
Vahrynna's Secret

Date:  September 4-5, 1998
Places:  Southern Boll's Gather Beach and Lava Lounge; Kvasith's
Ledge and Aurian's Weyr
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  I had to repost this log.  How could I not?  It's too
beautiful to leave offline, thanks mostly to the evil genius of Auri
and the willingness to be tormented of V'hryn.  I can honestly say
I've never met a better sport. ;)  The continuing saga of the 
Femalemen of Pern goes to new heights when Kassima and Aurian find
themselves presented with an unconscious brownrider to torment.  Will
V'hryn ever figure out what really did or didn't happen?  Will he 
ever forgive our heroines?  Will he ever find a way to close that robe?


The Log:

You wing down onto the gather beach.

<*> Kvasith backwings to a landing.

<*> Xylath backwings to a landing.

<*> Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She
lands neatly on her feet this time.

<*> Neliea nimbly climbs down from Xylath's neckridges, pausing to gently
brush a hand along her lifemate's muzzle as he turns a large light blue
muzzle to his lifemate, wuffling her hair gently in return.

Aurian waves as she notes the high reaches knot, "Telgar's duties."

V'hryn yawns, widely too as he offers a sloppy salute to the arriving
riders, "High Reaches' duties." He mumbles, not looking terribly wonderful.

Neliea smiles and adds a "Telgar's duties" to the other greetings as she
leans against Xylath.

"''Tis a wonderful day for a roll in the hay,' said Bryan t'Dantes the
Guardsman one day," Kassima's singing as she swings down from her perch,
never mind who hears. Of course, she wasn't expecting to see anyone else
here. "Oh! Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens, brownrider, and g'deve.
Did we wake you?"

Kassima wrinkles her nose at her two fellow Telgarians. "Shardingly easily
distracted, these 'Reachians," she quips in good humor. "Should we go on
ahead, then, think you?"

Aurian nods, "Sounds like a thought to have."

Neliea shrugs out of her jacket, draping it over her arm and smiles as
Xylath settles into the sand. "Why not?"

Ambryl wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

Kassima pulls off her jacket and other such pieces of riding gear, tossing
them onto the sand beside her lifemate's forelegs. "Why nay, indeed? A
Green Dragon sounds like an excellent idea at the moment. Even a *Thread*
sounds good after a day such as this." That said, she starts off
purposefully towards the jungle.

Ambryl says "hello"

You wander up the jungle path.

Lysseth> Neliea carefully stores her gear on a pouch along her Xylath's
straps, waving to the girl in passing. "Hello and Telgar's duties," she
greets, making her way for the jungle, right behind Kassima.

Lysseth> Aurian nods, "Evening. Telgar's duties." She walks along lightly
after the others.

Aurian wanders up the path from the beach.

Neliea wanders up the path from the beach.

You push aside some creepers and enter a hidden cave.

Aurian wanders in from the jungles.

Neliea wanders in from the jungles.

You climb up the crude ladder and disappear from view.

Neliea climbs up from the caves below.

Aurian climbs up from the caves below.

R'val looks up from chatting with Siera and grins, "Familiar faces. Hi, you

Sierra sips her drink as she watches the new arrivals.

R'val turns back to Sierra and smiles, "So you're a records keeper at
Benden, you say?"

V'hryn climbs up from the caves below.

Sierra looks at him and nods "Yes sir I am." She takes another sip of her

"Nice t'see a place that never changes," Kassi observes, stretching out her
arms as though to embrace the tavern's atmosphere somehow. "Marcus! M'sorry
that Aph's nay with us, but 'twould hope 'twill nay keep you from sharing
your bounty with us?" She gives the barkeep a plaintive look, then laughs
and spins to greet the person she doesn't know. "Duties t'your Hold, her
Lord, and her Lady, Bendenite. Now. Nel, have you been here a'fore? If'n
nay, 'twill wish t'be bewaring of some of the drinks...."

R'val grimaces, "No need to sir me. I'm R'val, just R'val." he smiles at
her amiably.

Neliea steps away from the ladder, casting an inquisitive gaze about as she
nods slowly to R'val. She's quite intrested in looking about and does so as
she crosses over to the bar to inspect the drinks.

Kassima studies the wall with interest, reading.

R'val winks at Neliea, "YOU have never been here? Well, you simply must
read the walls."

Sierra looks at Kassi and greets formally "Bendens duties to Talgar and her
queens." She looks back at R'val "Yes sir. Just R'val."

Aurian runs a finger over her lower lip, she hmmms as she thinks of the
various delectables.

R'val grimaces, "No, not sir. R'val." he grins at the girl, "How old are
you, hm?"

V'hryn huffs slightly as he pulls himself up the ladder, looking slightly
flushed still. Eyes almost immediately focus in on the bar. A drink! That's
what he needs.

Neliea looks between Kassi and R'val and blinks. Does she have inquisitive
written on her left behind jacket? "I havn't been here, and I'll be sure to
read the wall and be careful of the drinks," she replies lightly as she
settles into a chair.

Aurian pulls off her jacket as she speaks with Marcus.

R'val says something quiet to Sierra.

Marcus pours Aurian a mug of Brown Dragon.

Marcus hands Aurian the drink.

Kassima snorts faintly, but agrees, "The walls aren't t'be missed--and nor
is the chance t'be leaving a message of your own. The more memorable, the
better, I should imagine. 'Twill be having the Sea Spike for starts,
methinks...." Raising one hand to order the cool-colored drink from Marcus,
she asks V'hryn with some amusement, "Been a long day for you, too? Stay
away from the Brown Dragon, now. That brew's a nightmare. Oh, I'd just
taken a guess because I knew Auri'd been, but nay whether you had,
Neliea... the Blue Dragon's excellent, by the by."

Aurian sips at the brown, "Ignore her she's just scared of it and she has
no reason to be... the blue is good. So is the green."

R'val stands, and leaves.

R'val climbs down the crude ladder.

Sierra stands and leaves

Sierra climbs down the crude ladder.

Neliea arches an eyebrow, "Who's scared? And the Blue Dragon?" Hmm, someone
here is just familar with the drinks. Better to start off small and then
work her way up as she orders a spiced wine.

Marcus pours Neliea a goblet of spiced wine and hands it to her.

V'hryn turns his head slightly as Kassima's question, his bluish eyes
widening slightly on what could be described as horror. It's Her. "Err..
thank you." He thinks as he mutters his order to Marcus.

Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Lysseth with << She is a talented scritcher. You
should try her. >>

Aurian swirls her mug about contentedly, the potent Brown already bringing
a flush to her cheeks.

Kassima advises cheerfully, "Just don't drink one of *everything*. I did
that right when I'd finally reached m'Benden-level tolerance, and still
wound up passed out on the floor all day. A day off, fortunately. Lyss was
nay end of exasperated...." Finding a convenient seat, she settles down
with her drink and a piece of chalk. Where did that last come from? "Wonder
whether I should leave another message?" That's when she notices V'hryn's
horror, and is hard put to stifle a side. "Faranth's gilded esophagus,
brownrider--V'hryn, isn't it? The Questioner? You needn't be afraid of us.
We're just Telgarians; we don't bite. At least, *I* don't. 'Twill nay be
speaking for the others."

"I only bite if asked to." Aurian takes another sip of her drink.

Aurian studies the wall with interest, reading.

Neliea lifts the gobblet to her lips, taking a slow sip as she looks over
the rim of the cooler gobblet. "I won't try too much. Faranth, I might just
try one other drink and let that be my drinking for the night," she replies
amusedly to Kassi, slipping out of her chair to edge over towards to wall.
"Besides, I don't know if I have a Benden tolerance by now."

V'hryn's head seems to nod by itself as the poor boy keeps himself from
falling over only be gripping the bar. "I'm not afraid of you." He
staunchly replies, still looking a little green about the gills, he's just
/very/ wary of Kassima.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kvasith seems confused... << Littlecousins? >>
He rumbles as he seems to search for the answer to that one, << Oh them.
They are alright, except they don't stop when you ask and sometimes you
have to thump them. >>

[Editor's Note:  It's my guess that there's a pro missing between that
one and the one before it.]

Neliea read the first wall.

Aurian sips her drink, "I'll bet he's heard stories about you Kassima..."

Neliea studies the second call.

Kassima chuckles and whimsically recites, "A man sat in a tavern with a
lovely-visaged lass, and watched as for the nineteenth time she raised and
drained her glass. He said, 'You've outdrunk four strong men and half the
bar, m'dear!' But the maiden smiled demurely, and said, 'I'm from Benden
Weyr.'" Nevertheless, her sip at her Spike is tentative and leisurely.
"Good as ever, Marcus. 'Tis a bonny thing, brownrider; if'n 'twere fearing
us, why, we'd have t'go out of our way t'be nice t'you just so that you'd
learn that we're *nay* really the death that waits for you with nasty,
sharp, pointy teeth. And that would be a bother. Sit and drink with us? You
look as though your legs are about t'give out, if'n y'don't mind m'saying
so." Aurian, of course, receives a wink. "Many folks of the 'Reaches seem
t'have. I can't *imagine* why."

Aurian chuckles as she heads to a seat of her own, "I can't either."

Maybe M'rgan can answer that question, for V'hryn's always got plenty of
queries for the Reachian Brownrider. "Sit with you?" He dumbly echoes,
that's certain death! Kassima is That Rider and she riders Green to boot,
which doesn' happen to be V'hryn's favourite colour at this point in time.

Neliea grins as she studies the wall, nodding in seemingly agreement with
Aurian and Kassima. "I have to agree..." Taking another sip of the spiced
wine, she slowly swirls the contents of her gobblet around, glancing into
it as she moves to ponder more writings.

Neliea studies the wall with interest, reading.

Kassima repeats with such patience that one might wonder whether she's used
to this reaction, "Aye, sit with us. There're plenty of seats about, and
I'm certain Marcus would send us some whimry sandwiches if'n 'twere asking.
Mayhaps you can tell us of the news from the 'Reaches? Specifically,
mayhaps you can tell me something of Mart's work of vengeance, or so
'twould be hoping?" Noticing the direction of Neliea's attentions, she
asks, amused, "Going t'write something on 'em yourself?"

Aurian chuckles at V'hryn, "Come on come sit with us."

Lysseth> Tebrelth senses that Lysseth rumbles, << My rider asks me to
inquire whether there is something amiss with your rider, or whether he's
just been sniffing fellis? >>

Neliea turns around to look at Kassi, Aurian and V'hryn, proping one hand
on her hip and chuckles. "Me? I don't think so, Kassi. I'm not /that/
tipsy, yet," she answers and takes another sip of her drink. And she's not
likely to be tiltish either, especially the way she's carefully trying to
make her wine last.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tebrelth cocks his head slightly, << Sniffing
fellis? I shouldn't think so.. but he *could* be upset over Ysath being
caught by Firth and not me. Other than that.. >> It's anyone's guess.

