-------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Are Family Date: January 18(?), 1998 Place: Telgar Weyr Outer Infirmary Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Another log from when Kassi's second round of motherhood was new. This time, it's Tria who's come to visit Kassi, Kay, and Khari, and the two discuss matters of children and family while Jaeleka practices the lullaby she's written for Khari just outside. Things prefixed by Lysseth> take place in the Southern Bowl. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Caitria walks in from outside the room. Caitria pops her head through the entrance to the cavern, determining who's awake before she comes inside. "...And that's what you do with a drunken rider, ear-ly in the morning," Kassi's clear, melodic voice can be heard to sing, followed by the enthusiastic applause of the small child sitting on one edge of the bed. Turning, Kassi waves to Tria with the arm not holding onto the burbling Kharisma, a gesture which Kaylira is quick to emulate. "C'mon in," she calls. "We're all awake still. Insomnia runs in the family." Caitria chuckles. Clearly, folks are awake. What was she thinking? ;) "Got the whole family here, hmm?" she asks, with a grin. She plunks down on a nearby cot, offering her lap to Kaylira if the child so desires. "Thought I'd stop by to see how you were doing without a crowd around." Kassima chuckles, grinning back at her friend. "Or a reasonable facsimile thereof," she agrees. "If'n m'entire family were here, there'd have been sixty or so voices all joining in the chorus. Off-key, I might add." Kaylira, only too happy to have a lap all to herself, hops down off of the cot and clambers up with a happy beam for the Herder. "I'm trying to convince the spawnlets t'go t'sleep, but neither of 'em seem very interested. Already sang 'em the Drinking Song, and the one about bovines too." Caitria kisses the top of Kaylira's head, cuddling her cheerfully. "Cav's dealing with Cail and Caidan," she says, with an amused grin. "But N'thren took them swimming today, so they're probably pretty tired." Of Kaylira, she inquires, "So what do you think of your baby sister? Makes a lot of noise, hmm?" The ever-energetic little hellion that is Kaylira throws her arms around Aunt Tria's neck for a quick hug, before settling happily down. "*Loud*," she cheerfully confirms. "Kinda weird, too." 'Weird' seems to be Kay's favorite word these days; to her, everything is weird. Kassi just rolls her eyes good-naturedly at this assessment, with a grin. "Kind of N'thren t'be such a help with your kids. Where'd he take 'em to, the Lake?" Caitria nods to Kay, with an amused grin, then gives Kassi a negatory shake of the head. "Boll. The lake is, apparently, too cold." With a roll of her eyes for N'thren's foibles, she adds, "A bit of time alone was nice, though." Kassima nods in sympathy with the greenrider's foibles. "I'm nay over-fond of the Lake, m'self. I quite look forward to getting t'go t'Boll again. Especially the vine--at least on that, I can get a bit of exercise. I'm going t'need it." She makes a face. Since she's usually a stick, keeping the excess weight on for any longer than she must doesn't appeal to her. "Kay likes Boll, too--don't you, minxlet?" Kaylira's black curls bob as she nods a vigorous assent. "I hope Khari will, too, though a'course she won't be able t'swim or be out in the sun for a time." Caitria nods her agreement. "Have to be careful with younglings for a while, yup," she says, casting a look towards the baby that's almost wistful. Kassima gazes at the child for a moment herself, kissing Khari's tiny brow. "Would you like t'hold her, Tria?" she asks. "Or is Kay enough Kassi-spawn for you t'hold at once?" The almost-wistful look doesn't escape her notice, either; she inquires, with a faint smile, "Thinking of having another one?" Caitria blinks, then chuckles rather ruefully. "That obvious, am I?" She doesn't say which particular comment struck home. She bends down and inquires of Kay, "How about you go see your mom while I hold your sister for a minute, hmm? Then maybe tomorrow you can come and play with Caidan--if your mother says it's okay, of course." Kaylira wrinkles her nose a bit at being displaced by Khari, and looks as though she's contemplating refusing... but she's basically a sunny-natured little klepto, so she nods. "'Kay, Aunt Tria." She turns entreating grey eyes on Kassi, who laughs and