-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flights of Fancy Date: August 21, 2003 Place: Telgar Weyr Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I am really starting to run dry on remotely creative log titles. I caught myself eyeing one of my CDs while looking for a name for this one, trying to decide whether there was any way on Earth 'The Ploughboy and the Cockney' would be fitting. (Answer: no. ;) This is another minor scene, included mostly because the RP was enjoyable and it probably furthered character bonding: Yselle and Kassi, with Kaswyn drowsily listening, talk about their families and again about flights. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Dianneth flies in from above. Yselle swings down from Dianneth's neckridges, and slides down her side. "--She said, 'You see this bronzer here? He's nay too bright, and I believe, if'n you watch me, you'll begin to see the light.' And as she teased him, I fast realized she probably was right: there must be fifty ways t'taunt a bronzer... fifty ways to taunt a bronzer...." Trust Kassima, tucked against the lee of one of the large boulders, to pick this particular song as a lullabye for her son. They can't start getting the right ideas too early, after all. Lysseth is curled in a neat coil on the shore, seemingly asleep; but her tail-tip twitches suspiciously in time with the beat. Dianneth lands lightly, kicking up some dust, and crooning a hello to Lysseth. Yselle unbuckles, sliding down her side. She starts working on Dianneth's straps. "Hey Kassima," she calls over. "Ooooooh," she hushes herself almost immediately as she sees the child. "How is he?" once she's finished taking them off and the green is lumbering into the water, she slips over towards the other greenrider, trying to get a good look at the child. Kassima cranes her neck to try and look towards the other greenrider; with that rock somewhat obscuring her vision, it's an impressive craning. "Hey, Yselle," she greets in return, flashing a smile; Lysseth doesn't break her appearance of somnolence at first, but after a moment there's a soft sigh that could be either salutations to Dianneth or a thankfully subdued snore. "He's well--sleepy, thanks be t'all m'lucky stars personally and by name. He's just about run me ragged today." Indeed, the little boy in the greenrider's lap has a distinctly sleepy look, with his pale green eyes drooping and his head nestled against his mother. "He can't outrun me yet, but sometimes he gives it a good and solid try. How fares with you?" Yselle ducks into sight, apparently Dianneth's swimming alone. She smiles wistfully, and tries to get a good look at the child. "He's getting big, isn't he? I remember when Levarn was that age." She sighs. "I'm good thanks, Kass. We've finished everything for the day, and Dianneth fancied a swim, so here we are." Sure enough, the green is well into the water now. "He looks so peaceful," Yselle adds. "Astonishingly big. Would you believe this hellion is a full Turn old now?" Kassi's voice is too affectionate on 'hellion' for the label to carry much sting, and indeed it doesn't faze Kaswyn any--though, let's face it, it's doubtful he even notices. "'Tis half hard t'remember when he was itty-bitty, and half hard t'believe that wasn't only yestereve. They grow up so sharding *fast*. Which you don't need me t'tell you about, I should wager, so... but he is peaceful, at least for now. By night he'll be banging the furniture with spoons again or the like." Touseling her child's blue-black curls, she quips, "Getting cold for swimming in the Lake, but the dragons never seem t'mind. I suppose the thing will be frozen over again a'fore we can blink." Yselle crouches down on the ground near Kassima, hands on her knees. "I know what you mean," she murmurs. "Levarn will be /five/ soon. Five." She shakes her head ruefully. "I went and saw him yesterday. He drew me this picture of us and Tel and Sav and the dragons," she smiles so sadly. "I'm going to put it on the wall. He seems to be settling in pretty well though. I even miss the banging on furniture." She looks out to the lake, and notes "She says it's fine. I'm so glad I'm not a weyrling any more; the steam baths are /much/ nicer to wash her in." Kassima continues stroking her son's hair, something the boy doesn't seem to mind much since he only yawns and snuggles in closer. Someday he might have too much male pride to be caught sleeping in his mother's lap, but for now? Pride can take a hike. Comfort's more important. "*Five*? Bloody blazes, that seems insane t'me." There's a pause while she tallies up Turns on her fingers, and when she comes up with the correct number, she gives a silent, amazed headshake. "--How sweet of him! And 'tis surely a sign he's thinking of you, y'know. Hasn't forgotten you for his foster-mum. I've sometimes taken selfish comfort from that... are you bringing him back for visits? I'd bet he'll be tickled t'see his picture up on your wall." Following Ys's gaze towards the waters, she snorts a quiet agreement. "Seriously. I didn't envy you 'Lings having t'bathe 'em here in the dead of winter, 'twill tell you for