding jacket, he gives his dragon one last look over, "Ready to go. Last one there buys the first round!" he shouts, leaping to Algizth's side. Th'lon vaults to Algzith's neck, settling between the high neckridges. Bronwynn climbs atop Fehuth, giving him an affectionate pat as she settles between his neckridges. Kassima doesn't wait a second more to scramble onto Lysseth's neck--she's too tightfisted for that! You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You wing up from the steamy waters heading north over the rim of the Weyr. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! You wing down onto the gather beach. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Algizth backwings to a landing. Th'lon swings down from Algizth's neck, giving the bronze an affectionate thump as his feet hit the ground. Fehuth backwings to a landing. Kassima does an impromptu jig once her feet hit the ground, even as she works on divesting herself of annoying things like jacket, pants, etcetera. She's wearing those sunning clothes underneath, unsurprisingly. "I don't have t'buy the drinks!" she sing-songs with glee. Th'lon starts tugging off his riding jacket as his feet hit the sand, "Haaahh. Hot!" He grins at Kassima as Fehuth lands, "Looks like Brynn has the honor. Looks like you were prepared for the trip." he says, noticing the sunning clothes. From astride Fehuth, Bronwynn grumbles, "This is going to take al my marks," she groans. "And why is there such miserable weather everywhere but Telgar..." Bronwynn slides to the ground, giving Fehuth a loving pat. Kassima nods, glancing down at the cropped top and shorts. "Always prepared for a trip t'Boll; as I said, Lyss loves t'drag me here. So, which first? Vine or drinks? Might throw up if you try the vine after drinking, but 'tis more surreal when you're drunk." Bronwynn blinks, suddenly realizing she has no idea about any of this and is relying on Kassima, of all people, to guide her through her first sloshing. Once Th'lon has shrugged out of the majority of his clothes he quirks a brow at Bronwynn, smiling, "Miserable? This is much better than the cold. You can always take off clothes rather than bundle up like a ice-person." Turning to Kassima he shrugs, "You're the expert here. You lead, we follow." he says with a grin. Bronwynn tugs the gray tunic over her head, leaving her in a tight white sleevless undershirt. "Miserable," she repeats. "You can always put more clothes on, but once you're naked, it's the best you can do." "Elenni probably keeps a few swimsuits behind the counter," Kassi adds, nodding towards the woman. "As well as scads of drinks. Green Dragons are best." An odd look is given Bronwynn at this mention of nudity. "However, the vine is somewhat simpler. Allow me to demonstrate. Please don't laugh when I make a fool of m'self, all right?" Th'lon snickers, "That's why there is all this water here. Nice and handy to dive in and cool off." Looking at Kassi, he chuckles and nods, watching curiously whatever it is she is about to do. Kassima nods, and makes rolling-up-the-sleeves motions, eyeing the vine. "All right. Vine, this is Kassima speaking. For the honor of greenriders, Slithereth, and those who insult R'val, by the twenty-seven children of L'cher and the Magic Sand Dance," at which point she stoops to scoop up a handful of sand and sift it over her head while doing another impromptu jig, "I command you nay t'make an idiot out of me in front of these riders!" And with that, she sets off, faster than a speeding crossbow bolt, able to leap tall headless wherries in a single bound. Kassima grabs the vine, swings far out, releases, and does 3 backflips before knifing into the water with nary a ripple. Telgar Weyr> Th'lon is laughing is arse off at Kassi. Has anybosy else seen this vine dance at Boll? :) Kassima resurfaces with a great whoop of triumph, never mind the seaweed that now decorates her hair. "All *right*! The luck chant worked! It worked, it worked, da da da da da da." The water, however, is not permissive of triumphant jigs, and she finally gives up the attempt and swims back to shore. You wade towards the shore. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Kassi usually does the vine dance every time she competes in vine swing competitions. It worked once. Another time, it pretty much failed miserably. :)" Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Oh, not the vine swing!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima nodnods to Lys. I've taken the new riders on a corruption trip. ;) Telgar Weyr> Trila snickers. Telgar Weyr> Alyssa hides. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Drink The Nine?" Th'lon is pretty much speechless after that. When Kassi makes her way up onto the beach, he is staring dumbfoundedly. A quick glance at Bronwynn and he cackles histerically, "What in the shard was that? I never.." Telgar Weyr> Meara hides from Kassi. I'm going to remain pure and undefiled, thank you. ;) Kassima bounces about on the beach, looking extremely pleased with herself. "It worked, it worked, cha cha cha," she sings to herself, then finally comes to a complete and final stop. "So, what d'you think?" she asks, beaming with triumph. "Did it work, or did it work? That was the Lucky Vine Chant! You have t'put sand on your head and say something about the honor of Slithereth and insult R'val t'be getting the vine t'love you. Only it doesn't always work." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nah, only the vine and the Lava Lounge so far. That's corruption enough for one night. ;)" Th'lon is down on one knee laughing now. He somehow manages to eventually regain his composure, "Sure Kassima. I..*hee hee*..guess if it worked that good for you..*snort snort*..I can't deny it." He gets to his feet and clears his throat, "Ok, lemme give it a try." "Don't forget to do the little dance when you dump the sand over your head," Kassi helpfully reminds him. "It helps!" Bronwynn struggles for breath between her laughs, "I'm sorry Kassima," she giggles, "That was awesome. Do you /really/ have to do the dance or is that just something you threw in there..." Kassima bows deeply to Bronwynn, the seaweed from her hair finally dripping off onto the beach. "Ostensibly, you *could* do the swing without the dance, but then how could you guarantee that you'd have good luck instead of just looking silly?" she wants to know. "The Good Luck Dance-Chant has been developed over Turns of experimenting!" Th'lon starts by getting in a semi-crouch, quickly turning to snicker at Kassima, "Sand, right." He takes a deep breath then starts, "Okay vine! This is Th'lon talking! For the humor of anyone watching me in the hold, Slithering, and those who insult me periodically, by the 47 times I got whopped during weyrlinghood and some sharding sand dance," at which point he falls down and rolls around in the sand, flopping like a redfish out of water before hopping to his feet, "I command you to swing me vine!" and he takes off for the vine! Th'lon backs up and runs at the vine, trips and falls flat on the face at the edge of the cliff before tumbling head-over-heels into the waters. Bronwynn tugs off her wherhide pants, since running around in yet wherhide is never any fun. Now dressed entirely in her white undergarmets, she looks to Kassima, "Ok, can you go though the Good Luck Dance one more time, I wanna make sure I get it right." From the shallow waters, Th'lon shouts and screeches as he tumbles down into the water, coming up spitting and sputtering. Th'lon steps onto the sands. Kassima would answer Bronwynn, she really would, but it's kinda hard to do that when one has fallen on one's rump in the sand and is laughing oneself sick. "'Tis *Slithereth*, nay Slithering!" she yells to Th'lon, assuming he's surfaced and can hear, "and that was *nay* the dance! Oh, *Faranth*--" And she chokes, splutters, giggles, howls, etc. some more. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Th'lon, that was *hysterical*." Th'lon coughs and hacks, his face covered with sand as he makes his way back up onto the beach, "Sharding vine. *cough cough*." Telgar Weyr> Th'lon snickers :) Bronwynn's jaw drops before an irrepressable grin and peels of laughter come. "Oh Ow! Th'lon, did you think Kassia was lying? Ya have to do the dance!" Collecting herself, she asks again, "Ok, the dance..." Th'lon scoffs at Bronwynn, wiping the sand off of himself, "I did dance! Lets see how well you do vine master." he says mock teasingly. Bronwynn ahems, "I want to learn this dance..." She turns, very properly, to Kassima, waiting attentively. Kassima manages to get to her feet with some difficulty, still chortling up a storm, and applauds the sand-covered one. "That... has got t'be the most *hilarious* vine-swing... I have ever seen... in all m'days! Now, watch again; here's how the dance is properly done, though the words can vary." Taking a deep breath, she recites again, "For the honor of Slithereth and his severed head on my weyr's wall, for greenriders, long may they reign, for everyone who's ever beaned a bluerider with a frying pan, and in the name of G'har's stolen underpants and R'ehn's frizzy hair, as well as the Magic Sand Dance," and here she does the jig-with-sand bit again, eliciting a muted groan from Lysseth, "I command you to swing me, O almighty vine!" Straightening, she asks with twinkling eyes, "See?" Bronwynn pauses, "That't not the same chant you said before..." "Words can vary," Kassi affirms over her shoulder, while wandering over to Elenni to pick up a drink for herself. "Just call on whatever seems right and powerful and just t'you!" Elenni smiles and pours a drink. Elenni hands Kassima a glass of Green Dragon. Bronwynn frowns, "I, I don't know what to say.... " Her eyes dance back and forth between her fellow riders and the vine. Th'lon laughs quietly as Kassi demonstrates, but he turns and scowls at the vine, "I think I'll just stick to getting sloshed myself. Maybe after one of those flaming firelizards I might give it a go." He turns to Bronwynn and grins maliciously, "But I'd give it a go if I were you. Gotta have the experience once." Kassima grins encouragingly at Bronwynn. "Make something up! And then after you've gone, I'll show you both to the Lava Lounge and we can work on the sloshed part." Elenni grins and pours Th'lon a drink. Elenni slides a mug of Bronze Dragon to Th'lon. Bronwynn pouts, her creativity having completely left her. She glances over at Fehuth, as if the brown would have any ideas for her. "Well, i don't have anything to chant, so I guess I'll jut try my luck..." Ansuth backwings to a landing. Trila almost reluctantly dismounts, a leg swinging over before she slides down to make contact with the soft earth. A pat is given to his shoulder, and Trila turns away. Bronwynn grabs the vine, swings out and does four spectacular somersaults, but forgets to let go! The vine becomes twisted about an ankle for a moment before slipping free! All you see is an incredibly huge splash. *CANNONBALL* Trila pushes herself off the dragon, irritably pushing back a lock of hair damp from something-or-other. Other Telgarians are noticed with a gruff wave and an equally gruff greeting. "Hi." Kassima bobbles her head. "Fair enough--ooh!" She winces, but it's a grinning wince, at the cannonball. "Way t'be making a splash, Bronwynn!" she yells, setting down her drink long enough to clap. "Oh, Trila, there you are! You're just in time t'go and get sloshed with us at the Lava Lounge, if'n you're so minded... Faranth, what happened t'you?" Th'lon waves to Trila but quickly turns to watch Bronwynn's catastrophy, "Haaaaa!" Bronwynn steps onto the sands. Something's muttered about High Reaches... Sherazade... Eilonth, 'fore a deep sigh's given and Trila's eyes lift, lips quirked into irritation. "Ansuth chased a green at 'Reaches." Th'lon grimmaces as he takes a swig of his drink, "Ack! That's stout!" he says to Elenni before turning to smile at Bronwynn, "See what no chant got you? Nice splash though." Bronwynn drags herself from the water, her clothes clinging to her, "I am /never/ /ever/ doing /that/ again," she declares angrily. "Never!" She wrings out her hair and looks to Trila, "I think it's drink time..." "/You/ think it's drink time?" Trila says, laughing now, wagging a finger at the girl. "I need a drink more'n you do." So there. Another wince from Kassi, this one more along the lines of a grimace. "Ouch," is her succinct response. "You'll really *need* a drink, then. Shall we? If'n Marcus doesn't have something fit t'drown your sorrows in, then m'name's nay Sir Dung-For-Brains. Follow me, you lot... the Lounge can be hard t'be finding." You wander up the jungle path. You push aside some creepers and enter a hidden cave. You climb up the crude ladder and disappear from view. Th'lon climbs up from the caves below. Bronwynn climbs up from the caves below. Trila climbs up from the caves below. "Well," Trila says as she appears from the latter, blinking in surprise. "Never would've expected this t'be here." Th'lon looks around, quite confused by al the twists and turns, "First the vine, then the jungle, a cave and this?" He quirks a brow at Kassi, "Not sure if going on outings with you is such a safe thing." he says humourously. Kassima scrambles up the ladder, beaming brightly at the sight of the bartender--who pales a degree or two when he sees her. Odd. "Marcus, old friend! I've brought a new troupe up here t'begin their careers in corruption." Beam, beam, beam. "Just settle in and read the walls, evil malerider-types, and I'll get your drinks. What's your fancy? Green Dragon, Blue Dragon, Brown Dragon, Bronze Dragon? Thread? Tunnelsnake? Sea Spike? The latter's very good. And d'you want some whimry sandwiches?" Kassima chides her newest Wingrider, "I never claimed going anywhere with me would be *safe*. Silly bronzer." "Green dragon sounds appropriate," Trila says drily, almost bitterly, though there's a quirk to her lips and voice that denies any /real/ disappointment she can't get over. Marcus smiles and pours a drink. Marcus hands Trila a glass of Green Dragon. Bronwynn's eyes are wide as she peers around, surveying everything and barely listening to Kassima's recital of the drink list. Bronwynn glances over the walls and turns to Kassi, "What are the drinks like? I've never had any of them..." Th'lon peers around at the surroundings, taking it all in slowly. He grins at Kassima, "Well, too late now I guess. If we survive this one, I guess it can't get any worse." Or can it? He peers over at Marcus, "I think I'll try one of those there. That looks good." he says, pointing at some burly fellow cradling a Lava twist. Kassima's eyes narrow in thought. "Lava Twist's good and strong; the Tunnelsnake has a bite to it, and the Sea Spike *seems* mild enough, but then it kicks you when you're nay looking. Gold's rich, Bronze is all flash and nay substance, Brown's just horrid--sorry, but 'tis!--Blue's weird, but good, Green's fabulous, and the Thread... well, I'd wait until you've already had a few t'be trying *that* one, let's say. Ooh! They have a new drink listed!" She's swift to gulp down the rest of her Green Dragon so that she can try this new one. Kassima glances over at the burly fellow. "Lava Twist," she confirms, with a nod to Marcus. And with a wink at the brownrider, she adds, "Bronwynn's buying the first round." Chuckling, Marcus shakes his head and pours Kassima a glass of Monsoon. Th'lon blinks at Kassima, an astounded looking expression on his face, "I take it you're a frequent patron here?" Marcus puts on a thick pair of gloves and mixes a noxious brew, handing the roiling liquid to Th'lon. Kassima just grins at Th'lon. "In m'younger days, I spent more than one night drunk off m'arse here," she explains matter-of-factly. "I once drank one of *everything* and couldn't move for hours, but 'twas a very blissful paralysis. Since Kris was born, I've only been up once, but I still come here when I get the chance... sometimes t'try m'drink-mixing capabilities with Marcus's liquors. What d'you two think of the place?" Bronwynn hrrms, "Looking over the menu, "What should I get?" she ask, "I don't know what any of this is..." Th'lon grimmaces at the bartender mixes up his drink, and recoils slightly as the aroma from it hits him, "Woah. And I thought the Bronze Dragon was bad." He picks up the shot glass and examines the contents carefully, "It's great!" he replies to Kassi. "I can see why you like it here so much." Kassima suggests, "Start off with either the Blue or Green Dragon. Those are pleasant without being so strong that your brain will melt and leak out through your nose." With that pleasant image in mind, she takes a deep breath, then knocks back half the glass in a couple of gulps. "Aiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyai!" is all she's really able to say by way of analysis of the drink. Bronwynn tilts her head, stil perusing the menu, "Is the Green Dragon the weekest?" "Mildest, aye," Kassi croaks, finding a stool upon which to sit. "And 'tis anyone's guess whether this or Thread is the stronger. Shells! Either one could rival even White Lightning!" Marcus smiles and pours a drink. Marcus hands Bronwynn a glass of Green Dragon. Th'lon slides onto a stool, looking about at all the writings on the wall. Taking a swig of the Lava, he shudders violently and begins to wheeze, "Hot!" Wiping tears from his eyes, he turns to Kassima, "So, have you written anything on the wall?" he wheezes at her. Kassima takes a slower, more appreciative sip of the Monsoon, peering into its depths with the wondering worship that an avid drinker gives a truly fantastic liquor. "Mmm-hmm," she affirms, nodding towards the second and third walls. "Several things, actually. You should write something while you're here--'tis traditional!" Th'lon scratches his chin thoughtfully, looking over the wall with already bloodshot eyes, "Aye. I'll have to think up something appropriate." Downing the last of the Lava drink, he shudders again and coughs. Was that a puff of smoke. Th'lon studies the wall with interest, reading. "Try a limerick," Kassi offers, before draining the last of her Monsoon. The poor greenrider's probably forgotten that her tolerance has decreased somewhat since she stopped drinking with pregnancy, and has been imbibing only in moderation