
First Visitations

Date:  January 17, 1998
Place:  Telgar Weyr Outer Infirmary
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  With Kharisma newly-born, she and her mother are still
confined to the Infirmary by the Healers, where curious friends can
readily find them both for visits.  On this first day after her birth,
quite a number of people visit to admire and give gifts, something 
which I found terribly touching OOCly and which also touched Kassi 
ICly very much. :)  Thanks, y'all, for caring enough to come see us.


The Log:

Ofira walks in from outside the room.

Ofira knocks cautiously and peers in.

Kassima seems to be eating a plate of cheese-noodles as Ofira walks in,
with a tray in her lap and her baby, wrapped up snugly, cradled securely in
one arm. Swallowing, she smiles up at Ofira. "C'mon in," she invites in a
still slightly hoarse voice.

Ofira smiles and comes further into the room. In a totally gooey voice, she
murmurs as she peers at the bundle in Kassima's arms, "Oh, and is this the
adorable little lady I've been hearing about?"

Kassima laughs and sets her fork down, hoisting her tray and setting it on
the chair to her left, which is currently unoccupied. "Unless there've been
other babies born that I know naught of, I suspect this would be her," the
greenrider says with a crooked, somewhat foolish grin. She pushes the
blanket back a bit from her daughter's face so that Ofira can see. "We've
named her Kharisma."

Ofira smiles, still cooing at the baby, "Oh, I like that name! So pretty!"
She glances at a nearby chair, "Do you mind if I sit with you for a few
minutes? I don't want to tire you."

Kassima shakes her head, looking towards the chair. "Nay 'tall, Ofira.
I'truth, I'm glad of the company. Just woke up a bit ago, so 'twill nay
tire so easily as all of that. How've you been faring?" She reaches back to
adjust the pillows that are propping her up, shifting Khari a bit as the
baby blinks bemusedly at the bizarre Baker woman.

Ofira smiles at the baby, murmuring nonsense to it. After a moment, she
sits back, a little embarrased. "Oh, I'm fairly well. The tiredness and
queasiness of course, but nothing like the last time. And no mood swings
this time," she avows. though this opinion may not be widely shared by her

Kassima wrinkles her nose good-naturedly at Ofira's embarrassment, clearly
seeing no reason for it. She's been making a fool of herself cooing at
Khari ever since she was born, after all. "That's fortunate, methinks. If'n
queasiness was inconveniencing for me, 'twould be all the more so for you!
Have you seen a Healer yet? If'n nay, a word to the wise: avoid Ushu." She
shudders slightly and cuddles Khari closer, as though to protect her from
the aforementioned research fanatic. "Thank *Faranth* Maylia was there, or
I don't know what I'd have done." Killed herself a Healer, most likely.

Ofira frowns and shakes her head. "No, I've been seeing Marrha. She's fine,
except that she seems to think these..."internal" examinations are
necessary from time to time. I think having her at the birth, eventually
would be alright. Was J'hrin with you?"

"Better her than Garant," Kassi sympathizes. "I wasn't entirely successful
in trying to avoid him. I wish you better luck." Taking another moment to
gaze down at Khari, something she never seems to tire of doing, the
greenrider smiles at the mention of her child's father. "He was. He and
A'lex held m'hands through it all." A truly noble sacrifice, considering
the greenrider's notable Grip O' Death.

Kassima adds thoughtfully, "If'n you're nay certain about Marrha, you might
ask M'kla. I've heard good things about her midwifery skills."

Ofira nods, "M'kla helped me with Girad, though she was out on duty when I
gave birth. I had Journeyman Kiyah and of course Padraig was there. " She
looks distant for a moment and sighs. A smile quickly replaces the sigh and
she gazes back at Khari. "She is _so_ cute Kassi!"

Kassima's slight smile is again sympathetic, replaced by a broader maternal
beam of joy and pride at the compliment to Kharisma. "Just as beautiful as
her sister, I think, and I'd nay have thought that possible a'fore.
I'truth, save for the hair--well, and eyes, though 'twill nay see the color
for awhile yet--she's the spit and image of her sire. Would you like t'hold
her, perchance? M'kla offered t'aid with Kaylira, but she was on duty when
she was finally born, so it had t'be Garant. At least he was capable, and
didn't babble about rose petals and whatnay."

Ofira laughs and says quizically, "Rose petals?" She holds out her arms
eagerly for the tiny baby girl.

You set Kharisma down with utmost care.

Ofira carefully gathers Kharisma up into her arms.

Kassima passes the child over carefully, watching in that concerned,
paranoid way most new mothers have. "Rose petals," she confirms as she
reaches to pick up her tray again and resume her lunch. "Ushu was so
concerned about having the cold compress smelling like roses that he almost
forgot to wash or do much of aught else. He wound up taking notes in a
corner. Fainted, too." That last is said in a tone of disgust. "Jhor
promised t'throw him in the feeding grounds during Leilanth's next flight
for me, and I'm tempted t'take him up on it."

Ofira sighs with contentment, taking the baby in her arms, peering down at
her. "Hello!" she says softly. "Arent' you a lucky girl, having such a
mommy and daddy to take care of you. And a big sister too!" she looks up at
Kassima, "How is Kaylira taking the arrival of a sister?" she inquires,
with more than passing interests. She blinks at the explanation of the rose
petals. "Sounds a reasonable fate for him," she agrees.

Kharisma peers fuzzily up at Ofira, her eyes--still a misty, newborn
blue--not quite adept enough to focus for more than a second. Ofira's
queries are replied to only by a tiny yawn. "Kaylira seems to be accepting
the situation gracefully," Kassi reports, smiling at the foibles of her
children. "So far, anyway. I think Khari fascinates her. I don't think
she's thrilled t'see someone else getting most of the attention, but I
suppose that's normal." In reference to the other topic, she quips, "M'only
problem with that one is that, while 'tis sporting and all, 'tis too
blasted impersonal. The amusement might be worth it, though."

Ofira nods vaguely, too engaged in baby-rapture for much else. "You could
bury him in a pile of rose petals," she suggests absently.

Kassima very nearly chokes on a cheese-noodle at that, and starts laughing
in earnest, a sound which makes the baby turn her head towards her mother
for a moment. "I like that. I *like* that! Oh, I'll just have t'suggest it
to Jhor and Maylia. And mayhaps the others, too. They'd probably all enjoy
watching." The fact that not everyone would get half so much of a kick out
of seeing someone suffocate in a giant pile of petals as she doesn't even
occur to her.

Ofira nods eagerly, deathly bored of being stuck at the Weyr, so much so
that the doom of one healer seems a small thing to her. "I'm sure they
could get all the flowers they need at Southern."

"We could turn it into a big ceremony," Kassi says dreamily. She's been
stuck in the Weyr for the greater part of nine months. Even if she doesn't
mind her lack of travelling ability right *now*, such an interesting
occurance would still be a blessing to her poor adventure-thwarted soul.
"Right in the middle of the Bowl. Perhaps at midnight, when 'tis cooler, so
the flowers wouldn't wilt right away. We could bring a lot of glowbaskets,
mayhaps. I can just imagine the cheering!" A few of the on-duty Healers
puttering about in various corners of the room cast her a nervous look.
They may not be fond of their colleague, but still....