naught." "Me too, I really wish he didn't have to get older so quickly, and..." Yselle takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly, bobbing around on her heels to get balance "I've been spending a lot of time with him," indeed, yes, she's been a little hard to find around the place. "Vannia's doing a wonderful job, I just wish I had the time. And... you know, I hadn't thought of bringing him /here/. I just go visit him as much as I can. Tel comes sometimes, and Sav, although I think Sav's a bit uncomfortable." After a pause, she asks "Does Kaswyn's father..." she doesn't seem to know just who that is, by the tone of her voice "spend time with him?" "And be fostered. I know." Kassi does know, by her rueful tone. "There are some good things about it--you have more *time*, for one, when you aren't the principle caretaker, and riders often need all the time they can get, but... still. I'd wrap Kazy up in blankets and keep him a baby for a few more Turns if'n I could." Good thing he's still too young to understand this threat. "Nay reason you couldn't bring him here, if'n Vannia's amenable and you'd like to. Could bring Vannia up, too--has she been here much, seen what a Weyr's like? Mayhaps 'twould be interesting for her. And 'twould give Levarn more chances t'ride dragonback if'n he likes that sort of thing. Does he?" Her curiosity seems genuine. At the question, she grins and supplies, "O'wyn. I don't know if'n you'd know him--he's a Weyrsecond down at Southern; I don't think he comes north much unless 'tis t'be visiting us. Aye, he does, as much as he can--they work him something fierce, I've gathered. I don't know if'n he spends as much time as he'd like to, but he's nay one of the uninterested father sorts by any means." [Editor's Note: I should confess that I took a bit of liberty here, and later, in describing Ozy's relations with Kassi and Kaswyn; his player was being eaten up by RL at the time and we hadn't settled matters straight out, so I drew on discussions we'd had beforehand to guess how things probably would be.] Yselle reaches out a hand as if to touch the child's hair, but allows it to hover near him rather than touch it and disturb him. "Maybe Vannia could come, it'd be good for her I think. Although..." she shrugs "We'd have to fly straight; she's desperately trying to have a baby, and if she was pregnant and betweened..." she shrugs "Well, it's pretty important to her and Ilsen that it doesn't happen. She's never been to a weyr; I guess..." she leans forward a little, almost upsetting her own balance and asks "Where did you come from Kass? Were you weyrborn?" Her reaction to O'wyn's name is to shrug in a 'never met him' sort of way and say, "It's good to have a father who wants to be involved. Tel's great, although I think Sav would make a better father. Weird how things turn out." Kassima murmurs, "You can touch him if'n you want to. Just don't pull his hair or pinch him or aught; he doesn't like that." Quite as if some children would. "Ah, I recall you mentioning that now. About her trying for spawn. Better safe. A straight flight might be worth it, though, if'n you ever can swing it." She blinks then; her eyebrows lift in surprise. "Weyrbred, me? Nay, nay. I'm as Hold-bred as they come. Daughter of a Holder, a bit like Javi, save that Da's Holding would seem t'be more on the minor side. Nay any name to it; he Holds for Lord Greystones and is happy with that. Weyrlife's been... a revelation, in many ways." The shrug doesn't seem to surprise her any; she nods to the sentiment. "Tel might be goofy, but that enthusiasm he has is a good thing. It can make up for a lot. I suppose suggesting to 'em that S'vyn sire your next kidlet because he'd be the better father would get an outrageous reaction, hey? Would they splutter?" Yselle splutters enough for both of them. "Sav?" she turns red. "Oh dear. Faranth, not that he wouldn't love one, but me and Sav?" she looks really taken aback. "Uh... honestly I don't know if he's ever been with a woman. And he's really nice, and cute and all that, but uh... I don't know. I wasn't thinking of having another child soon, at least..." she shrugs "Not just to have one, you know. Are you really holdbred?" she looks surprised. "I only ask because... I'm a bit nervous bringing Vannia here, you know, scared she mightn't really approve of everything, you know?" Her hands carress the black hair of the child, she has, after all, had one of her own. The impish and rather unrepentant grin that crosses Kassi's face suggests she was asking this purely to elicit such a reaction. "I didn't actually mean t'be suggesting it in *seriousness*, more t'bring up the notion t'see how they'd react--though if'n he wants 'em, and you ever want another, I suppose it might be a thought, at that. There might be a time when you'll want one just t'have one." She's somewhat wry about that, and hugs Kaswyn a bit tighter. "Indeed. D'you know, methinks 'tis the first time that's *surprised* anyone. But I am. Some of it took some getting used to; some things, I still don't *understand*, but I can accept 'em. I understand why you'd worry, though. You might nay