-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Babes In Toyland Date: September 6, 2002 Places: Telgar Weyr's Skyspace; Fort Weyr's Skyspace, Central Bowl, and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Children run rampant in this particular scene, both on- camera and off: I'sai goes to Fort to deliver a present to Mylea, the daughter of his weyrmate M'kon and Weyrwoman Leah. He kindly invites Kassi along, who acts rather childlike herself (but he started it!)--and they proceed not only to chat with several familiar Fort personages, but also to make the acquaintance of Myk's half-sister Yvera, and afterwards run into Selandra with her young twins Elahan and Mydran. (The second boy was, yes, also sired by M'kon. It's a long story.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You fly over the rim of the bowl and out over Telgar proper. <*> Astride Taralyth's neck, I'sai hails with a wave, waiting till Taralyth's greeting warble has quieted before calling - leaned out for amplification - "Hoped you wouldn't mind visiting L'nan! Shouldn't take long." Kassima calls laughingly back, once Lysseth's finished the sweeter-voiced warble she usually reserves for this particular bronze, "May nay be visiting! Depends all in all on whether he's about, but we're of a mind t'travel, so i'truth I'm pleased t'go either way--on your signal, fearless leader?" <*> Taralyth's eyes gleam even more brightly - I'sai laughs, and gives her the signal by way of sticking out his tongue at her, and his dragon downsweeps for *between*. <*> Taralyth disappears into Between. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Lysseth follows a heartbeat after that disappearance--a heartbeat after that *tongue*--with no loss of aplomb; she trumpets to the now-familiar watchdragon: hello, hello, hello! And only with that politeness done with does she angle her flight-path to allow Kassi to answer I'sai's earlier gesture with a rude one of her own, far too much amusement in it for it to be seriously meant. <*> Taralyth fleets out of nothingness, warbling to those on watch before adopting a shallow spiral downward - one that loops around Lysseth's flight-path, if she lets him, while at a critical moment I'sai ups the stakes by thumbing his nose. Dragon> Lysseth and Aisheth sense that Taralyth, arriving, trumpets wordless, glittering greeting - hello, hello, they're here! <*> Taralyth spirals down lower into the bowl. You spiral down lower into the bowl. <*> Taralyth angles out and over, finally choosing to land near the caverns' entrance. <*> Taralyth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing. <*> Lysseth seems not amiss to this, shifting her spiral into one more at harmony with his: an aerial dance of sorts, lending particular grace and care to what might, normally, be routine. Of course, Kassi placing both thumbs at her ears and wiggling the fingers at Is in classic 'nyah-nyah' fashion might detract from the grace a bit. You spiral down to the ground, and backwing to a landing. <*> Astride Taralyth's neck, I'sai calls over, "I saw that!" even as he straps out, slides down. <*> I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Kassima waits until her feet have hit the ground before deigning to reply: "'Twere meant to! But nay reply gesture? Does that mean I *win*?" Lysseth, for once, isn't concerned with competition, instead radiating contentment with a side of smug for a dance well-completed. Dragon> Aisheth bespoke Lysseth and Taralyth with << I have seen your arrival. It is good to see you here. You are welcome and I have informed my rider. He awaits your lifemates within the Weyr. >> Fort LC> P'ter gets a distant look on his face, then smiles. "We have visitors." I'sai has to stop a moment, but then comes up with, "I was only -waiting- so that you could -see- it," and crosses his eyes. It takes Taralyth's snort to remind him to grab the hide bag from the latter's straps, whereupon the young dragon sprawls out in the sunshine with tail a-flick. I'sai teases, "But you can win anyway." Fort LC> Jenna laughs. "Well, that gets my packtail taken care of. But then what am I to eat for lunch?" Dragon> Lysseth and Aisheth sense that Taralyth sends swift acknowledgement and, belatedly, << He returns his thanks. >> Fort LC> "Well, I can find you some fruit," Yvera says with an impish smile to Jenna before looking toward P'ter. "Visitors?" Lysseth> Aisheth and Taralyth sense that Lysseth responds in light and chiming tones, each word a flicker of blue-green within crystal: << We are surely thankful for the hospitality, Aisheth. And