
Behold the Power of Cheese (And Wine)!

Date:  January 10, 2001
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Skyspace; High Reaches Weyr's Skyspace,
Western Bowl, and Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Yenne of High Reaches passed along an invitation to 
Telgar, via Kindre:  HRW was having a wine tasting; would we like to
come?  As is inevitable when an event involves alcohol, it wound up
attracting Telgar folk like flies. ;)  And quite an enjoyable evening
it was, too!  The log begins in the Telgar sky, where Herath, Lysseth,
and Saulith are meeting before making the trip.


The Log:

You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring
into the sky above the Northern Bowl.

Dragon> Lysseth and Herath sense that Saulith shimmers champagne-gold.
<<We'll come with you!>>

Lysseth> Saulith and Herath sense that Lysseth flickers facet-flashes of
blue, purple, green: amiable accord. << Just don't let your rider get in
trouble! >> she advises, half droll and all humor. << Are we ready, then? >>

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Herath's voice echoes across the cool
evening sky. << We are headed for High Reaches, which my rider tells me you
have all seen. We must be on our best behavior or the Weyrleaders will have
her and Lysseth's rider's hides...or so she says. >>

Dragon> Herath bespoke Lysseth and Saulith with << We're ready! We'll meet
you *between* >>

The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies.

<*> Saulith flies up from the northern half of the bowl.

<*> Herath disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Gold Herath of Telgar

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Green Lysseth of
Telgar Weyr.

<*> Saulith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Green Saulith of
Telgar Weyr.

Dragon> Herath bespoke Lysseth and Saulith with << Lysseth? I forget where
we land...can you lead? >>

<*> Lysseth trumpets a brassy note in response to Ulanoth, and dips her
wings to begin the Bowlwards descent.

<*> Cariath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Dragon> Saulith bespoke Lysseth and Herath with << I will wait for
Cariath.>> >>

<*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Gold Cariath of
Telgar Weyr.

<*> Herath warbles a greeting to Ulanoth and wings after Lysseth.

<*> Herath spirals downward in the bowl, towards the western wall.

Lysseth> Saulith and Herath sense that Lysseth assures, << Oh, yes--we were
just here. To the West is where we want to be. >>

<*> On Saulith, Kichevio yells across to Tarlo, "Oh good, you made it!" and
heads down.

You circle lower in the bowl, towards the west wall.

Dragon> Temornath bespoke Lysseth, Saulith, Cariath, and Herath with <<
Good evening to you! Hello hello and welcome to *highreachesweyr*! >>

<*> Above you, Saulith flies lower in the bowl, towards the western wall.

<*> Above you, Cariath bugles her greeting to the watchdragon and spirals
on down.

<*> Above you, Cariath dives in the bowl, towards the western wall.

<*> Above you, Herath wings down in the bowl, towards the western wall.

You bank and land neatly on the ground.

<*> In the sky directly above, Saulith flies down to land gently on the

<*> In the sky directly above, Cariath wings down and lands lightly on the

<*> Keira blinks in surprise at the offered arm, though she recovers
quickly, smiling as she accepts the offer. "I know -exactly- how you feel.
Well, at least now we'll each have at least one person to talk to."

<*> Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the
polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre
until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn
equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey.

<*> Saulith flares her wings as she lands, and bugles a greeting to all and

<*> Mvraeth warbles joyfully at the other Dragons here.

<*> Kichevio slides down easily from Saulith's neck.

Lysseth> Temornath, Saulith, Cariath, and Herath sense that Lysseth flashes
a blue note of acknowledgment and greeting. << Good evening, Temornath, and
duties to your Weyr! >>

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Cariath bugles loudly in greeting to all the other dragons, looking around
wide-eyed at the size of the population.

"Telgar's duties," Kindre calls cheerfully and watches her friends
dismount. "We here it's a find evening to be at High Reaches."

Mvraeth croons at Saulith and Kichevio.

Temornath trumpets her merry greeting to the arriving dragons, rising up on
her haunches and spreading her wings in welcome.

Tarlo climbs down from between Cariath's neck ridges.

P'tod chuckles. "Exactly my thought." Then, "Oh, look," he says in surprise
as several more dragons land. "It's some folks from Telgar."

Tarlo echoes, "Telgar's duties to High Reaches and her queens!" she waves.

Kichevio salutes and repeats, "Telgar's duties to everywhere, especially
the Reaches...hi Mvraeth! F'tan must be here, then."

Herath offers kind greetings by ways of cheerful warbles to the other
dragons gathered before finding a place to settle herself down.

Konnevath grumbles slightly as Temornath easily knocks his wing off her,
but is prudent enough not to make an issue of it. Instead, he bugles his
own greeting to the newly arrived dragons.

Kassima nearly bounces down from the height of Lysseth's neck, landing with
a thump as her lifemate warbles a cordial, brightness-tinged salutation.
"Shells--there's crowd and enough for two," she observes, taking in the
sight of the dragons. "Hope they'll have enough wine... oh! Keira! P'tod!
Duties t'Ista and her queens!"

Fasolth bugles out at the familiar group of dragons from Telgar, then
nuzzles cheerily at Temornath's shoulder, on the other side from Konnevath.

Tarlo chuckles. "Duties all around!" she says happily, and grins to
Kassima. "Kich and I won't be drinking, I'm sure there will be plenty."

P'tod grins broadly, lifting his free hand to wave to Kassima and company.
"Evening! Ista's duties right back at Telgar," he calls with good humor.

Keira turns to look in that direction, then grins and nods. "That helps,
too. Well, let's not just stand out here all night." Then she laughs and
waves, hearing Kassima's greeting and replying in kind, "Duties to Telgar,
of course. Especially since you've brought half the weyr with you!"

Temornath finally settles back down after her greeting of new friends. She
startles at the shoulder nuzzling and rumbles, reaching over to give
Fasolth's neck a bit of a slurp.

Kichevio looks over at Tarlo with an expression of mock-surprise. "Hear
that? We're half the Weyr!"

Kindre smiles wide, apparently in good spirits. "We have to travel in large
groups," she remarks and chuckles. "Shall we all head inside? I am terribly
curious to see what they are tasting as well as to see a few more familiar
faces, if we can."

Tarlo looks down at herself. "I knew I was getting hippy." she grins.

Kassima wiggles a finger good-naturedly, grinning back. "Best nay; I'd make
a terrible rug for Maylia's weyr, sunburnt as I am--whoever heard of a pink
skin rug?--and that's what she'd turn me and Kin both into if'n you did.
Ah, Keira, we haven't brought *quite* half. This isn't our invasion force.
When we mean t'come and take over the Weyr i'truth, we'll bring more."
Laughing, she turns her head to nod agreeably to her old friend. "Sounds
like a plan t'me, Kin."

Temornath then looks intently toward the living cavern. She rumbles once.

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Meri! Come get drunk at the wine tasting?"

Telgar Weyr> Merielan is -not- going to get drunk. Though if she
does..she's got T'kar there..so no 'lil' morsels..;)

Telgar Weyr> Keara says, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo isn't getting drunk, but I'm going to go watch the rest
of the Telgari get shnockered.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre can let herself go now that she's retired...woohoo! ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kichevio will take notes for future reference. :)

Keira laughs again, shaking her head at the general silliness pervading the
group. Tugging at P'tod's arm she takes a step toward the likeliest-looking
cavern entrance, hoping it's the right direction. "That's what I've been
-saying-. We should all go inside."

Kichevio offers cheerfully, "I could _try_ and be an invasion force, if you
want. Maybe later."

Tarlo salutes all the riders present, and proceeds into the living cavern.

Tarlo strolls into the tunnel to the living cavern.

Kichevio wanders into the tunnel to the living cavern.

Kindre wanders into the tunnel to the living cavern.

You stroll into the tunnel to the living cavern.

Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Who's getting drunk? I'm just getting spammed ;)"

Keira strides in from the tunnel to the bowl.

Yenne chuckles quietly and nods. She mutters to F'tan, "... way. It's...
crowd. But... good..." 

P'tod strolls in from the tunnel to the bowl.

Amara nods her head, keeping lookout through the arriving rider, smiling
and waving when she spots two she recognizes, frowning slightly at
something else.

Kichevio salutes immediately, grinning all around. "One more time, Telgar's
duties to the 'Reaches." The familiar faces get waves. "Evening Yenne. Hey
T'kar--hey F'tan!"

Emilly's face suddenly cracks into a huge smile. "Kich!!!" she calls out
and jumps up and down a bit.

"You can't be an invasion force without an Emasculator, Kichevio. Methinks
there's some sort of rule about that." What a sentence to enter on. At
least Kassi follows it up with a salute to the Cavern in general, and a
cheerful call of, "Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens, and anywhere else
in need of duties tonight!"

F'tan 's face brighten as he recognizes a familiar one. "Hi Kichevio. It's
been a while..."

Kichevio adds a whoop to her greetings. "Emilly! Great, you're here!"

Tarlo echoes Kich's sentiment and salutes the riders present before heading
in further.

P'tod strides in, escorting Keira, and calls a cheerful, "Ista's duties,"
to the first 'Reaches rider he recognizes, who happens to be Yenne. He
gives her a warm smile, then turns to Keira. "Say, I didn't know there's be
so many people here, did you?"

Yenne turns at the group entering the cavern. "Reaches duty to Ista and
Telgar and their queens. Come on in and grab a glass. Join the party."

S'rist sees a large contigent come in from other weyr and calls out,
especially to distract himself from his lost wineglass, "Reaches duties to
you all, please come in and take a glass."

Matheny brings a tray of empty glasses towards the arriving guests, "High
Reaches duties! And welcome to each of you!"

Divya raises the glass a server gave her and calls out, "'Reaches' duties
to Ista and Telgar! Come get some wine before it's all gone!"

Shaylar twirls her empty wineglass in her fingers, eyeing the new arrivals
quietly, a grin for several, polite nods for those she is unfamiliar with.

Kichevio shakes her head politely. "Can't do that, still being a weyrling.
But I'll watch, and enjoy the company." She hurries over to stand near Emilly.

Keira beams around, apparently in high spirits now that she has some
familiar faces about. "Ista's duties to High Reaches," she calls
cheerfully, not caring a bit that P'tod's already said the same. She blinks
as she catches his question, shaking her head slightly. "No...but that's
alright. I'd think something like this is more fun with a whole crowd of

"Telgar's duties to the Reaches and her queens," Kindre offers respectfully
as they enter the cavern and smiles. Removing her gloves and jacket, she
places them beside other discarded garments and glances around briefly,
taking the cavern in. "We hope you don't mind a few more invaders this eve?
Two of which will just be observing, two of which have quite a taste for
wine," she adds and chuckles before taking a glass. "Thank you, Weyrwoman.
It is great to be back here."

