-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be Careful What You Wish For Date: July 28, 1998 Place: Nabol Hold's Gather Grounds Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: One has to be very, very careful about asking Kassi for a favor. She's such a friendly sort of person that she'll probably try to oblige you--but because she's Kassi, she may not exactly do so in the way you were expecting. In this log, Kassi not only makes a bronzerider's life miserable, but she also invites the Curse of the Brownie down on her head yet again. It's all in a day's work for this greenrider! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You go out to the gather grounds. G'har covers Lyndra's hand with his own, his grin crooked as he corrects lightly, "G'har, not sir. Pretty please? And well met, yes." Channie arrives from the road. Ceria arrives from the road. A'lex arrives from the road. Lyndra nods readily. "Of course, sir. G'har. You ride a bronze, you said? From Ista? That's so pretty a place, I hear." A'lex says "Where to, ladies?" Kassima brushes a stray leaf out of her hair as she returns from the orchards, looking only slightly the worse for wear. These glorified riding leathers are useful things. "Still need rescuing?" she asks of G'har when she spots him. Channie looks around, "No minecraft tent I see. They don't tend to do gathers much anymore do they?" Ceria glances around. "I think I'll go check out the weaver tent," she comments. G'har flashes a grin to Kassi. "Not in need of rescuing at all, and many thanks for earlier. Faranth, she was almost as persistent as...I don't even have the word." To Lyndra, he nods agreeably. "Fal's bronze, yes, and Ista's lovely. I'm quite glad to live there." A'lex nods, "Guess not." Channie waves to Ceria, "want company?" R'ehn arrives from the road. Ceria smiles at Channie. "I wouldn't mind some," she says, "but you don't have to come if you don't want to." The suggestion that she is someone from whom G'har needs rescuing wins a look of near-alarm from Lyndra until G'har reassures her. Hands again clasp behind her as she regards Kassima and company, then she remains silent as if lost in what next to say. Surely, her mouth works to form a syllable or two, but no sound emerges. Julasha arrives from the road. Kassima warns in a low voice, "Best be careful, though. Lysseth tells me she's obsessed with seeing your ceiling. I don't even want t'ask why." To A'lex and Nie, she suggests, "Try the Smiths, mayhaps? They sometimes have trinkets and the like...." Channie smiles, "oh, I'd rather like to have a look at the weavers." She looks over at A'lex and Kassi. "Ah, hmm...smiths? But they just have knives and things." Yuck Ceria smiles and heads into the tent. Ceria lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent. G'har's eyes widen at Kassi's words. "But it's blue," he protests, as if that should be a reason for not seeing his ceiling. Very studiously -not- seeing Julasha, he smiles brightly to Lyndra. "Do you know Kassima? She's from Telgar, like M'hryn is, now. Very nice, most of the time." A'lex lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent. Channie lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent. Lyndra's gaze slides from the Istan bronzerider to the Telgar greenr... wingleader. The knot elicits a bobbed curtsey from Lyndra, who says promptly, "Well met, ma'am." R'ehn catches Kassima's comments and groans very quietly to himself. But since he's cruel he pads over to G'har, Kassima, Lyndra and company. He murmurs a quiet greeting. Kassima asks, not understanding, "What's wrong with knives and things?" She then turns to blink at G'har. "Does it mean something, that it's blue? I don't make quite so much of a practice of ceiling-staring m'self. Nice? Me? You flatter me... but aye, Kassima's the name; torment's the game, except when it comes t'someone who can get me a bargain on knives. *Please* don't call me ma'am. Haven't we met a'fore? I seem t'recall that you once came t'Telgar t'look at the eggs? Heya again, R'ehn. Mayhaps you know: does it mean something in particular when a ceiling is blue?" Julasha follows along behind R'ehn and, hearing snatches of conversation, grins. "Well, blue /is/ the superior color, after all." Kiyana goes home. Kandri arrives from the road. G'har groans quietly as he hears Lash, and murmurs to Lyndra, "And that's R'ehn of High Reaches, and, uh, Lash. She likes ceilings, apparently." He shrugs, looking a little uncomfortable. Kassima adds whimsically, "And I'm actually from Benden. Telgar's just the place with which I currently hold an affiliation." At the idea of blue being superior, she snorts. "I prefer green," she says firmly. "And black. And red. Silver's a fine color, too; blue comes next after all of those... but I don't mean in a *ceiling*. I've never seen any colored ceilings, and I don't think I want to." Julasha smiles sweetly, nodding. "I'm a connoisseur of riders' ceilings," she murmurs. R'ehn grins vaguely at Julasha as she answers for him. "What she said." He blinks, "The first, not the last." Kassima would probably be eyeing Julasha askance right now, were it not for a certain reassurance from Bhalth. "I'll take your word for it, then." Lyndra stammers, "I think so, ma'am," to Kassima before repeating like a mantra to herself, "R'ehn, Lash, Kassima...R'ehn, Lash, Kassima...N'ern, Ash...Makissa....: Dione comes out of the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. Kandri