since. She's not bloodshot, but she's getting that faintly dreamy look of the mildly tipsy. "Toss me a Thread, Marcus, if'n 'twould... an appropriate post-Fall drink if'n ever there was one!" Marcus blinks, "Are you sure you want that drink?" Marcus shrugs, puts on a heavy leather apron and gloves that reach his elbows. He puts on a pair of goggles, picking up a pair of tongs. Reaching up with the tongs, he takes a bottle down and /very/ carefully pours it into a small glass, spilling only a drop which sizzles and smokes. Marcus puts away his equipment, stands back and says hesitantly, "Enjoy?" Th'lon cringes again as the drink is poured. Looking between the concoction and Kassima he swallows, "That's a drink?!" He wrinkles his nose and the bartender pushes it towards the greenrider, "Ugh. I guess you know what you're doing. Limerick you say, I'll have to think one up." Turning to the bartender, he pushes his now empty glass towards him, "You got something a little less...like fire in a glass?" Kassima nodnodnods emphatically, taking a quick gulp of the stuff. "Aye!" she rasps, the Thread already wreaking havoc on her vocal cords it would seem. "Like liquid Thread, 'tis, and wonderful stuff. Nay quite as deadly as what I brew, thankfully. Methinks 'tis why M'kla left me her klah recipe; I'm used to brewing death-inna-glass." Another sip, a blissful sigh. "As wonderful as ever, Marcus. I can feel it eating m'insides away already." Bronwynn, having taken only a sip of her own drink, watches Kassima in awe. She glances at her glass again and takes a gulp, making a face at the flavor and one of surprise as she feels the heat of alcohol in her throat. Kassima tells Bronwynn with a bright grin, "You should try throwing that drink--well, nay that one, but one of these--into a fireplace sometime. Whoosh! Fireball! Great sight, let me tell you. S'riv showed me how t'do it." Marcus turns to Kassi, murmuring, "M'pleasure. Your funeral." Turning to Th'lon, he scoffs at him, "Somthin fer softbellies eh?" he looks over his selection before pulling out a bottle of fruity colored liquid. Marcus nods and pours Th'lon a drink. Marcus places a glass of Kahluah in front of Th'lon. Kassima only gives Marcus a blissful smile. "You haven't killed me yet, man, nay matter how you try. Nor will you. I'm from Benden! And y'know how the Benden Drinking Song goes...." That's half query, directed also to the other riders. Th'lon sniffs cautiously at the drink, smiling as it doesn't bring tears to his eyes, "Ahh. That's more like it." He takes a long pull and sighs as it doesn't burn all the way down this time. Hearing Kassi's comment, he quirks a brow curiously, "Drinking song?" Kassima swallows another gulp of Thread. Miraculously, the skin of her throat isn't eaten away by the drink, and she's able to explain, "Someone wrote a song about our drinking exploits back home." Clearing her throat, she begins to sing in a rather good voice (think Heather Alexander here, if you know whom that is), "A man sat in a tavern with a lovely-visaged lass, and watched as for the fourteenth time, she raised and drained her glass. He said, 'You've outdrunk four strong men and half the bar, m'dear!' But the maiden smiled demurely and said, 'I'm from Benden Weyr.'" Maylia climbs up from the caves below. Aurian climbs up from the caves below. Th'lon chuckles and raises his glass in a toast, "Fine tune indeed." Maylia and Aurian's entrance catch his eye and he hops to his feet, "Weyrlingmaster! Wingsecond!" Old habits die hard. Bronwynn grins, "I like that." She takes another gulp, making yet another face of 'ew icky'. "Is it supposed to taste like this?" she ask Kassi, holding the glace of Green Dragon out to her. Maylia climbs up the ladder, easing her way into the Lava lounge with an easy smile. "Been ages, I tell you," She leans back a bit to tell Aurian. "Marcus! Evening! Heyla, Kassi... sit, sit, please Th'lon. I'll not assign you pushups any more. HOnest." "Any song about Benden is a fine tune," Kassima says, sounding rather wistful. "Hey, May, Auri! Come get sloshed with us! There's nay bar- dancing yet, though." Accepting Bronwynn's glass with her free hand, she takes a tentative sip. "Aye, I believe so. Nay used to alcohol?" Kassima grins at Maylia, then. "A'course nay. 'Tis my job t'be assigning him pushups now." And gleeful she sounds about it, too. Fear. Aurian nods to Maylia, "Haven't been here since Kassima bedecked V'hryn." She mock glares at T'hlon, "Aurian.. Aurian.." She glances to Bronwynn, "What swill is Kassima making you drink mentee?" Th'lon catches himself and chuckles, "Right. Maybe I need another of those Lava thingies, cause there's no way I'm touching that 'Thread' drink." He grins and nods to Aurian, "Won't happen again, I promise." Kassima just *stares* at Aurian. "Since *Kassima* bedecked V'hryn? Don't you mean since Kassima *and Aurian* bedecked V'hryn? Oh, true, 'twas my idea t'be turning him into Vahrynna, but you had a part in it too, and don't you be denying it... 'twere the one who kept putting his hands in odd places. Hey! Green Dragons are *nay* swill, I'll have you know. Th'lon, why nay try the Tunnelsnake? I keep campaigning for 'em t'rename it Slithereth, without much success." Bronwynn shakes her head silently, just smiling and sipping at her drink, trying to repress the 'eww, icky' faces. She gives Aurian and Maylia a smile as they arrive. Marcus pours Aurian a mug of Brown Dragon. Marcus hands Aurian the drink. Maylia leans up to the bar, making a face at Kassi. "Ah, so does the phrase 'yet' mean you'll be dancing for us this time, mentor-mine?" A grin is flashed to Th'lon before she favours Marcus with a batting-eyelash smile. "Maaaaaarcus, you know, you really are a dream come true. Let me try one of your monsoons, would you?" Chuckling, Marcus shakes his head and pours Maylia a glass of Monsoon. Aurian shakes her head at Kassima, "You are the one who suggested pink lace.." She grins as she watches Maylia and takes a sip from her drink. Kassima snorts at Maylia. "Depends on how much you're planning on bribing me, mentee mine," she retorts. "There're only a few things I won't do if'n the price is right. Those Monsoons are fantastic, aren't they? Drinking one's like being struck by lightning!" Okay, so she has odd ideas of what constitutes 'fantastic.' Maybe she feels obligated as Thunderbolt's Wingleader to have a fondness for lightning. Th'lon listens to the banter a moment, grinning as the stories start being swapped. He nods to Kassima, "Right. I'll try the slitherer next. This stuff is a bit weak." he says, holding up his kahluah Aurian snorts, "Have a brown dragon Th'lon don't listen to Kassima about it.. nice and cinnamon." Bronwynn eyes Th'lon, when and where did he become the drinker, it's a side /she/ hasn't seen the past years in the barracks. Course, he might have mentioned something in his sleep between his earthquaking snores. The young girl finally finishes her drink, greatful that it's all gone. Maylia accepts the drink from Marcus with another sweet smile - as the Weyrlingmaster possibly is trying to shock the daylights out of her former WEyrlings. What happened to the strict, ordering, lecturing woman? "They truely are marvelous," She states, watching the drink bubble before her eyes as she swirls it about. Th'lon looks between the two, considering both drinks for a moment before making his selection. "How 'bout something in between. What was that you said earlier Kassima..a sea spike?" Kassima shakes her head frantically. "Don't do it, Th'lon! They put *horrid* stuff in there! Sea Spike, right. That's a good one." She sounds approving. Two more gulps finishes her glass of Thread; by now, yes, she could probably be considered slightly tipsy. "Are you going to dance for Marcus, May?" she teases. Th'lon peers over at Aurian's drink, "Hmm." At the mention of dancing, he gets a startled expression on his face, "You..dance Weyrlingmaster?" he asks slowly. Maylia chuckles, after taking an explosive sip from her glass. "Only if you demonstrate how for me, Kassima." she drawls, putting on a little pout as Marcus heads their way. "Been turns since the last time. Aye, I dance at gathers, and such, Th'lon." A glance just /dares/ Aurian to mention other occasions. Bronwynn raises an arched brow, "I'm ready to see you dance, Maylia." Oh, does that feel ood to not call her Ma'am. "Maylia's bar-danced a'fore," Kassi chips in. Her brogue's a bit thicker than the norm, it might be noted. "She came here once with us when Auri an' Kharty were 'Lings, and got up on the bar and danced for the men. At least, methinks she did. I had m'eyes covered, trying t'pretend m'mentee wasn't wiggling her rump for bronzers--that's Kharty I mean, nay Maylia." Eyebrows are waggled then at Maylia. "We could do one of those dancing lines? Did anyone think t'be bringing bongo drums?" Uh, yeah. Right. Definitely tipsy. And now she gleefully orders another drink. Marcus puts on a thick leathis apron, thick gloves and puts a thick cloth over his mouth and nose, unstopping a metal container, filling a metal goblet and handing it to Kassima at arm's length. Maylia's eyes dance greenly over her glass, as it seems