nods her consent. "That'd be fine by me. I doubt Simaeva will mind having her charge out of her hair for a day--though I'll clear it with her, a'course. And let's just say that, for the nonce, I'm sensitized t'things having t'do with babies." Either comment could be covered by that, and she doesn't ask just which one the reply was to. Instead, she gathers Khari up in both arms and holds her out to the Weyrherder. Caitria ruffles Kaylira's hair before moving to take Khari, holding the infant with the skill that comes with having children. "Almost as pretty as Kaylira was," she says, with a wink for Kassi when the toddler isn't looking. Kassima extends her arms to Kay once Tria has Khari safely in hold, and the elder girl bounces up on the bed to hug her mother. Kassi valiantly refrains from oofing at the weight of the child. "Almost," she agrees with a returned wink. Kaylira simply beams, too young--and not shy enough, for that matter--to blush at the compliments. "Both beautiful, bonny lasses t'my eyes, but 'tis t'be expected. At least nay anyone who sees Khari will question her paternity any more, which is a plus." Caitria nods her agreement, with an amused grin. "What did Jh'rin think?" "I think he was... stunned," Kassi decides, settling back against the pillows with her arms looped loosely around Kaylira. "A'course, so was I. Methinks 'tis part and parcel of the entire experience." Lysseth> Rhonneth rumbles to Tierth and sticks out his chest, trying to look regal and proud in front of the green. Lysseth> Vidarth croooons at Tierth. Lysseth> Lysseth glances away from the infirmary for a moment to snort at the males, the draconic equivalent of a roll of the eyes. Lysseth> Vidarth croons at Lysseth too. He's not picky. Lysseth> Rhonneth adds an almost apologetic rumble for Lysseth as well. Caitria gently touches one tiny hand with her index finger, nodding. Her expression is rather thoughtful as she says, "Children usually are." After several moments, she looks up and inquires, her manner only partly mischeivous, "So, d'you want a boy next time?" Lysseth> Tierth slowly blinks at the males, curious at their attention. She rumbles questionningly, before settling down to watch the living cavern entrance. Kharisma, awake and murmuring softly to herself, uncurls her fist to clasp it around the end of Tria's finger when it comes within range. Her grip is surprisingly strong, in the way of all babies. "Next time?" Kassi asks, chuckling. "Faranth only knows if'n there'll be a next time. I suppose you can never tell, with flights and the Water still lurking about. I'truth, I don't know; I've naught against beautiful lasses or bonny lads, either one. Which d'you think you'd have, if'n you were going t'have another and could choose?" Lysseth> Lysseth just shakes her head at the foibles of males, a gesture that makes her resemble her rider to an uncanny degree. Caitria ponders the question for a moment or two, smiling at Khari's grip. "I don't know. Another son would be nice...or a daughter." She chuckles, shaking her head. "Not an easy decision." Kassima glances towards the Bowl, and gives an amused snort. "Lysseth says that the males are being odd again. There're times when I'd swear I've never seen a less green-like green." From right outside the infirmary entrance, where a pair of blue eyes and a pine green muzzle lurk, a loud *snort* resounds. "Oh, shush, lump. I'truth, I suppose 'twould be a fine thing t'have a son, too. But barring flights...." She gives a philosophical shrug, ducking as Kay squirms loose of her hold enough to wave enthusiastically to the silhouette of Lyss. Caitria shrugs as well as one can when holding a baby. "Maybe. Never can tell. After all, I never thought I'd have children, and look at me." "Never thought I'd have 'em either," Kassi admits readily enough; it's hardly something that anyone who's known her for as long as Tria wouldn't be aware of. "Kay and Khari both came as something of a surprise, y'might say. But I should have learned by now never to underestimate the powers of the Water. 