
Throw, Throw, Throw Your Knife

Date:  February 25(?), 1997
Place:  Benden Weyr's Hatching Galleries; Bitra Hold's Gather Grounds
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Throw, throw, throw your knife, gently through the 
air... merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily kill that watcher there!  All
right, so no one died, neither at the Bitra knife-throwing contest nor
in the scene with Mart that precedes it in this log; still, there's a
great deal of weaponry featrured in what is arguably the greatest of 
Kassimian triumphs.  


The Log:

You walk into the hatching cavern.

Kassima pokes her head in from the entrance, peering about a bit. "Heyla?"
she calls. Since all she can see right now is the eggs, she must be talking
to them. Turning a bit, she catches sight of Mart lying on a bench, and
grins. "Brownie! 'Twas hoping I'd find you here. Have a moment?"

M'rgan peeks out from underneath his arm as he hears footsteps, but seeing
that it's just Kassi and not Cav, he flomps back down again. "I have all
the time in the world, Kassi."

Kassima raises her eyebrows. "All the time in the world? Sounds like a lot.
Nay wonder you're so good at all those games, if you have all that time to
practice." She walks over to plunk herself inelegantly down on the bench by
the brownrider, and tosses a fairly large and fairly hefty blanket-wrapped
bundle at him. "Here. That's for you."

M'rgan oofs as the bundle lands on his stomach, his arms automatically
dropping to hold it. "What's it this time? A sculpture of some stupid thing
I did?"

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay. Couldn't get anyone to do one of those;
every time I'd describe the subject matter, they'd burst out laughing and
wouldn't stop until I finally had to forget it and return to the Weyr
a'fore I missed drills. Why nay open it, if you want to see what it is? I
promise, it won't kill you. At least, I don't *think* it will kill you...
after all, I want the dubious honor of doing that m'self."

M'rgan reluctantly sits up, transferring the bundle to his lap. He gives
Kassima an appraising glance before shrugging and bending over the bundle,
unwrapping it.

Kassima meets Mart's glance with a quirked eyebrow of her own, then turns
her eyes to watch him unwrap it. Kassi must not have been able to
commission what she wanted to get, because it certainly isn't lethal or
even harmful. The rug that is revealed, made of wool, is dyed a dark blue,
with threads of silver and gold woven along the edges. Woven into the blue
is the symbol of High Reaches, a black mountain range: The Seven Spindles
of High Reaches are here, as though viewed from the southern side of the
Bowl. The 'western' side of each is outlined in gold thread, which fades
into brown and then, on the 'eastern' side of each spindle, to black, as
though viewed during the afternoon. The spindles appear within a circle
outlined in silver, with black below them representing the wall of the
Bowl. Brown thread curves in a semi-circle, almost a crescent, tips
pointing 'west', to indicate the location of the aerial entrance to the
Hatching Grounds, as though hit there by the sun's light from the west.
Bordering the rug are smaller renderings of the Seven Spindles of High
Reaches: A mountain range, in black thread, appears within a black-edged
diamond. Brown threads, sometimes with just a touch of white or gold at the
tip, outline the smaller peaks in the range. The highest peak appears to
have seven spindle-thin fingers reaching towards the top of the diamond,
each one outlined in gold. "Hope you like it. I found that in a Weavers'
tent at a Gather once, and it practically shouted your name. Happy Turnday,

M'rgan slowly unrolls the rug, a slight cringe on his face as he
anticipates another tapestry recording his foolishness. But as he rolls it
open along the bench his expression changes to one of pleased surprise
emphasized by a low whistle. "It's beautiful, Kassi but why...You knew. I
didn't think anyone here knew it was my turnday." The rug slips to the
floor as he turns to give Kassi a hug. "Thank you."

Kassima laughs and returns the hug warmly, for once not deciding to draw a
knife and threaten to stick it into his back while she's at it. "You didn't
honestly think you could keep it a secret, did you? But aye, I knew. I'd
have thought you'd know better than to think I'd let you get away without a
gift. But you're more than welcome. 'Tis just a shame I couldn't manage to
find another kilt for you instead... well, mayhaps next time."

M'rgan reaches down and scoops up the rug, clutching it to his chest as if
to ward off any mention of the kilt. "This'll do just fine. But I didn't
get you anything for your turnday."

Kassima chuckles, and smiles. "Ach, Mart; I don't expect anything for my
Turndays--I'm still nay sure how Meli and R'val and Kin found out; one of
'em must've talked to Thera. Besides, just getting to see you in that dress
was gift enough."

M'rgan mock-glares at Kassima. "Will you stop talking about that," he
states as he furtively glances around the galleries for anybody who might
have overheard that. "Sometimes I don't know why I put up with you," he
says sternly before smiling. "You're determined to make sure that I'm never
able to show my face at Benden again."

Kassima grins irrepressibly. "The mystery is mutual; I don't know why I put
up with you, either, especially after you gave Ky that rattle and keep
trying to spread rumors about me and the Water! But trust me--dress, kilt,
wig, and fainting at barrels full of dead tunnelsnakes and all, you're nay
stranger than the rest of us here. If anything, I think you're just
accruing rather a lot of sympathy."

"Not near enough sympathy," M'rgan mutters to himself before rolling his
eyes. "I had to give that silly blue a rattle so that I could get my
present to Julaina away from him. As for the Water..." He exaggerates a
stare at her waistline. "...only time will tell."

Kassima snorts and points out, "Aye, but even if I've repaid you for
that--which I'm nay sure I have--there's still the matter of that time you
kept wanting me to sing in the middle of the Living Cavern and got Her
Proddiness to choose me as a torment victim." Rolling her eyes at that
last, she adds, "I'm nay worried. Both you and Ofira drank the stuff, too,
and neither of *you* look pregnant."

M'rgan grins wickedly at Kassima, "Well, from the stories I've heard about
Ofira, I'd say that you have a lot to worry about."

Kassima blinks, obviously surprised. "Don't tell me Ofira's caught the
Flu?" Amazing how a person can go no less than two shades whiter under
their tan in the blink of an eye, isn't it? "But she didn't drink from the
same glass. Maybe she got a more effective batch of the stuff."

M'rgan just grins at Kassima, nodding or shaking his head where
appropriate. She's doomed.

Kassima shudders. More like quakes with fear, actually. "I'm going to have
to be celibate for the rest of my *life*!" she wails, burying her head in
her hands. "Someone is evil around here, and 'tis nay longer me...."

M'rgan pats Kassima's shoulder in a 'there, there' gesture. "Now I'm sure
that no one can be more evil than you, Kassi. I wouldn't worry about that."

Kassima uncovers her face long enough to snort at Mart. "Don't tell me
you've never met Ryialla? Or K'nan when he's proddy?"

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Nyth rumbles a cordial greeting.

"K'nan isn't nearly as evil as you when you're proddy," M'rgan reassures
Kassima. "After all, he never tried to slice anything off of me and
you...well, that seems to be your favorite pasttime."

Benden Weyr> M'rgan eyes Emlyn. You stay away from Kena now, you hear.
She's here to visit me. ;)

Lysseth> Nyth senses that Lysseth rumbles amiably in a reply salutation. <<
Good evening, and welcome. >>

Benden Weyr> Emlyn promised Kena a smooch if she came to visit :-)

Kassima chuckles wryly, straightening up in her seat. "Well, at least I've
never paraded through the Living Cavern covered in blood from head to toe.
Nay yet, anyway. And for it being my favorite pastime, which I'll admit you
have a point on, I certainly haven't seemed to succeed thus far." She
snorts in mock-disappointment. "I'll have to try and go up to Beastcraft
when I'm nay on duty; I hear they've this magnificent device for gelding
animals that might do the trick."

M'rgan oh-so-casually crosses his legs. "Umm..." Ah, yes, another brilliant
attempt at changing the direction of the conversaton from the brownrider.
"You did cover yourself pretty well with blood from that wherry. Or so I've

Kassima's snickering is audible despite her attempt to suppress it. "I take
it you've heard of this device? Think they'd sell me one?" Wicked humor
glints in Kassi's eyes, before she shows off the shred of mercy she
possesses and switches topics. "Aye, but nay enough to drip all over the
floor. Only did that when 'twas gutting the fish. A'course, I managed to
hit Aph with a fish head, too... that was back when 'twas a 'Ling still, I
believe. Shards, has that really been three Turns ago? And almost six since
Candidacy? Seems like just yesterday that we were all here to see Aph and
you were threatening to push me off the bench for saying the M and T words.
Just goes to show: time flies when you're pestering hapless Weyrfolk."

Kena comes in from the bowl.

Kena sneaks in very quietly, putting a finger to her lips when she sees

M'rgan starts to roll up the rug again as he talks. "I still remember that.
Strange how things worked out for both of us. Neither of us knew what we
wanted and life just took care of it all for us."

Kassima winks discreetly at Kena, not saying a word except in reply to
Mart's latest comment. "Just as we'd both hoped it would, eh? Mayhaps we're
stronger wishers than we think. I might have to test that some time--next
time I want dinner, I'll wish for a chicken, and see. Nice nay to have any
worries about what we'll be doing the rest of our lives, isn't it?
Wingriding's sort of a life-long occupation...." Nope, no chance anything
could be heard over Kassima's rambling.

M'rgan appears to be oblivious to Kena's entrance, his eyes still focused
on the rug.

Kena pads up near silently behind M'rgan. She mutters to M'rgan, "So,...
I've..."  She pinches his bottom playfully.

"In that case I think I'll wish for..." A sharp yelp accompanies M'rgan's
leap to his feet, the rug tumbling from his lap. "Gem!" he cries out in
extreme happiness as he spins around, enfolding her in his arms. His blue
eyes gleam with wetness as his wish is fulfilled. His body aches from the
familiarity of her softness.

Kena shrieks as he hugs her. "Oh, Mart, happy Turnday, my dear love," she
murmurs, not caring that Kassima is watching. She covers his face with kisses.

Kassima laughs and says, "See? Told you you're a better wisher than you
know! Welcome, Kena; Benden's duties to the 'Reaches and all that formal
stuff. Good t'see you again!" Not that either is probably paying any
attention to her, but that's not stopped Kassi before and it's not going to
now. Out of respect for the moment, she even manages to suppress her usual
gagging reflex at all these public displays of affection.

M'rgan returns her kisses just as passionately until Kassima's chatter
manages to penetrate the mush his brain has become. With a final kiss he
sets his weyrmate back on her feet, giving Kassima sheepish grin as he
turns back around, his left hand still locked with Kena's.

Kena smiles at Kassima. "You been keeping Mart here out of trouble for me,
Kassi?" she asks.

Kassima grins. "Pretty much," she accedes. Wisely, she doesn't bring up the
kilt, the dress, or the various threats of maiming and mutilation. "I'd
have to say that, despite the efforts of the Sands to charbroil him, he
seems to be healthy and trouble-free."

Kena leans into her weyrmate as she listens to Kassima speak. "Good. Didn't
know how many of your Benden greenriders would realize how much of a prize
he is and try to seduce him awaY from me," she says, laughing lightly.

Kassima hrms, and looks thoughtful. "Only one," is her final answer,
accompanied by a grin, "but I don't think N'thren's going to get anywhere
with the attempt any time soon, so I wouldn't worry if I were you."

