
'Tis the Season

Date:  October 12(?), 1998
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Southern Bowl and Living Caverns
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  'Tis the season to be plotting!  Fa la la la la, la la
la la!  Or, in this case the season to be shopping, thus proving that
the holiday rush really does occur everywhere.  Kassi's decided to get
almost all of her friends gifts for the upcoming Turnover, and here 
she gets a chance to barter with some Smiths over commissions that 
have been finished and commissions yet to be made.  A'lex's Pierron-
rumor about the Great Lipfest also makes a cameo.  I still need to
kill you for that, bronzeboy.


The Log:

You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl.

<*> Devyn looks to the new dragon

<*> Argothe turns to look at Lysseth

<*> Kvasith gives a warble towards the green.

<*> Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She
lands neatly on her feet this time.

<*> Lysseth rumbles a faint note of surprise upon landing, choosing a spot
that is not so soaked from rain that the wet sand might cling overmuch to
her hide. "When'd you get so vain, beast?" Kassi demands of the green,
sounding mildly amused. "Duties to... ah... your knots are hard t'see from
here, so forgive me if'n I'm mistaken: Smithcraft, is it?"

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Ambryl smiles to Aurian, "Oh, I brought something for you and Kvasith.

Aurian blinks at Ambryl as she pulls off her goggles, "Aye?"

Ambryl waves to Kassima, "Yes, smithcraft duties to Telgar."

Ambryl pulls a set of simple glass and crystal windchimes out of her bag
carefully. She holds them up. "for coming and picking us up on such short
notice. I thought Kvasith might get a kick out of having them on his ledge,
if he likes them."

Devyn says "Duties to Telgar!"

Kassima squints through the rain, remaining under the shelter of Lysseth's
extended wing for the nonce. "A regular convocation of Smithcrafters," she
observes. "How very curious. What brings you to the Icy Wastes tonight,
Smiths, if'n you don't object t'my asking?"

Ambryl grins up at Kassima, "Commissions to deliver!"

Annik smiles at Ambryl, "I believe you have them."

Ambryl nods, "Yes, I packed them carefully in my bag."

Aurian chuckles as she takes the windchimes, "Thank you."

Ambryl grins, "They aren't much to look at, but I made sure they sounded

Kassima grins broadly at that, eyes lighting up. "How convenient!
Especially since I may have another commission for you, if'n any of you
happen t'be Glasscrafters...?"

Ambryl grins and nods, "You bet!"

Aurian shakes her hair out again, "Shall we get out of this rain?" She
grins at Ambryl, "I'm sure they will sound perfect."

Ambryl nods to Aurian and glances up to Kassima. "When your ready, we'll be
in the living caverns."

Kassima makes a face up at the dark sky. "Sounds like an excellent plan
t'me. I'm ready when you are, you may be sure."

Ambryl grins at her fellow smiths, "Lets get out of the rain, please!"

Argothe shakes his head "Not me, I work with metal Rider", he says to
Kassima respectfuly, then turns to follow Ambryl

Aurian walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Ambryl grins at her fellow smiths, "Lets get out of the rain, please!"

Argothe shakes his head "Not me, I work with metal Rider", he says to
Kassima respectfuly, then turns to follow Ambryl

Aurian walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Annik walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

Ambryl walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern.

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Argothe walks in from the bowl.

Argothe hurries in behinh Ambryl

Ambryl smooths her long wet hair back out of her face. "Wonder if Devyn's
got sense to come in from the rain, or if he's still mesmerized by the

R'val glances up at the incoming crowd.

Devyn walks in from the bowl.

"Metal. Hrm...." Kassima consults a roll of hide that she apparently slid
from the satchel at her hip. "Does that happen to include knives, by any

Annik looks at Devyn as he comes in, "I think that's Devyn's area of

Ambryl grins, "And ARgothe's it seems."

Ambryl looks at Annik, "what is your area? I can't seem to remember."

Ambryl smiles again, "oh, I remember now! silly me! Architecure right?"

"Well," Kassi explains, snapping the hide back into a roll, "I've a brace
of throwing knives and a goblet still on m'shopping list. If'n any of you
could help me with that--or mayhaps suggest someone who could?--I'd be much
in your debt."

Annik shrugs, "I have no specific area, just metalwork in general."

Annik looks at Kassima, "What kind of goblet?"

Argothe turns to Kassima, "I'm not that good with knives rider, but I could
get one of the Masters to help me with one if you would like" he says
,"What kind of goblet were you looking for?", he asks

From the kitchen, Ceria begins to fill her pies and then places them in the

Ambryl grins, "glass happens to my area."

Kassima chews on her lip, eyeing the Cavern speculatively. "Frosted and
stained glass, methinks. Footed in black, rimmed in white, the former
shading into transparence. Bronze wire wrapped around the black stem.
Etched, too. Would that be possible, think you?"

Devyn says "Beg your pardon?"

Devyn says "What you talking about me and my expertise?"

Ambryl thinks for a moment and nods, "I think I can do that. Journeyman
Jorj can help me if I run into trouble." she smiles.

Annik looks at Devyn, "Don't you do knives and that type of thing?"

Ambryl looks at Annik, "Don't knives fall into metalwork?"

Kassima relaxes somewhat, a smile coming to life on her features.
"Excellent," she says, with real approval. "The designs for the etchings...
I've one with me, but another, I have yet t'procure. Could I bring those to
the Hall later? And about how much d'you think 'twould be costing?"

Aurian fills a mug with some cider, she swirls it about lightly.

Devyn says "My specialty is knives as a matter of fact"

Devyn nods

Kassima brightens further at this news. "Would you be willing t'make a pair
of throwing knives, then--small ones, but of good quality? And with
emeralds set in the pommel?"

Annik looks at Ambryl, "Yes."

Ambryl nods to Kassima, "Bringing the etchings later would be fine. As for
price, how about 2 1/2 marks?"

Devyn says "I would be honored, but I do not have any emeralds"

Devyn says "And let me get this straight, two throwing knives and two small
knives with emeralds in them"

Annik smiles at Devyn, "You can always get some emeralds from Minecraft Hall."

Kassima purses her mouth, brows lowering. "Two and a half? Ah, I see that
you're one of those who seems t'have heard these legends that m'weyr is
overflowing with mark pieces... I hate t'say it, but they're nay true. One
mark would be considerably more reasonable. And as to the emeralds, those,
I could provide if'n 'twere given an estimate of the appropriate size...
I've trips t'be making to Minecraft, also. Nay, nay--only two knives. Two
small throwing knives with emeralds in them."

Devyn nods

Devyn says "Number of emeralds are based on the estimate or do you desire a
set number?"

Kassima holds up two slim fingers. "Two emeralds, one per dagger. So they'd
be on the largish side. Say... two carats? Or d'you think three would be
more fitting?"

Ambryl smiles apologetically, "I didn't mean to offend you. High starting
price is for bargaining purposes. How about 1 1/2 marks then?"

Devyn says "Alright."

Devyn looks to Ambryl, then to Kassima

Devyn says "I am unsure about gems. I am not a gemsmith. I can put gems on
your knives, but don't ask me about carats"

Aurian sips at her cider shaking her head as she watches Kassima

Remo walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Remo steps into the living cavern, his step lighter than usual, and goes to
the serving table.

Kassima grins at Ambryl, eyes sparkling. "Fear nay; I love naught more'n a
good bargain. I suppose I *could* wring one and a sixteenth from m'pocket,
with difficulty... all right, Smith," she agrees with Devyn. "I'll ask
m'cousin Salassin for advice on gem-size. What price would you be looking
for for the knives?"

Remo glances about the cavern, seeking an empty table after he fills his
plate with some herdbeast and taking up a glass of juice.

Argothe goes slightly pale, nudges Annik and mutters something to her.

Devyn says "I would say... 2 Marks would be a fair price. And mind you, it
would be of excellent quality"

Annik looks around the cavern and spots something, or someone. She goes
/very/ pale.

"One mark per knife?" Kassima raises one brow, looking rather dubious.
"Now, that'd be more along the lines of what I paid G'har for the
Master-made knives...." Amazing how she can lie with a straight face like
that. "What say a mark and a half for the two?"

Remo glances over at the mini trading tableau unfolding between Kassima and
Devyn, and cocks a half-smile.

Annik looks down at the floor as if trying to avoid something.

Kassima quirks a brow at the nervous-looking Smiths. "Something amiss?" she

Argothe is also pointedly looking at the floor.

Argothe shakes his head, "No rider", he says to Kassima

Annik looks up at Kassima and shakes her head. "No," she says quietly.

Maylia walks in from the bowl.

Aurian tosses a wave towards Maylia as she wanders towards a table.

Devyn says "Well, usually it is a mark for a plain small utility knife and
these are specially weighted plus have emeralds on them which Are hard to
work with.... how about 1 and three quarters marks?"

Remo watches Devyn and Kassima, his chin propped in his palm.

Kassima corrects cheerfully, "Kassima or Kassi, nay rider. This is a
bartering session, nay a collecting of groundcrew reports; I should hope
formality wouldn't be necessary!" Sliding a glance back at Devyn, the
Wingleader chews her lip again. "Emeralds are that difficult? I hadn't
heard that they were especially soft stones. Amethyst, perhaps, I could
understand. How about one mark and five eighths for both?"

Maylia strides into the living cavern, gloves and riding helmet in hand,
and a smile of accomplishment on her face. The young rider heads for the
spread of food still laid out, remnants of the evening's meal.

Remo looks across the cavern, diverting his attention from the bartering
pair, and his eyes light on someone in particular, with a slight, intrigued

Aurian leans towards Maylia, "How were your sweeps?"

Pierron looks up from his cooking to expound to you his opinions on the
latest news.
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Apparently Axe had a ten mark bet with
L'cher that he could get that Greenrider to kiss him in the Living Cavern
for a mark. Well, you should have just seen it! I mean, the Skyfire
wingleader and that Thunderbolt wingleader in here, kissing like there was
no tomorrow! Like he'd just won her dragon's flight! I mean, really! Then
he gave her a mark, and left, but not before making eyes at our retired
weyrwoman. Honestly, why she puts up with that sort of behaviour..  One of
the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another
example of the irresponsibility of today's youth. "

Argothe steals a glance over his shoulder and blushes then goes pale again
and looks back at the ground.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex waves from the pit that is St. Louis.

R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Aurian patpatpats A'lex distracting him from the gallows that
Kassima is building.

Annik looks at the entrance of the cavern. She is obviously very

Telgar Weyr> Kassima swoons A'lex-wards, then remembers that she's supposed
to be plotting his death.

Remo stands up from his table, finishing off his juice, and slowly strides
over to Annik and Argothe. "Ah, good evening, Smiths," he says.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia dips A'lex, and smoooches him. That make it better?

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "No way chiqua. You promised... NO REVENGE!!"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yeah, but 'Lex, that rumor wasn't part of our

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "No revenge as a result of the proceedings was the
deal. Don't break your word..."

Maylia glances up towards Aurian, and shrugs. "Enh, they could've been
better. Dawn sweeps." A mock-glare is cast towards Kassima. "Unsettled air
over Bitra, but otherwise fine. You?"

Annik jumps as she hears a voice and is barely able to nod her head in a
polite greeting.

Devyn says "I will accept that price. I must put it to your attention that
the Smith Hall has got limitations on what an Apprentice like myself can
do. I can enlist a journeyman to set the stones, but I must ask an
additional 1/2 Mark to the price if that is your choice. I can set them, I
have been taught how, but the Hall requires that a waiver hide be drawn up
in case a flaw shows up after the commission is delivered. This may not
seem too appealing, I know, but it is the cheaper way and then the price
would be set at 1 and 5/8 marks"

Aurian sighs as she sips her drink, "Holder duty again. Telgar's lord and
lady had me all over the place again. They seem to request me which I

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Well, we'll just see, babela. The best revenge
is revenge that isn't meant to be revenge at all."

Argothe edjes /slightly/ towards the entrance, "Hello Sir", he says quietly
to Remo without looking up.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex scowls. Hands off... you were had. Suck it up. :D

Remo cocks his head. "That knife you sold me is holding up very well. I've
not even really had to sharpen it yet."

Kassima frowns thoughtfully, her brows drawing together. "Methinks I can
work something out with a cousin I have in the Craft, t'set 'em for me.
If'n I had him set the stones, the cost would be less on your end because
you wouldn't have t'be dealing with 'em, aye?"

Devyn says "Then the price would remain at 1 5/8 marks"

Maylia wrinkles her nose at most everything that's offered in the lines of
food, and settles for some cheese and bread, and wine to accompany it.
"Holder duty?" She asks Aurian, nodding to those she's not familliar with
as she heads for the Thunderbolt Table.

Argothe nods to Remo, "Good, I told you it was a good knife Sir" he says
respectfuly..he still hasn't looked up.

Annik nods again, quickly looking up a Remo, then back to the floor.

Kassima asks, lifting a brow, "The price is the same whether or nay you set
the stones? That doesn't seem quite fair, if'n the stones being so
difficult t'set was the reason that the price is high in the first place.
Without having t'deal with those brittle emeralds, why, 'twould be
expecting something more along the lines of one and a quarter total at most."

Remo cocks an eyebrow. "You don't have to call me sir," he tells Argothe.
"My name is Remo."

Argothe nods, "Yes Si...I mean Remo, I didn't know your name before", his
neck is turning red.

Remo cocks an eyebrow at Argothe. "Is something wrong?" he asks the young man.

Annik turns even paler, if that's possible, and keeps very quiet.

Aurian nods to Maylia, "Aye holder duty.. running whichever duties they
feel are required."

Kassima spares a moment to toss a grin Maylia's way. "Would you rather I
assign you dawn sweeps with L'cher?" she inquires, her voice brimming with

Devyn says "Alright. One and a Quarter it is"

Argothe looks up for a moment and blushes then looks back down again, "At
the rodeo.....", he says trailing off uninteligibly at ht eend.

Kassima extends her hand to shake on it. "Agreed, Apprentice, and m'thanks
for your willingness t'take the commission. Now... what price had we agreed
on?" she asks Ambryl. "One and a sixteenth?"

Telgar Weyr> Maylia ughs. Line noise. BRB

Devyn says "Not a problem, good rider"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex beats the lines into silence.

Annik mutters to Argothe, "... nod, and maybe he'll..."

Remo leans down to Argothe. "Beg pardon? I didn't hear you."

Ambryl smiles," I'm sorry, but the commission we are delivering to you
today is 1 1/16 and a glass goblet takes /much/ more skill and time than
the medallions. I can't go that low."

Kassima corrects with a grin that borders on the wicked, "Evil rider."
Sliding a look back at Ambryl, she is silent for a moment, but finally
gives a slow nod. "Aye... I suppose you've a point. Which just goes t'show
that I should've bargained better last time, but. One and an eighth then?"
Yes, the woman really is this incorrigible.

Ambryl smiles, "How about 1 3/8?"

Maylia drags a chair out from under the table, the wooden legs squek a
little on the rock floor. As the greenrider seats herself, not far from
Aurian by how the tables lie, she wrinkles her nose to Kassima. "Ooooh,
only if I may loose him between?" She volunteers.

Argothe looks up, nods and smiles, "Nerver mind Remo, It's not important",
he says in a /slightly/ strained voice, he is slightly pael now.

Kassima grins and immediately retorts, "One and a quarter? May, don't tempt
me. The lout's eighth son was born today, and he's so smug that I'm about
ready t'try and lose him *between* m'self."

"Eighth?" Maylia looks a little nauseated. "Shells and shards, who's the
mother of this one?"

"I thought he had 14..." Aurian raises an eyebrow.

Remo hrms, and shrugs at Argothe's behavior, writing it off as a bit odd.
"All right," he says, heading back to his table to finish his dinner.

Ambryl says "ok, 1 1/4 agreed.""

Annik takes a deep breath and relaxes a /little/.

"Eight sons, five daughters," Kassi corrects. "Nay fourteen *yet*. I'm sure
he'll find a way t'change that soon enough. Alicienne, May... thank Faranth
for small mercies. She'll be back on full duty soon." Again she extends her
hand to shake, this time to Ambryl. "A fine bargain struck, Apprentice, and
a pleasure. I'll bring the patterns for the etchings soon, you may be sure.
Now, did you say that the ornaments were ready?"