'Tany rate, I quite intend t'return to a nice, uncomplicated life of celibacy between flights, so I'm nay counting on any more spawnlings." Absently, she ruffles Kay's shoulder-length curls, much to the child's annoyance. Caitria chuckles at Kay's expression, deftly shifting Khari's position so the child can see if she likes--never mind this whole eye-focusing thing. "Yeah....two's plenty, right?" She doesn't sound too sure of herself, though. Khari wriggles in Tria's arms as she's shifted, her small, canted eyes blinking, crossing, and uncrossing as she tries to focus. "Plenty for *now*," Kassi agrees in a firm tone that's at odds with the tender smile she wears, watching her youngest. "I've been off-duty quite long enough for awhile, thankee. After this, I'll see. If'n I ever get truly desperate for more, I can always drink Water a'fore each of Lyss's flights and hope for the best. Have you and Cav considered having any more?" Caitria chuckles quietly, nodding. "Cav would probably not be totally happy with anything less than five or six children. But with his duties to the wing and my duties to the Craft, I'm not so sure." She shrugs. "Maybe. Lately, I've been thinking of it more, though Cav doesn't know that." With a chuckle, she adds, "If he knew, he'd get his mother to work on me. She'd love more grandchildren." Lysseth> Silen walks here from the north. Lysseth> Jaeleka meanders over closer to the dragons. "Hey, Silen, think these ones will do?" Lysseth> Silen nods. "Sure! Hey," he calls to the dragons, "mind some music?" Lysseth> Rhonneth cocks his head and warbles to Silen and Jaeleka. Lysseth> Tierth turns a slowly whirling eye towards the two, curious. Lysseth> Jaeleka gives a half bow and flourish to Rhonneth. "We've come to ..well, to practise." She turns and makes an encompassing sweep about the gathering. "Easy enough for a man t'want children. He doesn't have t'birth 'em," Kassi retorts. "T'quote what Jhor once said, 'My part was the easy part.' Though I suppose it wasn't *easy* trying t'be supportive while I was doing m'best t'break his hand, but... anyway, 'twill nay say aught. 'Tis best to want children, I think--though sometimes they can be the best surprises of all." She smiles at Kay, who smiles back even if she has noooo idea what this crazy mother-person is talking about. Lysseth> Silen smiles at the response. "There! See? These'll do just fine." He bows slightly to the dragons, the same gallant, somewhat clumsy gesture he made to Jaeleka earlier, and then plunks to a seat on a rock and pulls out his pipes. Lysseth> Lysseth draws her attention away from the infirmary once more to rumble curiously at the two young humans. Caitria nods a rueful agreement. "Cav understands, at least," she comments softly. "He doesn't push me. Not often, at least," she adds. Lysseth> Jaeleka wriggles her fingers at Lysseth then goes over to join with Silen. "Oh! This is going to be so much fun." Its not hard to get the impression that the practising appeals almost as much as the idea of perfecting this piece to the girl. Lysseth> Silen blows experimentally on his pipes, and a few etherial notes waft out. "You play it first," he says then, "and I'll listen and see what I can play to go with it. So I know it, an' stuff." Lysseth> Rhonneth shuffles around in his spot to face the two pinkthings, curious to no end of what they're going to do. Lysseth> Vidarth swivels his head about to peer at the two. Lysseth> Jaeleka nods, bringing her pipes to her lips and settling her fingers into place. She blows softly, creating a short sound -testing. Then blows again with more surety, practise notes floating out with growing clarity. "Warming up" she explains. "Gotta do this right." Kassima smiles at that. "Well, 'tis good of him. Especially if'n he's so eager for children as all of that. He sounds almost like some of m'male kinsfolk--and female, too, which is yet another proof that m'kin are all insane." Kay beams with pride again. The way Mum says that 'insane' word, it can't possibly be a *bad* thing. Lysseth> Silen nods solemnly to that, and brings his pipes back up for more barely-whispered notes. Caitria can't help but chuckle at Kay's expression, nodding. "Somehow, Kassi, that doesn't surprise me." She pauses a bit, then asks, "Are you going to manage all right, with two?" Lysseth> Jaeleka runs through a series of trills, fingers nimbly moving over the pipes..first soft, then loud. Pausing to listen every now and then to what Silen is doing. Kassima sighs, looking first down at Kay, and then over at Khari. "'Twill be a bit of a challenge, but I think 'twill be all right. Simaeva's been fostering Kay since she was a Turn old, and she's agreed t'take Khari too once she's old enough." The greenrider doesn't sound thrilled about the prospect; rather, she seems resigned to it. "I spend time with the minxlet when I can, and if'n I cared for her as a baby, I'm certain I can do the same for Khari. 