Kena's light laugh begins a giggle. "This I do not have any worries over,

Kassima laughs, too. "Good! Though I'm certain N'thren's *still* distraught
over the whole matter, poor man. Practically inconsolable."

M'rgan gives Kena's hand a squeeze as he crouches down, snagging the rug
once again. As he stands, he gazes on Kena with poorly-suppressed love and
desire. "How long can you stay?...Oh, Kassima's certainly been keeping an
eye on me...Kassi!!! Did you have to mention that?!"

Kassima smiles sweetly (yet somehow, still wickedly) and inquires with all
innocence, "Would you rather that I'd brought up that other incident
involving a certain Gather gown?"

Kena kisses M'rgan to quiet him. "I am here for the night, Mart dear," she

M'rgan allows Kena's kiss to still his voice but his gaze shoots daggers at
Kassi and his jaw sticks out, as if daring her to say another word.

Kena pretends not to hear Kassima's jibe. Right now, she just wants to
enjoy his presence without too many distractions. "So, where are you
sleeping," she asks. If Kena is anything, she is direct.

Kassima doesn't look repentant at all, oh no. She simply pulls her
wherry-skewer out of her belt and polishes it with a soft cloth, whistling
cheerfully enough and ignoring the fact that she'd probably be on a pyre
right now if looks could kill.

Public announcement: Valmont announces "Come one, come all, Bitra's
knife-throwing competition will begin in approximately ten minutes! You
don't have to be any good, just come and enjoy the RP! ;)"

M'rgan jerks his head out towards the bowl. "One of the guest weyrs in the
south. It's all my own." If M'rgan is anything, he is interested and

Kassima stops whistling as she hears that last question, and chuckles
quietly. "Something tells me I'm rather superfluous at the moment," she
comments as she slides the knife back into place with a hiss of steel.
"Happy Turnday again, Mart, and good t'see you, Kena. Benden's duties, blah
blah blah, and g'deve!" With that, Kassi flees so much public affection
faster than a dragon after the world's fattest wherry.

You walk out to the bowl.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor
to carry you aloft.

Public announcement: Valmont announces "Oh, yeah. The competition will be
in the Gather grounds. (+go Bitra-valley; gg) Don't you love days like
this? :P ;)"

The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

You descend to the Drum and Fire Heights.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

You descend the steps against the face of the cliff, open a metal-shod
door, and step back into the hold itself.

You choose the stairs leading down.

You walk out the main doors, to the courtyard.

You stroll out the gates, and down the ramp into the central valley.

You stroll south down a well-beaten path to the Gather Grounds.

Dell returns a few smiles, and lingers at the edge of the crowd.

Robyn comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Sinith emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

Jaessa waves shyly at Codey.

Kiff says "lusani may we go some place not so crowed"

Kassima whistles audibly as she strolls up, eyeing all the people.
"Well-populated Gather," she murmurs to herself, before calling, "Benden's
duties to Bitra!" to whomever might be listening.

Rannal looks around, not sure where to go or who to talk to.

Lusani shrugs. "Sure...

Robyn waves to Kassima, "And Bitra's to Benden. Welcome and well come!"

Banon waves to Rannal..."Over here Rannal!"

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Sinith flies down to the Bitran Gather Grounds.

Sinith flies down from above.

Kiff says "how about the game tent"

Tiera comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Sinith trumpets!

From high atop Blue Sinith, T'ren waves to the throng and dismounts,
sending Sinith to go play...

T'ren carefully slides down Sinith's foreleg and lands firmly on the ground.

Sinith walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Tiera blinks at the sudden noise of Sinith. Her eyes travel over the crowd
a bit before blending in as well.

Lusani emerges from the games tent.

Banon waves to Delenn. "Hi D'lenn!"

Rannal waves to Delenn.

Dell rises slightly up on her toes to gape at Sinith, before turning her
eyes back on the crowd.

Delenn waves and heads over to banon "so what's going on"

Kassima smiles and waves over to Robyn. "Evening, Steward," she calls
cheerfully. "A marvelous Gather you have here, if population's anything to
go by!"

Dovell comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Banon smiles. "Knife throwing compettion or something"

Dovell grins.

Kiff says "well met lusani"

Ledra looks at the gather fray and keeps quietly to one side awaiting events.

Robyn catches Lusani's glance and nods a amiable hello.

Angelique keeps fairly lost in the crowd, makeing her way slowly towards
the knife target.

Rannal walks over to banon and delenn

Lusani grins. "Well met!

Robyn bows to Kassima. "Thank you, rider."

Kyrie looks at Sinith with slight awe, then turns her attention back to the
people spread about. She fades into the crowd quietly

Lusani looks around...

[Editor's Note:  The descs of the competition's prizes follow.]


Set before you is a finely crafted teak casing, approximately 12" X 6" X 3"
in dimensions. Smooth and without ornament, the case itself is a quality
work and is likely to stand up to any amount of wear and tear, its wood
resistant to water and warping. The wood's color is warm and the
gradiations throughout make it as attractive as it is practical. A sturdy
metal catch keeps the hinged lid shut, its overlying clasp inscribed with
the Smithcraft Symbol and a small maker's mark.

When opened, the case reveals a dusty red plush interior. A polishing
blanket lies over the true treasure- twin throwing knives. After brushing
aside the blanket, you see that the case had been molded to hold the knives

The knives themselves are of Journey Smithcraft make, as was the case's
latch. Twinkling in the light, the metal blades look to be as sharp as
dragon tooth...bright as their fire. Inscribed on the blades and wrapping
around the pommel are twin brown dragons, each done in a stained hardwood
inlay. The dragon's tails embrace the tip of the knives pommels, their
heads facing the blade, jaws open and breathing out fire. Twinkling emerald
chips are set in the dragon's eyes, gleaming up at you. If you dare to pick
the knives up, you will see that the knives are well balanced for
throwing...assets in any situation. Truly, any Lord would give his eyeteeth
for these beauties.



Nestled in a dusty red wherhide pouch are two whetting stones, useful for
sharpening any blade. These stones are strong and will serve any
endeavoring bladesmen for many turns. A vial of oil accompanies the stones,
wrapped about with an absorbant cloth. Oiling one's blade will prevent
rusting and will help keep the edge sharper, longer. You pause a moment and
smile, realizing that this prize is a subtle invitation for you to 'whet'
your skills and try again at the next gather.


Dovell smiles. "Hello," he says to the nearest strangers.

Ledra looks up at Dovell.

T'ren strolls for the Winecraft Pavillion, "Ahhoy! I think I hear my
destiny calling... a vintage benden red..."

Valmont claps his hands, raising his voice above the hum of the crowd. "The
knife-throwing contest is about to begin. Those interested in playing,
please line up." (OOC: I have Rannal, Banon, Halden, Angelique, Chrissa,
and Kassima. You will throw in this order once the contest begins, one
throw per round. Please do NOT set your experience level until right before
your throw. And do look at the 'knifehelp'. That makes life easier.)

T'ren goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Robyn nods to Dovell, hello. The wineglass in her hand raises to her lips.

Codey stands by Valmont, watching him, "Think you can handle this one, Cadet?"

Kyrie nods to Dovell quietly

Halden glances over at Valmot, then moves over towards him.

Kiff looks at lusani

Ledra stands, wondering whether to join the contest.

Banon smiles to Delenn. "You gonna throw Delenn?"

Valmont grins at Codey. "That's your call, sir. -I- think so, though."
Arrogant? Nah.

Kassima looks faintly uncomfortable at the bow, but quirks a smile anyway.
"Most welcome. M'name's Kassima, by the by; I look to green Lysseth, of
Thunderbolt Wing...." Trailing off as her ears perk up at mention of a
knife-throwing contest, she smiles sheepishly and says, "Please excuse me,
but I do believe I just heard mention of one of my primary hobbies."

Delenn says "Dunna see why not"

Tiera frowns lightly. "Crowds..." She moves to shove her hands into her
pockets, but remembers she isn't in her usual attire.

Chrissa gets in line behind Angelique, thinking of the times she spent
playing with her brother.

Banon tugs on Delenn and Rannal.

Banon says "c'mon!"

Banon lines up

Tiera goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Dovell hmms, seeing the sparrind circle notice.

Rannal follows Banon to the line

Lusani shrugs, grins. "What the hey..." and gets in line...

Kiff carefully lifts the mesh above his head and moves into the games tent.

Codey smiles at Valmont, "I'll defer to you today, Cadet." He takes a
halfstep back, standing behind Valmont, "Go ahead."

Angelique moves into line, giveing Chrissa a smile as she does.

Kyrie looks over at the circle and hmms

Delenn follows rannal into line

Ledra moves aside to watch the sport.

Tiera comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Tiera pushes the gate to one side and enters the BeastCraft Pens.

Kyrie moves aside as well

Valmont grins at Codey, then consults his list. "First contestant is
Rannal, followed by Banon, Halden, Angelique, Chrissa, Kassima, Lusani, and
Delenn. More contestants can join until the end of the first round." (OOC:
PLEASE be sure to read the rules. You'll RP approach, use the coded throw,
then RP reaction.)

Dell glances thoughtfully at the circle, and flashes a grin at Halden as
her fellow apprentice joins the line. "Good luck!"

Halden grins at Dell, "Thanks." then turns to watch the two before him.

Dovell grins. "I'd like to try..." he says to Valmont.

Codey looks very calm and relaxed, but the way his eyes dance across
thegrounds, you know he's keeping a watch around him. A few guards come by
to murmer things to him and he nods.

Kiff emerges from the games tent.

Valmont grins at Dovell. "Good! You throw after Delenn, there."

Kiff noticing someone has youed at him kiff turn

From Robyn's arms, Marcan croooooons happily, his tail beginning to sway
slightly from side to side.

Lusani grins as she stands in line...

Esyllt slides into line.

Ledra looks at the competitors with interest.

Dovell nods and stands near the circle.

Chrissa grins and hopes that she can rebember how to throw a knife because
it has been a while since she has thrown one.

Thiran walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Kyrie walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Dovell blinks.

Rannal looks to valmont as if asking permission.

Rannal smiles to Delenn and Banon. "Wish me luck"

Delenn smiles "luck to you rannal"

Codey smiles at Vlamont and watches him, carefully.

Banon smiles. "Good luck"

Lusani looks around and grins. "Luck.

Rannal turns to the line. "Good luck all"

Chrissa grins, "luck"

Esyllt peers around the person in front of her in the line, eyeing the target.

Dell blinks, as another apprentice tugs on her sleeve and gestures back
towards the tent. With a slight sigh, she follows his off.

Dell goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent.

Kassima smiles and calls back, "G'luck t'you!" She then resumes carefully
scrutinizing the target from her place in the line.

Codey mutters to Valmont, "... do you... will hit the..."

Valmont nods to Rannal. "Go ahead." He chuckles at Codey. "What, you can
tell by looking?"

Banon smiles, and peeks around.

Halden murmurs "Good luck" to Rannal and the other contestants, and waits

Kiff steps inside the Stuffed Dreams Tent.

Delenn nervously watches from her place fingers crossed

Codey hmms and shrugs, "How they carry themselves. Sometimes I can. Lenam's
better at it than I. I'm a bow man, when it gets down to things."