Argothe turns back to watch the bargining, the color slowly retutning to
his face.

Ambryl shakes Kassima's hand and nods, "Yes, I have them right here in my

Argothe mutters to Annik, "Shells....that was close.... ...."

Ambryl pulls out a soft cloth bundle. She lays in on the table and slowly
unrolls each medallion separately.

Annik pays more attention to Ambryl and Kassima.

Annik looks at Argothe and nods.


You see five pewter medallions crafted in the shape of sleeping dragons.
The detailed wings wrap around the body of the dragon, not quite obscuring
the face, and are inlaid with colored pieces of egg shells, probably
lovingly saved from a particular hatching. The edges of the medallions have
been carefully smoothed to prevent them from catching on anything. Strong,
flat loops are attached to the backs so that, when the buckle is removed,
the medallions slip easily onto leather riding straps without puncturing
the leather.


Ambryl looks at Kassima, "what do you think?"

Annik moves closer to Ambryl.

Ambryl grins at Annik, obviously proud of their team work.

Kassima whistles a low note, eyes widening perceptibly. "They're
*beautiful*," she says honestly, "and just what 'twas looking for. If'n the
recipients don't love them too, then I'll eat m'riding helmet. You've more
than earned the commission price for those. Speaking of which...." She sets
two mark pieces on the table, a mark and a sixteenth, as agreed. "At least
'Lex can't say I didn't put his mark t'good purpose," she remarks
cryptically to Aurian.

Ambryl grins at Kassima, "We're so glad you like them."

Annik smiles, also proud of the work that she and Ambryl did. "We certainly
worked hard am I'm sure I can speak for Ambryl when I say we're glad you
like them."

"Like is putting it mildly. Thankee both...." Kassi flicks a grateful grin
towards Annik as well. "If'n these are examples of your craftmanship, I'm
wagering 'twill nay take you so very long t'work your way through the
ranks. It's been a real pleasure doing business with you."

Annik smiles, "It was our pleasure as well."

Ambryl smiles and Thanks Kassima.

Aurian rakes a hand through her hair.

Ambryl stifles a yawn, "oh my! All this excitement has left me quite
tired!" she grins.

Kassima reaches out a finger to trace the wing of one of the medallions.
"Well, that's five down," she then says, with a good-humored sigh. "Seven,
counting tonight's commissions. That leaves... what, forty, fifty more
t'go? Faranth send that there're enough days until Turnover!"

Maylia, as always, offers up the wineskin she'd selected, for others. Not
benden, and not her own stash of Souhern, but at least it's not Tillek.
"Anyone?" Her own glass is full, and as she waits for yeas or nays, she
samples the sharp cheese.

Ambryl looks over to Kassima, "Would it be alright if we stayed here

Annik gets pale again.

Kassima shakes her head to May. "Thankee, but after yestereve and the
events in the Lounge a'fore, I've decided t'try and lay off the wine for
about a sevenday or so if'n I can... oh, I can't imagine that anyone would
object, if'n your Masters wouldn't. There are nigh always spare cots in the

Ambryl smiles, "We greatly appreciate it. I wouldn't want to impose on
anyone this late at night."

Aurian nods to Maylia, "A glass would be appreciated."

Maylia smiles to her old friend, and soon has a glass filled for her.
Handing it over to Aurian, she grimaces to Kassima. "REally, I heard of
that. A'lex? Were you out of yourmind?"

Kassima shakes her head immediately. "An imposition? Hardly that! Nay that
I could speak for Rhiallya or Tebiren, mind, but I can't see where they'd
object either... especially considering the importance of good Weyr-Craft
relations." She winks, then sticks out her tongue at Maylia. Mature? Her?
Nahhhh. "Hey, I got a mark out of the deal. If'n he wanted t'be foolish
enough t'give his money away...."

Aurian takes a sip of the wine, "Nah apparently he was just hot for Kassima
as he's been for turns I gather."