'Twill just be more of a stretch, that's all." Lysseth> Silen noodles along without any real goal or, indeed, clear path; fragments of tunes instead of scales. Lysseth> Jaeleka stops, and waits for Silen. Caitria nods her agreement. "And Kay will help, right, kiddo?" She grins at the child. Lysseth> Silen contines for a bit, then stops short when he realizes Jae's watching. "Um. Yeah? You ready?" Lysseth> Jaeleka grins. "Yeah. I was thinking, how do you want to do this again? YOu copy what I'm doing, or do you want to fit your part in around it?" Lysseth> Silen fiddles with his pipes, nervous. "Well, Mehlani's gonna play the melody, right? So I guess I should just play stuff around it. I mean, we don't really need to have both of us playing the melody. Right?" "S'pose so," Kaylira replies, sounding a touch dubious since she's not quite sure what she's agreeing to do. Kassi just laughs and hugs the girl. "'Twill nay be aught you can't manage, lass. I'truth, 'tis just as well that the Swarm's decreased so much in number. Methinks 'twill help considerable. It should be interesting, taking the three spawnlets along on that straight flight to High Reaches. I *almost* pity the 'Reaches, until I remember that nigh everyone there is a loon." Lysseth> "Nah" she agrees. "Sides, I think it'll be more fun to try and figure out hte best sounds." The pipes are lifted to her lips again, fingers placed with care. Caitria looks puzzled for a moment or two, then nods. "Ahhh, to the berry thing. S'right. Good of you to take Ofira; I know she was looking forward to attending." Lysseth> Silen settles his pipes in his lap, for now, and listens intently; brow furrowed. "Eh, 'tis naught," Kassi replies. "I really want t'go m'self. I've nay been to the 'Reaches in over a Turn. 'Twill be good t'torment the brownie, quell some rumors, play a game or two... though I know nay what sort of events they'll be holding there. 'Twill be Kay's first Gather outside of Benden--and Khari's too, a'course. Should be an interesting experience. Remind me t'con V'dan into betting with me, with an agreement to watch over the kidlets during some of the competitions the stakes." Lysseth> Jaeleka plays - softly. Mid to low ranged notes that follow a simple pattern...One line of notes repeated several times over and over. She nods, half-closing her eyes, apparantly satisfied with something, and moves on from there. A second line of notes that flows easily from the first - smooth like night winds. Soft and low. Caitria nods, with a bright grin. "Is V'dan stupid enough to bet with you still, though?" Lysseth> That brow furrows until it looks like Silen's brain is in some danger...but he nods slowly, at the first phrase and then again at the second. Kassima cheerfully confirms, "Oh, aye." Even Kaylira nods agreement with that one. She knows Uncle V'dan, and she knows he doesn't have two grains of common sense to rub together. "He's obsessed, y'know. 'Tis rather like the way Kin and I are determined t'beat Mart, except such things are normal for us. In him, 'tis a sickness." Caitria nods, with an amused chuckle. "Ohhh, of course. Perfectly normal for you." Lysseth> Jaeleka smiles to herself, eyes still half-closed as she moves into her music. The notes are simple - low and soft, and she repeats the first two lines, then without pause slides into a third run. A quicker movement of notes, picking up several that are higher, sweeter. The last being held, and her eyes open as she looks across her pipes at Silen, the playing not stopped, but pondering him. Kassima grins, and places one hand over her heart. "Besides, Kindre and I are on a *quest.* A sacred quest, t'prove the existence of luck. V'dan's just out t'beat me, which isn't half so noble a cause." Stirring though the words are, and spoken in a ringing tone, they apparently bore Kharisma. The baby is showing off her gums in a wide (for her) yawn. Lysseth> Silen meets Jae's eyes without the expected slight blush - fascinated, entranced, by the music. He lifts his pipes, hesitates, sets them down again. Caitria melts at the yawning baby. Yupyup, she turns into a little puddle all over the floor. Fortunately, she doesn't drop the kiddo in the process. "Looks like she's ready for bed," she comments. Lysseth> Jaeleka nods to Silen over her pipes, and starts over again.. slower this