Tarlo defers politely when offered a glass, explaining, "I'm sorry..I'm
still a weyrling, and restricted. But I came to watch!"

Amara brings her gaze back to the majority of the room, smiling. "All
right, now if we're all here," she starts. "And you'd all be so kind as to
take an -empty- glass from either the serving board or one of my
apprentices, we can begin."

F'tan looks around another time and decides to grab a glass. he finally
takes one and begins to smell it closely.

Lysseth> Fasolth slurps at Temornath's cheek with a little bugle, looking
around to all the other dragons with friendly green eyes.

T'risch finishes off his mug and stands, stepping towards the lower caverns.

T'risch walks through the archway, into the lower caverns.

P'tod grins. "As long as they've enough wine to go around," he jokes. "Ooh,
and we're just in time, too." He flags down an apprentice to obtain a glass
for himself and another for Keira.

Kassima beams from ear to ear. 'Grab a glass': the magic words. "If'n
you're certain we're nay impinging on your hospitality," she begins, though
she doesn't hesitate to take one of the glasses, "then 'twould be a
pleasure, sir, ma'ams."

Matheny smiles to each person in turn and then explains, "It's just a
tasting event, there's not really any swallowing involved." She shoots a
glance over at S'rist to make sure he hasn't already gotten into the wine
again. "Unless of course you swallow by mistake."

Yenne sidles over toward T'kar, grining. "Looks like you're not the only
one from Telgar to visit."

Divya swallows her half-glass in three swallows, then obediantly takes up
an empty one.

Elie eyes Kichevio with curiosity for a minute or two, then smiles at the
girl who got such an enthusiastic greeting from Emilly. "Hi, I don't think
we have met," she overcomes shyness enough to say. "I'm Elie."

Roltan stands, "I'll be right back, Love."

Amara nods her head, intending to compound upon Matheny's statement.
"Sadly, what Matheny has said is true. Traditionally, wine tasting is
conducted where you spit the wine out." She looks around for a moment to
see how this sinks in.

Lysseth> Cariath ambles over to Temornath and Fasolth, sits back on her
haunches, and croons a greeting to the other gold, eyeing her curiously.

Roltan steps away from the tables and heads into the busy kitchen.

Emilly beams and nods at Kichevio. "Yes I'm here, and -thank you- so much
for the gift Kich!" she says enthusiastically. "Oh ... yes Elie ... this is
Kichevio -- my friend from Telgar."

"Spit the wine out? Well what fun is that?" P'tod says, louder than he
really meant to, then blushes as a few people turn around to look at him.

S'rist looks decidedly less than happy about the prospect of just tasting,
as opposed to drinking.

Kichevio offers a hand as she peels off her riding gloves. "Elie, glad to
meet you. I'm Kichevio, green Saulith's weyrling at Telgar. I knew Em when
she was Assistant Headwoman."

Kindre's lips curl up a bit higher on one corner as she jokes quietly to
Kassima, "I think mayhaps I'll be making a lot of mistakes," before turning
her attention back to Amara. After she speaks, she thinks to add, "Well,
the taste is usually the best part anyhow and we do have impressionable
Weyrlings with us."

T'kar grins to Yenne, looking slightly dazed. "Hmm, oh yes!" He waves at
the rest of the Telgar contingent. "Could be Fasolth's doing, but they
probably found out already. What a crowd! Did you organize this?"

Lysseth> Temornath rumbles amusedly at Fasolth, wings fluttering at the
bugleslurp. She nuzzles him in return and then turns to study Cariath, head
tilting first one way and then the other. She croons sweetly.

Kichevio adds to Emilly with a grin. "I'm glad you liked it. I hope Gir
appreciated it as well.

Keira takes a glass happily enough, though she doesn't seem inclined to do
any drinking at the moment, instead gazing around at all the other people
present with a lingering smile.

Yenne grins at T'kar's comment. "I did ask the Master if she'd come and
teach us a bit. You know how chatty Temornath is - Looks like she told half
of Pern."

Lysseth> Konnevath doesn't take Temornath's wandering attention well. He
croons coaxingly at her, and nuzzles her other side without licking.

Elie presses Kichevio's hand in hers and gives a polite little curtsey.
"Well met, ma'am. Saulith, you said? That's such an interesting name."

Kassima looks dismayed for a moment, two, and then it fades into a ruefully
amused resignation. "Well, at least 'twill help in deciding what t'be
drinking in full *later*, hey?" P'tod's protest gets him a sidelong grin
before she stifles a laugh at Kindre's words. "Aye, aye. We should be
responsible--more's the pity, perhaps."

Kichevio grins. Any praise of Saulith is a mark of good taste. "I like it,
and so does she."

Lysseth> Mvraeth tilts his head while looking at Temornath and Konnevath.

"However," the Winecraft master continues, "Traditionally, tastings are
conducted at the wineyard, or at the Hall." She smiles. "Therefore, this is
hardly a traditional tasting. All I ask is that you know your own limit, so
as not to prevent yourself from enjoying, and -tasting- other wines."

Lysseth> Fasolth catches on to the competition and deftly slides his neck
to try and twist around Temornath's. It is all just for fun, nothing serious.

Lysseth> Saulith croons at the antics of the golds and browns. Silly things.

Lysseth> Semeth curls up some distance away, content to watch the goings-on
from a comfortable wallow in the sand.

Emilly giggles a little and shakes her head. "Yes .. that one was much
appreciated .. but I meant the other ... the one I'sai brought this last

Shaylar listens to Kassima with a crooked smile and then gives Master Amara
her full attention.

Lysseth> Cariath continues to peer at Temornath, leaning her head so close
it's as if she were trying to bump muzzles with the other gold.

Lysseth> Lysseth wriggles herself out a place of comfort, the better to
drowse, watch, and in general be a layabout.

Kichevio pauses, then shakes her head. "Is hasn't given me any gifts
lately...aside from his usual cryptic comments and veiled advice."

S'rist brightens quite a bit at that news, leaning over towards Matheny,
"Sounds like this will be fun after all."

Divya raises one arm and loudly cheers the good sense of the Winecraft Master.

Elie narrows her eyes slightly, thinking. "I'sai? Isn't he that bronze
rider?" she says finally.

Lysseth> Temornath is diverted from her study of Cariath by Konnevath's
croon and bugle. One brief touch to her nose and then there is that lovely
croon. Seeming to like this attention, she leans toward the Reaches brown
and rubs her head against his neck.

Emilly shakes her head and chuckles then. "Mmm -- well, he gave me some of
those too," she says and then nods at Elie. "Yes, I'sai rides bronze at

Matheny looks to Master Amara in utter surprise for a moment and then
breaks into a broad smile as some of the others in the room show enthusiasm
at the actual drinking. One slender finger is wagged at S'rist and then she
moves on to see how the staff is doing with the food.

Kichevio says with a laugh, "He's my Noble Mentor-type Person."

Tarlo turns her attention to the Master, but watches the faces of those
around her with interest. She gravitates between Kich and Kindre.

Amara smiles brightly at the enthusiasm from the back. "I've a few skins of
wine here, and I won't be telling you a thing at all about them. After
you've had a moment to taste it, I want you to speak up, say what you
noticed about the taste, about the colour. Don't just srink because you
thirst, drink and be aware of what you are drinking."

S'rist gives a bit of a chuckle at Matheny's chastisement, and decides
maybe he'll just play by the rules and see if that's good enough. At least
there are lots of those little cheese squares to munch upon.

Divya hears I'sai's name and says, "Is? He's a hoot! I always enjoy my
visits with him." She turns to face Emilly, Elie and Kichevio more fully.

Yenne looks up. "I'sai? Temornath got the oddest picture from Taralyth
today. Does anyone know what was going on?" She quiets as Master Amara
speaks again, listening to her and nodding.

Kassima manages, somehow, to applaud that sentiment muffledly without
letting go of her glass. That news certainly made her face light up.
"That's reasonable enough and then some, and wonderful news. M'drink-loving
soul was rebelling a bit at the idea of *spitting* wine." In an undertone
to no one in particular, "Though if'n 'Lex were here, I could always spit
it at him." More audibly, "What's this about I'sai?"

F'tan whispers more for himself. "Well, Tany..it's time to forgot the taste
of Klah..." He smiles.

T'kar grins amiably, just remaining quiet while other people talk. He sits
in a chair turned to face the Winecrafter.

Kichevio snickers. "I can tell you. Ceria was getting revenge on him for
something...she painted his hair with pink stripes, and drew a smiley-face
on his forehead. He didn't notice for the longest time." She grins
wickedly. "It was _hilarious_."

"Where are we supposed to spit it, anyway, once we've tasted it?" P'tod
asks Keira, this time more quietly. "Do you know?"

Amara motions for the two apprentices to make their way amongst the crowd,
pouring a heavy third of the glass full with what is obviously a light
white wine.

Kindre's eyes go a bit blank for a moment before she seems to focus back on
the cavern, a frown on her face. "Forgive me. Nimiriel is away and I need
to get back to Telgar. Hopefully it will be a brief return and I can be
back shortly. Telgar's duties and thank you!" With that she heads back to
collect her things and then depart.

Kindre strolls outside to the bowl.

Continued mention of a certain bronzerider finally get's Keira's attention,
the young woman turning away from watching Amara for a moment to look
toward the ones talking about I'sai. At P'tod's question she turns around
again, then shrugs. "I haven't a clue..."

Yenne bursts into laughter as she overhears Kichevio. "Oh, shells. That's
-good-, that is. Temornath is fascinated by the image. Pink hair."

Tarlo looks to Kich. "And I /missed/ it?" she cries in dismay.

S'rist waits for the wandering wineskins to get to him patiently, then, as
the master has suggested, he takes a long moment to watch it sit there in
his glass, not quite sure what to do with it while it's sitting in his glass.

Yenne smiles encouragingly then toward F'tan and T'kar, waiting patienly as
the apprentice fills her glass. She takes a sip, swishing it around in her

"I remember him," Elie says of the bronzerider under discussion. "He was
here visiting one time a few months ago. He seemed really nice. he's the
one that sends you all those presents?" the girl asks of Emilly.

Shaylar twirls the wine in her glass a bit, looking at it and then smelling
it a bit before taking a sip. And she ponders, "A bit tart."

Divya takes a glass with quiet thanks, and studies it for a moment. She
sniffs it twice, then takes a swallow in her mouth. She swishes it around
gently before swallowing. No way will D'va's daughter waste wine!

