
Motherly Concerns

Date:  October 26, 2002
Places:  Igen Weyr's Skyspace and Main Beach
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Despite Kay's reaction to the idea when it was first
mentioned, Kassima is determined to seek out U'yn and ask him a few
questions--as well one might expect, given that he may be the father
of her first grandchild.  Of course, she wasn't anticipating that 
she'd be a bit on the tipsy side when she did the questioning.


The Log:

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Lysseth trumpets a clear note to the watchpair, swooping once close to 
the rim before beginning a slow, lazy circle of the Weyr's grounds in general.

Lysseth> Kismith senses that Lysseth's reach is tentative, though from 
unfamiliarity rather than any shyness. << Our duties to your Weyr. You are 
lifemate to the one called U'yn? My rider knows him; she seeks some 
conference. >>

Dragon> Kismith bespoke Lysseth with << He is at rest >> The mind image 
shows the Igen beach. << He has nothing to distract him right now. >>

Lysseth> Kismith senses that Lysseth, after conveying this image to her 
rider, says simply, << That is well. She feels it is important, this thing 
she would discuss with him. >>

<*> Lysseth breaks off finally from her circle, tucking in her wings for a 
spiralling descent.

You furl your wings slightly to glide lower into the Bowl.

You carefully wing lower into the Bowl.

You wing northwest to land at the Main Beach.

<*> U'yn is lying on his back on the sand. He barely looks up when the 
dragon and rider arrives. He has a resigned air about him. "I'm sure you're 
here to chew me out, somehow. You're not the first today, and I'm sure you 
won't be the last."

<*> Lysseth's careful backwinging brings her to a neat landing, the 
inevitable stirrings of wind from such an action too small to endanger the 
tents. Kassima spends a couple of moments looking towards these before she 
reaches for her straps. "Fair arrangement they've got here... duties t'Igen 
and her queens, a'course, and all that. And our thanks for your assistance, 
Kismith--whether I'm here t'be chewing you out," which is directed to rider 
rather than dragon, "might depend on what you have t'be saying. Always 
possible, given the givens. Hold steady, will you, Lyss?" The green already 
was, but she tries to hold steady-er so that her rider might slide down with 
unusual caution.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

U'yn has half a mind to just stay where he is, but reluctantly he sits up. 
"Igen's duties," he returns. Leaves it at that.

"Remind me t'be asking later just what's crawled up your pants leg and died, 
or crawled up your pants leg and yelled. Whichever the proper case may be. 
Normally one would be expecting a twinge more enthusiasm from an 
acquaintance one hasn't seen in Turns." Kassi leans back against Lysseth's 
shoulder for a moment before straightening to tug off her jacket and helmet. 
She's straight from some beach or other, evidently, since instead of a shirt 
she's wearing a swimsuit and her hair is only tied back rather than 
braided--so, naturally, it emerges from under the helmet in something of a 
mess. She ignores this. "Nay that there's aught normal about this visit. I 
*hope*. I'm guessing you can guess why I wanted t'see you?"

U'yn sighs, and responds, "I'm sorry, I'd heard rumour that you were 
none-to-pleased with me. It's getting to be a fairly common thing," he adds, 
"So forgive me if I'm less than enthused to be berated again." A ghost of a 
smile, now, and he says, alittle more of his polite self, "And it is nice to 
see you, come sit on the sand?"

Kassima flicks a faint smile back. "Don't mind if'n I do. 'Twas just over at 
the Lounge a'fore I came here, and 'twas there long enough that sitting 
sounds more m'speed than standing." Nevertheless, her steps are mostly 
straight as she heads over, and she does sit down, rather than fall. "I 
honestly can't be saying whether that rumor's true or false. Let's be saying 
I don't know yet whether I'm nay too pleased with you. Kay wouldn't have it 
that there's any reason nay t'be, but I'm her mother, and on this I'd rather 
be judging for m'self." Pushing back her hair so that it's all approximately 
where she belongs, she considers him a moment. "D'you want t'talk about what 
else has been happening yell-wise? I'm vaguely curious now."

U'yn shakes his head. "You've a reason to be here, you start with that," he 
says. "I've nothing against talking, but you have your say first."