time, the sounds coming out slightly ethereal. Lysseth> Silen's left foot taps to the slow rhythm, apparently without his noticing it...he lifts the pipes to his mouth finally, and low low notes drift out, almost inaudible. Kassima has joined Tria in puddledom, though Kaylira seems mostly immune to the supreme adorableness of her sister. "'Tis about time. She's been sleeping fairly well, between feedings and changings, but Kay's energy must've been contagious tonight. The minxlet is *never* tired, until she falls asleep in the middle of whatever she's doing." One wonders where she gets *that* from. Caitria gets carefully to her feet, looking for a crib or somewhere babybedlike to put the kiddo. Lysseth> Jaeleka almost sighs, picking her notes out slowly, matching with Silen, eyes closing on concentration and satisfaction. The first two lines again, and the third drawn out of that - just slightly higher than Silen, and not much louder, until the sounds could almost be one. Lysseth> Silen draws the phrases out long, night breezes blowing through the bowl, a child's soft sigh...a quick flutter, as of wings, then settling for repose. Kassima, seeing Tria's dilemma, holds out her arms. "Methinks 'twill hold onto her for awhile," she explains, with a slightly sheepish smile. Admitting that she's addicted to the feeling of holding her newborn baby would be rather un-Kassish. Caitria chuckles quietly, handing over the baby with a smile. "As good a bed as anywhere, a'course." Lysseth> Jaeleka adds another section of sound - tighter, a summing of sound that ends on a breaking note that falls into something new - questioning notes that drift above what she has been playing...airy, whistful, and promise-filled. Lysseth> Silen adds foundation notes, ground for Jaeleka's notes to dance above...the foot still taps, his whole body moving ever so slightly with the music. Kaylira, heaving a sigh, squirms out of the way to let Kassi take the baby back. "You should probably turn in yourself, evil child," the greenrider reminds Kay, stifling a smile at the face the girl makes. "Go on back to 'Maeva. I'm certain she'd be glad t'repeat the story of the three-headed runnerbeasts who conquered Fort Weyr for you again." Kaylira brightens perceptibly at that, and climbs down from the bed, giving Aunt Tria's leg a quick hug before pelting off to the Inner Caverns in a flurry of black curls. "Faranth save me from too many spawn like her," Kassi groans, sounding amused. "They'd run me ragged in a sevenday." Caitria chuckles softly as she watches the child, inquiring, "Three-headed runnerbeasts who conquered Fort Weyr?" Lysseth> Jaeleka continues with a drift of notes that fall quietly, almost sadly, from the pipes. And when that series is through, the last note held fractionally longer than the others, there comes a pause. A stillness in the music where she waits, body tensed just slightly. Kassima explains drolly as she cuddles Kharisma close, "Simaeva's prime talent in life is telling stories about the most bizarre things you can imagine, and actually making 'em have fairly decent plots. 'Tis why she's such a perfect foster-mother for Kay. The only thing that'll get her t'sit still is a good song or story. That one's particularly interesting; I'm given to understand that these runnerbeasts stormed the place with a herd of bovines with crossbows as their reinforcements." Lysseth> Silen stops, as well, waiting; pipes held still to his lips, eyes on Jaeleka. Lysseth> If Lysseth's quiet warble of approval is any indication, the dragon, at least, enjoyed the music. She has even been watching the two children for the past few minutes, a remarkable feat given how loathe she is to look away from the infirmary for even a moment. Caitria clearly finds that story concept entertaining. "Maybe she'll tell one of these stories in public." Very nearly cows with guns. Lysseth> Jaeleka begins again, and not again - there is no prelude this time. Her eyes open at Lysseth's warble and she nods slightly, eyes twinkling, until her attention swings to Silen, an expectant widening. "She'd probably be willing to include you and your children in her story-telling sessions if'n you ask," Kassi offers. "You should only hear the part about the chickens who were flying overhead in some strange Smithcraft device!" Lysseth> Silen joins in right away, this time, finding the notes faster and more surely. Still low, deep, but a touch more variation - that