"Well, I would have called you," Kich says reasonably to Tarlo, "But you
were talking with K'ran."

Amara nods her head, "Okay, tart," she repeats, looking around, "Anyone else?"

Emilly blinks in surprise at Kichevio. "Pink stripes?" she says slowly,
blinking as if trying to grasp that idea. "Goodness me," she murmurs, and
shakes her head a little. She is almost startled when the wineskin arrives
and pours some into her glass absently before passing the skin to Elie.

T'kar sips his wine, only asking for a little. "It's fruity and dry?" he
calls out. "All the wine I drink is fruity and dry," he adds, musing to

Yenne swallows when she thinks nobody's looking, peering at those near her
guiltily. Then, "It seems a little sour to me, but not exactly bad."

Tarlo grins at Kich. "You could have gotten Saulith to tell Cariath to come
get me...it's not like I can't talk to him at any time." she walks closer
and smiles at the two women Kichevio stands with.

S'rist takes a little sip of the wine, making a few audible smaking noises,
as if that will help him taste the wine a little better. "It's a little
sweet to me."

Kassima chortles appreciation of this news. "*Pink stripes*. I'sai? That's
glorious--oh." She holds out her glass willingly, one might almost say
eagerly, to receive an installation of the liquor. Bringing it to her
mouth, she sips very delicately, rolling it about on her tongue. "A bit
dry, but sweet... wouldn't call it fruity, though. 'Tis a different sort of
sweetness from Red."

Elie takes a quick sip from her glass, and wrinkles her nose slightly.
"Definitely sour," she agrees with Yenne.

Divya says, "It's not quite as strong as my usual tastes. A bit light, but
with a mixture of sweetness and tartness, along with a slight bite."

Emilly takes a hasty sip and blinks and shrugs. "Wine" is her only comment.

Amara nods her head, "We'll find something for you later that I promise
won't be fruity and dry," she says. "Sweet and dry...with a bit of fruity
and tart then." She looks around, "Right there you've identified traits
that Winecrafters and wine-lovers have used to distinguish one vintage from
another. Other things you might take into consideration is the colour of
the wine."

Kichevio shrugs. "I was too busy laughing myself sick." She gestures toward
Emilly and Elie. "I think you know Emilly, Tarlo...and this is Elie, a

Lysseth> Fasolth dips his head under Temornath's neck, his brown muzzle
lifting again to nudge gently under Temornath's chin, seeing if he can
distract her from Konnevath.

P'tod sips at his wine and considers for a minute, then sips again.
"Ummmm," he says noncommitally. "What do you think?" he asks Keira.

F'tan looks at his filled glass. He starts to smell it and finally shrugs.
He takes a sip and immediatly grimaces. He looks quickly around to see if
someone notices.

Emilly nods at Tarlo, "Hello -- I don't know if you remember me -- I left
not long before the Hatching at which you Impressed," she says with a smile
for the Telgar goldrider.

Shaylar glances over at F'tan, "What, you don't like a nice light white wine?"

Keira sips hesitantly, her nose wrinkling slightly as she considers.
"It's...wine. Made from grapes, I'd guess. What exactly am I supposed tob e
getting from this?" She laughs softly, a little embarassed at her lack of

Tarlo admits ruefully, "I confess I don't, but it's good to meet you
nontheless!" she smiles, and nods to Elie as well. "Hello." she grins.

Yenne looks at the class. "Well," she says, shrugging. "It's white wine."
She sniffs the glass and takes another sip. "Maybe not quite as sour."

F'tan perks and reddens. He tries to answer Shaylar without mumbling. "Oh
no. Not exactly. I'm not used to, that's all." He smiles, but still red.

P'tod shrugs his shoulders. "Search me. Oh! hey, that reminds me," he adds
with sudden enthusiasm, "A group of us went to the beasthall the other day,
and Semeth searched a boy for Qirith's clutch. First time." He grins proudly.

Lysseth> Cariath scolds Fasolth as she continues to chirp at Temornath -
can't he see she's trying to hold a conversation?

Shaylar grins at F'tan, "I'm more of a klah person, myself."

Divya looks at the little bit she has left and says, "Well, it's a white
wine. Not red."

Lysseth> Temornath is indeed distracted from her nuzzling of Konnevath by
Fasolth's nuzzling. She seems to quite enjoy the Telgari brown's attentions.

Elie smiles at Tarlo. "Hello, ma'am. It's nice to meet you," she says,
scrupulously polite.

Lysseth> Saulith warbles softly. Ahem. While Temornath and Cariath are
quite lovely, _she_ has a few charms herself, being a Green.

"Reds usually seem more fruity t'me than the Whites," Kassi volunteers,
after another sip of the light wine. "More grape-like."

Emilly nods at Tarlo, "Indeed -- it is nice to see you again," she says
with a smile, "though I still don't own any lavendar clothing," she adds
with a wink.

S'rist takes another sip of the wine and then actually makes use of one of
the spitting buckets, "It's got a bit of a sharp aftertaste, makes my
tongue want to curl up some."

Keira smiles, "That's great, Tod. I had a feeling Semeth would have the
knack for that." She seems to have nearly forgotten about the glass in her
hand, gesturing vaguely with it as she speaks.

Tarlo grins a bit. "Please, Tarlo's fine. I don't rank a ma'am." she laughs
and grins at Emilly. "And I still say lavender is your color..." she pauses
momentarily, her brow furrowing as she thought she saw a familiar face in
the crowd. She starts to try and find it again.

Lysseth> Mvraeth hops towards a less crowded place. Some place near a
certain lovely green.

Amara goes up on her tiptoes, trying to get attention, "Dry, and a stronger
taste, that to some is fruity, or sour, depending on your own personal
taste. An expert would know," she pauses now, to take the skin, and nods,
smiling, "That is a pressing from Benden, about 8 Turns back. Anyone from
that area right remember it as a rather dry summer."

Lysseth> Konnevath rumbles long and low at the Telgari brown, but is
distracted by the lovely Saulith. He swivels his head from one female to
the other before waddling over to the green's side opposite from Mvraeth.

Yenne sees S'rist and follows suit, reaching for a bit of cheese to nibble.
"A Benden white, eh? Interesting."

Shaylar nibbles on more cheese before taking another sip of her white.

Kichevio checks Emilly's red hair carefully. "It would have to be _just_
the right shade of lavender..."

Lysseth> Fasolth loops his neck around Temornath's, peering back at Saulith
from behind the gold's head with a cheerful croon. He is more than happy to
stay with the gold, though, and even happier upon noticing Konnevath's
distraction. One wing spreads over Temornath's back, reassuring her that
-he- is not easily distracted.

Emilly smiles at Kich. "You think so too eh Kich?"

F'tan seems to apreciate his next sip and he stops grimacing.

S'rist nods as he hears what the wine is, setting aside the bit left in his
glass to get a fresh glass, no need to curl his tongue up any more with it.

Tarlo nods to Kichevio. "A very blue-ish shade...too much red, and she'll
look like a Turn day candle. But the right shade would be amazing."

Lysseth> Saulith looks...not smug, not quite. But definitely pleased. _Two_
browns. She dips her neck in a graceful nod to Mvraeth and Konnevath.

Tarlo oh's! "I see someone I know...I'll be right back!" she scuttles away,
dodging in and around and through people, til she ends up right behind
Ouryn, tapping his shoulder from behind.

"While you take a moment to enjoy that, let me explain something else.
While cheese and bread both go so well with wine," she smiles. "They help
keep your palette, that's your tongue, fresh, so each time you enjoy the
taste. When your done, if you'd all trade in from clean glasses, and
please, help yourself of the cheese."

S'rist doesn't need an invitation, and several small squares of cheese are
sent to their doom of knashing teeth in rapid sucession.

T'kar shrugs cheerfully, grinning and sipping little bits of wine. He is
only looking to help taste, not drinking excessively. "Is it always this
busy here?" he half-yells to Yenne, looking ponderously at the piece of
cheese that is practically forced on him before he bites into it.

Keira brightens at that latest announcement, gladly trading her glass for
some cheese instead. "Wine is a bit of a mystery to me, I'll admit. -Food-
I understand," she grins.

Divya trades for a clean glass and snitches a few bites of bread at the
same time.

Shaylar trades in her glass without hesitation and once again, yes folks,
she nibbles cheese.

Kichevio hmmmms, distracted briefly by a Seamstress's concern with color.
"Maybe a periwinkle blue..." Then she grimaces. "I shouldn't start any
clothes...I'm going to be _so_ busy. I'm leading the Weyrling Wing for the
next sevenday."

Elie locates a new glass for herself and snatches a few bits of cheese from
a plate carried past by one of the apprentices. "This is kind of fun," she
says. "I wonder how many different kinds of wine we'll get to taste."

Behold, the power of cheese? Kassi, still smiling at the news of a Benden
wine, complies agreeably, slipping through the throng to the place where
the cheese is. "Emilly?" she wonders, finally catching a glimpse of that
young woman. "That's you, isn't it?"

Emilly's attention is drawn to Amara again as she explains about bread and
cheese. "Bread and cheese can make the tongue -fresh-?" she mutters
dubiously and she eyes her glass, then finishes off the contents. "Speaking
of fresh ... I think I need a little air," she confesses to Elie, and slips
through the crowd to exit the cavern for a bit.

Emilly strolls through the archway, into the lower caverns.

P'tod grins at Keira. "I hear you," he says. "I still don't get this
spitting out thing. But whatever."

Ouryn wanders through the cavern like a wherry among herdbeasts, head and
shoulders over most and just as out-of-place. His old friend Amara is
performing wonderfully, that the Steward can see - its a shame he cannot
actually reach her to tell her so. A tap at his shoulder causes him to look
down out of reflex. "Tarlo!" he grins lopsidedly in recognition.

Keira rolls her eyes at P'tod's comment, seeming amused. "You and wine."
She just shakes her head and helps herself to another piece of cheese
before collecting another glass, willing to try this whole tasting thing

Amara motions for the apprentices to make the rounds again, filling glasses
with a rather thin looking red wine.

F'tan walks closer to Shaylar, taking another sip he seems to enjoy more
and more. "It's like I know you from somewhere. Have you ever been at Igen?"

Tarlo jumps up and gives Ouryn a hug. "It's been Turns you know." she
scolds playfully. "How are you?"

Matheny finishes her bite of cheese and then takes a sip of wine, allowing
herself the time to savor the flavor. She glances around the room and
listens, curious to hear what the others will say about the red now being
passed around.