Tipsy.. V'hryn would like that very much at this point. But, for the
moment, he's staying put at the bar. "Err.." Is all he manages to get out
before his drink is plopped in front of him, taking his attention away from
the Telgarians.

Lysseth> Tebrelth senses that Lysseth, a shrewd green by nature, doesn't
take long to guess the answer. << Ohhhh. >> The sound is sympathetic,
though only mildly so. << Yes, this would explain much. My rider has seen
many flight-lost, but most are either intent on getting roaringly drunk
this instant, thank you, or leering at anything in sight. >> Just in case
it seemed like her rider was being a dunce or something, when just this
once, she actually wasn't. Quite. By some definitions, anyway.

Kassima rolls her eyes, inquiring, "Since when does one have t'be tipsy?
'Twasn't tipsy for most of those... 'tis something you do *a'fore* you're
tipsy, lest you return one evening and find that you scrawled 'Kassima
Rules' all over one wall in huge lettering. Very embarrassing, 'twould be."
She pauses to peer in V'hryn's direction, tsking sympathetically over the
rim of her half-drained glass. "Flight-lost," she explains in a low voice
to the other two. "The primary reason I pity all you maleriders."

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tebrelth rumbles quietly, << He always gets
like this. >> Always 'cause this little Brown can't seem to get the flight
thing just quite right.

Aurian takes another long swallow of the brown, she grins giggly. This
brownrider has no tolerance, "No reason to pity us. There are all sorts of
ways of dealing with it."

Lysseth> Tebrelth senses that Lysseth remarks consolingly, << It is better
to be a quiet drinker than an obnoxious one, and the lecherous humans are
nothing less than bizarre. >> She doesn't, of course, inquire about the
always bit. That would be too gauche for words.

"Since that's the only way I'd be halfway creative to put anything up
there," Neliea comments in a slight chuckle before raising an eyebrow at
Aurian. No tolerance indeed as the bluerider makes her way back to the
Telgari table. This rider has somethineg that resembles tolerance, but it's
not the best and better than most.

V'hryn doesn't want to be pitied. He wants to be face down unconscious in a
bowl of cornflakes. "Another." He mumbles to Marcus, not caring what it is
at this point, but by the look on his face, the last drink isn't sitting
too well with him.

"Oh, I won't deny that drinking isn't a bad thing," Kassima admits, "but
swimming in the Ice Lake? Brrrr! Nay, thankee! And what if'n 'twere naught
but Tillek Swill around? Why, then, you'd have nay *choice* but t'freeze
your rump off, skinny-dipping in a half-melted glacier." V'hryn-wards, she
calls, "Try the Thread. 'Tis the strongest thing they serve here, though
'twon't promise 'twill nay make you spontaneously combust. Are y'*certain*
you're nay wishing t'be sitting down?"

Aurian chuckles as she takes another swig from her mug.

Sooner or later V'hryn's going to fall down, but sitting isn't in his
repetoire at this moment. "Standing suits me perfectly well." He insists,
wobbling slightly as he says it. "There's no possible reason for me needing
to sit down." Apart from the fact his knees are starting to buckle that is.

Kassima watches the buckling knees with some interest. "Aside from the fact
that you're about t'collapse," she points out logically. "Look, you can sit
with the maleriders or something if'n you'd rather. I'm certain they won't
kill you--after all, Mart didn't, did he? 'Twould assume nay, since you're
still here." She then asks Aurian and Neliea, "Have you ever heard of this
lad, V'hryn of the 'Reaches? He's known for asking amazing questions at the
most peculiar times."

Like certain Nabolese dinners.

Neliea sets her almost empty gobblet on the table, moving to order a large
mug of klah from Marcus before making her way back to her seat. As she
hears Kassima's question, she slowly shakes her head. "I haven't," she
says, picking up her wine and finishing it in one long sip before turning
her attention to the klah. Someone's planning on going home somewhat sober...

Aurian blinks as she gets a refill on her drink, "Questions? Why are golds
gold and greens green?"

Neliea wonders if the phrase 'designated flyer' means anything to anyone as
she peers over at Aurian. Now. Does she or doesn't she want to answer that
question? Not like she knows the answer.

Marcus pours Aurian a mug of Brown Dragon.

Marcus hands Aurian the drink.

Kassima shakes her head at Aurian, setting down her empty glass and
signalling for another drink--a Tunnelsnake, this time. "More along the
lines of 'What color underwear d'you wear, sir?' Have I got that right,
V'hryn? Oh, shells, that reminds me... Aurian, Neliea, this is V'hryn,
brown Tebrelth's rider. V'hryn, this is Aurian, brown Kvasith's rider, and
Neliea, blue Xylath's rider. You may now either proceed with the further
greeting rigamarole, or commence looking utterly bewildered."

"Hullo well met." Aurian takes a long swallow of her drink.

V'hryn just sort of blinks bleary eyed as Kassima does the introductions,
his face reddening everso slightly as the questions are brought back up. He
had M'rgan stalking him for months after /that/ incident.

Neliea inclines her head as she takes a long pull from her mug, "Well met,
V'hryn." If she had to choose, looking confused would be her expression at
the moment. Underwear?

"Red." Aurian takes a delicate sip of her drink.

"Red?" V'hryn gives Aurian a curious look, "He said white." But s'posedly
there are red hearts on them soo..

Kassima covers her eyes with one hand immediately after Aurian says this.
"Auri," she groans, "I didn't mean t'literally be asking about
underwear-color... and t'be frank, there're some things I for one would
just rather nay be knowing." Uncovering her eyes, she asks with real
surprise, "Y'mean he *answered* those questions?"

Aurian giggles and sips more of her drink, she shakes her hair out a bit.

V'hryn nods slowly as he rubs at an eye, "Yes, but his face was red." And
eyes nearly bugging out to boot.

Neliea blinks as she pauses from drinking her klah to glance between the
comversation. Something about underwear colors if she's not mistaken as she
looks over at Aurian. Strange rider and she happens to be her friend.

Kassima starts to laugh, of course, at the very thought of Mart *answering*
those questions. "Dear sweet Faranth! What else did you ask, then? Did you
learn aught that's interesting? Will you share what you've learned? I've
made a hobby of collecting facts about the brownie that he'd probably
rather I didn't know."

V'hryn shrugs lightly, "It was nigh two Turns back, and not one of my most
glorious moments." In his books that is.

Neliea carefully stands (she's just a -touch- on the tipsy side) as she
finishes her klah. "I'm off. Early morning tomorrow and I have a feeling
that I'm going to hate getting up early," she states in something like
farewell. "Nice meeting you V'hryn and I'll see the two of you later."
Grinning at Kassi and Aurian, she waves to everyonw before making her way
down the ladder.

Neliea climbs down the crude ladder.

Kassima snorts at that very thought. "Surely you jest--you're spoken of by
the 'Reachians for that, y'know, and what more could one want than t'be
known outside their home? Glorious, 'twas! Even I've never made Mart's eyes
nearly pop out! Well, unless you count... but nay, they only bugged a bit."
She waves after Neliea, too late, of course.

Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, "Hmmmmm."

V'hryn never jokes, his humour was scared out of him during Weyrlinghood.
Being stalked by Mart does that do you. "It's not an episode... that I find
that much pleasure in." Gah.. he's too sober! Another drink!

Kassima asks, once more with honest astonishment, "Nay? Whyever nay?
Hearing of it delighted me, I can tell you, though I regretted nay being
there t'see...." She's so used to being Mart's archnemesis that it doesn't
occur to her that others might actually be worried about provoking the
brownrider. After all, that's her favorite hobby! "Mayhaps you should
direct your questions t'someone else next time. What think you, Auri? Would
A'lex be inclined t'answer?"

A'lex? V'hryn seems to remember asking a question about him too. "Err.. I
don't think I have any questions that need asking anymore." He's a rider,
not a weyrling.. and not a terribly drunk rider at that. Knees wobble again
as the Brownrider pleads with Marcus for another drink.

Kassima regards the younger man almost sadly. "Whatever did Mart do t'you?
T'quash the spirit of mischief in a person... shells, but I must've been
underestimating him. Ah, well. Don't forget about that Thread, mind! 'Tis
better even than Red for the flight-lost."

V'hryn almost scowls at Kassima for *that* particular remark and it sends
him off mumbling under his breath about greenriders, again. Flight-lost
indeed. Tebrelth only made a slight miscalculation this time.

"What was that about greenriders, brownrider?" Kassima asks, not entirely
succeeding in hiding her amusement. "Don't blame *us*. Blame the dragons,
if'n 'twill, but 'tis hardly *our* fault! Y'think I'd let that green lump
out there rise if'n I could help it? Hardly!"

V'hryn's answer is but another scowl before he's downing another drink, by
the looks of it is a Threadfall. The boy's eyes widening dramatically after
he's chugged the contents down his throat. "Yes.. *cough* well.." He
manages to wheeze out before his knees go on him and he's kneeling in front
of the bar looking rather sorry for himself. "Water?"

Kassima, despite the fact that she's polished off no less than a Sea Spike
and a Tunnelsnake so far, is nonetheless as quick and steady as a perfectly
sober person as she fetches a glass of the dreaded liquid--careful not to
touch any *herself*, of course--and kneels beside the brownrider to offer
it. "I hope this isn't imported from Benden or Telgar, or you'll regret
it," she says cryptically.

V'hryn doesn't care /where/ it's from, just so long as it's water! With
grasping fingers, he shakily snatches the glass, succeeding in spilling at
least half of it all over him before he's gulped that down. Still shaking
he glares upwards, "I already do! It's the fault of your kind that I end up
like this!" Ooh.. now has he got issues or what?

Kassima's eyes narrow, just a trifle, and her brows slant downwards a
degree or two. "Careful, laddybuck," she warns. "The fault of 'm'kind'?
Greenriders, I take it you mean? I repeat: 'tis nay so. 'Tis the fault of
the dragons, and of your own for chasing--nay of the *riders*. We don't
want t'be caught any more than you want t'chase, believe it or not." She
snorts, looking faintly disgusted. "At least, nay all of us."

Dragons, riders. V'hryn doesn't bother differentiating between the two.
Which could be.. painful at times. "Maybe not.. but if.." But if what? He
quiets down, looking, peering at his empty glass of water. "It's not
/fair/." Aww. sniffle.