Aurian wasn't the one that she needed to send that glance towards. "Aye, Kharty was up on the bar and dancing, if I recall corectly." Is her response, accompanied by a grin. "Why Kassi, your suggesting a line dance? Shells, you're either drunker than you seem, or loosing some of your sense of propriety." Aurian coughs, "Maylia only came to haul us back.." she sips at her drink. Th'lon looks between the riders dumbfoundedly, "Bongo drums? Bar dancing? Hey, you really do know how to have fun!" he exclaims, as if this is some sort of great revelation to him. Marcus grins and pours Th'lon the drink. Marcus places a glass of Sea Spike in front of Th'lon. Marcus pours Bronwynn a mug of Brown Dragon. Marcus hands Bronwynn the drink. "A *clothed* line dance," Kassi points out, doing her best to sound prim. Then, with a glance at the underwear-clad ex-Weyrlings, "Well... mostly clothed. Semi-clothed. And just because Marcus needs a good shaking up since it's been so long since Telgar last invaded here. Surprise, Th'lon! Welcome to the secret debaucheries of riderdom that they keep a secret from 'Lings." Maylia wrinkles her nose at Bronwynn, then at Aurian. "Shells, you're having her drink that stuff?" She asks, clearly not keen on the brown drink. "But of course, Kassi. Clothed." A wink goes to her mentor. Aurian swirls her drink, "Faranth.. have either you or Kassima actually Tasted it.. its tastey.." Bronwynn takes one sip and manages to skip the 'yuk, what is this?' expression, actually smackig her lips. "Nm Nm Nm, this is much better than that green thing. It's a little stronger," she giggles, "But I like it..." Th'lon frowns at the swirling blue mixture just placed in front of him, "Eh, this looks...interesting." He peers around the bar, frowning as no drums can be seen, "This is a keck of a graduatin' party. Though the dancing would just top the evening off perfectly." he says, eyeing the riders challengingly. Aurian sips her drink, "Are you offering to Dance? Remember when J'lyn danced?" Maylia makes a face one might expect out of someone who's just been told they've swallowed waht was left in the bucket after cleaning out latirnes. "Ugh. Yes." She tells Aurian. "Nearly as bad as blue dragons." Aurian shakes her head, "You must have had one mixed wrong.. this is all nice and cinnamony." "Tasted it, retched, swore never t'taste it again," Kassi answers Auri, with a disgusted face. "Why don't you get up on the bar and dance, Th'lon? But *without* a leather outfit like Jal's." This is a key point. Aurian shakes her head, "Wusses.." Maylia stickes her tongue out at Aurian. "WE just have better taste than some, hon." She quips. "Dancing, Marvelous idea. TH'lon, why don't you give it a try, hmmm? Can't break the tradition of weyrlings, or rather, new riders, bar dancing?" Th'lon looks over at Aurian, grinning slightly. "Me dance?" He thinks about it for a moment and nods, "Sure. Another one of those tasty bronze dragons and I'll give it a go." Aurian waggles her glass at Kassima and Maylia, "You all have the taste buds of a runner.." It seems the wingsecond's Tolerance is at that delightfull low level. Bronwynn decides to stay as quiet as possible now, not really ready to dance on teh bar in her skivvies. Marcus sighs and shakes his head while he polishes glasses behind the bar, "Typical." Kassima beams at the bronzerider, and starts collecting empty glasses. "I'll provide the music!" she offers cheerily. "Bet you never knew I played the glass hats, did you? Nay *well*, but... well, nay anyone plays them *well*." A knife suddenly appears in her hand, apparently intended to serve as a makeshift drumstick. Th'lon catches the look in Bronwynn's eye as Marcus slides him the bronze dragon, "Oh no. Don't think you're not going to dance if I am." He chuckles at Kassi, "An aquired talent I'm sure." Maylia taps one hand to her chest, glancing to Marcus. "Me? Marcus, did you hear that? I do believe she's had too much to drink already." The young woman settles down into a seat, grinning. "Now, if I recall,this is a switch. A bronzerider dancing, while we watch. Rather different from last time, eh?" Bronwynn shakes her head, "Oh, no, I didn't bring up the dancing, and I'm not officially a new 'rider' yet, I mean I haven't found a wing and well, Me?" SH eglances around to see if the older riders plan on pressing her. Aurian hmms as she eyes the drink list and Marcus, "I want........a lava twist." Marcus puts on a thick pair of gloves and mixes a noxious brew, handing the roiling liquid to Aurian. "Go ahead and dance, Bronwynn!" Kassi encourages over the rim of her half-drunk tunnelsnake. "'Tis only fair that if'n we're all going t'be loosening up, you should be able to, too." Aurian tosses back the shot of the nasty liquid, "Ewwwww" She coughs. Maylia chuckels at Bronwynn, and jerks her chin towards Aurian. "Well, Auri was still a weyrling, if I recall, not even graduated, was she?" A wink is cast towards the elder of the brownriders. "And seems to me you're clad in more than she was, too!" Th'lon takes a long pull on his drink, draining half the glass. He snatches a towel lying on the bar and stands, "C'mon Brynn. I saw you shake your rear once at the springs before you spotted me. You can dance." he says, grinning mischeviously at her. Bronwynn giggles, that's about all she can do at this point, "You sure y'all want /me/ to dance? I'm really not very good..." She looks at Th'lon, "Are we s'posed to dance /on/ the bar?" At Maylia's story she glances in awe ot her mentor. "What? I never shook my rump!" Here come some more giggles. Th'lon puts a foot on his stool and hops up on the bar, "Music please!" he says, smiling at Kassi. "Sure!" he replies to Bronwynn, waving the towel he's holding in her face, "Gotta follow tradition, and they say this is tradition." Bronwynn stumbles off her stool, spilling a litle bit of her drink as she does. SHe takes another gulp and plops the cup down on the counter. Looking up at Th'lon she requests, "Hand please?" Kassima salutes the bronzerider with a knife, and begins to tap on the glasses with her knife, producing... well, it could be called music. There are even recognizeable notes. It's the *song* that isn't recognizeable. "We are, we are, we are, we are, we are from Benden Weyr; we can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers," she sings. Kassima then adds, while still beating on the glasses, "Don't forget t'be doing some of the high kicks!" Yep. She's wasted. Th'lon reaches down and hefts Brynn up onto the bar, "All right! Shake it brownie!" He then starts strutting down the bar as the glass clinking music starts. When he reaches one end of it, he spins around and heads back the other direction. He stops in front of Aurian and Maylia, popping the towel at them before doing a quick spin around and shaking his booty in thier face. Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs. Ooohhhh, Trila. Hav eyou logged on at a good time... Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Trila! You're just in time to see Th'lon and Bronwynn dance on a bar! ;)" Telgar Weyr> Myklan acks! Kassima, what are you doing to my friends? Telgar Weyr> Trila says, "Yippee." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "What all good greenriders do: corrupting them. ;)" Telgar Weyr> M'rgan says, "What she does to everyone. Humiliates, embarasses, and tortures them." Telgar Weyr> Th'lon says, "SHake shake shake, shake your booty. Woo!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "That, too. 0:)" How attractive. Trila had fallen asleep on the edge of the bar. Greenflights and drinks had become too much to bear, but the weyrling -- no, the rider -- had regained conciousness in time to catch Th'lon's rather surprising booty-waggle. "Erm..." The 'music' falters as Kassi has trouble keeping herself from falling off her stool laughing, but begins again when the greenrider regains a precarious balance. "Shake that woo thang, bronzer!" she yells. Wasted. *Totally* wasted. Bronwynn nearly falls off the bar, she's laughing so hard. "I don't know TH'lon, I don't hink I can shake it like you can... Nor would I call /that/ music, " she jokes, smiling down at Kassi from her dancing platform. Maylia somehow avoids a snicker, beckoning Marcus closer. The man peers up at the recently graduated riders now on the bar, and leans over. "Another Monsoon, please?" Maylia requests of him, sweetly batting her eyelashes. Ayup, she's having fun. "Aye, and a Thread for me?" Trila requests to'ards the departing back of Marcus, pushing her stool away from the bar to blink a few times. Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn puts on some music so she can get in a party mood for the Lava Lounge. Telgar Weyr> Trila snickers. Kassima's attempt at musicality turns to some oddly appropriate tune (think 'Shake, Shake, Shake Senora' here) which is halfway recognizeable, despite the greenrider's best efforts. "Doo, doo, doo, da doo doo da doo doo... ooh, Marcus! Pass me one of those too, if'n you please!" Beam. Beam. Th'lon prances down the bar, doing some sort odd jig as he reaches Bronwynn then moving on to Kassima. He waves the towel over his head as he does a spin for her, chanting the lyrics as he picks them up, "We can, oh yes, we can!" Maylia's soon got another of the stormy seas drinks in her hand, and tilts her head back as Trila revives. "Ah, Trila. You going to join in the traditional dance?" She asks, somehow keeping from laughing /too/ hard at Kassima. Soon, though, that monsoon's done, and she calls, "Woo, shake it, bronze boy!" Uh. THis is the weyrlingmaster? Marcus blinks, "Are you sure you want that drink?" Marcus shrugs, puts on a heavy leather apron and gloves that reach his elbows. He puts on a pair of goggles, picking up a pair of tongs. Reaching up with the tongs, he takes a bottle down and /very/ carefully pours it into a small glass, spilling only a drop which sizzles and smokes. Marcus puts away his equipment, stands back and says hesitantly, "Enjoy?" Bronwynn starts to find the beat, if that's what it could be called. She starts bouncing from side to side, her head shaking back and forth, giggling irrepressibly. As she gets into it a little more, she puts her hands above her head, wagging her hips back and forth, opposite the motion of her head, dark hair flying about. Trila grumbles irritably at the frothing 'Thread', lifting a hand to wave at the weyrlingmaster, gaining her bearings with... er, a drink. Kassima offers Th'lon a wolf-whistle by way of response, then also giggles--yes, giggles--at Bronwynn's dance. "All *right*! Woo, malerider- types! Auri, you should get up there and dance with your brethren!" Maybe she's just collecting blackmail against the future? That would explain much. Th'lon bends over and picks up his bronze dragon drink. Getting a big mouthfull of the liqid, he prepares for the big finale. A towel flourish for Kassi, a hip thrust for Maylia, a booty shake for Aurian, a leg kick for Trila before he circles Bronwynn once more and drops into the splits, spraying his mouthfull of drink in the air. Telgar Weyr> Trila chokes on her water. Maylia oohs, and catches on to Kassima's ploy quickly. "Ah, yes! Lets' have the male riders up and wiggling their tushes!" She's onto her third drink, by now, and cheers at Th'lon's hip thrust. Of course, to applaud him, she has to finish that drink in a hurry, and she does. Bronwynn reaches her hand down to Aurian, her bum still hagging back and forth, not that the girl could really offer her mentor that much help. She ends up getting sprayed by Th'lon's drink fountain. "Ahh! What are you doing?" She reaches down to grab her own drink, taking a big gulp for herself and another to spit at Th'lon. "I don't dance," Trila says, as though that should answer Kassi's question (nevermind that the greenrider wasn't /talking to her). All semblances of grumpiness pause as the rider /laughs/, then, hysterically keeling over in her chair -- on the ground, now -- at Th'lon's antics. Yes, she's on the ground, laughing hysterically. Doesn't take much, it'd seem, to get her hysterical. Kassima sets her knife down in order to applaud vehemently for the bronzerider, nearly spewing her own drink. "Spit fight! Spit fiiiiight!" she chants. Bronwynn grins, a goofy, alochol drooling grin, holding up her glass and taunting Th'lon, daring him to spit back. Th'lon hops to his feet and bows, "Thank you, thank you. You're all too kind." He hops down off the bar and holds his hand up for Brynn, "Shoulda warned you about that big finale." he says with a wink. Telgar Weyr> Syri sees Kassima and Aurian are going about the corruption business. ;) Kassima picks up her Monsoon and sets back to work at the all-important task of finishing it. "You're officially Bar-Dancers of Pern now," she informs Th'lon and Bronwynn merrily. "Congratulations! Can I throw sandwiches at you now?" Bronwynn bends down to climb of the bar, her drink still in her hand. Too bad alcohol and grace have never met one another, the young brownie ends up tripping and tumbling foreward, falling right towards Th'lon. Trila draws herself to her feet, plopping graceless on a stool, muttering something to Marcus. "I wanna throw sandwiches!" she whines. Marcus puts on a thick pair of gloves and mixes a noxious brew, handing the roiling liquid to Trila. Th'lon leaps over and extends his arms to catch Bronwynn, fortunatly falling right onto his stool as the brownrider lands in his arms, "Ooof! No more brown dragons for you." he says as he puts the rider back on her feet, smiling. Turning curiously to Kassima, he blinks, "Sandwich throwing?" Bronwynn giggles, "Thank you big strong bronzer!" She hops off his lap and gets ready for the sammich deal. Kassima nods, grinning again. This is probably not a good sign. "I threw sandwiches at 'Lex when he wanted me t'dance on the bar," she explains, with some pride. Trila sips at her drink and sends her gaze to'ards Kassima. "Can I throw a sandwich at /you/?" Th'lon wrinkles his nose, "Don't think I'd care to get pelted with a sandwich but..." he says, turning to eye the wall, "I think I've figured out what I want to write on the wall now." "What's that?" Trila wonders, words running together. Once she's done querying, a hand attempts to hold the glass steadily, and she makes a potentially amusing show of lifting the glass to her lips and sipping, trying /very/ hard not to spill. Kassima crinkles her nose at Trila. "Nay. Nay throwing sandwiches at your Wingleader! You should be writing something, too, Trila. Indeed you should." "That's what I thought," Trila slurs at Kassi, lifting her drink and wagging it at Kassima. "And thas' what y'are. M'wingleader." Sniff. "So what should I be writing?" Th'lon looks worriedly over at Trila, wondering if the drink has her feeling any better which she appears to be feeling something, "You been hitting those Lava twists all night? Stuff was like fire going down." He nods at Kassi's suggestion, "Yeah, lets put something on the wall." "Naaaaaaah, been drinkin' blue dragons," Trila corrects, lifting a finger to wave at the bronzer. "Heh. Drinkin' dragons." "But nay peeing on the wall," intones Kassi, out of the blue. "That would be bad. You should try the Monsoon, Trila. 'Tis *spiff*. Spiffy. Spiffaroony. Wooooo." Th'lon chuckles at the state of his wingmate, "Gotta watch out for them blue ones." he says with a wink. "Now, time to get writing while I'm inspired." "Monsoon?" Trila wonders, head tilting curiously to'ards Kassima. "Aye," and then, slurred: "Gimme onnea those." Chuckling, Marcus shakes his head and pours Trila a glass of Monsoon. Trila studies the wall with interest, reading. Syri climbs up from the caves below. Syri hauls herself up from below, catching precipitously at one of her gloves as it starts to untuck itself rudely from her belt. "Oh, so I'm /not/ walking in on somebody's secret hidey-hole," she says cheerfully, sidestepping the ladder's upper prongs to wander in toward the folks she knows. Trila scribbles something on the wall. Th'lon catches Syri's entrance and calls out to her, "Hey Syr! I was wondering if you'd find the place." He locates a pencil and edges up to the wall, "I was about to pen some profound knowledge on this wall here." "Syri!" Trila says, waving incoherently in the general direction of t'other blue-rider. "Hiiiii." "Oh, look, Syri's here!" Kassi notes, waving cheerfully with her non- drink-occupied hand. "Heya, Syri! You just missed seeing Th'lon shake his woo thang on the bar! But that's all right; I bet we could convince him t'be doing it again." It is worth noting at this point that Kassi is completely, utterly, and totally smashed. Syri arranges herself at the bar and orders something noticeably non-alcoholic. Th'lon quirks a brow at Kassima as he scratches something on the wall, "Wellll, maybe. Gotta have a partner though." He nods as he finishes his inscription. Th'lon scribbles something on the wall. *** Th'lon came with Kassi one evenin // To be inducted into Thunderbolt wing // A crash from a vine // Dancin and drinkin divine // Left him wondering just what he was thinkin "Partner?" asks Kassi, blinking. You'd swear she'd never considered the idea. "For what, bar-dancing? Wouldn't think you'd need a partner for that." Climbing down from her perch, she walks up to the wall--narrowly misses walking *into* the wall, in fact--to see what's written. "Why, 'twere thinking, 'Party time,' man!" she helpfully enlightens Th'lon. Kassi's World, Kassi's World, party time, excellent? Trila draws herself up off her bar stool, stretching for no reason, sending a gaze 'round the room. "Th'lon, if you absolutely /need/ one, p'raps I'd consider." Beam. Aurian raises an eyebrow "We could all dance on the bar," Kassi muses. "So long as rump-wiggling doesn't *have* t'be involved. I don't do rump-wiggling." That's one thing the woman will never get drunk enough to forget. Th'lon smiles at Trila as he reclaims his drink, "Think you're in the dancin mood eh?" He grins at Kassima, "I thought rump wiggling /had/ to be included in bar dancing." Trila sucks down the end of her monsoon, rolling her eyes in appreciation. "Kassi, thas' one spifferiffic drink." "Uh-uh! Nay when I bar dance," Kassi insists, stubborn. "If'n it does, 'twould explain why I don't rather neatly, wouldn't it? But you two go ahead and wiggle your rumps all you