Kichevio watches Emilly go curiously, before turning to Elie. "So what do
you do here?"

S'rist takes a little sip of the red wine, and after a moment, actually
swallows the sip, wanting to get a little of that warm feeling flowing down
his throat.

Elie offers, "Oh, I mostly do laundry and sometimes other chores, like
helping the nannies or in the kitchen if I'm needed." She gives Kichevio a
smile. "I haven't lived here very long, only about a turn."

Shaylar grins up at F'tan and nods, "Oh, a time or two. Last time I was
there was a goldflight a while back. I remember that trip well. I ended up
staying for a sevenday more than planned."

P'tod snorts and makes a little face at Keira. "At least I didn't get drunk
during Candidacy like Fluria and T'rock and that lot."

Lysseth> Mvraeth warbles loudly and hops closer to Saulith. He suddenly
stops, looking at Temornath. Another croon, translates the brown's
hesitation. He finally crouch himself between the gold and the green.

Kichevio chuckles. "You're braver than I am. I can't face littles."

Returning the friendly embrace with gentle arms, Ouryn blushes from Tarlo's
chide. "I- I suppose it has been," he mutters half to himself, feeling the
time slip away amid Records and tithing-hides. "A very long time," his
sea-green eyes take in Tarlo's new avccountance, and a gold-threaded knot
upon her shoulder. "Ma'am," the Steward laughs playfully, giving a more
serious salute of sorts. "Ista's duties to you and your queen."

F'tan rubs his chin and asks Shaylar. "Ladonyth's flight?"

Lysseth> Cariath lets out a warble as she eyes. Green to the left of her,
gold to the right, and here she is - stuck in the middle with...err, no one.

Elie giggles softly. "Well, I suppose I am used to it. I have a lot of
younger brothers and sisters, and used to help take care of them all the

Keira shakes her head slightly as P'tod reminds her of the incident with
the drunk candidates, smiling faintly. "Oh come on now, that was rather

Amara looks around a bit nervously, as no one seems to be commenting on the

"I'm sure it was," P'tod says drily. "I've always been rather sorry I
missed seeing it for myself."

S'rist gives a bit of a chuckle as he overhears a conversation about drunk
candidates, shaking his head, then he pipes up, "This one is rather tasty,
very robust."

"Oh, so did I," Kichevio says, with a glance heavenward for patience. "They
were half the reason I left home to go to Telgar!"

Tarlo laughs. "I'm still a weyrling, so just Tarlo is perfectly fine, and
will be even after I graduate." she grins. "Telgar's duties to you and
yours...and I do hope you'll be out and about more? You do the ladies of
Pern a disservice to hide in your office at Ista."

Kassima licks the last crumb of cheese from a corner of her mouth, and
holds out her glass to accept the new Red. Its thin appearance gets a long
look; she holds it up to the light, turns it this way and that. "Huh." One
sip, which she savors for rather a long time. "I don't know whether 'tis as
full and rich as I usually expect from Benden. The taste is fine, though."

Lysseth> Fasolth whuffles brightly over at Cariath, not quite nuzzling her
but coming close.

Shaylar hmmms, "I believe so."

Lysseth> Saulith tilts her head as she watches poor Mvraeth's indecision.
Then stretches over and lightly nuzzles his neck. Maybe _this_ will help.

Amara nods her head at Kassima, "You must know your wines well. In fact,
that's not a Benden red," she explains. "'Tis a Tillek red, and later, when
you try a Benden red, you'll notice the difference."

Lysseth> Cariath chirps at Fasolth, and reaches out to bump her muzzle
against his playfully.

F'tan grins. "Not many time before I became Candiate so..."

Keira grins, "I just remember seeing them afterward, so -ashamed- of
themselves, really. -So- sincere." She snorts and shakes her head, tossing
a smile in S'rist's direction as she hears his chuckle. "Anyway, enough
about -that-."

P'tod takes another sip of the wine in his glass, not bothering to spit it
out. "I rather like this stuff," he says. "But I usually prefer reds to

Ouryn gapes softly at Tarlo, blinking a few times ... did she? Just say?
-Well-! Blushing through several colors of the sunrise, the large Steward
cannot seem to find the words to respond, scrubbing a hand through his
cropped hair. "Ah, thanks?" he grins, quite pleased none the less. "You
know, theres another fine lady whom I've not seen in some time- Amara, the
Vintner-" and he points to the woman. "Perhaps we should take a sample

Shaylar sips her red after Amara's comment and tilts her head. She swallows
in order to talk to F'tan, "I went into labor after this particular gold
flight, so it was a rather memorable occasion."

Keira finally gets around to sipping the wine herself. At least she doesn't
make a face this time, though she still looks somewhat nonplussed.

Tarlo offers a regretful smile. "I can't, but feel free. Weyrlings can't
imbibe. But go say hello to Amara, and I'll be about."

Somehow, Kassima, protestant though she usually is of the 'Tillek Swill,'
manages not to look openly appalled. Rather, she makes a ruefully amused
sound. "I try to, and thankee. For Tillek, then, 'twould say this vintage
is excellent." Overhearing Keira, she suggests, "Just wait until the Benden!"

Divya tries the new wine and says, "This is the best so far. Tillek whites
are fine, but I have to admit I prefer the reds."

Ouryn snorts once, expressing his opinion about -that-. "As if that rule
ever stopped the weyrlings at Ista .." he grins mischeviously over at his
companions P'tod and Keira. "Please, come with me then to the table?" the
Steward holds out one hand to Tarlo.

S'rist smiles, just a touch pleased at seeing some of the surpised looks
from the riders out of the eastern weyrs, who normally don't speak well of
the Tillek wines.

Roltan wanders in from the busy kitchen.

Eliegrins at Kichevio. "It's easier when it isn't your own family-- at
least, I think so."

Lysseth> Mvraeth croons towards Saulith. He extend his neck in her
direction almost reaching her muzzle.

Amara allows the apprentices to go forth, making rounds with new wines,
cheeses and glasses as the turn requires. Before long, another skin of red
is brought about, bearing an obvious marking of Benden.

A loud crash comes from the kitchens and Matheny immediately puts down her
wineglass adn goes to investigate.

Matheny steps away from the tables and heads into the busy kitchen.

F'tan keeps grinning, his cheeks totally red, but not because of his shyness.

Lysseth> Fasolth runs his muzzle down Cariath's neck cheerily, stepping
closer to the young gold as Temornath grows distracted.

S'rist takes the new glass and the red wine from Benden with a bit of
obvious skepticism.

Tarlo accepts the hand and says, "I'm very close to graduating, I'd rather
not mess with my chances of doing so on time." she grins, and lets him lead
her to the table.

Lysseth> Konnevath ignores the gold in favor of the pretty new green. He
rumbles softly to her, and positions himself to prevent the evening wind
from making her chilled.

Shaylar tilts her head at F'tan, "What?"

Lysseth> Saulith imitates Fasolth--of all the role models around--nuzzling
Mvraeth and crooning softly in her throat. This is kind of fun...Konnevath
gets a little warble of appreciation as well.

Roltan sits down next to Shaylar, "Hey hon."

T'kar stands up and puts his chair back in place, leaning against it while
he sips down the last of another wine. He considers the crowd for a while

Lysseth> Cariath croons to Fasolth and extends her neck to him, lifting her
wing in a similar offer of wind protection.

Shaylar looks back over at Roltan and smiles, "Hello again." She then
continues to look at F'tan curiously.

P'tod grins as the next round of wines comes their way. "This must be the
Benden," he concludes, popping a square of cheese into his mouth as he
waits for his glass to be poured.

F'tan shakes his head. "Oh! nothing. It just seems that one glass of wine
is enough for me..."

Divya sips her sixth? seventh? whatever glass of wine. She dutifully eats
some more cheese to clear her palate, and gestures for the apprentice to
give her a /full/ glass of wine this time instead of the usual partial
glass. And she doesn't take no for an answer.

Kassima snags a piece of cheese to munch on a bit hurriedly before
exchanging glasses. Clearly, she doesn't want to chance missing out. "I
really must remember t'be coming to the 'Reaches more often, if'n there are
wines like these about," she murmurs under her breath, amused, as she
inhales the scent of the drink. Ah, bliss.

Ouryn blushes again with pleasure, and only stumbles a -little- in his
clumsiness to take a sample of the Tillek wines, which do not seem to
gather favor with this crowd. -He- happens to find them quite paletable
<once he was a resident of Tillek>, and picks out some choice pieces of
cheese and bread for Tarlo. In between tastings, the Steward waves brightly
to Amara. "Heyla!" he winks jovially. "Wonderful job you're doing!"

Kichevio just sits back and watches the show. "I hope nobody get's _too_

Tarlo munches on cheese and bread, grinning at Ouryn's enthusiasm and
occaisionally throwing a grin Kichevio's way as well. She too is enjoying
the show.

Shaylar grins at F'tan, "I know that feeling. One glass and I'm as tipsy as
a herdbeast in an earthshake."

T'kar strolls over to Kichevio, grinning as he catches her comment. "I
think I'm done, though it was lovely and all. Are you enjoying this?"

F'tan giggles.

S'rist wanders over to Roltan, picking up another handful of cheese pieces
on his way, then asks him, "Did we set up extra cots in the caverns for
those that have a little too much to manage the trip back tonight?"

Ouryn tries not to spray his mouthful of wine in laughter, at Shaylar's
overheard comment.

Amara smiles and waves to Ouryn, while pulling out some of the bottles
she'd lined up behind her. "Can you pick out a difference in the Benden
from the Tillek?" she asks. "No matter, to each their own," she smiles.
"And if wine's not your drink, I've a few other things here for you to try."

F'tan puts one hand on his forehead. "I think I should stop for tonight."

Kichevio nods to T'kar. "It's nice to see everyone, and to meet new
people." She grins a bit wickedly. "And Saulith's truly enjoying herself."

Divya slowly sips /this/ glass of wine, closing her eyes to better
concentrate on the taste.

Shaylar leans back against her weyrmate and smiles at F'tan, "Not even a
taste of the Benden?" She offers her untouched glass to Roltan, "Some of
the good stuff?"

Keira still has a skeptic look about her as she regards this latest wine,
Benden make or not. After a moment she smiles at the 'tipsy' comments going
around, "I think I've had just about a full glass now. Between all the
previous sips, I mean. Which is probably more than enough..." Nevertheless,
she tries the Benden.

Kassima finds herself a full glass of the Benden and a place to sit, out of
the way enough to be unobtrusive. "What, Kich, y'mean risk jumping on
tables or doing strip-shows in *public*?" she murmurs with mock-shock and
rather wicked humor.

