-------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Do Chicken Right Date: December 19, 2004 Place: High Reaches Weyr Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Now that the eggs have been cluched, V'lano is bound to High Reaches Weyr. But since Kassi has no intention of doing without his company for months on end, there's nothing to do but visit him there--and in the process witness the latter half of a Search and discuss the destiny of Volath's suspiciously feathered son. Afterwards, Vel and Kassi invent Pern's very own version of Supermarket Sweep, albeit with a purpose other than winning cash and prizes in mind. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You swoop down to a landing at the lake shore. <*> Linnea shakes her head, "No no. I'm sure they'd be all honored. As I said, they've a few of us to spare. But it might make a good excuse for why I'd accepted. Though I wouldn't want to make trouble, and indeed, truth would be a better course." Rubbing her arms, she nods. "I'd say it is a yes. I mean, surely it is." Half a roll of one rather pointy shoulder later, "I knew I'd never escape from laundry. Alas." Dramatic gesture of back of hand to forehead, then she's speaking to the dragon with all seriousness. "But thank you, Dasmareth. For the sand, and for the invitation to stay. If I say yes again, may I come out of the water?" <*> V'lano looks as unpuffy as possible, red cheeks notwithstanding. "I... just was going to cough," he explains dully, shoulders hunching a bit. "And then I didn't have to. So." He clears his throat and focuses elsewhere, such as on Linnea's response, the meaningfulness of which is beginning to sink into his head with visible effect on his level of interest. "Maybe," he brightly begins to the blue-skirted girl, "you won't draw laundry duty, just like I never drew dragon-washing!" <*> Lysseth takes her sweet time after her bugled exchange with the watchrider in actually descending. Maybe she decided to admire the scenery. When she finally does settle, she does it neatly and with wings tucked quickly back against her sides; her rumble of greeting to those here is clear-given and polite. Kassi's, "Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens!" is likewise clear-given--if somewhat dopplered by her slide down from on high--but more along the lines of cheerful. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Dasmareth's answer comes first. Her head lifting once more, then her body following as she comes to her feet and bugles. The petite green finally moving clear then, settling contentedly to the beach, right in the hollow she's excavated before. "I think we can safely say, that's a yes. Congratulations, Linnea. Welcome to candidacy." Then for the new arrival, "Reaches duties, to Telgar." Josilina still looks a bit bewildered, but she nods. "If you say so. - Oh there are good ones! Like... helping the nannies. And... and... other stuff." Kassima's arrival gets a wave, "'Reaches duties to Telgar! - Congratulations." She echoes Amilin, now that the answer is assured. "I hope you'll like it here, and that your mother doesn't mind too much." She darts a distracted look towards the bowl and pulls a face. "Lhia says someone's looking for me, if you'll excuse me... I'll probably see most of you later. Or around." And with a wave she hurries off. Linnea smiles a prim-lipped smile as the dragon holding her in place moves around into the sandbar she's created. "Isn't she graceful?" she observes, shifting the container of sand about to her other arm. "Well! I wouldn't mind having laundry duty. It would be something of a job I'd excel at, if I may say so. Especially if I ever get this sand to the lower caverns. Searched! That much is exciting." Emboldened by her adventures, she calls out loudly and cheerily, "And River Bend's duties to you!" both to the arriving and to the departing. "Telgar's duties to... oh." V'lano, distracted by the sound of draconic wings settling on the air nearby and then by the grinning, staring identification of those wings, echoes Amilin before he even realizes she's greeting someone from his own Weyr. He does, however, have sense enough about him to pause and turn toward the goldrider, offering a wave and a grinned, "Send for me if you need rescue - " Back at Linnea, he notes, "Hey. Thank you, from me too. And Telgar, maybe. I'm not as sure if I'm supposed to say that." May