In the course of my search for Hatching logs, I've been frustrated many times by the sheer number that simply aren't readily accessible. It suddenly occured to me in the middle of one of my searches that perhaps I should make sure what logs I had found could be easily reached by all. That's why I've compiled this list of log URLs. I hope that this causes no offense; if it does, please don't hesitate to let me know. If you are in possession of a log not on this list and would be willing to send it to me, then contact me by email, +mail, or page--but please, do contact me. Thanks go to D'riana, Anlin, Miritha, F'hlan, T'fian, Kyleri, Allis, Tilani, Jehrina, T'bin, Alynne, Alyssa, Sayra, Aphrael, M'rgan, K'dar, Madelynda, E'vrin, Merellia, Fiora, I'sai, Shaori, Jasmyn, Reye, Belanca, Zaidra, Kariel, Yashira, Chayil, Laynard, Kylia, and the maintainers of the High Reaches Weyr, Ista Weyr, and Fort Weyr homepages for posting and/or providing many of the logs to which there are links below. Special thanks to I'sai and Selandra, each of whom replaced one of the logs I thought the Crosswinds Crash might have destroyed forever. Credit is also due to whomever originally edited and posted the log of Chaluth and Zyanth's Hatching; I'm afraid I no longer remember the source. The logs of the Hatchings of Jeniath and Kath's clutch, Kimbrith and Avoth's clutch, Leilanth and Laerth's first clutch, and Kimbrith and Cioth's clutch were originally found on the Benden/Telgar website, and were presumably edited by Jehran's former player. The logs of the Hatchings of Merinth and Zyrieth's clutch, Merinth and Taloth's clutch, Ladonyth and Vaeth's clutch, and Cyrath and Tivuketh's clutch were originally found on the Igen Weyr website, and are posted here with the gracious consent of the Igen Weyrleaders.
Gold Wirenith and Bronze Kereneth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / July 14, 1991)
Gold Jeniath and Bronze Kath's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / November 10, 1991)
Gold Chaluth and Bronze Cyinth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / December 8, 1991)
Gold Kyriath and Bronze Kedranth's First Clutch
(Fort Weyr / January 31, 1992)
Gold Jeniath and Bronze Duzorth's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / May 30, 1992)
Gold Melirth and Bronze Zienth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / September 27, 1992)
Gold Arlianth and Bronze Galventh's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / November 8, 1992)
Gold Aurelinth and Bronze Vorinth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / January 30, 1993)
Gold Aurith and Brown Tidirth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / February 24, 1993)
Gold Tiamanth and Bronze Kedranth's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / April 2, 1993)
Gold Aurelinth and Bronze Cyrseth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / July 17, 1993)
Gold Mirth and Bronze Talth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / August 31, 1993)
Gold Lemarath and Bronze Mileketh's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / February 4, 1994)
Gold Lyrith and Bronze Jeth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / March 23, 1994)
Gold Kimbrith and Bronze Avoth's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / May 25, 1994)
Gold Ladonyth and Bronze Valenth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / July 21, 1994)
Gold Erith and Brown Orillenth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / August 15, 1994)
Gold Fianath and Brown Farlioth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / September 16, 1994)
Gold Leilanth and Bronze Laerth's First Clutch
(Benden Weyr / February 3, 1995)
Gold Merinth and Bronze Zyrieth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / February 23, 1995)
Gold Aurelinth and Bronze Jeth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / April 1, 1995)
Gold Zaerith and Bronze Valenth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / May 21, 1995)
Gold Kimbrith and Bronze Cioth's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / June 26, 1995)
Gold Chaluth and Bronze Zyanth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / August 14, 1995)
Gold Irrylath and Bronze Keth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / September 14, 1995)
Gold Aurelinth and Bronze Zyrieth's First Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / October 22, 1995)
Gold Dyinath and Bronze Valenth's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / January 25, 1996)
Gold Rialeth and Bronze Zyanth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / March 4, 1996)
Gold Merinth and Bronze Taloth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / April 4, 1996)
Gold Erith and Bronze Tidranth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / May 4, 1996)
Gold Neith and Brown Kailyth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / June 23, 1996)
Gold Leilanth and Bronze Laerth's Second Clutch
(Benden Weyr / August 4, 1996)
Gold Shalith and Bronze Vtanth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / September 12, 1996)
Gold Ladonyth and Bronze Vaeth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / October 20, 1996)
Gold Elisanth and Bronze Dhavoth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / November 19, 1996)
Gold Herath and Brown Ularrith's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / March 8, 1997)
Gold Daelyth and Bronze Prometh's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / June 1, 1997)
Gold Aurelinth and Bronze Zyrieth's Second Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / July 16, 1997)
Gold Neith and Bronze Habrith's First Clutch