Lysseth> Fasolth curls in under Cariath's wing, his own flicking up to
touch hers as his neck curls around hers from the back, allowing him to
nuzzle lightly at her throat.

While speaking casually to Tarlo, Ouryn pulls from a deep pocket a bottle
of redfruit liqueor. "I recall your penchant for making these," he grins in
fond remembrance. "Did you bring any with you this day?"

Lysseth> Mvraeth warbles even more joyfully now. As he saw the other
Dragons doing it, he gently bumps Saulith's muzzle.

Roltan idly runs his fingers on Shaylar's back.

P'tod shrugs, grinning at Keira. "Well, you can just taste and spit it out
like we've been supposed to be doing, right?" He seems highly amused at the
idea of one glass being 'more than enough.'

S'rist glances off towards the kitchen, "I wonder what's taking Math so
long in there..."

S'rist steps away from the tables and heads into the busy kitchen.

Kichevio sighs sorrowfully. "I would if I could, Kassi, but I doubt Maylia
would approve. I'd get busted down to whatever rank is below
weyrling...egg, maybe?"

F'tan lifts one hand. "No. Thank you. It'll be too much, belive me." He
grins. "The hardest things to come is certainly to convince Mvraeth to
return to the Weyr."

T'kar grins widely over at Kassima. "Have you got something of the sort
planned, Kassi?" He chuckles at Kichevio's comments.

"Despite being called the Winecraft," Amara continues, "The Halls in Tillek
and Benden brew much more than just wine. Ales, liquors, cordials are just
the beginning," she says, revealing bottles of each as she speaks, "And
yes, as Ouryn shows, some of my personal favourites, are the liquours, each
a different fruit flavour. Very sweet, almost a dessert drink."

Spitting out? And wasting the drink? Is -that- what folk are supposed to
do? With a grimace Ouryn looks into his empty glass, the contents of which
were just completely drained. "Ah, chardit," he mutters, hoping Tarlo did
not hear his outburst.

Tarlo giggles a bit. "It's alright, Ory. I was a born trader brat, and I've
heard worse."

Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "So is it still safe to descend on the High
Reaches LC, or shall I stick around here, instead?"

Lysseth> Saulith half-lids her eyes at Mvraeth's attentions. How sweet of

Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Just be warned about the spam."

Telgar Weyr> K'ran's been +watching it. I'm prepared.

Shaylar chuckles at F'tan, "Good luck."

"Ah, but there *isn't* a rank below Weyrling, Kich. That's the dubious
benefit to the position," Kassi intones, lifting one finger into the air.
She does slide an almost wistful glance towards the unveiled liquors.
"Mayhaps after this glass... shells, T'kar, nay *me*. I never strip or hop
on tables. I just refuse t'let those who do ever forget it."

Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "what's goin' on?"

Tarlo calls out, "We'll go to that place when we graduate, Kichevio. What
did you say it was called, Kassi?"

Ouryn grins now that Amara has drawn attentions to her true craft, and his
favorite of her abilities; the liquors. "She has a true gift for brewing
these," the large young man nudges Tarlo gently. "If you would only taste
-one thing-, this would be it."

Telgar Weyr> T'kar says, "Wine tasting."

Elie blinks, looking a little apprehensive at the talk of stripping and
dancing on tables. "I think I'll go see where Emilly went," she murmers,
and scurries off through the crowd.

Elie wanders through the archway, into the lower caverns.

Lysseth> Konnevath pouts at being ignored by Saulith, Cariath and
Temornath. He spies Lysseth all by herself and eagerly waddles in her
direction to see if she'd like someone to keep her company.

Keira sticks her tongue out at P'tod, finding that a much more succinct
answer to his obvious amusement than any comment could be. "Well I can't
just spit it on the floor, can I?" That said, she takes another sip from
her glass and looks around for some more cheese.

Lysseth> In the sky directly above, Indrath swoops down to a landing on the

Lysseth> Fasolth extracts his neck from nuzzling Cariath, flapping a wing
and bugling up at Indrath and his rider.

Lysseth> Saulith breaks off from her crooning at Mvraeth to warble a
greeting to Indrath.

Lysseth> Cariath warbles at Konnevath patiently - she's got two wings, and
they're darn big. But Indrath gets a greeting of bugled delight and

Shaylar smiles, She mutters to Roltan, "... missed... one of the..." 

Kassima grins and wiggles her brows at the Weyrlings. "The Lava Lounge.
Home of mystery, enchantment, and the finest exotic drinks this side of the
Bitra River. *Plus* whimry sandwiches."

Amara chuckles, "Actually Ouryn, and the rest of you," she casts her gaze
out, garnering attention, "I've a new drink to reveal tonight, and I hope
all of you will join me in making the first toast with it. I've even some
cider, if any of you weyrlings back there want."

P'tod shrugs. "Think that's what those buckets over there are for," he
says, gesturing vaguely. Of course, he's not making any use of them whatever.

Kichevio blinks at Kassima. "Do tell--what's whimry?"

T'kar runs a hand through his hair, grinning. "Ah, K'ran's here," he notes,
at a message from Fasolth.

Lysseth> Lysseth opens her eyes more fully, wings rustling in surprise;
someone paying attention to little ol' her with all these other females
around? She'd probably be waving a lace fan if she had one. Instead, she
settles for warblecrooning greetings.

Divya actually debates this generous offer. She asks Amara, "What kind of
drink is it?" She's getting near her limit, and isn't sure if she wants her
last glass to be Benden Red or this new drink.

Lysseth> Indrath wings down from above to alight, with a whimsical grace,
reasonably nearby his clutchsiblings. He affords his rider a foreleg to
dismount even as he rumbles a pleasant greeting to the all the other
dragons, Telgari and non, alike.

Lysseth> K'ran eases down from Indrath's back.

Ouryn pauses in his drink to listen to the rider Kassima. "Whimry
sandwiches? What the shards is that?" he makes a face, partly brought on by
the taste of the Benden the Steward has just sampled. "Give me a Tillek
port any day," he tries to smile to Tarlo while wiping his mouth.

Roltan grins at Shaylar. "Always happens at the worst times..."

F'tan puts down his glass. He breathes deeply. He tries to catch Kichevio's
glance before leaving but doesn't want to disturb. He finally decides to
leave, waving at Shaylar.

Shaylar waves after F'tan, "G'eve, F'tan." She then looks back at Roltan,
"Doesn't it, though."

Tarlo grins, pausing as she gets that 'look' on her face. "Yes," she calls
to T'kar. "Just arrived." she looks to Amara. "It's just cider, right? Not
hard cider or anything..."

Lysseth> K'ran gives his young bronze lifemate a tender caress across one
shoulder before suggesting, reasonably, "Stay warm." Indrath gives a quick
grunt of assent, and K'ran makes his way towards the 'Reaches living cavern.

K'ran strides in from the tunnel to the bowl.

Amara uncovers a large glass bottle, with a deep yellowish brown liquid in
it, that looks somewhat hazy. "This started out as a homebrow, by one of
the bronzeriders down in Ista. I was called in to take a look at it, and
since then, we've been trying to duplicate the process." Pouring nary a
finger into a glass, she holds it up, offering, "Glowbasket brandy."

"Beats the shells out of me," is how Kassima answers the questions about
whimry. "I like t'think 'tis wherry with some sort of special flavoring,
but they insist on calling it *whimry* there. It tastes wonderful, so I
just try nay t'be asking too many questions." Looking towards the
Winecrafter, she inclines her head agreeably. "Always open for a toast, I
should say... *glowbasket* brandy?"

P'tod hrms, perking up with interest at the mention of his home weyr.
"Wonder which bronzerider she means," he remarks to Keira. "You ever hear
anything about that?'

Ouryn grins wide, "Now -thats- a drink for me!" He waits patiently to have
a chance to sample this interesting brew. always one for a challenge, the
large young man eyes the contents of the bottle curiously.

F'tan strides outside to the bowl.

Lysseth> Konnevath croons back at Lysseth, and edges closer. He moves his
head closer to nuzzle her neck, but doesn't quite make contact. He's
waiting to see how she'll take that offer first.

Lysseth> Cariath swerves her head torward Indrath and coos enticingly.

Keira shakes her head slightly in response to P'tod's question, brows
drawing together in a faint frown. "Interesting -name- they have for the
stuff, don't you think?"

Amara grins at P'tod, "I'd say, but it's not often good to go bandying
about Wingleader's names."

K'ran is tugging the gloves off his hands, and threading them through the
epaulet above his right shoulder, as he steps into the warmth of the living
cavern. "Telgar's duties to High Reaches and her queens," he says
pleasantly, supplying an even, deferential salute towards the other riders
present, and then raking that same hand back through his wind-blown hair.

Lysseth> Saulith settles back disconsolately as her brown admirer is taken
from her. Sigh. Alone and abandoned.

Lysseth> F'tan welcomes some fresh air with a grin. Another comes across
his face as he sees Mvraeth standing /very/ close to this lovely green.

Lysseth> With a rumble of deception, Mvraeth lumbers towards F'tan, leaving
Saulith behind.

Lysseth> Wise, that; Lysseth's mercurial, as greens go, but she must be in
amenable spirits today since she curves her neck in an invitation that
could almost be termed coy. The end of her unusually long and serpentine
tail lashes once.

Lysseth> F'tan pats the brown's hide. "I know..."

Roltan just cuddles with his weyrmate, watching the goings on.

Lysseth> F'tan carefully climbs into place between Mvraeth's neckridges.
His lifemate croons gently as he makes himself secure.

Lysseth> Fasolth nudges Cariath towards Indrath with a cheerful croon, then
swivels his head around to Saulith. With a polite duck of his head, he
trudges up to her, butting lightly at the green's chest.

Divya looks at the brandy with caution. "Just how powerful is glowbasket
brandy? It it anything like scumpy?"

P'tod frowns, considering. "A bronze wingleader. Bet it's G'rel."

Tarlo rises from where she sits with Ory and waves to K'ran. "I think we're
allowed to have the cider," she calls to him, "But I'm not sure yet."

Lysseth> Mvraeth warbles a last time towards Saulith and again for the other.

Amara goes on, "As you might guess from the name," she explains, "The brew
had a bit of an accident but was perfectly salvagable. The result, a very
heady brandy that has a slight bit of luminescense to it. Don't expect to
be able to see it in here, but if it were dark, it'd be noticeable."

Lysseth> Indrath steps unhesitatingly closer to Cariath -- clearly less in
response to that coy look, and more in answer to an unspoken command.