"But if'n?" Kassi prompts. Never one to let something lie, this one. She
does, however, agree, "Nay, 'tis nay fair. Nay to the femaleriders, nor to
the maleriders. But would it be more fair t'deny the dragons their chance
at the sport that they seem t'enjoy so?" There's some faint irony in her
voice there.

Aurian blinks as she listens, her hands rake through her hair. She smiles
as she sips at her drink then tilts her head.

Aurian finishes her drink and then examines the next bottle to tempt her.

Marcus grins and pours Aurian the drink.

Marcus places a glass of Sea Spike in front of Aurian.

V'hryn can't say at this point, he's still trying to make the swallowing
actions work after the Threadfall. "Err.." He manages to get out, blinking
a few times and shaking his head.

Kassima continues on, never being one to cut an argument short, "Even if'n
'twould be ever so much more *convenient* t'nay have t'worry about flights,
we can't rightly blame the dragons either. They just act as instincts bid
them to. 'Tis all part and parcel of the whole dragon gig. Just be glad
that *your* beast doesn't plague your thoughts for days a'fore each flight,
losing you sleep and some sanity."

Aurian sips at her drink, "She has a point, though I have to admit I hate
it when Kvasith wakes me out of a lovely nap like the last time Herath went

About this time, V'hryn's eyes roll back into his head and he keels over
with a thud. So much for an arguement.

Aurian scritches her head, "What do we do with him now?"

Kassima blinks at the younger man, dumbfounded. Wow. She's never argued
someone to death before. "I suppose he's still living," she announces
tentatively after a minute passes with no keen. "Should we leave him here
t'sleep it off, d'you think? And if'n we do so, should we or should we nay
dress him up as a woman first?"

Aurian scritches her head, "Ohhh we should dress him up as a woman.."

V'hryn twitches some, just to show he's still alive. But a woman? You folk
are cruel.

Aurian tilts her head, "Too bad he doesn't have a beard." She leans down to
touch the smooth cheeks, "He may make a rather attractive woman."

Aurian finishes off the seaspike. "Another drink and then maybe some food..."

Marcus grins and pours Aurian a drink.

Marcus slides a mug of Bronze Dragon to Aurian.

"An attractive woman if'n he *did* have a beard?" Kassima asks dubiously.
"I somehow doubt *that*, but... aye, he might suit a dress and the rest of
the accoutrements well. Either that, or we could just strip him and steal
his clothing so that he has t'get back home without--or, rather, has t'ask
the Bollians for something t'get back home *in*. Which would be more
wicked, d'you think?"

V'hryn wouldn't look *that* attractive as a woman. Just look at his sister!

Aurian tilts her head, "Nooo he'd be more entertaining with the beard and
the dress... why don't we go to weaverhall and get him something in almost
transparent sisal."

Aurian hmmms, "But we have to take his clothes to make sure he has to be
seen in the frilly thing.. pink lace maybe.."

Kassima shakes her head at once. "Couldn't! I wouldn't want people thinking
*I* buy transparent sisal. Yack. 'Sides, that stuff's *expensive*. I doubt
we could get a cheap gown, and I'm nay apt t'ruin a new one." She's
tightfisted when it doesn't come to gifts, remember? "Now, if'n we could
find someone who *has* a pink lace dress that they'd be willing t'get rid

Someone would be willing to keep a pink lace dress?

Aurian chuckles, "Kassima.. you forget... my half sister is a weaver.
She'll give us a deal.."

V'hryn twitches again. How can anyone do something so cruel to someone so
sweet and innocent looking?

Well, no. That's why it should be easy to find someone willing to get rid
of one. "Aye, but even m'cousin who's a Weaver wouldn't give a discount on
*lace*. Even if'n *'twas* pink." Surveying the hapless, fainted brownrider,
she muses, "I've a notion... if'n we could just find some other hapless,
sleeping soul, we could put 'em together on one of the couches. The lad's
flight-lost, and drunk t'boot. Who's t'say he'd remember that he *didn't*
go on the couch with whoever of his own free will?" She beams with positive
and utterly false innocence. "I don't suppose we could drag Mart here
without waking him up, d'you?"

Aurian nods, "I think it could be done....or we could dump him into bed
with A'ser and his .. friend." She chews on her bottom lip, "Shards... I'm
sure they have dye accidents we could take off their hands."

Now V'hryn will know why people refer to Telgar as they do.

"Aye, but *lace*?" Kassima can't seem to get over this concept. "I still
can't believe they're willing t'ruin lace by making it pink anyway, but...
huh. I don't suppose... what if'n they had one of those pieces of foolish
frippery? One of those night-robes made all of lace, with sisal sleeves
perhaps, nay modest at all, and as pink as the dawn? *That* might suit.
Then we'd just need t'find him a man. A'ser won't do." She puzzles away at
this, gnawing her lower lip thoughtfully. "You don't suppose we could
convince R'val? Nay, nay; even I'm nay *that* evil."

Aurian giggles, "What if we took him to his weyr and put a herdbeast in

Tebrelth wouldn't need to be taken hunting in the morning. Though the
screams might be interesting.

Aurian remembers the lace, "My sister made a vat of dye that was supposed
to be sky blue... ended up purple by the time she had found out she had
dyed the lace.."

Kassima wrinkles her nose a touch. "Purple might almost look *dignified*,
though 'twould be better'n naught if'n it could be had cheaply or on loan.
We'd have t'get something specific, though. I bet m'cousin Maevia could
help. She makes silly women's underwear; she knows of these robes. She
probably *wears* them, odd woman." Heaving a great sigh, she then says,
"There's just nay help for it, Auri. If'n we can't find a suitable man
t'bring here, you'll have t'be the one t'stay on the couch with him."

Aurian takes another sip of her drink, no tolerance what so ever, "Oh ok."

Kassima looks somewhat relieved that Aurian's agreed so readily.
"Excellent! Then all that remains is the matter of getting the frippery.
Methinks 'twill go speak with Maevia; she's blood-kin, so if'n I know her,
she'll nay yet be asleep."

Aurian finishes the drink and settles onto the bar counter lightly. This
time however no clothes come off.

Tamren climbs up from the caves below.

Tamren pokes his head up into the bar curiously, and looks around.

V'hryn is passed out on the floor. Yup.

Aurian is seated on the bar and Kassima is not here yet

Tamren smiles brightly, "Hullo!"

Eventually, in due course--say, about an hour or two after she
left--Kassima returns with a peculiar wrapped bundle tucked under her arm.
She's whistling in a decidedly chipper fashion; this is not a good sign.
When she sees Tamren, though, she stops in her tracks. She doesn't seem
wholly pleased to see someone else there, oddly enough, though she smiles
and nods politely nevertheless. "Duties t'your Hold, her Lady, and her
Lord," she recites, before heading towards Aurian and V'hryn. "Think we'll
need t'move him?" she murmurs to the awake brownrider.

Kharty climbs up from the caves below.

Aurian hmmms, "Lets just move him behind the bar.."

Tamren blinks at the rider who returns with pink lace, "You're..going to
put that on him?" He asks, disbelieving.

Kharty hops off the ladder to catch two words. "Pink lace? Yuck! Where's
the Green Stuff?" She nods to those she doesn't know then winks at Kassi.
"Happy Turnday, Aurian! Or what's left of it!"

V'hryn twitches a little more. You're gonna move him? Y'all are Meeeeeaaaannn!

Aurian giggles drunkenly and waves to Kharty.

"Shards, Kassi, you let Aurian get drunk? Shame. Shame. Now you know how
she is when she gets drunk." Khar grins then strides up to the bar. "Ok,
who's buying?"

Kassima blinks, peering down at the wrapped package. "The package? Nay;
what's in it, mayhaps...." Shaking her head to Aurian, she admits, "'Tis
something I'd nay thought of, that someone might pass by ere we were
finished. Mayhaps we should haul him down to the tidal pool, or think you
'twould damage the cloth?" She grins and wrinkles her nose at Kharty. "Now
you, mentee mine, are a woman of taste--but worry nay; 'tis for a man, and
can thus be forgiven."

Aurian points to V'hryn, "That generous brownrider is."

Marcus smiles and pours a drink.

Marcus hands Kharty a glass of Green Dragon.

Aurian nodders, "Lets drag him to the tidal pool."

Aurian hmmms, "What did you get him? And what's his name going to be?"

Kassima grins wickedly at Aurian, promising, "You'll see... you'll see!
Khar, will you help us t'carry him? I wager he's probably heavy." She
reaches for one arm, herself. Poor, hapless brownrider... but then, he
should've known better than to fall asleep in the presence of women. "His
name? A good question; let me think... ah! Vahryn, I believe, was his
original name. Vahrynne or Vahrynna might suit him. Which d'you like
better? I rather favor the last."

Fall asleep? Kassima tried to poison him! V'hryn groans as people start to
pull at him. Mean! All of you!

Kharty nods to Marcus, indicating the brownrider, when Marcus holds out his
hand for the payment. "He'd be paying, is what I'm told Marcus.". She
slides onto a stool and twirls around to see her friends. "Huh? Kassi?
You're dragging a drun..er..sleeping rider to a tidal pool?"

Aurian nods with a wide grin, "Vahrynna is a beautiful name." She hops of
the bartop nimbly and grabs onto the rider's legs.

Aurian calls to Marcus, "An' don' let Kharty have to many of the greens..
you know how she gets.."

Kharty heys at Aurian. "Wait a minute!", she laughs, "It'd seem it was
'you' who suggested a few things when we were here as 'lings." She lifts
the glass to her lips and downs half of it, then giggles as it fizzes in
her mouth.

Tamren shakes his head with surprise at the group, sitting near the bar
with a glass of wine.

Aurian tilts her head, "You didn't say no."

Kassima hefts the arm easily. See? Tossing firestone sacks *does* come in
handy for something. "Drunk," she affirms brightly. "We're going t'commit
an act of evil on his person. Come on down with us and behold the
wickedness for yourself?" She winces at the groan, though. Faranth forfend
he should wake up *now.*

Aurian comes up with and idea of brilliance and tears the bottom half of
her shirt off, she ties the portion about his ears, "He shouldn't hear now."

Kharty just shakes her head, laughing. "You both have to have left your
senses in the weyr. If you douse him in water, he'll be certain to wake up.
Seems to me he'd be madder'n a new lizard with no one to feed it."

Aurian shakes her head, "We're not putting him in the water.. just next to it

Tamren blinks,"Why next to it?"