wind's picking up, just enough to moan through the rocks of the weyr. His eyes find Jaeleka's, and smile for him. Lysseth> Jaeleka plays on, lowering hte sound from her pipes - allowing Silen's to test their merits and find their own space in the song. Hers firmly in place, she continues on, repeating the entirety of the series, allowing Silen to create around her base. The low darkness of night waiting to be filled with sounds that are hidden from the day. Kassima adds thoughtfully, "Personally, I always wonder a bit about whether 'Maeva might be on fellis when she starts in on her stories. But then I recall that she's related t'me, and it all makes perfect sense." Caitria stifles a snicker, nodding. "Insane," she intones, with a wink. Lysseth> A touch of mischief in the boy's eyes, and a slither as of a tunnelsnake...turning into the beating of wings lifting from the ground, fading up into the bowl, the landing on the Star Stones barely heard in the whisper of the dwindling breeze. Kassima agrees sagely, "My point precisely. One wonders whether or nay Kharisma will escape the familial lunacy." Though her tone remains perfectly conversational, her amused expression gives away her thoughts: Not Bloody Likely. Caitria asks, amusement warring with sarcasm in her voice, "With you and Jh'rin for parents?" Lysseth> Sounds like breezes, and the flicker of embering fires. Low murmurs of whispers and voices that meld into hushed forms and greyed shadows. Warmth and comfort - and she plays on, steadily heding to hte end of another series. Lysseth> Silen's notes dance with the sparks around Jaeleka's fire, now, the laughter in his eyes rising with the notes from his pipes - but quiet, light, to not wake the sleepers. "Nay t'mention the possible effects of Flirk's klah being taken into effect. It could be theorized, though, that our respective weirdnesses will cancel each other out." Kassima assumes the lofty tones of one of those types of people who make wild guesses and call them 'scientific hypotheses,' but her wink gives away the fact that she's not serious. Caitria feigns horror. "Flirk's klah? The poor child is doomed." She winks. Lysseth> Jaeleka grins, and adds a night sky to her sounds - a note or two placed just so that open up and widen teh sound, swell it to include arches of black-sky, and sweeping clouds sighing across the sky. Her eyes open and she looks to Silen. Kassima confirms gravely, "I fear that I drank some of the Evilklah while 'twas carrying her. But at least I didn't streak the 'Cavern with a mushroom in an unmentionable place, like Alwyn, so perhaps nay all is lost." Lysseth> Silen's eyebrows rise a bit, in inquiry, even as his music drops to fill in beneath the growing tune. Caitria's eyebrows shoot into her hairline. "I don't think I want to know." Tough; Kassi's going to tell anyhow. "That was Alwyn's reaction to the klah," she explains. "He called it his magic mushroom. Don't ask me how it got there. Sandar thought he was Leilanth, Jessalyn mistook herself for a fire-lizard, Kin told everyone she was a redfruit, Aph thought Alwyn was wearing a naked boy costume, Taira kept trying t'talk t'kiwi, and methinks I only danced on the tables singing something or other. For the most part, anyway." Lysseth> Jaeleka gently lets the sound of her pipes die out, pulling them from her lips and taking a breath. She nods to Silen, eyes entreating him to continue as she takes a breath and starts to sing softly - testing word to note..hushed and gentle memories of what she has been playing... The weyr has gone to sleeping the cavern is lit by glows... the hearth fire sits in embers and I shall hold you close... Caitria is silent for a moment, then shakes her head, laughing. "I think I was at the Hall that evening--and I'm very, very glad." Lysseth> Silen blinks, faltering just a moment...but he finds the first phrase Jaeleka played, and the second, and continues on; notes the same, but different, his influence changing the shape of the song even as it is sung. Kassima nods fervently to Tria, though she's careful not to make her nod so very fervent that she jostles Kharisma. "You should be. 'Twas enjoyable madness, mind, but I could've done without the streaking... or the nearly drowning in that bowl of oatmeal. I must admit, I'm almost sorry they took the klah away. 