Kassima inclines her head to him. "As 'twould. 'Tis simple enough, really, 
and you've likely guessed it: I went t'see Kay a month or so ago, and she 
gave me certain interesting news. About her weyrmating. And her pregnancy. 
And how she may or may nay have gotten that way." Pause. "Nay the 
*technical* how--y'know what I mean. But 'tis cursedly hard t'get details 
from one's offspring sometimes. So what I'd like first is t'hear from you 
just what happened, anyway." Another pause. "Nay need t'go into great 
detail, mind you."

U'yn rolls his eyes, slightly, at the last disclaimer, muttering a bemused, 
"phew." Then he sighs, and explains. "Kismith chased Elnyth, was his first 
chase, and there we were in Fort, and I'd never been flight lost before--I 
knew what to expect but even so I was unprepared. I was rather lost, and no 
one at Fort was familiar, and I couldn't come back to Teria because I'd made 
her terribly angry, and... I don't really know how I wound up at Ista. But I 

"There've been rumors about why Teria became terribly angry," Kassi murmurs; 
it's a comment that doesn't seem to expect or need response, not with her 
attention more on the rest of it. "A gold chase for a first chase. What fun 
that must've been." Droll, droll; Lysseth's low snort is equally so. "Had 
Pheirth chased Elynth too, or nay? I'm guessing nay if'n 'twas Ista."

U'yn sighs at the first part. Shakes his head to the question. "No, Pheirth 
was not involved at Fort. But she was there when I got there. It was such a 
whim that I went there, too, I..." he stops there. This is her mother he's 
talking to.

Kassima nevertheless prompts, "Go on." But not ungently, and she allows 
herself a fleeting smile. "Kay's always been... disturbingly frank with me, 
about some things, so I doubt you'd outdo her in that respect. You should've 
seen m'face when she told me about Tella. 'Tisn't great detail I want, but I 
still don't know what brought it all about--besides the obvious, 'tis t'be 
saying. Unless you don't remember?"

U'yn furrows his brow, "You want more?" he asks. "You want to know how we 
got from meeting up at Ista to possibly making a baby?"

"In a sense," Kassi slowly agrees, slightly red despite what she said 
earlier. The idea of one's daughter making babies can do that. "In a sense. 
Hard 'tis t'be explaining. Don't get me wrong; I don't think you, I don't 
know, *grabbed* her or aught, you never struck me as that kind. If'n she'd 
been the one flight-lost, I might have asked if'n she'd grabbed *you*. But 
she has a lover, a weyrmate now--" Her expression darkens slightly as she 
adds that part. "So I'm left nay quite understanding the why. Nay offense 
meant t'you; I don't mean that as in, y'know, I don't understand why she'd 
possibly--you get the idea. I don't know. Was it her notion t'begin with?"

U'yn shakes his head. "I did not grab her," he agrees, mildy. "She took one 
look at me and knew what I'd been about, and was, well, I dunno. Helping me. 
She took me to the hot springs so I could unwind. But I was still..." now he 
pinks up. "It just happened, ma'am," he falls back into the weyrling habit, 
now, "after a time, there in the springs."

"Kassima," Kassi absently, automatically corrects. "Or Kassi. Still nay a 
ma'am. All right, that's enough t'be explaining." Perhaps more than strictly 
enough, since the red marking her cheeks goes up a notch at the detail of 
the springs. "'Tis sounding like just one of those things, and I'm glad, 
because I didn't really *want* t'storm in here in a fury and challenge you 
to a duel over the honor of m'daughter or any such thing. I like you, and 
Ursa'd kill me. What d'you think of it all?" she wants to know now. "Of the 
baby and everything?"

U'yn grins crookedly. "I'm happy for her," he says. "I'm a little, uhm, 
well, confused. For her to say, 'this may or may not be yours.' Especially 
since she's got a weyrmate, if I try to, uhm, I dunno, do stuff for her, or 
the baby, or whatever, I'm treading on their space. It's almost as if she 
should have just assumed it was his, but she didn't, and that weird maybe is 
something I have to deal with."

Kassima's nod is slow verging on solemn. "I can see why 'twould be strange. 
Nay that I've had that particular difficulty m'self," she adds wryly, "from 
your side--or from hers, come t'mention it. But a first child's a big thing 
t'be uncertain about, it seems t'me. D'you *want* it t'be yours? Would you 
rather 'twasn't?" After a beat, she adds to this, "I'm nay going t'be angry 
if'n you say nay to the first or aye to the second, for the record. I know 
you don't know her all that well."