Ofira nods, rocking the baby with a gentleness at odds with the plan she
and the child's mother discuss. "Sure. And I could prepare a lot of popped
dried corn, so everyone could have something to snack on while they watch..."

Kassima enthusiastically suggests, "We could make little baskets of dried
petals for the audience t'take home, as keepsakes! There'd be plenty for
everyone, I'm sure. And a'course, an artist would just *have* t'be
commissioned t'paint the scene, so that Khari can see it once she's of age.
'Tis a shame she'd nay be able t'recall it!" The idea that such an event
could be the cause of traumatizing nightmares if Kharisma *could* remember
pure and simply does not cross her mind.

Ofira nods thoughtfully. "Actually, there should be enough petals so that
the whole crowd could throw some. A man like that - it's no more than he
deserves! I can tell you, I'm not looking forward to my time, much as I
cant' wait to see my little son or daughter."

"'Twas nay," Kassima has to admit, "a delight. Better than the first
time--and a touch less chaotic--but nay by much, on either count. It helped
t'have friends there to support me, though." And being able to crush their
hands no doubt raised her morale considerably. "I'd go through it all again
quite gladly, and even smiling, for Kharisma." She's smiling now, regarding
her child with such love that her eyes almost seem to glow with it. "As to
Ushu, I concur. Bad enough he fainted at the birth; worse that he keeps
hounding me t'tell him about the experience in detail--for his research, he

Ofira makes a face, and a noise, that clearly indicates what she thinks of
/that/. "So, when do you think you'll be rejoining your wing?" she
inquires, one finger gently stroking Khari's fine, downy hair.

Kassima sighs, twirling her fork idly through the mass of noodles. "I hope
'twill be soon. I'd love t'spend as much time as possible with Khari,
a'course, especially while she's so young--but I'm itching t'get back on
duty, and I know Lyss is more impatient than she admits to. 'Twill take us
awhile t'get back in fighting shape, though. Lyss practiced manuevers as
much as she could in the air with me watching from the ledge, t'keep her
dexterity up--but 'tis just nay the same."

Ofira nods, "Yes. It would be just the same as watching journeymen roll out
the dough or pipe icing decorations. I can tell them what to do, but I can
show them so much more effectively," she agrees. "I suppose I'm lucky that
I can continue to do most of my work, if not all."

Kharisma wriggles a bit, getting herself comfortable, with another small
yawn and a murmuring gurgle. Kassi simply nods assent. "Exactly, I suspect.
'Twill nay be terribly difficult--most of the technique has been pounded
into m'head so often that 'twill nay be an effort to remember--but getting
our reflexes honed and ready again, ah, that's the trick. T'say naught of
losing weight, on my part. Lysseth's always a rope, but me...." She grins
ruefully. "I'm nay quite so fortunate, alas."

Ofira nods rather grimly at the question of weight. "I don't even /want/ to
know my measurements the next time Nalaya makes a dress for me!" she
declares. She smiles, "But while you're nursing, anyway, you shouldnt'
worry? Is there anything in particular I could make for you?"

"I'm told nursing does help you lose weight faster, and it certes seemed
t'do so with Kay, so I'm nay *too* concerned about that; duties will run it
off me soon enough. I suppose 'twill be seeing how much strength I
retained," she muses. "I tried t'get exercise when I could, but hunting and
sparring rather lost their allure in the last few months. Is there aught
you can do t'make milk decently appetizing? I've been told I should have a
lot of it, but I abhor the stuff. Cheese-bread and cheese-noodles are well
and good, but...." She grimaces. "I can't see living on a diet of 'em."

Ofira nods thoughtfully, "Do you like pudding? Or cream soups? Those use a
lot of milk. I could easily make you up a batch of those."

Kassima grins in relief at those suggestions. "Cream of tomato or mushroom,
aye, and cream of nigh aught but spinach or the like would be all right. I
confess, I do love pudding--though 'twill nay do that much for aiding me in
regaining m'figure!" she appends with a chuckle.

Ofira nods, "Cream of tuber, cream of whiteroot," she muses. "Oh, a little
pudding won't hurt. I wont' use a lot of butter in it and I'll skim the
cream from the milk." She gazes at little Khari again and sighs, "And I
/should/ be getting back to work about now," she says, handing the baby back

Ofira sets Kharisma down carefully.

You gather Kharisma up into your arms.

Kassima sets down her fork to take her baby back, with a faint shudder.
"Nay cream of tuber, please!" she pleads. "Even when 'twas eating all those
ghastly things, I *still* couldn't stomach tubers. You've m'eternal
gratitude for helping me out this way, Ofira, believe you me."

Ofira winces, "Oh, sorry. No tubers. Of course!" she apologizes. "Well,
I'll be back later then with some cream of mushroom for you. YOu get some
rest until then."

Kassima smiles, leaning back against the pillows and cuddling the drowsy
Khari close. "I think 'twill be glad t'do so. Thankee again, Ofira--for the
soup, and the visiting too."

Ofira smiles, "Your welcome. The least I can do. See you later, then." she
says, slipping out the door.

Ofira walks out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Ofira waves and will be back later :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs the Bakerbabe! :)

Silanda walks in from outside the room.

Silanda ducks her head in the door, looking around quietly.

Kassima is just polishing off the last of her cheese-noodles as Silanda
arrives, inbetween moments of murmuring soothing nonsense to the child
cuddled in the crook of her arm. "This must be our day for visitors," she
observes with a grin upon espying Silanda. "C'mon in and have a seat, if'n
you like."

Silanda grins, too, seeing Kassi's awake and about. "I'd like," she says,
walking over. "How're you two doing?"

Silanda slides into the seat across from Kassi, and lens forward to peer
unabashedly at the child.

Kassima puts the tray in her lap to the side again, for good this time
since it's empty, and shifts position in the bed both to get comfortable
and to make Kharisma more readily viewable without jostling the sleeping
newborn. "Kharisma just dropped off t'sleep a moment ago. I'm fine, now
that I've had something to eat--so in general," she grins, face alight with
that whole motherly glow deal, "I'd say we're quite well. I hope the same
can be said for you?"

Silanda smiles gently. "Sleeping baby and full mother is a good
combination," she says. "I'm well, and so is Silen...I let him go off to
that dinner at Benden Hold, and he apparently had a wonderful time. I think
he really liked seeing Sandar and Alwyn again."

Jayna walks in from outside the room.

Jayna sticks her head in and looks around.

Silanda waves to Jayna. "H'lo..."

Kassima nods in agreement with that. "As is vice-versa, aye... oh, I heard
about that dinner. Lysseth told me that a bunch of folk were evacuating the
place. Did he happen t'mention how Sandar, Alwyn, and the others looked
t'be faring? I've nay seen 'em since their Searches, a'course... c'mon in,
Jayna," she calls softly over to the newcomer. Her slightly raspy voice is
kept low for the sake of Khari's sleeping state.