mine reminds me, >> stickler that she can be, << to offer our duties to Fort and her queens. As if she won't do that *herself*. Honestly. >> Fort LC> P'ter gives Jenna a wide smile, "I could always take you out somewhere you know. If you wanted. I'm sure we could find something, somewhere." Fort LC> P'ter says "Yes Yvera, visitors. Aisheth tells me. Kassima and I'sai I do believe." Fort LC> Yvera glances between Jenna and P'ter and blatantly asks, "Are you trying to get her to go off with you alone? Because if you want, I won't go up to the weyr for my nap and then you can be alone." She thinks for a moment, shrugging as she doesn't recognize the names. She tries not to look disappointed that it isn't people from Igen who miss her. Fort LC> Jenna's eyes flicker faintly. "Going out sounds like -" then she blinks. "Yvera! I just don't want packtail for lunch." Kassima parries crossed eyes with a flourishing, one-handed gesture, which turns into a salute of sorts--if not one her Weyrlingmaster ever would have approved of. "I *do* appreciate the courtesy," she informs him, "and the win--which a'course you don't need t'*give* me; I can be winning on m'own, or would you argue that?" She *tries* to sound put out; it just doesn't work. At all. Particularly not with her green stretching out behind her, not quite sprawling, but uncurling enough to let the sun warm as much of her hide as dignity might allow. Fort LC> P'ter stares at Yvera, and then laughs. "Oh my no, I'm not trying to be alone. I'm trying to get Jenna a nice lunch." I'sai inquires on a laugh, "Would you believe me if I said no, I couldn't argue just about anything?" and tosses her a light kiss as payback before wandering on inside, sack swaying at his side. I'sai heads into the Living caverns. You head into the Living Caverns. I'sai wanders inside, swinging a hide sack by one hand; it's moderately bulky but, by the way he's treating it, not especially breakable. Once his companion's made it in likewise, he greets, "'Lo, Fort. Telgar's duties." Yvera looks the picture of innocence. She was just trying to help! She wants her foster mum and her new Weyrleader to like her. "Oh. You're the type who only likes to be alone when the dragons play tag then. HEY! I can go find you some sweetsticks. If you put enough of them on it, you can eat anything. Even wherry meat when it's cooked too much. They call it 'blackened' or something, but that's jsut a nice way to say they forgot to turn it when they cooked it. "I would nay," Kassi informs I'sai pertly, following just a step behind him and looking entirely pleased. "In my experience, you can argue just about *everything*. More a case of 'would' than 'could.' Duties t'Fort and her queens," she echoes then, a touch more formally and accompanied by an amiable nod towards the room at large. Jenna clears her throat. "I appreciate that, Yvera. And Fort's duties to Telgar and her queens. You're just in time for lunch. Packtail," she informs the entering riders. Yvera peers at the incoming riders and cranes her neck to look around them. "Where is she?" she asks the pair, eyes darting this way and that. Remembering she's supposed to be on her best manners, she tells them, "Ig--er, Fort Weyr's duties and things, hi I'm Yv and I live here now." P'ter grins at Jenna, "Don't call visiting riders Packtail Jenna. Its Kassima and I'sai." Then to those indicated he smiles, "Fort's duties to Telgar, and more especially, to you both. Have you come for lunch?" I'sai dutifully repeats, if on a sigh, "...And her queens. - And good. I feel greatly vindicated." To the Fortians, carefully not looking at the Telgar wingleader now, "Packtail. Thank you but, ah, I think I'm fine just now. Kassi might like some, though?" and smiles very brightly indeed. Kassima darts a look behind herself. "Who's she?" she asks Yvera, her expression, yes, mildly confused. "I didn't know 'twere supposed t'be bringing someone else. But 'tis a pleasure t'meet you, Yv. I'm Kassima, or Kassi, whichever you prefer; just visiting, though. Nay for lunch," she turns to answer P'ter with a quick-flashed grin. "Accompanying Is on errand, more like. And I've always seen m'self as more a sparkler than a packtail--or is that you, Is? I could be a yellowfin instead... but in any event, thankee, but I ate back at Telgar. Stuffed mushrooms." Jenna rolls her eyes goodnaturedly at P'ter. "Vindicated?" This question goes to I'sai. "Dare I ask? - And are you sure you won't have some juice or something?" This to both riders, eyebrows arched questioningly, missing Yvera's question. Galenn