Kassima grins at Kharty, remarking only, "You know how out of it the
drunken and flight-lost can be... c'mon, Auri. We'd best work quickly if'n
we hope t'make this pay off! I got something from Maevia for you t'wear,
too; she had quite a few of these robe things. Brought back several. One at
least should fit."

That'll be one way to describe how V'hryn's going to react to all this.
Then again, he could just go and die of shame. Now how is that going to sit
if a rider dies because of all this?

"For me!" Aurian beams at Kassima.

Kharty ohhs quietly, looking down at V'hryn. "You mean his dragon lost a
flight? Oh, poor thing. He lost so he passed out?" She gulps down the
remaining green dragon, smacking her lips at it's taste. "One more, before
these two drag me out and I've not got another with me. Of course, the
brownrider'll be paying."

"For you," Kassi cheerfully confirms. "As to why next to... why, because
'tis a good, romantic spot, 'tis nay?" She flutters her eyelashes, grins,
and looks down at the brownrider almost fondly. "Poor, poor Vahrynna."

Tamren shakes his head in amazement.

Marcus smiles and pours a drink.

Marcus hands Kharty a glass of Green Dragon.

Kassima asks Aurian, while waiting for Kharty to drink, "D'you want t'look
through the package now, or would you rather choose one when we get to the

Aurian tilts her head, "Can I look now?" She looks eager very eager...

Almost -too- eager.

Kassima nods and tosses Auri the package. "Suit yourself--just be careful!
Sisal and lace, all of it, in perfectly hideous colors."

Kharty wastes no time in draining her glass to a little less than half.
Silly smile on her face, she glares at the green liquid, burping a little
at the fizzlies. "Mmmm.. not bad, considering it's free. What's in the
package? Sisal? Ugh, lace? Bah."

Aurian opens the package and peeks about in it giggling.

Tamren peers into the package over Aurian's shoulder, "Whadaya need all
THAT for?"

Kassima waggles her brows at Kharty. "I quite agree, but for the purpose we
have in mind... believe me, naught but sisal and lace would do. *Pink*
lace, nay less!"

Aurian oooohs as she holds up something in black lace, she's drunk tacky
appeals to her.

"Now that is the 'best' question I've heard yet, Tamren.", Khar laughs.
"There's nothing good comes from.... lace. Ugh."

Kassima peers into the package again, noting the two remaining pieces of
frippery. "Hrm. Two more... y'know, it occurs to me that we could pull a
Maylia on the poor man. But let's get him down to the pool first. Khar?
Willing to lend a hand?"

Kharty tosses down the last of her drink then burps again. "Ya. I'll do
some draggin' of the poor brownie. Since blue's the way to go, I'd do it,
that's for sure. Where d' ya want me? I'll stretch th' head? Er, I mean,
hold his head?"

Kassima eyes Kharty with some worry. Dear Faranth, she's the only sober one
left... and yet *she's* the one who's been suggesting weird activities
involving men in lace. Fear. "Grab his other leg; I can get his arms," she
suggests. "Getting him down the ladder will be tricky, but if'n anyone's up
to the task, 'tis us!"

Tamren hrms, "Surely he's not going to wear all that."

Kassima agrees vaguely, "Oh, nay, *he* won't...."

Aurian pats the leg she is holding, "Its a rather nice leg."

Kharty slips off the stool and goes to the rider's leg. "Ooo.. nice calf
muscles!" She slides his pantleg up just a little to admire it. "Ooo.. nice.."

Kassima asks patiently, "Can we admire his legs *after* we get him
stripped? I'd hate for him t'be waking up ere we get down there!"

Aurian sniffs at Kharty, "Oh go admire Keagan's..."

V'hryn is no peek show! He makes another noice as he hoisted up, but being
out cold stops any conversation.

Kharty laughs when she hears Aurian's words. "I have m'dear. I must say
Kee's are nicer than V'hryn's. Alright, Kassi, I'm ready."

Tamren sits back, laughing quietly as he watches this.

Kassima hefts the arms she's holding onto, and begins to back towards the
ladder. Marcus looks rather glad to see her go... go figure.

You climb down the crude ladder.

You step out into the jungle heat.

You wander down the trail a ways and step out onto the beach.

Aurian wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

Tamren wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

Kharty wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

Kassima takes a pause to rest, panting a bit. "Shells, but brownies are
heavy. Listen, you lot... what say we skip the pool and lay him down right
here? More folk will *see* him that way."

V'hryn wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach.

Aurian nods, "here is fine."

Kassima gratefully sets down her portion of brownrider, not far from the
dragons but reasonably close to the water. "Maevia will never forgive me
for getting sand into Daylirn's favorite sisal lace robe, but what the hey.
I'm sure she can manage. Either of you care t'be stripping him, then?"

Kharty stands back laughing. "I think it should be Aurian. It's her Turnday."

Aurian applauds, "Ohhhh I wanted to unwrap a present today.."

Kassima grins wickedly at Aurian, bowing deeply to the brownrider. "True!
As a Turnday present, Auri, I hereby present you with this brownrider to
unwrap. Sort of. Now, in the meanwhile... Khar, I had an idea. Auri was
going t'be the one t'curl up with him here on the sand, in that black
number--but he might scream even louder if he woke up with *three* women. I
happen t'have two more pieces of that awful night-clothing. What say you?"

Tamren blinks at Kassima's words, "You're all going to...oh Shards. That
poor man."

Aurian gets the boots off quickly and is soon working on the unconcious
man's pants.

Nobody ever warned V'hryn that life could be this dangerous.

"'Tis what he gets for falling asleep amongst a bunch of women," Kassima
replies unrepetantly, locating the package--wherever it may be--and
extricating that bright scarlet sisal thing. She happens to be fond of
blood-red. "He'll never forgive us, a'course... but 'twill probably be
worth it! What say you? Are you in, or nay?" She politely averts her eyes
from the pants-working that's going on.

Kharty eyes Kassi's naughty look, then watches Aurian with great interest.
"Well, hmm. Keagan'll have a total upset if he found out. I think Bitra
Hold'll be ripped to shreds then he'd get to 'Reaches to find this
brownrider if he thought the guy'd had a way with his woman."

Kassima points out reasonably, "Khar, m'friend, you and I and Aurian and
this person over here whose name I don't know can all be witnesses
t'testify t'him that you and the brownrider did naught improper. Honestly!"
She makes a face at that 'his woman' business, looking mildly disgusted--or
is that disapproving? Or something else entirely?--but says nothing.

Aurian tosses the pants at Kvasith who kicks some sand over them. Never
mind he hits Virroth with the sand. She works on his jumper next though she
makes sure his knot is tucked safely away.

Now could be a good time for Tebrelth to start fluttering eyelids, but the
brown seems to be as obvilious to the world as V'hryn is at this point.

Kharty grins at Kassi, shaking her head. "Well, I suppose that as long as
there's witnesses, there'd be no harm done, aye. My problem is, I'd 'never'
be seen in 'anything having to do with lace, and that's a fact. I'll just
lay here in my 'leathers, and be done with it."

Virroth yanks his head up quickly, eyeing Kvasith curiously as he snorts
the sand out of his nostrils. One wing lifts up, dragging through the sand
to swirl grains of it at Kvasith.

Kassima leaves the last thing in the package for Kharty, should she elect
to join in the fun and games, and steps behind Lysseth to change into her
scarlet frock. "Oh, but Khar," she can be heard to call, "that last one's
only sisal, methinks. You can check for yourself if'n you're wishing."
Poor, poor V'hryn. To wake up on a beautiful beach with beautiful,
scantily-clad women all around him... yeah, he should be pitied. Majorly.

Kvasith moaves about to thwap Virroth with his tail tip.

Aurian finishes removing all of his clothes. She is then starting very
quickly on her own.

Tamren blinks at the naked man, "Aren't you going to put SOMETHING on him?"

"Oh, certes," Kassima agrees in a somewhat absent fashion, preoccupied by
trying to figure out just how one properly *wears* this thing anyway. "That
pink lace number."

Kharty glances over at Tamren, then moves over closer to him. She asks him
quietly and gently, "Would you like a lift to wherever you were going
tonite? If our silliness is embarassing you, I'd be glad to give you a ride?"

Tamren smiles at Kharty, "I wouldn't want to take you away from this, and
frankly, this is amusing. I wouldn't mind watching...Unless this is private.

Misroth backwings to a landing.

Kassima finally walks from behind her dragon, bedecked in the red sisal
thingamawhatsits and with her hair unbraided. After all, the braid is too
practical to do much for the whole effect. All in all, her knee-length hair
is longer than the thingamawhatsits. "*Why* do people dress like this when
they're nay using it t'do evil?" she asks, bewildered. "I just don't get
it. Khar, d'you want t'put that pink robe on him? I can, if'n you lot are

Misroth lands with a thwump.

S'klin slides down Misroth, "Ummmm..."

Aurian wriggles into the bit of black lace. She hmmms, "This is very odd."

S'klin says "I just came to watch the stars....did I interrupt something?"

S'klin surveys the scene.

"Sort of," Kassi cheerfully confirms. "We're humiliating a brownrider."
Well, that would explain the unconscious, clotheless, hapless man on the
beach, anyway. "Now, *where* did the pink lace robe go? He just won't look
right without it."

S'klin says "Uhh, errr."

S'klin says "Why?"

Kassima gives S'klin a slightly odd look. "Because we want to," she
explains, as if it made the most sense of anything in the world. Frowning
as she holds up the pink lace, she mutters, "This is pretty delicate for
all this sand. Khar, Auri... d'you think Tebrelth would be amiable
t'letting us haul his rider off to a weyr t'finish the job? More convincing
there, anyway."

S'klin raises a brow and his mouth forms an 'o'.

S'klin says ""

S'klin says "Well then, I think I'll be on my way, I'm sure I can get into
trouble somewhere else."

Lysseth> Tebrelth senses that Lysseth inquires politely, with a hint of
apology for disturbing you, << Excuse me, Tebrelth, but would you object if
my rider, Kvasith's, and Virroth's borrowed your rider for a time? >>

Kassima says absently, "Oh, go or stay as you like, S'klin; if'n Tebrelth's
amiable, we're probably headed out anyway. He really *will* nay forgive us
if'n he winds up with the world's worst sunburn."

S'klin chuckles, "Aye."

S'klin mounts

S'klin mounts Misrorth and waves.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tebrelth starts blinking at the touch, a yawn
following. << Borrowed? >>

Aurian finishes getting into the black piece. She hmmms... "I might have a
use for this

Misroth hunches down before launching up into the skies, with powerful

Lysseth> Tebrelth senses that Lysseth clarifies helpfully, << Took him off
to a weyr for a time. He would not be harmed; I can promise you that. >>
Not *physically*, anyway. She makes no promises about his psychological

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tebrelth considers, his head tilting slightly,
<< Would it make him happy? >>

Kassima looks down at her own red frippery, and makes a face. "Nay I. I
like red, but... sheesh, I've seen bathing-wear that had more to it than
this! Ah, well; aught for a good cause. *Here* we go!" She's found that
pink robe, and holds it up in triumph. It really is awful. The lace is in a
flower pattern, even, and it's a particularly noxious shade of salmon pink.
"Won't this look so... unique on him?"

Lysseth> Tebrelth senses that Lysseth considers this, weighing the little
she knows about the nature of male humans against the riders' intentions.
<< It might. I think it is safe to say that most male humans would be *very* 
happy. >>

Aurian nods, "He'll love it."

Kharty leans back onto Virroth's side, laughing as she watches the goings
on. "I might call it obnoxious, but then, I'm one who'd not like none of it
to begin with. I'd love to help out here but if I did, that poor rider'd
have to deal with Keagan and I'd never hear the end of it. Anyway, I best
be getting back to the weyr. As you remember, wingleader..." she emphasizes
that part, "I've got sweeps in just a few hours." She winks and grins at

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tebrelth rumbles pleasantly, << Go ahead then. >>

Kassima grins at Kharty, nodding her agreement. "Aye, and I'm nay about
t'detain you with that in mind! Clear skies, Kharty... we'll tell you how
it turns out." Deftly, she works on slipping the sisal sleeves of the robe
over V'hryn's arms as best she can. "Lysseth says that we've got permission
to haul him away, so...." She waggles her brows at Aurian, trying not to
laugh. "Your weyr or mine?"

Aurian giggles, "I suppose mine will do

Kharty reaches up to take a firm grasp on Virroth's riding straps, and
swings up into the seat between his neckridges with the help of his foreleg.

From Virroth's back, Kharty waves to the group, close to falling off
Virroth as she sees the scene below her. "Clear skies too!"

Kassima nods in agreement, trying to arrange the robe around the brownrider
and just giving it up eventually as a bad job. It'll fall into place when
they move him. "Righteo. Want t'carry him on Kvasith, then? We'd best move
quickly; he's been unconscious for some time."

Virroth hunches down before launching up into the skies, with powerful

Aurian nods, "Kvasith it is."

Kvasith comes lumbering over.

Kassima leaves the brownrider for a moment to put her riding jacket on over
the lingerie, grimacing at the rest of her clothes. "A trip *between*," she
murmurs, "wasn't in the original plan. Methinks 'twill survive, though."
Bundling up the clothes, she tosses them into a strap pouch, jamming her
flight helmet on over her unbraided hair and tugging the gloves over her
fingers. On the whole, she looks utterly ridiculous, especially once she's
added her knee-high black boots to the ensemble.

A passing beach wanderer comments to his companion that he didn't know that
dragonriders doubled as lingerie models.

Kassima *must* be in a good mood, since even though she turns a shade of
red to rival her clothing, she strikes a pose for the passing wanderers
before heading over to help Aurian with V'hryn. "If'n we get him t'your
weyr without his mooning half of Pern somehow, 'twill be a miracle."

Aurian pulls her jacket on over her lace number. She glances at V'hryn and
bends to pick up his legs....."He's a heavy one.."

"Men tend t'be," Kassi agrees with a grunt, reaching for the arms again.
"Oof! Mayhaps if'n you can throw one of his legs over, I can push him up
the rest of the way, but you'll have t'get up there quick t'keep him from
falling off."

V'hryn's not just a pretty face! Tebrelth stirrs, watching the ensuing
entertainment with some interest. Is that meant to happen to one's rider?

Lysseth certainly doesn't seem to find anything wrong with it. She's
clearly amused, eyes whirling a bright and sparkling teal. No matter how
many times her rider does this sort of thing to people, she never gets
tired of watching the humiliation in action.

Aurian gets his leg over and is hopping up at the same time

Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the
straps as she eases herself onto his back.

Kassima gives a carefully measured push that *hopefully* heaves the rider
up just enough for him to be astride the brown, not tumbling over his neck.

V'hryn scrambles quickly up Kvasith's side using the thoughtfully provided
foreleg and his dark straps.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

Kassima climbs up onto her own lifemate as carefully as she can, settling
into place. "If'n I've ridden in a kilt a'fore, I can do this," she says
philosophically. "Aurian, is he all right over there?"

<*> From upon Kvasith, Aurian straps V'hryn tightly, "Oh aye... he's just

<*> Seated on Kvasith's lower neck, V'hryn lolls, Sleepy? THat's one way to
describe it.

Kassima asks drolly, "Really? I couldn't tell. All right, then! Are we ready?"

<*> From upon Kvasith, Aurian nods.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You hunch down before launching up, with powerful strokes.

<*> Kvasith wings up from the beach.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> From the North, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown
Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her
rider, Kassima, welcoming them home.

<*> Kvasith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> From the North, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown
Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to brown Kvasith and his
rider, Aurian, welcoming them home.

<*> Kvasith flies downward towards the central part of the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the central part of the bowl.

<*> Kvasith lands on Kvasith's Ledge.

You land on Kvasith's Ledge.

<*> From upon Kvasith, Aurian starts undoing V'hryn's straps, "Kassima ...
You'll need to catch him.."

"Auuuuuuuuuuuugh! Methinks m'rump is *frozen*!" Kassi wails as she slips
down from Lysseth's neck, shivering. "Huh? Oh, certes... be right there."

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Kassima trots her poor frozen rump over to Kvasith's side, bracing herself
to try and catch the falling brownrider. "Fire when ready," she calls up.

From upon Kvasith, Aurian pushes the unconcious Reachian over towards
Kassima, "Stone Away!"

From upon Kvasith, Aurian starts working on her own straps.

V'hryn carefully moves his over, and slips to the ground with Kvasith's
foreleg steadying them.

Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands
neatly on her feet this time.

Aurian stumbles over to aid Kassima lugging the rider about.

Kassima yelps despite herself as the 'Reachian in question falls on her.
"*Oof.*" She manages to retain her footing, barely, and struggles to get
both herself and the brownrider upright. "Y'know," she observes, "it should
probably disturb me that he looks more feminine than I do right now." What
with her leather jacket, riding helmet, and all.

Aurian nods, "I told you he'd be pretty.. we should have dropped him at a

Kassima nods gratefully to Auri, and perhaps in agreement too. "Next time,
perhaps... for now, let's just get him into the weyr. I don't know how he's
managed t'sleep through all of this, but I'm nay pressing m'luck!"

Aurian nods as she thinks of her nice toasty weyr.

Aurian walks though the entrance into the weyr.

You walk through the entrance and into..

V'hryn steps through walking lightly into the weyr.

Aurian points out her pile of cushions and furs as she heads in that
direction dragging the dead one, "I need to find a bed."

"Nice place you've got here," Kassima observes, craning her head to take a
look. "Should we just plunk him on the be--oh, I see. Right." She
obediantly toddles after Aurian, still hauling the pink lace-clad one.
"There're probably some in stores, but this'll more'n do for the purpose."

Aurian nods to Kassima, "Thanks... I'm rather pleased with it myself." She
grunts a little, "Where are his bones..."

V'hryn starts to moan, as if he were about to wake up as Kassima start
hauling him through the Weyr's entrance. In a strange weyr, dressed in pink
frilly bits. How embarassing.

Aurian drops him amongst the cushions. She tosses her jacket away, "He's
going to wake isn't he?"

Kassima grimaces almost frantically at the moaning, and motions for Auri to
hurry. "Methinks he's waking!" she hisses. Once he's safely set down, she
busies herself with pulling off her riding gear. The removal of the leather
gear is a mass improvement; for a moment, she had a weird dominatrix look
going, and that just wouldn't do. "Methinks so. We'd best be quick."

Aurian drops next to V'hryn, she takes one of his hands and places it in
what could be an awkward place as she settles herself amongst her favorite

Kassima settles for just finding a place in the cushions on his other side
*without* the hand in the awkward place, thanks. Evil or not, she's still
too much of a prude for that. She does, however, loop his arm around her
waist before closing her eyes to feign sleep. This is something she does
rather well. Of course, knowing Kassi, she's probably had practice at it.

Aurian as one last touch reaches her free hand over and musses his hair,
she then dozes politely.

V'hryn's eyes start a fluttering as he *finally* starts to wake up. "Ugh..
" Is all he says as he starts to roll over, only to find a woman in the
way. Now there's an eye opener for you. "Huh?" Is the next intelligble
thing to fall from his lips as he tries to roll over the otherside, only
find another one in his way. The next thing he utters is a strangled scream
as he valiantly tries to throw himself off the bed, managing to get all
tangled up in the pink frilly thing and go sprawling.

Aurian yawns and stretches languidly, trying not to look startled at
V'hryn's sprawl, "Morning .." She shakes her hair out a bit.

Your location's current time: 3:24 on day 31, month 3, Turn 24, of the
Tenth Pass. It is a spring night.

Kassima manages to do a convincing act of startlement, sitting up in the
furs. "Huh? Who? What?" Then, looking towards the entanglement of pink lace
and brownrider, she affects relaxation. "Oh, s'you. Shells, Vah, 'tis hours
'til morning... c'mon back t'bed. You need your sleep!" The implication
being, of course, that he hasn't gotten much tonight, never mind that the
truth is directly opposite.

Aurian nods, "He needs his sleep, you need your sleep.. and I need mine."
She stretches again and tugs the little bit of black lace back into place.

V'hryn looks.. horrified. His gaze drops down for a moment, eyes widening
to saucers as he sees the pink frilly stuff and hands desparately try to
close the garment, all the while a lovely pink blush graces his cheeks.

Kassima manages without blushing, miraculously enough, to tsk with regret
when V'hryn tries to actually close that piece of sisal and lace he's
wearing. "If'n you're cold, 'tis a lot warmer in the furs," she volunteers
helpfully, eyes sparkling with what might be any number of things.

"Ever so much warmer," Aurian pauses, "But you would know that.."

V'hryn inches back, away from the bed, the cushions and Them. All the while
trying vainly to keep the flimsy pink thing he's got on, closed.
"St-st-stayyy away from me!" His voices rising in pitch with each word.

Aurian raises her eyebrows, "Something wrong?" She licks her bottom lip
lightly as she watches him, "Are you alright? Can I make it better?"

Kassima manages to affect an injured look. One benefit to over a decade of
greenriding is that one developes amazing acting talents. "Vah, whatever is
wrong? You weren't half so distant last night!" Technically true.... "Have
we... displeased you, somehow?" She even makes her voice quaver a bit with
that last, eyes downcast as though in shame. Actually, of course, she's
trying to hide the fact that she wants to laugh herself sick.