'Twould have been priceless t'see the reaction of certain folk after drinking it." Caitria nods, her lips curving in a smile that isn't quite nice. "It'd be...interesting, yes. D'you know if Cav's ever had any?" Lysseth> Jaeleka closes her eyes, lost in the song now.. Shall I send you dreaming shall I give you song... Jaeleka's voice drifts into sombre sounds that bely her age, poignant. for now you still are little but that won't last for long... She opens her eyes and smiles at Silen. Lysseth> Silen's eyes show amusement, now, that is not echoed in the quiet soothing notes he plays - affectionate, almost, the sound a bit odd coming from a boy his age. His gaze shifts towards the infirmary and softens, for just an instant. Kassima's own smile is far from nice. The only way it could get any farther from nice would be if she were discussing the fate of poor Ushu, the Human Pinata/Science Experiment-To-Be. "I don't believe so. I've rather wondered, though, whether or nay he could be conned into a kilt after drinking some of the stuff. 'Twould hardly surprise me if'n he could be convinced t'put on a kilt, hop on a table, and sing 'We Represent the Lunatic Guild' after drinking it, truth be told." Lysseth> Lysseth has her innermost eyelids closed as she listens to the soft music, but makes no sound herself; she leaves that to the fire-lizards perched about her, who are more than happy to add their eerie descants to the tune. As the faint sounds of music float in from the Bowl, Kassi peers in that direction with a slightly furrowed brow. "I wonder what...? Lyss says there are folk playing the pipes out there. How curious...." Caitria looks absolutely delighted at the mention of kilts. "Oh, I'd love to try that." Squinting towards the bowl as well, she huhs. "Must have stopped raining." Lysseth> Jaeleka's eyes follow Silen's motion, her voice softening - as though she were singing in that very place.. Shall I sing to you softly of the stars that light the sky... or the sound of winged creatures as they spread their wings for flight... Jae's voice moves with openess, lightening without getting louder, as she lifts a hand and throws a bit of nothing - perhaps dreams - into the air and watches it fly away even as she sings the refrain again, wonder creeping into her voice. Kassima grins impishly at Tria, attention drawn away from the mysterious music. "Methinks you'd do well to ask J'lor where 'tis you could get some of the stuff. He's the one who brought it here, as I recall." Lysseth> Silen adds a few tiny trills to his low sombre notes, flashes of brightness - wings, or stars, perhaps. Caitria's grin is absolutely wicked. "I think that's an excellent idea." Lysseth> Jaeleka sings to Lysseth and the crooning fair now, adding their story to the lullaby.. And shall I rock you gently as I sing to you of things... And you shall have a cradle on a bed of dragon wings.. Jae smiles at them as she repeats the refrain, then the lst two lines again, bending to pick up her pipes and return them to her lips, playing a quiet wind-down of sound along with Silen. "Just promise me something?" Kassi pleads. "You'll let me watch, if'n and when you give it to him?" Caitria nods enthusiastically. "Oh, of course. Least I could do." Lysseth> Lysseth tilts her head to listen to the final refrain, and then, finally, bobs her head once to the performers at the song's end. The fire-lizards continue singing for a moment past the death of the other notes, before finally resettling themselves and letting their voices fade into nothing. Kassima beams brightly at Tria. "You're too good t'me! I'd also like t'give some t'Mart someday, and see what he does. I'd try and take some to Ista for Jhor, but frankly, I fear what the result would be." Caitria mock-shudders at the very thought of Jh'rin in such a situation. Lysseth> Silen lets his notes fade, as the darkness does at the dawning; eyes doing the dancing now as he watches Lysseth. Lysseth> Jaeleka sets her pipes down, and sits in silence. Reluctant to break it with sound. Lysseth> Silen lowers his pipes, and takes a slow, quiet breath. Eyes a bit wide and distracted, he looks from Lysseth to Jaeleka, and a slow smile begins. Lysseth> Jaeleka matches Silen's smile. Impish with delight. Satisfied. Telgar Weyr> Caitria heads offline. Telgar Weyr> Kassima follows suit. Curfew calls again. :P :) G'night, all! Lysseth> Silen quetly tucks his pipes back into his pouch. "Not much to do with them after that," he says quietly. [Editor's Note: At this point Tria and I both needed to leave, so the scene ends here.]