as well look -completely- clueless, not just partly. Kassima waves back to Amilin and Josilina in turn, looking at first curious for the scene acting itself out before her, and then for the latter's departure--she cranes her neck to peer after the woman. "Very busy," she observes, amusement in her tone for some reason. "I've just missed seeing a Search, haven't I? Timing. Must remember t'work on *timing*. Felicitations, though, t'you," she offers to Linnea with a grin, "since I'm guessing you're the lucky one; and duties right back. Duties right back t'*Telgar* too, apparently." This has the sound of an affectionate taunt. "Is this forgetfulness your latest tactic in the quest t'wriggle out of our deal, V'lano? Because 'tis nay so much with the working." Amilin waves after the departing Jos, then chuckles softly, "She's got her moments." That of Das. "If you'd like me to show you the way to the barracks, and help you get settled, I'd be glad to. But as of now, you have the rest of the day off, duty wise. It usually takes a day before they work you into the duty schedule also." For Kassima she gives a grin, "It's all the time on the hot sands. Makes it so they can't think straight once off of them." Linnea outright laughs at this between the Telgari riders. "I suppose you could say duties from whereever you want. Maybe I'm supposed to say from Reaches now instead of from River Bend? I wonder what the harpers would say about etiquette for that?" The pointy-jawed girl pulls up her damp-around the edges skirt, and trudges through the water toward the shore, ahhing as sand parts and walking an arc around Dasmareth, speaking to Amilin. "I'd love to have a walk there. I saw Satiet, earlier? But I don't think the barracks are up on the high cliffs where people dive. Unless you have a really strange sense of humor." V'lano sniffs good-naturedly. "Never had a harper around to tell me what to do. I'll settle for a lady's advice." There's a teasing tone in that, and he tosses a back-in-your-court glance toward Kassima - but nevertheless he sidesteps somewhat closer to her and puts an elbow toward the Telgari greenrider, clearly for her abuse should she wish it. "I'm not trying to wriggle. I -told- you that when I said 'after,' I clearly meant 'after it all.' After the hatching, after everything. Back home." He puts his nose a little higher in the air, but his dark eyes are merry, even self-mocking. "Kassima, this is Linnea. She's going to stand for our ba - er, clutch." "Boils the brains," Kassima solemnly agrees with the other greenrider. "Until they leak out through the ears and get in the hair. Takes forever t'clean that up, I'm told." She makes a show of studying V'lano's hair, as though to search for brain-trace. "Nay Harper, I--although I do grant that V'lano at least seems t'mistake me for a lady," this with a low, facetious bow to the rider in question, "but probably High Reaches while you're a Candidate, would be m'guess. And... let me just say that if'n nay Weyr does keep their Barracks on diving cliffs, I now believe they *should*. Any snorers could just be pitched over." Pantomiming the heaving of some poor soul into the Lake, she decides, "Convenient." Although she aims a poke at the bronzerider's ribs once he's within reach, it's a light one; and she abuses the elbow cheerfully, setting her hand on it and for one moment drawing herself up as though to emulate a lady indeed. "Mmm-hmm. Next thing, you'll be saying when you get back that 'after it all' clearly means 'after a *lifetime*.' Oh, but a pleasure 'tis." She flashes Linnea a smile that's less teasing, but no less friendly. "T'meet you, I mean. You're lucky t'have a shot at one of the Volath-spawn. I just hope you don't get the chicken." "You could say either, but your of Reaches while you stand. Makes things a bit easier, I expect." Ami replies as Linnea approaches, and then nods slowly, "I'll be glad to show you the way, but true. Up there is more for the view, the diving, the odd private chat." She listens to the other exchange, mainly in passing -- until that last. "The chicken?" Linnea finally arrives back on the lake's shore, and she gives a great shivering wriggle back and forth as though attempting to toss water off in all directions. Mostly she fails, only succeeding in tangling up her skirt around her legs. "Drat." That's abandoned while she tugs at her skirt to right it, and adjusts her