Silanda says "He didn't _say_ all that much about them - I'm only his
mother, why would he want to talk to me?" There's more amusement than
exasperation in her voice. "But I gather they're doing all right."

Jayna smiles. "Good even', Kassi, Silanda." She's holding a small plate of
what looks like small cakes, dripping with something that probably
shouldn't be eaten by people who want to stay skinny. "I thought you might
be ready for a treat, Kassi, since they haven't let you out yet."

Jayna deposits the plate on a nearby table and drags a chair over toward
Kassi. "They never have enough chairs in here, you know?" She looks at
Kassima critically. "You look a little tired. Khari keeping you up?"

Kassima crinkles her nose at Silanda, then laughs. "Remind me t'be glad
that Kay's still willing t'speak t'me, eh? That's certes good t'hear.
Mayhaps 'twill yet get a chance t'see 'em ere the Hatching's on... ohhhhh,"
she half-groans as she espies the cakes, very nearly drooling. "Those look
*delicious*. So much for m'weight-loss plan." Before she can talk herself
out of it, the greenrider nabs one of the cakes and nibbles on the edge
with an expression of bliss. "Hmmm? Oh, aye, a'course. 'Tis the way of
babes--and she takes after her mother, never able t'sleep when people should."

Silen walks in from outside the room.

Jayna laughs. "I didn't make them, of course. . . .I drafted one of Master
Ofira's journeymen, who was more than willing." She pushes the plate closer
to Kassi. "Did I hear you talking about the Benden party last night?"

Silen dashes in, then stops short when he sees Kassi and the baby. "Is she
asleep?" he stage-whispers.

Jayna grins at Silen. "Asleep? You mean the mother, or the baby?"

Silen blinks. "The baby. I can _see_ the mother's awake." He walks over,
then, clearly drawn by the scent of the cakes.

Kassima eyes the cakes with the ruefulness of someone who is being stared
in the face by undeniable temptation. "Thank Faranth for willing
journeymen," is all she says, taking another neat bite of her confection.
Silen's question is thus replied to by a nod, followed by words when
Kassi's had time to swallow. "Aye, so she is. G'deve t'you, Silen. Want a
cake or two? Jayna brought plenty."

Jayna laughs again, and takes a cake for herself. "You know, there where a
bunch more of these cakes here when I left the living cavern."

Silen grins. "Sure!" he says, enthusiastic but still quiet; he quirks a
smile at his mother, then leans over to look at the baby.

Silanda cautions, "Only one, though, Silen;" and then leans over to take
one herself.

Jayna watches Silen. "How's Khari doing, Kassi?" she asks through a
mouthful of cake, carefully putting her hand up to mask her chewing.

Kassima adds to Jayna, her voice kept low for the sake of Kharisma, who
seems quite content to slumber on despite the murmurings of the adults, "I
did hear about the dinner, aye. Word had it that almost everyone went, and
that the Igen Candidates were there?" With a smile for Silen that only has
the faintest trace of cake-frosting, Kassi raises the baby up a bit so that
he can see. "Oh, she's a bonny, bonny lass, Jayna. Beautiful and
healthy--*especially* her lungs."

Telgar Weyr> Jayna looks around. "Come to the infirmary! I'm on a
people-drive. Kassi and Khari need visitors. :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima gets an image of Jayna running a telethon pledge-drive
sort of thing, and glacks. :)

Telgar Weyr> Mehlani meeps. .oO (Who, her?)

Silen bounces into a seat. "The dinner was _great_, he says, voice rising a
bit in excitement before Silanda shushes him. "I saw Wyn and Sandy and Ro
was there and there were _bubblies_ and it was great."

Jayna laughs quietly, and swallows the last of her bun. "The candidates
were there, yes. And a lot of people left at once. I can't say how many,
because I was one of the first." She grins.

Telgar Weyr> Jayna grins toothily. "And with /your/ presence here in the
Infirmary, /you/ can make a difference in the life of one child. And one
dragonrider. Just call the number shown on your screen. . . . "

Silen nods. "I stayed late, but I was um eating baklava and didn't see what

Kharisma fidgets a bit in her sleep, burrowing down into her warm green
blanket without actually awakening. Kassi, all--well, all right,
*most*--thoughts of cakes abandoned, strokes her child's fine, soft black
hair as she idly comments, "If'n there were bubblies, nay wonder the dinner
was a success. How did the Candies look t'be faring? The ones from Telgar,
I mean; I don't know if'n 'twould know any of the others."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima ohgods. She's channelling the spirit of Sally
Struthers! Noooo!

Telgar Weyr> Mehlani hides.

Silen says "I asked Sandy and he said he was fine, and the Igen people were

Jayna smiles. "I got to talk to Sandy a bit. He said he's faring well,
although candidating's a lot of work."

Jayna laughs as she and Silen talk at the same time.

Silen grins at Jayna.

Mehlani walks in from outside the room.

Jayna continues. "And Fahloran was there, although I didn't get a chance to
meet him. Oh, heya, there, Mehlani! We were just talking about the Benden
dinner. You missed a chance to see your brother, I guess you heard?"

Mehlani slips quietly into the room, bringing with her a small bowl of
flowers, and glancing around shyly out from under her hat.

Kassima snorts faintly. "Nay kidding. I can *still* remember what it felt
like at the end of a day spent cleaning latrines and boiling numbweed."
From the faint shudder that travels along her frame, one would guess it
wasn't the best of feelings. "I've nay been to Igen in Turns, though I used
t'have friends there," the greenrider muses. "'Twill be interesting t'see
it again... oh, heyla, Mehlani. C'mon in, if'n 'tis your fancy?"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex waves and does the Eatin Dinner dance ::shake shake yum

Telgar Weyr> Silen waves to A'lex. :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima lobs a 24-ounce bottle of Mountain Dew at the Yum-Yum

Jayna slides her chair over to make room for Mehlani.

A'lex moves into the Infirmary from the bowl.

Silanda waves to A'lex. "C'mon in...just keep your voice down a bit."

A'lex sneaks in, left hand wrapped in a bandage, "She sleepin?"

Jayna grins and waves at A'lex. "Heya, there!" She looks around to see if
there are enough chairs.

Jayna has a sudden thought. "Kassi, is that evil healer. . . what was his
name, Ushu?. . . going to complain about all of us being here?"

A'lex shakes his head, "Dinna need a chair... I'll stand. Don't want to get
too close."

Mehlani sets down the flowers, smiles weakly at Kassima, and then starts as
A'lex is hailed. Turning to find the bronze rider just behind her, the lass
shakes her head rapidly, and creeps back around A'lex towards the door.

Kassima smiles at the quiet girl with the hat and flowers, as reassuringly
as she can. All things considered, with all the smiling she's been doing
over the past few days, it's a wonder her face doesn't hurt. "Oh, 'Lani...
how beautiful," she says, looking at the flowers. "Wherever did you find
such fair ones? Heya A'lex. Aye, she is," the greenrider reports in a voice
that has at least lost most of its rasp. "How's the hand? Nay, Jayna, I
doubt he'd think to." Or dare to, since he's such a wuss.