U'yn considers. "Sometimes I think of something she said," is his meandering 
start, "That she hadn't gotten pregnant for so long... and I think, see? 
It's mine. Because he couldn't..." Then he shrugs. "I guess I'd be happy if 
it were, that would be, oh, I don't know. Something. A real something. 
But..." U'yn digs his feet into the sand, "I just want to know, somehow. I 
feel like I can't give it my full joy because there's not a full answer."

"She mentioned that t'me. But M'llon has four children... it can't be that 
he's nay able. I asked Craftsecond Sauscony--she's going t'be attending the 
birth if'n Kay's amenable--and she said it means naught, the delay, and so 
Kay's worry is probably groundless." Kassi brings her knees up to prop under 
her chin, folding her arms around them. "I don't say that t'be taking hope 
away or aught, only it seems fair you should know. Would you be joyous if'n 
you did know 'twere so? I suppose that's what I've really been wanting t'know."

U'yn smiles his crooked smile again. His feet have buried themselves in the 
sand, now, with all that digging. "I would be joyous," he says simply.

Kassima lets out a long breath in relief. "I'm glad," she answers, just as 
simply. "You wouldn't have t'be. You're nay *obliged* t'be. Wouldn't really 
be any of m'business either way if'n you listen t'Kay. But a prospective 
father who didn't care about her or the child, or who was unhappy about the 
whole thing, is something 'twas hoping there wouldn't be for her. I had t'be 
asking." She finds a full smile somewhere, rocking back and forth once in 
the sand. "What you said earlier... if'n you were wanting t'do something, I 
might be able t'offer a suggestion."

U'yn's feet suddenly reappear from under the sand, toes wiggling to release 
the tiny grains. He tilts his head, "Which earlier? I've said a lot. But 
please, what's your suggestion?"

Kassima's feet tap at the sand almost by reflex. Maybe sand-digging's like 
yawning and contagious. But the boots don't get very far, and after a minute 
she leaves it alone. "The bit about it being awkward t'do aught for her or 
the childling because of her situation. If'n 'twere *wanting* t'do 
something, there are a few things I plan t'be commissioning t'take t'her 
a'fore the time. You'd be welcome t'go in with me on price and help pick out 
design if'n you want. Or I could go in with you on price and you could do 
the selecting. Or mayhaps best, I could be delivering aught you wanted t'get 
when I take her my things. The awkwardness doesn't apply t'me after all; 
'tis a mother's prerogative t'be nosing in on matters concerning her child's 
welfare--oh, and speaking of which. What did Ursa make of all this?"

U'yn nods as he listens, a mild agreement, you know that nod of 'not a bad 
idea maybe i'll do that' non-commital positive kinda thing. But his sudden 
glance down at the sand, inspecting the grains that are lifted in his long 
fingers, watching the sand filter through slowly, his glance away answers 
that question clearly--he hasn't told her.

Kassima, somewhat experienced in the reading of glances, gives a long, low 
whistle. "You'd better be telling her," she warns, never mind that it's 
probably needless. "I don't know who all knows; I'd assume nay many yet, 
since I've certes nay told anyone and nay anyone's come t'needle me over it 
yet. But y'know Weyr gossip. Sooner or later someone with a loud mouth will 
be finding out and bringing it up. Faranth knows I'd have been upset if'n 
I'd had t'be hearing this from anyone but Kay."

U'yn takes a deep breath, now looking up to nod. "You're right. I'll tell 
her soon, real soon. It's just everything, and nothing's settled, and I 
don't know what all to tell her, and she's so busy...." the babbling ceases 
suddenly, and he returns to filtering sand through his fingers.

"For busy, you're right; but I'd wager she's nay so busy that she wouldn't 
want t'see you, much less spare a moment t'talk about something important 
with you. For naught being settled... also true. And it may never *be* 
settled, in the sense of the knowing, so there may nay be a time you can 
tell her for sure whether 'tis or 'tis nay. For what all t'tell her--" 
Kassima abruptly grins, and if it's a rueful grin there's still real humor 
in it. "I'd say tell her all she wants t'know, but don't ask me *how*. I 
nigh on passed out when Kay told me. Ursa's of sterner stuff than I am, but 
I imagine she might be a bit surprised." Just a bit. She shifts position so 
that her cheek rests against her knees, the better to watch the movements of 
sand. "D'you know how she feels about grandchildren?"