posture, a good little representative of the weyr. "Ohh. Reaches's duties to you, then. Or is it Reaches duties? I was never any good at those writing lessons. Much better at embroidery." The girl sneezes, then ohs, digging a kerchief from a dry pocket up top of the skirt. "Pardon me. Did you say there will be fowl coming from those eggs?" Horrified fascination is in her tone now, which echoes Amilin. "Thank you for the guiding. I'll need it. This is such a big place; much larger than River Bend, or even Tillek." V'lano lifts his spare hand to his face, cradling his forehead in splayed fingertips, but behind his palm his mouth is curved in a smile. "Oh, the chicken," he moans dramatically. "The chicken. I'm told one of those eggs is supposed to contain a chicken." His hand comes away from his face so he can tilt his head back and wail to the sky, "It'll probably be from one of the -grey- ones too, just so she has reason to beat on me." This is all just a clever distraction from his apparent inability to follow through on whatever deal Kassima's trying to hold him to, surely. With eyes both large and solemn, Kassima nods to Amilin. "One of the eggs will Hatch a giant chicken. That intriguing, ice-hued one. It may be the fault of all those grey eggs in some way, warping and dooming the rest; between you and me," she adds, lowering her voice to mock-conspiratorial tones, "'twould nay be surprised if'n 'tis an *orange* chicken. Just one of the eggs!" She's reassuring Linnea now, or trying. "Just one. The rest will be dragons, and doubtless very handsome, clever dragons. Reaches' duties, methinks 'twould be, but either's a perfectly fine greeting." Her head drops to hide her grin and a sound suspiciously close to a giggle, or at least a snicker, at the melodrama of V'lano; she chimes in, "See! Just like I told you! And then the chicken will come up t'you on the Sands, Vel, and peck out your eyes, and squawk, 'Why didn't you make that greenrider breakfast while you had the chance'?" In the sky directly above, Psamanth swoops down to a landing at the lake shore. Karimina hops down Psamanth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly. "When ever your ready." Ami replies to Linnea with a grin, "It's not so bad, once you get the hang of it, really. And there are plenty of others still just first finding their way around. Nice thing about candidacy. A fair few others in the same boat." The Telgarians get a sidelong look, the both of them. "A giant, orange chicken." She reaches up to tuck a bit of hair behind her ear, and misses without noticing, "I see." And this reaction from someone that's used to Josilina? "Oh my," Linnea brightly observes. "I had no idea those eggs could make chickens. Did Volath come with something that allows him to make them? It'd be kindof like having a mint leaf suddenly create herdbeast, wouldn't it?" Absorbed in her musings, she just catches Kassima's last. "Why? Were you her cook before you started hatching chickens?" Li blinks a few times, wrings some water out of her skirt, and straightens her shoulders again. "Very true! If I'm lost, I can just look for someone else, and they might know more than I do." "You're probably right," V'lano sighs with a much put-upon, weary heaviness. "And I'll regret forever that I braved the killer chicken instead of the killer kitchen staff." He nods solemnly toward Amilin, observing additionally, "If it is orange, though, we'll have to paint it. Personally - " And his tone lowers now, as if the absent goldrider might hear. "I expect bronzes from the grey eggs, every last one of them. Why, just look at Volath." Linnea gets a blank look, as if the bronzerider feels his conversation has been making perfect sense, and the candidate ought to be better kept up than all that. "It was the result of a bet," he explains through a kind smile. "The breakfast. Of course, Kassima would like to interpret the bet one way, and I, another." So simple. Kassima opens her mouth to make a comment about what Volath might have come with that would make chickens, but after some further thought--and an amused warning rumble from Lysseth--she closes it. "I refuse t'answer that question on the grounds that it might get me drowned by m'dragon," she says. "Amilin's right, though. Plenty of other people will be dreading the orange chicken too." So what if that's perhaps not what the Assistant Weyrlingmaster meant? "'Regret' will