smiles at Dione and waves "Dione!" he calls out. G'har informs Kassi, "Whatever insane person had my weyr before I inherited it decided to paint it -all- the most bizarre shade of light blue. It's quite odd." Dione starts on her way down the line of tents then stops and turns around. She smiles and waves, "Heya, Kandri!" Kassima repeats patiently, "Kassima. K-A-S-S-I-M-A. Or Kassi, if'n you'd rather. Never, never, never ma'am... oh? How curious. Perhaps you should paint it some other color, then--something more restful. Black, or beige, or stone-colored, or something." Julasha nods to kassi, though her eyes are on G'har. "I'd be more than happy to give you some expert advice on repainting it, G'har. Just need to sample it first." Kandri jogs over to Dione and grins "having a fun gather?" Lyndra closes her eyes and says firmly, "Kassima. Yes." R'ehn frowns again, shaking his head to himself. "Sorry people, I have to go, yes, must go. Huge favor G'har? After you show Lash you ceiling give her a ride home? I -really- need to go." And at that and without waiting for a response he heads rather swiftly towards the hold. Julasha blinks after R'ehn, then stifles a grin. Good ole R'ehn... Dione chuckles, "Of course. It's turned out very well, so far." She surveys the crowd, "Very well. And the weather is good for it. That helps." G'har's gaze flickers between Kassi and Julasha before remaining, however reluctantly, on the latter. He starts to speak, then makes a distinctly startled noise at R'ehn's request. "But," he calls, after the bluerider's retreating back. Turning back to Julasha, he offers the woman a weak smile. "My ceiling's fine. Really. I -like- the blue." Kassima looks vaguely amused. She mutters to G'har, "... still... tell her... prefer males... you... t'find her... your... evening,... was..." She then waves after R'ehn, calling, "Clear skies, m'friend! Duties to the 'Reaches!" G'har senses Kassima looks vaguely amused. "Y'know, I still think you should tell her that you prefer males unless you want t'find her hiding up in your weyr some evening, claiming she was sampling the ceiling." She then waves after R'ehn, calling, "Clear skies, m'friend! Duties to the 'Reaches!" R'ehn goes out to the road. Kandri nods and grins "Yep." he agrees before seeing one of his helpers waving to him "Excuse me, looks like I'm needed." he says hurrying off into the tents. After watching R'ehn's departure, Lyndra says to no particular person, "I should find my ride and return to Igen before Igen decides they're against my return. Clear skies, all." Julasha shakes her head a bit with a smile. "Ah, but blue's boring, and it clashes with bronze, you see." Dione blinks and waves after Kandri with a chuckle. She continues on her way, glancing about for the schedule. Lysseth> R'ehn arrives from the drumheights. Lysseth> Falsanath whuffles towards R'ehn, clearly more than a little amused. Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles to R'ehn, also amused by something, it would seem. Lysseth> R'ehn hauls himself up Bhalth's side, still shaking his head. Lysseth> R'ehn hops up onto Bhalth's back, using his foreleg as a step. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << My rider says for me to tell you to tell -your- rider that he doesn't think that *Lash* would believe him. Wouldn't it be simpler if he just said it himself? >> Lysseth> Bhalth warbles a confused farewell. Lysseth> Bhalth crouches down into a compact mass. In one massive movement of wing and muscle he leaps into the air, the first downbeat of his wings building on the momentum of his leap. Lysseth> Bhalth spreads his wings and leaps into the air. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth considers this for a moment. << Well, what if my rider could get Nraith's rider to come out here and claim that he's been having an affair with your rider? Would she believe him then? Or perhaps your rider should tell *image of Julasha* that he's involved with *image of R'ehn*.... >> For revenge, don't you see. << Yes, it'd be easier. Riders seem to have something against doing things the easy way. >> Lyndra heads into the SmithCraft Tent. Kassima's eyes seem a bit vague, as though she's speaking with her dragon, but she nevertheless nods absently after Lyndra. "Clear ski--oh, bugger." G'har's gaze unfocuses. "Clashes with bronze?" he babbles. "Oh, I don't think so. Fal likes it, too." He shoots Kassi an oddly pleading look, though it could be interpreted any of a number of ways. "Oh...g'bye, Lyndra." Lysseth> Kemith and Nraith sense that Lysseth rumbles, << My rider wishes to know whether your rider, Nraith, would please come out here and tell *image of Julasha* that he's been flying Falsanath's rider, so that she will believe that Falsanath's rider prefers males? >> Tyrie arrives from the road. Rynet arrives from the road. Kelset arrives from the road. Dragon> Kemith bespoke Lysseth and Nraith with << Why does *image of Julasha* care who Falsanath's rider flies? >> Dragon> Nraith bespoke Kemith and Lysseth with << But *image of A'lex* has not been flying Falsanth's rider... >> "Bronze and blue are very excellent colors, aye," Kassima agrees, still with that vague look that only fellis-sniffers or dragon-bespeaking riders have. Tyrie walks over, and seeing Master Dione, promptly heads over to her. "Master Dione, your apples came in very handy. They were won today by two people in the apple picking contest. I don't see them .." He searches faces, "Or