casts curious eyes upon the Telgar visitors, but his attention is at least partially commanded by the tray of cookies on one of those tables at the far end of the cavern. He remains quiet and, because of his small size, quite likely invisible among the others arriving to seat themselves for lunch. Yvera says to Kassima. "Kindy." Yes, Kin. D. Kindy. "I named my firelizard after her. Sort of. Ekins. E, then kin, then ssss. He hatched a little bit after Dargoosgoose, and I named him and he's hers." She smiles beamingly. "And my brother is too busy to come see me, so I don't ask about him anymore because I never got to be a Weyrleader so I don't know how busy one is and he's very busy and your Weyrsecond isn't a dimglow." She then pauses a second and asks, "What errand? Because I can help! I know where the store rooms are now! One of the kids locked me in one earlier and made me promise not to tell so he can't get in trouble." N'lan comes in from the bowl. N'lan slips in from the bowl, calling out cheerily, "Igen's duties!" P'ter lifts a hand to wave to N'lan, "And Fort's to you sir. Good to see you. Have you come for lunch? Its packtail." "Yellowtail," I'sai decides after a momentary wistful look at the mention of those mushrooms. "And I'm afraid it'd be a long story, Jenna - you're Jenna? not Milque, so I figured, and juice would be fine, and - " after hastily getting out of the doorway so N'lan can more readily get through, "...which Weyrsecond. We've two, you know." P'ter just stares at Yvera. Jenna starts, "N'lan! Fort's - wait!" She swivels to her foster. "/Who/ locked you in stores earlier?" She nods distracted to I'sai, "I'm Jenna, yes." She gets up automatically, for juice, though lingers to hear Yvera's answer. "I'd nay mind juice, if'n 'twouldn't be an abuse of hospitality," Kassi admits, tugging her riding gloves from her hands. "Yelling taunts at insolent bronzeriders across the sky is thirsty work." Blinking at Yvera, she tilts her head to one side. "Kindre?" she tries. "Was she here visiting, then? I'm afraid she's nay with us today. I can pass on greetings t'her, though, if'n you want. And you're quite right, our Weyrsecond glows quite brightly." She doesn't clarify precisely which. "--Is, you're the one with the errand; tell Yv what 'tis you're doing? Oh," she turns to greet, "duties t'Igen and her queens, too." N'lan smiles. "Delivering messages, sir, and visiting, but I wouldn't turn down packtail, either...Jenna!" P'ter nods to N'lan, "Whose the message for? Anything you need me to pass on?" Then he bows to Kassima, "Nothing you ask would be an abuse of hospitality ma'am." And as Jenna is listening to Yvera and might be busy, he too heads juicewards. "Yell out if you want juice. Save on the trips." Yvera, belatedly, closes her mouth and shuts up. She glances at P'ter, then Jenna, then to the visitors. Nope, mouth is shut and remaining that way. Well, it was going to remain that way until Kassi asks her question. "No, she was at Igen. I'm from Igen Weyr but I live here now. At Fort. With my foster mum." She smiles beamingly, though she glances toward the other Telgar rider as if silently asking to help. And she's silently hoping Jenna doesn't ask her again. Selandra comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns. Selandra follows a lanky young lad into the living caverns and pauses to smile and wave. "Kassima?" Another young lad hairs along behind her, as both boys head straight for the food. N'lan smiles at Kassima. "And Igen's to Telgar - heard your clutching went well. The message, sir, is for you, actually..." He turns to the Weyrleader, only to watch him walk away towards the juice. I'sai tilts Jenna a brief nod at her reply, caught up in his own hurried "duties-to-Igen-and-her-queens" quite as if he'd forget such things if he hadn't Kassi showing him the way; he obligingly wanders over to the young girl, then, and explains, "M'weyrmate had drills, see, and convinced me to drop off a few things." Jenna has apparently forgotten all about juice. And visitors. And just about everything else, at least for the moment. She asks again, "Who locked you in stores, Yvera?" P'ter ahs, looking back over his shoulder to N'lan, "You in a rush? I'll get you some juice and then you can give me the message? Is it urgent at all?" Then, "Do you want juice by the way?" Kassima twitches. Visibly. "If'n you're going t'ma'am me, Weyrleader, which isn't appropriate anyway, then I promise 'twill sir you within an inch of your life. But I do appreciate it." Her eyes flick over a nearby table; seeing an open chair, she