be too mild a world, Vel. You shall weep and wail and gnash your teeth, until the teeth all break and you'll have t'*gum* breakfast. How's that for dignified. We wagered on whether there'd be a gold egg, y'see," she clarifies for the others, "and he agreed t'serve us breakfast if'n there wasn't one--but he doesn't want t'pay up! I ask you, how gallant or mannerly or honorable is that?" Psamanth lands on the beach of the lake with a slight flurry of her wings. A happy croons are giving to those dragons are here. Karimina lands with a slight *thud* and then stretches out her back and legs. Giving a look around to see who is here among the dragons. Dasmareth is given a friendly nod. Amilin slowly shakes her head, "I think it more likely, that if an orange chicken comes from one of Lhia's eggs. You wont have to worry about painting it. Jos will either keel over on the spot, or become catatonic." Then a slow grin, "I'm sure what ever colors come from the grey eggs, they'll be just as lovely as the rest. Jos has just always had a thing against the 'non' colors. Among other things." She clicks her tongue, "Welshing on a bet. For shame." Dasmareth, for her part, gives a lazy rumble of greeting, while Ami repeats to Linnea, "Plenty of others will be." Linnea, standing just out of the lake with the bottom of her skirt damp and a container full of sand in one arm, ohhs with her mouth in a little round 'o' shape, then presses her lips together primly. "I see. A bet. Of course." She seems to be considering the merits of betting in general, versus its drawbacks, her brows twitching as she passes judgement, though she has at least enough sense not to share it, capitvated instead by the eggs-and-breakfast turnout. "How can you tell if there is or isn't?" she asks the general assembly for their opinions. "I mean, does he make breakfast now, or after all the wriggling things fall out of the broken shells?" "Hey! It'll be a much better breakfast if I prepare it somewhere that the kitchen staff will let me in to use the... kitchen," V'lano finishes somewhat lamely. He reaches across himself to pat the greenrider's hand on his elbow. "My honor is partly invested in providing a meal of quality. Besides, you heard what I said about 'after.' I meant -after.-" This is obviously extremely clear and meaningful to the bronzer, who does pause to wave a greeting at Psamanth's rider. "If it was just -serving- breakfast, besides, I'd think I've paid that debt a few times over." He gives Kassima a sharp look turned pleased, even smug, by a grin, then turns to Linnea to remark, "They're larger. And perhaps different." There's a dubious tone that only makes his answer seem even more vague. "Perhaps she shall go stark raving mad, leap on its back, and ride it around the Sands?" Kassima speculates, eyes lit with mirth for the mental image. "But then an artist would simply have t'paint *that*. Anyway, I'm rooting for a lot of greens. If'n all the grey Hatch bronzes, then all the non-grey shall simply have t'hatch greens." Sure. That makes sense. Lysseth echoes Dasmareth's rumble with a cordial one of her own, seconded by Kassima's polite nod to the newcomer. "Duties t'High Reaches and her queens," she repeats. "--If'n there's a queen egg? That's the one color you can usually tell. They're always gold, and rather on the large side." She shifts her attention to her ongoing argument: "Well, but that's why you should convince them! Flutter your lashes or something! Just don't offer t'sharpen their knives, or I might have t'get jealous and attack them all with wooden spoons, or something. 'Twould cause an Incident. But," with an exaggerated sigh belied by the way she brings up her other hand to rest atop his, atop hers, "I'd be loathe t'lead you to dishonor, I'm sure." The tips of her ears redden at that grin; but she's soon sweetly retorting, "Aye, and haven't I returned that favor a time or two?" Karimina moves closer to the lake next to Linnea and wades in just about waist level. She gives Amilin a wave and ask curiously. "What are we talking about." and not of greeting is given to Kassima "Reaches duties to Telgar and her queens." "It's true they might not let him in the kitchens here, if Cook doesn't take a shine to him. I gather the only way Jos can even get in any more is if she uses R'sel's help to charm or bribe the staff into overlooking her presence." Something that amuses the