Displeased? Try terrified. V'hryn inches back a bit further, trying to say
something, but only managing to splutter incoherently in response. His eyes
look to be bugging out.

Aurian raises an eyebrow and glances to Kassima, "What's wrong with his eyes?"

Kassima flicks a glance up through lowered black lashes, then blinks. "I
don't know," she confesses. "Why, you'd think he were surprised by
something! Vah, dear, what *is* bothering you? You can tell us! There're
nay secrets between us!" Apparently not.

Aurian's lower lip quivers, "An' you said you'd be weyrmate to us both.."

"W..www..wwweyrmate?" V'hryn manages to stutter out, still trying to
compose himself in this.. awkward situation. "B..bbb..bb-bboth of

Aurian nods as if she can't believe he forgot, "Yes we were going to move
into a weyr together...."

Kassima shoots Aurian a look that's composed of a peculiar combination of
surprise, admiration, and mild horror. Admiration because she never would
have thought of that, of course--and mild horror, because her general
avoidance of weyrmating is why. Still, when in Rome.... "I admit, that came
as a surprise t'me," she confesses. No kidding. "But you certes seemed able
to... handle... both of us, so...." She shrugs philosophically, flicking a
stray tendril of black hair back over her shoulder.

Aurian gives an oddly tender smile to V'hryn, "Now come back to bed.. we
all have early duties in the morning."

Horror is written in big block letters across V'hryn's forehead. "At once?"
He squeaks out, clutching at his pink frilly covering. Six feet of man in a
pink frilly outfit. Definitely a picture oppurtunity.

Kassima coughs delicately. "*'Tis* usually how such things work," she
points out, or thinks she does. Keep in mind, this woman is *not* likely to
actually have so much as a clue. "C'mon, Vah; the cold must've gotten t'you
or something. Lie back down and we'll warm you up in a hurry, I promise."
She can't manage a leer, but she *can* manage a wink, and does so.

Aurian nods, "Your mind will clear in a heartbeat..."

The wink only serves to drive V'hryn further back. Women? Winking at him?
What is the World coming to? "Noo.. I d-dd-don't think so.." He's used to
frosty temperatures, remember?

Aurian murmurs, "Kassima bring him back here...

Kassima frowns, setting her hands on her hips and taking a deeeep breath in
the way people tend to when they're trying to be patient. "There's naught
t'be afraid of," she remarks, perfectly logically, "and that pink thing of
yours is *hardly* sufficient t'deal with the temperatures! If'n you're too
tired for frolicking, well, at this point 'tis certes understandable... but
you need t'warm up ere you freeze off your ability t'sire children, man!"
Such a lovely way of words she has, neh?

Aurian speaking of cold, she takes this opportunity to pull up some of the
furs closer. "Come to bed please dearest..."

Very lovely. At the mention of children, V'hryn looks even more shocked.
"/What?/" That's got his attention surely.

Aurian rolls her eyes, "We're not pregnant yet that we know of.."

Aurian goes back to being cozily curled under her fur with the black lace
peeking about.

Kassima makes a face from where she's sitting upright in the furs, *most*
of her bright red garment covered by her rather artfully disarrayed black
hair. "Now, Vah, nay need for being paranoid; 'tis nay as though we'd been
drinking the Water. At least, I didn't. Did either of... oh." That 'oh'
probably signals that she just remembered that the pink-clad brownrider
*did* drink a glass of water at the Lounge. "Well, I'm sure that wasn't
*Benden* Water...."

Aurian tilts her head, "I heard that the Lady Holder of Boll only drinks
Benden water.."

It's about this point again that V'hryn's eyes roll back into his head and
the poor sot keels over dead faint again. He's got this action down pat it
would seem. The sight of two women in frilly things seems to have sort of
accfect on him.

Aurian scritches her head, "He's a fainter..." Men always seem to faint
about her.

"Y'know," Kassima observes, looking over the young brownrider, "methinks
this is beginning t'be a trend. Think we should pour water over his head or
something, or just haul him back t'bed and tell him if'n he asks 'twas all
a dream?"

Aurian watches him, "Drag him back and start all over again.. let him think
he crawled back to us?"

Kassima ponders this, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "Huh," she
says, and starts to grin. "We *could* tell him if'n he asks that he came
back t'his senses and returned to the bed... 'tis what 'twere thinking of?"

"Exactly," Aurian nods.

Kassima scrambles up out of the furs, padding over to the poor, fallen
damsel in distre--err, male brownrider who happens to be wearing a feminine
frilly thing. She reaches for his arm, the better to drag him back with.
"At least we can tell him truly that we've been getting plenty of exercise
tonight, what with all this hauling and carrying!"

It's typical, so typical that V'hryn would be at his most virile when he's
unconscious. He just sort of lolls there, eyes crossed as he lies there in
the pink frilly thing that doesn't cover him properly.

Aurian chuckles as she heads over to assist Kassima, "He's really not
bad..." She takes ahold of his other arm.

Kassima observes, "He'd be mortified if'n he realized how many times that
robe of his has fallen open tonight, though." Not that she's looking, or
anything. Honest. Really. Truly. Well, okay, no more than a glance or two.

More like a glance or four.

Aurian starts tugging him towards the bed, "Maybe we should keep him? Do
you think anyone at the High Reaches would miss him?"

Kassima pulls along willingly, setting her chosen arm down once he's back
onto the furs. "D'you think they've enough virile young browner lads t'be
doing without one? I suppose 'tis *possible*... and, after all, he can
hardly go back wearing *this*. What'd you do with his clothes, anyway?"

"Oh Kvasith buried them.." Aurian erfs a bit, "His knot is in my jacket

V'hryn'll have a heart attack once he finds *that* out. That was his
favourite sweater!

Hey he can go dig it up.

Eww, it'll have sand all through it though.

Yes. :)

Evil, /EVIL/ wenches.

Kassima winces a bit in sympathy, while settling back down on the furs and
attempting to get things arranged to her satisfaction. This means, of
course, putting the brownrider's arm back around her waist and resting her
head on his shoulder. Awwwwww. How cute they look. V'hryn would die.
"That'll be problematical. I can't imagine that he'd want t'go home with
naught but *that*, but it could be worse. He could have naught 'tall." Oh,
yeah, like this is an improvement over nothing?

Don't say we didn't warn you. ;)

Aurian nestles her head against his chest, "We could tie it about his
whatnot..." She hmms, and takes his hand and places it in her hair, "I'm
sure we can come up with something for him when the time comes... but I'm
sure he'd rather stay here instead of wear anything that we come up with."

Kassima has to laugh at that, amused. "Mayhaps 'tis so!" she agrees, idly
tickling at the brownrider's nose with her hair. Maybe that'll wake him. "I
have t'be wondering how many more times he'll faint first, though...."

Aurian plays with a few strands of V'hryn's chest hair, not that theres
much of it. "Should I get a skin of wine? I have a few."

Maybe wake, maybe not. But the tickling hair does make V'hryn's nose itch,
his eyelids fluttering as he sneezes. The second sneeze brings him upright,
eyes wide open. Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

Aurian blinks at the few hairs in her hands, "Ew.." She drops the strands.

Well, yes, it probably wasn't to the delight of the women resting against
him when he starts like that. Kassi, at least, falls back against the furs
with a faint oof. "Had you a nightmare, m'lad?" she inquires, all
solicitousness and with a languid smile. She's hard-put not to laugh at
Aurian's ewwing, though.

Aurian murmurs gently at V'hryn, "Headache gone dearest?"

At Kassi's nightmare question, V'hryn nods his head. "Yes.. a horrible one.
I'd been trussed up in some pink lacy thing and had been hauled back to
some strange place by two women who proceeded to do things to me!" All the
while he's saying this, he's just dumbly staring ahead of him. Wouldn't do
to actually look around.

"Poor lad..maybe we should give him a massage Kassima..." Aurian smiles at
the wingleader/

"That's certes a nightmare," Kassima agrees, looking puzzled. "A'course,
considering that you put the pink lace thing on *yourself* and hardly
seemed to object to what we did t'you, reality is a different matter
entirely." She reaches out to run one finger down his sisal-clad arm--pink
sisal, don't forget--and winks sidelong at Aurian. "Now, *that's* an idea.
Would you like that, Vah? You must be *terribly* worn out, and 'twould help
you relax some, I warrant you."

Aurian nods, "I do have some lovely scented oils."

V'hryn's eyes widen just a touch as he listens to the responses he gets.
He's not in Kansas anymore Toto! "Excuse me?" The lad's voice ending in a
squeak as he slowly turns his head to first peer at Kassima, eyes widening
at what she's wearing and then turning around to look at Aurian only to
have his eyes bug out at the sight of all that black lace.

Aurian flutters her eyelashes at V'hryn.

Kassima mutters something cryptic about Maevia knowing her trade, holding
back laughter. "A massage," she repeats, her voice pitched low and her eyes
wide and dark. "Would y'care for one? I wager that we could between us have
you relaxed in but a moment." Or some reasonable facsimile thereof, anyway.

"Massage?" V'hryn dumbly echoes, looking Kassima straight in the face,
'cause looking anywhere else would make him blush horribly.

Aurian runs her finger along the line of his throat, "A massage." She

Kassima's eyes are artfully wide and innocent, which is quite a contrast
with her current get-up, let me tell you. "Aye," she confirms, giving him
her most winsome smile. "It really would do you some good, I think. You're
as tense as a gitar's string!" Gee, I wonder why?

"I'm not tense!" The hapless Reachian brownrider squeals, and he's not
tense, he's just scared witless! "Why am I here?" V'hryn sounds almost
pitiable at this point.

"You asked to come!" Aurian smiles tenderly, "Begged even."

"Lay back down, Vah," Kassi soothes, tugging on his arm. "That nightmare's
still disturbing you; I can tell it. But we'll set it t'rights--won't we,

Aurian leans over and nuzzles his ear pushing him back to the bed, "Of
course we will."

V'hryn nearly shrieks as Aurian does that. "I'm still dreaming.. that's the
only logical explanation. This can't be happening!" He's gone from fainting
to babbling.

Kassima replies with utmost logic, running her fingers idly through the
man's hair, "A'course it can, since 'tis, m'dear. You're being irrational.
Think on it--why, 'tis nay even unusual for the flight-lost t'wind up in
women's company! Lie back down; there's naught here t'distress you. I can't
for the life of me figure how you can have the *energy* left for such
hysterics, all things told."