want. Isn't it though, Trila? Mayhaps we should make it the official Thunderbolt drink or something. Or I could try and *mix* an official Thunderbolt drink!" "With chutney!" Trila declares, lifting a finger with all the enthusiasm of someone completely inebriated. Th'lon frowns, "If you say you can make something close to that Thread thing, I think I don't want any part of that." Edging his way round to Trila, he leans on the bar next to the rider, "Moonsoon huh? Fitting name I'd say." he says, smiling crookedly. "And what's /that/ s'posed t'mean?" Trila asks entirely cheerfully, grinning stupidly back at the bronzer. "Nay mooning, soon or otherwise!" Kassi yells to the bronzerider, then gives Trila a look that just *brims* with disgust. "What've you been *drinking*?" she demands. "That's just sick! But if'n we took a Monsoon and added s'more White Lightning and mayhaps just a touch of Nabolese firewater...." Mutter, mumble, ponder. Th'lon chuckles, "Cause it's got you washed out." Giving a pout in Kassima's direction, he puts his hands on his hips, "But that was gonna be my next big finale!" "If you moon, I'll smack you," Trila says, grasping Th'lon's meaning with a scowl. Then, to Kassima: "I'll drink whatever y'put in front of me." Famous last words, I'm sure. Kassima folds her arms and does her best to look stubborn. This is something she does well. "Only if'n you want t'get spanked, bronzerider." Perhaps sloshed isn't even the word. Beaming at Trila, she scrambles off of her stool and over to Marcus. "Marcus! I need access to the Secret Liquors!" The man blanches. His complexion, in fact, nearly goes *grey*. But a small case of thin liquor vials is provided, and Kassi happily totters them over to the table to begin her experimentation. Th'lon holds his hands up defensively and backs away from Trila, "S'all right. I can do without a smack tonight." Catching Syri being quiet, he grins at her, "How bout you? Tis tradition they say, the bar dance." This'll be worse'n kiwi-covered marshmallows, we're all sure, but Trila sidles up next to the wingleader and leans against the table anyway, wriggling an eyebrow curiously. "So what're y'putting in first?" Aurian glances at Kassima, "Wha' are you mking?" Th'lon waggles his eyebrows at Kassima, "Well, since you put mooning in that light." "An official drink for Thunderbolt," Kassima explains with pride. "We'll call it... um... something. Have t'be seeing what color 'tis, first. We'll start with White Lightning." A thin bottle of something that *reeks* of pure alcohol is tipped into a large glass, poured about one-half empty before it's replaced. "Then the firewater...." Golden liquid joins the clear. The thing's *already* starting to smell suspiciously combustable. "Living up t'your color already, bronzie-boy?" "Put this in," Trila orders, poking the side of a dangerously-red vial with her finger. "Looks... thunderbolty?" Th'lon laughs and shakes his head, "Probably just these bronze dragons. The alchohol must be laced with the personality too." He grimmaces as Kassima mixes up..something. "That looks absolutely painful." Kassima gives Trila an approving beam, taking up the blood-red liquor and dumping a generous dollop of it in without checking to see what it is. "We'll add that and some of this," she decides, picking up a flame-blue liquor, "t'be making it purple, 'cause purple and bronze and black are Thunderbolt colors, only I don't know how t'be making black liquor and bronze is overdone." Whoosh! Blue joins red. The liquor is starting to seethe dangerously, but Kassi pays that no heed as she claps a glass cap over the mixing vessel and begins to shake it to mix. "Shake, shake, shake," she sings as she works. "I think 'tlooks /good/," Trila says defensively to'ards Th'lon, 'fore beaming at Kassima. "I want some," she tells the Wingleader sternly. Th'lon backs up away from the greenrider, half expecting the container to either melt or blow up, "I'd go easy on that." Marcus nods and pours Trila a drink. Marcus places a glass of Blue Dragon in fron of Trila. "Wimp!" Kassi carols to Th'lon, but she does cease the glass's gyrations after a few moments more and sets it down on the table. The cap is removed, revealing something that smells... potent. To say the least. And it's very, very purple, with perhaps just a *hint* of gold. "Perfect," Kassi announces, peering into the depths. Is it just your imagination, or is her hair curling away from the vapors of the stuff? "What a fireball *this* would make! Trila, you're welcome t'be the first taste-tester." Marcus pours a large pitcher of water as he looks at the concoction. Never know when one might need to douse something. Syri just stays to her side of the bar, drinking her something-or-other, and wearing a distinctly amused smirk. Not drunk, either. Th'lon grins at Kassi, "Cautious is what I call it." He turns to look at Trila, "And you're going to sample that..stuff?" R'yn climbs up from the caves below. Trila's stupid enough t'do it, too, grabbing the glass from Kassi and lifting it high in the air: "T'Telgar 'n' Thunderbolt!" Shrug. Good enough. A sip's taken, a long one, as though she's sure it won't kill her. "That's preeeeeeeety goo--" and then she swoons, almost faints, managing to keep the glass upright even as she careens forward, leaning against the bar. "Oboy." Aurian glances over her shoulder, "Ahhhh haaa. Kvasith said he saw Dagazth land.. come over here R'yn lemme get y' a brown dragon.. its a tasty drink.. don't lishen t' Kasshima.." Syri chuckles, nudging aside her drink to fold her arms on the bartop. "Mind your step, Trila." R'yn's name catches her attention, and she stretches up to look over various heads. "Ahah. Mind the others, R'yn. They're being very enthusiastic." Kassima watches Trila with anticipation... but seems distinctly disappointed with her reaction. "'Tis it? Nay turnin' purple? Nay spittin' fire?" she complains. "Shardit, I didna be makin' it strong enough!" Please note that the greenrider is bombed. "What else should I be puttin' in it? Th'lon! You come be tryin' it an' tell me! And Syri, I could use your help too, and heya, R'yn, are you goin' t'be dancin' on the bar?" R'yn looks around trying to get his helmet off. "Heya! Dagazth said I could find you guys here." He walks over and smiles at Aurian. "I already have a brown dragon." "Least I'm not dancing on the bar!!" Trila cries out indignantly, slamming the rather viable drink on the table as she's forced to attempt to sit -- and fails rather miserably, sliding down the bar to sit on the floor. "Put that in!" she says, lifting a hand and managing to wave up at a vial of green-stuff. Th'lon winces as Trila takes a drink of the mixture, following her weaving with some of his own. "Ugh. Awful." He turns as R'yn slips in beside him and smiles, "Heya R'yn! Glad you found us!" "Nothing doing, Wingleader," Syri calls back, grinning despite herself. "I don't know about the lot of /you/, but I have duties tomorrow." Aurian rolls her eyes, "Its a drink R'yn.. boyo.. wha' a miserable lot we have this time.. its nice and warm and cinnamony and it has quite the kick.." R'yn nods. "If it is nice and warm... anything to cut that coldness of *between*." Th'lon cringes and keeps his distance, "No thanks Wingleader, I think I'll stick with this." he says, holding up his bronze dragon which seemed potent at one time till he had one of Kassima's recommended drinks. Marcus pours R'yn a mug of Brown Dragon. Marcus hands R'yn the drink. Aurian smiles approvingly at her latest lackey. R'yn looks down at the brown dragon and in one swift pass, downs it. He slams the glass down and smiles, wiping his lips. "That was good..." "Y'oughta try /that/!" Trila orders, lifting a finger to point to the drink, but manages to poke Kassima in the side instead. "Oh. Sorry." Aurian peers at R'yn, "Amazin' ha' another.. " SHe glances to Kassima, "So what concoction do you have over there?" She waves a hand at Marcus and whispers something to him Marcus puts on a thick leathis apron, thick gloves and puts a thick cloth over his mouth and nose, unstopping a metal container, filling a metal goblet and handing it to Aurian at arm's length. R'yn looks over at Trila. "Try what?" he bursts into laughter at the Kassi poke. Th'lon boggles as R'yn knocks out the drink, "Shards! Weren't we both in the same barracks without drink for the past two turns R'yn?" He nods slowly, "Unless of course, you were out hitting the skins those nights when you weren't in your bunk. Uh huh." "The Thunderbolt drink," Trila clarifies, as though R'yn was a fool, but then she giggles uncontrollably. "A'*course* we've got duties," Kassi protests, emphatically. "But any rider worth their salt's got t'be learning how t'do duty despite a hangover, are you kidding me? After all, flights, y'know! Oh, R'yn... y'shouldn't have drunk that. Y'really shouldn't have." Her face is filled with pity. "You'll regret it. Mayhaps nay today, mayhaps nay tomorrow, but someday. An' you'll regret it for th' rest o' y'life." Making another face at Th'lon, she taunts, "Wuss! *Wuss*! Ow!" That at Trila's poke. "Hey! Can't put green stuff in. Green an' purple would look ug-*ly* mixed up an' stuff." Peering at Th'lon, she wonders, "An' who's the one who's managed t'drink glass after glass without passin' out or dyin', I'd like t'be knowing? 