I'd point them out." Julasha cocks her head. "Perhaps, but you just said yourself that the color wasn't something you like." An eyebrow arches. "Fal?" Lysseth> Kemith, Nraith, and Falsanath sense that Lysseth explains, bringing Falsanath into the explanation, << *Image of Julasha* wishes to fly Falsanath's rider, and won't go away. So if she thought that Falsanath's rider and Nraith's rider had been flying each other, maybe she wouldn't want to fly Falsanath's rider any more. Do you see? >> Athena comes out of the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. "...the best around," Kelset agrees, those present hearing only the trailers of his sentence, as he enters from the direction of the orchards, his gitar case swinging beside him, carried from his shoulder, following the Nabolese Assistant Headwoman. G'har gives Kassi a quick smile, then says to Julasha, "Falsanath. I bet he'd be disappointed if I changed it." Athena goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. Rynet looks behind her to see if the Voice Craftmaster is still following. Since he is, she allows herself a small, satisfied smile. Turning, she offers matter-of-factly, "You can get cider from any sort of booths around here." She laughs at her own statement, amending it with, "After all, it is Nabol - and it /is/ the Apple Festival." She grins broadly, her eyes lighting up. Julasha ahs, a look of relief quickly passing over her face. "Falsanath. That's a lovely name. He'd be your lovely bronze taking us home tonight?" Tyrie turns then and sees the Harper. He calls, gleefully, voice cracking per usual. "Harper, Harper!" And waves him over. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Kemith, Lysseth, and Nraith with << I think he should just fly her and be done with it. *G'har* is being silly. >> G'har says carefully, "We can drop you at the Reaches, yes." Where he'll hunt down R'ehn. Lysseth> I bespoke Kemith, Nraith, and Falsanath with << My rider understands. She says that, in his place, she wouldn't want to fly her either. >> Dione pauses and reads over the schedule. She nods at something then hurries back to the Woodsmith tent. Dione goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. Julasha masks an expression of disappointment. "That'd be most appreciated. You'll have to take advantage of our famous hospitality while you're there." Kassima mutters to G'har, cryptically, "Emasculators are handy little devices." Kelset flashes a broad smile to Kassima, a look of slight bemusement glancing across his features at the 'rider's expression. Emerald eyes glancing back to Rynet, he draws a pleasant smile to his lips once more. "I thank you!" Cupping his hands beside his mouth, he yells, "Khavrin!" A young teenager, wearing a rather worn blue Apprentice knot hurries up beside the Master. "Take my gitar case and keep an eye on it until later, all right?" Kelset says, transferring the gitar case to the lad, who promptly hurries off. "Would you care to accompany me for a mug, Ry--" he is cut off as the cry of his craftname is heard. "Lord Holder Tyrie!" he booms in response, a grin drawing up one corner of his lips. "Good evenening to you!" G'har nods agreeably to Julasha. "Hospitality. Sure, sounds wonderful." He says that, of course, because he's just flabbergasted by Kassi's words. "Those things are -horrible-," he informs her. Kassima blinks out of most of her trance, and waves over to Kelset. "Evening, Kelt!" she hails him, before returning to her Plotting of Much Evil. "I don't know about horrible. When there's revenge t'be enacted against male riders who've done something particularly evil t'you recently...." She lets the statement trail off, her words fraught with meaning. G'har's shudder is just perceptible. "It wasn't -that- evil. Nothing is -that- evil." Rynet looks startled at Tyrie's cry. Watching him wave frantically, she sighs and shrugs. "I suppose your cider can wait, hm? After all, the Lord Holder is quite important." She turns to Lord Tyrie, smiling. Dragon> Nraith bespoke Kemith and Lysseth with << *Image of A'lex* says that the girl knows he's weyrmated to *image of Channie* and would probably not believe it. Try asking *image of M'hryn*. >> Julasha snickers, shaking her head. "Not according to R'ehn, G'har." Kassima replies firmly, "*Mart* is that evil. Just ask anyone who knows him." She glances towards the Weavercraft tent, tapping her foot. She's never going to get to discuss knives at this rate. Lysseth> Kemith and Nraith sense that Lysseth is silent for several moments, before reporting, << I do not think my rider is interested in asking *image of M'hryn* much of anything. There must be someone else to ask.... >> G'har rubs at his eyes with the thumb and first finger of his right hand. "So. Lash. How much longer did you want to stay?" Dragon> Nraith bespoke Kemith and Lysseth with << *Image of K'tyn* maybe? >> Julasha says "Ah, now that depends on you. My... schedule... is quite flexible." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth reports ruefully, << Nraith does not think that *image of Julasha* would believe it, since she knows that *A'lex* is sharing weyrspace with *Channie*. Would your rider like my rider to tell *Julasha* that he and A'lex have been having an affair anyway? >> R'lain goes out to the road. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumblesighs. << Ah, well. He seems to think that she won't try to fly him any longer, so I suppose not. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Kemith and Nraith with << He is not here. It needs to be someone who can tell this to *Julasha*. >> Dragon> Lysseth and Nraith sense that Kemith yawns, << MY rider thinks she could make this one leave him alone. >> G'har says, with a faint smile, "I shouldn't stay too much longer. Early drills tomorrow, after all." Kelset responds, laughter lilting through his voice, with similar abandon, "Evening to you, as well, Kassi!" then turns his attention from the greenrider until an opportunity to talk with her offers itself. With a slight gesture, urging Rynet to accompany him, he begins walking toward the Lord Holder, unbuttoned jacket blowing in the cool, autumn breeze. "In a sense, yes," he agrees, if cryptically, speaking to Rynet as they proceed. As they approach Tyrie, he brings a smile to his face. "Telgar and the Hall's greetings, Lord Holder, and congratulations on your Hold's prosperity." Lysseth> I bespoke Falsanath with << All right. But if he changes his mind, Kassima is for some reason quite willing to claim that your rider has been having an affair with Ularrith's rider. She seems to find claiming that Ularrith's rider flies bronzeriders very amusing. >> Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles agreeably. << I'll be sure to tell him. >> Tyrie beams brightly and says "Hello Harper." He advances toward Harper Kelset, "I was going to invite you to play for my festival, as I see yu've got your instruments. Whenever you feel like playing or singing, please, feel free. The Dance Square is all yours." He gestures toward the square in the field. Julasha nods- that suits her just fine. She takes a few steps closer to G'har. "You should be getting to bed early then. We can, of course, offer you accomodations at the 'Reaches. You won't find a more comfortable bed anywhere." Kassima breaks out of her half-daze to ask in disappointment, "Does that mean I'll have t'hunt you down t'finally find out about those knives, then? I suppose there's nay real hurry--what's waited Turns can wait a few sevendays--but, glack, someone else will probably have bought them at this rate." G'har shakes his head to Lash. "Mmm, sorry. I think that staying back at home would be better." He gives Kassi a rather abashed smile. "Uh, well, see, I haven't actually spoken with Master Allory about it, yet. But once I do, I'll come to Telgar and chat with you about it, promise." Julasha is running out of ideas. "Well, in that case... I've always wanted to see Ista. Is it as beautiful as they say, G'har?' G'har's gaze flicks back to Julasha. "I don't know. Depends on who's saying it. It's as beautiful as -I- say, though." Kelset inclines his chin to Tyrie, curls once again blowing across his eyes. "I thank you, Lord Holder. It will be my utmost pleasure," he responds, voice soft and rich--containing that undefinably melodic quality particular to vocal performers. "I hope to have a bit of your famous cider first, however. Tell me--how is this year's stock?" Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles his amusement. << He says that she is too persistant, and, as much as he hates to do it, he would like your rider to say what she mentioned about Ularrith's rider. >> Loren arrives from the road. Rynet grins, following Kelset and coming to a stop next to Tyrie. She gives him a slight smile as she turns to look at the gorgeous view over the apple orchards. She looks up again at the mention of cider, smiling. Wasn't that her original destination? Julasha hmms. "And how beautiful is that? Oh, never mind..." Kassima sighs, but nods her agreement. "Fair deal. I've finally got enough marks saved away that I think I *might* be able to afford a bit of extravagance." She nods in agreement with the analysis of Ista, too. "Lovely place. Especially without ash and dust blowing all over it." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth rumbles with laughter. << I will tell her. I think it will amuse her. >> G'har nods his agreement to Kassi. "The ash and dust made it noticeably less beautiful, yes." He gives Julasha a quizzical look, but nods agreeably enough. Julasha nods affably. "You'll just have to show it to me yourself, G'har." Kassima blinks at something, then asks G'har, "Mart always found it lovely, didn't he?" She explains to Julasha, "Mart and G'har have been lovers for ages, y'know. I weaseled the story out of him after I kept finding him up there every single time I'd go t'Ista." Julasha /blinks/ at Kassima, then turns to gape at G'har. "So /you're/ the one who was chasing after Mart?!? Well, I must say, both you and he have good taste..." Kassima coughs and murmurs, "Actually, 'twas A'lex and G'har both... the brownie's a very busy, busy boy these days." G'har doesn't quite pull off his air of nonchalance. The -bright- red color of the tips of his ears kind of give it away, too. "He likes it, yes," he tells Kassi, before mumbling a "Thankyou" to Julasha. "I'll be sure to--Kassi!" He coughs, adding. "Uh...those were separate occasions. Yeah." That's it. Julasha can't help it- she starts to laugh. "You mean /both/ riders I targeted tonight... oh my dear sweet Faranth..." Tyrie smiles at Kelset after considering for some moments. "Well, our cider turned out very well this year. Its got a nice taste to it. We aged it in oak." He adds, "The hard cider anyhow. And for the Harpers, there's as much as you need to keep your throat wet!" "At any rate, a pleasure speaking with