helps herself to it, the better to relax while following all these conversations. "Ah, now, that makes sense, Yv. None of m'children are fostered like that, but I've one who's living at a different weyr now too. Oh, thankee," she responds to the Igen rider, "and it went well enough. Nay queen, thankfully. Hopefully I'll make a nice profit when they Hatch. G'deve, there, Sela!" Yvera looks down at the floor and murmurs the name of a troublemaker bully type, but she glances up at Kassima and gives her a smile." Galenn weaves through a few tables and seats himself near Jenna and Yvera. His head swivels back and forth. As the look of concentration on his face suggests, he's trying to follow all the conversations at once, and not really succeeding. Selandra's two boys - for it is these youngsters that are hairing about the cavern - pause to look at the fosterling, and both end up standing there for a moment jostling each other with elbows and shoulders, as their play turns rougher. N'lan says "It's not hurry, sir...and, ahh, I wouldn't mind at all." P'ter pours out a number of glasses of juice, placing them on a tray, glancing over to Jenna to see if she is ready to handle the juice situation. Seems she is intent on Yvera, so he starts to do the rounds, going first to Kassima, handing her a glass. "Here you Kassima ...", he walks away and when two paces off and his back turned, he adds, ".. ma'am." Sotto Voice. - He arrives at N'lan's side. "So, what's this message then? And here, have a juice." Selandra smiles back at Kassi warmly. "Evening, Fort's duties." as she casts a glance at her youngests and sighs goodnaturedly. N'lan pulls a hide from his pouch with one hand, taking the juice glass with the other. "Thank you, sir - and, here. I don't know what's in it but I was told it's just routine stuff." I'sai nods amiably to the mop-haired boy as he nears; "Anyway, I don't suppose Leah is about? Probably easiest to give it to her for Mylea and - oh! _Selandra_. Just in time; did Nioth bespeak Abrieth or something, say we were coming?" Kassima, after flashing a smile back to Yvera, accepts the glass with a murmur of thanks, and it's half-raised to her lips when that final word floats back. Without any regard for maturity, she blows a raspberry after the Weyrleader's back. "See how you've corrupted me, Is?" she asks in an aside, lifting her glass a fraction in toast to him; then, "Duties t'Fort and her queens and all that over again. Are those lads yours, Sela?" Jenna frowns thoughtfully at Yvera, and then says "Do you know anything about this, Galenn?" Then, as juice gets around, she gives P'ter a greatful look. "Um, I think she's in the records room? You can find just about all of us in there at some point during the day. I can send someone to find her though, I'sai?" P'ter takes the message, opening the seal with a thumb. "Lets take a look." He goes through the contents, grunting occasionally. The grunts vary in tone, probably linked to the content. "Ah well, okay. I'll get onto this tommorow. Should have the reply through to Igen by the end of the seven day." "NO!" Yvera nearly shouts to Jenna, shaking her head. "No, Galenn wasn't there, why would he know anything about it?" Great. She's gonna look like a traitor to her potential friends. And Rosmyn still isn't talking to her for leaving Igen. As if she had a choice. "I can go look if you want," she offers Kassima, probably not even heard over the general hubbub of the area. She says it quietly, almost as if she's trying to look polite even as she slinks into the shadows. Galenn's attention is again divided. He's pleased to be acknowledged, smiling a bit at I'sai. Then he peers at P'ter's tray to see if there's any juice left over for him. But upon hearing his name, he jumps as if startled. "Huh? Um..about what?" he asks Jenna. Selandra nods a"She's just told me now. Honestly I think that green has more fun keeping me off my guard than not these days." she says in response to I'sai, and nods again at Kassi. "Yes, they just said they were 'starving'" she notes in perfect mimicry of the youth. "I do hope we're not interrupting anything?" she asks, expanding her question to the weyrleaders as well. N'lan nods. "I'll let them know back at Igen, sir." I'sai visibly winces at the near-shout, murmuring something about corruption and M'rgan and... he rubs his ears a couple of times before replying, "Glad she finally got around to it, Sela. He's got, let's see, it's a jointed something-or-other," and starts rummaging in the sack. Kassima sets her juice down for the moment, dividing