Kassima gives Aurian's wine glass a long, pointed look. "Just *how* much of
that have you been drinking, brownrider?"

Maylia raises her glass in a toast to Kassi, to the tune of "Don't show it
unless you're going to share it." A pause, and she giggles. "Thought, I
suppose you already did share it, but stiil. A'lex?" A further laugh is
stifled at Aurians' comment.

Kassima replies dryly, ignoring her own blush, "I'm sorry, May, but you're
a bit too un-masculine for that. And I only did it t'prove a point about
greenriders being better'n bronzers. Aught is valiant when 'tis done for
the honor of greenriders!"

Ambryl nods and smiles to the group of riders," Thank you so much for the
ride, Aurian. And I'm glad you liked the medallions, Kassima. And thank you
for the new commissions."

Tellrin walks in from the kitchen.

Kassima grins at Ambryl, ducking her head in a nod. "I do like them, and
thank *you* for accepting the commissions. I'm having a hard time finding
occasions t'do all the shopping I need t'do, I'll tell you."

Remo glances over, spotting Tellrin, and smiles slightly. "'Rin," he calls
to her, holding out a hand to her.

Tellrin walks into the cavern, glancing around at the patrons. She nods to
Aurian and Remo, the only two she knows. With a soft smile on her lips, she
moves over to Remo. "Heyla Remo."

Aurian grins at Kassima, "Only a sip." She glances to Ambryl, "Thank you
very much for the chimes."

Ambryl smiles and nods, "Goodnight to all of you." she says to the riders.

Maylia's response is a soft chuckle, teasingly. "Ah, but there's no need to
prove our superiourity, is there? Everyone knows it." She can't resist
glancing towards Aurian, who she suspects will counter this. "It's just
that they won't admit it.

Ambryl walks towards the inner cavern.

Aurian nods, "Of course, he only kissed me to make her jealous."

Kassima shakes her head in clear disbelief. "More'n *that*, Aurian. Much
more'n that, it must've been, for you t'go looney like this! Well, that's
what I said, May. But getting 'em t'conceed is indeed the thing."

Tellrin waves a bit belatedly at Kassi, not having seen her before. "Good
eve Kassima."

Annik smiles, "I must go too. Thank you Kassima and goodnight." She quickly
leaves the cavern.

Annik walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Argothe quietly leaves.

Argothe walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Remo looks up at the girl, waiting patiently until Tellrin's done with her

Kassima gathers up her medallions, slipping them gently into her satchel
before resuming her conversation. "Auri, you're a total nutso, and--oh,
g'deve, Tellrin."

Aurian shakes her head, "I'm not nutso. I bathe myself too frequently for

Kassima eyes Aurian for a moment, then decides to sidle closer to her
mentee. "Just when did she lose her miggsy balls?" she hisses to Maylia.

Tellrin grins at Kassi, then looks back down at Remo. "How are you?" Her
voice is as soft as her smile, and she sits beside him.

Devyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Remo nods to Tellrin, sipping his glass of juice. "Very well, thank you. You?"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "What the hell is a miggsy ball!???"

Tellrin smiles at him, laying her hand on the table. "Quite well. Anything
exciting happening in life?"

Telgar Weyr> Ro blinks "I have no idea."

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "You should probably give it back to Miggsy before
he notices it's missing."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "A marble. Honest. Regardless of what occasional
dragon chat might imply, it's a perfectly PG term. ;)"

Remo nods at Tellrin. "Not before you got here."

Aurian takes a fat rather too soft redfruit and hurls it at Kassima.

Tellrin grins at this, tipping her head. "And now?"

Kassima lifts one arm to bat the redfruit away, and it smacks against the
sleeve of her jacket with a rather disgusting-sounding *splorp*. "Ewwwwww,"
she observes, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Auri, now I *know* you're
crazy, throwing fruit at me like that. D'you have a fruit fetish?"

Remo ducks his head so as not to broadcast his words to teh entire cavern.

Tellrin smiles softly, tilting her head to reply in Remo's same quiet tone.

Aurian sticks her tounge out at Kassima, "Have you spoken to Pierron lately?"

Kassima's reply is droll. "Nay. I try to avoid speaking to the man when I
can. If'n anyone's nuttier than you...."