you, Lord Holder! I expect more Harpers will be showing up shortly. The Hall thanks you for your invitation." Kelset smiles broadly once more before turning to Rynet. "At any rate, we were cider-bound, if I recall." Kassima nods somberly, managing to keep a straight face. "Mart really has an eye for bronzeriders. Only the most studly and masculine will do for the brownie." G'har shrugs just a bit at Julasha, then chokes back...some odd noise at Kassi's words. Channie steps out of the Weavercraft tent. Julasha arches an eyebrow. "Funny, I never thought of Kena as masculine..." A'lex steps out of the Weavercraft tent. Rynet grins and nods, happy to have something to /do/ again. "Cider, yes. Any preference as to which booth? I'm sure that most are selling cider - or offering samples." She turns, arms out, indicating very booth in the near vicinity. Kassima explains seriously, eyes wide, "Kena's the only woman who could ever win his heart despite the fact that she's nay masculine. But even though he loves her, he doesn't find his... err... *needs* capable of being satisfied by women. That's why he dallies with G'har here. How long've you two been together, anyway? Has it been a Turn yet? I need t'find something t'get you for your anniversary." G'har's face now matches those ears. "Really, Kassi, it isn't necessary," he murmurs. "-Really-." Julasha turns to gaze at G'har thoughtfully, then looks back at Kassima and rolls her eyes. "Alright, alright, I won't bother dear G'har anymore." A snicker escapes her, and her eyes twinkle merrily. "You do realize, I'm just going to /have/ to discuss this with some folks back at the 'Reaches." G'har blurts, "Oh, but you shouldn't do -that-." Then he pauses, mind reaching for some explanation...and failing miserably. Kelset gestures expansively, mirroring the Assistant Headwoman's gesture, a grin only barely restrained. "You're the expert on specialties and quality, I'm afraid. It's been Turns since I was last at Nabol. Please, lead on," he encourages, brushing several curls distractedly from his eyes. Julasha smiles sweetly. "Oh, I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear that you two have found each other, G'har." Kassima replies serenely, "Oh, a'*course*. Discuss away... just don't mention it t'Kena? I don't think she knows yet, and, well... Faranth forfend she should hear aught that would hurt her." She heaves an exaggerated sigh. "I still think you should've told her, G'har. I mean, she'd surely have understood! She knows what Mart's like!" Rynet nods. "How about the BakerCraft tent? They're sure to have refreshments." Julasha nods firmly to Kassi. "Oh, absolutely! Kena /must/ hear of this." G'har closes his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. "I don't think she'd understand," he says to Kassi. As Julasha speaks, an expression of utter dismay crosses his face. "Butbutbut...she -really- won't like it, Lash." Kelset, unconciously tapping several fingers against his thigh in the sequence of various drum measures, nods his compliance. "That sounds wonderful." Julasha pats G'har on the shoulder comfortingly. "Oh, I'm sure she'll understand. Maybe she'll join the two of you for some fun." Kassima swallows. Now, *that* worries her. But she soon recovers her aplomb. "I don't think any of us would take kindly t'her being upset," she says delicately. "At least check with Mart first t'see whether or nay he's already told her, eh?" Lysseth> I bespoke Falsanath with << My rider wonders whether what she has been saying is suitable to what your rider wanted, or whether she should lay it on a little thicker? >> Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << Considering the fact that he's pretty close to a state of panic, I do think that's enough. >> He rumbles his amusement. << Please give her my compliments. >> Julasha ahs, nodding. "Perhaps you're right. Mart'll probably want to surprise her himself." Tyrie smiles brightly as he watches how well things are going. He mixes himself into the people, talking to one person here, and another person there. G'har nods emphatically. "Surprises. He'll definitely want to surprise her. Yesyes. Definitely." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth rumbles amusedly. << They've been conveyed. Do you think we should let Ularrith about this, or should we let his rider be surprised? >> Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath ponders. << Well, if *Julasha* speaks with him, he should probably have some warning... >> Rynet shakes her head, still smiling. Twirling her green gather skirts, she turns to the BakerCraft Tent and pulls open the red and white tent flap. "After you," she offers. Kassima smiles whimsically. "Aye, he can tell her all about A'lex and G'har and the others all at once that way. 'Twill be much better, methinks! Then you can all be a big family, G'har. I'm certain 'twill be a beautiful thing." She's trying to be good, really she is, but sometimes the words just slip out. Lysseth> I bespoke Falsanath with << This is true. Do you wish to tell him, or should I? >> Julasha slowly smiles. "Perhaps Mart and I can compare notes then." G'har's jaw drops for a moment, then he nods, with a weak little smile. "Oh, yes. One...big...happy family. Lovely." Tyrie enters the games tent. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles his amusment. << I think you should tell him. >> But he wants to listen. Julasha chuckles. "Better get a bigger weyr, G'har." G'har murmurs, "Oh, I don't think they'd -transfer-..." Lysseth> Ularrith and Falsanath sense that Lysseth reaches out to brush your mind with a tendril of thought that's definitely amused, and thus in and of itself a bad sign. << Good evening, Ularrith. I wish to convey to you and your rider the news that my rider has told *image of Julasha* that your rider likes to fly bronzeriders like Falsanath's rider and Nraith's rider in order to keep *Julasha* from trying to fly Falsanath's rider. >> Along with this confusing message comes the impression that she didn't want this to be a surprise, no matter what her rider might have preferred. Some things are too cruel even for the green. Julasha nods solemnly. "Yes, you're right." She pauses. "You're just going to have to move to the 'Reaches." Kassima asks brightly, "Where will you all live? The 'Reaches? Ista? Telgar? Benden? Fort? Igen?" Yep, Mart has definitely been a busy, busy brownrider. G'har gives Kassi a hard look, then shakes his head. "It's too cold at the Reaches," he says firmly. "I'll just, uh, have to commute." Kassima bobs her head vigorously, apparently understanding this. "You can all do as Channie and A'lex do. That'll be convenient for A'lex; he already spends a lot of time at the 'Reaches anyway." Julasha ahs, "That should be no problem for you on that bronze of yours, neh?" She nods in agreement with Kassi. "With luck, you'll all have the same days off." G'har gives Kassi a look of utter horror. "Uh...early drills," he babbles. "I really should get back to Ista. Can't be late for the drills. E'ryn wouldn't be pleased." Julasha is struggling to keep a straight face at this point, and only half-succeeding. Dragon> Lysseth and Falsanath sense that Ularrith's thoughts are filled with plump bovines standing on fluffy clouds and his voice is that of a constant snore. "I'm certain he wouldn't be." Kassi doesn't even bother to hide a grin. "Just do me one favor?" she implores. "Give m'regards t'Mart next time y'see him? I'm certain you'll run into him a'fore I do." Lysseth> Ularrith and Falsanath sense that Lysseth withdraws politely, with a side-comment to Falsanath, << Now, that wasn't so bad, was it? >> Shena arrives from the road. G'har, face still a lovely shade of scarlet, nods to Kassi. Never mind that he's never actually -met- M'rgan. "Uh, sure. Yeah. I'll see him soon." Shena st@emit Staying out of line-sight of the SmithCraft Tent, Shena wanders th Gather. Julasha lays her hand on G'har's arm. "Of course you will. In fact, when you drop me off at the Reaches, you may as well spend the night with him and Kena." A'lex strolls over to Kassima, "What kind of trouble are you getting into now?" Channie heads off to find pies who-knows-where. G'har shakes his head quite a bit at Lash. "Uhh, no, bad idea. Uh....Kena doesn't know, remember?" And then he spots Shena, and gets that bovine- caught-in-the-dragonsights look. Julasha turns a sweet smile on A'lex. "Trouble? No trouble. We're just discussing who gets to sleep with Mart and Kena first, A'lex- you or G'har here. But I suppose y'all are used to taking turns with Mart, aren't you?" Yes, a /very/ sweet smile. Kassima beams at A'lex. "Oh, nay kind of trouble. 'Twas just asking G'har here t'tell Mart heya for me next time he sees him...." She winks at the bronzerider. "Oh, true. Besides, I'm certain that Mart would rather go to Ista than the other way around. 'Tis so much more... um... romantic there. The warmth and the sunsets, y'know." Shena is thankfully oblivious to G'har doing his patented herdbeast- unable-to-think impression, since she is captivated by the outer displays of the Weavers. Channie goes home. G'har looks at Julasha. Then he looks at Kassi. Then, with a groan, he sinks to a seat, right on the ground. "Faranth," he intones, drawing out the vowels. Peering up at A'lex, he says, "These women are evil." Squaring her shoulders and trying to tiptoe up to something resembling a more 'adult' height, Shena heads for the weavers. Shena shrugs as Serabi takes flight from her shoulder. Shena lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent. Kassima murmurs, ducking her head so that they won't be able to tell that she's this close to laughing her head off, "Whoever would've thought Mart had so much stamina?" A'lex turns a withering gaze on Kassima, "What are you talking about Greenrider?" Julasha reaches down to pat G'har's shoulder, whispering in his ear. She mutters to G'har, "... you try... give... a..." Shena steps out of the Weavercraft tent. Kassima blinks wide, innocent green eyes at A'lex. "Why, you knew that G'har and Mart are lovers, didn't you?" A'lex nods to G'har, "You'll rue the day you met Kassima, Rider..." G'har mutters something to the effect that applying snow to Lash wouldn't be that bad an idea, as he gets to his feet. Then, not seeing somebody, he frowns faintly. "Huh. Where'd she g--Kassi! Faranth, she figured it out." He grimaces to A'lex. "She -was- trying to help. Sort of." Aurian steps out of the Weavercraft tent. Walking out of the WeaverCraft Tent and straight into Kassima's comment Shena turns a truly sick shade of pale blue-green white. A'lex blinks, "Why was my name mentioned though??" Aurian rakes a hand through her hair as she steps out of the tent, she watches the girl change color and asks, "Are you alright, maybe you should go to the healer's tent?" She of course has missed what ever Kassima might have said. Julasha snickers, shaking her head. "/Bronzeriders/." She