U'yn nods. "Nothing'll ever be settled," he agrees, though he may be 
referring to more than just possible offspring. "I don't know... don't know 
how she feels about grandchildren. Emlyn'll be pleased as a heifer with 
fresh green pasture in spring."

Kassima switches sides: "Can't say that either. Ryialla didn't know who 
Ysaira's father was, but when she was born with blonde hair and I'sai's 
eyes, it became rather obvious. The babe might either be born looking just 
like you or M'llon, or grow t'look much like you or M'llon. Wish I knew 
offhand what color eyes he has. 'Tisn't likely the bairn will get hers, from 
what little I know of such things." She slants a sidelong look at him. "Or 
was that nay quite what you meant?" There's silence from her for a moment 
after this, until she supposes, "Even if'n Ursa doesn't precisely *want*--or 
mayhaps I should say isn't ready for; I can't see her actively nay 
*wanting*, though I could be wrong--grandchildren, I doubt she'd be upset 
with you. Or wouldn't be happy for you. For what 'tis worth."

U'yn nods, a numb sorta numb. "I'll tell her," he echoes. "Yash wants me to 
come teach strap lessons, so I'll go... uhm... tomorrow. Set things up with 
Yash and make sure Ursa doesn't hear it from some joker."

Kassima nods acknowledgment; "She told me about the straps thing. I asked 
her t'pass on t'you then if'n I couldn't catch you aforehand that I wanted 
t'speak with you, so if'n she brings it up--Yash, that is--that's what she'd 
be meaning. U'yn, are you all right?"

U'yn nods. "I've been a full rider for several months, now, Kismith and I 
are still fighting, no serious injuries, and doing well. So yah, I'm fine," 
he says.

"But you mentioned earlier," Kassi points out, lifting her left eyebrow at 
him, "that someone had been yelling at you. I'truth, you nigh implied this 
was some sort of regular occurance."

U'yn shakes his head. "I said berating," he points out, "Not yelling. Things 
are rather unsettled between Teria and I," he further explains. "The fact 
that I caused a baby, or at least tried, didn't help that much."

"Berating, yelling," but despite Kassi's vaguely dismissive wave of her 
hand, she doesn't protest the distinction with any force. "'Tis about the 
Yash matter, or some other thing? I can't imagine that *'twould* help, 
though given that 'twere flight-lost I'd think there'd be some slack. Unless 
you had some sort of agreement about that with her?"

U'yn sighs. "Tis about the fact," he begins confidently enough, but he 
falters, the words fizzling before they all get exposed, "About the fact 
that I've taken a step back, so to speak. And she sees me as runnin' round 
enjoying whomever I like, while she's left to..." he sighs, "To pine? Did 
she really say that?" He furrows his brow. "I didn't mean to leave her 

Kassima rubs a finger along her lower lip. "I can see where she wouldn't 
much *like* that," she allows, "if'n she didn't want t'take a step back 
herself. I can't blame her for nay being thrilled. But you'd nay formal 
agreement between you, had you? Promises or aught?"

U'yn sighs. Trust a woman to take a woman's side. "No promises," he says, a 
little more curtly.

"Then I don't see where you *owe* it t'her t'be staying with her, even if'n 
she might like it thus." Kassi rolls her shoulders upwards in a shrug. "With 
nay agreements or promises, you're free t'be with whom you choose as far as 
I'm seeing it. Taking a step back may have been a wise thing if'n you're nay 
ready t'commit and that's what she wants."

U'yn ducks his head. "But I'm hurting her, and I didn't mean to," he sighs. 
"And I look into my future and I don't see a clear picture. I don't know 
where I should head."

Kassima watches her boot toes tap some more against the sand. "It seems t'me 
that by being honest with her, you're hurting her less than you might 
otherwise... but that probably doesn't help much. I can't see a good 
alternative unless you *are* ready t'be her monogamous mate. It doesn't 
sound as if'n you are, at least nay yet. All I can be suggesting is t'take 
it day by day as you can, though I doubt that's much help t'you."