A'lex says "Where you going girl? Don't leave cause I showed up, unless you
want me to start bawling like Kahrisma there..."

Telgar Weyr> Jayna grins. "And the number grows! Come visit the infirmary!
If enough of us show up, it might start sinking, and then they'd make a big
movie about it."

Lysseth> Tinya heads for the infirmary, bearing a small white bundle.

Tinya moves into the Infirmary from the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Jayna, yer weird..."

"There are wildflowers on the edge of the runner pasture," Mehlani mutters

Telgar Weyr> Kassima .o0(Is it the Infirmary, or is it the Titanic?)

A'lex grins at Kassi, "Bit swollen, bit bruised... I'll live."

Telgar Weyr> Jayna beams. "Thanks, A'lex. That's the nicest thing I've
heard all day!" :)

Silen gives Mehlani a reassuring smile, too.

Telgar Weyr> Alwyn fears he's unable to go to to the Telgar Infirm,
considering he's cleaning the stores out at Igen.

Tinya blinks at the crowd as she comes in. "Shells, many minds with but a
single thought," she says, then stands tiptoe to wave at Kassi over
people's heads.

"Nay broken?" Kassi asks with relief. "Oh, good. When you started bawling,
I had to wonder. Mehlani, they're positively lovely... thankee! Are you
certain you wouldn't care t'stay a bit? There're cakes...." She nods
towards the sweets that Jayna brought, then flashes Tinya a smile. "Tinya,
g'deve. 'Twas nay expecting," she teases lightly, "t'see *you* here. Have
you developed a sudden fondness for children after all?"

Mehlani, looking distinctly unsettled, manages another tiny smile to
Kassima and Silen; at the mention of A'lex's apparently injured hand, she
peeks unsurely at Nraith's rider, out from under her hat.

Jayna looks around. The infirmary's getting crowded! She stands up and
pushes her chair back against the wall, to make room for more visitors.
"Kassi, this is wonderful! Khari's definitely popular," she grins.

A'lex flushes a bit, then says, "I had a bit much to drink... along with
the pain, and the fact that I thought you were going to kill me. High
stress situation. Not in the Bronzerider Manual."

Silanda quirks a smile. "Maybe you can write that bit in, A'lex..."

Jayna glances curiously at A'lex. Death? Destruction? Pain? She wonders
what she missed.

Tinya wrinkles up her nose. "Not so's you notice," she says firmly, then
adds with a laugh, "but I've always been fond of a chance to show off.
Here, I made you this." With that, she unrolls the little bundle of white
cloth she was carrying, showing it to be a tiny newborn-sized jumpsuit,
white with pink piping stitched into the seams at the armholes, waist and
cuffs. "I hope it fits," she says as she hands it over.

A'lex says "So how old do they have to be before they can go *between*?"

Kassima comments wryly, "She must've inherited that from her sire,
methinks. I don't suppose you'd care t'hold her?" she offers, to Jayna and
everyone else too while she's at it. "If'n you're careful, I doubt she'll
wake, with her stomach full as 'tis." And it'll leave Kassi's hands free to
nab another of those cakes; what luck! "Sorry about that, A'lex. I
should've thought t'warn you, but...." She trails off, not wanting to say
that she was enjoying breaking his hand too much to do so. "Oh, Tinya!" she
gasps, freeing one hand to accept the lovely garment. "How perfect!"

Kassima reports to 'Lex, "I started taking Kaylira visiting with me after
about a month or two, and she handled it rather well. But then, that child
fears naught in this world, and never has."

Jayna smiles broadly at the little suit. "Oh, it's beautiful!" she says to
the bluerider. "I sew, too, but I don't think I could handle anything like

Jayna jumps in and offers to take Khari. "Oh, could I? I've been wanting to

A'lex snickers.

Mehlani doesn't actually flee, but she looks rather unsettled, and from the
look of her, might be fleeing at any moment. She leans first left and then
right, trying to get a peek at the child.

"A'course you may," Kassi smiles. "'Twould nay have offered if'n you
couldn't. Hold out your arms, hmmm?" She lays the jumper down on her lap in
order to gather the baby in both hands, to make the transfer as smooth as
possible. "Really, Tinya, I never found aught half so fine in m'search
through Stores. 'Twill try it on her as soon as she next wakes, I think.
How can I ever thank you?"

Telgar Weyr> Jayna says, "Wanted. You. Come join the Infirmary Crowd.
Irritate the nurses. Bring your own chair. We've got cake."

Jayna reaches out for Khari, with the experience gained from handling her
multiple cousins.

You set Kharisma down with utmost care.

Jayna carefully gathers Kharisma up into her arms.

A'lex eyes the cake, "Mmmmm, may I?"

Kassima espies Mehlani's leanings out of the corner of her eye as she very
carefully lowers her baby into Jayna's arms. "Would you care t'have the
next turn, 'Lani?" she wonders. "Insofar as I'm concerned, 'Lex, you're
welcome. If'n these things go uneaten by other folk, I'll probably scarf
'em all and *never* get m'figure back." That doesn't keep her from taking
another once her hands are free, though.

Mehlani's mouth flickers up on each end, in a momentary wraith of a smile.

Jayna gently accepts the baby and immediately starts jiggling her and
cooing. She moves off to the side, talking to Kharisma in that high
baby-talk that's used by adults, not babies.

A'lex grins and moves around towards the sweets with a happy look in his
eye... of course serving himself a piece with only one hand proves to be a

Tinya beams at Kassi, a faint flush of pleasure heightening the color in
her skin. "I'm glad you like it," she says to the greenrider, then grins.
"And of course you didn't find anything like it. The only other ones I've
made were for my sister's brood."

Telgar Weyr> N'kshar quietly slinks in, and looks around at the knottish

Telgar Weyr> A'lex throws dead things at Nikh...

Telgar Weyr> N'kshar aie, eek!

Telgar Weyr> Kerlyn says, "Now now children.. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Silanda says, "Yeah, but _what_? Fish? Wherries?"

Kassima holds the sweet in her mouth for a moment, to pick up the jumper
and place it on the table nearby after another moment spent admiring it.
"'Twill be better free of crumbs, this way," she comments once she's
removed the cake. "I do like it, a great deal--and I think Khari would,
too, were she of any age to appreciate high fashion." She closes one eye in
a wink, then glances towards Jayna and the baby. Kharisma, still asleep,
seems blissfully oblivious to the cooing... but she doesn't wake up and
scream, either, so it can't be doing any harm. "Need some help, 'Lex?
Silanda, d'you want a piece perchance?"

Holding Khari, Jayna looks over at Kassima. "Oh, she's so beautiful,
Kassi!" She continues to jiggle the baby.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima accidentally reads Kerlyn's pose into Silanda's, and
thinks for a moment that 'Lex is throwing dead children.

Silanda grins. "Another one? You're not the only one who's thinking about
their weight..." But she does eye the cakes wistfully.