Rannal takes a deep breath, and walks over to the knives.....he considers
each one carefully, before making his selection. He walks over and gets
into a good position, ready to throw.

Banon says "Good luck Rannal"

Rannal eyes the target, and raises his hand. He blinks, and then thrusts
his arm forward with the release.

Banon blinks...wondering whats going on.

Halden shifts where he stands, waiting.

Angelique shifts slightly, waiting and watching the first knife thrower.

Dovell watches carefully, noting the thrower's technique.

Rannal holds his knife comfortably in his hand, running his eyes up and
down the target before snapping her hand forward to send the blade shooting
from her grip. A loud *thunk* proclaims its entrance into the target,
within the second ring outward from the bullseye.

Lusani whistles. "Nice...

Dovell grins.

Shaun comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Codey nods at the throw, approvingly.

Chrissa claps for the good throw,

Kassima folds her arms and watches the first competitor with interest,
pausing to shoo away a blue fire-lizard who apparently had decided her
braid is a nice thing to cling to. "Good shot!" she exclaims with approval.

Salvador comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Valmont grins. "Nice shootin'. Next up is Banon." (OOC note: Please use the
WORD when you set your exp, rather than the number."

Rannal smiles happily, and turns to the crowd and smiles again,

Rannal says "Thank you"

Halden smiles back at Rannal and watches Banon.

Shaun nods to angelique

Kiff scrutinizes the target carefully before snapping his wrist forward,
lodging the knife soundly in the circle second-closest to the bullseye.
Mayhaps a little too soundly; it's going to take some work to pry it out of

Delenn smiles at rannal's throw

Banon shyly approaches the knives. Being 10, hes never even held on, let
alone thrown one...but hes watched his father. He picks up a small knife,
and goes to where rannal had stood.

Valmont hrms at the person who just threw. "Please wait your turn, hmm?
We're in the middle of a contest." He nods encouragingly to the lad about
to throw.

Codey looks at Kiff and says in his rather commanding, Lt Guard voice,
"Please wait your turn."

Banon looks around nervously, not knowing exactly how to act. He closes his
eyes and throws.

Rannal smiles at Banon. "You can do it lad"

Kiff grips his chosen knife tightly as he flings his arm forward to
throw... unfortunately, he forgets to let go of the blade in the process.

Banon looks confident as he prepares to throw his knife. After aiming
carefully for the target, he gives the blade a toss. The knife's path is
clean and true as it heads for the target, landing solidly in the third
ring in from the rim.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa pounces her bronzerider and sits in his lap. Hiiiii Saer!

Benden Weyr> S'riv SWOOOOOOOOOONS Alyssawards and salutes a Kindre and Maarie!

Angelique nods to Shaun. "Ayup, I am."

Benden Weyr> Kassima swoons soundly Saerwards, sans salute. :)

Rannal opens his eyes and notices that he actually hit the target. "Yeaaaa!!!"

Rannal he runs to Banon and delenn. "D'you see that?"

Benden Weyr> S'riv swoooooonies Kassiwards as well

Benden Weyr> Kassima eeeeps! Hey! I'm not swoonable!

Lusani grins. "Cool!

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Oh, yes you are!"

Banon smiles. "Woah!"

Chrissa smiles at the boy, "good throw"

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Dasanth emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "If I got Weyrd after Adonith flew Lysseth,
Kassi, then you got swoonable. ;)"

Banon he looks over at delenn and Rannal.

Dovell grins.

Valmont grins approvingly to the boy. "You'll make a guard, yet." He winks,
then says, "Halden? You're next."

Delenn nods "Yeah I did"

Benden Weyr> Kassima harumphs. But... but...! ;)

Halden grins at Banon, "Nicely done." He nods at Valmont and approaches the
knifes, running an eye over them. He selects one and shifts it in his hand,
determining his weight, as he moves over to where Banon stood.

Codey looks down at Banon and smiles, "Well done, lad." he crouches and
holds out a piece of candy for the boy.

Lusani watches Halden, grinning.

Banon smiles and takes the candy from the man. "Thank you sir"

Halden weighs the knife in his hand before flicking it forward in one fluid
motion. The blade's flight is smooth and uninterrupted, taking it swiftly
to land a bit off-center in the bullseye.

Shaun smiles.

Kassima grins as she watches, rocking back on her heels a bit. "K'nan's
going to be sorry he missed this! Nice throw, that last one was; in very

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Corineth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Lusani says "That was good!"

Rannal claps. "Great throw!"

Halden frowns as he looks and shakes his head, "Not good enough." and moves
to one side to let the others take a chance.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Dasanth flies down to the Bitran Gather

Dasanth flies down from above.

Shaun says "Good shot man!"

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Corineth flies down to the Drum and Fire

Misharn slides a leg over Dasanth's neckridge and firmly gripping the
riding straps, slides down to reach the ground safely. Dasanth watches a
moment before turning to examine his surroundings with a contented rumble.

Delenn's eye go wide at the last throw "Nice throw indeed"

Chrissa whistles, "WOW! that was throw"

Dovell blinks. "Nice job...

Codey pats the boy on the head and looks at the throw. Black eyebrows
arching up he nods, "Well now, there's another apprentice we can't tap...'

Valmont shakes his head slightly at Halden's words. "S'good enough for me."
He hmms. "Angelique?" He grins at the guard captain.

Rilsa comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Misharn slides down off Dasanth and after giving him an affectionate pat on
his shoulder, turns to watch the crowd of people

Shaun smiles.

Kassima eyes the knife's placement, and nods almost imperceptibly to
herself. "Very good, aye!" With a barely audible mutter about being glad
that a certain brownrider jinx isn't here, she cranes her neck to watch the
next person throw.

Angelique nods to Valmont and takes a step up. She looks among the
selection of knives and finally choses after a minute of being picky. The
knife she selects is evenly weighted and looks to be a very good choice.

Chrissa smiles at Misharn, Hi!

Angelique calmly steps forward, taking quick aim... and stumbles, causing a
shot that would likely otherwise be good to go awry and barely skim the
very rim of the target before hitting the ground some distance away.

Robyn aws quietly for Angelique.

Rilsa steps forward and nods to Robyn, "High Reaches duty to Bitra."

Misharn grins and waves at the Fortian before moving a bit closer to
everyone. "What's going on?" she says, peering over a tall guard's shoulders.

Angelique regains her balance and without even looking where the knife hit
retreats back into line, grumbling quietly.

Codey eyes Angelique and reflexivly moves out of the path, and then walks
over to pick up the knife. "Good thing it missed," he says to the
petriffied appretince, staring at the blade.

Delenn winces sympathetically watching the throw miss

Lusani winces. "Hope that doesn't happen to me...

Jaessa comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Valmont tsks softly. "Better luck next throw, ma'am." He consults his list,
then announces, "Chrissa, you're next."

Rannal frowns.

Kassima winces as she watches the knife hit the dirt. "Good thing nay
anyone was standing just there," is the greenrider's wry observation.

Halden smiles encouragingly at Lusani.

Chrissa relizes it is her turn, and shoing Saphire off her sholder walkd up
to the knife table and picking up a knife goes to stand on the line. As you
watch her geting ready you see her face relaxing as all the time the
practing with her brother.

Rilsa pushes the gate to one side and enters the BeastCraft Pens.

Chrissa looks confident as she prepares to throw her knife. After aiming
carefully for the target, she gives the blade a toss. The knife's path is
clean and true as it heads for the target, landing solidly in the third
ring in from the rim.

Horror comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Chrissa grins as she see's where it landed then smiles at the next person.

Misharn nods admiringly, "Wow...nice shot.

Banon sees Horror. "Hi Horror!! Where's Trina?"

Lusani grins. "Nice...

Horror squawks and flies to Banon

Codey nods at Chrissa, "Solid throw." he looks around the gather grounds,
balancing the lost knife on his finger.

Faya comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Valmont nods approvingly to Chrissa, then hmmms. "Kassima?" Seeing the
greenrider, he winks. "Yer up."

Codey coughs lightly at Mont's wink, "Cadet, might I remind you of your
station?" he says, refering, obliquly to Mont's standing punishment.

Esyllt Watches the competition calmly from her place in line, noting the
result of each throw, and not commenting.

Valmont gives Codey a look that radiates innocence. "Of course, sir." Codey
can remind him. He grins as he turns back to watch the greenrider throw.

Robyn catches Codey's comment and shakes her head. Its a gather, after all.

Angelique shakes her head to Shaun. "I'll do better next time."

Kassima mmms as she listens to the solid thunk of the knife in the wood.
"Quite a good shot," she says with a smile, then nods to Valmont and
returns the wink impishly. Which isn't to say that she's not all business
when she strides up to choose her blade. Weighing several in her hand one
at a time, she finally selects one and jiggles it a bit to make sure the
blade itself isn't loose. Testing the edge with her thumb out of sheer
habit, she turns to stride back to the starting point. "Okay, self," she
can be heard to mutter. "If you miss this shot, you'll have to go listen to
Aunt's fawning over her wherry caps." With that dread thought in mind, she
takes a deep breath and focuses.

Unexpectedly, Kassima whirls around the second she reaches the starting
line, knife already flying outwards from her hand. A low whistle of
amazement or two can be heard as it lodges right smack in the center of the

Trina comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Lusani gapes. "Wow!

Misharn blinks, her mouth inadvertantly drops open.

Dovell grins.

Banon runs to trina. "I hit the target Trina!"

Trina steps in and blinks at all the people, she moves to Banon, "Hiya, lad.."

Shaun says "wow"

Codey looks at the shot, and he smiles, "And Valmont...if you got her mad,
I'd bet she could peg you running."

Shaun looks amazed

Delenn nearly faints catching herself with a step back

Lusani giggles at Codey's comment.

Jaessa feels her eyes widen in appreciation of the throw.

Shaun loaughs

Trina spies her bronze, "Horror, c'mere.."

Esyllt blinks slightly, and murmurs a curse, the nlouder, "Niec shot

Trina smiles as Horror flies over and lands on her shoulder.

Kassima peers at the shot, and grins. "Nay wherry caps for me!" she
exclaims in what could only be termed delight. "All right!" She practically
skips to the end of the line, still looking quite pleased. "G'luck,
whoever's next!"

Dovell grins.

Valmont nods to Codey. "She'd get me before I could run," he agrees, with a
grin. "Nice shot, Kassima. Lusani? My apologies; you have to follow that."

Lusani laughs. "Well, I'll give it a try.." she says, stepping up and
looking at the knives..

Trina mutters to Banon, "... congratulations,..."

Faya waves at Trina. "How goes it with you

Halden grins at Lusani, "Luck."

Trina nods to Faya, "Better, thank you.."

Lusani grips her chosen knife tightly as she flings her arm forward to
throw... unfortunately, she forgets to let go of the blade in the process.

Faya says "I impressed a gold today Trina"

Trina says "Oh? Well, congrats.."

Lusani's face turns about as red as her hair....

Codey looks at the yong girl, "Mont, let that herder apprentice have
another go..will you?"

Dovell smiles at Lusani.

Jaessa walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Valmont gives Lusani a warm smile. "S'okay, kiddo. I did that, too, when I
was starting." He hmms? at Codey, then nods. "As you say, sir."

Lusani grins. "Thanks...

