
Why Chicken and Bronzeriders Don't Mix

Date:  May 7, 1997
Place:  Benden Weyr's North Bowl and Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This was some fun RP, albeit with rather unexpected 
results.  Let it never be said that things are ever dull at Benden 
Weyr!  As far as technical foo goes, this log has been stripped of all 
page-chat, the irrelevant knot-chat, leaving messages, et al.


The Log:

Nicoth backwings for a landing.

T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back.

Meroth warbles from beneath his collapsed tent of wingsail at the younger 

Nicoth rumbles to the old blue.

Nicoth warbles sweetly to the green.

T'lar says "Hi, Kassima."

Kassima blinks out of her trundlebug-inspired trace, and grins up at T'lar 
from where she's seated on Lysseth's foreleg. "T'lar, heya and g'deve! 
Forgive me; 'twas just watching this trundlebug here, and somehow I didn't 
see you arrive."

T'lar says "Trundlebug can do that to you. They're in league with the 
tubers." His expression is as innocent as a newborn babe. "If you watch 
them long enough, you'll begin to want tubers for dinner."

T'fian emerges from the infirmary.

T'lar nods to T'fian and pops off a sorta salute. "Evening, T'fian."

T'fian strides out of the infirmary and walks over to his blue. "Like I 
said," he says to Meroth. "That is not an awe-inspiring pose." He glances 
at T'lar and nods to him and Kassima. "Bronzerider, Greenrider."

Kassima blinks and scootches away from the bug, making a face. "In *that* 
case, I'll definitely stay away from the creatures. I've gotten over the 
mere mention of tubers making me ill, but that doesn't mean I'd wish to 
chance actually *eating* them." She shudders, then climbs to her feet just 
in time to salute the Weyrsecond crisply. "Besides," she adds to T'lar, 
"isn't it the tunnelsnakes who are in league with the tubers?"

T'lar winks. "It's a conspiracy of all nonhuman and nondragon kind.

Kassima chucks T'lar lightly on the shoulder, grinning. "Ach, 'tis nay. I 
know for a fact that the runners are innocent, and likely the bovines too. 
Nay certain about the wherries." Switching conversation tracks, she smiles 
and asks, "How've you been, bronzerider?"

T'fian knows that any conversation that Kassima is involved in is sure to 
make no sense to him, so he continues to his dragon, who is currently 
lounged, stretched out, on his stomach, with his long, pale wings 
unfurled, dragging unceremoniously on the groud, much like a collapsed 
nearly-white tent.

T'lar slips one arm around the greenrider's waist. "Quite well, thank you. 
But the real question is how are you feeling?" He looks down at her still 
almost flat stomach. "All of you doing okay?"

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Lysseth rumbles, << Meroth, you remind 
my rider rather of a collapsed tent when you sprawl out like that. I must 
say, she's correct about the resemblance. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden dragons with <<  Oh, is that Meroth? I 
thought it was a pile of dirty skinthings. >>

Kassima chuckles, sliding one arm around the bronzerider's waist for a 
quick half-hug. "Me? I'm fine. Free of mid-day nausea, thank Faranth, but 
I'm afraid you were right about this being a cure for my insomnia."

T'lar laughs. "Good. I guess. Anything I can get for you? And I do mean 

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Meroth rumbles annoyedly.

Kassima shakes her head, smiling. "Naught that I can think of at the 
moment, though such an offer tempts me to ask for something ridiculous 
like... oh, say, some of those marvelous dragon-cookies from Boll. But as 
it happens, I've already eaten dinner, and this kiwi should do for 
dessert." She lifts her hand to display the round, fuzzy kiwi fruit. 
"Shall we head inside? 'Twas intending to awhile ago, but I was distracted 
by that bug and lost track of time."

Meroth sits up, suddenly, drawing his wings to his back.

T'fian pulls himself up Meroth's foreleg, grasping the blue's riding 
straps, and settles between his neckridges.

Meroth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him 

T'lar waves goodbye to T'fian and Meroth.

T'lar says "Sure, let's go in. I'm starved." He helps her to her feet 
carefully. "Watching me eat won't bother you will it?"

Kassima salutes after the departing T'fian and Meroth, even though it's 
far too late, and accepts the hand up with gratitude. "I shouldn't sit 
like that so long; m'sharding feet have fallen asleep." She taps her boots 
against the ground to try and wake them up. "Nay, nay 'tall; you can eat 
whatever you like, and 'twill nay bother me. I'll just have a glass of 
citron or something, and that'll be enough."

T'lar offers Kassima an arm and heads inside.

Kassima accepts the profferred arm, and ambles towards the Living Cavern, 
being careful to step over rather than on that trundlebug she was watching 

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

T'lar walks in from the bowl.

T'lar enters with Kassima on one arm. He walks her to a table. "I'll get 
that citrus and be right back."

Samilan nods to the two riders, "Evening, ma'am, sir."

R'val walks in from the bowl.

T'lar nods to the young boy. "Evening." He pours some fresh citrus and 
puts it in front of the greenrider. "Here ya go, luv."

Alyssa walks here from the Inner Cavern.

T'lar waves to R'val.

R'val waves amiably to T'lar on his way through.

T'lar says "Heh, Alyssa. How are you feeling?"

Emlyn walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Kassima settles into a chair, smiling gratefully at the bronzerider. 
"Thankee, T'lar; 'tis right appreciated, and nay mistake." Wincing visibly 
as someone calls her 'ma'am', she shakes her head at Samilan. "Ma'am? 
That's nay me; I'm just Kassima. Or Kassi, if'n you prefer. The green 
thing that trails after me and has occasionally been known to make herself 
useful is called Lysseth."

Emlyn comes in helping Alyssa along. She sees the bluerider situated, then 
salutes the riders in the area.

C'vadan walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Samilan nods to the newcomers, siring, and ma'aming each of them.

R'val puts the basket down on a nearby table and beams at Alyssa, 'Your 
basket awaits."

C'vadan waves to everyone as he comes into the LC.

T'lar watchs all the arrivals and waits to see if anyone else comes in. 
"Evening, all."

