Note: A great deal of the information contained herein has been procured from the Dragon
Hatching Records, and yet more has been obtained from the old Benden Weyr website. Many thanks
are due to Miritha and Jehran for the helpfulness of their respective sources. If any of this info is
inaccurate, or if there are parts missing, please contact me as soon as possible so that I can update the
entries accordingly.

Bronze Algizth
Telgar Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by Th'lon (Thaelon). Hatched January 29, 1999 from Kindre's gold
Herath of Telgar's second clutch, sired by M'hryn's bronze Talibenth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's second
Hatching; fifteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Overwhelmingly Obnoxious Omnipotence
Egg as Volcanic Emerald Bronze Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently

Bronze Duzorth
Benden Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by T'lean (Telean). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched June 23, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's first clutch, sired by F'jon's bronze Pyreth
of Benden (Benden Weyr's first Hatching). Sized at 40 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously
served as Firestorm Wingleader, Benden Weyrleader, and Benden Weyrlingmaster.

Bronze Laerth
Benden Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by P'tran (Petran). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched May 25, 1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's first clutch, sired by S'drel's bronze Avoth of
Benden (Benden Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Smoke Tinted Egg as Mottled Bronze Dragonet.
Sized at 35 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond,
Benden Weyrleader, and Thunderbolt Wingleader. Currently inactive.

Bronze Sharath
Telgar Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by E'vrin (Everin). Originally of Igen Weyr. Hatched August 26, 1998
from Faerysa's gold Irianth of Igen's first clutch, sired by T'dry's bronze Avroth of Fort (Igen Weyr's
thirteenth Hatching). Came from Dusk's Gloaming Egg as Warming Hearthfire Bronze Dragonet. Sized at
34 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Sirocco Wingsecond and Thunderbolt
Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Bronze Tzornth
Benden Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by F'hlan (Fahlan). Hatched May 30, 1992 from Amberyl's gold
Jeniath of Benden's third clutch, sired by T'lean's bronze Duzorth of Benden (Benden Weyr's third
Hatching). Came from Berry Blue Egg as Verbose Bronze Dragonet. Sized at 36 meters long. Flies in
Thunderbolt Wing. Serves as Acting Weyrleader of Benden. Has previously served as Benden
Weyrleader, Weyrsecond, Thunderbolt Wingleader, and Thunderbolt Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Brown Areseth
Ista Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Lal; deceased. Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched August 4, 1996 from
Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by P'tran's bronze Laerth of Benden (Benden
Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Autumn Leaves Egg as Brawny Desert Brown Hatchling. Sized at
35 meters long. Flew in Starscorchers Wing. Had previously served as Timor Wingsecond, Starscorchers
Wingleader, and Weyrlingmaster.

Brown Cavenath
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by K'dahl (Kordahl). Hatched May 30, 1992 from Amberyl's gold
Jeniath of Benden's third clutch, sired by T'lean's bronze Duzorth of Benden (Benden Weyr's third
Hatching). Came from Tomato Red Egg as WherryBurger Brown Dragonet. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.
Has previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Brown Chiloth
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by T'garrick (Tregarrick). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the
relocation. Hatched December 8, 1992 from Elisa's gold Arlianth of Benden's second clutch, sired by
C'loren's bronze Galventh of Benden (Benden Weyr's fourth Hatching). Came from Tan Freckled Egg as
Brown Dragonet. Sized at 36 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster, Thunderbolt Wingsecond, and Dawnslight Wingleader.

Brown Kheveth
Igen Weyr brown dragon, ridden by N'ren (Noren). Originally of Ista Weyr. Hatched August 31, 1993 from
Gwyneth's gold Mirth of Ista's third clutch, sired by B'dan's bronze Talth of Ista (Ista Weyr's seventh
Hatching). Came from Fiery Red Egg as Deep Sienna Brown Dragonet. Sized at 33 meters long. Flies in
Sirocco Wing. Has previously served as Ista Assistant Weyrlingmaster, Ista Weyrlingmaster, Belior
Wingleader, Ista Weyrsecond, and Ista Acting Weyrleader.