Telgar Weyr> Jayna says, "Eww."

Telgar Weyr> A'lex grins evilly.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "My thought precisely. :)"

A'lex snickers, "Uhhh, yea, I *COULD* use a... a hand."

Silen makes a face at A'lex.

Kassima rolls her eyes at 'Lex, but feels compelled to help him; after all,
his injury is completely and entirely her fault. She picks up a pair of the
cakes, holding one out to Silanda and proffering the other to the
bronzerider. "Let us all get fat together," she intones sagely. "Mehlani,
would you care for one too?" Jayna's compliment wins her a beam of pride
from Kassi. "*I* certes think so, but I'm hardly the most unbiased of
persons. Isn't she Jh'rin's very spit and image?"

Telgar Weyr> Jayna hollers, "The infirmary's on fire! You'd better come,
now!" (Ok, ok, that was my last plug. I'll be quiet now.) :)

Mehlani murmurs softly, "Yes please," at Kassima's offer.

Telgar Weyr> Janus eh?

A'lex smiles at Kassi, "I should be the one helping you..."

Jayna examines Khari critically. "I don't know, Kassima, I think she has
your eyes."

Silanda reaches for the cake with a resigned sigh...and a smile, and breaks
it in half to give half to Silen.

"The slant, aye; the color will remain t'be seen," Kassi agrees, handing
A'lex his pastry and picking up another to offer Mehlani. "Quite welcome,
'Lani. Believe me, you're doing me a favor... oh, posh, A'lex. I haven't
yet thanked you for being such a help on the spawning night. Though, there
is *one* thing you could help me with. If'n we decide t'bury Ushu alive in
rose petals, could you help us collect some?"

Mehlani inches forward to accept the offered cake, and silently retreats
again, trying to stay out of the way.

A'lex laughs, almost snorting pastery out his nose, "Aye, I'd be glad to

Jayna glances around at all Kassi's visitors. "I guess somebody else'd like
a shot at this?" she asks, with a look to Kassima for her permission.

Lysseth> L'mis hears a bit of a commotion from the infirmary, so he looks
up at Golrath questioningly. "Oh," he says in comment, and heads into the
main caverns.

Kassima nods permissively to Jayna. "Mayhaps Mehlani?" she suggests. "If'n
she'd wish it?"

Jayna looks at Mehlani. "Would you like to hold her?" she asks.

Mehlani has a small handful of cake now, and she blinks and gulps it down,
before turning with some bemusement to Jayna. "I... yes, please," she

Silanda says "Rose petals?"

Jayna drop Kharisma

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "AHHHH! She dropped the baby!"

Telgar Weyr> Jayna says, "Arg! Didn't happen, didn't happen. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Don't worry; she'll bounce. Bouncing baby girl,
you know. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Just shot chicken out his nose when he saw that
on the screen..."

Telgar Weyr> Silanda says, "Oh, man, _owww_..."

Kassima nods ruefully to Silanda, glancing at A'lex. "Mmm-hmm. Ofira
suggested it. It seems more fitting than turning him loose in the Grounds
during a goldflight."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima gets an image of a piece of chicken flying from 'Lex's
nose to splat against the monitor, and just dies.

Silanda snorts softly. "Much less satisfying, though..."

Telgar Weyr> L'mis says, "What a fowl image."

Telgar Weyr> Jayna is now afraid to let go of the baby.

A'lex ponders, "You could turn him loose in in the Grounds during a
Goldflight wearing only rosepetals... gory, yet entertaining..."

Jayna sets Kharisma down carefully.

Silanda says "Might help the smell, too."

Silen just makes a face.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "nasty!!"

Jayna admires Kharisma for a moment.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex looks around at everyone on the knot, and still can't
figure out WHO Jehrina was directing her comment at.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "You."

Telgar Weyr> A'lex ohs...

"But we'd have to *look* at him wearing only rose-petals," Kassi complains.
"Who wants t'do that?" She is, evidently, not fond of this Ushu character.
"We thought it might be fun t'stage a big ceremony in the middle of the
Bowl one night, where everyone gets t'help bury him alive by glowlight.
What think you, 'Lex? Would it serve him right?"

Mehlani, as the baby changes hands from her to Jayna, flinches a time or
two before little Kharisma is finally settled into her arms. Mehlani then
just stands there, properly holding the infant to be sure, but nevertheless
looking skittish, as though afraid she'll break the tiny baby by looking at
her funny.

A'lex grins, "Do we get to wear hooded robes and chant? I always found that

Tinya looks darn near as skittish as Mehlani, and she's not even within
arms' length of the baby. Maybe that's why she displays sufficient folly to
ask, "What'd Ushu do that was so bad?"

A'lex says "It's not what he did, it's what he didn't do..."

Mehlani carefully gathers Kharisma up into her arms.

Telgar Weyr> Jayna thhhbbbs at her hubby. "I have to give equal time on the
computer. It's not fair."

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Fire him."

Kassima flashes Mehlani a reassuring smile. "If'n I can hold her without
managing t'screw up somehow," she comments, "I think you can, 'Lani. She's
sturdier than she looks." After all, she survived the spawning, no? "Like
the Lower Caverns lasses when they go down t'Benden's lake to hold swooning
ceremonies in F'hlan's honor? I suppose we could if'n we *wanted* to. Ushu?
Well, let's see. He obsessed about rose petals, keeps hounding me about
describing every detail of the experience for his *research*--did during
the birth, too!--and, a'course, he fainted. After making a remark I refuse
t'repeat." It's bad enough to warrant his death, apparently.

Mehlani blinks at the mention of her father, then blushes, and glances down
at the child in her arms once more. There is a subtle shift in the girl's
features -- a softening, the sort of look Mehlani normally reserves for
runners and felines.

A'lex looks down at his bandaged hand, if that TOO could be blamed on Ushu.

Telgar Weyr> Silanda says, "Get another computer."

Jayna smiles at Mehlani and Kharisma. "I've got a few things to take care
of. I'll visit later, I hope, if everything goes well!"

Telgar Weyr> Jayna says, "We've actually been talking about it, Silanda!
Would be very kewl. :)"

Kharisma chooses that moment to open her tiny mouth in a soundless yawn,
wriggling a bit in her blankets and opening her drowsy blue eyes to focus
on Mehlani for just a moment. She isn't very good at focusing yet, you see.

Telgar Weyr> Jayna says, "Somebody else will have to pick up the gauntlet
of dragging people in here against their will. :)"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex saw something in a computer catalog which actually
allows two different users to use the same PC... 2 monitors, 2 keyborads
and 2 mice...

Telgar Weyr> L'mis says, "What is it, visit the baby?"

Telgar Weyr> Silanda says, "It's nice. Very useful."

Telgar Weyr> Jayna says, "L'mis, it's more than that. . .it's a kind of
epic endeavor to fill the Infirmary with more people than will actually fit
there, thus annoying the healers no end. Especially this dog-meat jerk
named Ushu. :)"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Oh, it was in reference to the wine... "That's
what I said that got us into this situation.""