"It's to share with everyone," Alyssa explains to R'val, then says a bit 
more loudly as she sits down, "Tropical fruit from Igen, all. Please...
enjoy. And thank you, T'lar, I'm all right. Better."

T'lar smiles at Samilan. "I don't believe we've met. I'm T'lar and the 
bronze butt out in the bowl is Nicoth."

Emlyn smiles a greeting at C'vadan as she salutes him.

R'val sits down slowly, grimacing as he puts his feet up on the chair 
beside him.

C'vadan returns Emlyn's salute and takes a seat.

Kassima picks up her citron and takes a healthy draught from the glass, 
swallowing about a fourth of it. "Guess I'm thirstier than I thought," is 
her chuckled quip, before she turns in her seat to salute Cav and Alyssa 
both. "Evening, Wingseconds, R'val, Emlyn, all."

Samilan nods to T'lar, "Well met, sir. Samilan."

Alyssa almost murmurs to Emlyn, "Thank you. That was a big help."

T'lar says "Well met indeed." He stands again and looks around those 
assembled. "I'm up. Anyone need anything?" He heads for the hearth and the 
stew pot."

Emlyn smiles back at Alyssa. "You'll be yourself in no time."

Samilan stands up, "I can get that for you, sir."

Salless has been watching along time and finally exclaims with 
exasperation, "Well, Alyssa?"

Alyssa turns around to look at Salless, surprised. "Well what?"

Kassima takes a hearty bite of her kiwi, peering at the inside of the 
green fruit. "The color of these has always been a marvel t'me; whoever 
heard of a green fruit? Lys, I must say that your benefactors were truly 
generous--I've nay tasted finer fruit from anywhere else on Pern, and 'tis 
the truth in very deed. Even Ofira's Southern kiwi didn't compare, as 
abso-sharding-lutely fabulous," she laughs, "as they were."

T'lar sits back down with a brimming bowl of stew, a plate of bread and 
cheese and a frothy mug of ale. "Ahhhhh. I'm starving." He looks over at 
the basket of fruit. "Thanks, Lys. I'll have some for dessert right after 
a couple of bubblies."

Meli walks in from the bowl.

R'val looks up and waves amiably to Meli, "Hey there, Meli, how're you and 
Juliath today?"

Alyssa avoids looking at the bowl of stew and the ale and lets out a sigh, 
then a smile. She is quiet and content just to watch. She does not answer 

Meli enters, wet towel draped around her neck, hair dripping down her 
forehead. "Hmph," she replies to start, moving towards the cluster of 

T'lar hears Meli's name and looks up searching for her. He smiles around a 
mouthful of stew. After swallowing, he all but yells, "Meli.."

C'vadan pulls out his journal and begins to jot some things down, every 
once in a while glancing up and smiling at one person or another.

Kassima notes to T'lar, "The citron-berry jam is *really* good with the 
Telgar five-grain bread." Having made her food recommendation of the 
night, she waves to the sopping wet Meli. "Meli! How'd Juliath's bathing 

Meli stops near T'lar, dripping on him a bit. "Taylar, where've y'been?"

T'lar looks up at his weyrmate quizically. "I, uh, was up in the weyr 
working on that new set of straps."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Oh, I'm in trouble now."

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Meli's proddy T'lar. Run ;)"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Proddy and pregnant. :)"

Benden Weyr> J'cob says, "Yo, weyr."

Benden Weyr> C'vadan aiees!

Benden Weyr> R'val AIGH.

Meli sits down, eyes narrow, oblivious to the others in the cavern. "My 
/feet/ were hurtin', an' I had t'ask Kelt t'help. An' now I find 
y'stuffin' stew into y'mouth."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Let's have some hormones with those hormones."

Benden Weyr> R'val coughs. Are you really one to talk about hormones 
bronzerider? ;)

Alyssa rests her chin on her hand and closes her eyes, listening rather 
then watching now. At Meli's arrival she opens one eye, peeks out 
cautiously, then closes her eye again.

Benden Weyr> Kassima hides from Her P&Pness. Do not dare the wrath of the 
Happy Fun Greenrider <tm>.

Benden Weyr> Jazmin thinks she can hear Yaz calling her from Ista.. 
yah.. ;)

C'vadan's dark eyes glance from T'lar to Meli. He scribbles some more.

Benden Weyr> Meli grins. "And please, friends, if I go too far or kill off 
all other chance for RP, let me know. Don't wanna be too obnoxious."

Benden Weyr> R'val will be far away at the night of that flight, 
fortunately for poor Vidarth :)

T'lar pushes said stew away, a contrite look on his face. "I'm sorry, 
sweeting. Would you like me to work on them now?"

T'fian walks in from the bowl.

Salless waves her dustcloth at the wingleader of Skyfire.

"Yes," Meli replies succinctly, swiveling around on the bench til her legs 
are extended.

C'vadan salutes T'fian, then scribbles some more into his journal.

Something that's a cross between comprehension and confusion dawns across 
Kassi's face, which is quickly replaced with total understanding as she 
takes a quick look through Lysseth's eyes. Glancing at Meli, she shakes 
her head ruefully and then raises her glass to salute T'fian with it.

T'lar lifts Meli's right foot and removes the boot, careful not to knock 
any mud on Salless' clean floor. Removing the stocking, he begins to knead 
the muscles and tendons with a gentle strength. "How's that feel?" Genuine 
concern wars with a bit of puzzlement on his face.

T'fian strides into the cavern, in conversation with an older Skyfire 
greenrider. "Listen, L'hur," he says, as if he's said it several times 
before. "Prometh's rider may be young, but he's a sharding good rider and 
has proven himself to me before, and you, as well as anybody, know that 
it's not our place to dispute the Weyrleader's decision, even if I were of 
mind to. Got it?" The greenrider nods, sighing. "Yes, sir. But I still 
don't like it."

Meli closes her eyes, cocking her head to the side. "Mmmm. Well, s'not 
bad. Just late."

An older rider grumbles about new Wingleaders not even being shardin' 
around. He then goes back to his meal.