Lusani takes hold of her knife and steps forward, but just as she is trying
to throw, she is distracted by the screech of a fire-lizard near by. The
knife flies wildly off-course, lodging itself in the dirt somewhat to the
side of the target.

Misharn shifts fromone foot to another as she watches the throws with a grin.

Lusani blushes, grins, and shrugs. "Lizards...

Valmont chuckles. "Ahh, but you threw it that time. You're getting better!"
He grins, then peers at his list. "Delenn?"

Jorenan comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Codey smiles at Mont, "I've done the same thing, and it's sharding
embarrasing. Giving her that extra chance may make her feel a little
better..." he pauses, watching the throw, "Keep practicing, lass. One day
you too can peg Mont as he runs." he jokes.

Lusani says "Thanks..."

Delenn gulps and walks over to the knife table.

Valmont manages not to roll his eyes. Somehow.

Esyllt smirks faintly at Valmont, "Towards or Away?"

Lusani gets back in line...

Valmont would plead the fifth, were there a constitution on Pern. As it is,
he simply smiles at Esyllt.

Esyllt smirks ,and winks.

Jazmin comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Delenn Examines each blade on the table and after a little though she picks
up a light looking blade. She turns to the line , her eyes closed, and
taking small slow strides, takes slow deep breath.

Codey grins, "Well I'd hate to have my best inventory man in the
infermary...better aim for the target..."

Kassima laughs, and quips, "Or convince riders that you're going to relieve
them of some of their limbs from thirty paces away." Noting a few odd
looks, she defends herself with, "*I* don't know where Mart got that idea.
He's just paranoid. Really paranoid. Really."

Jaessa comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Dovell asks Valmont, "Are we allowed to use our own knives?"

Delenn's aim is not as true as she imagines, judging by her self-confident
expression when she throws the knife and the fact that it ends up careening
over some poor watcher's head, close enough that said watcher blanches

Halden winces as he watches Delenn's throw.

Codey looks at Mont, to hear his response, waiting silent...

Misharn gasps and her hand flies up to her mouth. "Whoops.."

Dovell grins.

Jazmin grins, "Hey Codey! Were your ears burning earlier?"

Jorenan, afer checking in at a small tent near the rear of the Trader
contingent's offerings, slips over to watch the knife throwing. From a safe

Esyllt Snickers softly, "Oops..."

The watcher, still pale, picks up the knife and puts it back. Then he fines
a safer vantage point.

Trina tugs at Delenn's sleeve, "Kin I try?"

Robyn takes another sip of her wine, glad to be directly -behind- the

Salvador smiles, and hopes that his doesn't go as far off target.

Delenn Eeks after her throw goes awry, and turning around she hastily hads
away from the line a horrified expresion on her face "Ooops Guess I missed"

Valmont's gaze follows the flying knife, and he sends a hold youngling to
fetch it. "We'd rather you use these, actually. No unfair advantage, all
that. And, actually, you're up next. Dovell, yes?" He sees Jazmin, and
hrms, preferring that she not have her talk with Codey while he's nearby.

Codey blinks and looks over at Jazmin. He smiles at the rider, "MY ears?
Not since Cor kissed me this morning."

Misharn caughs behind her hand, trying not to smile.

Dovell nods. "All right, fine with me," he picks a somewhat long-bladed one
and steps up.

Kassima winces as she sees the knife go flying, casting the nearly-skewered
watcher a sympathetic look. "Heya, Jaz!" she calls over to the brownrider,
waving cheerfully.

Jazmin heads over to Valmont and Codey, Zynassa in her baby sling and
laughs, "I was just telling uhh.. your cadet here about when you were a
cadet.." she indicates Valmont, obviously having forgotten his name.

Dovell takes hold of his knife and steps forward, but just as he is trying
to throw, he is distracted by the screech of a fire-lizard near by. The
knife flies wildly off-course, lodging itself in the dirt somewhat to the
side of the target.

Shaun looks confident as he prepares to throw his knife. After aiming
carefully for the target, he gives the blade a toss. The knife's path is
clean and true as it heads for the target, landing solidly in the third
ring in from the rim.

Shaun walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Halden glances over at Jazmin, recognizes her and tries to figure out from
where, as he watches Shaun's toss.

Dovell grins and swats at the blue on his shoulder. "Hey, why'd you do
that?" he asks it teasingly, stepping back.

Robyn frowns at Shaun.

Misharn's eyebrows raise at the next two throws and she grins. "A bit
better than some I've seen since walking up,that's for sure.

Codey ohs and chuckles, "Let me guess...my shorts are still a favorite
topic?" he sighs and looks up at the sky, 'Faranth save me."

Shaun comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Jaessa steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

Esyllt lifts a brow at codey, "Shorts?"

Valmont hrms as another person throws out of turn, but is pleasant enough
as he says to Shaun, "If you'd like to enter the contest, that's fine. But
do please wait your turn." He consults his clipboard, then grins to Esyllt.
"You're up, m'dear."

Jazmin laughs, "I was more remembering some of the training sessions I ran
and watching you hobble for days."

Esyllt is distracted from hearing any answer my Valmont, and nods as she
steps up, "Thank you m'dear."

Trina enters the Minecraft Tent.

Jazmin leans over to peer at Valmont's clipboard, "Put me down too, as long
as someone holds Zy for me.."

Codey grins, "Oh...when you decided to clean the floor with me...I havn't
lost a round with Nam since you showed me that hip throw..."

Valmont nods cheerfully to Jazmin. "You throw after the bluerider there,"
he says, nodding towards Misharn as he watches Esyllt throw.

Kassima volunteers, "I'll hold her, Jaz, if you like. Always a pleasure to
see other people throw--to compare techniques, as 'twere."

Esyllt eyes the target a moment, then moves to the knife selections. Her
gaze travels over several unacceptables, before she finally finds one to
her liking. It looks much like one she generally uses. A thumb strokes the
point a few times, before she spins it back and forht between her fingers,
testing the weight.

Esyllt At least seems pleased ,and steps up to the line.

Jazmin nods to Codey and laughs, "Nam's biggest blindspot." she agrees,
"Works even better when you have hips." she nods to Kassi, "That'd be
great, thanks Kassi."

Jaessa steps out of the BakerCraft Tent.

Esyllt calmly steps forward, taking quick aim... and stumbles, causing a
shot that would likely otherwise be good to go awry and barely skim the
very rim of the target before hitting the ground some distance away.

Misharn flashes a grin at Jazmin, her fingers twitching.

Codey looks down at his own, "Well Mine look better in Cor's yellow
dress..." he drawls.

Trina leaves the Minecraft Tent.

Robyn hmms, muttering disappointment.

Jorenan blinks and steps a little further away from the target, along with
several other people on his side of the crowd.

Jaessa pushes aside a bit of cloth and enters the Healer Hall Gather Tent.

Misharn pruses her lips and calls, "Good try..." with an encoursging smile

Esyllt frowns, and sighs, kicking the offending rock out of her way,
"Sharding feet..." She walks over to retrieve the knife, frowning to herself.

Shaun says "Valmont sign me up"

Kassima flashes the brownrider a grin. "Eh, nay problem. She seems
well-behaved...." Leaning over a bit to peer at the babe, she still keeps
an eye on the target--or, to be specific, the next thrower.

Valmont's brow inclines at the tone, but he nods to Shaun. "You're after
Jazmin, here. And nice try, Esyllt. -I- thought you were going to hit it."
He consults the clipboard yet again. "Salvador?"

From Jazmin's arms, Zynassa gurgles happily, waving tiny hands in Kassi's
vague direction..

Salvador moves forward to stand infront of the table of knives.

Esyllt snorts faintly, "I should have. Clumsy me... I should practice more."

Esyllt tosses the knife back onto the table as she passes, moving back to
her place in line.

Salvador selects a knife, somewhat at random, then moves to the throwing
spot, and tenses as he prepares to throw.

Dovell walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Salvador's aim is not as true as he imagines, judging by his self-confident
expression when he throws the knife and the fact that it ends up careening
over some poor watcher's head, close enough that said watcher blanches

Misharn grins at the baby before returning her attention back to the next
person who is to throw. Her head jerks and she looks around somewhat
startled as she realizes it's her turn next.

Lusani ducks. "Ack!

Salvador flushes red, and hurries over to collect the knife, apologising to
the watcher as he passes.

Halden winces once again as a throw nearly hits a watcher.

Misharn winces, "Yikes."

Rhythana comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Kassima smiles and wiggles her fingers in Zynassa's direction, then turns
back to face forward. "Ooh," she murmurs to herself, cringing as she sees
the throw. "Being a spectator looks a wee bit hazardous t'day."

Delenn winces sympathetically as Salvador misses

Salvador returns the knife back to the table, and tries to lose himself in
the crowd.

Angelique winces slightly at the throw, but does't avert her attention/

Valmont mutters something about putting a screen around the target, then
grins encouragingly at Salvador. "Next time, eh? Uh...Misharn, is it?"

Jazmin nods in agreement with Kassima, "No kidding.. I think I'm glad to be
standing at this end of the throwing."

Salvador wonders about the concept of safety in numbers.

Misharn clears her throat with a nod and gingerly steps over to the table.
Her brow wrinkles as she studies the knives with apparent care before
picking up a rahter natty looking knife and nodding to herself. She takes a
deep breath and moves to the line.

Kassima nods in agreement with Jazmin. "Dead in the black. Used t'do that
when m'cousins were still teaching me; nearly cut a new part for Da's hair
once. Turned him whiter than you've ever seen."

Misharn transfers her hold to her chosen blade. Her toss a moment later is
a bit too wobbly; though at first it looks like she might hit the target,
in the end it just bounces off the side and clatters to the ground harmlessly.

Jazmin passes Zynassa off to Kassima, getting the baby settled as Misharn

Coranda comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Keal comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Trina walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Misharn blinks and bites her lip to hold back a giggle of laughter.
"Oops...must have slipped." With a broad grin on her face, she retireves
the knife and carefully replaces it on the table.

Jorenan looks relieved. It didn't stick, sure, but at least it didn't hurt

Codey looks around the grounds and then his face lights up as he spies
Coranda. Raising an arm, he shows her where he is. By the knife throwers.

Kassima takes the babe in her arms gingerly, but seems to be familiar with
the proper way to hold younglings. "Heyla, Zynassa," she murmurs to the wee
lass, though her eyes are on Jaz and the target.

Coranda's eyes brighten when she sees Codey and waddles over to him,
carefully staying out of range of the flying blades.

Robyn waves to Keal.

Valmont nods to the bluerider. "Put a bit more oomph into it," he suggests,
miming a throw. "And now...Jazmin." He grins broadly to the brownrider and
folds his arms over his chest, waiting.

Jazmin gave you Zynassa.

Jazmin sets the squirming child down.

You manage to collect the active child.

Lusani watches, thinking stuff...

Kadel comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Jazmin chuckles, "Oh am I /ever/ out of practice.." she comments as she
heads over to examine the selection of knives, picking up one or two before
deciding on her selection and settling herself to throw.

Trina appears over the edge of the plateau, from Trader Pass.

Codey wraps an arm around Coranda's waist and kisses her lightyl, "Hello,

Esyllt snickers softly, "You can get out of practice what with having to
keep those blueriders in line Jazmin?"

Lusani waves to Kadel. "Hi!