greenrider greatly. "Need I mention caution if you decide to partake of anything Josilina's made along the lines of refreshments?" Ami nods to Karimina, "Come meet Linnea, if you haven't yet. And apparently, grey eggs, bets and giant orange chickens are the topics." Linnea gives her skirt another little shake with one hand, freeing a few droplets of water to blend with the sand before she sets down the sand-holding container and stretches her arms. "Ahhh. Wet sand is heavy stuff." So relieved of her burden for a moment, she willingly takes it back up again. "Ohh. Differently colored! That makes sense." Noting Karimina's ripples as the water moves around her, she takes this chance to repeat her new duty call. "Duties to Reaches, from...uh. Reaches." So much for that grand effort. Regardless, she smiles deliberately, unable to contain her excitement for the moment, even if she's mangled it somewhat. Karimina gives Linnea a charming smile. "Duties, Linnea. I'm Psamanth's rider, Karimina. It is nice to met you." Then she gives Ami a sideways look. "Okay I can understand the first two with the eggs on the sand, but the orange chicken?" "See, she says I can't get into the kitchens." Well, that's not -quite- what Amilin said, but V'lano's taking it at a bit more than face value and running for his life with it. "And if I fluttered," which he does, showing off for the Reachian riders and candidate those girlishly long lashes, "you -wouldn't- be jealous?" He turns the blinkblinking act on Kassima for effect, but can't suppress wholly a youthful giggle of his own. "I never got a chance," he notes for Ami's benefit. "She's a - " Say it with him now. "Very busy woman." Kassima suggests in a sudden flash of inspiration, "If'n he's aught like our cook, V'lano should bribe him with a tuber!" Pause. "I hope he's nay like our cook. One cook like our cook is too many. Is it for a... certain lack of culinary skill that she was banned, then?" She squints at the bronzerider beside her in exaggerated suspicion. "And he won't let you in either? I begin t'be understan... why are you gathering wet sand?" That question's for Linnea, yes, and it's a rather bemused one. "The grey eggs will be t'blame for the giant orange chicken, and the chicken will avenge all bet-welshing," she further explains, just because that was not yet confusing enough. "Well... I might be a *little* jealous. Particularly if'n you fluttered so well that the women all swooned. Such as I'm about to do now." Lifting her hand from his, she pantomimes fanning herself and rolls her eyes back in her head in amused, half-mock delight. "I'm staking claim on the swoony flutters." All his eyelash are belong to her? Amilin's glance to Karimina becomes a nod to the two Telgarian's. Maybe hinting she should ask them. But a moment latter she's chuckling at V'lano, "Be thankful for that then. Her sister, Sria can cook. But Jos's cooking sort of resembles her color sense. You never know what your going to get." She continues on with, "Cook? Well, she sort of rules the kitchens with an iron skillet." She adds with a chuckle, "Well I'd hardly be the one to try and sneak a share of what's already claimed. Besides. G'non'd probably not be overly thrilled to find me swooning at the sight of any other bronzrider but himself." Linnea's efforts at staying with the conversation are only partly successful, so she contents herself returning a smile to Kariminia. "Well met. I don't understand the orange chicken either, but...I'd be really interested in seeing if there is one." That said, she busies a moment with studying the green dragon who had so recently helped her push sand, raising her contemplative gaze when her particular variety of sand, the wet kind, is mentioned. "Sorry? Er, it is to use with the laundry. To blend in the washwater of the really stained things. Oh, and I've been amazed at the foods you have here! Really delicious." Karimina turns to look at V'lano and then chuckles. "Swooning may be necessary sometimes but not always. Now tell me bronzerider do you like to be swoon at." She gives him a sweet smile before returning to Linnea. "It would be interesting to see a orange chicken, but I don't think that it would have a very long lifespan with all the its hungry brother and sisters about on hatching day." "Oh, stop." V'lano rolls his eyes too, but not in mock-swooning, and he leans sideways slightly to nudge into Kassima's arm. Perhaps that's answer to Karimina as well? He tilts his head her way, then notes in all seriousness, "She's probably quite right. If there -is- an orange chicken, we'll probably never know. If the hatchlings don't devour it before we even see it, I'll make sure Volath does." Kassima supposes in wry humor, "All the food is very colorful, then? Ah--she sounds like Ofira, back in the day. I miss Ofira. 'Twill never forget the glorious evening that she banged a flight-lost rider upside her head with the skillet of death." Drawing herself away from this misty-eyed reminscence, she asks, "How've things been with your family? I heard you've a fairly new bairn? Felicitations--and probably on the second, too. Can't recall if'n I've spoken with you since then," she admits, rueful. "Oh, right, I've got you. I should've guessed. Although it could've been for a 'lizard clutch or something. Shells, isn't that a thought? The chicken Hatches and suddenly 'tis all blood and feathers." She nudges Vel right back, amused and shamelessly so, at least until she affects horror: "You'd *tell* Volath t'be consuming one of his *own children*? Vel! That's so many levels of wrong!" Karimina chuckles and then wades back out of the water. Sighs she gives those around her a smile. "Well I am off for my evening run." then she is off towards the end of the bowl. "Neither do I, really." Ami replies softly, then nods "The food is usually pretty good, so long as the bakers aren't offended by something. Then it's usually still fine to the taste, but not the most appetizing over all." she chuckles then and nods, "There is that. Except I'm not sure the hatchlings would be up for chasing it down yet. Or has you forgotten meet in bite sized pieces?" Teasing, of course, "You heard of Alinn? She's doing wonderfully, thank you. As are my other two, Annili and Galion." Das rumbles softly then and she pauses, "Seems S'din's looking for me. I'll need to get Linnea settled and report, I'm afraid." Linnea raises one brow intently. "Swooning at him? My my. And you'd tell him you'd swoon for him?" She studies V'lano, as if to decide whether he's swoon-worthy, but the discussion of dismembering chickens sours her opinion somewhat. "Eating their own young? That's new to me. I didn't think that was a common..." But she's all to happy to cease that visual as Amilin suggests they depart, and again, that posture correction is quickly righted, Li standing up as straight as she can. "Thank you." And to the rumbling Dasmareth, another thank you is repeated. Linnea even curtsies to the dragon, wet skirt and all, before nodding also to the others assembled. "Good eve. Pleasure to have met you all." Then she turns to follow Amilin, "As you lead, so shall I follow. Particularly if it isn't up onto the cliffs." "If it's a -chicken?- How's that wrong?" V'lano turns defensive, though there's a grinning curve to the shape of his mouth. "How's that even his child? I tell you, if there's a chicken out there, it's because Lhiannonth snuck a wherry's half-bit abandoned egg out there under her wing and dropped it pointy-side down and fooled us all. -- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm keeping the candidate and I'm supposed to be - well - " The sire's rider's face turns rueful. He dips his head toward Linnea and finishes, "At least not in the way. Well met, and thank you again." Kassima suggests with a flashed grin, "They might be up for chasing it--but then nay know what t'do with it? That could be a rather entertaining spectacle. Confused baby dragons, and one *very* confused baby giant chicken. Your sister mentioned," she adds with a nod, presumably speaking of Alinn. "'Tis glad I am t'hear it. Oh, a'course--pleasure seeing you again, Amilin." Now she turns to Linnea, with a soundless laugh. "Methinks he knows I'd swoon for him. Though if'n nay--well, Vel, now you know. Surprise?" A quick wink; then, "Pleasure likewise t'meet you, and best of luck on the Sands and with your sand. 'Tis wrong, Vel, because he should love or at least *nay eat* his children for who they are, even if'n that means a giant chicken!" She affects affronted tones for this, which might be rather more effective if her eyes could stop sparkling so; "Although you might have a point of a kind; a chicken mayhaps could only mean that Lhiannonth dallied with the poultry before--or after?