"V'hryn yer such a sweet..." Odd there seems to be an emphasis on the word
sweet, "one..." Aurian continues.

Sweet, scared. Is there a difference? V'hryn gives Kassima a wide-eyed
stare. "What? I've never done that in my entire life!" And he's certainly
had the oppurtunity for it. Never won a flight, poor lad.

Aurian has never won a flight either but she knows how to deal with that.
She grins wickedly and brushes her lips against V'hryn's shoulder.

Kassima points out diplomatically, "Well, you *had* drunk a bit, but then,
so had we." Technically true. "There's naught t'be regretted for what's
done under the drink, if'n it harms none, which it didn't!" Also true. But
then, Kassi's had practice at deceiving through the truth.

V'hryn nearly shrieks again and jerks away from Aurian, almost ploughing
his face into Kassima's lap as he strives to get away from the other
brownrider. "I never drink!" Is staunchly retorted. He can't drink, he's a
prude about everything!

Aurian never thought she was that unappealing, "You drank Thread!"

Kassima is, needless to say, somewhat startled to have a brownrider nearly
in her lap. But you don't hear her complaining, do you? "You drank," she
tells him firmly, stealing an arm around his waist to steady him. "You
drank quite a bit. Ask Marcus, when next you're at Boll; he'll confirm it."
Quirking an eyebrow, she remarks, "You *do* have to admit that there're
worse things you could've done when drunk...." Surely there are. She just
can't provide any examples offhand, that's all!

The colour is draining from V'hryn's face at an alarming rate. He's got the
effects from the nice little hangover he got from Boll, he's also draped
with strange women from Telgar. "There are worse things?" He splutters in
surprise, one hand going to his head to cover his eyes and maybe when he
takes he hand away he'll be back home curled up next to Tebrelth, speaking
of which.. "Where's Tebrelth? Where is he?" Panicked? Maybe.

Aurian reaches over to run her hand along V'hryn's chest and stomach, "Well
you could have ended up with Ovines...."

Kassima isn't vain, mind, or all that prideful, but even she has to frown a
bit at that one. "Y'know, 'tis odd of a man t'ask of two women, with every
tone of incredulousness, whether there's aught worse than bedding 'em, I
have t'be saying. I'd nay have thought 'twere so repulsive as all that!"
Turning her head to peer towards the ledge, she considers for a moment
before remembering. "At Boll still, methinks."

"At /Boll/?" V'hryn's eyes are about the size of saucers now. "How in
Faranth's name did I get here then?" Nearly having a heart attack as Aurian
decides his chest and stomach make an ideal rubbing board.

"You rode on Kvasith with me..." Aurian smiles as she continues to rub that
chest, "You held me ever so tight."

Kassima is quite content to rest her head against V'hryn's shoulder and
leave this rubbing business to Aurian. "Aye, well... little as 'twere
wearing, I could envy you; colder 'tis t'ride as one than 'twas t'ride as

Aurian leans over and bites V'hryn's side teasingly... "Quite a warm flight
here it was..." She brushes her lips over the spot she nipped, "but it was
warmer here.

If V'hryn was as tense as a gitar string before, he's even tighter still.
"Really?" He squeaks out, trying to lean away from Aurian, but at the same
time trying to lean away from Kassima. He's not getting very far.

Aurian takes V'hryn's hand in her own and kisses his palm lightly, she
seems to feel the time for talk is done.

Hey, at least Kassi doesn't seem intent on biting any portion of V'hryn's
anatomy, for which can be said a lot. "'Tis why you left Tebrelth there,
a'course. I imagine you couldn't bear the thought of such a fair young maid
as Auri here riding alone, so little as she's wearing... or mayhaps you
just wanted t'warm yourself; I know nay. Given that robe...." Her eyes
travel downwards meaningfully. "I can't say I blame you. 'Twould be rather
easy t'freeze off your capacity for child-siring, as 'twere." See, she's
*much* less scary. No need to run away, no no no.

V'hryn looks down only to have his eyes widen in horror and embarassment as
he vainly tries to cover himself, again. "Freeze off? I didn't feel
anything.." He mumbles, trying to squirm out this situation he now finds
himself in.

"Well, a'*course* nay, with Auri in front of you to... ah... warm you."
Kassima replies delicately, managing even to color her words with what
might be envy. "'Tis chill even now, but worry nay; keeping you warm's what
we're here for. Or part of it, 'tany rate."

Aurian nibbles at his next finger, "As I said, Twas quite warm."

Telgar Weyr> Kharty says, "HEY! Lysseth's gonna rise!!"

Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "OH GOD NOT AGAIN. Err. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "I know.... ain't it cool!"

Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "What??"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima cackles. Noticed that, did you? ;)

Telgar Weyr> Mehlani .oO (eep)

Telgar Weyr> Neliea meeps and just hides in the hay....

V'hryn tries to extracate his finger from Aurian's nibbling and to cover
himself at the same time. Poor sot. "Err.." Is all he manages before a full
blush reddens his cheeks, neck and ears.

Aurian doesn't let go of his hand, nope tis her toy now.

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Virroth rumbles deeply. << Hubba Hubba!
Da green grrl's gonna rise! >>

Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Telgar dragons with << I don't hubba >>

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Xylath raises one eye sleepily. << Let
the rest of us have a try, Virroth. >>

Dragon> Virroth bespoke Telgar dragons with << Hey, my rider *asks* you to
come! Sheesh! >>

Kassima takes some mercy on the poor man and draws a corner of the lacy
thingamajigger over the relevant area. Not that this helps much, given the
rather see-through quality of the lace. "Really, why you should be so
modest *now*..." she murmurs, shaking her head in puzzlement and tightening
her hold around his waist just a trifle. Let Aurian keep the hand; she'll
take the rest!

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Xylath will if he drag her away from
someone else....

Aurian nips at his wrist, "Hmmmmm still."

V'hryn's hand is not a toy! At least he never thought it was. Squirming
again, he vainly tries to make some sort of get away, but between the lace
and being surrounded by women, it doesn't look like he's gonna get very far.

Aurian places delicate kisses on V'hryn's wrist... she did consume a large
amount of alcohol herself. She seems to be thinking that this has become a
delightful evening.

After all, what man in his right mind would prefer being seen in this lacy
thing out in public--where, it might be added, the wind is brisk--to just
being seen by these two women, who by now have surely seen everything?
Kassi asks with faint exasperation, "Will you *relax*, Vah? At this rate,
you're nay going t'get *any* sleep tonight! Yeesh! And if'n you've *that*
much energy, there're better things it could be turned to." Like trying to
make sure Aurian doesn't devour him alive?

Being eaten alive will definitely put a dampner on V'hryn's social life.
Not that he has much of one, but he does have one. "Relax?" He squeaks,
"I'm not stressed! Sleep?" He's expected to sleep here? That only causes
his eyes to widen even moreso. Poor lad, he'll never be able to look at
another greenrider without running for the hills.

Okay, so explain why Kassi's the scary one when Aurian's the one treating
his hand like a brand new toy? Still, this doesn't displease Kassi. She
*likes* being the scary one. "Well... if'n you're *sure*. We really could
give you a fabulous massage if'n you think 'twould help. You need t'get
*some* sleep... as much energy as you've used up tonight with us, m'boyo,"
even if it was all used up in being *afraid*, "you'll need quite some time
t'be recovering it, I'm thinking!"

Aurian slides her other hand Faranth knows where under V'hryn, she
continues to kiss his hand. She's quite content with her lot in life to be
the nonscarey one.

How can V'hryn be scared of his own kind? At Aurian's hand moving though,
he lets out a yelp as he launches himself, or at least tries to launch
himself off the furs and away from such people!

Aurian smiles sweetly as she watches V'hryn jumps. She flutters her
eyelashes, "Come back to bed...."

It's all too easy to underestimate the power of a greenrider's hold. Even
Kassi does it sometimes, as is demonstrated when she forgets to actually
let *go* of the brownrider's waist and gets partially dragged along when he
tries to launch himself away. A yelp marks her rather undignified tumble
off of the furs in a flurry of black and red. "Remind me again," she
mutters, springing to her feet quickly--after all, that stone floor is
*cold*, and she's not got that much cloth to protect her rump from it,
let's face it--"why these 'Reachian brownriders are supposed t'be aught but
trouble? In the name of the First Queen, man, you'd think you'd found
*'snakes* in your bed!" And whatever else they are, they aren't 'snakes.
'Snakes don't wear lingerie. Especially not lingerie like that pink robe of
V'hryn's; even 'snakes have *some* standards.

Aurian pouts as people leave the bed, "Will everyone get back into bed tis
too sharding cold for this..

V'hryn has standards, it's just that no one else here seems to think that
he's got any! The cold doesn't have that much of an effect on him, he's
from the 'Reaches afterall and is used to frequent ice cold baths care of

Kassima smooths her skirt, such as it is--there isn't much of one--and
reaches out to try and guide the brownrider back to the furs. "Look, Vah,
despite this weird modesty thing you've developed--shards if'n I can
understand it--you've got t'be facing facts: unless you want t'go back
t'Boll with one of us, wearing naught but the pink thing, you're going
t'have t'stay here tonight. And believe you me, 'tis too sharding cold t'be
wandering around in something that'll be blown away with the first breeze.
Mayhaps you just need a drink... Auri, didn't you say you had wine somewhere?"

Aurian stands slowly, "Aye.. Benden or Southern..." She heads over to the
little place she stores her skins.

V'hryn just lies there, stubbornly on the cold, cold floor. Maybe they'll
forget about him if he doesn't move.

Yeah. Right. Keep dreaming, Vah. With a sigh, Kassi settles gingerly on the
floor, sitting on her feet to keep her rear end from becoming a total ice
cube. She isn't *used* to dressing like this. "Everything will make more
sense after a drink or three," she promises the prone one helpfully.

V'hryn isn't going to answer the question. With his face smooshes against
the stone floor just like the rest of him, he blithely ignores Kassima's
question. Wine indeed, he's still got a hangover from the last bout of
drinking he indulged in, and look what trouble that brought him!

Aurian takes the benden out of course grabbing three glasses, "Benden red
alright? I made a little excursion to the hold a week or so ago." She
smiles beatifically down at V'hryn and leans down to rub her foot along him.

Kassima tries to suppress the urge to hide her eyes and groan; this
wouldn't do much for the appearance they're trying to cultivate. So
instead, she replies, "Benden Red will be *fantastic.* You've simply got
t'have a glass or two, Vah, I swear it--'twill calm your nerves like naught
else, and Red's *nay* t'be missed." Never mind that, as affectionate as
Auri's apparently feeling, she'll probably pour it down the other
brownrider's throat if it'll get him to hold still for awhile. Kassi finds
it more prudent not to mention this likelihood.