Alyssa opens both eyes and says rather firmly, especially considering 
she's not felt that well, "K'tyn will make a fine Wingleader. He has our 
wing's support. And he deserves more than that."

T'fian shakes his head. "I don't care," he says to L'hur, obviously 
impatient with this conversation. "Your concerns are duly noted. Now, I 
would like to eat." He then turns to the other rider and shakes his head. 
"Shard it. What is this? Fort?" he asks in disgust.

One bluerider whispers, "He deserves that collection of prints we made of 
those sunning Istan beauties!"

T'lar sighs with relief. "Sorry, luv. By the way, I went to Southern and 
got some fresh flowers. I know you like the big red ones and the sweet 
smelling white ones." He turns his head toward the older rider. "K'tyn is 
a good leader. I don't mind him getting the promotion. Kinda glad it 
wasn't me."

C'vadan watches the goings on with a recorders impartial gaze. He jots 
down some more notes.

"So are the rest of us, T'lar!" a greenrider laughs lightly.

Meli's eye snap open. "You went t'Southern, an' didn't bring me any o'that 
fruit I like?" She stomps her still-booted foot on the floor.

T'lar pauses in the foot massage long enough to accurately lob a roll at 
the greenrider who spoke.

T'fian prefers this turn of conversation and promptly tunes it out as he 
gets himself a bowl of herdbeast stew from the pot at the night hearth.

R'val rises to his feet, "Time for my sweeps. Evening, all."

R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Alyssa clears her throat and, turning her attention toward Meli and T'lar, 
calls out invitingly, "There is this fruit Katany sent, T'lar, Meli..."

Kassima shakes her head at the Weyrsecond. "It can't be Fort, sir. The 
food's too good for us t'be there." Eyeing the laughing greenrider coolly, 
she then has to applaud T'lar's aim with a roll. "Faranth, there're times 
that this place reminds me of a pen of chickens, all clucking at each 
other. Cav, how d'you write in that thing all the time without it getting 
full? D'you have a bunch of 'em tucked away somewhere?"

T'lar stiffens. "Uh..well...I...didn't think about it, love." He beams at 
Alyssa in thanks. "There's plenty here in Lys's basket," he says 

C'vadan grins at Kassi. "I write *real* small, you see..."

"Katany? Katany?" Meli repeats. "Wha's she sendin' fruit here for?"

T'lar bends over her foot industriously.

T'fian carries his bowl carefully over to the Skyfire table, pausing 
halfway there. "Aye. You've a point there," he replies to Kassima.

Kassima supplies to Meli, "'Tis a get-well gift of sorts for Lys, y'see. 
Shells, Cav, you surely must--how long have you been writing in that 
thing? Four, five Turns?"

T'lar works his way up Meli's leg to work on the calf muscle.

Meli nearly tugs her foot from T'lar's hands, eyes narrowing at her 
weyrmate, then at 'lys. "You're up t'somethin', I c'n tell," she says to 
T'lar, "w'tha' goldrider."

C'vadan hmmms. "About fifteen, I think." He puts his journal and writing 
materials away in his special pouch.

Alyssa nods mutely in concurrence with Kassima. "I suppose I should write 
her back to tell her I'm fine. But...no, Meli. Truly, it's just a gift 
from Katany. Very, very sweet of her, I was thinking."

T'fian sits on a bench at the long table for Skyfire wing.

T'lar looks up at Meli, his mouth open. "Me? With Katany? No, of course 
not. I haven't even been to Igen in weeks."

Meli continues to glower a moment, and then slowly extends her leg again 
so that T'lar can keep working. "Hmmm. So, wha' type o'fruit is it anyway? 
Kinda had a taste f'mango."

T'lar gives the basket a pleading look.

Kassima's brow furrows in puzzlement. "But I thought that your journal was 
stolen a few Turns agone? I'd assumed this was a new one...." Her gaze 
darts to Meli, and she blinks. Once, twice, thrice. She settles down a bit 
when her friend seems to return to normal, though remains wary. "Lys, I 
don't suppose there'd be any mango in that basket, would there? Mango may 
nay be as good as kiwi, but they're still decent fruit."

"I saw a few mangos in there, yes...please, help yourself," murmurs Alyssa 
as she proffers T'fian a smile upon his arrival at Skyfire's table. "I 
certainly can't eat it all."

T'fian smiles at Alyssa as he sits, then looks down at his satchel. He 
sighs hugely, eyeing the hides that look as if they've been 
unceremoniously shoved in there. Then his gaze shifts back to the bowl of 
stew, which is far preferable to the satchel.

T'lar says "Well...I saw some kiwi and citrus." He stops working on the 
leg and stands to examine the contents of the basket. "Ah, Here's one." He 
holds out a smallish fruit. "Here's a mango."

C'vadan frowns at the mention of his lost journal.

Alyssa says almost eagerly, "Can I help you with that hidework, T'fian? 
Please? I've been so out of touch for a sevenday."

C'vadan's eyebrows shoot up at the mention of hidework. He remains silent 
until after T'fian answers Alyssa.

In a flash, Meli's expression shifts from wariness to all sweetness-and-
light. She doesn't quite bat her eyelashes, but her voice does drip a 
bit, "Slice it f'me, sweeting?"

Samilan listens quietly to the diffrent conversations.

The question catches T'fian with a mouthful of herdbeast stew, and his 
bobs his head, chewing quickly, which always seems to take forever 
whenever somebody catches him with his mouthful. After a seeming eternity, 
he swallows and nods. "Sure. Go ahead," he comments. "Much of this has to 
do with Phantom Wing's latest performance drills, if you're aware of 

Kassima simply shrugs at Cav, plainly unsure just why he's frowning at 
her. Sighing, she tugs a piece of hide and her charcoal stick from her 
belt-pouch and stares down at the former. She hums a few notes of 
something, then makes a face and scribbles something on the hide. "Meli, 
how long's it been since Juliath last rose?" she simply has to ask upon 
hearing Meli's saccharine and diabetes-inspiring tone.

T'lar nods. Placing the fruit on a plate, he slices it carefully into 
easily handled pieces. "Here, luv." He pushes the plate within Meli's 

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Gee, thanks, Kassi. Put more fuel on the fire."