--the flight. Oh, shame. Oh, scandal." "No cliffs." Ami assures, "Just back to the bowl, and not so far." She flashes a smile for V'lano, "Your not in the way. Not to fear. I'm a fair hand at letting people know if they are." With that she gives a quick wink, then waves at her dragon, "And you can get your smug self up too. Yes, yes. You found one that likes rocks." She gives another aside to Linnea then, a found tease for her own lifemate, "Never let it be said that green is normal." She smiles back to Kassi, "Hopefully it wont be so long between our next meeting, but it's been good to see you, if only for a minute." Then, with green in tow, she heads on back to the bowl proper. Linnea nods sagely, as if she'd just discovered the secret of the universe: green is not normal, which explains so much. By that token, bronze must not be either, but for each, she smiles with fond amusement. "Wonderful. Just remember, as long as I'm not the rock...or, apparently, the chicken. Or the chicken's dam." Blink blink. "I wouldn't think a chicken could mix with a dragon. That's an awful size difference...." So babbling, she follows Amilin out. Left alone, V'lano leans hard into the greenrider's side, laughing helplessly. "Chicken dragon," he babbles. "Dragon chicken. Oh, Kassima, she'll kill me if any of those grey eggs hatch anything other than something she likes." The bronzerider straightens, his fingers curling a bit around hers beneath her other hand. "S'been too long here. I'm an idler, wasting the days away without so much as work to keep me busy, and then you come along and confuse my head with talk about -chickens!-" It might be his laughter that touches off Kassima's, or it might be the sheer absurdity of the situation. Either's plausible. She shakes with no less mirth than he, leaning back so that they're supporting each other. "A dragon with giant chicken legs and feathered wings, and a comb on its head, 'twould be!" she announces. "And 'twould crow every morning to announce the dawn drills! Oh, but she won't kill you. If'n needs absolutely must, 'twill defend you as best I can from her wrath... although I have t'admit, if'n a chicken does spring forth then I just *might* be laughing too hard t'be much use." Easing somewhat out of the merriment--though her shoulders still give a suspicious quiver periodically--she shifts her hand into a better position to hold his, giving fingers a warm squeeze. "I have the hardest time picturing you as an *idler* somehow. Are you getting along all right? The chickens aside. I'd thoroughly expect their clucks t'haunt you in your sleep, henceforth." V'lano's laughter, too, comes to a slow subsidence, and he requires less of Kassima's support to stand up, so straightens and provides less leaning surface for her as well. "I don't do well at it," he admits. "I pestered Josilina today for work, and she offered me some of hers - but in the end I think if I want it, I'm going to have to go to the wingleaders and offer to copy their records or something." He pulls a distasteful face and starts a slow pace toward the bowl, casual-like. "Other than being good for precisely nothing I do well. And I don't dream of chickens. Just so you know." There is a grin in that. Kassima tips her head briefly to rest her cheek against his shoulder before their respective straightenings, perhaps as appreciation for letting her lean thus; perhaps more because it seemed to suit the moment. "Do nay *tempt* me t'be bringing Thunderbolt hidework here and letting you have a crack at deciphering the chicken-scratch handwriting," she warns him; if the move Bowlwards surprises her it's only fleetingly, and she keeps her hand on his arm, content to go wherever he might lead her. "Pshhh. Good for naught, I'd always contest. Even just being friendly to the Candidates is doing a service. What," she must wonder, with a sidelong look that's both amused and genuinely curious, "do you dream of, then?" "I could give it a try. Just recall I was a butcher - hidework's something I can manage, but deciphering might not be my strong point," V'lano chuckles. He pauses at the point where sand starts turning to gritty soil and lifts his hand from between hers to drift a fingertip across the greenrider's chin; his smile crooks a bit, but he seeks her brilliant eyes with his dark ones and replies, "Many things. Good hatchings. Bad hatchings. Sometimes, of having a proper weyr to ask you to. Occasionally - " Here, his eyes