V'hryn squeezes his eyes shut as he just lies there, maybe this is all a
dream, and when he finally wakes up this nightmare of an experience will
just be a bad memory in the very back of his poor frightened little mind.
If he opens his eyes again, he'll probably end up fainting, and now that
would get him to stay still for more than five minutes.

Aurian kneels next to V'hryn not putting her tush against the stone floors.
She starts filling glasses.

Kassima would probably caution V'hryn against staying still for more than
five minutes, given the way Aurian's acting, if she could read his mind.
But she can't, so she doesn't. Perhaps unfortunately for him. "Auri,
methinks 'twill have t'be carrying him... he must've hurt himself trying
t'flee like that, poor thing."

Hurt indeed. Besides his pride, V'hryn should be perfectly intact.

Aurian nods, "Of course we should put him back into bed."

Kassima asks, "Want me t'be pouring the wine while you turn him over, or

Aurian hmmms, "You are the more experienced pourer..." She offers the
glasses and the skin to Kassima.

V'hryn doesn't exactly look like he /wants/ to be turned over. He needs
some sort of distraction.

Kassima snorts slightly, clearly aware that the other woman is probably
just taking any excuse she can get to get her hands on the man. But hey,
she can lie with that. Accepting glasses and 'skins both, carefully, she
pours one three-quarters full of the richly red liquid, sets it down, and
picks up V'hryn's hand to curl it around the glass. "There," she instructs.
"Try that." Will that do for distraction?

Aurian leans down and starts to push V'hryn over, never mind what her
clothing is doing.

More than likely not. V'hryn tries to roll the opposite way to which Aurian
is pushing. He's not going to be helpful here, nope. Besides, with the
flimsy-ness of his clothing, he really doesn't -want- to be rolled over.

Aurian wriggles her nose lightly. She hmms debating how to get him to move

Kassima ponders. Ponder, ponder, ponder. Finally, she leans down--also
paying no heed to the effect on her clothing; she's not used to having to
worry about it--to remark quietly, "Y'know, I once heard of a guy who froze
himself solid to a floor as cold as this one. They had to cut bits of him
off in order t'get him free." Guess which bits.

V'hryn's eyes widen greatly at that. He can just guess which bits. With an
amazing feat of agility, he leaps up, all the while managing to keep most
of himself decently covered. "No, no wine, no frilly things, I want my
clothes back!"

Aurian licks her bottom lip, "Your clothes aren't here." She walks over to
V'hryn, struts more like. She trails her hand down his back.

Kassima peers up at V'hryn, somewhat dumbfounded. "Nay wine?" she repeats.
This one seems to elude her. "You'd refuse Benden wine?" She politely
ignores the behavior of her colleague, seeming content to leave the whole
evil seductress role to Aurian. She'll just play the part of manipulative
tormentor for now. "As t'your clothes... aye. They're nay here."

"What do you mean not here?" V'hryn can't seem to comprehend that part. He
gives Aurian a worried look as she starts trailing her hands over him,
"Where in Faranth's name are my clothes?"

Aurian slides her arms about his neck, she has to stand on tiptoe to do it,
"Not here."

"That," Kassima replies, "would depend on how close to the shoreline--and
how deeply--Kvasith buried 'em, I'd imagine. Too close and too shallow, and
they're probably out t'sea somewhere by now. D'you see why 'twould really
be more prudent t'just sleep now and worry about all of that later?"
Assuming Auri would let him sleep, which is looking more doubtful all the

Very doubtful, and that's got V'hryn worried, he hasn't retained his
innocence by sleeping around. "Buried? Are you saying my clothes are back
at Boll?" How very astute of him, he's not just a pretty face!

"Well, aye," is Kassi's response. She extends the hand that isn't holding a
glass of wine, and tugs briefly on the hem of the pink frilly thing.
"Except for this, a'course."

Aurian says "Mmmmmm," Aurian is sniffing his hair, "Probably in the ocean
by now.""

V'hryn's eyes widen, as hands try to snatch back the bit of hem that
Kassima is tugging on. "You did that to my /clothes/. What did I do to
you?" Other than slightly insult that is.

Aurian nuzzles his nape, "Undressed us."

"I did not!" V'hryn almost shouts, he seems to think that he'd remember
/that/ sort of thing.

Kassima protests at once, eyes wide, "*We* didn't do that!" As to what he
did to them, well, she just coughs, lowers her eyes, and blushes modestly.
She learned how to fake a blush some time ago, you see. "I'd think you'd
remember *that*, Vah...."

V'hryn does too, that's why he knows he didn't do /that/, or at least he
*thinks* he didn't. He's too confused at this point to figure it out, and
he's never had to fake a blush yet.

Aurian slides her hand down his stomach, she's just enjoying this too much,
"Kassi he needs that wine."

Kassima ohs, belatedly remembering the fact. "Right." She holds up the
filled glass in offering. "Everything always makes more sense after a glass
of Red. You'll see."

V'hryn isn't so sure that he will. "Err.." But he takes the offered glass,
downing it in two gulps, his eyes crossing slightly. Maybe if he drinks
himself into oblivion, this will all go away.

Kassima seems quite content to encourage this attitude. She's always found
drinking to be a useful device, as is evidenced by her own half-drained
glass. Rather than refilling his cup, she just offers the whole sharding
'skin this time. "Auri, just how much wine d'you have?" Liquor is a goodness.

Aurian manages to nip at V'hryn's earlobe, she is quite happy at the
moment. "Kassi can I take the pink lace off of him..."

Aurian hrmmmms, "I didn't have any wine." Truthful to a fault.

The skin is up-ended as soon as V'hryn's got possesion of it. The images
will go away faster, the faster he drinks.. right?

Kassima suppresses the urge to roll her eyes. "Nay, nay--I mean, how much
d'you have with you in the Weyr? Um... I suppose you can, aye, if'n he
doesn't object." She raises her glass in a toast to V'hryn's efforts to
make the Craft stamp on the 'skin go vertical, before draining her own
glass with a happy sigh.

More wine! V'hryn uses the back of his hand to wipe his mouth once he's
drained the skin, the tinyiest of burps escaping his mouth as he does so.
Bluish eyes look slightly crossed as he hands the skin back to Kassima,
"Got anymore?" If you're going to drink, why not go the whole hog?

Aurian nods and points to a small cabinet, "About five more skins."

Kassima smiles sweetly. *Now* V'hryn's talking her language. "Oh, I imagine
so. Hold on just a moment...." Getting to her feet quite gladly, she pads
over to liberate a few 'skins--say, three--from the cabinet, taking one for
herself and offering the brownriders the others. "Here's t'drinking! May it
always help things make sense!"

Aurian takes a long pull from the offered wine skin, she licks the beverage
from her lips, "Mmmm nice southern."

There's sense to be made from this situation? V'hryn's just hoping that all
this wine will clear his head of this awful nightmare he's having. "Very..
nice." He burbles, knees starting to wobble slightly. He isn't one to hold
his liquor that well.

Aurian kisses V'hryn's neck, she hums contentedly.

Remember, Kassi's strange enough that quite a number of nonsensical things
seem perfectly logical to her. Following her companions' suit in draining
off a part of her 'skin, she exhales in a long 'ah' of appreciation.
"Pretty good Benden, Auri...." Seeing the brownrider wobble, she elects to
offer him a shoulder to lean against, with an understanding grin. See,
being drunk makes *plenty* of sense to her. "Isn't it, though?"

V'hryn leaped off the bed to get away from the women, now they're holding
him up? There's just no justice in the world. "Very nice indeed." He starts
to slur faintly, knocking back the rest of the skin easily. "Anything else?"

Aurian trails her fingers along his jaw, "Bed seems like a good idea to me."

"Well," Kassi drawls, drinking hers at a *somewhat* slower rate, "aside
from the other two 'skins, I do have a store of stronger drinks, but... I
don't know if'n you'd want t'try those. They're nay for the faint of heart."

V'hryn isn't just faint at heart. He's faint at /everything/. "Bed?" He
looks blinkingly at Aurian for a moment and shakes his head. "Can't do
that." He's got some kind of moral code thing going here.

Kassima decides to ask, pure and simply, "Why nay?"

Aurian tilts her head, "We need to get some sleep." She kisses his adam apple.

V'hryn gulps slightly, "Tebrelth needs to be oiled." Yes, that's it. He
*still* remembers that. "I promised him faithfully that I'd do it." Of
course that isn't what it sounds like. His words end up sounding like 'I
mised im at I ood." Not all that much sense.

Kassima laughs, surprisingly, and reaches up to ruffle the brownrider's
hair. "Silly man," she chides, grinning. "He's *asleep*. He'd probably
prefer t'be oiled when he wakes up, I would imagine." Don't you hate it
when the woman is logical?

Aurian smiles at Kassima, "All that nice warm sand at Boll I'm sure he'd
sleep for ages."

Especially greenrider women. V'hryn peers at Kassima, "How would you know
he's asleep?" He can't even tell if Tebrelth's asleep, let alone where he
is. With a sigh he gives the now empty wine skin a mournful look. "Can I
have some more?" It almost sounds like he's begging.

Aurian offers V'hryn her wine skin, "Here."

Kassima continues to be logical, even as she echoes Aurian's movement by
offering Vah what's left of her 'skin also. "Because he was asleep when we
left, or nearly, and because this is the sort of hour when dragons *tend*
t'be asleep. Lysseth's asleep, Faranth knows."

V'hryn's eyes would light up if they weren't already glazed with drink as
he accepts the offers of wine, first downing Aurian's offering, and then
Kassima's. "Very nice.." He mumbles, before his head starts to loll
backwards, eyes rolling back into his head again. Looks like he's passed
out, again.

Aurian starts escorting him back to her bed, "Sleeep."

Kassima helps Aurian to carry him over, wineskins, pink lace, and all. "Or
some reasonable facsimile thereof," she agrees ruefully. "A drunken
stupor's good enough for me."

And what a drunken stupor it is. V'hryn's downed.. three nigh full wine
skins or more, plus the offerings he got from Marcus back at Boll. There's
a strange little smile on his face as his head hits a pillow, what dreams
he'll be having.

As if his reality isn't bad enough? Still, Kassi, who like any decent
Wingleader does try to get *some* sleep before drills and such, isn't going
to question. She just settles back in on the furs with a yawn, content to
sleep until the screams resume.

Aurian curls up under her furs against V'hryn, this is nice and toasty.
Three bodies are much warmer than one.