want t'run her by the hot springs where almost everyone else seems t'go about naked. But if'n she spent most of her time with you, and Levarn, and Tel and S'vyn--assuming she's all right with Tel and S'vyn--then how much would she have t'see, really?" That Kaswyn barely stirs at the touch is final proof that he's sunk into slumber; the hair is soft, silky, and baby-fine, if rather high on curl. Yselle blushes deeply. "I would," she admits finally. "I mean, sometime, like another child. I just meant... I wanted it to be the right person, you know," she looks wistful. "Was Kaswyn a flight baby? Or are you with his father?" she ponders and confesses "A flight baby seems really... weird, you know? Like you're just with someone the once, and... well, I can't talk. It was only once with Tel. If the right person won the flight, then that'd be nice, but..." she spreads her hands. "I'm letting /my/ holdbred roots show aren't I? Vannia's... well, she's just never been out of the hold, and she's always thought I was a bit odd, you know, with Levarn and Tel, and she's still getting over the shock with Tel having a /boyfriend/, but maybe she'd come. It'd be nice in a way, I guess, but..." she blushes again. "You know." "I can be understanding that," Kassi finally decides. "I might have wanted it once. I rather gave up on it later... ah, neither, quite." She gives Yselle a grin that's both sheepish and amused. "Ozy and I've only been together the once, the day we met in fact; alcohol had something t'do with it, if'n you ken. I can't speak for him so much, but I don't think either of us are quite the type t'be bedding near-strangers without it. We're good friends now, but between his schedule and mine...." She lifts a shoulder in a helpless shrug. "I mightn't be adverse to a bit more than friendship someday, but I don't count on it, and I enjoy things as they are. Flight babies *are* a bit strange in a way. I've borne three. All three t'friends, thankfully, but--and with me, well, all of mine have been pretty much results of just the once. Except Kris, but Ev and I weren't lovers outside of the flight until *after* 'twas carrying him, so he still sort of counts. I'm getting off the subject. There's naught wrong with finding things kind of odd still. You really haven't been here *that* long." There's a soft chuckle to follow. "I can imagine. You could propose the idea t'her, see what she thinks about it?" Yselle nods. "Oh I understand that perfectly," she says. "It's exactly how Levarn came about." She continues to stroke the black hair of the child lightly. "It's a bit scary in a way," she confides. "I guess I've got used to the idea... maybe... of flights, and you know, it could work out really nicely, but then... it could be awful too, don't you think? But, having a child to someone you hardly know..." she shrugs. "I'm a bit scared about that, I confess." She looks up and says "I suppose I just wish it were over, her first one, you know? And that it was good and that the winner was..." her cheeks pinken "Someone I liked." Kassima bobs her head in understanding. "Just so. And I don't have any regrets. 'Twas a good day; it led t'good things...." She trails off, and smiles down at her son. "Particularly this wonderful thing I'm holding. I guess a flight could be awful if'n the malerider were *terribly* inconsiderate, or something went wrong. But barring disaster the experience itself shouldn't be awful nay matter who 'tis. For what 'tis worth." She pauses in thought. "And if'n you really wouldn't want t'bear the child of whoever wins... there's a remedy of sorts. The long jump *between* in the morning. Much as I love children, I confess I'd be hesitant t'bear one t'someone I utterly loathed if'n 'twere me. But that *probably* won't happen. If'n your antipathy towards someone in particular is strong enough, it may be that Dianneth will try t'avoid his or her dragon. It doesn't guarantee you someone you *like*, but it might be protecting against someone you hate." Lysseth suddenly stirs on the bank, eyes blinking open and wings rustling as she draws out of her crouch. "Ach, shells--the beast's reminding me, we have a meeting. Will you be excusing us? It's been a pleasure talking with you, though, Ys. If'n you ever want t'talk about it more some time...." Yselle smiles gratefully at Kassima. "Thanks," she says. "She says not to worry, but..." she shrugs. "And everyone says it really doesn't matter in a flight, it just... it seems weird that it doesn't. Thanks for the talk. Maybe we'll come by some time." She straightens from her half-crouch with one final caress of black baby hair and murmurs. "I guess everyone else survives it," in a rueful tone. "Clear skies Kass." "It is strange. 'Twouldn't expect t'be understanding why it doesn't matter until you go through it--the whole experience kind of defies description, as much as we try." Kassima climbs to her feet, settling Kaswyn over one hip for easier carrying. "You're certes welcome t'visit if'n you like. Clear skies t'you both, Ys, Dianneth." She gives a last wave, then exits, stage left. You head in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.