Lysseth> Saulith warbles one last good-bye to Mvraeth, then accepts
Fasolth's attentions with a little croon. How kind of you! I have always
depended upon the kindness of strange browns. Or even mostly familiar ones.

First whimry sandwiches, and now scumpy. "What is it you folk eat about
this place?" mock-demands Ouryn of his friend Tarlo, making an exaggerated
face. "All these strange names ... no wonder, you're probably all got
snow-sickness or something being so high up here."

Keira nudges P'tod in the side with her elbow, grinning, "Shush, you. Don't
want to start any -unfounded rumors- do you?"

P'tod rolls his eyes at Keira. "That seems to be what I'm best at these days."

Kassima darts a glance towards Tarlo, following the direction of her wave
and lifting her glass in salutation to the newest-arrived Weyrling. "So
long as 'tisn't hard cider, there shouldn't be any problem," she
assures--before her attention is diverted entirely by Amara's announcement;
she gives a low whistle. "Drinks that *glow*. Now there's an effect I'd
love t'reproduce. Imagine if'n the Bottle *glowed*...."

"I'll satisfy myself with klah," K'ran says with a light laugh, before
moving to choose a seat opposite Tarlo. "This is probably one of the few
occasions where there's no temptation at all for me."

Lysseth> Konnevath rumble-croons and delicately nuzzles Lysseth's neck.
Then he positions his big body to shelter her from the chilly 'Reaches
wind, and lines up his tail with hers.

Lysseth> Cariath curves her wing over Indrath, and curves her neck, running
her muzzle along his the length of his to end up nuzzling his throat. A
momentary swerve torward Fasolth - did she do it right? - and then back to
Indrath, to see if he liked it.

Winecraft apprentices, obviously growing tired, begin to distribute small
glasses, each filled with the honey-borwn liquid. When each person has a
glass, of the brandy, or cider, or klah, the Master raises her own glass to
the air.

Shaylar sips at the red wine in her glass quietly, finishing off the
contents before she thinks about it. She looks down and frowns, "Hmmm..."

Tarlo smiles. "Ouryn, this is K'ran, bronze Cariath's weyrling, K'ran, this
is Ouryn, Ista's Steward and a friend of mine from when I was back at
Weaverhall. Do you want some cider? I'm going to get me a mug, I can get
for either or both of you, too."

Lysseth> Indrath releases a quiet noise, not at all unlike a purr, and his
eyes narrow to slits of brilliant green pleasure.

Lysseth> Fasolth bugles brightly, coming alongside Saulith and laying his
neck across hers, his patented move by now. He offers an encouraging croon
to Cariath, then loops around, muzzle giving its attentions to Saulith's
lower neck.

Divya takes a tiny glass of the brandy, ready to try it if Kassima is. She
can't be shown up by a visiting rider, now can she?

Ouryn brings his own glowbasket brandy in a toast to the Vintner. "To you,
Amara!" he grins over the crowd. "And many successes to you was well! A
fine job, and a fine Crafter you've become!" And with his salute, the
Steward takes a deep draught of the liquor. "Whoo! Warms one up, that
does!" he says in appreciation.

P'tod takes a gulp of the brandy and nearly chokes. He gets it down with a
grin. "Whew! Even tastes like it glows. Not bad stuff though, not bad at all."

Ouryn gives a smile and a greeting, his large hand palm-up in the old
tradition. "Well met, K'ran, and Ista's duties," he adds after imbibing his
bit of brandy.

K'ran is back to his feet, that introduction made, to offer Ouryn another
of those deferential salutes. "Steward," he says, quite formally, before
relaxing and taking his seat once again as the other man's attention
wanders. "Pleasure's mine. No thanks, Tarlo -- I'll stay dry, tonight."

Amara laughs, "Well, I'd planned on toasting to High Reaches for the
invitation, or perhaps to the rider who discovered it, but, well, I won't
not drink to myself!" she tosses back the drink, and rights herself, smiling.

Lysseth> Lysseth, quite pleased with this turn of events, exhales a soft
sigh of satisfaction and tucks her smaller frame closer to his. *Ever* so
kind of him to shield her thus, and she nonchalantly steals her own tail
lightly across his to show her appreciation.

Tarlo looks over. "Are you sure?" she asks. "There's no bite to it, it
hasn't any alcohol."

Lysseth> Saulith lightly twines her neck with Fasolth's thoroughly enjoying
the attention.

Kassima accepts a glass likewise, and shows absolutely no hesitation in
tipping it back to drink to the Master--though she does dart an amused
glance towards Divya as she drinks. "That," she decides, setting the glass
down half-drained, "is a bloody *fine* brandy."

Keira drinks a bit more cautiously of the brandy, but she still goes
wide-eyed after the initial sip. "Ah...oooh, that's...not bad." She blinks
a couple of times, looking as though she's doing an internal check to make
sure the liquor hasn't burned through anything important.

Divya sips at the brandy, eyes widening at its punch. She discards the
remainder of her glass of Benden Red and knocks back the rest of it with a
single swallow.

"I'm sure," replies K'ran, with an easy smile. "I'm just trying to take
Aisling's advice." His gaze wanders over towards Kassima, and he inquires,
furtively, of his tablemates, "How long's she been at it?"

Ouryn grins and while appreciating K'ran's respect, asks that he be simply
"Ory, if you please." Having said that, the large young man waves again to
Amara. "M'am, if you please," he starts with a laugh. "I'd like you to meet
an old, old aquaintance of mine."

Amara moves away from the table, as she puts her own glass down. "Guests,"
she intones clearly, "Help yourselves."

P'tod glances around and locates a table to lean discreetly against as he
finishes off his glass. "Eh. Going right to my head, too," he says,
blinking a bit.

Tarlo mms. "Not sure...she's still making jokes, but Kassi always does."
she starts to rise, calling, "Kich, do you want some cider?" but pauses
when Ory speaks.

Amara walks over to Ouryn, looking far up at the young man, "Ma'am! You
brat, Ouryn!" she says, laughingly indignant.

Once her voice returns, Divya says, "Master Amara, Kassima's right. That is
a bloody fine brandy. My father will cry in his wine for weeks when he
learns what he missed."

Kichevio shakes her head from her chair, where she's watching the carnage
begin. "No, I've got water. I'm fine, thanks."

Amara casts a quick smiles Divya's way, calling back. "I do have bottles
for sale," and just letting that trail off.

Tarlo looks slyly at Amara. "How much?" she asks. After all, it would be
nice to produce something special for post-graduation...

Kassima takes a turn at being competetive, and gestures towards one of
those handy distributing people for a refill; when her glass is once more
full, she tips her head back and drains the glass dry without stopping for
breath. Setting it back on the table with a thunk--and missing, more's the
pity, the question as to her drinking--she opens her mouth to call a
similar appreciation... and only manages a wheezy cough. "*Very* good," she
agrees in a mutter when her voice finally comes back.

Lysseth> Fasolth rubs his head up and down the length of Saulith's neck,
then licks her muzzle cheerfully.

Keira seems to be listing a bit as she walks toward a table to set down her
glass. She attempts to straighten up, but ends up leaning ever so slightly
in the opposite direction. Perhaps it would be wiser to find something to
lean against.

Lysseth> Saulith pulls back from the lick with a funny little chirp that
could almost be a giggle. She blinks at Fasolth, then darts her head
forward and licks back.

With a wide, rueful smile, Ory takes the verbal abuse from Amara with a
little bow. "Many thanks to you, Master, and your fine Craft." He rises to
address his companions. "Master Amara, this is gold weyrling Tarlo, an old
aquaintance. And this is bronze weyrling K'ran."

Divya looks from the bowl to the brandy and back several times. She doesn't
want a hangover, since that will make Konn complain for days. But onthe
other hand...that is darn fine brandy.

Lysseth> Cariath watches the brown, and promptly mimics his actions, only
on Indrath. She seems absolutely delighted at seeing how her favorite stoic
bronze reacts to being licked under his muzzle.

Tarlo smiles. "A pleasure, Master Amara." she says.

P'tod giggles softly. "Hey Keira.. you're walking crooked," he points out
with much amusement. "Need me to hold you up?"

Amara smiles brightly at the two guests, "A pleasure to meet you, Tarlo,
K'ran," she says, looking up to make eye contact with both, and flushing
slightly. "And please, from all of you, just Amara is fine. I keep hearing
master and looking around for Averil."

T'kar stands up gradually. "It is getting late. I'm going to head on home,
as much as Fasolth will be disappointed. I'm certain he'll be glad to help
out if your dragons are ever lonely in the future," he tells Tarlo and
Kichevio, rolling his eyes with amusement. "See you all back at the Weyr.
Thank you!" he calls to the Winecrafter as he heads out.

"I don't suppose there's any hope of buying into the secret of how it
glows?" Kassi wonders with a hint of rasp, but her amused tone suggests she
knows that the question is likely rhetorical.

Lysseth> Fasolth butts back playfully at Saulith's head, not hard enough to
hurt of course.

Tarlo grins. "Alright, Amara...and since we're such good friends with Ory,
surely you wouldn't mind sharing what the price is for one of those lovey
bottles of brandy? I'm thinking it would make a great appearance at our
post graduation events."

Divya gives in to temptation and gets another small glass of brandy. She
salutes Kassima with it and swallows it in a single gulp.

K'ran half-rises, to sketch a polite bow to Amara. "The pleasure was ours,"
he says lightly. "I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to sample Winecraft's

Keira takes a playful backhand swing at P'tod's arm, and misses by about
two inches. "No, I'm -fine-, thank you much." It takes her a moment to
regain her equilibrium after the swing, then she adds more quietly, "Might
be time to go home, though..."

Lysseth> Saulith swats at Fasolth. Oh, be-_have_!

T'kar wanders outside to the bowl.

Amara nods to Tarlo, "Certainly. That large size is going for 5 marks, but
I've smaller bottles for 2 a piece." With a shy smile she turns to K'ran,
"Get word to me at your graduation," she says, turning again to face Tarlo,
"And I'll make sure to visit Telgar so you can enjoy."

Lysseth> T'kar's laughter rings through the bowl as he pulls Fasolth away
from Saulith and heads out.

Lysseth> T'kar hoists himself up to Fasolth's neck.

P'tod opens his mouth to answer, and a hiccup comes out. "Er," he says
thoughtfully, "I think you may be right. 'Cause if I have more.. I'm going
to be pretty much laid out."

Divya stumbles slightly toward Amara and asks, "Do you have any of the
smaller bottles with you, by chance?"

K'ran resumes his seat after just a moment, though he throws a bit of a
puzzled look towards Ouryn as he does so. "Of course," he mutters quietly.