'Tis the Thunderbolt drink, Auri! I'm going t'be calling it something really creative when I can remember what creative is!" "Put purple in, then," Trila says, grinning innocently up at Kassi and attempting to stand up, but managing, instead, to lie down on the floor. "Dumb legs. Get up!!" R'yn winks at Th'lon. "If I can't taste it, I can drink it." Aparently the effects of the brown dragon have not hit him yet. He starts to laugh at Kassi. "I shouldn't of? Well then, let me try another." He looks over a Marcus. Kassima frowns down at the drink. "*Got* purple. Auri, you come here and try this? An' hey, R'yn, you should, too. 'Twill kill the evilness of the Brown Dragon, I'm promisin' you." Aurian eyes the number of drunk younge men or seemingly drunk young men or soon to be drunk young men. She mutters to Kassima, "... close..." She shrugs to come down towards the drink, "Ok I'll try it." You sense Aurian eyes the number of drunk younge men or seemingly drunk young men or soon to be drunk young men. "You know.. we are awefully close to the weaver hall." She shrugs to come down towards the drink, "Ok I'll try it." "Gold, then?" Trila asks, resigning herself to being On The Floor, folding her arms and smiling cheerfully up at Aurian and Kassima. Aurian grins down at Trila, "Aren't you just cute.. have a seaspike." Th'lon laughs at Kassi's outburst, toasting his Wingleader, "Here here!" Edging up to the bar, he looks at all the brown dragons being passed out and raises his own mug, "Can't believe none of you don't try this! Tastes good but isn't filling! A good bronze dragon." That's his only attempt at being a pitchman. "Aw, I'm /cute/?" Trila demands, poking at Aurian with a cheerful foot. Kassima's eyes widen, and she stares at Aurian in admiration. "Wow," she says. "Wow. Auri... are y'ponderin' what I'm ponderin'?" Why, I think so, Kassi, but where will we ever find rubber pants their size? "All flash an' nay substance, just like bronzers!" Kassi yells to her new Wingrider. R'yn tilts his head. "Purple? Gold? Nahhh. Brown for me!" Marcus pours R'yn a mug of Brown Dragon. Marcus hands R'yn the drink. "Gemmme a drink!" Trila demands, raising her hand and waving at Marcus. Marcus grins and pours Trila the drink. Marcus places a glass of Sea Spike in front of Trila. Aurian winks broadly at Kassima, "Gee Kassima b' where would we get the booties for the firelizards?" SHe glances to Trila, "You are cute in that bluerider way.." Th'lon reaches down and hefts Trila to her feet, "I'd avoid the purple stuff too were I you." he says with a wink. "Now, who's dancing this time? R'yn!" Trila squeals as she's drawn up to her feet, snatching up her SeaSpike and beaming. "Thankee, Th'lon," she says, 'fore beaming again at Aurian. R'yn grins as he looks at the drink again. He shoots it down, a little slower this time, but still -way- to fast. "They were shakin' booty earlier...." Kassi offers with a vague gesture towards Th'lon, ever-helpful. She's working on draining off the rest of the purple herself, and her eyes are quite unnaturally bright. Beware the drunk Wingleader, my son. "Somebody's got t'dance. There's a rule about it, I'm pretty certain." R'yn snickers at Trila then looks at Kassi. "Shakin booties! And I missed it? I wanna dance!! Who wants to dance?!" "I'll dance i'fn no one else will," Trila mutters, though she plops herself into a chair. Ever the moody drunk, it seems. Aurian gestures to R'yn and Th'lon, "You two dance for your superiors.." "Can I be a superior?" Trila asks, sending a pleading gaze to the brownriding Wingsecond. "Pleeeeze?" Th'lon nods and claps R'yn on the back, blinking as he knocks out yet another drink in a swallow or two, "Hop to it R'yn." He leans close to the brownrider and tries to lower his voice, which isn't really low for someone with too much to drink, "I think Kassi and Aurian want us to moon em." Aurian raises an eyebrow at Trila, "You are a woman aren't you?" R'yn gives off a wry smile. He leans in as well. "Moon em? Like a tribute to the Moonflame wing? Yeah we should." "Aye," Trila agrees, nodding cheerfully at Aurian. Then, to Th'lon: "I'll still smack you if you moon me." "Answers the question right there!" Kassi agrees, raising her glass in a somewhat tipsy toast to Aurian. "Dance, men, dance! But nay moon-sooning, hear me? 'Less you want t'be smacked. Aye, what Trila said. Good woman, Trila." Aurian mutters, "They better not be lighting what I think they are.." Marcus pours R'yn a mug of Brown Dragon. Marcus hands R'yn the drink. "Thankee," Trila says cheerfully to Kassi, straightening up on her stool a little, sipping at her drink. R'yn downs another.... he is getting a little to good at this. Th'lon shakes his booty towards Trila before scanning the bar, "Where's m'towel. Can't dance without my towel. Ah, there she be." He snags it up and shakily hops up onto his stool once more, "Last show for the evening for your viewing pleasure." "Thank Faranth for that," Trila says drily, though an eyebrow wiggles in amusement. Kassima pouts up at the bronzerider, and it is quite pretty. Well, sort of. In a drunken greenrider way. "Last show? Awww. But what if'n May comes back?" Aurian mutters to Kassima, "Now if only your wingsecond was here.." R'yn shakes his head. "No moooon'n? Aw..." He hops up on to the bar. "Someone start play'n some music!" Th'lon ooohs as he spots yet another dancing implement and picks up a bowl from behind the bar placing it on his head. He lines up with R'yn and prepares to shake it ala the Villiage People. Imagine a guy in his underwear, with a bowl on his head, waving a towel around. Kassima's features screw up into a grimace. "But he'd be wearing that *leather* thing. An' everybody'd be tellin' me t'get a leather thing, and that I just can't abide." Obediant to any music request, she starts singing, "When every green is glowing bright, frigid, fractious, an' forthright, proddy and presenting a plight, trim the trad; go troglodyte!" [Editor's Note: The previous is an excerpt from my filk of Moxy Fruvous's 'Boo Time.'] "What are you /singing/?" Trila demands, lifting her hands to clap them over her ears. Beam. Kassima pouts again, this time at Trila. "M'new song! I call it 'Blue Time'! Here, listen--'Mayhaps you'll moon the meek mundane, live L'cher's life in love's fast lane, map out the mists of Mart's mad brain; your friends will say you've gone insane!' Don't you like it?" Aurian glances to kassima, "Have you ever seen maylia's leather thing?" "Uh... sure," Trila says after a long pause. "It's... unique?" Kassima just *eyes* Aurian. "Nay. And all things considered, methinks I'm glad." R'yn starts to boogey, then he woogies. Suddenly he combines them and starts to boogy woogie!! Butt shaking here, arms flapping there. "Feet don't stop me now!!" This is something that should never been seen in public. Th'lon prances down the bar, wiggling his rear and doing hip thrusts to each rider seated in front of him in turn. He tries to do some strange looking backwards footslide down the bar before running right into R'yn. Aurian grins, "Kind of makes her.. y' know.. attractive in an evil way.." Ahhh the things that come out when enough liquor is in the system. Kassima now just *eyes* R'yn. And Th'lon. And, calmly, reaches for a spare towel and drapes it over her head. Kassima then adds in a voice muffled by the towel that blessedly covers her eyes, "Auri, methinks you'd had toooo much t'be drinking when you saw her if'n you thought May was a man." Th'lon stubles and manages to keep from falling by throwing out a hand and catching himself on Marcus's head. "Sorry R'yn." Then back to the show. *shake shake wiggle wiggle thrust thrust* cha cha cha. R'yn oofs! and does a split on the bar with Th'lon on top of em. "YYeeeoww!" is all he says, gripping between his legs with a look of pain. Then slowly, he slips off to the relative safety of the ground. "Too much?" Syri asks with a quiet chuckle from her corner. "More like dead drunk." Aurian shakes her head, "Nooooo Maylia is MAylia.. never a man.. Maylia could never look like a Man.. aside she's a woman.. not my thing unless Kvasith is chasing Tierth." Kassima peeks out from under her towel at this agonizing screech. "Is it over? Is it? Can I look now?" she wants to know, asking Syri these questions anxiously. "Hey! If'n I can be mistaken for a man, Maylia can be mistaken for a man, so there!" Nyah. Th'lon stops in front of Kassima and turns around. He reaches behind him, lifting the towel on her head to shake his booty in her face. "I'm afraid of you all," Trila says entirely cheerfully, ordering another drink. If anyone has had too much, it's Th'lon. Marcus nods and pours Trila a drink. Marcus places a glass of Blue Dragon in fron of Trila. R'yn eases himself up slowly to the stool. "Marcus!" Marcus blinks, "Are you sure you want that drink?" Marcus shrugs, puts on a heavy leather apron and gloves that reach his elbows. He puts on a pair of goggles, picking up a pair of tongs. Reaching up with the tongs, he takes a bottle down and /very/ carefully pours it into a small glass, spilling only a drop which sizzles and smokes. Marcus puts away his equipment, stands back and says hesitantly, "Enjoy?" Well, that answers Kassi's questions as to whether it's over and she can look now, anyway. The greenrider glances thoughtfully towards her knives. Sooo tempting... but no, mustn't make the Wingrider unable to sit. So instead, she aims a solid *whack* at Th'lon's backside. She *did* warn him. Th'lon let's out a whoop and scoots away from Kassi. He then does some kind of flying leap off the bar and lands next to R'yn, grabbing the brownrider to keep from falling down, "Taa daa!" R'yn looks at the 'Thread' he just ordered and with a perplexed look, pushes it back towards Marcus. Marcus pours R'yn a mug of Brown Dragon. Marcus hands R'yn the drink. "Drink it, it's good," Trila says to'ards the brownrider. "Are bronzers supposed t'go flying off the bar into browners' laps? I thought 'twas the other way around," Kassi demands of Auri, sounding perplexed. R'yn looks over at Trila. "You crazy? I ain't touch'n that... that... thing. It looks all nasty like." "It's good." Trila's voice becomes low, dangerous, and she lifts a finger to wiggle it at R'yn. Aurian smirks, "Kharty did it tooo.. she landed in K'tyn's lap Th'lon bows for the group, picks up his drink and takes a seat. Right in Trila's lap, "Oh, sorry bout that. You're in my seat. I think." Glancing at Kassima, he quirks a brow, "This better?" R'yn says "You try." Sigh. "Ansuth tells me I should go home," Trila informs the group. "And he's always right," she adds with a sheepish grin. "G'night." And with that, the bluerider stumbles off her stool and staggers out. Trila climbs down the crude ladder. Kassima applauds Th'lon's new seat insofar as she can. It's getting hard to manage to hit her hand with her other hand. "Aye, see, now, men in women's laps... 'tis the way it should be." Aurian mutters, "I hope that the girl can visualize properly R'yn watches Trilas backside as she leaves. "I can visualize just... fine..." he says more to himself. Syri shakes her head. "I had Hagalath flash Ansuth the image," she says, settling her shoulders back against the wall. Th'lon turns to R'yn, quirking a brow, "Huh? Whatcha visualizing? Daydreaming again?" Kassima sobers up just long enough to tell the younger riders sternly, "You have either Syri or Auri or I check your images a'fore you try t'go home. Or rather, I should say, Syri or Lyss or Kvasith. Got that?" Aurian nods, "Definitely check with our dragons." Th'lon raises his hand in a salute to Kassima and manages to poke himself in the eye, "Ouch. You got it captain." Oh so close to passing out on the bar, "Gimme another Marcus." R'yn nods to Th'lon. "Yeah... daydre'mn." Looking over at Kassi. "yeah, I got it. We'll be just dandy. Yessir-e!" He shoots his drink back. Kassima bobbles her head, lightening up again. "So long's you've got that part. 'Cause we may be drunk too, but we've got experience getting home drunk, and you don't. 'Twill come with time. You learn how t'be doing a lot of things when you're drunk, when you're a rider." "Or not," Syri mutters to herself, raising her own glass to study it. Looks like... well... cider. Must be the soft stuff. Aurian wiggles a finger at Th'lon, "C'mere.." R'yn giggles at Kassi. "Like what else Kassi?" He starts to sip his drink now, having a rosey color in his cheeks. "Like fly and fight and throw sandwiches and sing the Thunderbolt Wing Fight Song and make fun of bronzers," Kassi rattles off, "and defend your rear end. All the *important* stuff. You know." Th'lon's slow reaction time eventually makes him turn to acknowledge Aurian. Sliding out of his seat, he staggers down to bar towards her, "Yes Wingseconds?" he mumbles, weaving back and forth in front of her. Aurian leans forward and plants a kiss on the boy, "You silly.. don't let Kassima break you like she does all her bronzeriders..." She grins teasingly and summons another drink. R'yn nods, then shoots a glance at his rear. "Sounds like fun, it does." He looks over at the bronzer and woohoos. "Hey!" Kassi protests, sounding wounded. "When did I ever break a bronzer? I don't remember breaking any bronzers. *You're* the one who breaks bronzers. Or mayhaps 'tis Maylia. I forget which." Aurian laughs at Kassima, "You broke what's his name th' one who had to be the servent for all the greenies..." Th'lon goes wide eyed at the brownrider, managing to look completely taken aback despite his intoxicated appearance, "Oh, yes ma'am. No breaking me, nope." he turns as Kassima's comment finally registers with him, "We don't break!" he states proudly, "Just bend a bit now an then." "That was Kiat and 'Tran who did that," Kassi insists, ever obstinate. "And he *deserved* it. Said greenriders could hardly be keepin' themselves from goin' t'bed with aught that moved, much less seconding a Wing. I *should've* broken him. Should've taken m'Emasculator to him, 'tis what I should've done." To Th'lon, she quips noncommittally, "I've heard some of you are flexible, aye...." No comment. Aurian murmurs something about T'saren.. but breaks it off as she takes a sip of her drink. R'yn doubles over in laughter at Th'lon response. "Bending in the right places eh?" With a shot of his drink, his face has that nice perma-glow attached to it. Th'lon's expression wrinkles at the mention of the emasculator and he automatically turns said area away from Kassima, "Hey now. No fella deserves an end like that." R'yn snickers again. "What did you do with whom'n wheres an esalator?" "I don't have it *with* me," Kassi points out to Th'lon. Never mind that she procured a knife from the bar at some point and has that near at hand; she's paranoid if there isn't a blade nearby. "H'tor does! He really does. And Mart does. I've promised t'deliver that end t'him someday... an Emasculator's on m'weyr-wall, 'tis where 'tis. Hanging in a place of pride!" Aurian nodders, "Along w' Slitherith.." Finding his glass empty, Th'lon peers over at Marcus who is pointedly ignoring him now. "Good thing too. Evil things they are." he says to Kassima. "Well, since Marcus won't gimme another drink, I'm headin back. Thans for the party Wingledr." R'yn shakes his head, obviously having very strange images enter his head. "I'm con-foosed." Th'lon pipes up quickly at Aurian's comment, "Slithery! I did a dance for him and the vine this eve." He staggers towards the door, "Though didna help much with my swingin." Kassima makes a mournful face. "If'n Marcus isn't giving any more drinks, shells, I might as well go too. I've got more t'get sloshed on at home." The Evil Eye is given to the bartender in question. "Nay problem, Th'lon... parties are always m'pleasure. G'luck with the vine next time!" Aurian raises an eyebrow, "Maybe he should have some klah." Th'lon staggers out, somehow managing so wave, say good night and fall down the ladder in one movement. Th'lon climbs down the crude ladder. R'yn nods. "It may be.... a good idea...." he says, watching the bronzer disappear. "'Twill dose him with asparagus if'n he's too miserable at drills tomorrow," Kassi decides. "But now I'd best get back m'self, a'fore I have t'drink *two* glasses of asparagus t'get over this one. You going t'be staying?" Dragon> Algizth bespoke Lysseth and Kvasith with << My rider says I should make sure this looks right to you. *image of telgar weyr* >> Aurian mmms, "Just till R'yn goes can't let the boy be late for his first day in Dawnslifht Lysseth> Algizth senses that Lysseth inquires slightly grumpily, prodded out of her sleep by her rider, << Your visualization of the Weyr is stable? >> A pause as she considers the image given, then, << Yes, that will do. My rider asks me to ask you to tell yours that he should pick up some asparagus if he doesn't have any, for his hangover tomorrow. >> Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Lysseth and Algizth with << There is only one set of starstones >> R'yn thinks for a moment and downs his drink. "Whens do we have the sweeps starting tomorrow?" Kassima bobbles her head at Auri, and *very carefully* makes her way down the ladder. No falling down into the jungle for her. You climb down the crude ladder. Dragon> Algizth bespoke Lysseth with << I will tell him of this asparagus? Though he...is sleeping now? >> You step out into the jungle heat. You wander down the trail a ways and step out onto the beach. Algizth hunches down before launching up into the skies, with powerful strokes. Kassima manages to weave her way across the beach, more or less making her way to her lifemate. "Don't tell me that lad went *between* in his underwear?" she demands of Lysseth, receiving an amused rumble in reply. "Faranth. Tomorrow's shaping up t'be an interesting day in drills...." With a lot of help from the green, she manages to get herself more or less sprawled over Lysseth's neck, and even buckle herself in before she falls off. Hypocritically, she doesn't bother to put her own leathers back on over her beach clothes before signalling Lysseth to launch. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You hunch down before launching up into the skies, with powerful strokes.