Jazmin grins to Esyllt.

Trina watches quietly.

Jazmin transfers her hold to her chosen blade. Her toss a moment later is a
bit too wobbly; though at first it looks like she might hit the target, in
the end it just bounces off the side and clatters to the ground harmlessly.

Shaun grins

Keal smiles broadly as he spots Robyn, and slips through the mass of people
and to her side.

Esyllt blinks a bit, "Wow... who woulda thought.."

Robyn puts an arm about Keal's arm. "This is a wonderful skill to have.
Watch Kassima closely..." She points out the greenrider.

Jazmin watches and shrugs, "Toldya I was out of practice."

Shaun smiles, "Don't worry, I'll make ya feel better.

Coranda sneaks her arm around Codey. "Hello, dearest. Enjoying the gather?
How's the knife throwing competition going?"

Valmont hmms at Jazmin, mumbling an offer to spar, since Codey's nearby,
then grins at Shaun. "And you're next, in fact."

Jazmin grins to Valmont wiht a wink, "Second shot?" she tries.

Robyn raises an eyebrow at Shaun's declaration.

Shaun says "Well here goes nothing."

Lusani grins from the line for the knife-throwing contest. "

Valmont chuckles at Jazmin. "That's up to Codey."

Lusani says "Heya, Kadel!"

Kadel looks around at the mention of his voice and spies Lu "Hey!"

Shaun walks up to the knife grasping it. He brings it to his forehead and

Codey looks at Jaz, a bit suprised. He grins at Cor, "Mont's judging
it...doing well actually...Now Jazmin, if you're trying for sympathy..." he
wnks and shrugs, "I dunno...should I let her throw again?"

Misharn chuckles softly and smiling at Jasmin says, "Nearly as good as my

Kadel he trots over to where she is standing in line and grins with a mug
of beer in his hand "wanna sip?"

Lusani shrugs and grins. "I'll try it...

Shaun smiles, "Well do something, I'm hanging here. With your permission Val."

Kadel hands her the mug

Shaun opens his eyes.

Kassima mmms and nods to Jazmin sympathetically. "If'n you're wishing t'be
practicing, Jaz, I've a target back at m'weyr nay dissimilar to this that
you're welcome t'borrow if'n you'd like." She grins. "I'm sure Zynassa
could benefit from watching; they're never too young t'learn, y'know."

Lusani takes a sip, then swallows quickly. "Um...interesting...

Valmont chuckles. "Go ahead. Jazmin can throw again after, if she so
desires, because of her wonderful past experience as a Bitran guard." He
winks at Jazmin, yup.

Keal nods, his gaze traveling towards Kassima and the other knife-throwers,
then to the target.

Rhythana makes her way over to the knife throwing, watching the event quietly.

Robyn waves to her sister.

Kadel laughs "you could call it that." he takes a large swig of beer.

Jazmin chuckles, "Only getting back into the swing of things after Zy was
born.." she winks to Valmont, "Thank you." she grins to Kassima, "Good to
know.. good to know, I kept getting kicked out of the runner pasture for
throwing in there."

Misharn laughs and says "How many chances do we get again? Cause I could
use about...twelve more to average things out," she says iwht a giggle

Shaun's hand, holding a knife, flicks forward; the wobbly trajectory of the
blade makes it dubious whether or not it will hit, but it does manage to
stick itself in the very outermost ring of the target. Having not hit very
hard, it only stays there a moment before falling out and onto the floor.

Shaun says "shards."

Ryeel comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Halden smiles at Shaun, "Good try." and shifts impatiently, awaiting his
second throw.

Shaun sprints to the target getting the knife. "Well theirs always that

Shaun steps back in line.

Jorenan glances behind him. Someone in a row further back has started
wagers on which bystander will be hit first. He doesn't seem to find the
thought comforting.

Trina stays in the background, watching the goings on quietly.

Lusani grins...

Kadel smiles "guess what?"

Lusani says "What?"

Kassima chuckles. "Nay doubt; can't imagine Tria taking kindly to that."
Looking down to the lass in her arms, she murmurs to Zynassa, "A tip, lass:
when you're older, don't throw knives at the livestock. Caitria's wrath's a
thing t'be feared."

Valmont peers at Shaun, then waves Jazmin forward again. "And then the top
of the order again, unless there're other contestants." He grins at Banon.
"That's you, kiddo, after Jazmin."

Kadel says "I turned 19 4 days ago. I am an old man now.""

Delenn watches the throwers seeming to think out ehr next throw

Benden Weyr> Kassima happily dispenses Valuable Wisdom to an impressionable
young mind: "Don't throw knives at the livestock." ;)

Valmont would have said that to Banon, actually, if the kiddo were still
here. Instead, he says it to Halden, emitting the word 'kiddo'.

Esyllt Catches Kadel's comment and laughs, "Guess that means I'm ancient eh?"

Kadel grins "I dunno, how old are you?"

Kassima winces. "Which would make me aged and venerable indeed," she quips
with a wry and rather resigned grin.

Benden Weyr> Caitria appreciates that, Kassi, really, she does.

Jazmin steps back up to the throwing, "Alrighty.. lets see if we have those
spinner webs outta the arm." she reselects the knife her threw previously
and settles herself.

Esyllt smirks, "Almost 23..."

Halden blinks at Valmont, "My turn again ?"

From Kassima's arms, Zynassa gurgles and drools happily..

Misharn laughs and notes, "Kassima...I think you left your cane over htere
leaning against hte knife table.."

Valmont nods to Halden. "After the brownrider here. We've had a few
entrants leave the contest."

Rhythana moves to stand by her sister, murmuring, "You look lovely tonight,

Benden Weyr> Fashaylan blinks, "Knives at the livestock? Sounds fun.
*wicked grin*"

Jazmin's hand moves faster than the eye can follow as she sends her knife
flying towards the target. Perhaps she should have taken more time to aim,
though... for while the shot is a good one, it has missed the bullseye,
instead landing in the line between the closest circle and the second one out.

Mesalina comes out of the Baylyff Tent.

Coranda nudges Codey as she watches, her eyes twinkling mischeviously.
"Hey, I want to try it. Is it too late to enter?"

Kadel laughs "If that is what you consider yourself." he extends his hand
"my name is Kadel."

Benden Weyr> Kassima has done it before. It incurs the dread Wrath of Tria. ;)

Robyn smiles brightly at her sister. "Thanks!"

Halden nods at Valmont and watches Jazmin's throw.

Codey hmms and smiles, "Mont, can Cor have a throw?" he asks the cadet.

Jazmin grins, "Ahhh, that's a bit better."

Benden Weyr> Caitria says, "No knifing livestock. No tipping, either!"

Rhythana chuckles quietly, and nods. "Welcome, dear."

Robyn says "You looked really nice in your gather dress this morning. Its
all business now, eh?""

From the rear rows of the spectators, there are disappointed murmurs, a few
happy comments, and the sound of marks changing hands.

Kassima whistles as she balances Zynassa for a moment, tugging a white
cloth out of her pocket which she uses to mop the child's chin. "Better,
Jaz! See, Zynassa--when you grow up, you may be able to throw knives just
like your mum."

Rhythana rolls her eyes slightly, giving Robyn a grin. "Well, I thought
perhaps I ought to be."

Mesalina looks around at the gather crowd, remaining standing in the
entrance of the Baylyff Tent. A small smile tugs on her lips as she watches
a group of children rush by.

Valmont nods. "Sure. Just in time, Headwoman, ma'am." He winks impishly at
Coranda, then nods his approval of Jazmin's throw before saying, "One
last-minute entry, Halden, then you're up."

Halden moves over to the table and runs an eye over the collection of
knives for a second time. He picks up this one and that, testing the
balance of each; all the while muttering his wish that he could use his own
knife he uses for carving. Finally selecting one, he moves over to throw
it. He shifts where he stands and chews on the inside of his lip in
concentration, as he awaits for just a short moment of silence.

Benden Weyr> Fashaylan chuckles, "Yes ma'am."

Valmont hmms, and lifts one finger to Coranda as Halden has already prepared.

Trina walks quietly to Valmont, "K..Kin I try?"

Halden smiles his thanks at Valmont.

Halden weighs the knife in his hand before flicking it forward in one fluid
motion. The blade's flight is smooth and uninterrupted, taking it swiftly
to land a bit off-center in the bullseye.

Lusani whistles. "Nice...

Halden blinks and mutters again to himself. He smiles at Lusani, "Thanks."
and moves over to one side to watch.

Shaun stares at the target.

Shaun begins to clapp.

Jorenan joins most of the crowd in applauding the throw. One sour-faced
Trader looks annoyed. Must've lost a wager on that one.

Coranda watches with interest, leaning slightly on Codey to take off some
of the weight she's carrying.

Codey quite happily supports his wife, "I COULD carry you..."

Valmont gives Halden an approving grin, then nods to Trina. "Of course,
kiddo. You go after that lady there." He nods to Coranda, then says,
"You're up, Coranda, if you're still interested. Then this lady, and then
we'll continune with the order. After you two," he adds, "No more entrants.
My hide's run out of room." He winks.

Halden finds a seat from where he can watch the other contestants, and
pulls out a piece of wood. He idly runs his belt knife over it, carving and
waiting the results of the contest.

Shaun walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Esyllt notices KAdel's outstretched hand, and lays her own against it
quietly, "Esyllt."

Kassima would probably applaud, if she had her hands free; as it is, she
simply smiles broadly. "Excellent shot! Jaz, d'you want your lass back
until your next shot? She seems to have sprung a leak," the greenrider
jests, still wiping up drool.

Coranda gives Codey a smile. "Like I told his lordship earlier today, I'm
pregnant, -not- handicapped." She waddles over to Valmont. "Comming!"

Kadel grins "pleased to meet you."

Jazmin grins to Kassi, "I can take her again if you'd like.." she laughs
and collects the child into her arms.

You set the squirming child down.

Jazmin manages to collect the active child.

Codey watches his pregnant wife, "Well I should hope not." he calls after
her, and can't wipe the intense grin of pride and love on his features.

Rhythana watches Codey and Coranda with bemusement, giving a slight shake
of her head.

Shaun comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Nyth emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, On Nyth, Omali shivers. "Even in summer,
that's so cold."

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, On Nyth, Keriann exhales softly as Nyth
reemerges, nodding over her shoulder as Nyth trims his wings as he descends.

Nyth flies down from above.

Trina blinks at the dragon

Coranda waddles up to Valmont. She looks at the various knives at her
disposal, frowns, then shrugs. They all look the same to her. She selects
one and takes her place at the designated distance from the target.

Jorenan looks up for a moment, and squints. Then he looks back towards the
knife-throwing, not wanting to miss anything.

Codey grins, not saying a thing.

Morin steps out of the BakerCraft Tent.

Valmont grins encouragingly at Coranda.

On Nyth, Omali looks to the other end of the field, where all the action
is. "Thank you, rider."

Lusani watches, shifting her weight from one foot to another.

Misharn grins and waves at Keri atop her large brown.

Coranda concentrates on the target, biting her lip slightly.

Shaun smiles and studies the contest.

Robyn walks over to the dragon, ready to formally greet Omali.

Omali hops down Nyth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step.

Nyth lands in a clear spot, some distance away from the crowd of people.
Keriann turns around and nods, "You're most welcome, Lady Omali."