Amara nods to Divya, "Certainly. The apprentices can handle to sales."

Keira teases, "What? That doesn't sound like the Tod -I- know." A giggle
escapes her, much to the bluerider's immediate chagrin. Swallowing the wine
was probably a bad idea, in retrospect.

"Well!" P'tod's quick to excuse himself. "That bandy, brandy whatever, was
really strong."

Kassima grins at the salute, and fetches herself another glass in order to
return it. "Most impressive," she compliments Divya before following suit.
That guy on the Man Show has nothing on her. And if she's starting to blink
a bit more than she normally would, well.... "Oh, P'tod," she wheedles over
her shoulder, hearing this, "live a little, why don't you?"

Lysseth> Konnevath is happy now. He's got a pretty green to snuggle with,
all to himself. He lowers his head to nuzzle her neck again.

Amara eyes Ouryn as well, knowing her friends tendancy towards
unintentional mischief. "You know, I don't think I've seen you in a good
two turns Ory."

Tarlo digs into her tunic, but is dissapointed, not nearly enough marks. "I
will." she assures Amara, "And I'll see what I can scrounge up to have a
bottle to share with my fellow weyrlings." she smiles and grabs some cider
before sitting back down. "I know!" she comments in light of Amara's
statement. "I haven't seen him in about as long myself."

Kichevio tosses a quarter-mark piece in Tarlo's direction. "There's my
contribution. My life savings," she teases.

Telgar Weyr> Tarlo takes this opportunity to promise Aisling that the
weyrlings aren't drinking alcohol! Though if I have my way,
post-graduation's gonna be a pah-tay.

Keira nods emphatically in response to P'tod's comment on the brandy,
having to catch herself against the nearby table as she leans a bit too
far. "Okay, I know when -I've- had enough. 'M heading home."

Amara remains standing, any advantage one can get..."When you consider he
probably sees my brother every day, you;d think he could find his way to
come visit occassionaly," she winks. "Or is it something at Ista? I see
Brin didn't make it. Should I be wondering who he'll make me an Aunt by
next?" she jokes.

Ouryn blushes as the two women begin to discuss him, right in front of his
very eyes. "Tell me, K'ran, what is it that makes women act as though you
are invisible to them?" he innocently grins at the weyrling, dipping into a
pouch to withdraw a pair of mark-chits. Flipping the coins to a nearby
'prentice, the Steward points to a bottle Tarlo had her eye on. "For the
gold weyrling," he indicates.

P'tod nods agreement. "'Kay. Sorry," he calls over his shoulder to Kassima.
"I'm gonna make sure my wingmate gets home all right."

Telgar Weyr> T'kar snickers. "Yeah, the dragons are being naughty, though.
All traceable to none other than Fasolth."

Lysseth> Lysseth affects a delicate shiver at the nuzzle, bowing her head
demurely and stretching out one grey-limned wing to rest over his back in
turn. Okay, so a brown doesn't fit as well under a green's wing as
vice-versa, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

Divya knows better than to try and keep up. She bows her head in defeat to
Kassima, and switches to water. That will keep the hangover painful instead
of murderous.

P'tod overhears Amara's comment. "Prob'ly Celis!" he calls across the
cavern to her, too far gone to be tactful. "Only don't tell 'em I said that!"

Telgar Weyr> Aisling snickers. I think Ais drank more in her one night with
Merilan & Kassima than she had in her entire life. ;)

Lysseth> Saulith huffs and settles back in the Bowl, watching the two pairs
with just a hint of greenish envy.

Tarlo looks surprised. "Ory, you shouldn't..." she digs out her single mark
and Kich's quarter mark and holds it out to the steward. "I'll give you the
rest when I can." she says insistently.

K'ran lifts his shoulders in a mild shrug, a bit of sheepishness slipping
into his expression. "I wouldn't know, Steward," he says, very quietly --
perhaps so as not to attract the attention of his fellow weyrlings. "I
don't often have that problem."

"Well, that's a worthy cause," Kassi decides with regret. "But you'll have
t'be coming to Telgar for the Weyrlings' graduation--if'n what I'm
overhearing is right, it should be eventful. Oh, and Tarlo... how many
marks d'you need?" Divya's concession earns her a wink. "You're wise," she
admits. "Much more of this tonight and 'twill be having t'drink m'weight in

Lysseth> Cariath lifts a wing for Saulith. Group hug!

Ouryn tries not to laugh at P'tod's comment thown towards Amara, and is
mostly sucessful. He must wipe a tear from his eye with the effort to
remain in a respectable position.

Amara snorts at the other Istan brownrider, and grins at Ouryn and K'ran,
"Oh, like two handsome men like you are starved for attention, we can't
talk about you for a bit," she grins.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima beams at Ais. Oh, good. We corrupted you! ;)

Lysseth> Saulith joins Cariath and Indrath happily. I'm loved! She
stretches her wings wide as well, even though they don't cover much of the
gold and bronze.

Tarlo umms, "We'll need a big bottle for all the weyrlings to have at least
a shot. I've got one and an eighth here, lt costs five." Another sly grin
at Ory. "All in payment now to Ista's steward.

Keira snorts softly at P'tod and mutters, "Like you're in better shape..."
Then she smiles brightly and waves to Kassi and the other Telgari. "'Night,

Divya admits ruefully, "I had to learn the hard way about drinking other
riders under the table. Konnevath made me pay for it for days each time."

Telgar Weyr> Merielan agrees with Aisling.."Especially 'bottle'.."

P'tod stumbles toward the exit. "I'm fine, anyway, 'smy responsibility to
take care of the ones in my wing," he mumbles, slurring his words somewhat.

Telgar Weyr> M'rgan heys! No corrupting my soon-to-be-back wingrider. Even
if she /is/ a greenie.

Ouryn rolls his eyes at Amara, and shares a pained grimace with K'ran.
"Insufferable", his expression seems to say, though his sea-green gaze is
warm with good humor. As for the marks ... "Would not hear of it," the
Steward presses Tarlo's marks back into her hands. "Please, think of it as
an Impression gift, from me." His large fingers inadvertently linger on the
lass' hands a moment.

Telgar Weyr> Aisling gulps and hides Douglas.

Telgar Weyr> Merielan stands with Aisling to hide their child. 'You won't
take him away from us M'rgan!"

Kassima winces a fraction at that report, but digs into her belt pouch.
"Never let it be said I don't contribute to the Drunken New Riders Cause.
G'night, Keira, P'tod--duties to Ista and her queens again!" At the word
'gift,' she leaves the marks be. "Oh, well, that's all right, then.
Sharding generous, too."

Kichevio watches the mass Istan exit with amusement...and lifts an eyebrow
at Ouryn.

Keira moves toward the exit with the over-careful walk of someone who
-knows- that their sense of balance is playing them false.

Kassima chuckles low in her throat then, nodding to Divya. "I still do it,"
she admits with cheer and no shame. "Have t'show off m'Benden heritage
*somehow*. But I usually regret it... and that's how I ended up with three
of m'children besides."

Amara smiles at Tarlo, "Seems like you'll be taking home a bottle after all

Ouryn tosses Kassima a grateful look, blushing a bit from his boldness. He
too, bids a good night to P'tod and Keira, waving as they depart.

P'tod follows after Keira, not quite as careful, and nearly falling down a
few times as a result.

Tarlo smiles a touch. "Call it a gift to my weyrling class for graduation,
and it's a deal." she assures, and leans in to give him a kiss on the
cheek. "Thank you, Ory." she says before sitting down nex to K'ran. "Kass,
need us to go with, or are we safe?"

Keira pauses near the exit, turning back with a sudden frown. "Ory! You'll
be able to get home, won't you?" She looks embarassed at having nearly
forgotten him.

Ouryn blinks a moment, a long pause of thought in which the Steward is
strangely peaceful in his transgressions. And suddenly, his face blooms the
colors of the sunset. He tries to strangle out his thanks, brushing off
Tarlo's kiss as though it were nothing. The poor clod stumbles terribly and
fails to maintain any semblance of cover.

P'tod nearly bumps into Keira as she suddenly halts. "Ach, watch where
you're going," he scolds her, despite that he's the one who really ought to
hear that.

"Go with?" Kassi repeats, tilting her head. "You're going? Go on ahead--I
always tell Lyss t'be sure t'remember t'get the image from the watchrider
back home and nay me, when I go out drinking. Though she still makes me
sleep it out on the floor of the bar sometimes. Cold-hearted wench."

Divya owlishly watches the Istan riders atttempt to leave. "Uhh, do you
guys want to spend the night? We've got plenty of guest weyrs to house your

Echo meanders in from the tunnel to the bowl.

Keira pokes at P'tod and mutters, "You watch where -you're- going. Nearly
running over an innocent woman...sheesh, I swear, what do they teach riders
these days?" She can't quite hold back a giggle, though she glances back
toward Ouryn again, still waiting for a response.

P'tod carefully turns himself about to face Divya. "Kind of you, but I
ought ta be getting back, so Fluria doesn't worry," he explains, carefully
separating his words to preserve clarity of speech.

Ouryn blinks out of his reverie, grateful for a chance to escape his
embarrasement. "Oh, yes, Keira!" he calls over to the lass. "I'll be fine!"
He grins and waves to the departing Istans, a recently arriving fellow
islander also catching his attentions. "And heyla, Echo!"

K'ran leans back in his chair, content to do more watching and listening
than conversing. That easy smile lingers on his lips, particularly as he
watches the Telgar wingleader.

Keira nods and waves to Ouryn, then turns and continues out, having
apparently missed the invitation to stay entirely.

Divya thinks sluggishly for a minute then brightens. "WE can send a
firelizard with a message if you wanna stay. We got lots here."

Tarlo looks over to K'ran. "What do you think?" she asks softly. "I could
give the bottle to Merie or Aisling for safe keeping until graduation." she
lets her elbow rest on the table and leans her head against the heel of her
hand, smiling at him.

"Just wondering," Kichevio murmurs to Tarlo, as she stands. "I'm going to
head home--got some things to look over before tomorrow. Have fun, you all."

Tarlo nods to Kichevio. "Sleep well, Wingleader!" she grins.

P'tod blinks stupidly as something that someone just said begins in him the
stirrings of alarm. "Noooo," he says. "I gotta go..." he shuffles around
Keira and starts toward the exit at a quicker pace, but trips on a chair
leg and falls to his knees.

Kichevio sketches a little half-bow as she leaves.

Kichevio strides outside to the bowl.

Lysseth> Kichevio disappears up onto Saulith's spring-green back.

Lysseth> Saulith croons goodbye to everyone, and launches.