Remo reaches over and takes Tellrin's hand as they speak.

Tellrin smiles softly, lacing her fingers lightly through his.

Aurian leans close to Kassima, "Well I'm not one to gossip, " Yeah right."
But it appears that a wager was made.. involving you. Except.. you weren't
the one involved with the marks."

Kassima lets her gaze wander over towards Tellrin and Remo, and she gives a
very low groan. "Good Faranth, there's going t'be another lovey-dovey set
again. Remind me t'ask Ushu for one of those portable sickness-pots."
Tilting her head, she asks Aurian suspiciously, "The bronzeboy's been
betting on me? What sort of wager was this?"

Aurian flicks her hair back, "Apparently there was a ten mark bet between
L'cher and A'ex that the bronzer could get you to kiss him in the living
cavern for a mark."

N'kshar walks in from the bowl.

Tellrin laughs softly, then blinks at Kassi's words. "Oh... here... I'll go
fetch you one." She winks, then gasps at Aurian's words. "There was?" She
blinks, then turns back to Remo. "Oh... sorry... yes, I suppose they have.
Couldn't they... again though?"

Remo stands up, nodding at Tellrin. "Indeed they could," he says. "Shall
we?" he asks.

Tellrin rises fluidly, then smiles back at Remo. "But of course. Lead on."
She waves to those in the cavern.

Remo walks towards the inner cavern.

Tellrin walks towards the inner cavern.

N'kshar walks into the living cavern quickly, grabbing up a mug and filling
it quickly with klah, waving to all in the caverns with his free hand.
"G'deve all."

"Thankee, Tellrin. Keep up the sweetness and light, and I'll need it,"
Kassi teases, before giving Aurian a long and speculative look. "Oh, *was*
there. Nay wonder he made me swear against revenge." She doesn't look too
irate, though, which doesn't bode well for A'lex. "There's more'n one way
t'be playing that game. Though, I have t'hand it to the Sandwich Man: he's
getting cleverer."

Kassima sighs and leans back in her chair, seeming to notice N'kshar for
the first time. "G'deve, Nikh," she says, with a touch of surprise. "I
must've missed you coming in. How fares?"

N'kshar gives a slight shrug, topping off his mug. "Fairly well I suppose.
Tired from drills today, that's all. How're you and yours?" He asks with a
tired smile.

Aurian stretches for a long moment.

"The drills were long today," Kassima agrees, easily enough but without a
hint of apology. "We have t'be prepared for the holes in our experienced
ranks when the 'Reachian transfer takes place. Nonetheless, I'm
fine--making some progress with m'Turnover shopping--and Lysseth is also
well. Relatively well, anyway. She doesn't really adore being rained on."

N'kshar nods his head slowly, then grins. "Well, I'm glad to hear that
you're relatively happy at least." He says, heading over with his mug.

Kassima laughs quietly, lacing her fingers together behind her head. "Nigh
as happy as I could be, methinks," she muses. "Life is interesting, most of
m'riders are hale and in full health, and I've sufficient marks t'pay for
everything I intend t'buy, with luck. There're only a few things that could
make things go even better, and none of 'em are apt t'be obtained. How go
things with you and that lass-friend of yours?"

N'kshar's smile widens considerably at the mention. "Oh, quite well...
We're both a bit busy, of course, her at the 'Reaches and me here, but we
see each other enough." His eyebrow raises a bit, his bright smile fading
off to a curious look. "What things would those be? If you don't mind my

Kassima gives an amused shake of her head. "You couple-types. Shards if'n
I'll ever understand you. The things?" She leans back to tick them off on
her fingers. "T'be back home at Benden. T'have ten times the marks I
already do. T'have a Wingsecond who isn't about t'go proddy on me. T'have
the ability t'teach the transferrees Thunderbolt's patterns and ways ere
the first Threadfall. T'have Jayna and R'huen back out of the Infirmary.
While I'm dreaming, an end t'all Thread would be nice, and mayhaps even
having a perfect, sadomasochistic weyrmate might have appeal. Then,
a'course, there's having all the riders in the world proclaim me the
strangest of all strange greenriders, and all the maleriders conceed
greenrider dominance...." Dark green eyes twinkle with mischief. "If'n
you're going t'dream, dream big, as Da would say."