sparkle a bit, becoming mischievious. "Of cooking a four-course breakfast. Are you staying long?" "Thus the beauty of the cunning plan. It could keep you busy for *hours*," Kassima teases him, "but I could never really do it. You'd be cursing m'name within a day, and that just isn't something I'm aiming for." At the touch, her eyes warm visibly; no brilliance lost, but the source just perhaps may have shifted. "There really isn't such a thing as a bad Hatching," she promises, dropping her head enough to try and find his finger with a kiss. "And while much can be said for proper weyrs... methinks we've done well enough for ourselves within the improper." She darts an impish look back up to his eyes, saying that. "Goodness. Four-course? Now that would suggest a serious need of sustenance, wouldn't it just. You're my host, as I came t'visit you: how long might I stay, without impinging on your hospitality?" "So we have," V'lano replies, voice a little rough as her lips find his fingertip. He replaces his hand on hers after that and resumes progress away from the lake, pace lazy. "About the same as ever," he replies in a teasingly adoring tone. "Either til you need to go tell Thunderbolt a thing or two, or until there's some kind of flight-related riot around the guest weyrs and we have to go somewhere else to stop laughing and making a nuisance of ourselves." He offers a wink. "Or until you get sick of my explanations about what 'after' means - " Kassima may smile against that fingertip a moment in response to the caught change in sound, but she demurely resumes their walk without further teasing of that kind. Verbal, now.... "Be careful in saying that. Our drills aren't until afternoon tomorrow," she informs with a laugh and dancing eyes, "which could be interesting t'live up to. Awww, you mean we can't stick around and mock the poor, dazed chasers?" She pretends a pout, but not very effectively at all. "You know, that last methinks could take awhile. Shall we find out," teasing again, but this time her eyes gleam a shade of green that should be familiar by now as she slides him a look, "just how long?" The bronzerider chortles softly at the revelation of late-day drills, though he doesn't look particularly cowed until the wingleader's second suggestion that, to his reddening ears, sounds a bit like a marathon. "It's not nice to mock dazed chasers," he murmurs, as if he's already such the expert on chase behavior. "But I can think of better ways to spend an evening, night and day than explaining and re-explaining the definition of 'after.'" He's trying to match her measure for measure with sultry, suggestive tone, but it's only after he's said this much that the idea of 'after' itself being meaningful seems to strike, and he double-takes those emerald eyes from the corners of his charcoal ones. "Ah huh," he muses, game enough while stalling a moment for time. "Well. Maybe we should collect something to eat in, then. Dash through the main caverns and make people wonder. Deal?" If he should happen to glance over at her he might notice that her face isn't entirely free of color, although she's grinning regardless as she so often does at having raised red in his. "I can't suggest we mock the *greenrider*," Kassima protests, aiming for a reasonable tone as if this made all the logical sense in the world. "You know, though... I think I can too. Somehow. Some way. Moreover, I find m'self most highly interested in what your ideas for better ways are. I hope you might be willing t'show me." Her voice is a low murmur, slightly husky, which might be on purpose--or might be a side-effect of sorts of her own blushing. "Hmm-mmm. I'm game for that. We'll snag up all the food we can carry, in as little time as possible, without even a word of explanation--" It's Supermarket Sweep gone wrong! "And leave them t'speculate while we find our own things t'do. Sounds like a plan t'me." There's a plan! V'lano leans in toward the greenrider to seek a kiss - a brief one, lest red faces overheat one another from lengthy proximity - and then picks up the pace, bending their path through the bowl toward the source of food and drink. "I'll show you, sure," he says in casual tones as the pair moves on. "Of course, it'll be harder to see what I'm showing in the dark. You'll have to feel most of it..." And then it's on to food-swiping. Watch out, Reaches. Telgari freeloaders on the loose.