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "MAV!"

Telgar Weyr> L'mis says, "Ose, well it wasn't obvious."

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "But there's your answer Kassi."

As Mehlani watches the infant cradled in her arms, the lass's expression
softens still further at the momentary opening of small eyes, and that
miniscule yawn. 'Lani even smiles, rather more strongly than she usually
does, and her own blue eyes brighten. Her thoughts, clearly broadcast in
her expression, could easily be summarized by _Awwww..._

Telgar Weyr> L'mis says, "A'lex, you've GOT to have some better mavs than
the last few. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snerks. :)

Jayna starts off down the long tunnel to the inner cavern.

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "I had one good one last year, another should be
coming round soon..."

Telgar Weyr> Kerlyn says, "Maybe he's a pure and wholesome soul that never
says/does anything that'd be embarassing to mav?"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Whatever."

Telgar Weyr> Melina blinks??

Kassima tears her gaze away from the baby, with some reluctance, to smile
up at Jayna. "Thankee for visiting, and for the cakes, Jayn--oh, blast it.
Anyway, Tinya, I think you can see why we'd like t'bury this guy alive in

Telgar Weyr> Kassima believes that. Suuuuuuuuuuuure she does. And the sun
rose in the North this morning.

Telgar Weyr> Kerlyn says, "Just an idea. :)"

A'lex finishes stuffin pastery in his mouth, "Definately." Chomp chomp.
"Kill him."

Tinya grins. "Seems like he's getting off light," she comments.

Silanda says "Depends on the plans for the killin'..."

Kassima asks of Tinya, with interest, "D'you have any better ideas? I'm
quite open to suggestions. Really, what I'm inclined t'do is just strangle
him with m'bare hands. Nay muss, nay fuss." If Kharisma is at all aware
that one of her progenitors is blithely discussing the murder of another
human being, well, she doesn't seem to mind. She's too preoccupied with
trying to get a good look at this strange hatted person. She gurgles, her
head lolling back as she attempts to focus on the actual hat with a minimum
of success.

A'lex says "What would happen if we tied him up and dangled him from a rope
behind Lyss... took him up REALLY REALLY high, and then Lyss went *tween*.
Would he go to, wor would he fall???"

Silanda says "Interesting question..."

Tinya opens her mouth to answer, then frowns and closes it again. Slowly
she says, "You know, I never thought about that. I wonder if it would make
a difference how _long_ a rope?"

"Y'know," Kassi muses thoughtfully, "I've never tried that. I *think* he'd
probably go *between* too, but I'm admittedly nay certain. Perhaps we
should experiment--if'n only for the sake of," she grins wickedly, "research."

Silen listens, forgotten in his seat; wide-eyed.

A'lex raises an eyebrow, "I'll take notes."

Tinya's grin echoes Kassi's, though it's only impish rather than truly
wicked. "That _does_ sound fitting," she agrees.

The behatted Mehlani is apparently now quite oblivious to the conversation
at hand. Watching Kharisma's attempts to peer up at her, or perhaps more
properly, her fedora, the young lass smiles a little more at the baby,
holding very, very still.

Kassima nods sagely to A'lex. "Good man. And I shall ask him t'describe
*precisely* how he is feeling, when we've got him dangling from the rope."

A'lex looks malicious, "Of course."

Silen scootches his chair over to Mehlani and the baby...loking vaguely

Kharisma's blanket has apparently loosened somewhat amidst all of this
business of being moved around, enough for her to extricate one tiny fist.
She flails said hand about a bit, reaching vaguely for the brown blur but
contacting with nothing but air.

A'lex grins down at 'Lani and Kahri. "You're a born mother Mehlani."

"But that leaves the problem of what the others get t'do," Kassi points
out, puzzling over this matter with an incongruously soft smile as she
watches Kharisma and Mehlani. "Provided that they'd want t'take part, that
is. Anyone who had t'suffer through his rose petal babblings should get a
shot at him."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "A'lex, you are bad. ;)"

Mehlani blinks. Somebody said her name? She looks up startledly at A'lex,
still holding the baby steadily, though her looking up does of course make
the fedora in Khari's line of sight move. 'Lani then smiles timidly to the
bronze rider.

A'lex says "My father used to make dolls out of thin strips of wet bark,
and fill them with sweets and hang them from a tree... we'd hit them with a
stick till they broke open. Granted, he's not filled with sweets, but if
he's already dangling..."

Silanda considers that one thoughtfully.

Silen leans over to whisper to Mehlani, "They don't really _mean_ all that,
do they?"

Khari also isn't very practiced at tracking objects, but her attention does
change directions as the fedora moves across her sight range. There can be
no doubt: she is very curious about this fedora thing. Or as curious as a
days-old baby can be, anyway. "Perhaps we should stuff his clothes with
rose petals, so that when we hit him with a stick, they'd come showering
down?" Kassima suggests ingenuously.

A'lex mutters to Kassima, "... we... the rose petals... his..."

A'lex whispers "Or we could stuff all the rose petals up his arse..."

Kassima nearly snarfs a bite of cake at that, and leans over a bit to reply
to the bronzerider. She mutters to A'lex, "... get... t'do that,... *I*...
want t'get within... of..." 

A'lex senses Kassima nearly snarfs a bite of cake at that, and leans over a
bit to reply to the bronzerider. "Who could we get who'd be willing t'do
that, though? *I* certes wouldn't want t'get within ten feet of his rump."

Mehlani blinks again, this time down at Silen. "Mean what?" she whispers
back. Indeed, she's missed the conversation around her entirely. She peeks
down at the baby again, sees tiny blue eyes still doing their darndest to
study her hat, and Mehlani's attention is promptly recaptured. 'Lani
carefully arches her head down a little further to the infant, bringing the
hat brim into better view.

Silen gestures vaguely towards the adults. "They're talking about killing
someone. I think. I hope they're joking," he replies quietly.

Mehlani blinks again, out from under her lowered hat brim, at Silen. Then
she peers around at the others. "I would think they're joking," she answers
very softly.

Silen frowns doubtfully. "I hope so."

A'lex looks over to Silen. "Of course we're joking!" he lies to the child.

Tinya rises to her feet. "Well, have fun making your final selection," she
says with a grin. "I'll see you all later."

Kharisma gurgles as the hat comes closer to her actual line of focus. Her
tiny arm curls up close to her body again as she contents herself with
staring muzzily at the thing, which is entirely new to her; as young as she
is, it's not inconceivable that she's never actually seen a hat before.

Silen nods to A'lex, but looks over at his mother for reassurance anyways.

Kassima makes no comment about whether or not she's jesting; she couldn't
pull off a conceivable lie, after all. "'Tany rate, I *do* hope he'll at
least give up on trying t'make a case study from us soon," she grumbles.
"Every time I'm just about ready t'sleep for the evening, he pops up
wanting t'know this, that, or some other thing. Will do, Tinya! Tell us
if'n you've any more good ideas for the procedure, eh?"