glances at A'lex, "Do you /really/ want to know?" G'har looks quite miserable. Then he spots Shena, and her expression, and his face rapidly loses all color. "Oh, Faranth," he mutters, starting to pick through the crowd. Kassima assures A'lex blithely, "Oh, only for the usual reasons, m'frie-- G'har! Where're you going?" Julasha folds her arms, looking after G'har. "There goes my ride," she mutters. Aurian shrugs and heads over to the Telgar riders. A'lex shakes his head, "I keep telling you I'm not going to cover for you and M'rgan anymore Greenrider. I lied about it once to save your arse, and look at all the trouble it got me into..." Ripping some dangling piece of jewelry from around her neck, Shena turns tail on G'har and flees from him through the crowds. Dropping whatever it was in the dust she ducks and weaves using her slight frame to wriggle away from the man. G'har protests, stopping only to pick up the jewelry in question, "Shena, it isn't true!" Kassima blinks again. Considering the fact that she's the one who's been wreaking havoc all evening, she's been doing that a lot. "Cover for *me* and Mart? I'd be more worried about *you* and Mart if'n 'twere you, bronzie!" Julasha turns slowly to arch an eyebrow at A'lex, and looks to Kassi curiously. A'lex laughs, "M'rgan will be the first to admit that there's nothing between us. I'll admit that I lied to keep you out of trouble. You really need to just fess up and face the music, Greenie." Julasha ahems, stepping up to A'lex. "Excuse me, but Kassi here was simply trying to help out a friend. Back off." "I don't care Rider" the girl yells back over her shoulder, instilling the title with dripping venomo. As she runs her hair whips around her face and into her eyes, drawing tears. "I'm 'just' an apprentice, remember?" And since she can't look while talking over her shoulder, she trips over a crossing toddling little and they both tumble into a heap, the babe squalling. Kassima is truly confused now, and sets her fists on her hips. "A'lex, dear demented friend, what in the name of the first queen's golden eggs are you babbling about?" She looks surprised, and gratified, as Julasha steps to her defense. "Nay hard feelings, then?" she asks the other woman. A'lex nods to Julasha, "Oh, I'm sure she was... but the LAST time, it was me helping her." He smiles. G'har grimaces, and skids into a halt just in time to prevent a three- person pileup. "You okay? Come on," he murmurs, attempting to extract Shena from the toddler while finding the crying kidlet's mother. "Let's go into the Gather tent, get out of the crowd, hmm?" Julasha lifts her chin proudly, giving A'lex a short nod. "Be that as it may, be assured that this... story... won't go any farther." At least not the part about A'lex. She grins over at Kassi. "Of course not." Shena stiffens at the word crowd and blushes. Keeping her eyes demurely averted she nods, letting the movement veil her face from casual observation and all the emotions that it can display. A'lex smiles, "No problem." Kassima runs her fingers through her hair, truly confused. "You helping me? 'Lex, I can't imagine what you're referring to... ach, I don't know if'n I can promise *that*. Most of a Gather probably heard, y'know...." A'lex rolls his eyes, "Perpetuating the lie won't make it come true, dear." He pats Kassima on the shoulder, "It's okay, I'm sure M'rgan still has feelings for you." G'har murmurs a quiet request, and Cupric launches from his shoulder. Julasha nods to Kassi thoughtfully. "You've got a point there." She rolls her eyes at A'lex. "No, but it certainly makes for good entertainment." Shena heads into the SmithCraft Tent. A'lex grins at Julasha, "Oh well, I'm heading back to Telgar. Night all..." G'har gets the toddler back to his mother and, with a sigh, follows the young Smith. A'lex says "It was nice to meet you. See you at Breakfast, Greenie." G'har heads into the SmithCraft Tent. A'lex goes out to the road. Julasha sighs, glancing at Kassi. "Sorry about all that." Kassima looks after A'lex, and mutters, "That man is utterly crazed. I don't think I'll ever understand him... eh, don't worry, Lash. I just hope things turn out all right between G'har and his lady-friend. And that I manage t'survive Mart finding out about this, whenever he does." Aurian gazes up and watches a green dragon land, she says softly, "oh no." Lysseth> Falsanath looks absolutely dismayed to have another green land. No, really. He rumbles pleasantly. Julasha nods thoughtfully. "Me too. And I might have a few connections that can help G'har as far as she's concerned." She shakes her head. "But foremost on my mind is the fact that I'm stranded." Lysseth> Kvasith warbles at Yasinth. He then lays his head back on his forefeet. Lysseth> A'ser rubs the top of his black head and thumps Yasinth's hide once, looking apprehensive. Gathers are not his cup of...klah, as it were. Reed arrives from the road. Kassima grins wryly and offers, "Hey, you helped make my evening at the Gather... um... interesting. The least I can do t'repay you is take you back to the 'Reaches." Julasha smiles in relief. "I couldn't ask, but I'd really appreciate it." Aurian hugs herself for a moment. Reed passes through quietly. Reed steps over to the dance square. Kassima grins and offers, "I'll take you back whenever you want t'go. Hopefully, Mart won't know about this little incident yet, and I won't need t'worry about dying while I'm there." Julasha grins. "In that