Kadel s,iles and waves to Keri

Lusani grins at kadel. "Having fun?

Robyn nods. "Bitra's duties, Lady Omali."

Trina shoots glances between dragon and knife thrower

Coranda transfers her hold to her chosen blade. Her toss a moment later is
a bit too wobbly; though at first it looks like she might hit the target,
in the end it just bounces off the side and clatters to the ground harmlessly.

Morin walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Kadel grins "you know it."

Misharn smiles as the next thrower goes before turning her attention back
to the High Reaches brown and ocucpants.

On Nyth, Keriann waves over to those that she sees, calling, "High Reaches'
duties!" without dismounting.

Coranda frowns at first, then breaks into a smile. "Well, I almost hit it."
She steps back.

Trina looks up at Valmont..."M..My turn?" she asks nervously.

Codey grins, "I thnk I'm going to be glad you can't join in on the hand to
hand, love."

Valmont nods at Coranda. "Aye, you did." He grins down at Trina and says,
"Your turn, yup. Don't worry. You'll be just fine."

Bethny comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Morin comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Delenn grinns at trina and says "Just don't hit anyone"

Lusani grins at the guard. "hey, what's hand-to-hand like?"

Coranda heads back to Codey, nodding in agreement. "I'd probably injur
someone by mistake."

Trina looks through the knives, choosing a certain one. She grins
nervously, "I...I'll t..try not to.."

Bethny looks around with amazement "There are so many people here"

Trina calmly steps forward, taking quick aim... and stumbles, causing a
shot that would likely otherwise be good to go awry and barely skim the
very rim of the target before hitting the ground some distance away.

Robyn waves to the Rider. "And Bitra's to yours!" She calls over the din of
the crowd.

Jazmin bounces the baby on her hip as she watches the other people throw

Trina frowns.."Oops"

Rolan comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Rolan bounds in

Kadel looks at Lusani and wavers a bit "Uh, you wanna get sumthin ta eat?"

Delenn opens her eye hoping that it hadn't hit anything other than the target.

Lusani smiles. "Sure, lemme finish this...

Misharn laughs and nods, "You're on Keri. Clear skies!"

Omali makes her way through the crowd to some of the Bitrans in charge.

Codey grins at Coranda, "Only if you sat on them. How're you doing?"

Rhythana's glance flicks toward the dragon and rider, her lips curving in a
faint smile before returning her attention to the knife throwing.

Valmont gives the youngling an encouraging smile, then consults his list.
"Angelique's gone, so you're up again, greenrider." He grins to Kassima.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Nyth disappears into Between.

Lokki comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

A small boy tries to run and pick up the knife, but is caught by his mother
before he gets anywhere near the knives. They go off towards the wine
pavillion, mother lecturing son on the dangers of knives. "Didn't you see
how those things fly around? You'll get yourself killed going near those!"
are the last words heard before they are out of earshot.

Halden looks up to watch Kassima throw for the second time.

Robyn greets Omali warmly, offering her food, drink and rest.

Ryeel looks around seeming to be annoyed

Coranda nods. "I'm doing well. Tiring quickly, but otherwise the healers
say I'm in good health. It could be any day now." Her eyes sparkle with

Lokki makes his way through the crowd, looking for Ryeel. "Pardon me,
excuse me.."

Morin looks eagerly to the knife throwers, and says, "I'm going to watch
the contest, Bethny." He walks up to watch, then waves to Rolan.

Shaun walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Omali smiles at Robyn. "If you could point out the path back to the Main Hold?

Codey looks at his wife's midsection, "You getting restless in there, kid?"
he asks.

Kassima grins at Valmont. "Good t'know," she quips, then takes a deep
breath and eyes the target for a moment before striding forth to choose a
knife. Selecting a few, she tests each one against her own standards;
knives whose blades are less than perfectly firm in their grips or whose
balance is off receive a frown and are placed back in their slots. Finally,
Kassi finds an acceptable weapon and weighs it in her hand for a moment
before transferring her grip to a proper throwing-position on the blade.
"If I don't make this one," she declares to any who might be listening,
"I'll... drink the Water. Aye, and Tillek Swill too--watered Swill, nay
less!" This daring risk elicits a gasp from V'dan, green Chymeth's rider,
who is standing nearby to watch the contest. The greenrider pretends not to
notice as she steps back to the throwing line.

Ryeel spies her friend Delenn and starts to walk over in her direction.

Bethny moves closer to watch the people thowing knives

Kassima steps backwards to the starting line after choosing a knife,
holding it comfortably in her hand. As she prepares to throw, she doesn't
transfer her hold to the blade--something which causes a few raised
eyebrows from those watchers who know how difficult hilt-held tosses are.
This doesn't seem to bother Kassima, though, as she flicks the knife
outward; faster than the eye can follow, it has found its home in the very
center of the target with a sharp *thunk*.

Lokki spots Ryeel and yells to her. "Ryeel!"

Lusani whistles again. "Faranth!

Mesalina wanders a few steps away from the opening of the tent that she's
tending, trying to get a better look at the knife throwing contestants.

Delenn faints this time after seeing that shot

Kadel blinks at the feat

Rhythana arches an eyebrow as she listens to the energetic greenrider, the
other eyebrow quickly following as the knife finds its mark.

Rolan steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

Halden whistles and shakes his head in disbelief.

Robyn points towards the Central Valley. "You'll see the hold itself, once
you follow the main path." She smiles.

Shaun comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Jazmin laughs, "Shardling good thing you made that Kassi, I'm scared of
your drinking the water."

Omali walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Misharn blinks and shakes her head admiringly. "kassima...hwo do you do that?

Codey looks at Cor, "Kassima's an excellent thrower, isn't she?"

Esyllt blinks slightly, "Well.. Guess we know where first place is going..."

Bethny looks impressed

Ryeel hears her name being yelled and turns around. Seeing Lokki she smiles
brightly and waits for him.

A ripple of applause flows through the crowd. Somewhat like a rustling of
wind through trees.

Kadel kneels down and asks a bit worriedly to Delenn "are you OK?"

Coranda cheers. "Well done. She certainly is. That's a hundred times better
than I could do it."

Kassima jumps up in the air and claps, her expression one of glee. "I don't
have to drink the Water!" she carols. "I don't have to drink the Water!" Is
she happy about this? Oh, yes. "Ten Turns of daily practice," is her reply
to Misharn, accompanied by a wink as she steps off to the side.

Delenn wakes up and gets to her feet "yeah I'm ok"

Lokki catches up with Ryeel, but stops to clap the shot.

Valmont mutters to Codey, with a grin, "Maybe we should recruit her for the
guard. And the dragon wouldn't hurt, either." He chuckles, then nods to
Lusani. "Your turn. Again, a tough act to follow."

Shaun clapps strognly

Lusani giggles and steps up, nervous after what happened last time.

Lokki joins Ryeel and holds her by the waist, leading her to Delenn

Kadel helps Delenn to her feet "are you sure?"

Lusani grips her chosen knife tightly as she flings her arm forward to
throw... unfortunately, she forgets to let go of the blade in the process.

Lusani mutters something about sharding nerves...

Delenn nods getting up "yeah I'm sure

Codey coughs at Mont, "Or just get her to teach some of us?"

Rilsa pushes the gate to one side and leaves the BeastCraft Pens.

Rhythana glances at the lieutenant, stifling a chuckle.

Ryeel looks at Delenn concerned. "What happened?"

Kadel steps back from Delenn "alright."

Valmont grins at Codey. "She can teach me any day," he mutters, with only
the slightest trace of a leer. At Lusani's throw, he hmms, then inquires of
the Lieutenant. "Give her another go?"

Lokki looks worried. "Delenn, are you allright?"

Halden watches Lusani carefully, with a frown. He smiles at he hears
Valmont offer her another throw.

Delenn points with her thumb at kassima "she threw another perfect throw."

Trina walks over to Delenn, she mutters something to her.

Bethny claps her hands

Kassima peers at the person getting up, with some concern. "Is there aught
amiss?" she inquires, then grins sheepishly as she overhears the words.
"Perfect? Don't know about *that*; you want to see a *perfect* throw, you
have to see K'nan...."

Coranda elbows Codey in the stomache. She appears to be in a playful mood.
"Say yes."

Lusani grins hopefully and waits for Codey's answer..

Misharn laughs and nods to Kassima, "I definitely need the practice then.
Those things are quite dcifferent from hoof knives.

Codey says "Ys?"

Ryeel ahhs and nods as if she understands.

Codey blinks, "Yes?"

Valmont chuckles at Coranda, and winks. "He'll say yes if you tell him to,
ma'am....see?" He grins at Lusani, encouraging her to take another go.

Coranda simply smiles and snuggles next to Codey.

Kadel cheers on Lusani "Come on lu, make them all jealous." he grins

Lusani grips her chosen knife tightly as she flings her arm forward to
throw... unfortunately, she forgets to let go of the blade in the process.

Jazmin snorts, "I used to be able to whup K'nan's butt."

Codey grins, "Well Mont, you know the rules...Coranda ranks higher than
Nam, and I /am/ on duty..."

Misharn bites her lip and suggests, "Perhaps if you dampened your fingers?"

Lusani blushes again and rubs her hands on her pants...

Valmont nods at Misharn. "One more try, kiddo," he tells Lusani, with an
understanding smile. "Just remember to let go?"

Kassima nods, laughing. "Aye, though all knives are different, really.
Throwing knives tend t'be lighter than the other sorts...." Caught up in
her favorite topic, she reaches up in her sleeve to slide a knife from the
hidden sheath there, and pulls her ever-present wherry-skewer free as well.
"Y'can just see the difference 'tween one for throwing and one for
stabbing." Both knives are returned to their proper places with faint
hisses of steel.

Misharn blinks and echoes softly. "st...sta..stabbing?"

Delenn's eyes go wide, but she manages to stay standing

Lusani scrutinizes the target carefully before snapping her wrist forward,
lodging the knife soundly in the circle second-closest to the bullseye.
Mayhaps a little too soundly; it's going to take some work to pry it out of

Ryeel turns back to watch the event holding Lokki's hand. "Where have you
been?" she looks at him for a moment.

Halden blinks as he hears Kassima, "I think I'll stick to throwing and
carving." motioning to the piece of wood he is working on at the moment.

Lusani grins in relief as she manages to hit the target...

Kadel gasps at lu's throw "N-nice throw, Lu."

Halden grins at Lusani, "Woo !"

Rilsa walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Valmont tsks softly at Kassima. "Not at a Gather, now. No stabbing." He
grins encouragingly at Lusani. "That's the way! Delenn, you've a good show
to follow."

Shaun has to steady himself.

Shaun says "Very Goood!"

Lusani smiles brightly and gets out of line...

Rhythana chuckles as the girl finally managed to land a knife in the
target, clapping for a brief moment.

Delenn rolls her eyes and heads to the knife table

Morin smiles at the thrower's success, intently watching the proceedings.

Codey smiles at Lusani, "Nice throw. Told you practice works."

More money changes hands after the good throw. A fair bit, in fact. Odds
must've been right for someone.

Delenn looks at several blades and she finally picks up a medium sized one,
and testing the tip with her finger she manages to prick it. "She sticks
the finger in her mouth and closing her eyes and takingslow breaths walk
towards the line.

Kadel grins at Lu, "hold on a sec, lemme go get a refill then we can go eat."

Stepping back from the rack of knives, Delenn doesn't look where she's
going, and trips over something to fall on her rump. The knife clatters
harmlessly to the ground close by.

Bethny looks around to see if anything else is going on

Kassima shrugs, nodding to Misharn before craning her head to peer over at
Halden's wood. "Oh, you're a Woodcrafter?" she inquires before chucking and
nodding to Valmont. "A'course nay, sir!"

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Laerth emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

Shaun walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Lusani smiles. "Okay...

Halden nods at Kassima, "Aye, that I am."

Kadel stumbles through the crowd towards the keg

Ryeel swallows hard and watches her friend get ready with her knife
thinking good thoughts for her.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Laerth bugles a greeting to the watchrider
before heading down to the courtyard below

Lusani looks at Kadel. "But let's be back soon-I wanna watch hand to hand..."

Lokki holds Ryeel by the waist and kisses the top of her head.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Laerth flies down to the Bitra Hold Courtyard.

Valmont winces at Delenn's tumble. "You all right, there? If you'd like to
take another try, that's fine."

Jorenan shakes his head at the lost throw.

Kassima smiles. "Benden's duties t'your Craft, then. You've a find hand
with a blade."

Halden smiles at Kassima, "My thanks rider." He nods, shifting his knife,
"Too much practice."

Lusani grins at Halden. "You are that...mind giving me lessons sometime?

Delenn blushing read gets up and says "thanks" and making sure to watch
where she's going picks up her chosen blade and walks to the line

Coranda watches as Codey excuses himself for a moment to track a potential
pickpocket. She turns back and watches the contest.

Kadel runs back up to Lusani, full beer mug in hand "Ok, lets go." he grins
a /very/ spacy grin

Delenn's casual ease with the knife she holds shows her to be practiced at
the art of throwing. So, too, does the way that she does not take more than
a second to aim before throwing the knife forward. The knife's final place
dead-center in the bullseye is a more convincing token of Delenn's skill
than anything else, however.

Halden looks over at Lusani and shakes his head, "Of course not, feel free
to visit the woodsmith hall any time."

Lusani whistles at the last throw she sees before grinning at Kadel. "Okay...

Taelor comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Lusani waves and walks toward the food tent...

Esyllt grins a bit, and repeats an earlier statement, "Who woulda thought..."

Trent comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Lokki cheers. "Bravo, Delenn!" He claps loudly.

Delenn's eyes go wide as her shot goes dead center on the target, and
manages to take a few steps before fainting in surprise.

Misharn frowns a bit jealously and sighs. "Definitely need some more
practice with the knife.

Morin claps appreciatively at the throw.

Kassima laughs and shakes her head. "Nay such thing! Either at throwing, or
hand t'hand. Been thirteen Turns at the latter m'self, and ten at the
latter; m'Da was a Guard of Greystones once, y'see." Hearing applause, she
turns and adds her own to it when she sees the knife's placement.
"Excellent throwing!" she yells.

Trent looks around for people he knows, he spots Trina, then heads over to

Ryeel horrays for Delenn.

Trina smiles at Delenn, "Th..That was g..good

Rhythana claps quietly, nodding her approval.

Kadel looks down at the twice fallen Delenn "someone needs to get her away
from this sport."

Shaun comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Halden ohs at Kassima, "I taught myself." He grins, "Was bored with carving
one day and started throwing it at the wall."

Dovell comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Coranda applauds, smiling with admiration.

Gwynden comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Lokki gently rests his chin on Ryeel's shoulder and tenderly kisses her
neck. He whispers something in her ear.

Delenn comes to and quickly gets to her feet dusting herself off walks back
to watch the other contestants.

Trent smiels to Delenn and Trina "ello ladies.."

Sylvan comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Ryeel nods at Kadel and looks concerned for her friend.

Lusani grins and enters a tent.

Valmont hmms, and looks at his clipboard. "Is Dovell still...ah. Good
timing, there. You're up, Journeyman."

Dovell grins.

Rhythana meanders over to Coranda, giving the headwomen a light nudge with
her elbow. "Going to take'm all by surprise, ma'am?" She grins a bit at
this, her glance flicking to the target.

Gwynden looks up from her death grip on Dove;s hand. "Your turn? For what?"

Dovell scrutinizes the target carefully before snapping his wrist forward,
lodging the knife soundly in the circle second-closest to the bullseye.
Mayhaps a little too soundly; it's going to take some work to pry it out of

Sylvan wanders into the grounds, a glass of wine balance in one hand while
the other pushes a lock of pale blonde hair out of her eyes.

Kassima whistles appreciatively. "Being that good and self-taught's nay
easy. M'cousins taught me the throwing, as Da taught me the fighting; 'twas
three Turns at their tutelage a'fore I could throw so well. You must have a
natural talent for it, aye?"

Jazmin looks to Valmont, "I did my second round already, right?"

Dovell smiles at Gwynden. "I did better that time," he says, returning to
her where she stands.

Coranda continues her search for the Holy Grail by galloping away to the
sound of coconuts banging together.

Halden nods at Kassima, "I was taught carving when I was young, probably
helped me, since it taught me to handle a knife."

Taelor goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Valmont hms at Jazmin. "I didn't count it as such, but if you'd like to..."
He nods approval of Dovell's shot. "Esyllt? Your go."

Halden glances over to see Dovell's throw.

Sylvan goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Delenn mutters to Ryeel, "I'm... I'm... first throw... someone."

Ryeel gives Lokki a half-hearted stern glance and turns red. She turns back
to watch the next person.

Trent smiles and sighs..

Bethny walks through the crowd towards the other areas "Excuse me"

Esyllt nods to Mont, and steps back to the knife table, eyeing the
selection again. She picks a knife very close to the one she had before,
and tests it carefully, balancing it on her finger, and trying her grip to
make sure its comfortable.

Finally satisfied, Esyllt then walks to the line, and prepares to throw.

Esyllt grips her chosen knife tightly as she flings her arm forward to
throw... unfortunately, she forgets to let go of the blade in the process.

Esyllt blinks slightly, and looks to Mont appealingly, "Another?"

Halden pulls himself to his feet, tucking his knife and the piece of wood
away, before brushing the dirt off himself.

Ryeel removes herself from Lokki for a moment and puts her hand on Delenn's
shoulder. "That was a great shot Delenn. Do you need something to drink?
Maybe it will get rid of your jitters?"

Valmont nods to Esyllt, with a quiet chuckle. "Of course."

Dovell tugs Gwynden into the Baker Tent.

Jazmin grins, "I'll wait and do another one then."

Delenn shakes her head=no I'll befine

Esyllt nods, "Thanks." She adds a wink, "I'll get this yet... sharding
nerves." After a few moments of loosening up her arm, and flexing her
fingers, she eyes the target, clearing anything from in frotn of her she
might happen to trip over.

Ryeel nods and oks while smiling. "This is so exciting!" she points to the
target and back to her friend.

Rilsa comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Coranda turns to Rhythana with a smile. "I'll be lucky if I can hit the
target. Not that I'm unused to knives, mind you...just throwing them. :)"

Stepping back from the rack of knives, Esyllt doesn't look where she's
going, and trips over something to fall on her rump. The knife clatters
harmlessly to the ground close by.

Misharn waves to the rest of the players and muttering something about
being outclassed, moves to her dragons' side

Delenn winces "That'ts gotta smart"

Esyllt blinks, and looks around to see what she tripped over, muttering,
"If it isn't rocks..."

The crowd starts to break up a bit after several uninteresting throws.

Gwynden steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

Esyllt sighs, and looks to Mont, picking up the knife, "Don't suppose I can
get another go..."

Kassima chuckles. "Want me to take Zynassa off your hands again, Jaz, when
the time comes? Though the image of you juggling a knife and a babe at once
would likely be an amusing one."

Bethny looks around for someone she knows

Valmont chuckles quietly. "We gave the Herder lass three. One more, Esyllt."

Jazmin laughs, "That'd be nice Kassi.. then I'd at least have a hope of
managing a throw."

Misharn uses Dasanth's raised foreleg to climb the muscular shoulder and
settle along his neck. 

 A soft rumble is heard from the blue.

Coranda smiles encouragingly at Esyllt.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Dasanth disappears into Between.

Mesalina sees a potential customer enter the Baylyff tent and follows them in.

Esyllt nods, and gets up, glaring at the spot where she trippes.

Esyllt once again moves to the line, grumbling faintly.

Trina mutters to Delenn, "... fair.... 'nother..."

Shaun walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Bethny notices Morin and starts to move toward him

Esyllt calms herself as she pauses at the mark, eyeing up the target.

Jorenan walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Morin turns away from the knife contest, having enjoyed that, and wanting
to experience more of the sights of the Gather. He waves to Bethny, walking

Esyllt calmly steps forward, taking quick aim... and stumbles, causing a
shot that would likely otherwise be good to go awry and barely skim the
very rim of the target before hitting the ground some distance away.

Delenn mutters to Trina, "... have to... you... threw..."

Lusani emerges from the SmithCraft Tent

Trina mutters to Delenn, "... hit..."

Ryeel looks from Delenn to Trina and hmmms

Esyllt Sighs, and throws up her hands in frustration, "I give up!" She
turns annoyedly away from the target, grabbing up the knife from the
ground, and tossing it back to the table.

Valmont shakes his head slightly. "Sorry, I don't know that I can give
another go. Hm...Salvador?"

Bethny get closer to Morin "Boy it's busy around here"

Shaun comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Rhythana watches the young woman lose her temper quietly, arching an eyebrow.

Salvador moves forward, grabs the nearest knife, and prepares to throw.

Morin nods, smiling. "Of course it is, it's a Gather," he says brightly.
"Want to go see Mirala? I think she's in the Baker Tent."

Salvador scrutinizes the target carefully before snapping his wrist
forward, lodging the knife soundly in the circle second-closest to the
bullseye. Mayhaps a little too soundly; it's going to take some work to pry
it out of there.

Salvador cheers, "Sometimes I amaze myself!"

Shaun bows and claps.

Bethny smiles "That sounds like a great idea" her stomach rumbles

Halden frowns as he watches Esyllt's temper, then grins over at Salvador,
"Nice throw."

Rilsa walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Shaun says "Very good."

Valmont chuckles at Salvador, then turns to Misharn. "You still in the
game, milady bluerider?"

Delenn says "Nice throw"

Morin steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

Esyllt mutters to herself as she plops down on the ground, pulling her
knees to her chest. She watches the rest of the competition in brooding

Salvador returns the knife back to the table, now much happier than before
the throw.

Valmont sees that Misharn is otherwise occupied, and turns to Jazmin with a

Trent sighs

Bethny steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

Rilsa comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Jazmin hands Zynassa off to Kassima and heads to the table, "Alrightly now.."

Verita leaves the Minecraft Tent.

Lokki holds Ryeel by her arm, tugging at it gently.

Kassima is more confident in receiving an armful of baby this time,
accepting her from Jazmin without mishap. "Good luck t'you, Jaz!" she calls
to the brownrider, grinning.

Shaun watches his predecesor intently.

Salvador enters the Candle Booth quietly.

Jazmin hefts a blade, bouncing it slightly in her hands before her shot.

Ryeel looks from the knife throwing to Lokki. "Hmm?" she smiles at him.

Jazmin's casual ease with the knife she holds shows her to be practiced at
the art of throwing. So, too, does the way that she does not take more than
a second to aim before throwing the knife forward. The knife's final place
dead-center in the bullseye is a more convincing token of Jazmin's skill
than anything else, however.

Keal wanders up from the direction of the bakers' tent, a warm bubbly
clutched in his hand. "Who's left?" he inquires softly of Robyn.

Jazmin smiles, "Now /that's/ more like it."

Robyn looks about. "Misharn, Shaun, and Trina."

Delenn gasps "WOW!!!"

Halden grins at Jazmin, "Woo."

Ryeel notices the excitement in the crowd and turns to look but misses the

Robyn claps in appreciation.

Salvador comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Shaun smiles, "nice

Coranda cheers! "Smokin!"

Lokki walks closer and wraps his arms around Ryeel, rocking her gently as
he kisses her head. He gently lays his chin on her shoulder.

Valmont grins broadly at Jazmin. "A credit to the guard, you are." He
winks, then looks around for Shaun. "You're up next."

Rilsa applauds.

Salvador goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Shaun says "Thanks valmont."

Lokki yays and whispers something in Ryeel's ear.

Xerius comes from the north, strolling in from the Central Valley.

Kassima beams and resists the urge to jump up and down. "Woo-hoo, Jazmin!
Sharding fine shot, that!" She jiggles Zynassa a bit and tells the girl,
"Pay attention, now. Your mum's showing off quite splendidly."

Tiera pushes the gate to one side and leaves the BeastCraft Pens.

Birioc pushes the gate to one side and leaves the BeastCraft Pens.

Sylvan comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Shaun walks up to the knife table and looks around for knifes. He picks an
odd off balenced knife and whispers. "its got luck."

Ryeel snugs up to Lokki and tries to hear what he is saying.

Birioc follows just a pace after Tiera. "What have you seen? What would you
like to do?"

Shaun walks up to the line, again brining the knife to his head. He closes
his eyes.

Sylvan slithers out of the winecraft tent, carrying a skin of wine and a

Shaun says "for the honor of bol"

Tiera smiles, folding her hands behind her back. "Well, I haven;t seen
much. I guess it's close your eyes and pick a booth."

Trent walks to Trina and sits near her, talking to her occasionally.

Rilsa looks at Shaun and grins.

From Kassima's arms, Zynassa burbles and giggles and waves her arms happily.

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Tiarith emerges from Between with a blast of
cold air!

Taelor comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Sylvan wends her way through the crowd, as if prowling, and finally perches
on a table right in the middle of the thickest part of the crowd.

Tiarith flies down from above.

Rillae climbs down Tiarith's side to the ground, using her straps as

In the Sky Over Central Bitra, Tiarith flies down to the Drum and Fire

Ryeel smiles at Lokki and leads him away from the crowd while waving
cheerily at Delenn and Trina. "I'll be back for your next shot Delenn."

Shaun's casual ease with the knife he holds shows him to be practiced at
the art of throwing. So, too, does the way that he does not take more than
a second to aim before throwing the knife forward. The knife's final place
dead-center in the bullseye is a more convincing token of Shaun's skill
than anything else, however.

Rhythana stifles a yawn, excusing herself quietly.

Verita enters the Minecraft Tent.

Rhythana walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Halden smiles at Shaun, "Nicely done."

Delenn gasps again "WOW,"

Lusani whistles and applauds...

Coranda applauds, nodding her head with admiration.

Rillae looks around the crows, spotting Rilsa. She waves to her and starts
towards the minecraft tent.

Shaun walks to the target and gets the knife, "Honor is satisfied."

Valmont grins approvingly. "Good job, Shaun." He bows extravagantly to
Coranda, then. "Ma'am, if you will?"

Rillae enters the Minecraft Tent.

Shaun can no longer hold the excitment. He dances like a fool.

Halden laughs as he watches Shaun.

Shaun goes back into the crowd.

Rilsa applauds Shaun's throw and leans back against a pole to watch.

Birioc wanders through the crowd with Tiera but he stops at the Woodsmith's
Tent. "Perhaps we can find that stick in here."

Shaun walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Bethny steps out of the BakerCraft Tent.

Coranda beams at Valmont. "Why thank you!" Once again she trudges over to
the knives. This time she decides to pay a little more attention to what
she's throwing. After picking up several of them, she shakes her head. Then
spotting the closest thing that looks like a carving knife, she grins
broadly. "All set." Once more she waddles up to the line and focuses her
attention on the target.

Tiera nods her head, not attempting words in the crowd.

Tiera goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent.

Halden eyes the size of Coranda's knife.

Coranda eyes the target for a good long while before finally making her
throw. There is a solid wooden *thunk* as the blade connects--but with the
leg of the target's support rather than the target itself.

Delenn winces, and giggles a little before saying "Nice throw"

Mirala steps out of the BakerCraft Tent.

Coranda grins broadly. "I hit something!!"

Rilsa quirks a brow and smiles, mumbling, "Right idea, wrong direction."

Lusani grins. "Neat!

Gwynden steps out of the BakerCraft Tent.

Valmont chuckles at Coranda. "You did, at that. Good job!" He peers through
the crowd for Trina, then smiles as he spots her. "You're up, kiddo. Good

Gwynden comes out of the baker tent hand in hand with Mirala... Well,
getting pulled by Mir might be better to say...

Mirala smiles, watching to make sure Gwynden's behind her, and heads to the
Central Valley.

Gwynden walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Mirala walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Trina blinks, her turn, okay. She takes a breath and removes her left arm
from her cast, it'll hurt, but maybe she'll get it on the target this time.
She selects a knife and steps to the line.

Trina holds the knife in her left hand and throws it

Trina steps backwards to the starting line after choosing a knife, holding
it comfortably in her hand. As she prepares to throw, she doesn't transfer
her hold to the blade--something which causes a few raised eyebrows from
those watchers who know how difficult hilt-held tosses are. This doesn't
seem to bother Trina, though, as she flicks the knife outward; faster than
the eye can follow, it has found its home in the very center of the target
with a sharp *thunk*.

Birioc goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent.

Rilsa steps into the BakerCraft Tent.

Trina giggles and stumbles back, whoa

Rilsa steps out of the BakerCraft Tent.

Delenn gasps and stares at trina and stammers "NnnnNice S s ss Shot"

Valmont lets out a low whistle of approval at Trina's throw. "We'll be
wanting you for the guard," he tells her, with a wink, then steps back to
confer with a fellow guard about the winners.

Trina puts her arm back in the sling.

Trina mutters to Delenn, "... to... hatching..."

Rilsa goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Kassima starts to applaud, then ceases the effort as she remembers that her
arms are currently occupied by Zynassa. "Nice!" is her exclamation, before
she turns to Jazmin. "Want to reclaim your daughter, Jaz? Or shall I kidnap
her and raise her to grow up just like me?"

Trina scurries away now, b'cause her flits are chittering about something

Trina shuffles carefully down the path to Trader Pass.

Jazmin retrieves Zynassa and laughs, "If you do, just hope she's more like
Yaz than Jaeleka."

Valmont ahems as he returns from his consultation with Jerin, an older
guard. "First of all, my thanks to everyone who participated; you all did
very well. Second place, with 51 points of a possible 60, goes to Halden."
He pauses to locate the second prize, which he offers to Halden with a
congratulatory grin.

Halden grins broadly and moves over to Valmont, accepting the prize,
"Thanks muchly."

Lusani grins and cheers! "Yay Halden!

Coranda applauds. "Congratulations!"

Delenn applauds

Esyllt applauds politely, :Congratulations."

Kassima grins, still looking a bit mushy-faced as she lets go of Zynassa.
"Aye, well, I like 'Leka; she's a spirited lass, i'truth. Besides, anyone
willing to listen to *me* sing can't be *all* bad--oh, congratulations!"
she adds as Halden's second-place finish is announced, applauding
enthusiastically now that her arms are free.

Valmont waits for the applause for Halden to die down, then grins. "First
place will, I'm sure, be no surprise. With 57 points of a possible 60,

Jazmin grins, "Congrats Halden." she beams, "Go Kassi!"

Rilsa comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Lusani cheers again. She doesn't know the rider, but hey, it's a Gather,
it's fun, she's happy, she cheers.

Coranda cheers. "Well done."

Rilsa flashes a smile at the winecraft apprentice and takes her skin of
Benden red with her to watch the contest.

Halden applauds enthusiastically for Kassima, "Congrates !"

Delenn grins and Applauds loudly as the first place winner is announced

Benden Weyr> Caitria congratses Kassi, who just took first prize at Bitra's
knife-throwing contest.

Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "woo, Kassi!!! :)"

Benden Weyr> Sionelle huh. There's a shock. ;)

Kassima blinks, then blinks again. "Who, me?" she asks, looking around as
though to see if there's some other Kassima in the crowd. Seeing none, she
just grins from ear to ear, rather like an idiot. "Thankee most kindly!"

Benden Weyr> Kassima just faints. :)

Benden Weyr> Tresselin claps for Kassi. Was there ever any question of who
the winner would be? *grin*

Benden Weyr> Jazmin mutters soemthing about being way out of practice..

Sylvan fills her glass with wine from the skin she holds yet again,
watching the knife contest with some interest.

Kassima glances around at the various people, still smiling so much that
it's really a wonder her face doesn't just split. "Everyone threw
excellently, really... I *am* honored. I'd go on, but," she laughs, "I
think I'd just wind up repeating m'self a lot, and boring everyone nigh to

Halden grins at Kassima, "Nice throwing rider, I'm sure I could learn much
from just watching you..."

Halden hrms, "Or listening to you..."

Delenn grins and sips a glass of wine she grabbed from a passing druge

Kassima chuckles, and invites, "Come up to Benden sometime; you're more
than welcome to watch me practice, though you've talent enough that I'm nay
certain you could learn all that much from me."

Rilsa tucks her hair behind her ears before taking a sip of her wine. She
watches the festivities with amusement.

Jazmin mutters to Halden, "Just dont come when her green's glowing.."

Valmont grins as Halden and Kassima chat, and quietly excuses himself.

Valmont walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Halden nods at Kassima, "I need practice, with different knives, and not
the same one all the time." He looks over at Jazmin, "What not ?" He
finally remembers and blurts out, "Jazmin right ? I stood with you, what 7
or 8 turns back ?"

Delenn grins at jazmin's comment and almost laughs but controls herself and
walks around the gather

Jazmin nods and grins, "Yep, for Kimbrith's clutch."

Keal walks north, into the Central Bitran Valley.

Halden smiles at Jazmin, "Long time, no see. You look well."

Sylvan slips off of her table and wanders into the wine tent again.

Sylvan goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Taelor goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Rilsa enters the Minecraft Tent.

Kassima sighs and shifts her prize in her grasp, after spending quite an
amount of time admiring both case and knives. "I really should get back to
the Weyr; dawn sweeps, and all that. Nice meeting you, Halden, all;
Benden's duties to all and sundry." Waving with her free hand, she heads in
the direction of the Valley.

You walk north, towards the Central Valley and Bitra Hold.