She _gurgled_. Entranced, Mehlani peers down at Khari again, and smiles, a
broad, soft sort of smile. No baby talk for Khari, out of 'Lani; no, 'Lani
merely frees one of her own hands, and brings it carefully up towards the

Silanda just shrugs over at her son.

Ah! A hand. Now, this, Kharisma is familiar with. She's seen a lot of hands
in her short life. Focusing on it as best she can, she reaches for one of
Mehlani's fingers, her small fist opening and closing reflexively.

Tinya walks out into the bowl.

Mehlani knows the baby game of Grab My Finger -- she has three smaller
siblings, after all. Her eyes very warm as she regards the little, she
carefully places her hand within easy seizing distance.

A'lex shakes his head, "Well, thank you for the goodies and all, but I
should get back to my hidework..."

A'lex sends one last smile over towards Kahri and Mehlani, rests a (good)
hand momentairly on Kassi's shoulder, then heads for the door.

With a soft cry of triumph, Khari closes her tiny fist around the end of
'Lani's finger. Her grip is rather surprisingly strong for one so tiny, in
the way of all babies. "Methinks she likes you, 'Lani," Kassi comments with
a warm smile, then looks up at 'Lex and nods. "Aye--it must take a long
time, with that hand of yours. So sorry about that. Really, I am."

A'lex laughs, "I write with my right, so it's okay..."

Mehlani, her hand duly captured, glances up and smiles to Kassima, her eyes
radiant. "She is beautiful," she murmurs.

Kassima grins ruefully. "Oh, good. Then Kiat likely won't be out t'flay me
for disabling his Wingsecond... I hope."

A'lex holds his bandaged hand carefully, "Oh, oh, it hurts!" He grins, "Oh!
Oh!" Pause. "What's it worth to ya?"

Kassima's own green eyes are alight, brightening up a few notches from the
mute incandescence they've possessed ever since their gaze first rested on
her secondborn daughter. "She is," the greenrider softly agrees. "T'my
eyes, there's nay a babe more beautiful in all the world... and only one
other lass who's her equal. But then, I'm biased."

Kassima rolls her eyes at A'lex. "I think the question's more like, what's
your life worth t'*you*?"

A'lex shrugs, "Yer no fun..." He grins once more before vanishing out the

A'lex starts off down the long tunnel to the inner cavern.

Kassima asks innocently of Silanda and Silen, "Did I ever claim t'be fun?
Did I? I honestly don't recall...."

Jayna walks in from outside the room.

Silanda says "You've certainly claimed to be _interesting_...though I'm not
sure they're the same."

Jayna looks around, to see if anyone's still awake in here.

Mehlani is still holding baby Kharisma, who has a firm grip on 'Lani's
finger now, though the Infirmary in general appears to have gotten very quiet.

Kassima blinks. "I claimed t'be interesting?" She ponders that for a
moment. "How conceited of me. Wish I'd known when I'd done that; I'd be
tempted t'blink *between* back to the past t'slap m'self. Just kidding,
a'course. Jayna, welcome back! Chores done?" Kassi asks. She is quite
awake, as is Khari, who is puzzling now over this finger that she has
acquired. All right, she's caught it... now what does she do with it?

Jayna glances over at the sweets plate. Is it empty? That would certainly
drive visitors elsewhere, and she's more than willing to go fill it up.

Mehlani quietly wriggles her finger in Khari's grasp. Just a little.

Jayna grins at Kassi and takes a seat. "Yes, thank Faranth. We were
cleaning out a store room. It was ugly. I think Slithereth left a spawn or
two in it."

Kharisma's misty eyes widen perceptibly at this, and she gives another
gurgle. Hey! Was it supposed to do that? She wiggles her own fist just a
touch, to see if she can make this thing move, too. The sweets plate, it
might be noted, has only a few cakes left on it, but it hasn't been touched
for awhile. "That," Kassima says, chuckling, "would nay surprise me. I'll
have t'take the Swarm hunting down there, sometime; I think they rather
miss it. Mehlani, she's nay being a bother t'you, is she?"

Telgar Weyr> Silanda takes off...too much spam in another window.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs a Silanda. Thankee for visiting. :)

"No," says Mehlani simply, wriggling her finger yet again for the gurgling
and apparently now deeply intrigued infant.

Silanda stands. "Well, I've things to do...and Silen does, as well. C'mon,

Telgar Weyr> Jayna hmmphs. I leave for just a minute, and everybody takes
the opportunity to get out of the infirmary. Don't you make me put my hands
on my hips! :)

Silen stands up, with a quiet grumble and a shrug to Mehlani, and follows
his mother out.

Kharisma seems at a loss as to what to do about this wriggling finger
business. It's beyond the realm of her experience, which is really quite
limited. But she's a resourceful little thing. Freeing her other hand of
the blanket-wrapping, she grabs onto the finger with both fists. There!
That should solve the problem... right?

Jayna grins at Siland and Silen. "

Silanda waves...

Silanda walks out into the bowl.

Kassima smiles and waves after the departing duo. "Thankee for visiting,"
she calls after them. "Clear skies t'you both!"

Silen starts off down the long tunnel to the inner cavern.

Mehlani, her finger deftly seized in two tiny baby hands, gives Kharisma
another melting 'awwww' sort of expression, and holds her finger still.

Jayna rearranges the few remaining sweets on the plate. "Hmm," she notes.
"They all left."

Lysseth> Wroxath backwings, landing lightly. His rider seems more alert
than usual, quietly removing himself from the straps and sliding to the
ground. The blue warbles lazily to the other dragons.

Kharisma is incapable of smiling, but she does seem to relax as the
wriggling finger stops. Really, that was just too odd. Blinking up at the
awwww-face above her, she abruptly yawns again, showing off her tiny pink
gums. My, but that was tiring. She has faced and bested her first nemesis,
the Evil Wriggling Finger, and now it's time for her to sleep the sleep of
the victorious.

Dragon> Wroxath bespoke Lysseth with << Has your she <<clutched>> yet? >>

Lysseth> D'thon slides off Wroxath's back to the ground, landing lightly.

Lysseth> Wroxath senses that Lysseth rumbles with pride, << Yes! My rider
has hatched a little green. >>

Mehlani glances up again as the baby dozes off, and looks a trifle at a
loss now, at Kassima and Jayna.

Dragon> Wroxath bespoke Lysseth with << One hopes both are well. >>

Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles somewhat absently to the two new arrivals from
where she's parked just outside the infirmary, positioned so that she can
see what goes on inside.

Jayna shrugs. "She's all yours, Mehlani!"

Kassima laughs softly at her child's antics, nodding. "Aye, 'tis so. They'd
duties and the like to attend to, which isn't surprising... but 'tis
gratifying they all took the time t'stop by. Thankee, Mehlani. I think
Khari enjoyed that game--or at least, it kept her occupied for awhile,
which is good enough! She'll probably sleep for a bit now, until she's
hungry again."

Mehlani nods gravely, stepping back to Kassima, and asking softly, "Would
you like her back?"