Brown Kilenth
Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Cija. Originally of Ista Weyr. Hatched September 16, 1994 from Kirra's
gold Fianath of Ista's first clutch, sired by Miritha's brown Farlioth of Fort (Ista Weyr's ninth Hatching). Came
from Dew Grey Egg as Stockey Oaken Brown Hatchling. Sized at 33 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.
Currently inactive.

Brown Naelanth
Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Javinia. Hatched June 1, 2003 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of Telgar's
fourth clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's ninth Hatching; twenty-second
Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Calla Lilies Egg as Whitewater River Boulder Brown
Hatchling. Sized at 32.5 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Assistant

Brown Notreth
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Jaen. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
February 3, 1996 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Benden's first clutch, sired by P'tran's bronze Laerth of
Benden (Benden Weyr's eighth Hatching). Came from Feldspar Pink Egg as Rusty Brown Dragonet. Sized
at 31 meters long with a wingspan of 60 meters. Flies in Aerie Wing. Currently inactive.

Brown Orrith
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Cl'rek (Clark). Hatched October 1, 1993 from Krystlin's gold
Tiamanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by F'hlan's bronze Tzornth of Benden (Benden Weyr's sixth
Hatching). Came from Creamy Jade-Green Egg as Acorn Brown Hatchling. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.
Has previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Brown Orvieth
Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by A'ran (Makran). Hatched October 13, 2002 from Tarien's
gold Mirrath of Telgar's first clutch, sired by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar (Telgar
Weyr's eighth Hatching; twenty-first Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Inward
Spiral Egg as Churning Golden Hay Brown Hatchling. Sized at 34.5 meters long. Flies in
Thunderbolt Wing.

Brown Palinth
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by L'nay (Leonay). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched January 25, 1996 from Asfala's gold Dyinath of Benden's first clutch, sired by J'cot's bronze
Valenth of Ista (Benden Weyr's tenth Hatching). Came from Death Mask Egg as Nighttime Forest Brown
Hatchling. Flies in Aerie Wing.

Brown Renedth
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by T'vor (Tivor). Hatched November 10, 1991 from Amberyl's gold
Jeniath of Benden's second clutch, sired by T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden (Benden Weyr's second
Hatching). Came from Spotty Green Egg as Agile Brown Dragonet. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently

Brown Rhonneth
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Melina. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
October 5, 1997 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's third clutch, sired by E'ryn's brown Parth of Ista
(Benden Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from Fire Egg as Rushing Mudslide Brown Hatchling. Sized at
34 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.

Brown Sioneth
Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Jayna. Hatched June 3, 1998 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Telgar's
third clutch, sired by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's first Hatching; fourteenth Hatching in
the Benden Weyr line). Came from Sorrowful Seashore Singing Egg as Streaked Russet Brown Hatchling.
Sized at 32 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Currently inactive.

Brown Tovith
Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Leya. Hatched August 28, 1999 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of
Telgar's second clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of Igen (Telgar Weyr's third Hatching; sixteenth
Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Full Moon's Light Egg as Snow's Wind-Borne Roar
Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Thunderbolt

Brown Varquith
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by Cerilla. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
May 25, 1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's first clutch, sired by S'drel's bronze Avoth of Benden
(Benden Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Belior Light Egg as Skybroom Brown Dragonet. Sized at
37 meters long with a wingspan of 62 meters. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Benden
Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.

Brown Vnareth
Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by J'lor (Jalor). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched November 10, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's second clutch, sired by T'gerey's
bronze Kath of Benden (Benden Weyr's second Hatching). Came from Fire Red Egg as Playful Brown
Dragonet. Sized at 36 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Thunderbolt
Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Blue Adonith
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Alyssa. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
August 4, 1996 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by P'tran's bronze Laerth of
Benden (Benden Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Faerie Dust Egg as Budding Violet Blue Hatchling.
Sized at 27 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Duskguard Wingsecond,
Skyfire Wingsecond, Firestorm Wingsecond, and Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.

Blue Aldenth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Isawen. Hatched February 1, 2004 from Tarien's gold Mirrath of
Telgar's second clutch, sired by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's tenth Hatching;
twenty-third Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Sandy Footprints Egg as Midnight's
Moonshadowed Blue Hatchling. Sized at 25 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.