Aurian sips at her wine lightly.

Maylia wanders back toward the Thunderbolt table, wine glass in hand,
chuckling at whatever conversation she'd been having with the small cluster
of riders in the corner.

N'kshar coughs on his klah somewhere near the end of Kassi's monologue.
"Um, yes. That'd be great." He says, still running it all through his mind.
"Well, it could happen..." He says with a grin and a shrug.

Aurian glances to Maylia, "Did you have fun?"

Maylia reclaims her vacated seat, nodding a greeting to Nikh. To Aurian,
she grins. "Well, finally tracked down N'derin over there." A small handful
of wooden cirlces is displayed. "Owed me marks from the 'Reaches clutching
and hid from me."

N'kshar gives a warm smile over in the direction of Maylia. "G'deve,
clutchsib." He says, accompanied by a small wave.

Kassima laughs again, shaking her head. "Some of it, aye. If'n I live long
enough, I'll retire t'Benden, and the 'Reachians will eventually learn the
pattern, and Jayna and R'huen will heal. Thread will even
end--temporarily--in a number of Turns. With that, I'll have t'be content.
Why, May," she says with surprise, eyeing the marks, "we'll turn you into a
gambler yet?"

Maylia snorts, and shakes her head after returning her clutchsibs small
wave. "Hardly likely, mentor-mine. This is only the second clutch I've not
-lost- on." She reaches for a wineskin, but only a few dribbles pour out.
"Ah, well. I've probably had enough for tonight anyways."

Kassima replies soothingly, "You have t'pick up the knack, May, and learn
t'make your own luck. Find secrets and ways to learning, and you'll do
better. Mind, you might want to avoid betting against Mart. For someone who
scorns luck, he has a Star-spawned amount of it."

Aurian peers at Kassima.

Maylia raises an eyebrow towards Kassi, for she's learned not to bet
against her mentor in anything. Mentorship has its values. "Aye, I think
I'd best take that advice." She replies, trying her best not to chuckle.

Kassima grumbles, "Well, 'tis *true*. Just try beating him at games of pure
chance. Dragonpoker, aye, that can be done, and knife-throwing's simplicity
itself, but when 'tis random... argh. An infuriating talent, and one I
rather wish I had."

Aurian tilts her head, "He was here today."

N'kshar yawns as he finishes the last of his klah. "Well, it's about high
time that I get to sleep. G'night all." He says, passing his mug along and
heading for the bowl.

N'kshar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima blinks as though from a trance, and peers at Aurian. "He was?" she
asks, sounding surprised.

Aurian nods, "With what's her name... Kena. Yeah he was here he asked
rather impertinant questions about N'ren and me." She scowls, and sips her

"Kena. His weyrmate." Kassi smiles at the mention of the names. "Fine
people, both of 'em, though if'n you tell him so... but aye, impertinant
describes him well. Impertinance is how he began the Sacred Vendetta."

Aurian tilts her head, "How did it begin?"

Kassima chuckles deep in her throat. "Well, let's see. I've known him for
nay so very far from fourteen Turns, but the whole thing didn't start until
after he was a rider, too. About... oh, eleven, ten Turns agone. He had a
fondness for making cracks about how I needed a weyrmate t'keep me in line
and distract me from chopping up innocent men, so naturally I had t'get
back at him for that, and...." She shrugs helplessly. "There you have it."

Aurian sighs, "I would have thought it would have been a bit more

Kassima grins at Aurian. "Well, I *am* leaving out the castration attempts,
the various gaming incidents, the Martina episode, the time when he offered
t'moon the galleries t'let me unman him, the faintings, and all. The whole
history would take considerably longer to relate than I wish t'spend at
such an hour as this!"

Aurian blinks!

Kassima lifts an eyebrow at Aurian. "You'd nay heard about one or more of
those things?" she guesses.

Kassima gets to her feet finally, gathering up her satchel with especial
care. "I'd best get those medallions tucked away a'fore something happens
to 'em. Clear skies and g'night, you lot."

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.