(Ista Weyr / August 21, 1997)
Gold Kimbrith and Brown Parth's Clutch
(Benden Weyr / October 5, 1997)
Gold Rialeth and Bronze Penath's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / November 16, 1997)
Gold Irrylath and Bronze Tularth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / February 8, 1998)
Gold Elisanth and Brown Belaryth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / March 22, 1998)
Gold Phediath and Bronze Solarith's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / April 25, 1998)
Gold Leilanth and Bronze Prometh's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / June 3, 1998)
Gold Lrisseth and Bronze Penath's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / July 19, 1998)
Gold Irianth and Bronze Avoth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / August 26, 1998)
Gold Jenryth and Bronze Chezroth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / October 13, 1998)
Gold Neith and Bronze Habrith's Second Clutch
(Ista Weyr / November 21, 1998)
Gold Herath and Bronze Talibenth's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / January 29, 1999)
Gold Rialeth and Bronze Skath's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / March 14, 1999)
Gold Cyrath and Brown Tivuketh's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / April 24, 1999)
Gold Elisanth and Bronze Chezroth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr, June 1, 1999)
Gold Genneth and Bronze Sharath's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / July 25, 1999)
Gold Daelyth and Bronze Palineth's First Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / August 28, 1999)
Gold Chaluth and Bronze Toniath's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / October 3, 1999)
Gold Irrylath and Bronze Zmeth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / November 6, 1999)
Gold Yventh and Bronze Silventh's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / January 28, 2000)
Gold Neith and Bronze Gelth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / March 4, 2000)
Gold Rinath and Bronze Taralyth's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / April 16, 2000)
Gold Ladonyth and Bronze Cevodnioth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / July 12, 2000)
Gold Jenryth and Bronze Dzurath's First Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / August 26, 2000)
Gold Isadith and Bronze Gelth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / October 1, 2000)
Gold Daelyth and Bronze Nraith's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / November 12, 2000)
Gold Erith and Bronze Zyanth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / February 4, 2001)
Gold Cyrath and Bronze Prometh's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / March 18, 2001)
Gold Temornath and Brown Yanaleth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / April 29, 2001)
Gold Qirith and Bronze Tuoth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / June 9, 2001)
Gold Herath and Bronze Chezroth's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / July 22, 2001)
Gold Elynth and Bronze Xannarth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / August 23, 2001)
Gold Tasieth and Brown Mvraeth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / October 22, 2001)
Gold Jenryth and Bronze Dzurath's Second Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / December 2, 2001)
Gold Zaith and Brown Konnevath's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / January 26, 2002)
Gold Cariath and Brown Spineth's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / March 16, 2002)
Gold Jinieth and Bronze Aisheth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / April 28, 2002)
Gold Irianth and Bronze Riolth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / June 11, 2002)
Gold Jenryth and Bronze Dzurath's Third Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / July 21, 2002)
Gold Qirith and Bronze Bromith's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / August 25, 2002)
Gold Mirrath and Bronze Indrath's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / October 13, 2002)
Gold Elynth and Bronze Randoth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / November 23, 2002)
Gold Keturath and Bronze Lazarith's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / February 2, 2003)
Gold Vianneth and Bronze Xannarth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / April 27, 2003)
Gold Daelyth and Bronze Palineth's Second Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / June 1, 2003)
Gold Niyath and Bronze Nraith's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / July 20, 2003)
Gold Cyrath and Bronze Riolth's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / August 28, 2003)
Gold Xemyth and Bronze Zerth's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / October 12, 2003)
Gold Mirrath and Bronze Indrath's Second Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / February 1, 2004)
Gold Isanth and Bronze Aisheth's Clutch
(Fort Weyr / March 14, 2004)
Gold Tasieth and Bronze Faorath's Clutch
(Igen Weyr / April 21, 2004)
Gold Jenryth and Bronze Dzurath's Fourth Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / June 5, 2004)
Gold Omfaleth and Bronze Chezroth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / July 17, 2004)
Gold Liabeth and Bronze Alzaeth's Clutch
(Telgar Weyr / August 28, 2004)
Gold Lhiannonth and Bronze Volath's Clutch
(High Reaches Weyr / January 29, 2005)
Gold Essieth and Bronze Ulfianth's Clutch
(Ista Weyr / March 6, 2005)
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Last updated March 19, 2005.
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