Blue Altaith
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Breana; deceased. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched March 8, 1997 from Kindre's gold Herath of Benden's first clutch, sired by M'rgan's brown Ularrith
of High Reaches (Benden Weyr's twelfth Hatching). Came from Stunning Starry Stained-Glass Egg as
Celestial Mists Blue Hatchling. Sized at 25 meters long. Flew in Aerie Wing.

Blue Ansuth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Trila (Trilana). Hatched January 29, 1999 from Kindre's gold Herath of
Telgar's second clutch, sired by M'hryn's bronze Talibenth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's second Hatching;
fifteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Shadow-Crossed Landscape Egg as Stormy
Patchwork Blue Hatchling. Sized at 28 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as
Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.

Blue Bhalth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by R'ehn (Mirehn). Originally of High Reaches Weyr. Hatched
March 22, 1998 from Laurelin's gold Elisanth of High Reaches' second clutch, sired by Silora's brown
Belaryth of High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Bashful Blushing
Blueberry Egg as Brilliant Bespeckled Blue Dragonet. Sized at 25 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing.

Blue Brandalth
Fort Weyr blue dragon, ridden by R'till (Retill). Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched May 30, 1992 from
Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's third clutch, sired by T'lean's bronze Duzorth of Benden (Benden
Weyr's third Hatching). Came from Walnut Brown Egg as Crazy Blue Dragonet. Sized at 29 meters long.
Flies in Dawnguard Wing. Has formerly served as Benden Weyrlingmaster and Benden Weyrsecond.

Blue Cygnith
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Asrai. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
March 8, 1997 from Kindre's gold Herath of Benden's first clutch, sired by M'rgan's brown Ularrith of High
Reaches (Benden Weyr's twelfth Hatching). Came from Long Lonely Labyrinthine Egg as Illuminated
Stardust Blue Hatchling. Sized at 26 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as
Skyfire Wingsecond, Firestorm Wingsecond, and Shadowflame Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Blue Fialth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Kylandra. Originally of High Reaches Weyr. Hatched March 22, 1998
from Laurelin's gold Elisanth of High Reaches' second clutch, sired by Silora's brown Belaryth of High
Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Fragile Fellis Flower Egg as Fantastically
Fond Frosted-Blue Dragonet. Sized at 29 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.

Blue Jaralth
Igen Weyr blue dragon, ridden by K'ti (Kysti). Originally of Ista Weyr. Hatched February 24, 1993 from
Sheanna's gold Aurith of Ista's third clutch, sired by H'kon's brown Tidirth of Ista (Ista Weyr's sixth
Hatching). Came from Gentle Grey Egg as Cobalt Blue Hatchling. Sized at 25 meters long. Has
previously served as Timor Wingsecond, Skyfire Wingsecond, and Aerie Wingsecond.

Blue Jareth
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Jeshua. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
June 26, 1995 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's second clutch, sired by S'riv's bronze Cioth of Benden
(Benden Weyr's ninth Hatching). Came from Giant Olive Egg as Phantom Blue Hatchling. Sized at 27
meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.

Blue Lienth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Fiora. Originally of Fort Weyr. Hatched March 14, 1999 from Vivian's
gold Rialeth of Fort's fourth clutch, sired by N'gal's bronze Skath of Fort (Fort Weyr's seventeenth
Hatching). Came from Winter Snowdrifts Egg as Tortured Metal Blue Hatchling. Sized at 26 meters long.
Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Firefall Wingsecond, Firefall Wingleader, and Starblaze

Blue Misroth
Ista Weyr blue dragon, ridden by S'klin (Silkelin). Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched November 10,
1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's second clutch, sired by T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden
(Benden Weyr's second Hatching). Came from Dirty Grey Egg as Clumsy Blue Dragonet. Flies in Timor
Wing. Has previously served as Benden Assistant Weyrlingmaster.

Blue Pavanth
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by F'nar (Fanar). Hatched December 8, 1992 from Elisa's gold Arlianth
of Benden's second clutch, sired by C'loren's bronze Galventh of Benden (Benden Weyr's fourth
Hatching). Came from Bluish White Egg as Blue Dragonet. Sized at 25 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt
Wing. Has previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Blue Phoukath
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by M'silne (Mesilne). Hatched March 16, 2002 from Tarlo's gold Cariath
of Telgar's first clutch, sired by Ursa's brown Spineth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's seventh Hatching;
twentieth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Henge Egg as Deftly Daring Turquoise Blue
Hatchling. Sized at 26 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing.

Blue Reveth
High Reaches Weyr blue dragon, ridden by N'fan (Nifan). Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched May 25,
1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's first clutch, sired by S'drel's bronze Avoth of Benden (Benden
Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Dawn Mist Egg as Deepwater Blue Dragonet. Sized at 30 meters
long. Flies in Glacier Wing. Has previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond. Currently inactive.

Blue Sinith
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by T'ren (Trenchard). Hatched January 25, 1996 from Asfala's gold
Dyinath of Benden's first clutch, sired by J'cot's bronze Valenth of Ista (Benden Weyr's tenth Hatching).
Came from Aquarius Egg as Nerat Deep Blue Hatchling. Sized at 30 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt
Wing. Currently inactive.

Blue Tirforth
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by P'ven (Palaven). Hatched May 30, 1992 from Amberyl's gold
Jeniath of Benden's third clutch, sired by T'lean's bronze Duzorth of Benden (Benden Weyr's third
Hatching). Came from Pale Almond Egg as Stubborn Blue Dragonet. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.
Currently inactive.

Blue Tsiath
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by R'bin (Rabin). Hatched May 25, 1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of
Benden's first clutch, sired by S'drel's bronze Avoth of Benden (Benden Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came
from Milk Opalescent Egg as Twilight Blue Dragonet. Flies in Aerie Wing. Currently inactive.

Blue Ulanth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by N'lar (Nalar). Originally of Fort Weyr. Hatched March 14, 1999 from
Vivian's gold Rialeth of Fort's fourth clutch, sired by N'gal's bronze Skath of Fort (Fort Weyr's seventeenth
Hatching). Came from Midnight Skies Egg as Pale Lunar Blue Hatchling. Sized at 27 meters long. Flies in
Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.

Blue Vidarth
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by R'val (Urival). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched June 26, 1995 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's second clutch, sired by S'riv's bronze Cioth
of Benden (Benden Weyr's ninth Hatching). Came from Brilliant Red Star Egg as Violet Blue Hatchling.
Sized at 25 meters long. Flies in Dawnslight Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
Currently inactive.

Blue Virroth
Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by Kharty. Hatched June 3, 1998 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Telgar's
third clutch, sired by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's first Hatching; fourteenth Hatching in
the Benden Weyr line). Came from Burnt Toast Egg as Noonday Sea Blue Hatchling. Sized at 27 meters
long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.

Blue Wroxath
Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by D'thon (Dathon). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched October 5, 1997 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's third clutch, sired by E'ryn's brown Parth
of Ista (Benden Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from Reflecting Egg as Befuddled Fog Blue Hatchling.
Sized at 28 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.

Green Alaneth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Dorelei. Hatched November 10, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath
of Benden's second clutch, sired by T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden (Benden Weyr's second Hatching).
Came from Burnished Bronze Egg as Brilliant Green Dragonet. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently

Green Amrieth
Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden by Jerissa. Originally of Igen Weyr. Hatched September 14, 1995 from
Katany's gold Irrylath of Igen's first clutch, sired by G'rel's bronze Keth of Ista (Igen Weyr's eighth
Hatching). Came from Amber and Teal Egg as Green Meadow Stream Hatchling. Sized at 26 meters long.
Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Oasis Wingsecond, Oasis Wingleader, Firefall Wingleader,
and Firestorm Wingsecond.

Green Arbreth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Katrina. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched May 25, 1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's first clutch, sired by S'drel's bronze Avoth
of Benden (Benden Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Small Seaspray Egg as Willow Green Dragonet.
Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Currently inactive.

Green Asabeth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Aladis. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Originally
of Fort Weyr. Hatched March 4, 1996 from Vivian's gold Rialeth of Fort's second clutch, sired by F'ren's
bronze Zyanth of Fort (Fort Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from Ice Crystal Egg as Marbled Green
Hatchling. Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.

Green Azeth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by N'kshar (Nikhshar). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the
relocation. Hatched October 5, 1997 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's third clutch, sired by E'ryn's
brown Parth of Ista (Benden Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from Oddly Shaped Egg as Striking
Tsunami Green Hatchling. Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing.

Green Erinyth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Karise. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
August 4, 1996 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by P'tran's bronze Laerth of
Benden (Benden Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Eamhain Mhacha Egg as Dappled Sepal Green
Hatchling. Sized at 21 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Currently inactive.

Green Iridith
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Tenli. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
June 23, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's first clutch, sired by F'jon's bronze Pyreth of Benden
(Benden Weyr's first Hatching). Sized at 21 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing.

Green Kiyoth
Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden by Alessandra. Hatched November 12, 2000 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of Telgar's third
clutch, sired by A'lex's bronze Nraith of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's fifth Hatching; eighteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line).
Came from Florabundance Egg as Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling. Sized at 22.4 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.
Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster. First flight on January 18, 2001 was won by I'sai's bronze Taralyth of
Telgar, second flight on April 13, 2001 was won by Leya's brown Tovith of Telgar, and third flight on May 31, 2001 was won
by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar.

Green Lorieth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by J'lyn (Jalyn). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched April 2, 1993 from Krystlin's gold Tiamanth of Benden's first clutch, sired by D'vin's bronze
Kedranth of Benden (Benden Weyr's fifth Hatching). Sized at 25 meters long. Came from Faded Rose
Egg as Bright Green Hatchling. Flies in Dawnslight Wing. Has previously served as Thunderbolt
Wingsecond, Firestorm Wingleader, Acting Weyrleader of Telgar, Weyrsecond, and Starblaze Wingsecond.

Green Mariloth
Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden by M'rten (Marten). Hatched October 13, 2002 from Tarien's gold Mirrath
of Telgar's first clutch, sired by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's eighth Hatching; twenty-first
Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Moon's Flame Egg as Dancing Seafoam Green Hatchling.
Sized at 24 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.

Green Miseth
Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden by J'var (Javinar). Hatched August 28, 1999 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth
of Telgar's second clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of Igen (Telgar Weyr's third Hatching; sixteenth
Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Intricate Gather Gown Egg as Snow-Covered Mountain
Hatchling. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.

Green Saulith
Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden by Kichevio. Hatched November 12, 2000 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth
of Telgar's third clutch, sired by A'lex's bronze Nraith of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's fifth Hatching; eighteenth
Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Veiled Egg as Dreaming Spirits Green Hatchling. Sized at
24 meters long. Flies in Starblaze Wing as Wingsecond and Weyrsecond. Has previously served as
Assistant Weyrlingmaster.

Green Torinth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by M'kla (Mykla); deceased. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the
relocation. Hatched December 8, 1992 from Elisa's gold Arlianth of Benden's second clutch, sired by
C'loren's bronze Galventh of Benden (Benden Weyr's fourth Hatching). Came from Faded Brown Egg as
Green Dragonet. Sized at 20.7 meters long. Flew in Firestorm Wing. Had previously served as Skyfire
Wingsecond, Reserves Wingsecond, Benden Weyrsecond, Telgar Weyrsecond, Firestorm Wingleader, and
Assistant Weyrlingmaster.

Green Tyrrath
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Flannery. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched June 26, 1995 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's second clutch, sired by S'riv's bronze Cioth
of Benden (Benden Weyr's ninth Hatching). Came from Ink Blotch Egg as Springtime Green Hatchling.
Sized at 21 meters long. Flies in Dawnslight Wing; serves as Assistant Weyrlingmaster.

Green Vyrinth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by F'mir (Faramir). Hatched April 2, 1993 from Krystlin's gold Tiamanth
of Benden's first clutch, sired by D'vin's bronze Kedranth of Benden (Benden Weyr's fifth Hatching). Came
from Turquoise Blue Egg as Graceful Spotted Green Hatchling. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously
served as Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.

Green Wereth
Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by Kieri. Hatched June 26, 1995 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of
Benden's second clutch, sired by S'riv's bronze Cioth of Benden (Benden Weyr's ninth Hatching). Came
from Dragon Egg as Fanciful Celadon Green Hatchling. Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt
Wing. Currently inactive.

Back to the Thunderbolt Wing Page
Last updated March 31, 2005.

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. The character of Kassima, her websites, and all materials being presented as written by her are the intellectual property of her player. My heartfelt gratitude goes to K'ran for giving me my current websites, to M'rgan for providing
the idea for a Wing homepage, and to all the other people who made this page possible.