a thoughtful look between Yvera and I'sai. "That's terribly kind of you t'be offering, Yv; I guess it depends whether Is wants someone t'go find Leah--what say you, Is?" Her eyes wander towards Sela's two boys, curiosity lightening their green. "Which one's--do I have the names right? Elahan and Mydran? Which one's Myk's lad?" Jenna waves her hand at Galenn, "Nevermind. Not important." And then Niyath apparently starts in on things, because her eyes go a bit distant, conversation flowing on without her. Selandra gives a glance across at the boy's who've now resolved their tussle and are munching on some of the sweeter foods. She gives an affectionate sigh, as she catches Kassi's question. "Hmm, oh Myrdran is M'k's boy." she notes thoughtfully. P'ter winces at Yvera's shout. How is it that kids of that age manage to use ultrasonics when they yell like 'that'. He rubs at his ear on that side and grimaces at N'lan. "Thanks." He smiles, "You want to eat while your here? We're about to have lunch. I think." N'lan smiles. "Might as well - I'm about due for dinner, at home. One meal's as good as the next..." P'ter snorts, "Are you kidding? This is Fort. We have good food here." He grins. Galenn shrugs at Jenna, glad to be let off the hook. His attention returns to the flow of conversation, and then back to P'ter's drink tray, and then back to the conversation. And then he volunteers, out of nowhere, "Packtail." "I'll go find Leah," Yvera offers with a blinding smile to the Telgar riders, then P'ter, then Jenna and then everyone else. See? She's on her Absolute Bestest Behavior. I'sai keeps rummaging, muttering about down in here _somewhere_ - then finally gives in and pulls out a finely worked wooden slate with a hinged cover, asking, "Who'd be able to give this to Mylea? Or Leah, if it'd be just as easy. After that, I can get Mydran his." P'ter blinks at Galenn at his utterance of the fish. "Hey, you want juice?" "I'm knowing that much," Kassi tells Sela with a quick grin. "I meant, which one of 'em is Mydran? I don't think I've ever seen the lads, which is a little odd since I know you both... oh, here, Is, give it to Yv? She wants t'find Leah for you, sounds like. 'Tis quite good of her." Selandra chuckles. "Oh, the darker of the pair. Elahan has much of his dad's colouring." she jokes, in somuch as both his dam and sire are redheads. Galenn wasn't eyeing the drink tray at all. "Juice?" he asks, as if the idea hadn't occurred to him before. "Sure! Um, I mean--yes, sir." N'lan grins back. "Better than Igen, even, sir?" P'ter laughs, "Sure works too you know." He holds out a glass, "Here." Yvera snags the slate from I'sai and scampers off to find Leah. "Oh, and thank you for coming, enjoy your visit and don't sit on the wobbly chair!" she calls to the visiting riders on her way out. P'ter nods to N'lan, "Yes indeed. Better than Igen. At least where pies are concerned. - Now, that is of course my personal findings. Others may disagree with me. But I do find the Fort pie to be really the best pie I've come across yet." Yvera walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns. Mydran hears something about gifts, with only the incredible hearing a child can possess, and he clusters around. "What have you got there?" he asks rudely, before his mother gives him a gentle reprimand. "Sorry Sir. Leah's this way too." he saysadoring the tall bronzerider. I'sai waves futilely after the girl, saying to nobody in particular, "She is, um, trustworthy? Isn't she? ...I hope? - Oh! Be pleased to show you, lad, but maybe not in this crowd; if you'll excuse us, everyone? Kassi, I don't know if you got to see this yet - " N'lan says "Hmm. I'll have to try some, then..." Selandra chuckles. "I'm told she's M'kon'ssister or something to that effect." she notes at I'sai. And watches as her son gets an excited look and tugs at I'sai's hand, leading the bronzerider off with a volley of excited chattering. "Probably as trustworthy as any lassling," Kassi reassures I'sai--so to speak--at her most sunny. "Nay, Is, I don't think I did; you'd nay mind m'seeing...? Duties again t'Fort and everyone," she offers the room in general, rising to follow after the departing pair. Galenn grins happily as he takes the juice. He sips quietly and slowly, which is rather odd for a boy his age, and continues to listen to pieces of several conversations. As if any of this is his business. Reminded, I'sai breathes a last, "Duties!" as Myd drags him off. I'sai walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns. You walk down the stairs, into the Inner Caverns.