Lysseth> Wroxath senses that Lysseth's reply is an unmistakable
affirmative, the cool blue and green crystals of her maze-like mind, with
their underlying stream of bright blood red, glinting with flecks of
faery-dust silver and gold. << My rider is *beyond happiness*, and she says
that the hatchling is healthy. All is as it should be. >>

Kassima tilts her head, and admits wistfully, "Aye, I would... I must
confess, I rather miss holding her already. Babies are rather addictive

Mehlani sets Kharisma down carefully.

You gather Kharisma up into your arms.

Mehlani passes the little one cautiously into her mother's arms, a smile
still flickering about the edges of her mouth.

Jayna shakes her head and grins. "Not addictive to me, Kassi.: Her grin
fades. "In fact, they seem quite a bit of trouble. I'm not sure I want one!
Although Khari's absolutely beautiful," she adds, sincerely.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Wroxath hmms thoughtfully. <<That is well.>>

D'thon moves into the Infirmary from the bowl.

D'thon blinks, stepping in quietly.

Kassima accepts the baby with gentle hands, gathering her close. "Thank
you," she repeats to Mehlani, with a smile. "You've a real talent with
children, y'know. Oh, Jayna, they're trouble all right--you should see
m'firstborn, Kaylira; she's trouble incarnate. A sweeter little hellion
y'never saw. I won't even go into the royal pain pregnancy can be. But,"
she says, looking down at her baby, "there is the child, and the love, and
that makes it all worth it... oh, g'deve, D'thon. You're just in time for
the last of the cakes." She nods towards the platter of sweets not far from
her, with a flickering grin.

"Oh... just... babies," Mehlani murmurs in embarrassed contradiction of any
alledged child-handling talent on her part.

Mehlani blinks and glances over her shoulder, shyly, at D'thon's arrival.

D'thon grins mildly. "Evening." He glances at the cakes - "'Fraid I'll have
to pass on those, thankee... just supped. How is she?" He indicates the baby.

Jayna smiles at Mehlani, Kassima, and D'thon. "Well, I was just sticking my
head in to see if everything survived all thoe visitors! I guess I'm off to
bed. . . ."

Jayna starts off down the long tunnel to the inner cavern.

Kassima chuckles at 'Lani. "Aye, but they're the trickiest of all. They
can't tell you what's wrong, after all, or what they'd like t'do...
g'night, then, Jayna, if'n you're going. Thankee again for the visit."
Since her hands aren't free, she settles for nodding and grinning to the
girl before turning to reply to D'thon. "Just fell back asleep, thanks to
Mehlani. She's healthy, bonny, and beautiful." Her eyes glow with maternal
pride and delight as she says that, in a ringing (if slightly hoarse) tone
that just dares anyone to deny what she sees as an ultimate truth.

D'thon raises an eyebrow. "In truth she is, Kassi." He stands by rather

Kassima does have the grace to look abashed once she realizes how that
probably sounded. "Ach, sorry about that. I can't seem t'help m'self, when
it comes t'praising m'children. I thank you for the kind words. How fares
with you and Wroxath?"

D'thon nods. "It goes well. Wroxath - well, he's still acting like a
weyrling dragon..." He chuckles. "How fares Lysseth?"

Kassima glances towards the Bowl entrance, outside of which a gleaming blue
eye and green snout can just be seen to be lurking. "She's as pleased and
proud as punch; you'd think *she* had just become a mother, which is
a'course a blatant impossibility. You nay doubt noticed her hovering out

Kassima leans back against the pillows, flipping her braid back over her
shoulder. "How fares, then, with Ceria? And how with Nightsong, Mehlani?"

Mehlani might be seen to brighten noticeably again -- less shy now that
there are far fewer people in the room, and all the more bright for the
mention of her runner. "She likes riding very much," she murmurs.

D'thon blinks. "Ceria...? Oh, she's fine. Only thing is, she's been pushing
herself too hard, apparently - I've been trying to tell her to slow down,
but I dunno. Doesn't listen."

"Jessamyne mentioned that she might need a bit more training," Kassi
comments. "Have you had any problems with that so far? I know she must be a
spirited beast, being one of Jessa's." To D'thon, she hrms. Thoughtfully,
she hazards, "Mayhaps she's still getting used to the duties of a

D'thon nods. "P'raps. She's always been rather... intense."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Moobabe!"

Telgar Weyr> Caitria . o O ( Kharisma?? ;)

Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Hiya, Tria."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "It seemed appropriate. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> D'thon waves to Tria. :)

Kassima tilts her head, considering this. "Intense. Huh. Well, mayhaps you
should talk to Ofira about it. If'n anyone could convince her t'slow down a
bit, 'twould surely be her Craftmaster."

D'thon chuckles ruefully. "I'm not sure Ofira'd approve of her slowing
down, though. For whatever reason..."

Telgar Weyr> Caitria waves to everyone, and grins at Kassi. Well, yes.

"If'n 'tis a health matter," Kassi theorizes, "then it might be different.
I daresay even she isn't pushing herself so hard now that she's pregnant,
for example. She'd understand how doing too much can make one weary." She
states that with definition; her memory of the exhaustive stages of
pregnancy is still quite, quite good.

D'thon blinks. "Sorry?" He cocks his head.

One might notice that that last gesture of his is uncannily similar to one
Wroxath favours.

Kassima repeats, "I said, methinks Ofira would understand needing t'slow
down if'n the work's interfering with her health. She was mentioning
earlier how she's had t'cut back a bit, with her pregnancy making her tired
and all."

D'thon shakes his head. "Holy shards... no. No." His expression is a little
wild. "How'd you come to hear of this?"

Kassima blinks at D'thon, puzzled. "Of Ofira's pregnancy? I thought
everyone knew."

D'thon blinks. "Oh. /Ofira.../" He sort of sags. "I, uh, see."

Telgar Weyr> Ceria waves. :)

Telgar Weyr> D'thon starts to play a song on the Weyr stereo... "The Last
To Know..."

Telgar Weyr> Ceria giggles.

Kassima arches one eyebrow, and nods. "Ofira's, aye. Insofar as I know,
only she, Asrai, and a few Lower Caverns lasses whose names I can't rightly
recall are rumored t'be pregnant at the moment. If'n you think someone else
might be in the same straits, well... you'd have t'ask her yourself."

Telgar Weyr> Melina returns, "Last to know what?"

Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Gah. The weyr has a stereo? When did this happen..."

D'thon looks mildly chagrined. "Oh, thanks..."

Telgar Weyr> L'mis calls from his seat in the Living Caverns, "You kids
turn that down!"

Kassima simply nods, stifling a yawn. "Oh, don't mention it. Glad t'be of
service, and all of that. 'Tany rate, I really would advise Ofira... she
might be more inclined t'be sympathetic now than later, when she's past the
first tired stage."

D'thon glances outside. "Well, I, uh, have to be going... thankee for your
advice, Kassi, and ye'll need your rest. G'eve..." He trails off, hurrying

Kassima laughs and nods after the bluerider. "A'course, D'thon. G'deve,
clear skies, and all of that."

D'thon walks out into the bowl.