case, the sooner the better, neh? A quick trip there, and you won't have to worry about an early death." Kassima admits ruefully, "I'm already more apt t'die by Mart's hand than by Thread as 'tis... in that case, m'dragon's parked on the heights. Shall we get a move on?" Julasha glances upward with a rueful grin, and nods. "I need the exercise anyhow." Loren comes out of the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. A'ser arrives from the road. Kassima grins at that, and sets off in what she devoutly hopes is the right direction. You go out to the road. You head up the ramp the Hold. You enter the courtyard. Kassima wanders through, muttering something about lazy greens who are unwilling to move their rumps from the Heights. You go through the double doors and enter the Hold proper. You follow the stairs up to the first level hall. You head up the long staircase to the inner Hold. You go up the stairs to the drumheights. You take the tunnel to the fireheights. Julasha arrives from the drumheights. Falsanath's rumble of greeting is vastly amused. Kassima waves cheerily to Falsanath and the others. "G'devening, dragons." She strides to her own Lyss, who's perched near the edge of the heights and looks rather amused herself. "Julasha, this is Lysseth. Lysseth, Julasha. We'll be making a pit stop at the 'Reaches, Ly--aye, I'm certain I won't die. Don't be silly." Julasha gives the green a bow and a smile, and chuckles. "No worries, Lysseth, she should be safe for at least another hour or so." Kvasith warbles dejectedly and presses his head against the ground Lysseth snorts slightly, but still seems amused, and lowers her neck to let her rider mount up. "'Tis only *after* she tells Mart about this that m'life will be endangered, lump, remember?" You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. Julasha takes hold of Lysseth's riding straps and climbs aboard the green dragon, who keeps a wary eye on her all the while. Julasha snickers. <*> Falsanath rumbles a farewell. Kassima buckles herself into place, and tugs her riding helmet on over her braid. "Tell me when you're set t'go... aye, clear skies t'you too, Falsanath. Tell your rider I'm sorry about that little misunderstanding, would you?" <*> Falsanath warbles agreeably. <*> Aurian arrives from the drumheights. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << Please tell your rider that I will tell him later--and I will remember! He is busy, just now, trying to get unconfused. He'll be a while. >> Julasha nods. "Oh, that's Falsaneth?" She calls over, "Yes, please give him my apologies as well!" She nods to Kassi, indicating readiness. <*> Aurian doesn't stop crying as she enters. She wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her dress and tries to look decorous but it doesn't last and pretty much throws herself onto Kvasith. <*> Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. <*> Kvasith spreads his wings and leaps into the air. Kassima nods in affirmation of the first question, and acknowledgement of the second nod, then signals Lysseth aloft--missing the sight of Aurian, it would seem. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spread your wings and leap into the air. <*> Kvasith disappears into Between. <*> In the field below, On the dance floor, Reed finally turns and spots A'ser. He rubs one eye, then the other and blinks. "A...A'ser?" his voice calls in a hoarse whisper. Lysseth> I bespoke Falsanath with << Yes, these 'relationship' things are confusing, my rider says. That's why she prefers to avoid them. I hope that things turn out well for your rider and the woman, though. >> <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Green Lysseth of Telgar Weyr. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << I don't. The woman doesn't ride a green, after all. >> <*> Lysseth bugles back to Ulanoth, circling lazily over the Bowl. "Where did you want me t'let you off?" Kassi yells back over her shoulder. Julasha glances down, and calls over the wind, "The bowl'll be fine, right outside the living cavern." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth asks, mildly amused, << You think greenriders make better mates, then? >> Not that she's going to disagree, mind. It's just not a view she's heard all that often. You glide downward in the bowl, towards the west wall. You fly down to land gently on the ground. Julasha climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Julasha for a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath wouldn't have any ulterior motives at -all-. << Perhaps. >> <*> Julasha grins, waving up to Kassi. "Thank you both for the ride." Kassima casts a wary glance all around her, checking to make sure that there's no lynch mob to greet her. "Looks safe," she says with a relieved sigh. "Thankee for helping make life more interesting for an evening, Julasha. Clear skies t'you!" <*> Julasha chuckles, trotting toward the living cavern. "And the same to you, on both counts." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth has curiousity as her only ulterior motive, really. << Why would you say that? >> Kassima grins and waves after the woman, then signals Lyss to launch herself before they can overstay their welcome. "See, I *told* you I wouldn't die," she can be heard to chide the green. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles thoughtfully. << Well, they ride -greens-, after all... >> <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies.