-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duel of the Fates Date: February 2, 2002 Place: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, Inner Cavern, and Candidate Barracks Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: As M'teh says in this log, greenriders work in mysterious ways--and so, evidently, do green dragons. Just when Kassi was finally getting her long-dreamed-of chance to deck someone thanks to the kindness of Yashira, Lysseth has to go and spoil everything by Searching her opponent! There's no justice, I tell you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. Yashira eyes Mikael a moment, then shakes her head. "I probably shouldn't. I don't know how long I can stay." Her lips press together, and she nods to Riane. "That's... I'm sorry to hear that, I think. It's not unpleasant here, though, is it?" Mikael smiles..."I escorted one of my sisters to the Healers Hall," he responds to Corwin, "and am now on walk about till I can find the family. Then back to trading with them again, once the weather lets up. So, I'm the only one of the family here just now." Riane nods quickly to the entering greenrider. "Ma'am." Then, she shakes her head to Yashira. "No, I've gotten a pretty nice welcome so far, and I've settled in all right. I do like Telgar." Mikael nods to Yashira. "I am sorry to hear that, Ma'am, but best of luck to you." "Why, oh, why, oh, why are the best sunsets always in winter?" Kassima bewails to no one in particular as she trudges in, arms tucked around herself and a wildly-painted scarf wrapped tightly about her throat. The Noose That Taste Forgot. "Doesn't seem quite fair that t'witness nature's finest glories, you should have t'freeze all your pertinent parts off. I should complain t'someone. Write a note t'Faranth, I don't know... Pierron, have I told you lately how much better you'd look with a stalk of celery shoved in each ear?" The LC-Master seems unfazed, and Kassi doesn't dwell on it, making her way to the cider instead. "Aigh! Faranth, who ma'amed me? Don't *do* that, you'll scare me out of three Turns of life. G'day, all... wait, wait, someone's trading?" Yashira leans against a table near Mikael, Riane, and Corwin. She looks over at Kassima, arching her eyebrows. "Er... Hello, Kassima." Ah. Good, Corwin isn't going senile. He lifts his glass to drink. "Well, if there is anything you need while visiting please let Rikki or myself know." That said, he gives Kassima a wave with his free hand. "Why, yes. This gentleman here is from the Romani's." He gives a motion towards Mikael. Mikael sees thr newcomer come in and rises slightly while he bows...."Good evening, Ma'am", he syas to the rider....."High Reaches Weyr's duties, and the Romani Traders.....who is just me, right here, at the moment." Mikael nods..."Just visit'en, Ma'am." he tried to clarify. Riane erms, "Sorry, erm, Ka..." She isn't sure of her name, only the greeting Yashira gives. "Um." A resigned sigh, and she just clears away more klah. From Mikael's shoulder, Senay chirples! She's here too! <<Crunching her cookie>> and wooo wooo.....was that a snowflake? Weee! Kassima loosens the scarf's choke-hold before returning the greeting: "Heyla yourself, Yashira. Is the stew any good? Did you kill what's in it?" Each repetition of 'ma'am' causes a visible flinch, and though she nods thanks for Corwin's explanation, she's hasty to say, "Don't be calling me that! I'm nay ma'am. Never a ma'am. Kassima or Kassi will suffice, thankee most kindly. Duties likewise t'you and yours and all that. What are you buying?" she asks Yashira and Corwin, flicking her eyes back to them--and to Riane, for good measure. Mikael sighs and quietly slide a hand up to steady his green firelizard, without looking. Corwin gives his head a shakes at Kassima's question. "I'm afraid that I'm not buying anything. I was just finished looking at the clutch and wanted to wash some of that snow away with some cider." After another drink, he sets his glass on the table before looking over at Yashira. M'teh walks in from the bowl. Pierron looks over the Dawnslight Wingleader with an appraising eye and an approving nod. Mikael nods..."Sorry Ma'.....Kassima. I'll try to remember. I hope your day gets better." Riane wonders softly, "Buying..?" but mostly to herself. "G'devening, Kassi, then." There. "Not buying, just on break... Doing laundry today." She nods then to M'teh. Faranth, all the people. So much etiquette to remember. *Not* her strong point. Yashira shakes her head. "No, I didn't kill anything in the stew. I'm still on kitchen duty," she says, trying quite hard not to look at Corwin as she says this. Mikael looks back at Corwin...."You wouldn't happen to have a clutch of fire lizard eggs handy, would you? I really need one for a companion for Senay, when she's not with me. I'm afraid she's not all that bright.....and a flying friend might help keep her out of trouble." M'teh walks in, looking somewhat begraggled. He leaves slightly damp patches behind him as he heads over to the Serving Tables, head down, and pours himself some redfruit juice. After taking a sip, the bluerider looks up, and offers a general wave to the Cavern's occupants. "Hi, Kassi, Yashira, Riane, Corwin..." he rattles off. Mikael's face doesn't seem to be known to M'teh, judging by his slightly puzzled expression. Yashira nods courteously to M'teh. "Hello." "Oh, the day's just fine." Kassi reaches out with one foot to hook herself a seat, dragging it within conversational distance and plunking into it without further ado. "Cold, but that's the bloody icy wastes for you. Gorgeous sunset, though. Any of you seen it?" The scarf is finally entirely unwound; the greenrider folds it, stuffing it into a pocket. "Buying from the Trader," she clarifies for Riane. Sharp ears, she has. "Laundry... ach, you've m'pity. But 'tis better than latrines, hey? Or, well," with a wry grin for Yashira, "the kitchens, mayhaps. How long are you stuck there, anyway? G'deve, M'teh." Mikael rises and bows to the Wingleader...Good evening sir. I'm Mikael. High Reaches and Romani Traders duty to Telgar." Corwin raises a hand at M'teh's greeting and he responds with a cheerful 'hello'. However, he continues to watch Yashira. After a moment he asks her. "So, Yashira. Have you been behaving yourself in the kitchens?" Riane calls to the bluerider, "'Lo, siii - M'teh." She nods to Kassi, "It is." Yashira's lips press more firmly together; she looks to Corwin, inclining her head. "I haven't hit anyone who deserved it, no. I haven't hit anyone at all, actually." "I've seen more of that sunset than I'd like to," comments M'teh. He looks a little distraught, however, at Mikael's bow. "S'okay, I'm not a Lord Holder... M'teh, Daruth's rider, Dawnslight Wingleader," he introduces himself. Riane gets a grin for her almost-sirring. From Mikael's shoulder, Senay seems to have discovered Riane has interesting hair. As soon as Mikael sits back down, she going to see what it tastes like,.... Corwin gives Yashira a slow nod. "An do you promise not to go around slugging more of the hunters if I let you return to them?" He watches Yashira for a moment before asking M'teh. "More of the sunset than you'd like? What happened?" Riane doesn't notice, at first, the little firelizard, and in fact becomes an easier target as she turns to watch Corwin and M'teh. Mikael nods...."Well met, Mteh, and my greetings to your dragon." He hears the comment to Yashira and his left eyebrow raises....being somewhat of a hunter himself. Sitting back down, he feels the tug as Senay r-e-a-c-h-e-s to taste Riane's hair..... Yashira's jaw sets. "I can't. I can't promise I won't smack someone again if they keep bothering me. Sometimes it's the only way to get them to listen. That's how some hunters are." Mikael looks at Yashira...."Really?" he asks. "Why? Because they are hunters?" He reaches up to hios shoulder to attempt to find out what the green is up to now..... M'teh taps the arm of his wet leathers, complete with lurid yellow stripe. "Dar got me to go and 'play' with him in the Lake... more like, I stand nearby, and he splashes me. He claims to be 'sunning' now, for all the sun there is." Kassima scoffs, but good-naturedly, "You've nay sense of aesthetics, M'teh. How could anyone see too much of a lovely sunset like that? All right, so I gave up staring at it when m'ears started t'crack off, but...." Tugging next at her gloves, she wonders of Riane, "Have you pulled washing the dishes yet? That's always a treat--they smell better'n the clothes, but tend t'be less something you want t'put your hands on. As a rule." Lifting both brows, she turns head and eyes towards Yashira's and Corwin's conversation; she comments, "Never realized we'd a sub-culture that used punches as communication a'fore. I'd have been more interested in meeting more of 'em if'n I'd known." From Mikael's shoulder, Senay sees a bit of Riane's hair just within reach, and gives it a quick nibble. Riane is oblivious to the green, and chuckles to herself at Kassi. "Not yet. Although, I don't think I'm looking forward t - Oye!" She yelps, whipping her head around quickly to the green. M'teh nods emphatically at Kassi's ear-cracking comment. He's guilty as charged on the aesthetics front, however, as his fashion sense shows. "That's just it. Watching it while being splashed in the cold just isn't that much fun." He looks around suddenly at Riane's yelp. "You okay?" he asks quickly. Yashira nods to Mikael. "We're out on our own a lot. Develop some behaviour that other people don't usually appreciate." From Mikael's shoulder, Senay Acks! Caught, pretty haor in mouf! Corwin just gives an amused chuckle at M'teh. "An you came down here instead of putting on dry clothes?" He gives his head a little shake before looking over at Yashira again. "Well...I suppose that's the closest thing I'm going to get to a yes. You can return to your hunting duties, but I don't want to hear about you getting into another altercation." Yashira smiles a thin smile - no real humour behind it, but perhaps it's to show her appreciation nonetheless. "Thank you," she tells Corwin, nodding once. "I'll try not to. It's not as though I enjoy it." Mikael snaps his head around at the cry of pain from Riane, and catches his green in the act. "Senay! Spit that out right now! And no more hair for you!" From Mikael's shoulder, Senay pounts.....as well as one can when ones mouth is full of hair. Okey...<<Ptewie!>> der! Daddy happier? "Like kneeing each other in the groin?" Kassi helpfully half-supposes, half-suggests. "Or--don't panic, lass, 'tis just a 'lizard." Though she does frown at said 'lizard. "Mayhaps a young one, t'lack manners so. And I don't blame you," back on the former track, "for nay looking forward to it. Still, 'tisn't all bad. You at least won't have t'be weeding in this weather--you don't?" she breaks off to ask Yashira, sounding almost disappointed. M'teh shrugs at Corwin. "Figured I'd dry out quicker in the 'Caverns than my weyr. 'S too cold there." He may, just possibly, be masking the fact that he has few other outfits. "Senay's got a thing for hair? Must be like Ini's for socks." Mikael looks sternly at Senay. "Now apologise". From Mikael's shoulder, Senay twitters at Riane, bowing slightly.... Yashira shakes her head at Kassima. "Not really. I only do it when they really bother me, and I prefer not to be really bothered. Hence, I don't like to do it." Riane takes the strand that was caught in the firelizard's grasp, and examines it carefully. "Aye, I'm all right. Socks?" Amusement crosses her face. She nods to Senay, "It's all right," she offers. Mikael looks at M'teh..."She's easily distracted by just about anything. I love her, but the shaprest knife in the drawer she isn't." He pats the green after she's apologised...and he has seen that no damage was done. "Sorry Riane. She's seet, really. She just likes your hair. She'll leave it alone now." Riane frowns towards the lower caverns. "I ought t'get back to my chores, though. It's nice t'meet you all. G'deve!" She heads out, handing her mug off to a drudge. Corwin chimes in. "Well, just see to it that it doesn't happen again...at least not for a long time or I'll have to find something worse that cooping you up in the kitchens." That said to Yashira, he looks over to M'teh. "You're probably right. Sitting near the hearth will probably dry you out pretty quickly." From Mikael's shoulder, Senay chitters, happily at Riane, then at her daddy......hair nice, daddy better.:) Riane walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima's mouth thins out as she tries, and manages, not to show any amusement. "Ah," is all she says. "Logic prevails. Nor should I wish 'twere different, I suppose." With a quick grin for the knife analogy, she twists to wave after the Candidate, calling, "G'deve! Luck with the clothes!" M'teh waves to Riane as she leaves, then replies to Mikael, "Nor's Inigo, really - he does keep stealing my socks and making holes in them, though. He was /mad/ at that firelizard event thing a while back - they had a race for socks." Yashira smiles faintly. "I enjoy bits of it. It's... satisfying, I guess." Mikael blinks...."A race for socks?" Kassima looks briefly towards M'teh and Mikael, but--despite the plethora of 'lizards that is, as always, perched near her person--doesn't offer forth any matching anecdotes. She half-grins to Yashira instead. "I've always half wished," she admits, "that I'd been a part of a big brawl, sometime in m'life--just so I could give someone a black eye just once. Instead of *getting* the black eyes. But even in flights, the men somehow manage t'duck. D'you ever get smacked back?" Mikael waves goodnight to Riane.... M'teh describes the event. "There were some games for firelizards and a beauty contest, I think... I entered Ini in the race where they had to go and get a sock, and bring it back. Didn't win, though." He shrugs. Mikael chuckles...."I would've like to have seen that. Senay may not be all that smart, but she's pretty and loveable. I'd have tried entering her in something." Corwin furrows his brow a little. "How do you have a beauty contest for firelizards?" M'teh smiles at Mikael. "I think it was at High Reaches, or somewhere... maybe they'll have another some time." To Corwin, he just offers a shrug, and, "Prettiest, I guess." Yashira shakes her head. "Not very often, no. People don't seem to want to hit me. It's irritating at times. I'm sure we could thrash each other soundly sometime if you really wanted." Mikael gives Yashira and Kassima strange looks...You two *want* to get into fights?" Telgar Weyr> Corwin lalalahs and isn't hearing that. "A rider and resident plotting a brawl." *snicker* Corwin looks over at Yashira and offers. "It's probably because you're a woman. Most men have a thing about never hitting a woman." M'teh hears the mention of a fight, which seems to be addressed to Kassi. "You're not going after our table again, 'kay?" he warns. Hey, it's not relevant, but he wasn't listening. "Don't tempt me," Kassi half-warns, half-laughs, leaning back in her chair with a faint creak from the wood. "I'truth, I might suggest a sparring bout instead if'n 'twere of a mind for combat--I don't know about you, but I'd be more apt t'know what 'twas doing that way." Slewing an amused glance towards Mikael, she reassures, "With wooden blades only, I promise. Or if'n 'tis fists, mayhaps only until the first black eye? But a'*course* 'twill leave your table alone, M'teh. Promise." Yashira's head bobs in Corwin's direction. "Of course." Mikael looks at Corwin, "True. "Unless of course it's mu Unkle and his lot, getting drunk and mooning the town. My Mum and the othwer ladies get them quick enough, with wooden spoons to boot. Quite put me off drinking too much for life, I think." M'teh nods, somewhat suspiciously, at Kassi. "Good... oh, it's a duel you want? With Yashira?" Dagen walks in from the bowl. Corwin furrows his brow again but only looks between Yashira and Kassima. Dagen steps in and shivers as he makes his way across the cavern to the serving table. M'teh drinks a little more of his oft-neglected redfruit juice as he offers a wave to Dagen. "Evening," he calls over to the recordskeeper. Mikael grins..."That's how I got my Aunt. Unkle mooned her, got the most points, and there was nothing for it after that but her folks made them wed......and she was happy to go, anyway." Dagen nods to M'teh as he passes, "Evenin." Mikael nods to the newcomer....."Good evening, sir." Yashira inclines her head to Kassima. "Sparring could work. I don't fight with knives, though - never really learned. Just use them to skin things." M'teh blinks at Mikael. "He got points? How?" the bluerider asks. Kassima shrugs in amiable fashion. "Why nay? Been too sharding long since I got t'spar with anyone but m'cousin; how else can I keep m'talents sharp? I hope you're better than Maylia," she asides to Yashira. "Nay that she doesn't have a talent, but that duel went entirely too quickly. Y'don't?" It's a vaguely appalled-sounding question. "What a pity... well, fists, then. When and where?" Dagen smiles, "Evenin..." he says to Mikael as he goes to the serving table and fixes himself a mug of Klah. Taking a drink of it as he crosses the room to a table and takes a seat. Telgar Weyr> Maylia gahs, Kassi - that duel was what, twenty turns ago? Eighteen? ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima waffles to Tieren. :) And hees! Something like. ;) In the proddiness-bout before Lysseth's eighth flight, 'cause that was the R&J one. ;) Telgar Weyr> Maylia nodnods, proddiness before Tierth's first flight, too. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yes, yes. And ever since then, Kassi and May can't stand each other when one is or both are proddy. ;)" Dagen sits quietly at his table and sips his Klah. Mikael grins..."Well, ya see, my Uncle and his friends would have games when they wee tosted. There was the fish spitting game. And the belchhing game.....you all know that one, right? Well, the mooning thing was....they all went around, drunk off their....well.....very happy, and mooned all the ladies they saw. Now, how many points each was worth was dependendant on her reaction, as judged by the other sots. Uncle got top marks for Aunt Rose.....well, she was Aunt Rose later. But he also couldn't sit down well for a couple of days......my may weilds a mean wooden sppon, she does!" Yashira shrugs, grinning a bit. Her cheeks turn a little pink. "Uh - well - I don't know how busy you are. This isn't the best season for hunting, mind..." Corwin frowns before he raises a finger and shakes it Kassima-wards. "She just got out of her punishment for her last fight and here you are getting her into another one. How is she supposed to behave when you keep encouraging her not to." Corwin just sighs, taking a drink of cider. Mikael looks ay Kassima, in disbelief....."If you've ever really been hit with a fist ma'am, it's nothing to want again unless there's no way out of it." "Well, as long as it's not anywhere near my table, I'm not worried," notes M'teh to Corwin, before turning back to Mikael. "Fish spitting?" He laughs and shakes his head, on hearing the story. "Your uncle sounds as strange - nay, more - than my Aunt Ayling. And that's saying a /lot/!" "Generally, very busy--but I have m'free moments. How about now?" Kassi suggests, with a grin back and a jerk of her thumb towards the Bowl. "T'celebrate your liberation from the bondage of tuber-peels, and all that. Ach, Corwin, this isn't a *fight*--'tis a spar, a ritualized combat with pre-set rules used t'practice one's fighting skills and improve one's physical condition." She sounds rather as though she's reciting that from a Guard handbook or something. "Nay damage done, beyond mayhaps one darkened eye. Mayhaps nay even that, if'n the rules were set different... Trader, what'd I say about the M-word? Anyway, I've been hit, but nay for Turns. I could use a bit more spice in m'life." Dagen leans back in his chair, sipping at his klah as he listens to conversations going on around him. Mikael looks back at M'teh, with a smile...."Aye, he's strange. But Aunt Rose has tamed him alot I'd say. Why only last summer he went to have a fish smackinging contest with cousin Dax, and Aunt Rose called him of. Quite spoiled his day." Corwin just shakes his head slowly. M'teh thinks he has an amusing comment. He doesn't. "I prefer my spice to be something like cinnamon." Yashira shakes her head at Corwin. "It's just a --- what Kassi said." A smile, and a nod to Kassima. "Alright. I... I can do that, sure. Outside would be best, I suppose." M'teh hmms at Mikael. "That's very strange. He seems to like fish, though. Is he a Seacrafter, maybe?" Mikael sighs in Kassima's directions, and says nothing more about it. If the women are determined to try it maybe he ought to just let them. They;ll find out soom enough fightings not much fun. But he says nothing. "Try eating more baklava," Kassi suggests to M'teh, a good-natured tease. "Sharper forms of spice are more t'my taste. Though in this case, I suppose 'blunt' would be more the word." Refastening her jacket, she gets to her feet, suggesting, "Shall we, then? There's clear space in the Bowl, and Lysseth can mediate." Oh, yeah, there's an impartial judge for you. Mikael looks back at M'teh...."No, he's a trader, too. We carry fish inland sometimes. But fishsmacking is as hard on the fish as it is the man, so the fish generally falls apart after a while. We eat it then, of course, but it does cut into the earnings. Corwin gives a little frown. "Well, if you'll are sure you want to brawl, I suppose I should go and make sure that no one gets hurt." Yashira nods slowly. "Alright. We have witnesses that know we both agreed to it, so - let's. As long as Lysseth understands it's just a spar." M'teh rolls his eyes at Kassi, with a grin. "Thanks for the advice," he replies. "I might watch, if you're going to do it now... make sure there's no mention of my table." Paranoid? Him? To Mikael, he replies, "I never knew there were so many inventive uses for fish." Mikael grins....Aw yeah. Traders get bored sometimes, on long runs, and think up stuff to do. But Uncle's the worst at it. And he's alot better since Aubnt Rose keeps him out of the ale as much." He seems quite cheerful about the whole thing. Kassima agrees rather wryly, "That's an important point, given Lysseth's, ah, protectiveness--but nay worries. Since we're nay going t'be beating each other bloody or aught, she's more amused by it than aught--but sure, M'teh, come along and watch. The more the merrier." That would seem to include Corwin too, though the look she slants him is half-amused, half-exasperated; a moment later, she's headed out the door. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. TGW-LC>> Corwin is murmuring to himself as he rises from his seat. He sets his glass down on the table before turning to see who else is following. TGW-LC>> Mikael looks at M'teh....."Her dragon is going to watch he get into a fist fight, and do nothing to help her or stop it?" *Now* his voice is wondering. TGW-LC>> M'teh grins at Mikael. "I suppose you would... there's a lot of travelling. I'm just heading outside to watch." Also setting his glass down, he heads out towards the Bowl. TGW-LC>> M'teh replies, "Greenriders work in mysterious ways," with a grin and a shrug. M'teh comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Corwin comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Yashira comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. TGW-LC>> Mikael shrugs..."This I have to see", he mutters on his way out..... Mikael comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. M'teh finds himself what would appear to be a safe area, some distance from Kassi and Yashira, and watches the two. Yashira starts to button up her hastily-grabbed jacket, grimacing. Mikael comes out, last, still shaking his head about this females fighting thing, but if everyone else is going to watch, then, well,...... Corwin looks skywards and gives the snow a frown. "Are you sure you want to do this here and now?" He pulls the coat he snagged on his way out closed as he looks around. Kassima paces towards where Lysseth lounges in the snow, the green's eyes indeed a deep and whirling blue; there's a clear, broad span of snow not so far from her. "We can make the circle here?" she suggests to Yashira. "T'be staying in--and what rules d'you want, when should we call the match won? First hit, first woman on the ground?" Long-time Telgar occupant he may be, but M'teh begins to feel the cold as well. There's nothing much he can button up or pull on, so he just wraps his arms around himself and stands up by the rock, where he gets a little cover. Mikael takes a look at the green in question.....she doesn't seem too upset, yet.... "Dunno." Yashira lopes after Kassima, rubbing her nose. "First hit's too early. Going down on the ground's too much. Uh." Mikael wraps up in his cloak after putting his gloves back on. With some of the things his family has done, this seems very familiar.... "I usually only do this with knives," Kassi admits, dragging one foot in the snow to begin to mark the sparring-circle. "Where a win's declared at the first killing blow and all. I don't *think* 'twould work here--I'd suggest until one or the other yields, but I'm nay apt t'yield easily, don't know about you...." Lysseth is anything but upset; she's entertained, rising up onto her haunches to preside over the growing circle like some great green master of ceremonies. Her eyes are turned towards Yashira, studying the younger woman. M'teh has, up until now, seemed fairly impassive, but starts at the mention of a killing blow. "Kassi's /killed/ people?" he mutters in shock. Mikael looks at M'teh, indiating Kassima...."Does she do this sort of thing often?" Yashira starts to help make the circle, dragging one large foot along. "I don't yield very easy, either. Perhaps we could time it." She pauses, noting Lysseth's scrutiny, and jerkily bows to the green. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yep, M'teh. Where did you think the Weyr's stewmeat came from? ;) (*Yes*, I'm kidding. :)" Corwin sticks his hands in the coat's pockets. "I think Kassi is just trying to psych Yashira out," he comments to no on in particular. "You two are really going to do this, aren't you?" M'teh nods at Mikael, still with that look of shock. "Yup..." he replies, without taking his eyes off the two. His surprise lessens at Corwin's comment, though. "Hope you're right." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Men are so silly." Telgar Weyr> M'teh hmms, are you referring to me? ;) Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Mainly Mikael and Corwin. ;>" From Mikael's shoulder, Senay looks up at the *BIG* green, and up and up and.....and chirples a bemused, happy hello! Telgar Weyr> Corwin says, "I prefer the word, sensible. :)" Kassima concurs, eyes still on her half of the circle, "That makes sense. How long? Two minutes, five?" She does straighten long enough to flash her widest grin M'teh's way. "Only a few," she assures breezily. "And I buried 'em afterwards, right and proper. Think you could keep time for us, M'teh? And you lot can be our judges, mayhaps--with Lyss--" Who's now dipping her head once, sharply, in return for Yashira's bow. Her chin nearly touches the ground as she lowers it enough to stare at the huntress; Kassi might not be trying to psych her out, but Lysseth? Tierth backwings for a landing. Lysseth rumbles faintly, too, in response to the small cousin, but most of her attention remains elsewhere. Snarl slips *between*, stalking some unknown prey elsewhere. Tierth veers downwards as if to land near the living cavern entrance, but changes her mind and shifts slightly closer to the circle and those near it. Mikael looks at M'teh and Corwin, neither of whom sem to be calling out the big shots to put this bout down. And he's only a guest here, while they are residents. He stays well back from the circle, having been in more than a few in his time himself, and away from a potientially angry green dragon.... Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender smile. Corwin casts a glance to the landing Tierth before turning his attention back to the others. "Well, if they're really going to do this..." he steps over to Yashira. "I have to cheer for you. You have to defend the honor of the residents of Telgar." He gives the woman a little wink. No pressure there. Then he steps away from her. M'teh shakes his head at Kassi, but then nods at the keeping-time question. "Looks like we're going, then..." he says, mostly to himself, before offering a wave to Maylia. "Oh, hi, May. Don't walk between the two of them." Yashira nods. "How about three minutes? That seems like a good time." She finishes up the circle, then steps into it. She blinks at Corwin. "But - oh. You mean, the non-riders?" Zeppo eyes Senay as if wondering weather the other firelizard somehow got dipped into some very powerful klah. Mikael bows to the newcomer...."Good evening Ma'am. High Reaches Weyr and Romani Traders duty to Tegar, and my greetings to your dragon." He then goes on to dd, "You may want to avoid that circle in the snow, looks like th ladies have something to settle." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Nooo, definitely silly. ;>" Corwin makes sure he's outside the circle as he steps over at Maylia. His face wears a little frown as he greets the Weyrlingmaster. "Hello, Maylia." After May slides from Tierth's shoulders, little Tasa follows to land in a heap in the snow. The green nudges the youngster, and Maylia bustles her off to the living caverns. "Go on, I'll be in in a bit." Tasayli scampers off, with Tierth in tow, watching over her. "I've not been friends with Kassi for turns without being aware of fighting circles," the Weyrlingmaster drawls amiably. "Hello, and Telgar's to you and yours, and Kassi, what, no knives?" "That works," Kassima affirms, stepping into the circle after quickly divesting herself of various potentially unfair items: wherry skewer, belt knife, three sets of throwing knives, etceteras. Her jacket, however, she leaves on. It's cold. "M'teh, call when you think it's been three minutes? And thankee, Corwin--that means I'm defending the honor of the riders, I'm guessing. Faranth's sake. Hope I'm up to it." A distinct rumble of laughter issues from Lysseth, the green relaxing into a 'referree' sort of pose as Kassi shifts into a defensive stance. "Just fists, May!" she calls cheerily back to her mentee. From Mikael's shoulder, Senay chirbles a hello to the Zeppo, fanning her wings so he can see how pretty she is......not many brain cells that work, but pretty. Yashira unbuckles the knife strapped to her thigh and tosses it out of the circle. That's all it takes to disarm her. A nod to Maylia, and Yashira turns her attention back to Kassi. Shifting her feet, she raises her fists and hovers them by her forehead. M'teh nods to Kassi. "I guess that means I'm calling for you, then, Kassi," he notes. Corwin remains quiet as he watches the two begin. Tierth settles some distance off, once Maylia's daughter has disappeared into the caverns. Idly, rather disinterested in the pending fight, the dragon fixes her eyes further down the bowl, where weyrlings are drilling under the attentions of an assistant weyrlingmaster. Maylia, however, approaches the spectators, curious. "Fists? This should be interesting. What brought this on?" The questions are directed to her fellow watchers, as Kassi and Yashira look rather occupied at the moment. Mikael looks at Maylia, "Honestly, I haven't a clue." he replies. Zeppo peers curiously at Senay, a tenative chirp erupting from him. He stays where he is, though, and resettles his wings. Corwin turns his frown towards Maylia. "Their brains have gone between...that's what brought it on. I released Yashira from her punishment from her last fight and her and Kassi got to talking...and cooked up this." He motions to the ring and two people inside it. Kassima quips, "Good t'know I've a supporter, Mit." It's her last comment before she settles completely into fighting mode: face impassive, eyes focused, jaw set. Her own fists hover at roughly the same height as she bounces on her feet, considering Yashira--and finally aiming a quick, light hit towards the other woman's midsection. From Mikael's shoulder, Senay peeks out from under daddy's hair at Zeppo, batting her eyes at the int...the inst...the cute boy. Hey, maybe he's as nice as daddy is? Nah, no body is as nice as daddy is. But he is nice. Yashira's body shifts, trying to turn away from the punch; it connects, and she grunts. Doggedly, she takes a swing with her left fist, toward Kassima's face, right foot still paced behind the left. Maylia wrinkles her nose at Corwin's words. "Ehn. Probably the lass just made some claim of being a great fighter, and Kassi had to test her out. Doesn't look like it's an arguement style fight, Corwin. Nothing to get worried over, unless tempers heat up." The Weyrlingmaster brushes snow from her trousers, and pulls her riding jacket tighter about her body. M'teh seems to be trying to count wordlessly, judging by his concentrated expression and moving lips. Whether he'll actually manage it up to three minutes is moot. Mikael just *has* to add...."We could give them a couple of big fish to smack at each other with, that's usually entertaining." Kassima bounces back upon connecting, but not fast enough to avoid the punch entirely: it clips her cheekbone, and her head snaps back with the impact. But not long--she refocuses soon enough, with no more comment from Lysseth at this strike than an impassive rumble. Crouching down a bit lower, the greenrider attempts to land an uppercut on Yashira's chin. "Thatagirl - watchit," Maylia calls, as first Kassi's hit connects, then Yashira's. "Three minutes?" she asks of the others, "Is that what I heard?" Yashira's stepping forward as Kassima crouches; she tries to step back in time, but her jaw is jerked upward by the uppercut. Her teeth clack firmly together, and she backpeddles a couple of steps. "You don't block," she notes with a faint gasp. Mikael nods...."That's what they said." Corwin is quietly watching. M'teh nods to Maylia, but doesn't stop counting, or reply verbally. "I prefer t'dodge when I can," Kassima confirms almost absently, trying to pursue her advantage with a fist aimed just below Yashira's ribcage--but Lysseth, quite suddenly, interjects herself into the scene: a green tail snakes around to just behind Yashira, where that backpeddling could easily lead her to trip over it; it's not a maneuver of which her rider approves, judging by Kassi's squawked, "Lysseth!" Mikael grins...."There gors the "fair" moderator. Yashira trods on a tail-tip, then goes tumbling back over a thicker portion. Fwoop! Into the snow. "Gack!" M'teh erms. "Does that mean Kassi won, or unfair play by Lysseth?" he wonders. Maylia hmphs, nodding to Mikael. "That's right, go for her face," May calls encouragement. "Don't let your guard down!" Good, general advice, from someone who prefers wrestling or knife sparring to beating the brains out of her opponent. "Now, hey!" Zeppo wrinkles his nose, and looks at the fight. Two-leggers whacking on each other is /far/ more interesting. Corwin blinks at the green's interfernce. "Hey! You're only supposed to watch." Kassima spins at once to berate her dragon. "Lyss! You said 'twere *fine* with it; why the shells did you--" The dragon's eyes are not red, however, not angry in the least; they remain blue, though they whirl more quickly than the norm. Absolutely ignoring her rider, she cranes her neck about to peer into Yashira's face. Close enough that the huntress can feel the warmth of her breath, probably. "Oh, bloody shells," Kassi groans, realization breaking across her face. "You've got t'be *kidding* me." Yashira peers up at the dragon, blinking. "Uh...? She's not angry, so...?" Mikael gets a sudden idea, and covers his mouth with a gloved hand so no one can see his smile..... Kassima lets her face drop into her hand, her fingers automatically moving to massage her temples. "Only me," she mutters. "Only me. I'm the only one cursed with such a dragon." Making her way around Lysseth's bulk to offer Yashira a hand up, she looks rather sheepish. "Lyss says that if'n you're t'go to the Barracks, then you'd best nay be bruised too badly. Faranth, Lysseth, let her up!" The green does back away a foot or two, but reluctantly. And her rumbling is decidedly smug. Yashira clasps Kassima's hand, still shaking her head. "The Barracks? Why would I go there?" A curious look at Lysseth. M'teh stops his mental - or not so mental - counting, and looks up with interest at Kassi and Lysseth. He doesn't say anything, however. Maylia clues in. It might've taken her a little while, but then she's been mostly ignoring the presence of the clutch on the sands, and Tierth's not the most avid dragon when it comes to such things. Yashira is given, now, an evaluating regard, and earns a grunt. What the grunt means could be anything. Kassima pulls, the better--hopefully--to help Yashira stand. The look she casts over her shoulder towards her lifemate is only a shade short of scathing. "Well, y'don't *have* to, whatever she says. But you could." Evidently realizing that this is not a very helpful response, she turns back to face the other woman and straightens into formal poster. Hands clasped behind her back, the whole deal. "Green Lysseth of Telgar Weyr wishes to invite you to Stand as a Candidate for gold Cariath and brown Spineth's clutch," she recites, her still-sheepish expression the only thing marring her poise. Those outside the circle are also cast a brief, rueful glance before her eyes return to Yashira. "D'you accept?" Mikael now can no longer hide his grin.... Corwin gives a little smile towards Yashira. "Well, it looks like someone else will have to worry about her getting into trouble now." Yashira's face goes slack. "Stand?" She holds quite still, then shakes her head violently. "I couldn't! I don't - I don't understand this. It's been years, and..." she looks toward Lysseth, hand coming up to her forehead to rake fingers through her hair. Not pretty, when it's in a braid. "Shards." M'teh smiles at Yashira. "Never did get to find out who'd win the fight, though. Maybe there'll be a rematch." Mikael chuckles..."Now *that's* a new way to end a match I'd not seen before." Corwin looks over at M'teh. "Perhaps some time when it's a bit warmer." Now *that* stills Lysseth's smugness--the green rises up to a more looming posture, her low rumbling taking on a hint of growl. "Shut up, Lysseth," mutters the greenrider. "She's got the right t'refuse if'n she wants--but are you sure you want to?" she asks Yashira, folding her arms. "I assure you that you could; Lysseth's say-so means that, and you're still young enough t'be Standing, aren't you? Besides," and here she drops her voice, "you'd make m'life much easier if'n you *did* accept. She'll be absolutely intolerable if'n you don't. Nay anyone's ever refused on m'lady a'fore, and she's got a bit of a temper, y'know." Maylia frowns, possibly lending a clue as to what the grunt meant. Without further comment, and without a sparring match to hold her attention, the Weyrlingmaster pivots on her heel, and heads for the living caverns. Some mutters about eating a pleasant meal with her daughter can be heard. "I just... Saulith looked me over last night. I thought that was it for this Search. I try to avoid them, really," Yashira says, beginning to stumble over her words. "I've always managed to be away before. Since Jashun Impressed..." Mikael holds his breath....is the girl going to refuse? "Lysseth would have me point out that she's a much better judge of who should Stand than nigh any other green you could name." Kassima rolls her eyes towards the heavens. "Nay that she has an ego 'tall. Jashun?" Her brows furrow as the name is run through her mental database. "I know that name. 'Twere several Telgar-types cheering him on, on the ledges, that Hatching--but 'twasn't here, was it?" In the meanwhile, she casts another quick look towards the spectators; this one seems to be one of those 'help me out, here' sort of looks. "Oh. You know him," Yashira says in dull tones. M'teh shrugs in reply to Kassi. "Can't say I've really heard the name... I don't get to all the Hatchings, and it might have been a while ago." Mikael looks suddenly much older, with some sort of pain in the past showing in his eyes......"Yashira....it's an honor to be asked, no matter the outcome. If you make it, or not, it has nothing to do with Jashan, whoever he his. *This* is all on your own. And you may never get the chance to try again. I'd say go for it." Kassima half-corrects, half-clarifies, "Know *of* him. Vaguely. I probably had a wager on him, if'n he's from here." Her eyes narrow in speculation. "What about his Impression would be making you avoud Searching dragons?" Mikael earns a quick smile of commingled gratitude and sympathy. Corwin lets out a light chuckle. "Remember what you were fighting for, Yash...the honor of the residents here. You should accept." "I was fighting to have fun," Yashira retorts in Corwin's direction. She looks up at Lysseth, lips quivering a moment. "I could... I mean, there's no harm in, um..." She trails off, shakes her head. "I always lose bets, anyway." A call from over the Bowl causes M'teh to squint in the person's direction, then sigh. "Better be heading off - U'nar wants me, and who knows what he'll do if I keep him waiting. He's probably started a fire or something, knowing him..." He lingers a short time on Yashira before offering a wave and jogging over the Bowl to the distant figure. M'teh walks north. Corwin removes one of his hands from his coat pockets and raises it. "Okay, okay." He quietens down. Mikael shakes his head...."You've already *won* the first step, or the green would not have asked for you. So you're ahead of alot of other people already. They don't ask all that many, ya know." Lysseth stares back down at her, not quite glaring, but certainly putting her considerable all into looking imposing. "Certes there's nay harm," Kassima agrees, while snapping an elbow back towards her dragon. It's too far to connect, alas, but Lysseth's tail-twitch would suggest she noticed it. "Nor harm in losing bets. Trust me. I've lost plenty. So... will y'make my life ten times easier, and Stand? I warn, t'placate Lysseth, I'd almost offer t'pay off your wager for you." A light chuckle escapes her despite herself, and she flicks a grin Corwin's way. Yashira scratches the back of her head, swallowing. "I... uh..." She's cracking! Kassima prompts, ever-helpful, "The next word is 'accept.' You accept." Corwin just returns Kassima's smile as he tucks his hand back in his coat pocket. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Cariath emits a sleepy sigh. <<I hate it when they waffle.>> Lysseth> Cariath senses that Lysseth grumbles in tones of stormy slate, << As if she does not know what she should do! I have told her what she should do. She should know that I am right. >> Since, of course, she's always right. Really. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Cariath seems to agree...accept when /she/ is right, of course. Mikael grins..."And besides, just think.....you can tall all the other candidates that you got *your* Searching done up during one of your own fist fights. Let'em try to top that one!" Lysseth> Cariath senses that Lysseth lets that slide. Discretion is the better part of valor... and besides, if Cariath were right, then surely Lysseth would agree, since she must also be right. The exchange brightens her mindscape by a shade, a pale wave of amusement cresting over crystal despite herself. Yashira gnaws on her bottom lip, which is considerably chapped. "Can't... can't really hurt, now can it?" she ventures. "I'll accept." Mikael cheers, from the sidelines!:) Kassima's tension wasn't truly visible until now, when she relaxes from it into a broad smile. "How much worse than all that time in the kitchens could it be?" she reasons. "And if'n you do Impress, you'll get t'carve all the meat you could ever possibly want. Felicitations, Yashira." Behind her rider, Lysseth sinks back into her lounge in the snow... but now, now she nearly *radiates* smug. She found one. She is such hot stuff. Corwin grins at Yashira's answer. "Just think, Yash, you don't have me checking up on you now to make sure you're not getting into trouble." Telgar Weyr> TelgarW_Bldr welcomes Yashira to the knot as a candidate! Dragon> Lysseth senses that Cariath obviously thinks this makes -perfect- sense. Telgar Weyr> Kassima congratulates Yashira, Lysseth's latest victim. ;) Telgar Weyr> Tieren says, "Hiya!" Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Woo, Yashira! :)" Telgar Weyr> Dagen says, "Grats Yash" Telgar Weyr> Corwin says, "Congratulations, Yashira," Telgar Weyr> Schmitt chews on Yashira. Yashira smiles weakly, her own shoulders going slack once more. "I could be right back in your hair after Candidacy, Corwin," she cautions the steward. "Uh. Thank you, everyone." Mikael smiles....though there is a shadow still there too, "Best of luck then." Corwin chuckles lightly at Yashira's response. "Well, we'll cross that bridge when and if we come to it." Telgar Weyr> Yashira waves. Props to Kassima for that awesome Search! Fistfight! Kassima stuffs her hands into her pockets, finally seeming to realize, with the adrenaline of fight and Search draining, that they've been freezing stiff for the past few minutes. "We should likely get you settled into the Barracks," she offers to Yashira. "'Tis lucky for you that moving your things shouldn't be much of a problem." Telgar Weyr> Kassima blushes. Awww, 'tweren't nothin'. ;) Alas, a rematch is probably forbidden while you're a Candidate. ;) "Huh?" Yashira seems a little stunned still. "I... yeah. I guess it's not far at all. Uh. What's - am I still going to hunt at all? What happens now?" "'Twill be up t'your Coordinators, I imagine--that's K'ran and Tarien. They'll probably have other chores for you t'do," Kassi warns as she heads for the Living Cavern. "'Twill nay be able t'leave the Weyr 'til the Hatching, so hunting's likely out... but you can ask, and there's a list of the rules in the Barracks. You'll see." Yashira lopes along behind Kassi, with a backward glance at Lysseth. "I - oh. Right. I see. K'ran and Tarien? That's good. I like them." Kassima comments, "That should make things easier, then," as she ducks into the Cavern. Lysseth gazes tranquilly back at Yashira. Her work here is done. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. Lysseth> Mikael shivers...."Well, now that *that's* over, I'm going to go in and get some more hot klah. Best of luck Yashira." He waves goodbye and heads back into the warmth of the living caverns. Mikael walks in from the bowl. Lysseth> Corwin mumbles to himself. "At least now we can go in where it's warm." He heads towards the living cavern. Corwin walks in from the bowl. Pierron straightens up and adjusts his apron as the steward arrives. Lysseth> Yashira glances back at Lysseth again with a rueful look. "Thank you? I think." Mikael gets himself another mug of hot klah, with creme, and finds a warm seat to drink it at. Corwin makes straight for the hearth. He doesn't bother removing this hands from his coat pockets until he's in front of it. "Ah... *Much* better," he says with a smile. Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles, still a self-pleased sound. Don't mention it. It was the least she could do. Lysseth> Yashira smiles faintly, uncertainly, and heads into the cavern. Yashira walks in from the bowl. Mikael slips off his claok and gloves, and warms his hands on his mug.... Kassima grins back over her shoulder at Yashira, once the younger woman comes in. "She says, 'You're welcome,' and adds that she's glad you came t'your senses. Dragons. I'm amazed I haven't kicked her yet today. Follow me through here--" She sets to threading her way through the crowds of the Cavern, towards the Lower Caverns behind, with waves to the familiar faces she passes along the way. You walk towards the inner cavern. TGW-LC>> Yashira hastens her step, undoing her jacket as she goes, eyes still wide. Yashira walks in from the living caverns. "Through here," Kassi directs, a moment before she draws aside the curtain to the Candidate Barracks and steps inside. You part the curtain and step into the Candidate Barracks. Yashira emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Yashira ducks her head a little, muttering, "Shards. Built for tinier Candidates than me." Kassima pauses just inside the doorway, scanning over the rows of cots. "There should still be plenty left--go ahead and take your pick, and if'n you're lucky, you won't find a snorer claiming the one next t'you. I'll rummage up a knot for you if'n I can remember where they're kept. D'you see that list on the wall there?" She grins a bit in sympathy at the comment. "Aye, methinks they built it with the wee adolescents we sometimes find in mind." Yashira glances around, head bobbing - carefully. "I see the list. That's the, um, chores?" She peers curiously in that direction, and edges over. "The duty roster, right." Kassima begins to rummage in a the drawer of a desk set somewhat apart from all the cots. "You don't have t'worry about it tonight, but they'll likely have you on it starting tomorrow--and that next to it, that's the rules and things. Fairly basic stuff: do your chores, don't leave the Weyr, don't drink or sleep with anyone, probably a few more I'm forgetting right now... ah, here we go." She fishes a simple braid of white and black cord from the drawer, with an extra strand of white through it. Yashira looks at the list for a moment, then turns back to Kassima and blinks again. She reaches up to remove her shoulder knot slowly; once that's done, she closes her fingers 'round the new one and eyes it for a long moment. A nod. "Right." "You'll want t'be keeping your cot and press neat as you can--I don't know if'n they come out and say it on the rules or nay, but Coordinators are a tricky lot; they might come in and do inspections," Kassima warns, letting go of the knot. "As for the white robe and whatnay, they'll show you how t'make that later. Methinks that does it for the basics--any questions, concerns?" "Just..." Yashira glances around again, forehead wrinkling. "Nothing, really. Won't take me any time to move in here. It's just me and Riane so far?" Kassima shakes her head at that. "You, Riane, several others by now--I heard Kichevio got one, and a wee vtol mentioned that Mirielle's back in the Barracks. There are probably... oh... a dozen of you the dragons have picked up now? Mayhaps as many as fifteen? I'm afraid I don't keep track as well as when 'twas a Coordinator m'self." "Oh - Mirrari. Can't think straight. I was there when she was Searched," Yashira says, fumbling with the knot. "That's right, you mentioned Saulith's sniffing. I daresay Mirrari's happy about it, enthused as she was over the eggs." Is Kassi sounding just a little reminiscent there? Nahhh. "Anyway. If'n you've nay questions, I'll leave you t'get settled--oh. Though I should ask... you're all right, aye?" "Mostly. I just have to, ah, sort some things out again. I'll be fine, though." Yashira ventures an oddly timid smile. Mirrari yawns and stretches, looking around with a sleepy smile. Kassima's return smile is as reassuring as she can make it. "That's all right, then. And I don't doubt you *will* be fine. Just wanted t'make sure," dryly, now, "that Corwin wouldn't be after m'hide for hitting you. 'Twas a good fight while it lasted. Mayhaps a rematch once you're out of the Barracks, hey?" "Sounds good to me, Kassima," Yashira replies, smiling a little more naturally. Mirrari was really in a corner scrubbing the floors honest.. she wasn't napping.. "Then I'll plan on it," Kassi answers cheerfully, and, with an amiable wave in Mirrari's direction, departs. You head through the entrance to the inner cavern.