Benden Weyr> Kassima takes a bow. ;)

Meli's face darkens for a fraction of a moment upon hearing Kassi's 
remark, but then resumes its sweetness as she gazes at T'lar. "Thanks, 
luv" she murmurs, reaching for the first piece. "Th'other foot hurts too," 
she informs him with a nod, then says a little louder, "Dunno, Kassi, wha' 
day is it?"

Alyssa smiles and delves into the hides with a hint of eagerness. "It'll 
be fine, I'm sure, T'fian."

T'fian looks at the grounded wingsecond and chuckles. "Ursa was nearly the 
same way when she was injured," he comments.

T'lar resumes his seat and raises her other foot. Boot and sock are 
removed and he begins to minister tenderly to the offending member. He 
glances up at Kassima with a shocked look on his face. Then, fear begins 
to creep into his eyes.

Smiling wryly, Alyssa answers, "Only she wasn't grounded for months on 
end. I think the inactivity's going to kill me."

Kassima looks up from her erratically-written song-like thing, and hmmms. 
"Sixteenth day of the sixth month, Meli," she answers finally. Meeting 
T'lar's eyes briefly, she gives a single almost imperceptible nod and 
jerks her head towards the Bowl.

C'vadan tilts his head at Alyssa. "Months?" he asks.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Ok, what exactly /do/ you do with a mango?"

Benden Weyr> Caitria says, "Eat it? I've only had mango juice. It's quite 

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "You slice it like a melon and eat the inside of 
the fruit."

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Stick a rose in your mouth and kick up your 
heels, Meli."

Benden Weyr> Caitria thwaps Cav. :)

Benden Weyr> Meli grins.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Or you can peel it with a knife."

Benden Weyr> Jazmin edits her brain down to PG and uhhhs.. eat it.

Benden Weyr> Kassima always thought you peeled 'em, for some reason.

Benden Weyr> Ursa has vague memories of eating mangoes. the flesh is sorta 
prickly, isn't it?

Benden Weyr> Aanya doesn't do anything with them. She dislikes mango. :>

T'lar looks up at the bowl entrance and his eyes go unfocused for a 
moment. His chin falls to his chest as a soft groan escapes his lips.

"Probably eight, if Garant is right," Alyssa replies to C'vadan quietly.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Good one, Cav."

T'fian smiles softly at Alyssa words. "Hope it doesn't kill either of 
you," he says quietly to the wingsecond. Louder, he says, "You can still 
fly can't you? Just not go Between right? Or how does Garant handle 

Ursa walks in from the bowl.

Meli carefully scoops some of the tender flesh of the fruit free from the 
rind with her belt knife, popping it into her mouth. A bit of juice runs 
down her chin, and she smiles "Mmmm, tha's good."

Benden Weyr> C'vadan high-fours T'lar :)

C'vadan blinks. He can be slow at times, but he's been here before. 
"Congrats," he says, smiling broadly.

Alyssa nods in response to T'fian. "I can fly straight. Not right now, 
though. He won't let me out of the infirmary overnight yet. But soon...

C'vadan spots Ursa and snaps her a salute.

T'lar reachs up and catches the errant juice with a finger. The wet towel 
around her shoulders comes in handy to clean off the rest.

Ursa salutes in the proper direction upon entering, then snatches herself 
a bowl of stew and some soured rolls. She takes a seat, frowing, and asks, 
"Who won't let you out of the infirmary, Alyssa, and why?"

T'fian turns to see who C'vadan is saluting at and nods to Ursa. "Good 
evening, Wingleader," he says.

Kassima nods ruefully to Lys. "Know what you mean. I actually found m'self 
watching a trundlebug today, and it was honestly the most interesting 
thing I'd done this evening. 'Cept mayhaps trying to dive for fish with 
Lyss, a'course, but that was such a futile effort... t'quote the sky-lady, 
'The swim-things are rather fast for you, aren't they?'" She pauses in 
this chatter to salute Ursa briskly, then confide to Meli, "I think the 
kiwi are really the best, truth be told. They're good and green."

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Juliath sends, in a mindvoice both irritated 
and puzzled, << My lifemate asks me to ask you to tell your lifemate that 
her weyrmate is very helpful, and that your lifemate should feel free to 
ask her weyrmate for anything she desires. I do not understand this, but I 
tell it. >>

T'lar smiles and nods a salute to Ursa as he continues to massage Meli's 

T'fian mouths "Swim-things?"

Meli uses her knife to liberate more of the fruit, leaning forward at the 
waist to offer it to T'lar, resting on the blade. "Want some?"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I'm listening to Night on Bald Mountain. It that 
appropriate or what?"

Benden Weyr> Meli giggles.

T'lar smiles. "Thanks, sweeting." He opens his mouth since his hands are 
a bit busy.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I'm going to regret this. Right?"

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "I hope so, T'lar ;)"

Lysseth> Juliath senses that Lysseth rumbles, sounding a bit perplexed 
herself. << I have relayed the message. Kassima asks me to ask you to tell 
your rider that she is most gracious, but that since your rider's weyrmate 
is, after all, her weyrmate.... >> Lyss pauses here, to grumble, << Why 
must she always talk in circles? Anyway, that since he is your rider's 
weyrmate, your rider should be the one to have most of his attention. >>

Meli turns the blade sideways, letting the fruit drop off into T'lar's 
mouth. "Though kiwi might b'good too, as Kassi says. An' some o'that 
coconut stuff... "

Benden Weyr> T'fian thinks that's the point, T'lar.

Ursa nods back in reply to the various greetings, dunking her roll in to 
her stew, a habit so ingrained she does it on autopilot.

Benden Weyr> T'fian :)

Smiling briefly at C'vadan, Alyssa replies simply, "Thank you, 

Benden Weyr> Meli would never never do anything nasty with a knife :b

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Cept give haircuts."

Kassima explains to T'fian, "That's her word for fish. I'm nay certain 
where she got it from--Tidranth or Veyath, most likely, since they're the 
ones who taught her to fish in the first place." To Meli, she adds, "And 
lemon-marinated roast chicken and rivergrains from Boll."