Echo walks in, long red hair very bright. Or maybe it's just your
wine-slurred eyes. She flases Ouryn a bright smile and heads over, dodging
drunks as she does so, nearly knocking over a few herself in the process.
Bad balance, you see. "Hi! I heard there was... erm, wine testing going on
here today? Unless The 'Reaches are always this... happy?"

Kassima suggests to the Istans with a note of real concern, "Be careful,
you two. Going *between* tipsy's a risky business." The reminder of which
makes her regard her empty glass with some ruefulness before standing. "And
methinks I should go a'fore I get too schnockered m'self. But, Steward--"
She casts an inquisitive look towards Ouryn. "Would it be possible t'be
getting a couple of those small bottles ere I go?"

"I think -- goodnight, Kich -- that leaving it with Merielan or Aisling may
not be a bad idea. Or Kassima, or I'sai." K'ran's gaze follows Kichevio out
of the cavern before sliding over to Tarlo. "Either that or we could leave
it in Steward Ouryn's hands, and come to get it when the time's right."

Carissa meanders into the cavern from the lower caverns.

Keira pauses to help P'tod to his feet, turning back to smile at Kassima.
"I'm just a little unbalanced, not completely wasted. Besides, I'll have
Csoeth double-check with the watchdragon." Peering down at P'tod she adds,
"And we'll make sure Semeth does, too."

Divya holds up her small bottle and asks, "Maybe we should get together
some time and toast the memory of this night?"

Carissa wanders out, looking, well.. unlike herself. Her face is drawn, her
eyes downcast, and her lips in a frown that's been on her face for days.

P'tod hesitates, then lets out a delicate burp before grinning his thanks
to Keira. "Good idear," he agrees, nodding happily. Yup, yup, yup.

Flashing a brief expression of concern for his rider-companions, Ouryn bids
the Istans a final farewell, and his own admonishment to take a care. And
with Kassima's query - "Oh, certainly!" he exclaims, a couple more chits
exchanged for a pair of small bottles of the glowbasket brandy. "With my
compliments to your weyrling class," he grins, and presents them to
Kassima. He knows they'll go to good use in her hands.

Divya chuckles at the naivete of the Telgar weyrlings. They're planning to
leave this great brandy with Kassima and think it will still be there after
graduation? Yeah, right!

Keira justlaughs and shakes her head slightly, heading for the exit again.
Maybe she can actually make it -outside- this time.

Kassima grins to Keira, somewhat reassured. "All right, then--sorry; call
it the Wingleader in me, if'n 'twill. Good night t'you both, then." She
blinks at being passed the bottles, and though she looks quite pleased, she
protests, "That's too kind of you. You should let me pay for these--I can
afford 'em and then some," and she tries to pass him two two-mark pieces to
prove it. "Really, sir. And that sounds like a plan t'me, Divya--I'll toast
aught I can, y'know."

Tarlo seems intent on keeping the bottle given to her in someone other than
Kassima's hands. "Actually, I think Oury keeping it would be a good
idea..we can just go to Ista to get it, and that's not a far jump from Boll."

Keira strolls outside to the bowl.

P'tod gives a broad and cheerful wave that nearly unbalances him, calling
"Clear sskies!" as he follows Keira out.

P'tod strolls outside to the bowl.

Lysseth> Csoeth lifts his head and lets out a faintly worried croon in the
direction of his wobbling rider.

Lysseth> P'tod makes his way over to Semeth and takes a careful grip on the
straps. "Lower down," he requests, and Semeth crouches all but to the
ground to let him mount.

Divya giggles loudly, giving away her less-than-sober condition. "I'll come
by to join you next sevenday, then! Plus, Konn wants to come see your green."

Carissa frowns, "What're all these people doing here?" she asks, frown

Ouryn shrugs amiably, and takes both the marks and the bottles from
Kassima. "With a pleasure, ma'am!" he winks playfully, tucking the flasks
away. "And I'd be glad to have you enjoy Ista's hospitality .. and mine,"
he adds ina quiet, shy mutter to Tarlo.

Lysseth> Keira giggles again, patting Csoeth reassuringly. "We'll make it
home, love. You just have to ask someone -there- for the picture..." She's
not quite as quick as usual, but she manages to scramble up the blue's side.

Lysseth> Keira uses Csoeth's forearm as a step, then pulls herself aboard
via his straps.

Lysseth> P'tod grasps Semeth's straps firmly and swings himself up to perch
atop the brown's neck.

Tarlo smiles. "Thank you, Ory." she says. "We will stop by for it, I
promise." she offers him back the bottle.

K'ran's smile widens momentarily, though at what is not immediately clear.
He leans back in his chair and folds his arms across his chest, his gaze
still resting on Kassima.

Divya explains to Carissa, "We had a wine tasting tonight. And some bloody
fine brandy afterwards. 'S called 'glowbasket brandy'."

Blushing still, like a boy, Ouryn takes the proffered bottle from Tarlo's
grasp and manages to find a wandering 'prentice to fetch him a sack in
which to put the liquor. "Don't know what the weyr will think of me with
all this in my office!" he laughs.

Kassima adopts a rather confused expression as the marks *and* the bottles
are taken. But then realization strikes, a bit more belatedly than it
usually would. "Oh--you'll hold onto 'em for me, then? Thankee most kindly;
that's good of you." She does steal a glance towards the Weyrlings,
flicking a wry smile upon noticing that she's being watched. "Sometime,
K'ran," she suggests cheerfully, "we'll have t'see who could drink whom
under the table, you or I. And sir--please, 'tis just Kassi; I'm nay
anywhere near old enough t'be a ma'am yet." Flashing Divya a grin, she
agrees, "Sounds lovely--and Lyss would approve, I'm sure."

Tarlo grins. "They'll probably think you're lightening up." she teases.

"Kassi," K'ran says quietly, his smile broadening as he tries on this new
manner of address. "I have every confidence that you'd drink me under the
table, and then some."

Tarlo turns faintly pink for some reason as she sits back down and mulls
over her cider.

Carissa nods slowly, "Ohkay.."

Telgar Weyr> Merielan waves "g'night Telgari"

Carissa wanders outside to the bowl.

Lysseth> Cariath rises from her seated position and bugles to Sielth.

Ouryn grins as now its someone else's turn to blush. "That shade of red
looks quite becoming on you!" he teases Tarlo with a wink. "And yes, Kassi,
I will hold onto them as long as needed," this last is called over to the
rider with a smile and a nod.

Lysseth> Indrath does likewise, leaning back on his haunches and calling a
fierce welcome to Sielth.

Kassima, never the sort to object to use of her name, matches the smile
with a grin of her own. "Probably," she agrees, flippant. "But I've had
more Turns t'practice, I should rather say. And besides... I'm from Benden.
Natural advantage." Laughing, she takes up a last piece of cheese and sets
for the door. "Thankee, good Steward--and g'night and duties t'everyone!"

Lysseth> In the sky directly above, Sielth flies down to land gently on the

Lysseth> Sielth offers a soft croon as she makes her way smoothly from the

Echo goes home.

Divya rises unsteadily and says, "I think I'd better head to my weyr as
well. If R'lym finds me asleep on the kitchen floor again he'll peel my
skin off one inch at a time."

Tarlo smiles at the Steward's compliment but says to K'ran, "Do you think
we should be getting back? We're running out of riders to go home with."

You stroll outside to the bowl.

Aisling slips off of Sielth, giving Cariath a funny look before she
chuckles softly. "Alright."

Cariath croons at Aisling. She doesn't get it either.

Kassima is making her way as best she can out of the Living Cavern,
concentrating on not teetering or wavering. She even manages, to a point.
"Ais, Ais!" she hails. "Try the brandy in there, do. Amazing stuff. I'm
just on m'way back a'fore I could drink m'self into a hangover that would
last ten Turns... now, Lysseth, c'mon. We have t'leave. You know. Go back.
Tonight." Lysseth pouts. But, but, she's all nice and warm with Konnevath.

Divya walks out of the living cavern.

Divya stumbles outside after Kassi. "Konn! Time to go to bed. Tell the
pretty green good night and we'll go visiting in a couple of sevendays!"
After the hangover that's coming is long gone.

Kassima aims a light poke at Lysseth's hindquarters. Poke. Poke. "See?
He'll come visit. So move your tail." The green heaves a great sigh, and
gives Konnevath a mournful, apologetic look before delicately disentangling
herself. Riders. Such a demanding lot.

Aisling laughs softly. "Brandy, I do not need. Maybe a nice cup of klah
would do the trick." She offers Divya a quick grin before adding. "Telgar
Weyr's duties."

Konnevath pouts as well. He doesn't want to leave his pretty green! He
rumbles unhappily but backs off when his Rider starts poking him as well.
How undignified.

Divya burps out brandy fumes and says, "'Reaches duties! They got plenty of
wine left, but I think Kassi and I got all the brandy. Sowwy!"

Ouryn strolls out of the living cavern.

In the sky directly above, Mauroth swoops down to a landing on the ground.

Divya laboriously pulls herself up onto Konnevath's back, and clumsily
wraps the straps around herself to hold her in place. Buckles are beyond
her now.

Divya vaults up onto Konnevath's back, using his straps as handholds.

"You have *nay* taste," Kassi chides Aisling, shaking a finger at her. And
forgetting to stop for a few moments, until Lysseth nudges her shoulder.
"All right, *all* right, I'm going. Really." As she hauls herself onto
Lysseth's neck, she carols, "Nay more brandy for anyone else!"

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> On Mauroth, X'dren waves enthusiastically as he swings down. "Hello!
Ouryn--wow! Long time without much chance to talk! What brings you here?"
The others get cheerful waves and almost embarressedly-shy smiles.

<*> X'dren climbs down Mauroth's side to the ground, using her foreleg as a

<*> From atop Konnevath, Divya waves to the people in the bowl and shaikily
sings, "Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye! Konn--home!" The brown dragon resignedly
rises and heads for his weyr after warbling his own farewell to the greens.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima thanks everyone who went to HRW for the RP, BTW. I had
a lovely and alcohol-intensive time, and would not leave but that I need to
idle very soon. ;)

<*> Mauroth warbles back brightly...

<*> Aisling offers X'dren a quick smile. "Hello again." she greets. Sielth
offers Konnevath a mournful croon.

<*> Lysseth picks herself up off the Bowl once her rider is securely
buckled in, and rumbles half-grumpy partings to the dragons. Really, why
her rider has to go and drag her away just when she's getting
comfortable--"*Lysseth*." Oh, all right. She's off!

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You launch into the sky.