U'yn seems to be studying his knees. "It's not like I'm out weyrhopping, you 
know," he points out. "There's been two flight incidents, that's all. I 
think the fact that I wasn't involved in the flight, when I took Yashira 
home that time, I think that upset her quite a bit," he sighs.

"Point made," Kassima grants. "I could vaguely see where 'twould, t'be 
honest. In her place I'd probably be upset." She mulls over this for a 
moment. "Mayhaps. With E'vrin, I certes didn't *like* it, but without any 
vows or commitments t'me--mayhaps 'tis her age; mayhaps 'tis just how she 
is. I don't think you're in the *wrong*, though."

U'yn says sullenly, "It was the right thing to do."

Kassima inclines her head slightly. "I'm in agreement. About the stepping 
back, at least. Going with Yash... I just don't know, I can be seeing 
arguments for and against that, but if'n you're sure 'twas right then 
mayhaps 'twas indeed the right thing for you."

U'yn insists, "It was. I guess that's part of the conflict. She makes me 
feel like I slipped up, but Yash is... she's Yash. And it happened, and it 
was right, and I'd do it again, and if that's wrong for Teria, I don't know 
how to fix it."

"It might mean you and she shouldn't be together." Kassi's voice is quiet, 
and rather gentle, in suggesting this. "She wants something you might nay be 
willing t'provide, by the sound. And... well, this might be me; I'd be 
saying that knowing how it distresses her, but nay feeling that her distress 
is too much t'pay for such a thing, might suggest that she's nay the true 
love of your life. But be taking that with salt. I've something of a bias on 
those matters."

U'yn can't respond to that. There's just too many things going on in his 
head. So he just says, "You see why I keep putting off talking to Ursa? I 
feel like I need to have a handle on the story of my life before I go catch 
up with her."

Kassima nods to this, after a moment spent considering it. "I can see. But 
I'm thinking that you might do better t'talk with her a'fore everything's 
settled. Kay waited with me--then hit me with her promotion, her weyrmating, 
her baby, her uncertainty all at once, and I'm still at a loss for how t'get 
a grip on all of it, d'you ken? I don't know if'n I'd advise springing news 
on her in one great lump rather than piece by piece as it comes together."

Vaneva ambles over from the center of the bowl.

U'yn grumbles, but nods to Kassima. "Okay, I get your point," he says. He's 
sitting on the sand talking to her. Then says, "If you'll forgive me, my 
sweeps come early, and I had better get myself back up to my weyr."

Kassima is sitting on the sand just nearby, but when he says this last 
thing, she unkinks her legs in preparation to rise. "I know, I know, I 
stress it too much. Probably Ursa will take it all much better. She's always 
been strong... certes I'll forgive you, particularly when I should be 
getting back t'mine and," with a quick smile, sunny despite its slight 
wryness, "finish sobering up in time for the morrow's drills. Thankee for 
indulging me in this. I appreciate it more than I can truly be expressing."

U'yn scowls a little, and shrugs. "Glad to be of assistance. And, ah, I'll 
be watching out for that grandchild of yours, okay?" that said, he flees to 
Kismith's side, calling over his shoulder, "Tell Ursa I'll be seeing her 
soon." Half way up the straps, "No, don't, she'll want to know why you were 
visiting me, you never visit me...."

U'yn climbs up onto Kismith's back with the assistance of an extended 
forelimb and the straps.

"Well, you didn't have t'tell me aught," Kassi feels obliged to mention, the 
scowl momentarily darkening her own eyes. "Kay was right in saying 'twas 
only marginally m'business if'n at all. So I'm grateful." Though she 
automatically winces at the use of That Word, she nonetheless adds, "And 
grateful for that, too... pshhh. That's nay because of *you*, that's because 
'tis Igen and there are memories, but you're still right enough." And with 
that, she climbs onto her own mount.

Vaneva looks over to Kassima

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You 
grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg.

<*> Vaneva says "Hmm..."

<*> Vaneva sighs

Kassima espies the young newcomer to the scene once she's up on Lysseth's 
neck, and gives an amiable if absentminded nod of greeting to him as well as 
she buckles herself in.

<*> Above, on Kismith's back, U'yn takes all that in, but only responds with 
a wave as he settles himself on Kismith's back.

<*> Kismith leaps into the air, spraying sand all over!

<*> Vaneva ducks quickly

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust 
as she takes to the skies.

You leap into the air, spraying sand all over!