T'lar catches the fruit deftly. He eyes the blade warily as it turns, but 
munches on the fruit and swallows. "That is good. I'll have to get some 
more tomorrow out of Southern. Thanks, luv."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Oh, no. Meli. Just thinking of that first 

Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs Jaz, and awwws, Meli. You mean all of Kassi's 
teaching you to throw knives has been in vain? :P ;)

"Oh, oh!" Meli exclaims, "Tha' sounds yummy, Kassi! Hey, T'lar, Kassi 
wants some chicken an' rivergrains f'Boll."

C'vadan pulls out his journal again and makes another note before stowing 

Benden Weyr> Meli never got any good at it, Kassi.

T'fian nods slowly, finally understanding something Kassima has said. He 
decides not to risk anything further... breaking even is perfectly okay... 
and returns to his stew with a decided ravenous quality.

T'lar says "I could get some tomorrow after sweeps. Would that be alright, 

Alyssa looks at T'fian's stew, winces, and turns back to the hidework, 
reaching carefully and eagerly, finger moving along the hide as she 

Meli turns her head, away from her lifemate and towards Kassi, and very 
very carefully winks at her.

Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles at Tiffy, and grins at Meli. Well, any time 
you ICly want more lessons, Kassi would be more than thrilled to give 
them. ;)

Benden Weyr> Caitria ha! Kassi wants CHICKEN!

Ursa tosses another curious glance at Alyssa while she continues to eat. 
"Why can't you leave the infirmary?" she asks again.

Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "And Mars Needs Women. :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima buck-buck-buckaws at Tria. :P ;)

T'fian glances up at Ursa's question, then looks at Alyssa, waiting for 
the wingsecond's reply.

Kassima flashes Meli a grin so brief that it was surely your imagination 
that she grinned at all, and nods. "Oh, aye, certes... unless Meli wanted 
some as well? That'd be her call, a'course."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Too bad T'sar's not here, that's how we Searched 

Alyssa lifts her eyes from the page and answers simply, "Oh...because I 
haven't been able to keep anything down for over a sevenday. Today's the 
first day I've really felt better. Garant seems to think it was the Half-
Circle flu and morning sickness together."

Benden Weyr> Caitria remembers that. You went for chicken and returned 
with an apprentice. I wasn't hungry for apprentice.

"Weeellllll," Meli drawls out, "Sure did sound good... really is too bad 
there's not s'chicken here now."

Ursa gives Alyssa a cursory glance-over. "And how are you feeling? Those 
healers would put pregnant women in a cage for the entire nine months, if 
they could."

T'lar chews on his lip absently as he mumbles quietly to himself. "Dawn 
sweeps....noon....Boll...back about..." He looks up and focus as he hears 
Meli's wish. "I could go now if you want."

Meli chews her own lip, batting her eyelashes now. "But who'll rub m'feet 

"Better now, Ursa, thank you." Alyssa yawns and adds, "though easily 
tired, I am sorry to say. I'm relieved I at least know what the cause of 
my illness is. Or rather causes."

T'fian smiles and covers it by taking another spoonful of the thick 
herdbeast stew.

Salless crows. "I knew it."

T'lar runs one hand through his curls. "Well, I guess it would be which 
you wanted most. I could go to Boll and be back in a flash. It's whatever 
the two of you want. Really."

C'vadan rises and heads for the juice. He passes by Alyssa. "I imagine 
F'nar is happy about this, too," he says softly before getting to the 
serving table.

Kassima nods in agreement with Meli, a touch wistfully. "And have you ever 
tried their mushroom soup? It's the thickest, creamiest soup you could 
ever think of... and the whimry sandwiches... but naught's as good as the 
lemon-chicken." She sighs reminiscently, then blinks up at T'lar. "Really? 
You wouldn't mind chasing down obscure foodstuffs at Boll this late at 
night?" She seems to find this a truly awe-inspiring concept.

Meli turns her head, glancing over towards Alyssa. "Hey, 'lys, T'lar's 
makin' a chicken run, y'want anythin' while he's on preggers duty?"

Alyssa just shakes her head at Meli. "No food. Thank you,though."

T'fian coughs suddenly, which happens just as he's swallowing. The two 
actions never seem to mix, and this is definitely one of those times. He 
pounds lightly at his upper chest with a fist until he can breathe again, 
then gulps in a big breath of air.

T'lar says "For the two mothers of my children, I'd do just about 
anything." He blushes at Meli's words. "Just remember, ALMOST anything."

Alyssa pats T'fian's back solicitously, even guiltily, as she answers 
C'vadan, "I don't know that he's entirely certain how he feels about it."

Meli sniffs, appearing to contemplate a moment. "Well, f'y'can be back 
soon 'nough t'rub m'shoulders too, tha' might be ok."

Ursa glances at Alyssa, "Well, don't let those healers turn you into an 
inanimate blob of neratian clay," she says. "There's plenty you can do, 
even if you can't go between." Ursa is full of opinions, yep. :)

T'lar looks completely over his head. "Sure." He stands, reaching for his 
flight jacket. "I'll be back before you know I'm gone." He leans over to 
kiss Meli on the forehead.

When he can talk again, T'fian turns towards Alyssa, looks at the other 
bluerider curiously, then says, "Sorry. Swallowed the wrong way. Thanks." 
He shakes his head and downs most of his glass of citron juice in one 

Kassima chuckles at Meli, and grins up at T'lar. "You're too sweet to us, 
bronzerider, i'truth."

Smiling warmly at the Dawnslight wingleader, Alyssa remarks, "I've 
actually given a lot of thought to increasing my teaching time for 
dragonhealer trainees."

T'lar walks over and give Kassima a similar kiss. "You two are giving me a 
wonderous gift. How can I not try to thank you in every way I can."

"I'm sorry, T'fian," Alyssa murmurs to the Weyrsecond. "My fault."

Meli snorts lightly, but then calls over "Don' f'get th'rivergrains too."

T'fian shakes his head. "No problem," he replies, setting the mug of juice 
back down. He feels his chest. "That hurt."

T'lar slips on his jacket and heads for the bowl. "Be right back."

T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "And, in a strange case of parallel development, 
it just so happens I had lemon chicken with rice for lunch today. But it 
was Kassi's idea. Go figure."

Ursa frowns at T'fian. "Aye, that looked painful," she comments. Then 
turns suddenly back to Alyssa. "I didn't even say congrats," she says, so 
then she does. "Congrats." Her tone is both warm and sincere.

Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks that Meli has officially become a co-owner of 
her half of the braincell.

"Well," Meli says in a normal voice. "I could get t'like this. Think I 
c'n keep it up f'another five months?" she asks Kassi.

Alyssa smiles back at Ursa and answers simply, "Thank you."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I keep telling you guys that it's mine."

Ursa rises, her dinner finished. "If you'll excuse me," she drawls.

Ursa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima chortles at her friend, raising her almost-empty glass in a toast. 
"Here's to your persuasive talents, Meli! Aye--somehow, I very well 
suspect that you could, can, and will."

Eyes unfocussing, Alyssa tilts her head a bit, then glances toward the 
bowl pensively.

T'lar walks in from the bowl.

Salless drains the Klah in the Klah pot to make some fresh.

Alyssa rises and, without another word, moves out into the bowl, quick 
despite her earlier fatigue.

T'lar comes in carrying a rather full looking sack from which wonderful 
are escaping.

Alyssa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

T'fian looks after Alyssa, blinking.

Meli grins, exchanging another wink with her friend, then nearly starts 
out of her seat when T'lar returns. "What'd you do?!"

Lysseth> Lysseth turns her head to whuffle the bronze, though she seems 
somewhat surprised by his rapid return.

Lysseth> Alyssa walks directly to the bronze who has just landed and 
regards him closely, intently, a heavy frown on her face.

T'lar sets the sack on the table. "I got your chicken and breads."

Kassima's eyes are no less wide than Meli's, taking in the bronzerider 
and the sack. "How in Faranth's name did you get them here so fast, 
though?" she asks, plainly astonished.

Benden Weyr> T'lar puts on really heavy duty armor.

Meli rises, brow furrowed, and sets her hands on T'lar's shoulders to push 
him into a seat. With a concerned, concentrated look she scans his face 

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Say goodbye to T'lar."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Goodbye, T'lar. Can I keep your workbench?"

T'lar stops unpacking and sits. "What? It's not anything I haven't done 
before." He looks tired.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Sure, but what would you do with it."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Um, gaze fondly upon it and remember what it was 
like before 'lys got her hands on you?"

T'fian glances over at T'lar, then back towards the entryway, feeling like 
he's missed something.

Samilan peers over at the food from his table.

Alyssa walks in from the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Should I get an umbrella, or just rejoice in 
the bloodbath that's about to commence?"

Meli throws up her hands, stomping about T'lar as well as she can in 
barefeet. "Done it before?"

T'fian sees Alyssa's return. "What's up?" he asks the dragonhealer.

"T'LAR." If Alyssa's face was abnormally pale, it is now abnormally 
mottled. "Bronzerider, I want to see you. Now. This instant. Now."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I'm up the creek with no paddle, a hole in the 
boat and headed for a waterfall."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "But still Cute."

"In the name of the First Egg," Kassi breathes, comprehension warring 
with shock in her eyes as she starts to understand. "You timed it, didn't 

Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins. Very.

T'lar looks from his weyrmate to the dragonhealer, the color seeping out 
of his face.

T'fian stands up at Alyssa's words. "Excuse me, Wingsecond," he asks, his 
voice dropping to a dangerous level. "What is going on here?"

T'lar says "Uh..." he says brillantly."

Alyssa is trembling with just-contained anger, fists clenched. "T'lar," 
she replies to T'fian in a low voice, "took it upon himself to time it in 
order to placate Meli."

Meli stops pacing, stepping back to let Alyssa have a clear field. 
Crossing her arms across her chest, she alternates between anger and 

T'lar stands slowly, looking up at the anger in Alyssa's eyes.

Ursa walks in from the bowl.

T'fian is obviously not expecting those words and takes an extra moment to 
make sure they're strung together correctly. He looks between the two 
Skyfire riders, and shakes his head, sighing. "Did you?" he asks the 

T'lar nods slowly. "Yes, sir."

T'fian nods, slowly, having hoped to have not heard that word correctly. 
Turning back to Alyssa, he says, "Your wing. I will inform P'tran." He 
doesn't make any movement though, choosing to instead to watch what the 
Skyfire wingsecond does.

Meli sits down sharply, a horribly dazed, guilty look upon her face. 
Staring at T'lar blankly, she tries to listen.

Benden Weyr> T'fian sighs. It would have been one of the riders I helped 
train. :)

Ursa returns, two hides in hand, murmering, "Forgot my klah." She pours 
herself a fresh cup, and turns to walk out before the tension in the air 
makes it through her distracted brain. She pauses by T'fian on her way out 
to murmer to him a question.

T'lar flinches at the sound of the weyrleader's name. He swallows hard, 
letting his gaze drop to the floor. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking ahead...
I..." He falls silent.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "What can I say? He's a great rider -- most of 
the time. But when he screws up, he screws up."

Alyssa takes a deep breath to try to calm down, but fury bleeds out of 
every pore. "T'lar, that is the most dangerous and unkind thing to do to 
your dragon. And idiotic, sheerly idiotic, for such whimsy as this. Right 
now, for this, I wish the wing *were* still mine, but all I can say is 
that I'm recommending you be grounded. Flatly. And by Faranth, if I ever 
hear about you doing this again, I'll beg K'tyn to put you on Bitran 
watchrider duty until your grandchildren are old."

Samilan walks off towards the kitchen.

Kassima simply stares at the Skyfire riders from her chair, complexion 
gone a pale, dead white that, against the blackness of her hair, makes her 
resemble some sort of wraith. Shock, horror, disbelief, outrage, guilt... 
it's really amazing how many emotions can flicker across one expression 
within a minute.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Man, I just realized that there was a 
weyrsecond, a wingsecond and a wingleader present. What a dummy I am."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Good thing P'te is gone :)"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa nodsnods. :)

Benden Weyr> Jehrina starts to wonder what she missed. :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima can't disagree with that, nope. :)

Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "And all of whom were once T'lar's wingmate. :) 
And one was a weyrling with T'lar. :) And one was T'lar's wingleader, the 
other his wingsecond. :)"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "OOOOH, Jehrinnnnnnaaaa."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Come down the LC pleazzzzzzze."

T'lar says "Yes, ma'am. Sorry is a totally inadequate word, but I am 
sorry. Nicoth is tired, but he's okay. I wouldn't endanger him. I..I..

Ursa raises an eyebrow in frank surprise at T'fian's response. She stares 
openly, listening with approving nods to Alyssa. Then shakes her head, 
taking her klah and her hides back out with her.

Ursa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Oh, god, no. Jehrina. I, uh, I think I got a 
bad connection, yeah."

"Sorry does not do it," Alyssa snaps back, angrier than she has ever 
appeared. "And you did endanger him. For the love of the Egg, is this what 
a bronzerider should show our Weyrlings? Is it?"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "oh, T'fian. I just read your last knot pose. 
Gee, you're right. Maybe that's why he didn't think about it. He doesn't 
dwell on titles."

Meli slowly seems to sink in on herself, drawing her knees up to her 
chest, rocking slightly on the bench.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Congrats, T'lar. You succeeded in making Alyssa 
lose her temper. Never happened before. :)"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Oh wait. Yes it did. When K"

Benden Weyr> T'lar bows.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "When K'ti timed it. :)"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I remember that."

Benden Weyr> Kassima blinks at Lys. When was that? Kassi's only lost her 
temper when she wasn't proddy once, I think.

T'lar just stands there and lets Alyssa's anger lash about him. A single 
drop of water trails down his cheek and falls to the floor.

T'fian mutters to Alyssa, "... that..."

Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "What a lame mutter."

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "T'fian, I agree."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "When K'ti went to get Perpetua."

Alyssa opens her mouth to add to T'lar's woes until T'fian's whispered 
words catch her. Whatever he said seems to lance her anger a trifling. "I 
realize that. Luckily for T'lar." Her attention centers again on the 
diminutive bronzerider. "Don't think Skyfire's shortages will absolve you 
from punishment, T'lar. I'll work something out with K'tyn. Mark my 
words." She sighs then, shoulders slumping. "Now go talk to Meli. She's 

T'lar says "Thank you, Alyssa. I will report to K'tyn first time in the 
morning after sweeps." He looks down at Meli. "Yes, ma'am." He kneels 
before his weyrmate. "Meli? What's wrong? Nicoth and I are ok. Are you 

T'fian nods at the wingsecond's words. He mutters to Alyssa, "Thank you. 
K'tyn... preoccupied at... and... gone,... I would suggest... him. And... 

"M'sorry, m'sorry," Meli repeats, rocking a bit, tears welling up in her 

Alyssa sighs and nods. She mutters to T'fian, "... will... K'tyn...he... 
There's... much... it, I know.... see T'lar... I will not. As a... a 

T'fian turns and heads towards the entryway. "I will go inform the 
Weyrleader," he says, heading out this time. "And any punishment," he adds 
for Alyssa's benefit, "should be decided in consultation with P'tran."

T'lar puts his arms around Meli and hugs tightly. "You have nothing to be 
sorry for, luv. And we're okay."

R'val walks in from the bowl.

Alyssa nods to T'fian, reiterating, "I have no authority to punish him, I 
know, T'fian. Just to recommend it."

Meli turns her head towards T'lar, gives a sort of strangled cry, and 
throws her arms around his neck, hugging back tightly.

T'fian pauses in the entranceway. "I am sure," he says, "that you will 
find no opposition to any recommendation you may make."

Tension gone, Alyssa sits down slowly, letting out a long sigh and putting 
her head in her hands. "Stupid, stupid," she mumbles.

T'fian walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

T'lar just holds her and lets her cry. The full extent of his actions 
finally settling in.

R'val sits down, dark eyebrows raised. He murmurs to Kassi, "What on 
earth did I miss?"

The scent of lemon chicken wafts across the cavern.

"Meli, shells...." Kassi's voice is near a whisper. "You shouldn't... I 
mean, 'twas my mentioning the thrice-cursed chicken in the...." She just 
shakes her head, and focuses on a particular patch of Living Cavern wall, 
concentrating so much on distracting herself with said patch that she 
misses R'val's question entirely.

The bag on the table is partially unpacked to reveal fresh rivergrains, 
bread and lemon chicken.

R'val just shakes his head and ignores whatever is going. It obviously 
doesn't concern him.

Meli swallows, gulping a bit for air and hiccupping a few times. Reaching 
up a hand, she dashes the tears from her eyes, her face a blotchy red 
mess. Leaning her head on T'lar's shoulder, she stays carefully circled 
within his arms.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Ok, so who's going to eat the chicken? Can't let 
it go to waste... :b"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa can throw up on it? ;)

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Nah, let Uri eat it ;)"

Benden Weyr> R'val can be totally angst free and shrug, lean over and 
start eating as if he doesn't care a whit what's going on? O:)

T'lar says "C'mon, sweeting. Let's go up to the weyr and work this out." 
So saying, he picks her up and carries her toward the bowl entrance. 
"Alyssa, thanks for reminding me of my duty to my dragon and my weyr. I 
will accept any punishment you, P'tran and K'tyn mete out.""

R'val glances at the chicken. Then at the sobbing Meli. THen at the semi-
comatose Kassi. He shrugs. Waste not want not, he thinks, leaning over 
and nabbing a piece of the chicken, into which he bites.

Meli manages to grab her boots as they go, holding them before her as she 
is carried out.

A greenrider at Skyfire table (in fact, L'hur, from earlier) adds, "Don't 
forget Ryialla."

T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Meli walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Kassima still likes Lys's idea better. ;)

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "What's that?"

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "To throw up on it. :P ;)"

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Puking on the chicken, Lys."

Alyssa eventually sits up and stands unsteadily. "Time for bed, I think," 
she murmurs, then pauses. "My apologies to everyone for losing my temper. 
Good night, all."

Kassima seems to snap out of her wall-staring trance as R'val takes the 
chicken, and shakes her head. "Well," she sighs, tone as sardonic and dry 
as Igen at midday, "I did ask for something interesting to happen today. 
G'night, Wingsecond."

R'val says, cluelessly and enthusiastically, "This is shardin' good 
chicken!" He murmurs, chewing lustily, "Who got it and why? It's going to 
waste just sitting here."

Alyssa walks towards the inner cavern.

Kassima simply stares up at R'val for a moment, incredulous. "Sharding 
good...? Oh. That's right. You weren't here." Her words are clipped and 
perfunctory as she answers succinctly, "T'lar timed it to get it from Boll 
for Meli."

Benden Weyr> Meli comments one more time before she really must go... 
"Isn't it scary how your character can just up and decide to do something 
you never expected, if you know it well enough?"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins. They just do that, don't they?

Benden Weyr> Emlyn laughs. Oh yeah.

Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "It's even scarier when your dragon does it :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima's char does things that surprise her typist all the 
time. Some of them are incredibly stupid, but that's just like RL, c'est 
non? ;)

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Jehrina, not all of us ride Demented Golds. :)"

Benden Weyr> R'val looks blank. Characters do that?

Emlyn walks in from the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Jehrina hehe

Emlyn comes in with her dragon's straps neatly coiled on her shoulder. For 
a change, she's in civilian clothing, her flying gearhaving been set aside 
for Pleiath's bath and oiling.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Ooh, in all the confusion, Meli never did find 
out who fathered 'lys's kiwi."

The brown firelizard known as Lump is riding on Emlyn's shoulder, too. 
She grins and salutes the riders present before she gets herself a glass 
of juice.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa blinks. Who fathered my WHAT?

Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Well, there are very many different rules, I 
guess. :) Kiwi?"

Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs Lys and Tiffy both. :) LOL, Lys! 'Kiwi' 
are Juliath and Lysseth's terms for children now. Lyss got it from Jul, 
who is just plain weird. :P ;)

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Ooooooookay."

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Oh, gosh, guys - if you read that log it really 
does make sense, sort of."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa assumes Salless will Know All soon.

Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "T'lar? :)"

Kassima blinks out of another reverie, and salutes Emlyn rather absent-

Benden Weyr> Alyssa BAPS T'fian.

Benden Weyr> Kassima nodnods to Meli. Those wonderful kiwi, marvelous 
kiwi, abso-sharding-lutely fabulous kiwi. ;) I don't think there's room 
in the rumors, Lys.

R'val favours Emlyn with a smile as she enters, "Evening, Emlyn.

Emlyn asks R'val and Kassima, "So, has it been an eventful evening?" She 
drinks some of her juice.

R'val quirks a grin at Emlyn, "You might say that." He says, chewing on a 
piece of chicken, "Chicken, Emlyn?"

Ursa walks in from the bowl.

Ursa trails back in absently, still holding her hides and her now-empty 

Emlyn looks with surprise at what R'val's eating. "Chicken? Really? Did 
somebody get handfasted?"

"Eventful?" Kassi repeats, looking up. While she's regained some of her 
color, she's still very pale, and her usually sparkling green eyes are 
dull. "Eventful? Aye," she laughs, without humor. "I suppose you could 
say that."

R'val shakes his head, "Not as far as I know, Emlyn.' He murmurs, around 
a mouthful of the rare meat, "It's just sitting here getting cold, so I 
thought...enh. Waste not want not."

Emlyn looks dubiously at R'val's dinner, but nods. She turns her attention 
more fully on Kassima, especially since the weyrling's question generated 
the mirthless laugh.

Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Ofira smiles as she enters and sees the room full of friends.

R'val spots Ofira and beams at her, wwaving his chicken leg at her, "Hey 
Ofira! Any idea who brought this bounty?" he indicates the lemon chicken 
in a box.

"You can have it," Kassi snaps at R'val. "I told you where it bloody well 
came from. If you still want to eat it just because someone foolishly 
risked his sharding *life* to get it...." Shaking her head, the greenrider 
takes a deep breath and murmurs, "I'm sorry. A'course, it may as well be 
eaten as nay. Help yourself."

R'val raises his dark eyebrows at Kassima, "Did you? I must not have heard 
you. I'm sorry. Risked their life? What's going on, Kassi?"

Ofira blinks at Kassima's outburst. "What's going on?"

Emlyn turns with surprise at Kassima's outburst. Doing so brings Ursa into 
sight for the first time. A smile flows over Emlyn's face and she holds 
one hand out invitationally. Her attention is still fairly much on 
Kassima, though.

Kassima's explanation is clipped and succinct. "T'lar timed it to go to 
Boll to get it for Meli and me."

Ursa wanders absently straight for the klah,refilling her mug, and heading 
right back out. Off in her own little world, she stumbles over the leg of 
a bench, spilling klah on her hides. She scowls at the hides, scowls at 
the cavern, scowls at the outburst that penetrates her conscious, scowling 
as she walks over to join Emlyn.

Ofira nods, "Oh, you and Meli craving chicken? It made me sick to just 
think of it. I wanted kiwis more than anything else." She looks at R'val 
and scolds, "And you're eating their chicken?"

Emlyn slips the outstretched hand around Ursa's waist when the brownrider 
is near enough. She mutters to Ursa, "... your mother... your face could 
freeze... that..." 

Benden Weyr> Kassima can't help but giggle at Ofira's reaction. :)

Kassima blinks at Ofira, plainly surprised by the Baker's response. 
"*Timed* it," she repeats. "He *timed* it to get it. Just as though the 
Weyrlingmasters didn't drill into our heads that timing it risks your life 
and sanity, that 'tis as foolish an action as aught under the sun... why, 
if'n you met yourself coming back...." She shakes her head, staring dully 
at the chicken. "For *chicken.* That Meli and I asked him to get." Turning 
her head, she murmurs, "Please excuse me. Lysseth requests my presence." 
With the most perfunctory of salutes, she hurries outside.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.